Israel Update:
Israel Update: What is God doing in Israel?
"There are always events taking place in Israel that are played out on the world stage and many Jews are finding their Messiah, but there is still a long way to go ... Bob Mendelsohn. Is it good for the Jews? This is the number one question Jewish people ask when given almost any new situation, particularly media reports about Israel. A new movie comes out and tells us about the Holocaust and Jewish people ask, “Is it good for the Jews?” The Pope comes to Israel and Jewish people worldwide mutter, “Is it good for the Jews?” A Jewish man owns a Melbourne football club and he comes under scrutiny from the courts. The club asks, “What is happening with our club?” But the Jews ask, “Is it good for the Jews?” The Pope’s recent visit to the Holy Land highlights the shrinking numbers of historic Christians in the region. Although there are three world religions based in that region, only Christianity and Judaism have founders who were there. Mohammed never visited Jerusalem, nor is it mentioned in the Koran. Even so, the Pope sought to reach out to the Muslims in an uncomfortable way. Still, he had to notice the shrinking of Christian presence. According to John Allen Jr., senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and senior Vatican analyst for CNN, “In 1948, Christians represented 20 percent of the population in what is now Israel. Today, he says, less than two percent [150,000], amidst the 6.4 million Jews and four million Palestinians.”1 Allen cites a 2005 study in Bethlehem, where the Christian percentage of the population has fallen from 80 to 20 percent, concluded that Christians’ middle class status and higher education were the most important contributors to their emigration. But what of Muslim pressure to leave? Christian influence in the Holy Land Some observers believe if Christianity disappears, the prospects for peace become much dimmer though they were a minority since the rise of Islam in the seventh century, Arab Christians have long played a leading role in the region’s social, political
and economic affairs. For example, Syrian Michel Aflaq, the intellectual founder of the Ba’ath Party, was born in Damascus in 1910 to Christian parents. Literary theorist and Palestinian activist Edward Said likewise has Christian parentage. The reality of Christian influence in the region is unmistakable. Their growth in numbers and return to the Land may be something for which many people dream and pray. Pope Benedict XVI landed in Israel in May and immediately entangled himself in the political mire, which is modern Israel. After he lauded the role of security and peace between ‘both peoples (Arabs and Israelis), he commented on the evils of antiSemitism. He called for peace and then sat down. Unlike most of us, he is not there as a single tourist. He was not a private citizen of Rome. He is a representative of a billion people on the planet. So when a Muslim activist, Taysir Tamimi spoke for 10 minutes (unscheduled) about the evil of Israel’s occupation, the Pontiff was required to respond. He did not. Tamimi said, “Christians and Muslims must work together against Israel.” That is no security and that is not peace. All the while, Jewish people wonder to themselves or aloud, “Is it good for the Jews?” David Brickner is the leader of Jews for Jesus international and wrote in the February 2009 Australia (JFJ)2 newsletter about the plight of the persecuted church in Israel. He too says, “The Arab church is rapidly shrinking out of existence. They are being squeezed and pummelled by an increasingly extreme and strident form of Islam, a process that currently seems to be unchecked by an Israeli government that is struggling to cope with numerous political matters.” Brickner reminds the readers not only of the persecution of Arab Christians, but also of Jewish Christians. Today only 15,000 Israeli Jews are following Jesus as Messiah and Lord3. That’s a big step up from the 3,000 in 1980, but still it is a far cry from having reached the general populace. Less than one tenth of one percent believe in our Messiah. We have a lot of work to do. He says, “I must admit I felt hesitant about pointing out the
