July, 2010
Jesus Said “Go Ye (You) Into all the World and Preach the Gospel to Every Creature� Mark 16:15
Witnessing on the streets and going door-to-door witnessing and giving a gospel booklet has amazing results
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Every Home for Christ
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Every Home for Christ Reached 300 Million With the Gospel in 2009
Every Home for Christ presented the gospel to an estimated 300 million people last year, according to recent statistics.
Every Home for Christ (EHC) President, Dick Eastman, said that in 2009 missionaries distributed gospel booklets to more than 66 million homes, representing roughly 300 million people. As a result of the outreach, some 12 million people indicated that they made a decision for Christ or wanted to learn how to do so—up from 10 million in 2009—and 18,000 “Christ Groups,” or house churches, were formed to disciple those believers. “It’s really exciting to see what God is doing,” Eastman said. “I’m incredibly encouraged to realize that a strategy can be so simple.” Since 1953, EHC missionaries have taken Christian literature door-to-door in more than 200 nations. In recent decades the ministry has focused on the 10/40 Window, a region encompassing Africa and most of Asia that includes the world’s least-evangelized countries. Eastman says prayer has been key to the response the ministry has seen in recent years, pointing to the Praying Through the Window campaign that targeted the 10/40 Window for prayer and evangelism over the last decade. Every other October, the ministry mobilized intercessors worldwide to pray for that region throughout the month. Internationally it is developing “walls of prayer,” which are built when intercessors in a particular area cover all 168 hours in a week with nonstop prayer. More than 1,000 “walls” have been established in Asia alone.
“It’s almost where you can’t keep track of it, it’s exploding so much,” Eastman said. “To me [prayer] is the foundation to why we’re seeing such an increase,” he added, noting that increased financial support has allowed EHC to expand the number of mobile training centers to marshal more indigenous missionaries. Eastman has a goal of reaching 500 million homes in the next decade, seeing 100 million people respond to the gospel and planting 100,000 Christ Groups. “Last year we saw 66 million homes [reached], so we know it’s a doable goal, except that as you get farther and farther along, it gets harder and harder,” he said. “Generally you reach the easiest-to-reach places first, then you move into the very hard. There’s hard-to-reach places because of geography and then there’s very hard places, almost impossible places, because of ideology, like Islam.” Still, he’s optimistic about the future. He says the new believers are proving to be zealous evangelists, and last year’s success shows that the New Testament model of door-todoor evangelism is “back in fashion.” “Sure, we have incredible technology today, unbelievable advantages the early church didn’t have, but I personally believe the same way the Great Commission began is ultimately the way it’s going to end,” Eastman said, “because the people in the most remote villages won’t have a computer or even a cell phone, and if you’re going to reach them you’ve got to go where they are.”
Dick Eastman is the International President of Every Home for Christ. He also serves as president of America’s National Prayer Committee. Dick’s passion for prayer and world evangelism has prompted him to write a dozen books on the subjects, including his latest, “Look What God Is Doing!”
he West African nation of Togo gained independence from French colonial rule in 1960, but struggled into the 1990s to gain fragile political stability. Religious freedoms were also eroded, with certain groups banned and others, including evangelicals, threatened. As the nation moved toward the 21st century, religious liberties were restored and ministries like Every Home for Christ began accelerating efforts to share the Gospel nationwide. EHC workers have successfully distributed gospel literature to every home in Togo twice since 1991, prompting more than 150,000 responses and planting 2,892 Christ Group fellowships in many villages where there has never been a church. Christ Groups have become the key to EHC’s current strategy to take the Gospel to every home in Togo for a second time. Christ Group believers are being trained in home-tohome evangelism and mobilized to share the Good News in neighbouring villages. Christ Group members near the city
shared the Gospel with Edou. “The pastor explained that Jesus loved Edou so much that He had 2,000 people, and the revealed Himself to formation of 271 new him in the dream,” Christ Group said EHC Director fellowships. Fiozandji. “He also said that if Edou A Christ Group in the would surrender his village of Todome life to Christ, the blood became the portal of of our Lord Jesus salvation for a Christ would clean all 95-year-old man his sins and would named Edou. Edou had a dream in which make him bright, like the man he had seen he saw a man in on the throne. How brilliant white clothing great was Edou’s joy seated on a white as soon as he throne. Edou was received Jesus as His drawn toward the throne but was blinded Saviour and Lord.” by its brilliance, and Through the Train & he was ashamed that Multiply initiative, local his own clothes were Christ Group memragged and dirty. bership is continuing to increase. EHC When Edou woke up Director Fiozandji is the next morning, he told his son about the praying for 9,000 responses to the dream and said he needed to visit the vil- Gospel and another 900 Christ Groups to lage Christ Group. The following Sunday be formed over the next three months. Edou shared his dream with the Christ Pray for a growing Group fellowship. The harvest in Togo. Christ Group leader
