December 2012
EVERYHOME Taking the Gospel to Every Home
Petra the stone city where it is believed the Jews will shelter during the Tribulation.
Petra the stone city cut into the mountain rock Al-Deir (The Monastery)
Petra, One Of The Seven Wonders Of The World
Pictured here are some of the 37 people in the October 2012 Every Home for Christ Israel tour group in Petra. The next Every Home for Christ Israel/Petra tour is already being planned for October 2013. If you are interested contact Every home for Christ.
Why Why Israel exists is a big question for which we need to find a tangible answer. Many civilizations came and went leaving behind ruins. Many superpowers and empires came against this tiny nation and did more than enough damage to it - but where are they now? Where are those empires such as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Persia, the Greeks and the Romans? They are gone but tiny Israel has survived and remains a healthy nation. Why? It is sad but true that the international community has been vehemently opposed to this tiny nation and wants to isolate it totally; even certain sections of the Christian Community are doing their very best to facilitate this process. The highly respected, retired Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu discouraged members of the Cape Town Opera from making a visit to Israel. The reason he gave was that it would be wrong for the Cape Town singers to perform "in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity". Archbishop Cyril Slim Butros, head of the commission appointed by the Middle East Synod of the Roman Catholic Church says: "the theme of the Promised Land cannot be used as a basis to justify the return of the Jews to Israel." The Lebanese-born head of the Greek Melkite Church in the US says; "For Christians, one can no longer talk of the Promised Land to Jewish people, because the 'promise' was abolished by the presence of Christ." These and many other biased utterances are based on perception and no one wants to contest them.
? Perceptions are formed in our minds according to the flow of information from the media. Those of us who have access to various international magazines know very well how biased they are in reporting matters on Israel and its security, politics, culture and other events that are taking place there. Despite this onslaught from every side, how does Israel remain unmoved? I am not talking about political Israel. My perception of Israel's politics or her attitude towards her neigbours has nothing to do with this question. What is the secret of her survival and success? What is Israel? It is the historical home of the patriarchs, the prophets, God's Chosen people... and Christ Himself. It is the birth place of Judaism; it became the home of Abraham, and the land of Yahweh's Holy Temple. It is the birth place of Christianity, Christ's apostles, and the first Christian Church. Israel was sacred to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Israel is sacred to Jesus Christ and to Muhammad. For about 100 years, the land of Israel was governed politically by Great Britain. In 1948, in a post-WorldWar- II context, Britain handed over the land that had been occupied historically by the 12 Tribes (descendants of Abraham) as two different independent nations: Israel for Jews and Jordan for Arabs. Jews and Arabs are children of Abraham. Since 1948, steady conflict has existed in the region between indigenous Palestinians and Israelis, as well as Muslim countries throughout the region. Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan have all attempted to invade Israel; yet, despite the
onslaught, Israel has always defended herself. (It is important to remember that not all so-called Palestinians are Arabs, and not all Muslims are Arabs.) What of Israel? Zechariah 2: 8 is what the Lord Almighty says of Israel: "Whoever touches you touches the apple of His eyes." Israel is precious to Almighty God. His hands are upon this land and its people. This is the only reason for the existence of Israel. God's plan and His Grand Design no one can alter. During this Christmas season of goodwill,
our minds travel to Bethlehem in Israel. Bethlehem was the place where God's incarnation was physically manifested and seen. This incarnation was the embodiment of God's love and salvation to the entire human race. In closing, let me quote Charles Krauthammer (The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998): "Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: it is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago." - Sam Thevablasingham, Executive Director Sri Lanka Every Home for Christ
Israel winter snow
ISRAEL EVERY HOME FOR CHRIST In 2010 Every Home for Christ appointed full-time staff in Israel who have distributed tens of thousands of gospel books and New Testaments to homes throughout Israel. Every Home for Christ teams have also distributed Gospel literature on the streets and to thousands of people who have attended big secular concerts in Israel.
Since 1988 , for 24 years, Every Home for Christ has been working with the National Evangelism Committee and Evan Thomas in literature evangelism and congregational work in Israel. For many years now Every Home for Christ has worked with Jacob Damkani and Trumpet of Salvation too.
God said of Israel in Zechariah 2:8
"Whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye."
Happy Christmas From
Eric and Lorraine Leach Every Home for Christ This note is to tell you how much you are appreciated and to let you know you are truly loved by God for all you are doing with your prayer and gifts to make Christ known, in the dark places of the earth and helping the poor. "God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7 Thank you so very much. I know that many people are sacrificing to is costing you something of value, something you could have spent on yourself but you have given your money to God through Every Home for Christ. Your love expressed in your prayer and gifts will be rewarded and your neighbours on the other side of the world will hear the Gospel and the hungry will be fed. Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself." Luke 10:27 Thank you for doing just what God asked you. Trusting God will give you a rewarding Christmas and a blessed year in 2013. With much thanks
At the end of every calendar year, EHC workers embark on what we call Christmas Advances— EHC’s seasonal projects during which hometo-home evangelism efforts surge forward. These projects are often accompanied by special programs and outreaches. During this strategic time of the year, local EHC offices seek partnership with additional churches, recruit more volunteers, and ultimately endeavour to reach more homes with the Gospel. “Christmas is the time when most people are home and in a mood of celebration and relaxation,” explains EHC Director for Kenya, Nicholas Mulea. “We have this golden opportunity to reach them.” Josias Mohanoe, Director for Lesotho, adds, “During the holiday, friends and family are already gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We just have to tell them who He is!” Following are stories detailing last year’s Christmas Advances. Last Christmas, 57 such projects took place in 47 nations (the vast population of India requires 11 different special Advance projects!). Our teams are now gearing up for the coming year-end push, preparing to reach more homes in more places. We invite you to pray for them as you read their stories and celebrate this Christmas season.