persecution that Jewish and Arab believers in Jesus undergo in Israel. I don’t want any of our friends who read this newsletter, to misunderstand or jump to conclusions about who and how many are to blame.” Yet it is true, radical Islamists are pushing the envelope using political expediency and gaining world opinion about being the persecuted, instead of the church, the true believers in the Lord of Heaven and Earth. After citing various episodes of attack, Brickner calls on all believers to pray on behalf of those in distress. So what is good for the Jews? The ‘good’ is this, according to Brickner, “more Jewish people are open to the Gospel than ever before.” Last year alone tens of thousands of Israelis heard the gospel directly via a gospel tract on the streets, as well as via phone or mail. No doubt hundreds of thousands of others heard or saw the Gospel from bus and billboard advertisements, from the Morning Talk Shows and radio adverts more than ever before. Even as I write this article on the heels of the papal visit to the Land, Jews for Jesus is conducting the third of 12 evangelistic campaign outreaches in another region of Israel, Upper Shefelah. Jewish believers from Israel and from outside the Land are gathered in that historic area and are proclaiming the Saviour among Jews, especially Russian Jews, like never before. Still A long way to go There are now over 100 Messianic communities and bible groups meeting from Dan to Beersheba (the biblical way of saying from the northernmost north to the southernmost south.) Each of those is constricted by Jewish and Muslim hostility. Each of those is seeking to bring the Gospel to their own. Each of those reports growth and life from heaven as a result of
Some observers believe that if Christianity disappears, the prospects for peace become that much dimmer. believers’ prayers. It is not only happening in Israel, but that’s the focus of this article. We are seeing and hearing about Jewish people in Far East Russia, even the leader of the synagogue in a significant village, who have come to faith in Jesus. We have heard about Jews in Argentina and Adelaide and Sweden who are now following Jesus . How awesome is God to bring many in the last days to himself. We still have a lot of work to do. The gospel has to go to the ends of the earth before the end comes. A journalistic view Larry Derfner is a feature writer for The Jerusalem Post. Derfner admits to being left-wing and a nouveau-Israelophile. He was born in the US but moved to Israel and served in the army, got married, found a job and settled there. As a writer, he covers a wide range of topics, including most recently Messianic Jews (Jews who believe in Jesus as Messiah). He had an opinion based on popular caricaturing of our being Bible-bashers and anti-government. He intended to run an expose similar to one of another feature writer for the Hebrew daily Yediot Aharanot. A reporter had gone ‘undercover’ in three different messianic congregations and then wrote false information and was painting us as unstable. Derfner’s intention was similar, but he would
not go undercover. He went above board. And then what he found in his research and reporting was markedly different to the Yediot report. He says4, They are a benign bunch of native Israelis and immigrants who were spiritually hungry and found a new faith community. In a way it’s kind of ironic. They are so shunned by the Israeli establishment, but in their neigbourhoods, nobody hassles them. The official attitude is not approval, it is disapproval.” Yet his conclusion is, “The music is beautiful. People are praying and they are so into it. How can you not like that? How can you not like them?” Reports from Jewish Christian Television hosts Jeffery Seif (Zola Levitt Presents), David Chagall (The Last Hour), Neil and Jamie Lash (Jewish Jewels) and Jonathan Bernis (Jewish Voice Today) all report significant outreach and personal ministry in the Land of Israel. We hope to write more about those ministries in the months to come. For now, rejoice with us that Jews (and others) are finding Jesus a Saviour and Lord and although persecution comes, Jesus is indeed ‘good for the Jews!’ Bob Mendelsohn Director, Jews for Jesus Australia
REFERENCES: John Allen Jr quotes and references from CNN online edition, World section, 11 May 2009
David Brickner quotes are from Volume 10:4, Jews for Jesus newsletter, February 2009
Reported in Time magazine, 6 June 2008
Derfner Quotes are from Jerusalem Post, 8 August 2008
PAKISTAN FLOODS Already you have seen enough on the television news and in the newspapers to tell you how terrible are the Pakistan floods. More than 20 million people are displaced, 6 million are crying for emergency aid and cholera is spreading.