Christ Groups Have Become the Key. of Blitta shared the Gospel with 9,102 families in scattered villages. In response to their efforts, 659 people accepted Christ and 80 new Christ Group fellowships were formed. One of the new believers was the 72-year-old chief of the village of Waragni. The chief even set aside a plot of land for a new village church. “The conversion of the chief led other villagers to give themselves to Jesus Christ,” said EHC Director Edoh Fiozandji. “They turned to the Saviour, Jesus.” Through similar efforts, scores of villages were visited by Christ Group evangelists, leading to the salvation of nearly
Togo Medical Clinic A Word from Edoh Fiozandji, Togo and French Africa Director It is very difficult to bring the Good News only by words to the population of our country who are living in extreme poverty. The experience EHC-French Africa is going through on the field shows the hard conditions in which our people are living. Bad or poor food and health conditions, lack of water supplies and insufficent education occupy their attention more than the Good News of the Gospel. Because of such problems they become less interested in the Word of God and the new converts never hesitate to introduce to the EHC workers their needs first lack of medical care and first aid, their daily needs in feeding and schooling of their kids. An objective study tells us that if these problems are not solved, it slows down the evangelism of our villages and the total country. EHC-French Africa thinks that we can
try to bring solutions in accompanying our actions of evangelism with development projects. Because of this EHC has initiated the project of a health centre at Midawokope Togo to solve their problems of health. In that village there is a Christ Group too. This project began in 2003 with the financing of EHC-Australia (who we address our thanks to once again). We roofed the building in March 2005 and the clinic is now working. This work is the first in that locality to solve the health problems. Its impact on the results of our evangelism campaigns will really be enjoyed because this medical clinic hospital will also be used for health education. Our staff will receive training in first aid care to be able to take care of their family and the people that visit in the villages.
NOTE: The world’s poorest suffer. Twenty per cent of newborn babies will not live to their fifth birthday, largely due to preventable diseases. The average lifespan of women in countries where EHC works is 46 years. Mothers have one chance in 16 of dying during childbirth in subSaharan Africa; every minute a woman dies in pregnancy or childbirth. Medical care, both primary and surgical, are scarce commodities and when they do exist are often far beyond the financial reach of the poor. w
PRAISE GOD FOR THE FIRST NEW A Recent Miracle Reported by Alessandro Aleixo
“A woman was bitten by a very poisonous snake and the “Ambulance Boat” was extremely useful to us: We quickly went to the woman, to take her in the Ambulance Boat to the mainland, where she was taken quickly by a borrowed car to the closest hospital, and promptly went to the Tropical Medicine Foundation. Today, she is at home, totally cured; she does all her household chores, takes care of her children
(what a blessing!), without any after effect. In many other situations our other boat (Australia II), is also a divine gift for immediate help to those infected by Malaria and other illnesses. On the boat we take them food and clothes as well as the necessary medicine to cure their sickness. The reality of the Amazon is that the Every Home for Christ Boat Ministry is indispensable to reach that important area.
W BOAT BUILT IN AMAZON BRAZIL Seoares, Brazil Every Home for Christ There are 9,600 riverside communities, and many of them can only be reached by boat. These communities are isolated without any help and often their only hope is in the arrival of the Every Home for Christ boat.
lands (narrow stretches of rivers, mainly shallow), we entered with “Australia II” who reach the other communities - larger boats can not pass through the vegetation and shallowness of some of these rivers.
Illnesses are mostly treated by the riverside population themselves with homemade medicine, and the most serious cases are transported to the city of Manaus - when possible! Inevitably, the means of transportation are boats. In the swamp
I am very happy to be part of this ministry. Let all those that participated through their prayers and gifts be deeply blessed by the Lord.”
Aaron Moore, Australia EHC staff (pictured above) and Dean Llewllyn United Kingdom EHC Board Chairman (pictured below) went to Brazil together to see the EHC Boat ministry and plan with the Brazil EHC Executive Director and staff the future of the Amazon Boat Ministry.
