February, 2010
ISRAEL: Dome of the Rock & Western Wall
It's Time to Bring the Good News Home
or nearly 4,000 years Israel has charted a unique course through time, influencing the histories of nations that include Egypt, Persia, and the Roman Empire. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus preached a message of hope and forgiveness that spread across the world following His death and combines evangelism, resurrection. leadership training, discipleship, church Following the planting, and destruction of the compassionate care in Jewish temple in Jerusalem in a.d. 70, the a nationwide Jews were scattered to campaign. The primary focus is distant nations until evangelism—covering the modern state of the nation with the Israel was established Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1948. Today, Israel has reemerged on the by making personal world stage as a major face-to-face evangelism encounters home to religious and political home. Gospel literature power in the Middle is being developed to East. All eyes are on communicate to Israel’s Israel. Every Home for Christ unique mix of cultures and beliefs. Of the has coordinated lowkey projects in Israel for nation’s 7.1 million 25 years. Local believers people, approximately have asked EHC to help 76 percent are Jews, 16 them step up efforts to percent are Muslims and two percent are share the Good News Christians. during these volatile In Israel, “The harvest times. Final preparations are being is plentiful, but the made for the launch of workers are few” a full-scale Every Home (Matthew 9:37, niv). An important part of the Campaign in 2010. The EHC outreach in EHC campaign is mobilizing and training Israel will have a fivelocal church leaders prong approach that
and volunteers to be effective witnesses for Christ in their communities. As Jesus said, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:38, niv). Complete evangelism requires effective discipling. For EHC, the discipleship process begins with Biblestudy materials that are offered to every person who receives a gospel booklet. EHC works closely with church leaders to help channel new believers into local fellowships where they can study God’s Word and become grounded in their new faith. In league with church growth, church planting will also be part of the campaign. In areas where there are no evangelical
churches, new believers will be gathered into Christ Group fellowships, led by visiting church leaders until full-time pastors can lead the congregations. EHC Israel will also include a compassionate care component. We want to help meet the pressing needs of Jewish immigrants and Jews living in Palestiniancontrolled areas or remote regions where life is difficult. EHC is determined to help meet physical and spiritual needs, whenever possible, sharing the love of Christ in both word and deed. EHC is consulting with local church leaders to determine the best time and place to launch the official Every Home Campaign in 2010. The towns of Tiberias, beside the Sea of Galilee, and Mitzpe Ramon are being considered as launch sites for the gospel outreach. Jesus presented Himself to the Jews as the promised Messiah, but was rejected. It’s time to bring the Good News home again through the launch of the Israel Every Home Campaign in 2010. Pray for open doors and open hearts to receive Christ’s offer of salvation.
From the desk of Eric Leach My Beloved EHC Friend, As I write to you, I am praying that God will give you a “best-ever” year in 2010.
Israel Every Home for Christ
Yes, we are excited to announce that, beginning this year, 2010, Every Home for Christ will have a full-time staff in Israel to encourage Israeli believers and congregations to visit every home in Israel with gospel literature. 2010 is the beginning year but, with seven million people living in Israel, it will take some years to complete. Please pray for Jose Seisdedos, the EHC Middle East Regional Director, responsible for appointing an Israeli EHC Director. This is the most important person we need for the job. Please pray. As most of the Every Home for Christ supporters know from our newsletters, already for some 22 years now EHC has supported “gospel literature distribution”, witnessing and preaching “Christ” in Israel. In 1970 I first went to Israel, returning in 1976 with the Youth for Christ singers and orchestra.
Then, in February 1988, I went to Israel to see what God may have for us to do through Every Home for Christ, and I met Evan Thomas. I was told Evan Thomas had been one of the people who had initiated a ministry endorsed by the Pastors of the Messianic Pastors’ Fellowship, a ministry for volunteers and pastors to do personal witnessing on the Israeli beaches and, as well as this, they would do street witnessing with the distribution of thousands of gospel literature booklets over the years. As I understand it, this was one of the first ever attempt on the beaches and streets of Israel. This is the National Evangelism Committee and Every Home for Christ began in 1988 to prayerfully and financially support this ministry.
