2015 EHC Annual Report

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real making a

difference in people’s lives

January 2016

January 2015

The lives of more than


men, women and children have changed for the better through your support. GLOBAL CONCERN/EVERY HOME FOR CHRIST

EHC workers take gospel literature to homes, hospitals, prisons, and to remote villages -to the last home on earth

real making a

difference in people’s lives

OUR VALUES We value people; we value partners; we act in honesty and integrity; we are accountable

who we are/ our goals 70 years ago Jack McAlister had a vision to put gospel literature in every home on earth and Every Home for Christ was born. Local people who speak the language and design material relevant to their own people do the distribution and followup with countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the USA and UK providing the prayer covering and funds where this is needed. So far, 70 years later, 1.7 billion pieces of literature have been distributed in more than 100 countries at a current pace of 250,000 a day. Our monthly “Look What God is Doing” newsletter outlines the results. Every Home Global Concern grew out of Every Home for Christ and two trading names came into being in 2008 - Every Home for Christ and Global Concern. Global Concern reflects our goal to help the poor and disadvantaged overseas lift themselves out of poverty through community development programs. These programs are outlined in this Annual Report.

In 2014/15 Every Home Global Concern has sent funds to India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Togo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Israel, China, Spain, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Iraq, Cambodia, Guam, Samoa. where our funds came from:

( Ratios are derived from the detailed Profit & Loss figures in the Audited Financial Statements.) Bequests 19% Other Income 8%

Donations from the public 48%

Australian Government 25%

monitoring & evaluation: Both Australian and in-country staff systematically monitor and evaluate programs to determine effectiveness, value for money and to learn lessons for future activities. You can read in this Annual Report the results of a major 5-year evaluation of the Health Program in Togo.

The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is the peak Council for Australian not for profit aid and development organisations. Every Home Global Concern is a member of ACFID and a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct, which is a voluntary, self - regulatory sector code of good practice. We are committed to and fully adhere to the ACFID Code of Conduct, conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity. The Financial Statements in this report have been prepared in accordance with the Code. To lodge a complaint against our organisation, please email Eric Leach on ehc@everyhome.org.au. Our complaints handling policy can be found on our website, www.globalconcern.org.au. If you are not satisfied with the response and believe our organisation has breached the ACFID Code of Conduct, you can lodge a complaint with the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee at code@acfid.asn.au. Information about how to make a complaint can be found at www.acfid.asn.au

Every Home Global Concern is fully accredited with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia’s overseas aid program, its purpose being to help communities overseas alleviate poverty. We are grateful to the Australian government for their contribution to our community development programs in Malawi, Zambia, Togo and Samoa.

disaster relief Nepal Earthquake

In April of 2015 a magnitude 7.8 earthquake rocked Nepal. The quake and its major aftershocks resulted in more than 8,000 fatalities, 22,000 injuries and hundreds of thousands of collapsed or damaged buildings, destroying more than 10% of the country’s homes. Every Home Nepal sprang into action immediately, driving along precarious mountain roads to reach people trapped by mountain slides to deliver aid, food, water and protective sheeting for the building of temporary homes before the winter rains came. $56,876.52, so generously given by supporters, has enabled Nepal EHC to give immediate relief assistance of utensils, blankets and food to 24 families, life-saving rice packages (30kg packages) to 71 families and travel through rugged terrain with tin rooves and building materials to assist 130 families rebuild temporary homes. “My family and I would have been destitute if it wasn’t for the help Nepal EHC gave us as our house and all of our possessions were totally destroyed. We are so very grateful.” Chettra Baramu

real making a

difference to hundreds of families

thank you

community development The Amazon

Living along the vast Amazon River are many remote communities with limited access to health care. In the remote area of St Antonio do Ica in 9 of these communities, Every Home is partnering with “Missão Batista Regular do Amazonas” to improve the health of men, women and children by improving the quality of their water, by training communities to dig latrines near their houses in order to improve sanitation, to educate about good nutritional practices and to see students in all communities offered education through the 8th year. As a direct result of this program, there are 633 people with access to fresh clean water and who now include fruit and vegetables in their diet (180 men, 153 women, 134 boys, 154 girls and 12 people with a disability) and 3 classrooms have been upgraded. The project is on track with its goals and many community members are showing initiative to improve their living condition and general welfare. Thank you to those who are making a real difference to the lives of men, women and children in remote villages along the mighty Amazon River.


