July 2013

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Sri Lankans hear of Christ JULY 2013

SRI LANKA A Fruitful Time of Blessing

The tropical island of Sri Lanka, which lies just off the southeast coast of India, has attracted visitors for centuries with its natural beauty. But it also has been scarred by a long and bitter civil war, arising out of ethnic tensions between the majority Sinhalese and the Tamil minority in the northeast. After more than 25 years of violence, the conflict seemed to end in 2009, when government forces seized the last area controlled by Tamil Tiger rebels. But recriminations over abuses by both sides continue. The violence has claimed more than 70,000 lives, damaged the economy, and harmed tourism in one of South Asia’s potentially most prosperous societies. International concern was raised about the fate of civilians caught up in the conflict zone as 250,000 Tamil refugees were confined to refugee camps for months after the war ended. Though the nation itself has experienced such turmoil, the ministry of Every Home for Christ remains steadfast in its work to reach every home with the Gospel. EHC National Director Sam Thevabalasingham reports that despite the political and economic instability creating such hardship for the Sri Lankan people, recently EHC workers have experienced a fruitful time of blessing.

Home-to-home distribution of the Gospel is taking place at a rapid pace in Sri Lanka through Christ Group leaders and members, volunteers from local churches, and volunteer field representatives. Not only are EHC workers going home to home, they are visiting marketplaces regularly as well as reaching police, army, navy and air force personnel in their barracks. According to Sam, these security forces happily receive the materials from EHC volunteers and read them with great enthusiasm.

During the last quarter, EHC field evangelists have made several visits to Sri Lanka’s 40-plus Christ Groups (small bodies of new believers) and consolidated their work among them by praying, instructing, and encouraging their members. During these times, they use the Be Fruitful and Multiply teaching program to strengthen members of the Christ Groups as well as others who attend the training. Their efforts have paid off as many new members have joined the Christ Groups as a result.

In addition to these outreaches, students are being evangelized on college campuses—but not without great risk. Conducting evangelism at universities requires much care as it is dangerous to undertake this type of ministry in Sri Lanka. Students who distribute messages preaching the Gospel are looked upon with suspicion due to a volatile political culture that has been slowly developing within the student bodies throughout the nation. EHC is grateful to be able to show these students the hope found in Jesus Christ in order that they may combat these issues.

There is also much unity among the Christ Groups in Sri Lanka. It is not uncommon for several Christ Groups in a given region to come together for regular worship services on Sundays. These congregations are rapidly growing by adding new members as miracles of healing are being reported. According to those on the field, a total of six new churches have been established by the Christ Group members and their families in recent days. Sam says, “It appears that planting churches has become their top priority and it is keeping them very much occupied. They keep visiting their Christ Groups to help disciple and shepherd them!”

Hospitals are also being reached with the Gospel; and not just to patients but to visitors as well. Work is being carried out and is very much appreciated by staff and patients alike. EHC workers have not faced harassment by hospital employees; it is quite the contrary as they are very welcoming to those who would come pray for their patients and reach out to them as well.

Throughout all the political turmoil and years of unrest, Sam remains hopeful for the future of his country. “We have faced many challenges both physically and spiritually,” he says, “and for everything we give thanks to Him for His guidance, strength and comfort we experience through the Holy Spirit. We can say just like the apostle Paul says, ‘We can do all things through Him who strengthens us.’”


DISCIPLING THE NATIONS Taking on the Task of Global Discipleship

At Every Home for Christ, we believe the Great Commission must be taken literally: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20, nasb). Making disciples of all nations is not a simple process, though. It can’t be done in one day, and it’s not complete the moment a person says “yes” to salvation. Making disciples requires our commitment to an entire process—ministry that sees a person move from unbelief to salvation and from salvation to spiritual maturity in Christ.

outreaches—but that is only the beginning! EHC ministry also involves personal and intentional discipleship. When a person responds to the Gospel, expressing interest in knowing Christ or learning more, EHC workers begin the process of follow-up discipleship, walking with new believers in their journeys of faith. Here’s an example of how it happens.

