July EHC Newsletter

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July 2019

Your prayer and gifts make all this possible.

Moving Mountains Most people have never seen a mountain move, but the people of Innaarsuit, Greenland, came pretty close. Last July, they awoke to find a 10 millionton iceberg a mere 300 feet from their coastal village. One day, a clear view of the horizon. The next, a mountain of ice rising 27 stories above the water. The residents of Innaarsuit sighed with relief the following week when the iceberg moved again, this time to a safe distance away. Now imagine you found out that this mountain of ice in Greenland moved because of a mustard seed. If you ever drop a mustard seed on the floor, you’ll have a hard time finding it again. It’s one of the smallest objects you can hold in your hand. Yet, Jesus tells us that if we have faith the size of a

mustard seed, we can move mountains. Think about it: The smallest amount of faith you can imagine is enough to see God move in ways as dramatic as the Innaarsuit iceberg. Every Home Pioneer Missionaries around the world face mountains of their own as they strive to share the Gospel with their nations. As reported in our June newsletter, Zin Hla, our Ministry Director in Myanmar, faced a mountain when a U.S. medical doctor gave him two days to live and new believers in Chad faced mountains when their Muslim communities turn against them. This issue of Every Home will show you how mountains are already moving, thanks to the simple faith of God’s people — people just like you.

As we advance in the Oikos Initiative, we are watching in anticipation for God to move in even more dramatic ways. We want the message of the Gospel to reach literally every home on the planet in our generation — including the homes in Innaarsuit — and we’re praying for the faith to see it happen. If you think your faith is too small

for you to be a part of what God is doing, just look at how He is already using you. Because of your prayers, because of your giving, the Gospel is going forth in power, and people all over the world are finding their hope in the only One who saves. Your faith, no matter its size, is moving mountains. Thank you for sharing Jesus' love with the world.

For the harvest,

Dick Eastman International President

“…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” — Matthew 17:20 (NIV)



Francisco Mendez was used to knocking on people's doors. As the leader of of the Every Home work among indigenous tribes in Argentina, his goal was to share the Gospel with every home. What he didn't expect, however, was that one day, someone would knock on his door and ask him to share the Gospel. It all started in December of 2017. Francisco was leading an outreach in the neighbouring nation of Bolivia. He shared the Gospel with hundreds of people on that outreach, but a man named Mr. Lopez* was especially interested.


Before leaving, Francisco gave Mr. Lopez his personal contact information. The following month, Bolivian civil leaders established a new law that criminalised evangelism in their country. Under Article 88, anyone caught sharing the Gospel would be fined and potentially sent to prison for up to 12 years. Francisco learned how serious this law was almost immediately. He arranged for a group of young people from an indigenous tribe in Bolivia to visit his own tribe in Argentina.

It would be a time of fellowship, discipleship and evangelism training - but unfortunately, it never happened. When the bus filled with teenagers reached the border of Bolivia and Argentina, it was stopped by Bolivian border guards.

The guards told them that, under Article 88, they would not be allowed to cross, and if they tried, they would face "between seven and 12 years in prison." Discouraged by this news, Francisco called the global Every Home family to prayer. One of our convictions at Every Home for Christ is that "Prayer, alone, will remove any obstacle that stands in the way of fulfilling the Great Commission." So we prayed for the law in Bolivia to change. We prayed for our brothers and sisters in Bolivia to be safe but also bold.

And we prayed for the Gospel to find a way into the country despite the law. The answer to these prayers would come only a week later - with the knock at Francisco's door. To Francisco's surprise, it was Mr. Lopez, the man he had met in Bolivia. Mr. Lopez told Francisco that he was a superior officer in the Bolivian army, with 7,000 men under his charge. In light of the new law, he had travelled all the way from Bolivia to Francisco's home in Argentina just to hear the Gospel again. There, Mr. Lopez gave his life to Christ. But the story doesn't end there. Mr. Lopez asked Francisco for gospel literature to take back to his men. In the following weeks, many Bolivian soldiers also accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Reaching one person impacted the lives of thousands! Bolivian President Evo Morales revoked Article 88 less than a month after it went to effect. Miraculously, it is now legal to share the Gospel in Bolivia once more. Stories like this clearly show how God is at work in the world. He hears our prayers, and He moves to bring people into salvation - even a military leader in a nation closed to the Gospel. *Name changed for security.

Photo: Courtesy of the Bolivian Army, Peace Operations Directorate


Mobilising a Worldwide Prayer Force by Jack McAlister

When Every Home for Christ Founder Jack McAlister recruited Dick Eastman in 1975, he leaned forward and excitedly repeated, “This will change the world, Dick. This will actually change the world.” He was talking about something that had been on his heart for nearly two decades — a global prayer force that would change the face of missions. In 1958, Jack McAlister had written an EHC Prayer Mobilisation Manual “to help and inspire key leaders overseas to mobilise millions of quarter-hours of prayer in their countries.” It continued to be one of his greatest dreams. A lot has changed since Jack wrote his manual, but mobilising prayer is still vital to our mission. In future editions of Every Home we will lay out a bold prayer plan for the OIKOS Initiative, but for today — Jack McAlister still has a message for us.