In the years that followed, a plane would fly above the Tel Aviv beach with a banner being pulled through the sky by the plane, encouraging people to telephone, to know Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Then there was the “Jesus Film” where leaflets were put in letter boxes and people phoned to receive a Jesus Film. The phones “ran hot” almost from the moment the leaflets were distributed. The Israeli believers visited personally the homes of people who had requested the Jesus Film so as to make a personal contact. Then came the big events like the “New Age” and “Music” Festivals where thousands of Israelis would camp for several days. The Israeli believers would erect a big tent as pictured below and have Chai Tea and music in the tent to attract the people. Then they would distribute gospel literature and do personal witnessing. Many came to Christ. In fact, 2009, when I was visiting Israel, one Pastor told me people were in his congregation (church) as a result. All this was very exciting!
Look! witnessing with an open Bible.
Then Every Home for Christ helped Evan and Maala Thomas with their personal support and for many years Evan struggled and worked to put together a congregation. Today the congregation, Beit Asaph, has some 250 people attending and has a full program for adults, children, youth, and handicapped people.
Then we met Jacob Damkani.
Jacob was part of the initial teams that went witnessing on the beaches and streets that I have already reported on, but later Jacob started a ministry “Trumpet of Salvation to Israel” and the unique thing Jacob was doing was to bring groups of Christians from other countries to Israel to do street and beach witnessing. This would often be seen as unique and would “open-doors” such as being invited to witness to the Israeli army personnel. Every Home for Christ have been financially supporting for many years.
Israel is a unique land and Jerusalem a unique city. In Zechariah 8: 2-7 we read: “The Lord almighty says, ‘I am very jealous for Zion; I am burning with jealousy for her. I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. … Once again, men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with cane in hand because of his age. City streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there. This is what the Lord almighty says: ‘I will save my people from the countries from the east and the west. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem: they will be my people and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God.’’ This is the God-promise and in part is in its beginnings today. This is something worth seeing! This is why this year, 2010, Every Home for Christ is organising an “EHC Tour of Israel”. Never before have we taken a tour and encouraged people to go overseas with Every Home for Christ but it is time, and Israel is unique. I am hoping you will join us on this tour of Israel. See page 10 May God’s abundant blessing be yours.
Rabbi prays in the Western Wall in Jerusalem
Photo: Mikhail Levit
THEY MISSED THE MESSIAH! Zechariah 2:8 is what the Lord Almighty says of Israel!
“Whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye.” At the time the Lord Jesus Christ was born there was wide spread expectation that a Messiah was to be born. Rabbi Nehumiah concluded that the Messiah would be born approximately 1BC as understood from the “time line” prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. This belief was no surprise to King Herod’s advisors when the wise men asked, “where is He that is born King of the Jews” Matthew 2:2. This “birth of a Messiah” at this time as believed by the Jews was obviously known to King Herod and he was disturbed because the Jews would change their loyalty from him and give it to their Messiah. King Herod was so convinced of the Micah 5:2 prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, he ordered the massacre of the Bethlehem children. As understood by the Jerusalem Rabbis, it was generally known that the prophecy of “anointed one” in Daniel 9:25 was to happen, but they could not see the fulfillment of this prophecy in the “Jesus of Nazareth” who was living among them. Daniel 9:20-27 known as the Seventy “Sevens”. A prophecy not easy to understand! But here God gave Daniel one of the most profound and detailed prophetic visions ever given to man.The vision of the seventy weeks.