The EHC Samoa Vocational Training Project commenced training in February 2015 and has since graduated 297 participants (14 men and 283 women) from 10 training centres spread across both the islands of Upolu and Savai'i in Samoa. They also trained 12 Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) volunteers, 6 of whom were selected to provide ongoing training to local villages in the three key areas of floristry, stencil design, and sewing. Training in financial management and access to financial services and bank accounts was provided free by the Westpac Bank Samoa. Thank you to those who gave to make all of this possible.

“Every week we have people placing orders for shirts, dresses, uniforms or printed fabrics to be made. Our sincere heartfelt gratitude to the people of Australia for funding this project.” Women’s Group in Maota Village.

community development Malawi & Zambia

real making a

difference to thousands of Africans

The third year of the food security program (over a 5 year cycle) continues to be life-changing for farming families. Take, for example, Davison and Ellen who were tested positive for HIV/ Aids and joined a support group where they received training on how to live with HIV and deal with the stigma. They now have friends, eat balanced meals, own 2 goats and have replaced their mud house with a brick house. MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE TO REAL PEOPLE! In Katete in Eastern Zambia there has been a 70% increase in crop production and a 63% increase in income while in Karonga in Northern Malawi 61% of total households are now food secure, having 3 meals a day all year round and storing 300kg or more of maize per family… a wonderful achievement in spite of both drought and flooding… and a testament to the conservation techniques being taught. In Malawi highlights have been a 98% reduction in cases of malnutrition among children under 5, an 85% reduction in malaria throughout the community, and a 73% reduction in diarrhoea as a result of building wells that provide safe water for 4,904 people. In Zambia, of the 3,654 farmers reporting an increased income, 2,971 were women and 6 women’s groups have been introduced to the concept of Village Savings Banks. Thank you to those who give to transform lives.

Such joy and excitement when fresh water starts to flow!

community development Togo After five years of a health and income generation program with Togo Every Home for Christ, an independent evaluation was carried out which found that the program was effective in changing the lives of 1,345 people (484 men and 861 women). One lesson learned was that, as many of the people are illiterate, health training needed to be adapted to include basic education. Women like the one pictured began coming to the Health Clinic to give birth rather than to have their babies in the village, resulting in less deaths of mothers and babies. The villagers began to attend the clinic when they were ill and practise personal and food hygiene - simple things like washing their hands with soap and water and using toilets - which resulted in fewer health problems. They began to practise disease prevention such as using nets to prevent malaria, safe sex practices to prevent HIV/Aids and their diets improved as they learnt how to include different food groups in their diet. 99% of the 197 men and women in the income generation project increased their income. The relationship between men and women changed as women blossomed, being proud of their earned income and financial independence. Thank you for those who gave to these special projects to improve health and save lives. This project has been extended to 2018.


Every Home Global Concern works in Ethiopia in partnership with Set Befekadu & Eloi Prison Ministry, providing training and equipment, clothes, food and soap, beds and mattresses in 9 Ethiopian prisons. In the last 12 months 787 men and women have completed training courses in sewing, grinding, wood turning and home beauty and some have begun small businesses. In one prison an irrigation pump was purchased to grow vegetables, and in another, a school is to be built for the education of the 3-8 year old children who live with their parents in the prison.

“Now we have learnt a skill, we have some hope for the future.�

community development


real making a

difference to hundreds of families

When you visit the Love Anuppampattu community centre in India, you are struck by the smiles on the faces of men, women and children from the nearby low-caste village who are grateful to be given opportunities to be educated in English and to learn life-changing income-generating skills in tailoring. On a regular basis the school hall is crammed with parents and children to learn about hygiene, common diseases, first aid, immunisation, and nutrition as part of the health program. Ten years ago this was just a dream and now, under the management of India Every Home Crusade, the village is ready for its own Englishmedium High School so that the poor can progress in their education. Land has been purchased, plans have been drawn up by an architect and the High School is ready to be built. Thank you so much to those who have given funds for the High School and have so faithfully sponsored the 200 children in the Primary School to make this dream a reality. Child sponsorship in India & Bangladesh pays for all community development costs - an education & educational supplies, a hot meal each day, clean water, a school uniform, family health education, and sewing and rickshaw programs to increase family income.