Men have gone to every conceivable end to find gold, diamonds, uranium. The world's most precious resource, however, is prayer. In every nation there are believers who can be mobilized as prayer forces. The resources of prayer lie within them dormant — undiscovered. This vast spiritual resource must be sought out with a fervency that will match that of any gold or diamond rush in the past. This is the hope of the world — of 2,800,000,000 souls. The unfinished task remains greater than ever. Prayer is the only hope! Christ knew the solution: “Pray ye, therefore." It is the only possible solution to all the problems related to world evangelism. D. L. Moody says: “Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, but He did teach them how to pray. The Lord Jesus did not teach His disciples how to run churches, nor how to raise money, but He did teach them how to pray and win souls." Prayer has always been God's way to get His work done. At Every Home for Christ, we are setting out to recruit the forces of prayer worldwide. As prayer is mobilised — we shall see God fulfill all His promises. Some might say, "If prayer can evangelise the world, why hasn't prayer done so before now?" The answer — prayers have been a trickle when a river is needed! Prayer is powerful, but it is not the power of a sledgehammer that crushes with one blow. It is like the power of the sun rays or raindrops which bless the world because there are millions of them. One ray of the sun or one drop of rain is not sufficient — but millions release the power necessary to make the whole Earth to prosper. So it is with prayer. God's promises in Psalm 2:8, Mark 10:27, Luke 11:9, and John 15:7 are all true. They wait to be explored on behalf of world evangelisation — real intercession daily on behalf of perishing millions.

Today this is 7. 6 billion souls

We cannot complete OIKOS without such mobilised prayer


"The man who mobilizes the Christian Church to pray will make the greatest contribution in history to world evangelisation." - Andrew Murray Humanly speaking, "impossible problems" are involved, but we believe "with God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27), especially that which is closest to God's heart — world evangelisation. Prayer can overcome all obstacles which impede progress toward our goal. Prayer has always been prominent in Every Home for Christ. Since our earliest days in 1946 we've challenged radio audiences to pray, but it was not until the spring of 1953 that God dealt with us about ceaseless, systematic praying. I was flying home from Asia — high above the Pacific. I was praying in this manner: “Father, we've met in conferences with hundreds of missionaries in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India and the Philippines. We have laid plans and made decisions, but I know that is not enough. Give me something from your heart — which I can give to our radio audiences across America and Canada which will enable us to implement all these plans.” Almost audibly I heard that “still small voice” say, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the nations for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession” (Psalm 2:8). Instantly I knew this was God's personal promise to me and our vast Every Home for Christ undertakings. The nearness of His presence filled my eyes with a heavy mist — through tears of determination I looked into the blue Pacific sky and said, “Dear God, we accept the challenge. There shall not be one moment day or night when EHC friends are not asking you for the heathen.” The Holy Spirit caused me to properly



understand that promise. I realised the only reason for unevangelised areas was because of our disgraceful neglect of this all-powerful weapon — prayer. Immediately upon our return, we organised a 24-hour-a-day prayer chain — by God's grace it shall never cease. As I write these words, the clock approaches midnight and my mind wanders to Western Canada. It is blanketed with snow. At 3:00 am an alarm clock will ring, and a school teacher will crawl out of bed. Till 3:30 am she will pray and “ask of Me for the nations.” Others do the same, 24 hours a day. God honours this kind of praying. Since the 1953 experience mentioned above, I've had the thrill of mobilising 21,105,392 quarter-hours of prayer to support our Every Home for Christ outreaches overseas. We aim to mobilise at least 36,000,000 annually. The power of this kind of praying is utterly beyond any human computation or prediction. God's promises will only be fulfilled as people pray. If enough people pray enough, the problem of world evangelisation will be solved. There is no other answer.


“Well, I will go down [into India], if you will hold the rope.” — William Carey

Will You Hold the R pe? In 1792 the first Baptist Missionary Society was formed in Great Britain. The so-called “Father of Modern Missions,” William Carey, was soon to travel to the Indian subcontinent to sow his life for the sake of the Gospel. As he began this huge endeavour, Carey is reported to have looked at his comrades, fellow believers all committed to the Great Commission of Jesus, and said, “Well, I will go down, if you will hold the rope.” Carey had grasped a key concept in missions — partnership. God supplies for the needs of one part of the Body of Christ through the generous gifts of another part. Indigenous Pioneer Missionaries all around the world are inspired and reaching their nations with the Gospel. Their work is only possible because of the financial partnership of believers like you. We are so thankful for your prayers and support. As we embark on the OIKOS Initiative together, your faithful partnership provides a resounding answer to William Carey’s question — who will hold the rope?