$100 Emergency Packs similar to the one being distributed in the photo will be distributed by Every Home for Christ. Each emergency pack will include ... One tent and two rugs. 10kgs flour (bag) 5kgs of rice (bag) a 3 litre bottle of cooking oil a 3kg of sugar (bag) 1 Packet of tea leaves 3 kg pack of dry milk powder 1 packet of salt 4 different kinds of lentils (each 1kg) 1 pack of drinking water containing 12 bottles x1 litre water in each bottle First Aid box
PHOTO: Tent and food, similar to what will be given by Every Home for Christ. AAP/Anjum Naveed
In addition to this emergency pack, clothes and shoes for children and adults, sleeping bags/ bedding and medicine are needed. In addition to this, Pakistan Every Home for Christ are encouraging Christian medical professionals to make up medical teams for the millions who suffer as a result of the floods. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated.
There are no supermarkets here, no shops to buy bread, milk, meat or vegetables;there is lots of water but no water to drink, no house to sleep in and no chance to leave... nowhere to get away!
Pictured here are men trying to save their is their only hope of milk and meat if all else fails.
Their only help is our help!
AAP/Shakil Adil
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
Matthew 25:36
Every Home for Christ is coordinating ongoing evangelism and discipleship programs that impact more than 200,000 inmates in 11 nations, and is working with prison ministry teams in nearly all of the 100 nations where Every Home Campaigns are in progress. Worldwide, nearly ten million men and women are incarcerated in penal institutions, convicted of crimes ranging from theft to murder. Prison facilities and the treatment of inmates vary widely around the world. Western prisons follow guidelines that ensure humane treatment of inmates, but prison conditions can be vastly different in other nations. In ARGENTINA, female convicts can keep their children with them in prison until the child reaches the age of four. This can create an atmosphere conducive to child abuse and neglect. In many developing nations, inmates depend on family members to provide them with food, clothing and special medical care. Inmates whose families are not able to supply the basic necessities, or who have been abandoned by their families, often wear rags and eat only what they are able to beg from other inmates. The criminal culture within prisons creates an atmosphere of violence and moral
decay. It has been reported that AIDS is the leading cause of death in South African prisons. Diseases like TB often spread quickly through prison populations. Wherever the setting, prison inmates have lost their freedom and often face a hopeless future. In Argentina EHC had a major involvement in the transformation of Los Olmos Prison, where nearly half of the prison’s 3,000 inmates heard the Gospel and responded in faith. The atmosphere in the prison changed so dramatically that the warden was able to reduce the number of guards needed to maintain order in the prison. At one maximum security prison where EHC has a prison outreach a group of dangerous inmates overpowered the guards and tried to organize an escape. When the ordeal was finally over, EHC Director Rino Bello was encouraged to learn that none of the inmates who had accepted Christ were involved in the takeover attempt. More than 600 inmates at Sierra Chica Prison have accepted Christ. A group of 200 inmates at the prison were recently baptized. Pictured For many years, a pastor named Samuel Desimone coordinated EHC’s Good News Behind Bars outreach. He and his wife, Noemi, ministered to thousands of men and women in
different prisons. When Pastor Desimone passed away a few years ago, Noemi, now 75, continued ministering in the prisons. Noemi recently helped lead a convicted murderer named Gabriela to Christ. Noemi visited the EHC office in Buenos Aires to pick up gospel literature, Bible-study lessons and Bibles to take to Gabriela. “Gabriela is now leading a group of women who also received the Lord,” said EHC Director Rino Bello. “The prison houses approximately 150 women, 40 of whom have received the Lord through the evangelistic work of Noemi Desimone. “Please pray for Noemi, who works tirelessly for
the Lord, visiting four prisons every week.” An inmate named Joao had his life transformed. “Men of God, you have brought light and life into my life,” Joao said. “We have been visited by various preachers here, but they never preached the way you are doing. Thank you for bringing this message to me and my fellow inmates here. God bless you. Continue to visit us here.” An inmate on death row in ZAMBIA was convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. Shortly before he died, another inmate who had accepted Christ through EHC’s prison ministry led the condemned man to the Lord.