EAST ASIA: MONGOLIA “Surely God does not love me!”
Following is a testimony received in the EHC Mongolia office from a man named Sergelen in response to last year’s Christmas Advance. One day two years ago I was sitting just outside the door to my home when a group of young people passed by. They all seemed so happy! One of them came over to me and introduced himself as an EHC volunteer. He handed me an invitation to a Christmas event at a nearby church. As he walked away, I read the words: “For God so loved the world…” I thought, surely God does not love me! But one of my friends came over and suggested we attend the event. I was hesitant, but two days later I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sense that God actually loved me! So I went with my friend. It was at this Christmas event that I decided to believe in Jesus. Over the next year, my friends noticed such a positive change in me that they wanted to attend the same event this year. We all came this year and my friends really liked it. I am praying they will soon believe in Jesus, who is true love. Thank you, EHC, for bringing me joy last Christmas and for bringing salvation to my friends this year!
In a nation largely dominated by the Orthodox Church, EHC Armenia endeavours to bring the hope of the Gospel to every home, a vision that is furthered through Christmas Advances. Last year, the team designed special literature for the Christmas season. Volunteers took this literature to homes in nine cities. The team also designed corresponding gospel posters and hung them in areas of heavy traffic. One poor Armenian woman was working as a night street cleaner when she saw one of the EHC posters. Thinking it was an Orthodox icon, she stole it. She thought the icon might have power to help her if she hung it in her home. The woman was struggling financially and feeling depressed, and she wanted to know if there was a God who could help her. Not long after, the woman called a humanitarian organization for financial help. The organization sent an employee to her home who was also a volunteer with EHC’s Christmas Advance. When the worker arrived, he recognized the EHC poster. “Where did you get that?” he asked. The woman told him where she found it and explained, “I know it was wrong to steal, but I was hoping God would understand and help me.” The volunteer immediately shared the Gospel with her, and that very day the woman accepted Christ. Praise the Lord!
Last year, the Christmas Advance in Papua New Guinea targeted areas in the West New Britain Province. Many of the people here are held in bondage to witchcraft and black magic. Among the youth, drug use and HIV/ AIDS cases are prevalent. Praise the Lord, last year’s Advance reached nearly 8,000 homes in this area! As a result, 267 people responded to the Gospel and ten new Christ Groups were planted. “Through this project, many lives were transformed,” EHC Director Aaron Nikkie reports. “Young people were especially responsive, and with God’s help we were able to get them to stop doing drugs and other immoral activities.” As EHC workers took the Gospel from home to home during the Advance, they came upon a group of some 20 drug addicts. Of course, the team approached the group to share the Gospel. As soon as the workers began talking, the group chased them away. But before they left the area for the night, the workers happened to see the same group again. This time, though, the group called the EHC team over and asked them to tell about Jesus. To the glory of God, every single drug addict was saved! We praise God for the success of the Christmas Advance in Papua New Guinea.
Every Home for Christ / Every Home Global Concern Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738
The EHC office in Bangalore-Karnataka reached one major city and 165 surrounding villages with the Gospel during last year’s Christmas Advance. “Most organizations only want to go to major cities,” explains Director Albert Sudarshan. “But we are committed to reaching every home in India, so we selected these areas where no one has taken the Gospel before.” After opening services in a local church, teams of volunteers prayerwalked the area before embarking on hometo-home evangelism. When the Advance was over, teams had visited 146,500 homes. “By God’s grace,” Albert reports, “we did not experience any opposition or persecution. Our only challenge was transportation. Because these rural villages are so spread out in such remote locations, teams walked great distances across muddy and rocky roads. The volunteers used bicycles, vans, and buses to take the Good News near and far. When they could not reach places by these modes of transportation, they walked many miles together.” The teams were well-received in almost every village. Albert shares, “Because no one has visited these villages, the people are eager to learn about Jesus Christ.” Local leaders and authorities were also very welcoming. In one village, a government leader told the EHC team, “If you face any problems as you go home to home, please contact me. I will support you.” This was especially surprising to the team because the man was a Hindu leader!
EHC teams in this region of India prayerfully planned and completed a Christmas Advance in one of the cities last year. Despite some tense situations in this area in the past, Local EHC leadership knew God was calling them to this city. EHC teams spent three days prior to the launch praying over Kota. “God was truly controlling everything,” the Director reported. “Aside from a few threats here and there, the home-to-home evangelism was peaceful.” Some people refused to accept gospel literature or tore it up, but by the grace of God no one was physically harmed. The EHC office received 273 responses to the Gospel after the Advance. Among these was Rooplal, a man who was living as a single father to one son after his wife left him. One day, Rooplal was talking to a neighbor about his search for peace when an EHC volunteer overheard. The volunteer interrupted his home-to-home work to share the Gospel with Rooplal. Rooplal agreed to let the volunteer pray for him, and he said that because he felt better after the prayer he wanted to invite the volunteer to return to his home two days later. EHC workers went to the man’s home and were surprised to find him with 20 of his friends and family in his home. Of course, the workers shared the Gospel, and the man and his family were saved! Praise the Lord. We thank God for victory in this difficult city.
A Christmas
Gift for the
Poor! Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 19:17 "He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given." "So when you give to the poor you're lending to the Lord. I'll tell you one thing, the Lord always pays back. He never remains indebted. How much have you given? Stop and ask yourself. I am really happy to think about what I have given to the poor. I am not claiming to be a great giver, but I'm glad to know that the Lord is going to pay me back. I trust Him. I have lent to people who did not pay me back. If you've had the same experience, the one person who will pay you back is the Lord." Proverbs 31:20 describes the excellent wife, the model mother. She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.
To give to the poor see the enclosed insert "My Gift for Christmas"