Daniel prophesied 483 biblical years before the exact day the Lord Jesus Christ would be declared the Messiah and Saviour of the world, and on the same day the Messiah would be rejected by the Jews. In understanding Daniel 9:20-27, timing starts in verse 25 “from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem….” And the only official Government decree that specifically authorised the rebuilding of the City of Jerusalem and its walls was given by the Persian King Artaxerxes in the month of Nisan (March), as recorded in Nehemiah 2 (445BC). Using this date as a beginning point, we can determine that date of the final “cutting off” of the Messiah. Sixty-nine “weeks” of years (one week equals 7 years) is 483 biblical years. The first sixty nine weeks of Daniel’s vision begins with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and ends on Palm Sunday AD32. This is the date that Jesus entered Jerusalem with His disciples but was rejected by the leadership of Israel. On that day, April 6, AD32, almost 5 centuries after Daniel predicted it, Jesus riding on a donkey, entered Jerusalem and publicly declared Himself as their Messiah to the Jewish leaders and the crowds that had gathered. On that day April 6, AD32, Israel rejected their promised Messiah. On that day Jesus rode on the back of a donkey “see Zechariah 9:9”. On that day the disciples and the multitudes who
had followed him recognised Him as the true Messiah and shouted, “blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest (Luke 19:3738). Nevertheless, the religious and political leaders and great numbers of the people of Jerusalem refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah. Jesus’ disciples openly acknowledged Him as “the King that cometh in the name of the Lord”, but the Jewish leaders told Jesus, “rebuke your disciples” (19:39). Jesus replied, “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out” (19:40). Jesus knew that this was the exact day prophesied by Daniel that Israel must accept or reject their long-awaited Messiah (see Daniel 9:24-26). Yes, Jesus already knew that He would be rejected (see Luke 19:44). Only five days later the people were crying, “let Him be crucified” (Matthew 27:23). That day the rejection of Jesus resulted in the postponement of the promised Kingdom of God for almost 2,000 years. That day Jesus the Messiah was rejected by the Jewish leadership exactly as Daniel had prophesied. Today in Israel there is a small but growing number of Jews known as Messianic believers who have come to believe in the Messiah. But so many Jews have never heard and do not know the Old Testament prophecies and do not know they missed their opportunity to acknowledge their Messiah. Even though their very own prophet Daniel prophesied of the Messiah and gave them the exact day when he would reveal Himself to them….they missed their Messiah, but the Gospel is still as Romans 1:16 puts it “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” We must go and tell them!
From the President A Prayer for Israel Pray for prepared hearts: Above all, pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare longing hearts to embrace the gospel message and surrender to God’s call to receive Jesus as Saviour. God loves the nation of Israel and longs for her people to 122:6. The eyes of the embrace His Son. “O He called on the world are focused on Jerusalem, Jerusalem, nation of Israel to Israel. It’s surrounded the one who kills the repent and turn to prophets and stones by hostile neighbors God for salvation. those who are sent to on all sides. Deadly Jesus already warned her! How often I conflicts between us to expect Palestinians and Jews wanted to gather your persecution. “If they children together, as a continue to spark persecuted Me, they bloody violence. There hen gathers her chicks will also persecute under her wings, but you” (John 15:20, nasb). are also fears that an you were not willing!” international crisis Both Jews and Arabs could erupt between (Matthew 23:37, nkjv). are opposed to the Sharing the Gospel Israel and Iran if Iran Gospel. Please pray with me for protection continues developing in Israel will be one of the most challenging, its nuclear program. for believers in Israel but rewarding We need to pray for who partner with us to reach the nation for peace in Israel—both campaigns EHC has ever been involved in. internally and from Christ. external influences— Please pray with us Pray for peace: so believers can move as we help bring the Christmas message to “Pray for the peace around the nation life in Israel: “For unto of Jerusalem,” King freely to share the us a child is born, unto David said in Psalm Gospel. us a son is given: and Dick Eastman is the International the government shall President of Every Home for Christ. be upon his shoulder: He also serves as president of and his name shall be America’s National Prayer Pray for protection: Committee. Dick’s passion for called Wonderful, Believers in Israel prayer and world evangelism has Counsellor, The mighty may very well face prompted him to write a dozen God, The everlasting heated opposition as books on the subjects, including his latest, Look What God Is Doing! Father, The Prince of they share the Gospel, Peace” (Isaiah 9:6. kjv). just as Jesus did when For 25 years we have been supporting ministries in Israel and so much has happened for which we thank God. But now, in answer to prayer, we feel the Lord is opening the door for a dynamic gospel outreach in Israel. Imagine walking the paths that Jesus walked, proclaiming Him as Messiah and offering His gift of salvation to Jews and Arabs alike in homes across the nation. For 2,000 years, new generations of faithful believers have kept the Gospel alive in the Holy Land. I’m delighted to see a major Every Home Campaign unfold in 2010. As we launch the EHC outreach in Israel, there are three key areas that need to be covered in special prayer. I pray you will join me in bringing these before the Lord.