A local EHC office receives a response from someone interested in Jesus after a hometo-home outreach. To date, EHC offices worldwide have received 121,608,761 responses to the Gospel. A recent example from the field reads, “I looked through your EHC ministry involves simple, systematic booklet and I would like to receive Jesus as evangelism, most often accomplished my Savior. I do not understand what this through home-to-home gospel literature means. Please send me more information

about this person named Jesus.” EHC field offices then send out our fourpart introductory Bible correspondence courses (BCCs) to those who respond to the gospel message. New believers study the courses and mail back answers to basic Bible questions to the local EHC office for feedback. In a nation in East Asia, EHC leaders were working with a travel agent to strategize for ministry in remote parts of the country when another man walked into the travel agency. When the man heard that the group was from EHC, he exclaimed, “I know EHC! It was the beginning of my eternal life!” The EHC leaders asked what he meant, and the man explained: “More than 35 years ago, two pioneer missionaries visited our remote village. We lived very far from even the smallest town, but the EHC workers came to our homes and gave us booklets titled

‘Are You Happy?’ After reading the booklet, I decided to accept Jesus as my Savior. I then completed two Bible correspondence courses and soon I heard the voice of the Lord calling me to serve Him. I surrendered my whole life to Christ. Now I have a doctorate degree in ministry and theology, I serve on the advisory board of my church, and I love to do evangelism. Thanks to EHC, and glory to God in the highest!” To date, EHC offices worldwide have received 125,106,633 requests for follow-up materials. When EHC workers receive a response, they connect that person with a local church that partners with EHC to see their communities evangelized and discipled. If no church is nearby, EHC workers plant local Christ Groups, fellowships of new believers established in areas where no evangelical churches exist. These fellowships function like small churches, participating in worship, Bible study, fellowship, and outreach.

JUAREZ FOR CHRIST! “No Longer a Town of Ghosts!” Mexico The Gospel for some of the most dangerous neighbourhoods on earth! God is, indeed, moving in Juarez—not only among the innocent, but even among hardened criminals. One young gunman was so notorious that an EHC team member recognized him on a bus as they rode to another neighborhood for home-to-home evangelism. As the people on the bus sat in silence in fear of the gunman, suddenly one of the EHC workers bravely stood up, walked to the man and handed him one of the gospel booklets they were using in their distribution. The worker then returned to his seat.

that of this former criminal in Juarez as the hope of Jesus infiltrates this city. Yet—there is much work to do to reach all of Juarez for Jesus.

The EHC team breathed a sigh of relief when their stop finally came, thanking the Lord that there had not been an incident on the bus. But then their concerns increased as the known hit man followed them off the bus. They tried to hurry away when the man shouted, “Stop!”

At the time, Juarez was considered the most dangerous city on earth other than declared war zones. Several years ago Juarez was overrun by drug cartels, gangs, and criminals as a wave of sustained violence swept the city. In 2010, for example, many months saw more than 300 deaths in this one city of 1.5 million people. In comparison, New York City saw 414 murders in the entire year of 2012, and it is nearly 6 times the size of Juarez with a population of 8.2 million.

Afraid for their lives the team stopped in their tracks. Slowly the man walked toward them, still holding the gospel booklet. When he reached the group, he shocked the team when he said quietly, “Will you pray for me? I need to ask God for forgiveness of my sins.” Right there on the streets of Juarez, where this very gunman had murdered many, he received Jesus Christ as his Savior. Today, he is being discipled by a local pastor and working hard to protect his family from the gang he left behind when he became a Christian. God is softening hearts like

Over a year ago a team of EHC leaders passed through the deserted streets of Juarez, Mexico to a small church building. The afternoon was so quiet it seemed like the middle of the night. Seeing no sign of life outside, the EHC leaders entered the church with no idea what to expect. To their surprise, they found 100 local pastors waiting expectantly for them.

At its worst, Juarez was the site of nine homicides every day. Many murders involved those caught in the dangerous business of drug trafficking, but the violence also took the lives of many innocents. Corruption took over the police department. Morgues were filled. Resources for justice were exhausted and at one point, less than one percent of all homicide cases were actually pursued.