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The Answer to Prayer is Receiving! "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him..." - 1 John 3:22 "...if his son asks for bread, will he give him a stone? or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?" - Matt 7:9,10 Prayer is not just spiritual exercise. No, The Bible Teaches That an Answer to Prayer Is Getting What You Asked for prayer is asking. There ought to be adoration and meditation and thanksgiving Often our way of expecting nothing when to be sure, but at the heart of prayer, prayer we talk to God, is not the way the Bible is asking. We are told, "you have not teaches. The Bible promises clearly and because you ask not"(James 4:2). We are teaches us to expect God to give us just promised, "Ask, and it shall be given you; what we ask for when we pray aright. seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall According to the Bible, a genuine answer to be opened unto you" (Matt. 7:7). many, prayer is simply getting what you ask for. many Scriptures show that prayer, in the See how clear this is in the Scriptures. Bible sense, is asking God definitely for For example, Jesus said, something. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and Now there is another side to that truth. If you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened prayer is asking, then the answer to unto you; for every one that asks receives; prayer must be receiving. It is the will of and he that seeks finds; and to him that our loving heavenly father that we should knocks it shall be opened." be able to come to Him day by day, ask Now, in this Scripture if asking is prayer, what we want, and receive it.
then receiving is the answer to prayer. In these words of Jesus, if seeking is prayer, then finding is the answer to prayer. If knocking is prayer, then having the door opened to us is God's answer to prayer. Again in John 16:24 Jesus said, "Ask, and you shall receive." Here if asking is prayer, then receiving is the answer to prayer. In James 4:2 we are told that "you have not, because you ask not." If asking here is prayer, then God's Word says that having is the answer to prayer. "An answer to prayer is a granting of the thing which a child asks of his heavenly Father, according to the directions which his Father has clearly set down. If someone prays in a Scriptural way for relief from finacial difficulties, he will be relieved. If he prays in a Scriptural way for victory over the powers of evil, he will obtain victory. An answer to prayer is a granting of the thing desired. If the proper answer of prayer is a "yes" answer, and if a Christian who prays in a normal and Scriptural way should receive that for which he prays, then when a Christian does not get what he prays for, the Christian should begin a thorough investigation. He knows that God is not wrong. He should set out to discover by the Word of God and by the leading of the Holy Spirit why his prayer has not been accepted and answered. How to pray in the Will of God for a "Yes"Answer The average Christian does not usually get exactly what he asks for from God. Very often the average Christian expects nothing. His prayers are indefinite; they do not pointedly and plainly ask for concrete, definite answers. "Indefinite prayers" are usually not really meant to be answered. The indefinite prayer is not asking, and it does not expect an answer of having.
God does not like us to come with such unbelief, such stumbling, doubting, and uncertainty. No, God wants us to find out how to pray according to His will for things which can honor His great name; and then He wants us to expect definite and exact answers to those prayers. If we ask for bread, He wants us to expect bread, and not a stone. If we ask for fish, He wants us to expect fish, and not a snake. If we ask for an egg, He wants us to expect an egg, and not a scorpion Luke 11:11-12. He wants praying to be on the basis of asking and receiving as simple as that of a child and his own father. And for that kind of praying, there are certain important requirements. Before we can pray in the will of God with the certainty of getting what we ask for, certain important conditions must be met. 1. First of all there must be a full surrender to the will of God. There can be no happy, successful prayer life for a rebellious child of God. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself also in the Lord; and he shall give you the desires of your heart." Remember that when Jesus taught us to pray He said the very first requests we are to make are these, "Hallowed be Thy name, Thy will be done on earth..." God is our Father, and children should be subject to their father. We are not our own. We are bought and paid for, redeemed with the awful price of Calvary. There can be no victory in prayer except as the heart humbly bows and says, "My Father, show me how to pray in Your will, I want to ask what will please You. I want to have what You want me to have." Every Christian who wants to be able to pray for certain definite things and get exactly what he prays for, day after day, should first pray, like the disciples of old, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). God delights to answer the prayer of a surrendered heart, wholly surrendered to His will.