by Dick Eastman
Every Home for Christ
Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 www.everyhome.org.au
Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 ehc@everyhome.org.au
Israel Tour Join Eric and Lorraine Leach on a wonderful tour to Israel and Jerusalem. August 29th – September 8th 2010 This is a tentative date as we still need to confirm hotels and flights, but first we need to know who would be interested to go on such a trip. Please reply by ticking the enclosed reply slip or email ehc@everyhome.org.au
• the Jordan Valley • the various kinds of Jewish settlement in the Holy Land throughout the last 200 years • Kibbutz Gesher where we’ll see what is known as one of the hydraulic wonders of the world • Kibbutz Alfa – examine a beautiful mosaic of an early synagogue floor • the Dead Sea • Masada – one of Herod the Great’s magnificent fortresses • the sight of Qumran, home of probably the most exciting architectural discovery ever made in Israel – the Dead Sea Scrolls
” M LE
Australia freephone – 1800 807 172 New Zealand freephone – 0800 900 200 Cost to be confirmed but hopefully land cost A$ 2,000 plus airfare A$2,500.
The tour will include – • on the first afternoon after arrival in the morning, strolling along the beach in Israel • the Herodian city of Caesaera Maritima, the place Paul left the shores of Israel and set sail with the Good News to the Gentile world • the Jezreel Valley, a candidate for the location of the battle of Armageddon • Nazareth • around the Sea of Galilee - the life of Jesus’ disciples • the New Testament fishing industry • the “cursed’ cities of Chorazin and Capernaum • the magnificent Golan Heights nearby to Israel’s highest mountain. Here we will discuss the Transfiguration. • the Gamla nature reserve - take a gentle hike to the highest waterfall in Israel and study some wildlife including the world’s biggest birds • 10
• We finish that day enjoying a float in the therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea • Jericho – the oldest and lowest city on earth • then on to Jerusalem • discovering Jerusalem in the time of Jesus • the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to palatial mansions which were the home of the Sadducees • the Western Wall, Judaism’s most holy site • the Temple Mount where we discuss Pentecost • a night trip to the tunnels under the Western Wall Plaza • the hills of Ephrata - from here we shall see Bethlehem and the possible location where shepherds first heard of the advent of Messiah • Yad VaShem, the Israel Memorial Museum to the Holocaust • a tour of the Biblical Gardens at Yad Hashmona, a Messianic Kibbutz in the Judean hills • visit a tomb from the time of Jesus • enjoy a panorama of the Old City from the Mount of Olives and then walk down to Gethsemane where we will learn about crucifixion, burial and resurrection according to Jewish sources outside of the Bible • visit the peaceful GardenTomb
Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Matthew, Mark, Luke For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.