As EHC leaders toured Juarez, they saw firsthand the toll this violence had taken on the city. Buildings were crumbling; shops were boarded up; homes were abandoned; churches were closed. Forty percent of Juarez was shut down. At the beginning of 2012, Juarez was not on a list of places to be pursued for EHC ministry. Although EHC’s work in Mexico was advancing significantly, ministry in the Juarez area seemed impossible—even unthinkable. Imagine going door to door in a city where drug lords and murderers live behind many of those doors! But early in the year, our international office received a call from a pastor in El Paso, Texas—just across the border from Juarez—who told us it was time to take Juarez for Christ. This pastor had assembled a group of Juarez pastors who were prepared to lay down their lives for the sake of the Gospel in their city, and he invited EHC to partner with them. They also needed practical strategies, sound training, evangelistic resources and—most of all—our prayers. EHC decided to send a team of leaders from our international office to meet with a group of pastors in Juarez. As these men from EHC went to the church that day, they knew their task was a heavy one. If we committed to reach Juarez for Christ, it meant asking these pastors to lead teams to even the most dangerous of neighborhoods. It meant mobilizing believers in Juarez to knock on the doors of the very criminals taking so many lives. But when the EHC leaders presented the systematic home-to-home strategy, the Juarez pastors did not hesitate! “Someone must do something,” one pastor said. “It is time to take our city back for the Lord!”With similar passion and determination, the rest of the pastors agreed.

So began the EHC ministry in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods on earth. Today, just one year later, hope has returned to Juarez. While still high on the list of dangerous cities, Juarez is no longer considered the most violent city on earth. The homicide rate dropped by over 50 percent in 2012 compared to 2011. Businesses are returning and churches are reopening. Traffic has returned to the streets during the day. “It is different,” the mayor of Juarez told one news outlet. “Our city is no longer a town of ghosts.” “I was watching the news last night,” EHC National Director for Mexico Gloria Silva recently told us,“and they said that people in Juarez have started to feel a new sense of calm and peace. One government leader commented, ‘We don’t know what is happening, but religion probably has something to do with it.’” Gloria concluded, “We who serve Jesus do know what is happening in Juarez. Our brothers and sisters testify that even government authorities have approached pastors and church leaders to beg for their help to share the Gospel in schools, hospitals, prisons, and rehab centers. Leaders in all sectors of our society are becoming aware that our people need to turn their eyes to Jesus. God is on the move and transformation is coming to the city!” “We are not finished,” Pastor Lalo recently wrote to us, “for we have not completed the transformation of our city. There is still so much work to do, but today we are stronger than ever.” What a privilege it is for EHC to partner with believers who are willing to lay down their lives to see the Gospel advance to the most desperate neighborhoods on earth.


HEROES “My family gave Every Home for Christ a monthly donation and our daily prayers.Every Home for Christ gave my children heroes...�

Every Home for Christ is more than a ministry Don't get me wrong - sometimes the kids were my family supports. It has become part of bored, sometimes they acted up, sometimes who we are. the devotions seemed repetitious. But My husband Dave first heard of Every Home praying for EHC helped build our family. for Christ as a college student in the late 70s when his church presented Dick Eastman's video series on Prayer, The Change the World School of prayer. When I married Dave in 1981, he introduced me to EHC and Dick's book The Hour That Changes the World. I believe we even took the EHC Daily Prayer Watch on our honeymoon! We incorporated the EHC newsletter into our daily prayer time, devoting ourselves to pray for God's work in the nations. As our six children joined the family, our partnership with Every Home for Christ became part of the family culture. Fun rituals developed around our routine of morning Bible reading followed by the EHC Daily Prayer Watch. One child would read the request, another would pray for it, a third might run to the map in the den, shouting back the location of an unfamiliar country. During one EHC project, we adopted and prayed for Jacca, Spain every day for a year in addtion to the prayer sheet. The children often "hid" The prayer sheet, causing dad much consternation searching for it. Somehow it always turned up on his chair and he was sitting on it. I even wrote a song about pioneer missionaries, hoping to entertain and inspire the boys as toddlers.

When our oldest was five, he and his younger brother received backpacks as gifts. He stuffed his with paper and went around our small house knocking on doors saying, "Here's a tract; do you want to be saved? "He is now a church planter in Boston, and he recently returned from a missions trip to the Middle East. When I questioned the widsom of a father of three young children traveling to a country for which the government had issued a travel warning, he actually reminded me of the song I used to sing to him as a child: "Will you go preach the Gospel? Will you go to every place? "How could I deny that kind of response? My family gave Every Home for Christ a monthly donation and our daily prayers. EHC gave my children heroes and vision. They grew up on the stories of the brave pioneer missionaries facing dangers and challenges on a daily basis. They knew that we had brothers and sisters who persevered in preaching Christ depite beatings and other presecution. Early in life they developed the conviction that every home should be reached for Christ and that every home could be reached for Christ. This conviction continues strong in all six of our children. For this, my husband and I are evternally grateful.