2. Next, we must have a heart-understanding of God's Word, so we may know the will of God. How can we ask with any assurance that God will be pleased to give us what we ask, unless we know something of His will? For this reason Jesus said: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7) 1 John 1:9 says that "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 3. Next, to pray in the will of God one needs the leadership of the Holy Spirit. With out the Holy Spirit's guidance, our poor carnal minds would get only the bare letter of the Bible, and not understand the will of God; for spiritual things are spiritually discerned. And there are a thousand details on which we need to know the mind of God, about which the bare letter of the Word of God does not give information. "Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Romans 8:26,27). No, we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but our infirmity in this matter is helped by the Holy Spirit. He makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. When Jesus rose from the dead, He breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Ghost" (John 20:22). Now from that time, every born again person has the Holy Spirit abiding in his body. Romans 8:9 says, "But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of
Christ, he is none of his." First Corinthians 6:19,20 says, "What? Know not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you are brought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods". Every prayer that is honestly presented in Jesus' name will be answered. That is the express statement of John 14:13,14 "And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask ANYTHING in my name, I will do it." There it is as plain as day. Anything asked in Jesus' name, will be given. Go over your prayer list. Criticize and weigh carefully every item. Are you asking this for a personal, selfish reason? Is it according to the written Word of God? And does the Holy Spirit specially lead you out in prayer for this? If you have given up your own will and if it stands the test of the last two points, then you may with holy boldness storm the gates of Heaven to get the answer to your prayer, and say like Jacob, "I will not let you go, unless you bless me!: (Gen. 32:26) Remember that prayer is ASKING. Remember that an answer to prayer is HAVING. Therefore, "ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24) "Ye have not, because you ask not" (James 4:2) "Ask , and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened" (Matt 7:7,8) Prayer is asking, and the answer to prayer is having!
Every Home for Christ
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Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Revelation - Genesis For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.
PAKISTAN -Pop 170,489,500 Map 126. Pray for Pakistan flood victims. This is a great tragedy. EHC will help with relief packages of tents, food and rugs. Pray that they will soon have food, shelter and spiritual awareness. Revelation 21 CREATIVE ACCESS- Pray for the safety and protection of families working in Creative Access nations. Each day they are faced with extreme and challenging situations. Pray that God would continue to guide and direct as progress is made in reaching out to those living in these dark regions. Revelation 22 (Jeremiah 37-39,52) UKRAINE - Pop 44,500,000 Map 99. Pray for EHC’s partnership with Christian students attending Rivne University. These students will be trained to assist evangelists to reach 250,000 homes by the end of the year. Genesis 1 (Jeremiah 40-44)
MYANMAR- Pop 49,600,000 Map 133. Pray for follow-up discipleship efforts among new believers in the cities of Yangon and Mandalay. These areas were reached with the Gospel during EHC’s summer outreaches. Pray also for the provision of a motorbike for evangelist Zaw Zaw Cho.Genesis 2 (Lamentations 1-5) SERBIA - Pop 7,600,000 Map 70. Pray for teams working in the southwest region which borders Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The majority of the population is Muslim and this is the first time this area has received the Gospel. To date, more than 80 responses have been received from this region. Genesis 3 (2 Chronicles 36:1-8, Daniel 1-4)