community development Bangladesh Some years ago a community development program with education as its main component commenced in the slums of Dhaka and then in 3 other needy areas of Bangladesh. One of these locations, just 20km from the EHC Bangladesh office, was a small village where, according to our Bangladeshi National Director, 80% of people could not even write their own names! Education had been almost forgotten amongst the poor. Now you will find many educated young men and women, some even working in government offices and private sectors - thanks to the great start given to them through EHC’s primary schools. Each year EHC Bangladesh organises a seminar for the teachers to encourage and equip them as they care for the 1,000 students and develop their skills. Education, sewing training and rickshaw ownership work hand-in-hand to change the lives of the poor.

Many thanks to the sponsors Sipon,

These schools are creating a difference in the society and our local government authority is happy to see that. This program is really a blessing!

a past student, said, “I was able to graduate to High School and now I have a regular job in a metal working business. My life would have been so different without the EHC Primary school and I am very grateful.”

board & staff

Special thanks to Robert McConaghy who retired from his position as Chairman of the Board after 33 years. His dedication and commitment have been incredibly valuable and he is greatly appreciated.

ALEX THOMAS Chairman—B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology Uniting Church Minister, Regional Police Chaplain for Bankstown (Sydney) Local Area Command, Graduate of University of Madras, India and Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India. Served as Teacher and Pastor in Malaysia, Borneo, and Sydney. D’ARCY WATSON Vice-Chairman Director - BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs Children After Theological studies in the UK and USA, D’Arcy pastored churches in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and Northern Territory and recently retired from teaching special needs children. KEN KOH Treasurer B.Comm, BA, MPL, CPA, DFS Ken has had varied experiences in missions for 5 years in Indonesia, Uganda and Singapore, and pastoring in Australia. He has also worked in banking and financial services and is currently practising as a CPA accountant and financial planner. DAVIDSON JAMES Secretary (Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip.Tax(Monash), Notary Public Graduated from Universities in Singapore and Australia as a Solicitor. Lectured at the University of Tasmania and Charles Stuart University Wagga Wagga. Commenced Law Firm 1989 in Sydney. ERIC LEACH Executive Director (Founding Director) Graduate of the Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 17 years experience with Youth for Christ (Board and Staff). Over the past 37 years he has developed Every Home for Christ into a multi-faceted and professional Charity with Australian government accreditation. STEVE SKOROBOGATY Director Held the position of Manager of Anadis Ltd, with extensive corporate experience in management and leadership roles in an international environment. JOHN EALAND Director Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive for Summit Real Estate Blenheim. Over 23 years as a volunteer, John organised School of Prayer events and concerts to raise funds and increase donors for Every Home for Christ. Vice- Chairman of the EHC New Zealand Board of Directors. ROGER MACKAY Director Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian Church. Manager of Mahu Vision Community Trust. Chairman New Zealand EHC Board of Directors. Previously served as the Executive assistant for Australia/New Zealand Every Home for Christ.

ERIC LEACH Executive Director

LORRAINE LEACH Office Consultant


ELISABETH CROSSLEY Secretary to the Executive Director

AARON MOORE Overseas Projects Manager

JUSTIN FRANKS Development Manager

MEI DEBBIE LAN LOH WILMSHURST Book-keeper Sponsorship Secretary

DIPLAVE POKHREL Financial Secretary

making a

difference in people’s lives

We are extremely proud of our volunteers who work with joy and laughter to send out the monthly newsletters!

EVERY HOME GLOBAL CONCERN/EVERY HOME FOR CHRIST ABN: 88001276240 Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au www.globalconcern.org.au ehc@everyhome.org.au

financials Every Home Global Concern Ltd INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2015 REVENUE Donations and gifts Monetary Non-monetary Bequests and Legacies Grants DFAT 0ther Australian Other overseas Investment income Other income Revenue for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs



$ 630,888 $ 0

$ 607,007 $ 170,740

$ 455,287


$ 597,875 $ 0 $ 0

$ 587,875 $ 0 $ 0






$ 106,501

$ 111,872

$ 600,725

$ 704,125

(These funds are primarily for evangelism - “Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism. We are not involved in political programs)