To view the video of the Hill family as grown-ups, visit http://vimeo.com/everyhomeintl/hillfamily


Located in Eastern Europe, the Republic of Moldova is sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine. The three nations are not only geographically close, they are also similar in several aspects, including culture, history, and tradition. The former Soviet Union controlled Moldova from the 1940s until it emerged as an independent republic after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. However, the effects of Soviet control still permeate Moldovan society today. Nicolae Sili, EHC National Director of Moldova, is excited to report what is happening in his nation and is grateful for all the Lord is doing among its people. He writes, “We thank you that you’ve persevered in prayer for us. We are praising God because He has been working and answering many prayers. We know the Lord answers when we ask Him and He opens doors no one can close. He pierces hearts and transforms minds!” Indeed, God is truly at work in the hearts and minds of the people of Moldova. Through the years, Moldova has endured both political and economic instability. Recent presidential elections have failed, leaving the nation’s Speaker of Parliament to serve as its acting president until new elections can be held. Economic tensions with Russia over the last decade have left Moldova one of the poorest countries in the region, with a large foreign debt and a high unemployment rate. More than 25 percent of the nation’s population lives below the poverty line. While the economy has made a modest recovery in recent years, it remains vulnerable to political uncertainty and a weak administration. Moldovans are Orthodox. Under Soviet control, the Eastern church was strictly limited. During that time, most churches and religious buildings were torn down or converted for other purposes. Oftentimes, church clergy were punished for performing religious services. Believers were largely driven underground. However, Moldova expressed a commitment to

religious freedom when it emerged as an independent state. The 1992 legislation guaranteed religious freedom, stipulating an individual’s right to profess his or her religion of choice and restricting the government from interfering in religious organizations and activities. Moreover, the same year heralded the reconstruction of more than 200 Orthodox churches. Today, the nation’s religious climate is marked by friendly relations among religious groups, although most of the population remains Orthodox. The Lord is moving in many exciting ways in Moldova through EHC. In recent days, EHC workers have encountered God’s favor in reaching the Eastern Orthodox population in Moldova. In one instance, two EHC workers were going home to home when they came upon the home of an Eastern Orthodox man to whom they shared the Gospel. On this man’s wall hung an icon of the Bible story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The man asked the EHC workers to identify the characters in the icon. “Who is this?” he asked. “If you answer correctly, I will listen to you!” God gave wisdom to the EHC workers, who were able to identify Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The man then listened with rapt attention as they proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ despite his Eastern Orthodox viewpoint. In 2000, the Moldovan Parliament passed legislation to make moral and spiritual instruction mandatory for primary school students. Some schools even hold classes specifically on religion. God is using this as an open door for EHC Moldova. In fact, EHC workers have been invited to primary schools to teach courses about the potential negative influences of mass media on the younger generation. One school principal asked EHC leaders to teach first grade students as well as to provide information to parents to help them understand the hidden dangers of the

Internet in the lives of their children. Pray that the Lord will continue to provide opportunities for EHC workers to reach the hearts and minds of Moldovan children in their schools. Last month, EHC Moldova held an evangelistic training in which for two days, participants were trained through seminars followed by three days of home-to-home evangelism. The weather during the training was so cold that EHC workers literally prayed for warmer temperatures. “Although it wasn’t 70 degrees,” National Director Nicolae Sili said, “the temperature rose. We also were able to use space heaters for the night, for which we were very grateful!” EHC workers had hoped to see at least 100 participants attend the training, but the Lord brought 40. Nicolae said, “The Lord spoke to us from the story of Gideon, that He would work through a few to reach a large number of people. Bless the Lord, we went to three cities and reached over 12,000 homes!” This was the same work they had planned to do with 100 participants, but it was accomplished with just 40 very passionate people. Because of the cold weather, Nicolae says, “The Lord knew we could not host more people because the electric cords could only keep heaters running in five rooms, something we could not have foreseen. We thank God for His wonderful ways as He knows things even we do not!”

Every Home for Christ / Every Home Global Concern Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au ehc@everyhome.org.au

PRAY FOR THE Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Acts & Romans. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.