The Plan for the Amazon Boat Ministry is a) Visit Amazon villages witnessing house-to-house with gospel literature. b) Form Christ Groups – churches where there is none. c) Malaria prevention with the free gift of mosquito nets to families who cannot afford them. d) Malaria blood testing. e) Education classes in the prevention of Tuberculosis, Malaria and Aids. f) Ambulance transport to hospital. g) Ambulance boat as needed for first aid for victims of accidents, snakebites, and attacks from other dangerous animals, for emergency births and dental attendance. h) In emergencies (as in the past) the boats will be used in times of Amazon floods to help suffering people living in extremely poor regions with donations of clothes, medicine and food. To do this work effectively we need full-time paid staff and to date most of the EHC work on the Amazon has been handled by volunteers. Please pray that God will give us some full-time staff who will have a “call from God” for work in the Amazon. Pictured here is the Brazil Every Home for Christ Executive Director - Pray God will give him guidance as he works on the Amazon Project - he once pastored a church in Bahia, a poor and improverished area like the Amazon.
cross A Indonesia, hearts are being
broken. Christians everywhere are seeing the people through Jesus’ eyes and embracing the Great Commission with a new zeal to take the Good News to every home.
Church leaders and believers who share a heart for evangelism are attending EHC’s Train & Multiply seminars where they learn how to effectively share the Gospel and disciple new believers. Some of those attending the seminars are second-generation believers whose parents accepted Christ in response to EHC’s outreaches more than two decades ago. “Sister Yehda and Elizabeth were highly motivated to witness and give spiritual nurturing in their Christ Group,” said an EHC leader named
INDONESIA A New Song for Broken Hearts
Bahir about the two next-generation believers who attended a seminar in Central Java. “The ladies went home on fire for the Lord!” The Christian chorus “Lead Me to Some Soul Today” has become a popular theme song for believers who attend Train & Multiply seminars. Together, the leaders sing: “Lead me to some soul today. O teach me, Lord, just what to say. Friends of mine are lost in sin, and cannot find their way. Few there are who
seem to care and few there are who pray. Melt my heart and fill my life. Give me one soul today.”
region!” Christian worship and evangelism can be a challenge in some parts of Indonesia. Nearly 90 percent of the nation’s 225 million people are Muslims. Muslim militants have a strong and violent following in certain areas, and Christians have been martyred for their faith. “Some doors are closed for saturation evangelism,” Bahir explained. “Pray that those doors will be opened.”
Despite the challenges, the Gospel is reaching Two days after families in towns attending the and villages across seminar, sisters the nation and Yehda and people are giving Elizabeth wrote a their lives to Christ. letter to Bahir EHC has worked saying, “We just hand-in-hand with returned from our local church place of service in partners to Yogya region. Praise the name of distribute gospel the Lord Jesus. We booklets to nearly had the opportunity 24 million families. to testify about His More than 348,000 people have love. Tomorrow responded, leading evening we will to the formation of start the first 4,398 Christ Group meeting of our fellowships. brand new Christ Group in the
Our Biggest Challenge is Yet Ahead Both... for the India High School and for the Amazon boats and staff but in all of this whatever personal sacrifice you will make I am reminded of the words of Jim Elliott whose motto became his reality
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” 50 years ago 5 missionaries had the deep conviction that they would reach a tribe known as the Aucas - “Savage Killers” living on the Caray River a tributary of the Amazon in Ecuador. One of these missionaries was Jim Elliott. After flying their plane above this tribe and dropping presents many times they finally felt they had made friendly contact with these Savage Killers. They were about to tell them of the Lord Jesus Christ. They landed their plane on a sandy strip in the river and made contact with a few of the tribe but the tribe took their spears and killed all 5 missionaries. In giving their lives they gained what they cannot lose. They gained the Salvation of the Aucas “Savage Killers” who later became the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and to this day 50 years later they are still the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Thank you for giving what you cannot lose. Thank you so very much.
Eric Leach
Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Galatians - 1 & 2 Timothy For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.