GERMANY - Pop 81,700,000 Map 81. EHC’s National Director, Bernd Tocha, asks for prayer for a newly-designed gospel message geared especially toward young people. More than 20,000 copies have been distributed among teens since early June. Pray that it would bear much fruit and have a lasting impact on the lives of the young seeking truth. Genesis 7 (2 Chronicles 36:9-21, Psalm 137) GHANA - Pop 22,700,000 Map 38. Pray for EHC’s National Director, Karl Menyah, who will be travelling to the western region to hold a five-day training event for 300 leaders from among ten partnering churches. The training will be focused on how to effectively use and present EHC’s Heart of Man chart for evangelism purposes Genesis 8 (Ezekiel 1-3) ISRAEL TOUR - Today 50 EHC supporters and friends will leave home to tour Israel with Every Home for Christ. Pray for their safe travel and a safe and blessed time in Israel as they see the places were Jesus once lived and meet with Evan & Maala Thomas, Elisheva Damkani, the new EHC Israel staff and Dr Dick Eastman. Returning to Sydney October 26th and Auckland October 27th. Genesis 9 (Ezekiel 4-11)
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CZECH REPUBLIC - Pop.10,300,000 Map 80. Working in conjunction with six local churches, EHC teams are evangelising 20 different communities, targeting 48,000 families to receive the Gospel. One of these communities lies just outside the city of Prague and represents 11,600 families. Pray for hearts to be open to receive Christ. Genesis 10 (Ezekiel 12-17) MOLDOVA - Pop 3,500,000 Map 100. Hristos Pentru Toti is the name of EHC’s newest work, launched earlier this year. EHC’s National Director, Nicolae Sili, asks that EHC friends and family pray for guidance as new evangelism teams are trained and equipped to evangelise throughout the nation. Genesis 11 (Ezekiel 18-20)
EAST TIMOR - Pop 1,100,000 Map 142. Pray for Brother Y, a pioneer missionary who has been working to share the Gospel along the border region between East Timor and Indonesia. Pray that the need for New Testaments for new believers would be provided. Genesis 4 (Daniel 5-6) ZAMBIA- Pop 12,500,000 Map 14. Praise BELGIUM - Pop 10,500,000 Map 85. Pray for EHC God for continued amazing results of evangelism teams as they work to share the EHC’s “Visit Me In Prison” campaign. To Gospel in Mechelen, Lierre, Waregem, Roeseclare and Anvers. The evangelistic outreach in Anvers has date, a total of 1,238 prisoners have accepted Christ, been the most challenging and it is evident that unusual and more than 30 Christ Groups have been formed methods will be required as the people are very resistant. within the prisons. Genesis 12 (Ezekiel 21-24) Genesis 5 (Daniel 7-9) MACEDONIA - Pop 2,000,000 Map 72. All that remains to complete EHC’s first coverage CHILE - Pop 16,900,000 Map 218. Pray for the is the outreach in the far western portion of volunteer force, which includes many pastors, working in earthquake-ravaged areas. Pray that in the nation where there are roughly 20,000 families waiting this time of accelerated outreach, the Gospel can be to hear the Gospel. Pray for God’s wisdom, direction and preached with courage and power and that miracles of favour in being able to reach these families. Genesis 13 (Ezekiel 25-28) God will be seen. Genesis 6 (Daniel 10-12)
NIGER - Pop 15,300,000 Map 35. Praise God for open doors for EHC evangelist Issoufou to share the Gospel via radio. Previous attempts to reach Muslim areas of Dosso have met with resistance. However, the Muslim community is very receptive to radio so pray for Issoufou’s efforts.Genesis 14 (Ezekiel 29-32) BENIN - Pop. 8,800,000 Map 36. Because of the growing number of Christ Groups being established throughout Benin, there is a tremendous need for trained Christ Group leaders. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help identify faithful, committed leaders for new Christ Groups. Genesis 15 (Ezekiel 33-35) TANZANIA - Pop. 42,900,000 Map 16 Pray for the provision of 120 bicycles for field workers and one 4x4 vehicle for EHC’s National Director, Benowartd Ungele. These transportation needs are necessary in order to expand the work in Tanzania, reaching into very remote areas. Genesis 16 (Ezekiel 36-39) FRANCE - Pop 61,400,000 Map 88. Praise God for a new gospel message titled,“Finding Hope.”No bigger than a credit card, it has 25 illustrated pages to communicate a message of hope and new life in Jesus Christ. Pray for the 36,685 communities within France, 27,400 with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants that are being reached Genesis 17 (Ezekiel 40-42)