TOTAL REVENUE $2,401,086 $2,203,794 EXPENDITURE International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure International programs Funds to international programs $1,027,335 $ 774,325 Program support costs $ 99,392 $ 112,382 Community education $ 8,478 $ 3,354 Fundraising costs Public $ 96,578 $ 91,170 Government, multilateral and private $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Accountability and Administration $ 179,787 $ 179,787 Non-monetary expenditure $ 0 $ 0 Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure $ 1,421,570 $ 1,171,018 Expenditure for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs $ 682,583 $ 639,417 (These funds are primarily for evangelism - “Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism.) Domestic Programs Expenditure (Incl Monetary & Non Monetary) TOTAL EXPENDITURE EXCESS / (SHORTFALL) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE

$ 280,309

$ 322,242


$ 2,132,677





International Aid & Development Programs Expenditure 2014-15 Accountability and Administration 13% Total fundraising costs 7%

Community education 1%

Ratios are derived from the Expenditure lines as listed above in the Summary Financial Statement.

Total international programs 79%

The financial year saw an increase in donation and bequest income with total income increasing by $197,000. Expenditure also increased but fundraising and administration costs were less and we were able to send overseas almost $400,00o more than last year.

Every Home Global Concern Ltd BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Assets held for sale Other financial assets Total current assets Non current assets Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangibles Other non-current assets Total non current assets


$ $ $ $ $ $

738,176 116,954 0 0 98,000 953,130

$ 0 $ 0 $ 763,980 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 763,980

INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 30/06/2015 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd


$ $ $ $ $ $


714,272 We have audited the summarized 127,291 financial report of Every Home 0 Global Concern Ltd for the year 0 103,000 ended 30 June 2015 in accordance 944,563

$ 0 $ 0 $ 776,407 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 776,407

TOTAL ASSETS $1,717,110 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables $ 105,759 Borrowings-supporter investment loans $ 136,503 Current tax liabiities $ 0 Other financial liabilities $ 0 Provisions $ 74,557 Other financial liabilities $ 0 Total current liabilities $ 316,819 Non current liabilities Borrowings $ 0 Other financial liabilites $ 0 Provisions $ 0 Other $ 0 Total non current liabilities $ 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 316,819


NET ASSETS EQUITY Reserves Retained Earnings



$ 396,613 $1,003,678

$ 396,613 $ 987,054

$ 148,087 $ 119,889 $ 0 $ 0 $ 69,327 $ 0 $ 337,303 $ $ $ $ $

with Australian Auditing Standards and the ACFID Code of Conduct.

AUDIT OPINION In our opinion, the information reported in the summarized financial report, including the income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity and table of cash movements, is consistent with the annual financial statements from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the members dated 6th October 2015. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.

0 0 0 0 0 WSC Group-Audit Pty Ltd

$ 337,303

Unit 11, 800-812 Old Illawarra Road, MENAI NSW 2234 Ph: (02)8525 4600 A F Gilbert C.A, Director

“There is a healthy cash balance TOTAL EQUITY $1,400,291 $1,383,667 and the overall financial health of the organisation FOR A COPY OF THE FULL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS is excellent.� Ken Koh, CONTACT 02-95708211 Board Treasurer Every Home Global Concern Ltd STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2015

Retained Earnings Reserves Total Balance at 1 July 2014 (commencing balance) $987,054 $396,613 $1,383,667

Adjustments or changes in equity due to, for example, adoptions of new accounting standards $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Changes in equity for example from changes in asset fair value transactions $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Excess of revenue over expenses $ 16,624 $ 0 $ 16,624 Other amounts transferred (to) or from reserves ` $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Balance at 30 June 2012 (year end balance) $1,003,678 $396,613 $1,400,291

Every Home Global Concern Ltd cash available TABLE OF CASH MOVEMENTS at beginning of year DFAT Africa Food Security & Health Education $ 0 Total for other non-designated purposes $ 714,272 TOTAL $ 714,272

cash raised during year

$ $ $

597,970 1,803,116 2,401,086

cash disbursed during year

$ $ $

597,970 1,779,212 2,337,182

cash available at end of year

$ $ $

0 738,176 738,176

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