June 2012

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Get the exciting new brochure on a once - in - a - lifetime trip to Israel Don't miss it!

JUNE 2012

"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God. Amos 9:15

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President Obama and other world leaders to discuss peace and Israel's place in the world. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel for 14 years, is so concerned with Israel's safety that last year he only took 4 days off work and plans to do the same this year.

"Therefore say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.' Ezekiel 11:17


"If ever you have thought that next year or some time I will go to Israel, you must come this year as Every Home for Christ is not sure about a sightseeing Tour next year !" Make this year your...

"Next Year In Jerusalem!"

At the Israeli Yom Kippur Day of Atonement they pray at the end of the service "next year in Jerusalem?"

To the Sages who crafted the Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Liturgy in the future tense - speaking of next year rather than this year - new Jerusalem is not only a real city but also a prayer and a dream. The name Jerusalem literally means City of Peace and perhaps that is the point of the prayer - that if not this year, perhaps next year, or the year after, Jerusalem

can live up to its name and be a city of peace. We can never give up the hope that some day peace will be possible and it will be when the Prince of Peace, the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ returns and stands on the Mount of Olives. Before then you can stand on the Mount of Olives next September/ October; you can stand on the Mount of Olives and walk from there to the Garden of Gethsemane, to the open tomb where Jesus rose from the dead if you come on the Every Home for Christ tour.

SEE NEXT PAGE! Every Home for Christ Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au ehc@everyhome.org.au



Tick reply slip , phone or email and we will send you a brochure that will give you all the details. If you want a trip of a life time to the land you have been reading about all your life in the Bible, please phone or email the Every Home for Christ office or return the enclosed reply slip for a brochure.


Phone: 02 9570 8211 Email: ehc@everyhome.org.au

New Zealand

Phone: 0800 900 200 Email: ehc@everyhome.org.au

United Kingdom

Phone: 020 8940 1873 Email: admin@ehcuk.com

If you would like to organise a group from your church I would be happy to come and speak to the church or maybe you have some people you would like to invite. You could have them over to your house for the evening and I will bring a power point on Israel and if you have already been on an EHC Israel tour you could include some of your photos too. Or you could just have your own Israel party at your house without me. Some people think they are too old to go on a tour to Israel. Know we had a man 86 years old pictured below

Rev Stuart Somerville

Miriam & Scott Ford

and we have had people 30 years old pictured above; people of all ages come.

The Rev Stuart Somerville 86 years old is a retired minister and he went to Israel to see the land he had preached about all his life. Whatever your age, this tour is very comfortable with an excellent coach to take you to the sites and every night you will stay in a most comfortable hotel with a smorgasbord dinner with lots of food choices. Israel food is very much like the food we eat in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom...lots of healthy salads, vegetables, potatoes and meat you will enjoy. You will come home feeling really healthy. The most asked question is "how safe is Israel?" There is lots of talk of war and upheaval in the Middle East and this has been going on for the last 60 years or more. I have been going to Israel for 42 years and I have Eric Leach never felt insecure. But no one can guarantee safety in Israel just as we cannot guarantee safety on the streets of Australia, New Zealand or the UK or anywhere else. But be sure to know the Israel Prime Minister of 14 years is so concerned with Israel's safety that last year he only took 4 days off work and plans to do the same this coming year. There is lots of military protection. Israel has the 4th largest air force in the world after the USA, Russia and China... And if you are thinking of getting sick in Israel, Israel has developed computerised systems for ensuring proper administration

of medication, removing human error from medical treatment. This is in comparison to USA hospitals, where 7000 patients die from treatment mistakes every year. If you have a bad heart (heart condition) researchers in Israel have developed a new device that directly helps the heart failure. This new device is synchronised with a camera and helps doctors diagnose the heart's mechanical operations through sophisticated systems of sensors.

Jordon River with Eric Leach baptising some of the EHC Israel Tour group in the river where Jesus was baptised.