February, 2010
ISRAEL - Pop 7,308,100 Map 114. Pray for Jose Seisdedos known to many as Director of the Spain EHC but he is also the Regional Director for the Middle East and will select the future Director of Israel EHC. Pray God will take Jose to this man and give him guidance in the appointment of an Israel national director. Matthew 20 (1 Timothy 4-6) BANGLADESH - Pop 152,400,000 Map 130. Pray for the children and teachers in the EHC schools. Pray they will get a best-ever education and learn about God who they can know for themselves. Pray for the successful every home visitation happening in Bangladesh. Matthew 21 (2 Timothy 1:1 to 2:13) INDIA - Pop 1,139,964,932 Map 128. Pray for the Love Anuppampattu school students and teachers. Pray this would be an excellent year. Pray guidance will be given to the leadership regarding the building of a high school as many children are now finishing primary school. Matthew 22 (2 Timothy 2:14 to 4:22) KENYA - Pop 39,300,000 Map 27.Pray for the mobile training centre program that is equipping many pastors with training that can be put into action right where they minister. Pray for resources (study Bibles and commentaries) that can be given to the participating pastors to supplement this training. Matthew 23 (1 Peter 1:1 to 2:10) SERBIA - Pop 7,600,000 Map 70.Ambitious home-to-home gospel literature evangelism campaigns have taken place in the southwest of the country.“We visited villages where many Muslims live” National Director lvica Stamenkovic comments. Pray for this ongoing effort to reach Serbians with the Gospel. Matthew 24 (1 Peter 2:11 to 4:11) ARGENTINA – Pop 39,200,000 Map 222. Praise God for the 1,554 individuals who expressed a desire to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour in San Martin during recent months. Pray for the new 25 Christ Groups that are now studying the follow-up discipleship materials, that their members would grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Matthew 25 (1 Peter 4:12 to 5:14) INDONESIA – Pop 225,600,000 Map 142. Pray for those who received gospel booklets in a recent month. Workers distributed 7,050 EHC gospel booklets in Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, Nias and East Timor. Pray that the Holy Spirit will cause the word of God to remain in the hearts and lives of the recipients. Matthew 26 (2 Peter 1)
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CAMEROON - Pop 19,500,000 Map 24. Gospel booklets were shared in Army General Angwan`s hometown of Odza. Pray for a work in grace in the hearts of those who read the booklets. Pray also for Janvier Nkono who has confessed Jesus Christ as his Saviour but needs a touch from the Lord. Matthew 27 (2 Peter 2) GERMANY – Pop 81,700,000 Map 82. Brother Jorg Michelson has been in contact with a church in Quickborn for an evangelistic outreach during this month. Pray for the success of this home-to home effort where 20,000 gospel booklets will be sown with the help of Bible school students. Matthew 28 (2 Peter 3) NICARAGUA - Pop 5,700,000 Map 182. Be in prayer for the continuing “Teachers Reaching Teachers” program. Pray that the university administration will continue to allow EHC to meet with teachers, sharing with them Christian and moral values. Also pray for the resources of a third printing of “A Fathers Love Letter” gospel booklet. Mark 1 (1 John 1-2) SOUTH AFRICA – Pop 49,000,000 Map 1. Praise God for the witnessing team (consisting of inmates) of the KutamaSintumule Correctional Services, which shares during the family days when family and friends visit prison inmates. Pray for this team as they witness to those who are on the “outside!” Mark 2 (1 John 3-4) CREATIVE ACCESS #11 - There are increasing levels of tribal conflicts with availability of weapons and continuous raids on villages by rebel bands from a neighbouring country. Pray that God would defuse the tensions and the gospel would be able to be shared effectively and freely in this needy nation. Mark 3 (1 John 5) MYANMAR/BURMA – Pop 49,600,000 Map 134. Pastors Than Zaw and Pablu are working to evangelise Bogale Township and will also be conducting Train & Multiply Training. Pray that their ministry efforts would be successful and that the workers will remain healthy and strong as they travel. Mark 4 (2 John) UGANDA - Pop 31,800,000 Map 26. EHC workers are addressing the growing challenge of HIV/AIDS among the youth in schools. Pray for wisdom for the EHC staff as young people have come to the EHC office wanting to participate in the open discussion and counselling EHC is planning. Mark 4 (3 John)