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 ABN: 88001276240 www.everyhome.org.au E-mail: ehc@everyhome.org.au New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 NZBN: 9429043322862 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 www.everyhomeforchrist.org.nz

JULY 2019 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the Isaiah and Jeremiah. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.


MOZAMBIQUE Pop. 29,700,000 Map. 8 Pray for EHC workers to mobilise the Church with the PRAY FOR DICK AND OIKOS Initiative in order to complete the Great DEE EASTMAN. Commission. Pray for many more volunteers to join the Dick is the International President cause to reach every home in the nation with the Gospel of Every Home for Christ with a Jeremiah 7 (2 Kings 1 -4) of Christ. large responsibility for EHC GUYANA Pop. 780,000 Map. 213 The ministries across the world. community of Agricola is a haven for criminals Isaiah 66 (Ecclesiastes 1 -2) and drug gangs and is the centre of much PRAY FOR DIPLAVE tribal/turf killing. A church in this area aims to seek out POKHREL Please continue those without Christ and win them by expressing love. to pray urgently for the Pray that they will be able to reach many of these Immigration Department to approve broken souls to Christ. Jeremiah 8 (2 Kings 5 - 8) Every Home for Christ's application CREATIVE ACCESS People in this nation for a Labour Agreement so that we are demanding more religious freedom. can sponsor Diplave to continue Pray that God will open doors that were working with Every Home for Christ. previously closed so that people can hear the Gospel PRAY FOR ERIC AND without hindrances. EHC workers are delcaring that, with LORRAINE LEACH God's help, every family will hear the Good News. Please pray God to guide them, Jeremiah 9 (2 Kings 9:1 to 14:25) especially as Eric draws up the plan BURKINA FASO Pop. 19,200,000 Map. to visit every home in Australia and 40 Tribal conflicts in the region of Kaya helps with New Zealand as Executive resulted in the massacre of 100 people, Director in both countries. Jeremiah 1 (Ecclesiastes 3 -5) and 12,000 people fled thier homes and became PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY Sons, daughters refugees. Pray for the grace of God to rest upon them and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. all, and may His peace reign in this nation. Jeremiah 10 Get a piece of paper and write down their names. (Jonah 1 - 4) Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation; CREATIVE ACCESS Many villages in the eternity without Christ is a long time! Jeremiah 2 north are strictly controlled by local leaders (Ecclesiastes 6 - 8) who are even stronger than government CREATIVE ACCESS Nadal and Benjamin, two authorities and police. Pray that God will give favour to new Christians who were experiencing high Jay, an EHC coordinator who is trying to reach these levels of persecution, are now living in a safe villages systematically with the Gospel. Jeremiah 11 house operated by an EHC partner. Pray that God will (2 Kings 14:26 - 29, Amos 1 - 2) strengthen them with His love and grace today and also INDONESIA Pop. 264,000,000 Map. 143 fill them with joy even in the midst of difficulty. Pastor Arif will be holding training for about Jeremiah 3 (Ecclesiastes 9 - 12) 100 young men, focusing on how to present JAPAN Pop. 126,8000,000 Map. 174 Pray for the Gospel in a Muslim context. Pray for the power and God's love to break through in Japan. EHC anointing of the Spirit as he sepaks to these young men. volunteers are travelling through Japan to rally May he experience the grace of God while he teaches. support for the OIKOS Initiative. Resistance to the Jeremiah 12 (Amos 3 - 6) Gospel is very strong, and idol worship is widespread. SRI LANKA Pop. 21,000,000 Map. 131 Pray that God would soften hearts in Japan. Praise God for the two teams of five that are Jeremiah 4 (1 Kings 12 - 16) setting out to reach every home in the CREATIVE ACCESS Pray for EHC workers as nation by partnering with local churches. They are in they meet with David, a new believer who is need of more workers. Please pray for God to raise up very isolated and has limited Bible knowledge. labourers for His harvest. Jeremiah 13 (Amos 7 -9) He has suffered rejection from family and friends, so he CREATIVE ACCESS EHC leaders feel God tends to keep his belief to himself. Please pray for this is directing them to share the Gospel in new believer to grow in his faith. Jeremiah 5 new regions of their country. Please pray (1 Kings 17 - 19) for supernatural discernment to know where and when ARGENTINA Pop. 44,300,000 Map. 223 Thank to go. And pray for protection, as it is very dangerous to God for opening a door for prison ministry in evangelise in this country. Jeremiah 14 (2 Kings 15 - 17) this country. Please pray for favour for Martin as he coordinates this ministry. May many hard hearts be saved in these prisons. Jeremiah 6 (1 Kings 20 -22)