JULY 2013


SPARE - Pop. Map . . Acts 3 (Ecclesiastes 1-2)


SPARE - Pop. Map. . Acts 4 (Ecclesiastes 3-5)


CREATIVE ACCESS #5 - Workers in this nation face significant hindrances to their gospel work, including targeted political force, religious fundamentalism, and even acts of terrorism like bomb blasts. Pray for the Lord to protect these laborers and to give them strength for this work! Acts 5 (Ecclesiastes 6-8)



CONGO REPUBLIC - Pop. 4,400,000 Map 20. Teams are using creative strategies to communicate the Gospel effectively in every home, such as a special project to reach mothers of households and a ministry to drug addicts. Pray God will work through these strategies to touch many hearts in the Congo Republic! Acts 10 (2 Kings 1-4)


CREATIVE ACCESS #14 - Praise God for evangelism volunteers and intercessors joining the team to reach this nation! Pray over the intercessors. “There is such spiritual oppression in this country,” the Director says. Pray also for protection for volunteers who go door to door with the Gospel. Acts 11 (2 Kings 5-8)


BANGLADESH - Pop. 161,100,000 Map 130. One home-to-home evangelism project in the north resulted in 15 families responding to Christ! Pray for these families to grow in their relationships with Jesus. EHC workers visit them periodically for discipleship and fellowship. Acts 12 (2 Kings 9:1 to 14:25)









MALAWI - Pop. 16,300,000 Map 15. We are CHAD - Pop. 11,000,000 Map 33. Praise the thankful for special tools used to present Lord for 390 people who received Christ after one the gospel message in Malawi, such as recent outreach! Today, please join us in prayer for The Heart of Man chart (perfect for those who are steadfastness in the hearts of Christ Group members in unable to read) and gospel soccer balls (ideal for the village of Touktourou who are experiencing persecution youth)! Please pray for areas where heavy rains are because of their faith. Acts 6 (Ecclesiastes 9-12) destructive after dry seasons. Acts 13 (Jonah 1-4) HONDURAS - Pop. 8,300 Map 180. In CREATIVE ACCESS #29 - Eight EHC Quezalapa a Christ Group planted by EHC workers recently visited a hospital for cancer workers years ago has grown into a church of patients to share the Good News. Praise God, 200, and the pastor planted five more churches in many people were healed and many families were saved surrounding areas! Pray for the Lord’s favor to be with this pastor as he mobilises his church for evangelism. in Christ! Pray for resources as the team seeks to rent a large home to hold church services for new believers. Acts Acts 7 (1 Kings 12-16) 14 (2 Kings 14:26-29, Amos 1-2) CAMEROON - Pop. 20,100,000 Map 24. When AUSTRIA - Pop. 8,200,000 Map 78. Pray for a new Christ Group sprung up rapidly in open hearts as workers take 36,000 booklets Mayobanga, the head of the village granted a titled “Of My Heart” home to home in Vienna! piece of land for the group to construct a church One young girl wrote to the office: “I love to read this. In building. God provides in miraculous ways! Pray for difficult situations it reminds me that there is someone the people of the Mafa tribe; many are bound in who loves me.” Acts 15 (Amos 3-6) witchcraft. Acts 8 (1 Kings 17-19) ZAMBIA - Pop. 14,300,000 Map 14. We CREATIVE ACCESS #16 - In one recent month rejoice over an agreement reached by the in this nation “closed” to the Gospel, 300 new Scripture Union of Zambia, which regulates believers were baptized, two new Christ Groups ministry activity in schools, and EHC, which will allow EHC were planted, and 20 members of another Christ Group to conduct outreaches in schools and disciple students! enrolled in Bible college to become pastors. Amen! Pray Pray for this ministry. Acts 16 (Amos 7-9) for even more fruit that remains. Acts 9 (1 Kings 20-22)