Something more, Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce with 145 per 10,000 as opposed to 85 in the USA, over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its workforce employed in technical professions, Israel is placed first in this category. There are only 7.8 million people living in Israel but if there were no Israel or Jewish people in the world, we would be less advantaged and less blessed than we are.

Mount of Olives

Genesis 12:3 says speaking of Israel, "All peoples on earth will be blessed through you." A list of Israel's achievements could go on and certainly the world has been blessed both spiritually and materially through Israel. I hope you can come and see for yourself. You will live in Jerusalem for 7 days/nights of the time we are in Israel and no other people in the world can proclaim a city like Jerusalem to be their capital for over 3000 years.

Garden Tomb

You will go to the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered with manuscripts thousands of years old verifying the Bible. You will go to the place of a skull where Jesus died and you will go to the open tomb in the Garden where Jesus rose again. It is marvellous... Email or phone today and get the new Israel Tour brochure. I know you'll love to be where Jesus once lived. - Eric Leach

Sea of Galilee

"The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land." (Numbers 14:7)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA In the Right Place at the Right Time Editor’s Note: Papua New Guinea, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is one of the most culturally and biologically diverse countries on earth. More than 830 languages are spoken here and there are at least as many traditional societies existing within this land of seven million people. It is also mostly rural, as only 13 percent of its people live in urban centres. The country is one of the world’s least explored, and many undiscovered species of

plants and animals are thought to exist here. It is only in the most deeply inaccessible regions of the country that enclaves of traditionally nomadic peoples still exist. Every Home for Christ has been in Papua New Guinea since 1987, and the following report by an EHC worker describes some of the challenges our pioneer missionaries face in this nation as well as the excitement that transpires in knowing people are coming to Christ in this needy land.

What a special joy it is to serve as an EHC field worker in our challenging land of Papua New Guinea. Ours is a nation of more than 830 languages, but through the help of the Holy Spirit and gospel messages in different languages we are able to share the Good News home by home.

threats. The chief of the village didn’t want us preaching the Gospel in his village and three different times threw a large bush-knife at us. Praise God, all three times he missed. Again, we did not stop spreading the Good News of Jesus.

I must tell you that since becoming involved in this work I have never been through such unusual experiences in my life! Even on my first journey into the dangerous Wapanamada settlements for home-to-home evangelism, my faith and courage were tested. I was quickly surrounded by a fierce pack of huge dogs and I truly feared for my life. I am sure this is how Daniel must have felt in the lions’ den. But for some unexplainable reason, the dogs stopped in their tracks and not even one bit me. God rescued me and I was completely safe.

Even more recently I was so excited sharing the Gospel in the nearby highlands that I became carried away and lost track of the time. I was again working alone as my coworker had returned to the EHC base. Soon it became dark and I realized it was far too late and much too dangerous to return to our main office. Suddenly a heavy rain began falling and I had to find shelter. At last I found a run-down shack and went inside. I quickly discovered the owner was very sick and had no firewood to make fire. So now I had to go looking for firewood in the rain. I found the wood we needed and then made a fire for the sick man. Later I shared the Gospel with him and also prayed for his healing. I spent the night with him knowing it was God’s plan for me to be in that place at that very time.

Some days later, in that same district, I came upon three gunmen and was informed that I had wandered into a battlefield. I was shocked. No one told me there was fighting in that area. Praise God, they let me go unharmed, even though they could have shot me not knowing if I was one of The next morning when it was light I was able to the enemy or a spy. return to the EHC office rejoicing in how God had Still, I continued to spread the Gospel and pray directed my steps in all these recent days. Truly we for the sick in every home where someone had feel like the early disciples who were pioneers in a need. Later in a distant village when another preaching the Gospel everywhere among people EHC brother had joined me, we faced even more who had never heard about Jesus.

