NZ 2013 annual report

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Every Home Global Concern New Zealand

*1,295 girls and boys from poor families given a Primary School education *2,645 family farmers trained in Malawi & Zambia to improve their crops *114 health workers in Togo trained to educate 2,697 villagers in health & hygiene *182 women graduated in tailoring skills in India & Bangladesh

who we are Every Home for Christ (EHC) began 66 years ago with the aim to put a piece of gospel literature in every home on earth. EHC staff and trained volunteers around the world have distributed literature door-to-door in 205 nations with 101 nations completing at least one full coverage. On average, 200,580 homes are reached daily with 388,940 pieces of literature and EHC in New Zealand plays a part in this outreach. More detailed country reports are available in our monthly newsletters. Gifts given for Every Home for Christ work being carried out in New Zealand are tax deductible. Every Home Global Concern grew out of Every Home for Christ and there was a name change that took place on the 28th January 2009 as community needs became apparent. An additional goal was added: to assist the poor and disadvantaged overseas to lift themselves out of poverty and this is achieved through community development programs which give men, women and children tools and training to be empowered to make changes that last and make a positive impact in their lives. These programs are outlined in this Annual Report. An application is before the NZ Parliament for tax deductibility for overseas aid gifts given to Every Home Global Concern.

our values:

We value people; We value partners; We are grateful; We act in honesty and integrity; We are accountable.

where we work in the world: The financial support from Australia and New Zealand has enabled programs to take place in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Togo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Israel, China, Spain, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Guam and Samoa

what happens to the donations? 2012-13 Expenditure Fundraising 10% Administration 11%

Programs 79%

JOHN EALAND Vice-Chairman Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive for Summit Real Estate Blenheim. As a volunteer over 23 years, John organised events and concerts to raise funds and increase the donor base for Every Home for Christ. Vice-Chairman of New Zealand Board. ERIC LEACH Executive Director (Founding Director) Graduate, Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 17 years experience with Youth for Christ (Board and Staff). Over the past 36 years he has developed Every Home for Christ into a multi-faceted and professional Charity. Winner of 2008 Equity Trustees Special Judges award. PAUL HARTSTONGE Director Christchurch Accountant and Managing Director of a family business. Member of Burnside Elim Church and has completed a Diploma of Pastoral Leadership. Ministered 5 years with City Apostolic Church.

STEPHEN WHITWELL Director Elim Pastor for more than 29 years in the North and South islands of New Zealand. Currently serving as the Associate Pastor of Elim Christian Centre Tauranga.

from the chairman of the board ROGER MACKAY Director Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian Church.Manager of Mahu Vision Community Trust. Chairman New Zealand Every Home Global Concern Board of Directors.

It has been our pleasure as a Board to oversee the efforts of Every Home Global Concern and we join with the staff in expressing our gratitude to the donors who have made possible the results you see in this Annual Overview. This year has seen Every Home for Christ receive tax-deductibility for gifts spent in New Zealand and an application is before the Parliament for taxdeductibility for overseas aid gifts given to Every Home Global Concern. We trust that the year ahead will see even more progress. Roger Mackay

board of directors

Every Home Global Concern

African boys & girls from

1,040 families living in poverty in Malawi & Zambia now able to smile

because they have food to eat, toilets and clean water, mosquito nets to give protection from Malaria, with food stored for the future.

bringing joy to the lives of children



children from impoverished communities in Bangladesh, India, Nepal & Kenya

able to smile

because of the opportunity for a Primary School education

Around the world in many developing countries children are marginalised and cannot help themselves. As a result, many of the Every Home for Christ/Global Concern development programs focus on children. In the last 12 months 1,295 children in Bangladesh, India, Kenya and Nepal have received a Primary School education through the Sponsorship Program and we are very grateful for

the many child sponsors who have made this possible. In India & Bangladesh five schools provide the

A girl educated in one of our schools is now an Advocate in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

children with a daily nutritious meal so their families no longer need to send them out to work for food and this encourages children to stay in the program. In the India school all education is in English. Child Protection training has been introduced into all the schools this year with ongoing training of staff to further protect these children. In India a health awareness program has been introduced which is training 300 mothers and fathers in child care and development. In the Health Program in Togo, 450 children have been vaccinated and have been trained (along with their mothers) in better health & hygiene practices.

children in Togo and India

able to smile

because of the opportunity to receive basic health education

Every Home Global Concern PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone Freecall: 0800 900 200

The Food Security Program in

northern Malawi and eastern Zambia has, this year, trained 2,645 men and

women in more than 80 villages in modern farming methods, climate change, nutrition and irrigation, with the addition of income generation activities such as chicken and goat breeding in some villages. In just 12 months


families who previously lived in poverty

with limited food resources have been able to increase their income and store food for the future as well as providing nutritious food to their children. The health and well-being of families (with 47% being children) is also improving as a direct result of building 65 toilets and 103

water wells and educating in health

and hygiene practices. This year child protection training has been included as well as assisting 38 women's support

groups and including 139 people with

disabilities in the program.


African men & women in Malawi & Zambia enabled to grow crops, learn about health & hygiene, nutrition and HIV/Aids,

helping their families out of poverty

bringing joy to the lives of men & women


income generation in Togo

Our aim is to give men and women the tools so that they can lift themselves out of poverty

What joy it gives people when they can see “ the light at the end of the tunnel”. For many of the poor around the world, all they need is an opportunity and this year you have been instrumental in helping Every Home for Christ/Global Concern increase the joy of the poor as they begin to find a way out of their misery ... from the slums of Bangladesh, a low-caste village in India, and impoverished villages in Malawi, Zambia and Togo. In 2013 an evaluation was done of the Bangladesh Community Development Program over the last 10 years to see what long-term difference it had made to educate children, train women in sewing and help men own their own rickshaw.

The results were amazing!

97% of the people evaluated recorded an increase in levels of income. (54% had not been earning any regular income before the program commenced). As the result of increased income 24% started their own business, 14% found permanent employment 6% bought land or a house and 17% of families were able to send their children for further education. 88% of the students surveyed completed Secondary School, 18% completed tertiary education and 24% reported finding permanent employment. An overwhelming result was that the people surveyed reported they are now “living well” .

Many, many thanks for your financial support which has made all this possible and has literally

changed lives!!!


Over the last 4 years 155 people have travelled with Every Home Global Concern to Israel and Jordan and, some years, also to Egypt. This year 42 people were part of this annual 18-day lifechanging trip to Israel and Jordan.


“ Thank you for giving us the opportunity of a lifetime to visit the “ Holy Land”. What an incredible experience that was!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Dot

Lorraine Leach Office Consultant

Eric Leach Executive Director

Aaron Moore Overseas Projects Manager

Miriam Ford Secretary to the Executive Director

Katherine Franks Overseas Projects Manager

Mei Lan Loh Book-keeper Diplave Pokhrel Financial Secretary Billy McCartney Volunteer - Accounts

Debbie Wilmshurst Sponsorship Secretary

Justin Franks Development Officer

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