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ANGOLA Pop. 29,800,000 Map. 13 Many churches have fully embraced the vision of the OIKOS Initiative - to reach every home in Angola with the Gospel. Praise God for the positive responses from these churches. Many doors for evangelism have been opened, and believers are motivated to share the Gospel. Jeremiah 15 (2 Kings 18 - 20)


SOUTH AFRICA Pop. 56,700,000 Map. 1 Pray for EHC workers in South Africa as they engage more and more churches in the OIKOS Initiative. Pray for many more workers who have a passion to share the Gospel. Pray for favour, protection and hearts that are open to the Gospel. Jeremiah 23 (Psalms 102, 104)


GUINEA Pop. 12,700,000 Map. 45 Pray for a Christ Group in Fouta Djallon. They used to meet in secret in the home of Moussa, a military official. The moment the neighbours realised Christians were meeting together, they kicked Moussa out of his house. Pray for this brother and for his persecutors to meet Christ. Jeremiah 24 (Psalms 105 - 106) ESTONIA Pop. 1,300,000 Map. 97 Please pray for believers who face attacks from the enemy. Pray that they will find strength in the Lord, and that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will grow in faith and in love for each other and for those around them. Jeremiah 25 (Psalms 111 - 115)

CREATIVE ACCESS Pray for all those who will receive gospel literature this month. May God begin to work in their hearts and even give them dreams and visions before our workers knock on their doors. May the Word of God touch their hearts and lead them into a relationship with the Saviour. Jeremiah 16 (2 Kings 21 - 25) SOLOMON ISLANDS Pop. 630,000 Map. 152 In response to the OIKOS Initiative, 30 young men and women from one village were recently commissioned to share the Gospel in the region around Siesie. Pray that God will move mightily through these young people. May His Word run swiftly and be glorified in this nation. Jeremiah 17 (Psalms 1 - 2)



KENYA Pop. 49,700,000 Map. 27 Pray that the people who recently surrendered their lives to Christ will grow strong in the knowledge of God. Pray also for the Christ Groups that have been started this year. May God encounter them as they fellowship with one another. Jeremiah 18 (Psalms 10, 33) BULGARIA Pop. 7,100,000 Map. 77 EHC leaders have a desire to reach every home in Bulgaria. Four cities are especially difficult - Varna, Silistra, Razgrad and Shumen - because they are far from the office and have few churches. Pray for these leaders as they organsie two teams in Razgrad to help with that region. Jeremiah 19 (Psalms 43, 66 - 67) SEYCHELLES Pop. 95,000 Map. 145 Pray for EHC partners going home to home in government housing complexes. Whether the workers will be sowing seeds, watering or harvesting, pray that the Lord of the harvest will be glorified and the workers will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jeremiah 20 (Psalms 71, 89) RUSSIA Pop. 143,900,000 Map. 106 Please pray for outreach to residents in Yakutsk. Unfortunately, when the brothers go to the houses, a lot of people who open the door are drunk. Workers share the Gospel and give them booklets, with the hope that God will touch their hearts when they are sober. Jeremiah 21 (Psalms 92 - 95) CREATIVE ACCESS Hasan, a Muslim background believer, works at a centre for development in an undercover attempt to preach the Good News. Recently he went to renew his license only to find out his license has been revoked completely. He is thinking of leaving the country. Please pray for him. Jeremiah 22 (Psalms 96 - 100)



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BANGLADESH Pop. 164,700,000 Map. 132 Faithful EHC workers recently reached 86,335 homes in the northern region of the country and gave out gospel booklets to over 163,000 individuals. Response cards came back from 1,772 people. Praise God that His Word is touching hearts in this region. Jeremiah 26 (Psalms 116 - 118) CREATIVE ACCESS Pray for our brother Adan, who has a vision to reach many homes. He and his volunteers are having issues because homes are so spread out in certain places, and it takes a whole day just to reach 20 homes. Pray for the Lord to encourage them in their endeavour. Jeremiah 27 (Psalms 119)

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TANZANIA Pop. 57,300,000 Map. 16 Praise the Lord for His blessing on the programs conducted by new coordinators this year. They had great impact, and many were brought into the Kingdom of God. Pray that these new believers will grow in the knowledge of God. Jeremiah 27 (Psalms 120 - 125)


ARMENIA Pop. 2,900,000 Map. 104 An EHC partner church organised a concert that involved worship. When one of the leaders led the whole meeting in the sinner's prayer, many accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Thank God for drawing these people to Himself. Jeremiah 28 (Psalms 127 - 129)


MALI Pop. 18,500,000 Map. 49 Pray for the spiritual growth and commitment of brother Daouda, who gave his life to Christ recently. He knows he will likely face opposition and persecution to follow Jesus. Pray that God will strengthen and encourage him. Jeremiah 29 (Psalms 130 - 134)

Write your prayer request and we will pray for you too!

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