“TheVeryHeartbeatofGod!” Thankfully this pioneering spirit in“bush”evangelism is challenging pastors of the older, more traditional churches to leave their comfort zones and become involved in EHC outreaches. This has not always been the case. Recently EHC pioneer missionaries visited homes in village settlements near the Mt. Hagen region. After their initial campaign, pastors from three different church denominations in the area were challenged by the way the EHC workers were reaching people right where they lived. These local pastors came together and decided to form a special team called Life Rescue Force to work closely with EHC in doing follow-up and discipleship of new converts in the region. They even invited members of the EHC leadership team to teach them the EHC method of reaching homes and doing effective follow-up. After two days of prayer and fasting, National Director Aaron Nikkie conducted several hours of training for these pastors. Praise God, when the training was completed, these pastors followed the Holy Spirit’s conviction and humbled themselves to join the home-to-home teams in visiting homes in the surrounding settlements. They also encouraged their church members to participate. All three pastors later testified that the ministry was a breakthrough for them because they were accustomed only to pulpit ministry. They agreed that this work was “the very heartbeat of God” because people were saved, healed, delivered, and transformed from the power of darkness into the kingdom of light. And this happened right in people’s homes and not just inside church walls as they had so long believed was the best way to evangelize and disciple believers.


Papua New Guinea National Director I came to know the Lord during my first year at college. I never attended church until that night. It was like the Lord set a trap and caught me because I never intended to attend the fellowship meeting, but I went to watch a movie, which was in the same hall. I was sitting at the back when I suddenly felt the power of God flow through me. Tears ran down my cheeks and I cried out, “Lord, not me! Not me!” I then shouted, “Lord, save me!” That night I gave my heart to the Lord and it was an awesome experience. Since then I have been on fire for Him and have never given up my faith in Christ. My wife, Roselyn, and I live in Mt. Hagen and have four children.




Located in the foothills of the Himalayas, the town of Ranikhet is known in India for its beauty and the serenity of its hills. In fact, in 1869 the British government in Delhi established Ranikhet as a military retreat for English soldiers. Ranikhet is dominated by Hindu temples that dot the landscape. It is here that EHC workers determined to take the light of the Gospel in order to reach a place renowned for its natural beauty but one that is spiritually dark. Not only were there challenges geographically in reaching this area with the Gospel due to the dangerous mountainous terrain, but during EHC’s Easter Advance, the team faced rejection and opposition. Some EHC workers, after suffering blisters on their feet and struggling through heavy rains in a flooded jungle, were completely worn out after only a few days. But they remained unwavering in their desire to reach every home and decided to complete the distribution, knowing how much in Ranikhet needed to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Before beginning the Easter Advance in the region of Basavakalyan Taluka, the EHC team spent time prayer walking to bind the powers of darkness in this difficult area. Very few believers have tried to reach this region with the Gospel due to persecution. But under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, EHC workers determined to reach the entire 190 villages for Christ! Temperatures were high and the distance to be covered was great. But praise God that every home was reached with the Gospel! Twelve volunteers spent two months canvassing the area, looking for homes and families to visit. EHC worker Albert Sudarshan says, “As our team traveled from village to village, we were amazed to see the people gladly receiving the messages and showing an interest to know more about the Lord. We have received more than 1,000 responses to the Gospel from this distribution alone!” The work was not without challenges, however. Three pioneer missionaries were beaten for the sake of the Gospel.

Queen of the Hills

...More than 1,000 respond!

INTO ALL THEWORLD ReflectionsonthePersecution of ChristiansWorldwide

EHC’s International President Dick Eastman (providing leadership from 1988 to the present) is the author of 15 books on prayer and evangelism with more than three million copies in print. Dick also serves as president of America’s National Prayer Committee.