CREATIVE ACCESS #15 - Pray today SAMOA - Pop. 200,000 Map 155. A second for an EHC worker whose home is coverage of Samoa has been launched to surrounded by people involved in take the Gospel to every home again, spiritism. Often they gather around his home and reaching a new generation for Christ. Pray for teams as they chant to unseen powers day and night. Pray that the reach Samoa again and expand to surrounding islands. light of Christ would overcome the power of darkness Acts 25 (Psalms 96-100) in this nation! Acts 17 (2 Kings 15-17) CREATIVE ACCESS #22 - Praise God for a recent seminar where pastors and leaders CAMBODIA - Pop. 15,000,000 Map 136. were trained in EHC’s Be Fruitful and Multiply Please pray for safety for EHC workers as they travel from village to village, and ask discipleship curriculum and method. Please pray as EHC the Lord to give them favor with local churches to establish teams translate the curriculum into three more local partnerships. Praise God for effective Christ Group leaders languages for use in this nation! Acts 26 (Psalms 102,104). who are discipling new believers! Acts 18 (2 Kings 18-20) CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. -

Pop. 5,100,000 Map 25. The team is rejoicing UGANDA - Pop. 35,900,000 Map 26. over the mobilisation of prayer in their Praise God for the many leaders trained in nation! .Join these intercessors on behalf of the harvest in evangelism and discipleship through the Mobile Training Center program! Pray that all who their nation. Acts 27 (Psalms 105-106) graduate from this program will be grounded in the truth BULGARIA - Pop. 7,000,000 Map 75. of God’s Word and bear fruit that remains in their ministries! Recently the EHC team completed an Acts 19 (2 Kings 21-25) outreach in which they took the Gospel CREATIVE ACCESS #7 - After a “seed” packaged with actual seeds door to door.Pray today literature outreach in one town, many for spiritual fruit to result as Bulgarians read the message of people came to know Christ. However, it new life. Acts 28 (Psalms 111-115) is now difficult for them to meet together to learn CREATIVE ACCESS#24 - Three districts more about serving the Lord. Pray for EHC leaders in remain to be covered home by home with the the area to find creative methods for discipleship in Gospel in this nation. EHC leaders are hopeful this town. Acts 20 (Psalms 1-2) that the coverage could be completed by October of this year. BELGIUM - Pop. 10,400,000 Map 85. At Join us today in lifting this vision before the Lord so that every the conclusion of a recent literature home might hear of Christ! Romans 1 (Psalms 116-118) campaign in Wallonia, 200 people ZIMBABWE - Pop. 12,600,000 Map 9. In responded to the salvation message. Praise God! Pray the Gokwe area, one of the most vicious for a new project currently underway which aims to chiefs had a sudden change of heart and reach every home in the province of Hainaut before came out in full support of the EHC workers trying to reach the end of the year. Acts 21 (Psalms 10,33). his people! Pray that salvation will come to this chief and ARGENTINA - Pop. 42,200,000 Map 223. the whole Gokwe community. Romans 2 (Psalm 119) Two young men stole National Director FRANCE - Pop. 65,600,000 Map 89. EHC Rino Bello’s car, but Rino was unharmed. workers took a gospel booklet titled Miraculously, Rino’s car was found and returned to “Finding the Hope” from home-to-home him in three hours. Praise the Lord! Pray today for during a recent campaign, and 188 people responded fruitful ministry in prisons. Recently 40 inmates were by requesting more information or accepting Jesus. newly baptised! Acts 22 (Psalms 43, 66-67). Pray that each of these 188 will grow in relationship CREATIVE ACCESS #19 - The Director with Christ! Romans 3 (Psalms 102-125)



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reports, “Praise God for the strategy of LIBERIA - Pop. 3,900,000 Map 41. Pray literature evangelism because it is the most for EHC leaders and workers as they effective method here. Through recent campaigns 5,230 move into new areas for ministry. Pray for people accepted Jesus!” Pray for God to raise up leaders who other churches and ministries to catch the “every will disciple these new believers. Acts 23 (Psalms 71, 89) home” vision, for volunteers to be recruited, and for traveling mercies! Romans 4 (Psalms 127-129) GUINEA-BISSAU - Pop. 1,600,000 Map CONGO, DEM. REP. OF - Pop. 73,600,000 45. The team invites you to join them in Map 19. Numerous churches and pastors prayer for home-to-home ministry have caught the vision of EHC and joined underway in Bafata; pray for a fruitful harvest! Praise EHC workers for evangelism and discipleship. Please the Lord for 42 new volunteers who have been trained pray that many will be receptive to the Gospel message and for six local churches partnering with EHC for the and give their lives to Jesus. Romans 5 (Psalms 130-134) outreach in Bafata. Acts 24 (Psalms 92-95)

WRITE YOUR PRAYER request and send it to us in the enclosed envelope and we will pray for you.

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