JULY, 2010
INDIA HIGH SCHOOL - Pop 1,161,900,000 Map 127. Please pray for the India High School Project. It is a big project and so much sacrifice will be needed to complete it. Ask God what you can do and pray others will help. I am sure the Lord will reward you. Galatians 5 (Ecclesiastes 1-2) AMAZON, BRAZIL - Pop 192,272,890 Map 216. Pray G o d will guide as plans are made for the f uture Boat Minis tr y in the Amazon. Pray for commit te d s t af f who have a “call f rom G o d ”. G a l a t i a n s 6 ( Ecclesias tes 3 -5) NEW CALEDONIA - Pop 237,000 Map 147. Pray for the mobilisation of more volunteers to work in the area of home-to-home evangelism as well as financial support. Pray also for details to be worked out for new and creative ideas for pioneer missionary Nabith Kesito who is coming from Vanuatu to help with the ministry. Ephesians 1 (Ecclesiastes 6-8)
ANGOLA - Pop 18,500,000 Map 13. Pray that God will direct EHC’s leadership to the person of His choice to act as National Director for Angola. A brother has already been approached for this role. Pray for confirmation of his appointment in the home-to-home evangelism efforts. Philippians 1 (2 Kings 5-8)
BANGLADESH - Pop 153,300,000 Map 130. Please pray for this nation and the leaders who govern. May God give them wisdom and knowledge so that they can effectively oversee the country with peace and joy. EHC workers have started Walls of Prayer which began in March. Pray that many would desire to be faithful intercessors. Philippians 2 (2 Kings 9:1 to 14:25) CZECH REPUBLIC - Pop 10,300,000 Map 80. Pray for the necessary workers needed in order to finish the first coverage of this nation. Hundreds of thousands of families are still waiting to receive the Good News, especially in rural areas. Pray for labourers to help with the harvest. SPAIN - Pop 44,400,000 Map 59. Volunteers Philippians 3 (Jonah 1-4) were not discouraged by the exceptionally MONGOLIA - Pop.2,700,00 Map 173. Pray cold winter as six churches were mobilised to for the nomads who are desperately introduce the gospel leaflet “He Is Incomparable” to struggling for physical survival due to a 25,100 homes. To date, 46 people have responded. bitter winter which blanketed much of the country in Pray for the follow-up of those who have responded. deep snow killing 2.7 million head of livestock and now Ephesians 2 (Ecclesiastes 9-12) ARGENTINA- Pop 39,200,000 Map 221. Pray for posing health risks as the snow melts. Another three continuing campaigns in the Province of Salta million animals are expected to die by the end of June. throughout the rest of the month. Sixty-three Philippians 4 (2 Kings 14:26-29, Amos 1-2) BURKINA FASO - Pop 15,700,000 Map 39. lessons of the Train & Multiply (follow-up) are bing printed. Many new converts are being persecuted by Ask the Lord that they would be completed soon, and that their families. Pray that the Lord would grant they would effectively strengthen the Church. Ephesians 3 strength to seven new believers whose Muslim parents (1 Kings 12-16) are persecuting them. Also pray for protection for EHC MALI- Pop 13,000,000 Map 48. Praise God for the new workers and their families in an area where meningitis is converts who have responded this month in Mali and prevalent. Colossians 1 (Amos 3-6) the change that has been noticed in the lives of many INDONESIA - Pop 225,600,000 Map 141. Muslims. Pray for the increased spiritual growth for new Pray for the Christ Groups that are located in converts and that they would be rooted and grounded in the Batam. Pray for several pastors who are love of the Lord. Ephesians 4 (1 Kings 17-19) motivating and training Christ Group members using Train ASIA-PACIFIC REGION - EHC pioneer missionaries are working harder than ever throughout this vast & Multiply materials enabling the participants to grow populous region.They ask for continued prayer from EHC spiritually and to share the Gospel with their friends and partners so that every home in their nations can effectively be loved ones. Colossians 2 (Amos 7-9) reached. Ephesians 5 (1 Kings 20-22) CREATIVE ACCESS #9 - Pray for God’s protection against dangers and challenges CHILE - Pop 16,900,000 Map 218. Due to the devastating faced each day. Pray for approval from earthquake and tsunami that hit Chile on February 28, various government entities to enter other areas of the the reconstruction of this nation will take a long time. country in order to accomplish the home-to-home Pray that many will come to accept the salvation offered to all outreach efforts. Colossians 3 (2 Kings 15-17) through the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 6 (2 Kings 1-4)