The vision of Every Home for Christ to reach every family on earth with the Gospel was born out of faith in response to the Great Commission. Christ said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). When Christ gave the command to “Go,” He didn’t qualify it with a list of exceptions. He didn’t say go, unless the mission field is too far from home, or unless the government forbids it, or unless it might get you arrested or even killed. To the contrary, Jesus warned His disciples that if they followed Him, there would be a price to pay: “If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also”. (John 15:20). The writer of Hebrews gives even more descriptive examples of what some have endured. “They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted” (Hebrews 11:37). The road of faith is not an easy one to follow. Around the world Every Home for Christ is working with Christians who live in what we call “Creative Access” nations, where worship and evangelism may be against the law or severely restricted. As in every country where we are active, we work with Christian nationals who know the dangers better than anyone else and are ready to risk their lives. In the war-ravaged Middle East, a man named Muhammad was crippled when a powerful

bomb exploded near him and his family. Muhammad’s mother was killed, his father was wounded, and his brother lost the fingers on one hand. A team of believers in the town ministered to the family, bringing them supplies and comfort in the name of Jesus Christ. They also presented the father with a Bible. “No one came to visit us for any reason, except you Christians,” Muhammad said. “You came to help us and make us feel loved. I am certain that God is the One who sent you.” Believers in another Muslim-dominated nation began sharing gospel booklets in a local marketplace. A tailor read the booklet and accepted Christ, then shared the gospel message with his friends. They,too, accepted Christ, and a small Christ Group fellowship was formed. A continent away, a nine-year-old girl named Daiselys was born in a Communist prison. Her mother had been in and out of prisons all her life. Daiselys was living with her stepfather when she received a gospel booklet for children that told the story of Daniel. Daiselys was fascinated. She read the booklet and accepted Christ. Her transformation was dramatic. She began sharing the Good News with friends, and soon 59 children were meeting in a school, with their teacher’s blessings, to study the Bible. “Nobody can separate me from Jesus,” Daiselys said. “When my family left me, only God helped me. He opened His arms to me and has given me all the joy that I have. I am praying for my mother. I also pray for all my family so that they will know God and walk in His ways. The Lord has

given me a ray of light. Praise the Lord for He is our Good Father.” During a clandestine meeting with believers in one Middle East nation, an EHC leader and pastor encouraged the faithful and shared from God’s Word late into the night. When he finally left, an 11-year-old boy who had been listening through the evening came to him in the darkness and said, “Pastor? Please, would you pray for me?” Moved with compassion, our worker prayed for the child, and then the boy said, “Pastor? May I hug you?” “I got very emotional at his request,” the pastor said. “We hugged one another and I thanked God for the life of this boy who had come to me in the night and asked for prayer. See what God

is willing to do in lives if we only answer the call to reach everyone in every nation? Let us pray for it!” By God’s grace, we have received more than 69 million responses to the Gospel from people who live in Creative Access nations. It seems that the harvest is often greatest in the nations undergoing persecution. Political and religious leaders may try to hinder the spread of the Gospel, but nothing can stop it because our risen Lord has given a promise: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come” (Matthew 24:14). Until that day arrives, it is our task to“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

e v o L Extravagant s a beautiful thing i

Extravagant Love is truly a beautiful thing!! In Mark 14:3-9 Jesus said of the woman who took an expensive and beautiful alabaster jar which she broke and could not use again and poured the oil from the jar on Jesus' feet, Jesus said of her, "She has done a beautiful thing to me." In that moment the woman gave a most expensive gift to Jesus, possibly valued at $15,000. A gift she could not get back. Her jar was smashed and the oil gone. Sometimes we hope when we give that God will give us something back, but here the only thing Jesus gave the woman was His word, "She has done a beautiful thing to me" and that was enough! ...and, when you send your gift for Every Home for Christ workers to go and preach the Gospel, to feed the poor, to educate those who have no future without an education, you too are doing a beautiful thing for Jesus; even when you give what you cannot get back, it is enough to know that Jesus says "You are doing a beautiful thing to me". Thank you for your gifts. Thank you so very much. Jesus said, "You are doing a beautiful thing to me!"

- Eric Leach

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