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BRAZIL – Pop 193,600,000 Map 217. “ALAM LIVRE” (“Freedom of the Soul”) is an EHC outreach that seeks to reach the inmates of Brazil’s prisons. Pray for much fruit from this endeavour. EHC teams also plan to reach around 50 million people in Sao Paulo State with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mark 5 (Jude) NEPAL - Pop 29,000,000 Map 132. Mobile Training Centre team leader,, Daud Tamang, plans to travel to Barpak and Larpark mountain villages to disciple and follow-up new converts. It takes almost ten days on foot to reach these two villages. Pray for God’s protection over him and his wife as they travel. Mark 6 (Revelation 1) SENEGAL – Pop 12,400,000 Map 46. Pray for Marcel and Maurice as they are being trained as Christ group leaders. Pray that God would give them divine wisdom and guidance as they minister and that every spiritual and physical obstacle standing in their way would be broken in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Mark 7 (Revelation 2-3) MONGOLIA - Pop 2,700,000 Map 174. Praise God for 1,182 responses to the gospel in a recent month. Pray that the watchmen of the Mongolian “Wall of Prayer” will be faithful to their commitments to pray for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in Mongolia and that the Gospel will flourish and spread. Mark 8 (Revelation 4) BELGIUM – Pop 10,500,000 Map 86. Planning for outreaches into French speaking communities in Belgium is underway as workers have made initial contacts with the French speaking Churches. Pray that these churches would catch the EHC vision for sharing the gospel home to home in their areas. Mark 9 (Revelation 5) CZECH REPUBLIC – Pop 10,300,000 Map 81. The town of Karlovy Vary recently had the opportunity of receiving the Gospel. “This region openly claims its allegiance to atheism but our workers were enthusiastic and completed the outreach,” reports EHC Director Vladimir Ksikal. Pray for fruit from this effort. Mark 10 (Revelation 6:1 to 8:5) TOGO – Pop 6,600,000 Map 37. Praise God for the conversion of two policeman, Assouman and Sousso, after a home to home visit from Christ Group members. Pray that God will give wisdom and direction in the use of the Mobile Training Centre materials as EHC workers train Christ Group leaders. Mark 11 (Revelation 8:6 to 11:19)
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CREATIVE ACCESS #9 - Because of the violence in this nation, almost every home has widows, orphans and physically handicapped men or women who are unable to work. Pray for the Lord’s provision as EHC workers share the message of hope, the Gospel, with those in need. Mark 12 (Revelation 12-14) GHANA – Pop 22,700,000 Map 38. Pray for EHC National Director Karl Menyah as he holds “Heart of Man” seminars for a church in Accra. This is a densely- populated area, and this 25 year old church has never been involved in evangelism. Pray that church members would be excited to share the Gospel. Mark 13 (Revelation 15-16) SPAIN- Pop 44,400,000 Map 59. In a recent month EHC teams visited 5,507 homes where 11,700 gospel messages were shared. Pray for those who received the gospel booklet “The Incomparable” that their hearts would be open to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Mark 14 (Revelation 17-18) ZAMBIA – Pop 12,500,000 Map 14 . Pray for comfort and strength for Martin Managi and Bishop Mosesleaders in northwestern and western Zambia- as they recently suffered the loss of children due to malaria. Ask God to visit them and their families with His peace at this difficult time. Mark 15 (Revelation 19) COTE D’IVOIRE – Pop 20,700,000 Map 40 Pray for two unreached villages Allangba and N’gbessou - as it is difficult to travel to them because of poor road conditions. EHC pioneer missionary Dominique is determined to reach these villages. Pray for his efforts as he diligently shares the gospel home to home. Mark 16 (Revelation 20) FRANCE – Pop 61,400,000 Map 88. A 25 member church in Fagnieres is partnering with EHC in an effort to reach Canton of Chalons-sur-Marne, an area of 5,000 people. Pray together with these workers that they would see an abundant harvest of souls for the Lord. Luke 1 (Revelation 21) MADAGASCAR – Pop 19,200,000 Map 4. Pray for prison authorities in the northern region who will soon decide whether to grant permission to EHC to minister in all the prisons in its jurisdiction. EHC contacted two large prisons, discovering that no ministry has been conducted within them. Pray for an open door to these prisons. Luke 2 (Revelation 22)
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