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HONDURAS - Pop 7,400,000 Map 180. Praise God for a group of 50 new converts who were baptised in Lempira, many of them are members of the Lenca tribe. Pray for the continuing coverage of that area located on the border of El Salvador. Pray for the 18 churches that are partnering with EHC in reaching this people group. Colossians 4 (2 Kings 18-20) BELGIUM - Pop 10,500,000 Map 85. Praise the Lord that Antwerp, the largest city in Belgium, has been reached. Pray for many churches to partner with EHC for the challenge that lies ahead to reach the 500,000 people who live outside of the city. 1 Thessalonians 1 (2 Kings 21-25)
NEPAL - Pop 29,000,000 Map 131. More than 1,250 homes were recently visited through an Every Home Campaign on the Nepal-Tibet border. Every home in the mountain village of Phulek was also reached and there were many opportunities to pray for the sick. Pray for lasting fruit from these efforts. 1 Thessalonians 2 (Psalms 1-2)
NICARAGUA - Pop 5,700,000 Map 181. Pray that the Lord would open doors for EHC to obtain permission to start meetings with teachers in the schools - to present seminars on “Principles and Values.” Pray that the Lord would also provide at least two teachers to teach the Mobile Training Centre curriculum. 1 Thessalonians 3 (Psalms 10, 33)
Pray everyone who should be on this tour will be coming. Pray for guidance in the planning and safety for everyone on the tour travelling in the plane and sightseeing in Israel. 1 Thessalonians 4 (Psalms 43, 66-67)
ZAMBIA - Pop 12,500,000 Map 14. God has opened a door for EHC to use The Heart of Man presentations at the juvenile prison in Lusaka. This is the first time these prisoners will be exposed to the Gospel. Pray for the prison ministry coordinator and the teams as they minister to these young inmates. 1 Thessalonians 5 (Psalms 71, 89) CAMEROON - Pop 19,500,000 Map 24. Pray that good district leaders might be identified in their fields of operation to participate in the ongoing Mobile Training Centre program. In a recent month EHC workers saw 5,481 homes reached, 7,285 gospel booklets shared, 158 responses, and 39 new Christ Groups formed. 2 Thessalonians 1 (Psalms 92-95)
HUNGARY - Pop 9,900,000 Map 77. Twenty believers in partnership with EHC took two days going home-to-home sharing the Gospel with 16,000 inhabitants in Csapokert. EHC National Director Peter Sztano reports,“We were surprised to see so many open doors. Pray that their hearts will also be opened.” 2 Thessalonians 3 (Psalms 102, 104) INDIA - Pop 1,161,900,000 Map 127. Pray for Andhra Pradesh and the unrest as a result of people wanting this region to be divided into two separate states. Pray for the effective ministry of Brother Sudhir and Brother Prasad who are visiting EHC Christ Groups and Mobile Training Centre programs on the field in Rajasthan. 1 Timothy 1 (Psalms 105-106) MICRONESIA - Pop 111,000 Map 163. Praise God for opening doors that have been closed for several years, and thank the Lord for all the high school and college students, women’s ministries and volunteers who are committed to the work. Pray for the two villages of Pihs and Nanpahalp to be reached with the Gospel. 1 Timothy 2 (Psalms 111-115) PHILIPPINES - Pop 89,800,000 Map 167. Praise the Lord for His provision for the EHC ministry. Pray for wisdom for EHC leaders as they seek to implement the Mobile Training Centres in the most effective way possible. Pray for additional teachers and pastors to teach the lessons in the languages of Tagalog and Cebuano. 1 Timothy 3 (Psalms 116-118) SINGAPORE - Pop 4,700,000 Map 139. Pray for the resources to print and distribute five million copies of a two-in-one gospel booklet titled “If You Accepted Christ” and “Multi-talented Elephant.” “Accepted” is aimed at adult readers while “Elephant” is a booklet aimed at leading children to Christ. 1 Timothy 4 (Psalm 119) TANZANIA- Pop 42,900,000 Map 16. Mobility continues to be a significant challenge for EHC workers. Pray for more bicycles to be obtained enabling workers to reach very remote areas. Praise God for the Mobile Training Centre seminars that have been conducted in several regions. 1 Timothy 5 (Psalms 120-125) MYANMAR- Pop 49,600,000 Map 133. Praise God that two families of fishermen from Kyaikame accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour. Pray for EHC Christ Group members who have been tortured for their faith in Kyaik Htoe Township. Pray for EHC worker Saw Hay Nay Thar who is sharing gospel booklets in Htan Tha Pin. 1 Timothy 6 (Psalms 127-129) ARMENIA- Pop 3,100,000 Map 102. Pray for the safety of EHC workers as they travel. Also pray for more labourers in the harvest field who have the heart to reach those who do not know the Lord with the message of salvation. To date over 490,000 homes have been reached in Armenia with the Good News. 2 Timothy 1 (Psalms 130-134)
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CREATIVE ACCESS #7- For the last month EHC volunteers have shared literature home-to-home in the capital city as well as two other cities. Pray for the people who were visted that God will touch their hearts through the Word that was given to them and that they would grow in the knowledge of Him. 2 Thessalonians 2 (Psalms 96-100)