NICARAGUA - Pop 5,700,000 Map 182. Praise the Lord for a team of pastors from the United States who travelled to Nicaragua to work alongside EHC’s team, visiting four communities among the Miskito people. To date, there have been more than 155 responses. Genesis 18 (Ezekiel 43-48) TOGO - Pop 6,600,000 Map 37. In a recent evangelism outreach to the village of Todome, the village Chief, Komlanvi, gave his heart to Jesus. As Komlanvi grows in the Lord,pray that God will especially strengthen his faith and use him as a testimony to impact others in his village. Genesis 19 (2 Chronicles 36:22, 23, Ezra 1:1 to 5:1)
21 22
ROMANIA - Pop 21,000,000 Map 76. EHC teams are gearing up to saturate the town of Oltenia, the poorest region in all of Romania, where the gypsy colony of the “Roms” make their home. The Roms are known for their practices in the occult. Pray for the teams as they enter this spiritual battlefield. Genesis 20 (Haggai 1-2)
SENEGAL - Pop 12,400,000 Map 46. Pray for EHC teams as they encounter resistance and persecution among Muslim communities. Pray God’s protection over new converts in the village of Bacoboffe who have been enduring severe persecution, even to the point of death-threats and homes being set on fire. Genesis 23 (Zechariah 12-14)
AUSTRIA - Pop 8,300,000 Map 78. Pray for urgently needed resources to provide additional storage space for EHC’s gospel messages, follow-up materials and Bibles. The current storage space is not adequate to meet the growing expansion efforts in Austria and the requests for follow-up and Bibles. Genesis 24 (Psalms 107, 126)
MONGOLIA - Pop 2,700,000 Map 174. Pray for EHC teams as they continue to partner with local churches. In one outreach EHC partnered with six different churches, forming eight teams to reach 3,500 families. This campaign resulted in 131 responses. Pray also for “fruit that would remain” as leaders begin the process of discipleship. Genesis 25 (Ezra 5:2 to 6:22)
MOZAMBIQUE - Pop 22,700,000 Map 8. Pray for a new element that is being introduced in the home-to-home evangelism outreaches—the use of prayer bands. The bands are handed out to each individual in the home. They are brightly colored and share Scriptures that emphasize the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. Genesis 26 (Esther 1-2)
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Pop 3,800,000 Map 169. Pray for EHC teams as they evangelise in the town of Janja, in the northeast part of the country. Half the population are Serbs and half are Muslim, yet they live in relative peace and tolerance of each other. Pray for favour and blessing as teams bring the Prince of Peace to Janja. Genesis 27 (Esther 3-7)
BANGLADESH - Pop 153,300,000 Map 130. Pray for EHC’s National Director, Daniel, and his family as they celebrate the engagement of their oldest son, Anthoniel. As part of Bangladeshi culture, the parents choose the wife for INDIA - Pop 1,161,900,000 Map 127. Pray for their son. Pray that God would bless this new union. EHC evangelism teams as they conduct Genesis 28 (Esther 8-10) outreaches in the midst of extreme SAMOA - Pop 177,000,000 Map 157. Praise temperatures. Pray that youth who have volunteered to God for providing an additional team member work alongside evangelists for late summer and early for the EHC-Samoa office staff. Pray for autumn campaigns would realize the significance of their effective partnerships among churches that all will work short-term ministry. Genesis 21 (Zechariah 1-8) together in harmony to share the light of Christ among the NEPAL - Pop 29,000,000 Map 131. Pray for islands of Samoa. Genesis 29 (Ezra 7-10) evangelism outreaches taking place among small remote villages nestled in the mountainous regions of Nepal. These villages must be reached before Nepal’s harsh winter sets in. Pray also for the request and send it to us in the enclosed necessary resources to repair EHC’s storage facility, where envelope and we will pray for you. gospel materials are stored. Genesis 22 (Zechariah 9-11)