October 2009

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Malawi Africa

Photo: Westmedia 2009

October 2009



EHC Director José Messias de Melo says, “With this new project, every believer can open his home, inviting friends, relatives and neighbours, and turn it into a small transmitting cell for the Word of God.” The same evangelistic materials are also being used in hospitals and prisons. “Our hospital chaplains have been taking this message to the sick, People in homes and in some prisons it and hospitals, prisons has been transmitted and schools, jungles via DVD to large and high-rise cities screens,” José said. are giving their lives unbearable for her. “Prison chaplains are better in my home. I to Christ in response The booklet was titled have a brother who is taking the precious to EHC’s gospel “New Life.” message of liberation addicted to drugs. outreaches. “I really needed a to those who are Please send him the Twenty-five years new life!” Natalia said. biblical studies, ‘The imprisoned, both ago a young man “I was living a physically and Way to a Happy Life.’ named José found an nightmare. I did not Also, I ask your prayers spiritually.” EHC gospel booklet have peace; The mission to take for his recovery from on the roadside. He everything was empty drugs. I hope he can the Gospel to every says, “That was when and meaningless. home has drawn EHC be set free just like I my life changed from Many times I thought was in Christ. I want to workers into the water to wine. I of taking my own life.” bring all my family to remotest regions of immediately sought a “After reading the the great Amazon the Lord!” church and accepted booklet I felt the Basin and into In addition to Jesus as my Lord and strength to believe mobilizing churches to crowded cities like São Saviour! Today I am and to surrender my Paulo and Rio de share the Gospel involved in God’s life to Jesus. I knew Janeiro. But in every home to home, EHC work all because I that only He could setting, people share Brazil has created a read a throwaway save me and set me home evangelism and the same need for a booklet from your free of the traumas Saviour, and they discipleship kit for ministry.” that haunted me. The individuals. EHC receive His gift of Recently, another Holy Spirit—through provides believers salvation with joy. Pray EHC gospel booklet EHC's gospel booklet with gospel booklets that the Holy Spirit will helped transform the was able to bring a for distribution and a continue to prepare life of a young woman miracle to my heart. I DVD with discipleship hearts to accept Christ named Natalia, whose forgave my father and lessons that can be and echo the words, “I violent, alcoholic I feel the atmosphere shown at home in a really needed a new father had made life changing for the life!” small group setting. very Home for Christ has been mobilising believers in Brazil to share the Gospel for 46 years, with more than 1.2 million people responding to the EHC evangelistic campaign. The enthusiasm of the churches and the great need for people to hear the Good News keeps EHC on a mission to proclaim Christ throughout the entire nation.


“I Really Needed A New Life!”

BRAZIL GREAT NEWS! EHC supporters do a great thing! You’ll remember in May we told you about the mighty Amazon River in Brazil and a great need for boats and we invited EHC people to buy a boat for the Amazon or help with a gift‌.

Well it happened!

4 BOATS WERE DONATED 2 EHC supporters purchased 2 boats at $45,000 each 2 EHC supporters purchased 2 boats at $15,000 each Other supporters gave gifts of all sizes $10, $20, $50, $100, $1000, $5000 and every gift is a gift from God through you and we are grateful.


But there is still a “big” need.


The two big boats need to be turned into “hospital ships” and there is an additional cost of $15,000 to turn one of these boats into a hospital ship inside. $15,000 is needed for each of the big boats. Also we now know we need additional funds for the smaller boats too and it will cost an extra $6000 each. $6000 is needed for each of the two smaller boats. We trust to get these boats into the waters of the Amazon, to give “relief help” to the sick, the hungry, those who need clothing and to give Gospel literature to those who need to read it for the first time in their life…. So if God puts it in your heart to help, please be sure to see the “Reply Slip” enclosed and send your gift. Ask God and He will tell you what to do! He still “speaks” to those who listen for Him. May God continue to use you in even greater measure.

Eric Leach



From the President An Attitude of Praise and Worship


by Dick Eastman

"I will give thanks to references to instruments and songs the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all of praise (Revelation Your wonders. I will be 5:8-9; 14:2-3; 15:2-3). I glad and exult in You; I especially like the phrase, “and they sang will sing praise to Your name, O Most High” a new song” (Revela(Psalm 9:1-2, NASB). tion 5:9; 14:3). Music and song are important today as we Give Glory to God. worship God, both Music ministry plays a Consider the Psalms. individually and key role in the life of In Hebrew, the word corporately. Following most churches. Sadly, for psalms (tehillim) are three ways in I’ve seen means “songs of which we can use disagreements over praise.” The Psalms are music as a vehicle for praise and worship some of the most worship and praise. drive congregations beautiful revelations apart. Some think of poetry and praise in Sing Praises to the Lord. “Christian rock” is a sin, When I teach Schools but I’ve seen young Scripture. of Prayer, I encourage people fall to their When Solomon intercessors to spend knees in tears and dedicated the temple time giving adoration accept Jesus as Savior and the Lord filled it and praise to the Lord. in response to a rock with His glory, the band’s altar call. Levites were there with As part of your prayer time, sing your favorite I remember a instruments in hand: hymn to the Lord and worship service in “The priests stood at let your spirit soar and Africa where I couldn’t their posts, and the create a new song that understand the lively Levites also, with the words that were being instruments of music to only you and the Lord will ever know. sung, but it was as if I the Lord, which King Follow David’s could feel God David had made for example when he said, propping up the walls giving praise to the Lord—‘for His lovingkindness is everlasting’—whenever Dick Eastman is the international he gave praise by their president of Every Home for Christ. means, while the He also serves as president of priests on the other America’s National Prayer Committee. Dick’s passion for side blew trumpets; prayer and world evangelism has and all Israel was prompted him to write a dozen books on the subjects, including standing” (2 Chronicles his latest “Delight” trilogy, devoted 7:6, nasb). to intercessory worship and praise. In the book of Revelation we find

and smiling back from heaven in response to the joyful praise. Music offered to the Lord in an attitude of worship and praise can take sounds that may be foreign to our ears, but God is glorified. Let’s put His glory first, and not allow personal preferences to stand in the way. Sing Without Ceasing. One of my favorite verses of Scripture is 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” There are similar verses in Ephesians that also encourage believers to fill their hearts and minds with songs of prayer and praise: “Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father” (Ephesians 5:18-20, nasb). Musical expressions of worship and praise will be part of our lives for eternity. Let us get in as much practice as we can now, singing songs of praise that bring glory to the Lord.



HC workers encounter unique situations as they share the Good News in Malawi. In every setting, people are turned to Jesus. Local believers joined forces with EHC to share the Good News in the villages of Thundu and Ekwayuweni. The distribution teams also invited people to open-air meetings in the evening, where they presented a salvation message and showed the Jesus film to over 800 people. “We give all the honour and glory to the Lord for the chance to bring 93 people to Him,” said local church leader Pastor Nkhunika. “We also prayed for the sick and encouraged the backslidden with the Word of God.” In another village, 42 people accepted Christ in response to houseto-house distributions. The evangelists also shared the Gospel in a camp where villagers brew a local beer. Nine people in the village brewery accepted Christ. One of the greatest challenges to sharing the Gospel in Malawi is ministering to 3.5 million Yao people. At least 90 percent of the Yao are Muslims. EHC


MALAWI Churches Have Fallen in Love With the EHC Vision!

cordinated a unique campaign to involve local churches in Yao evangelism. EHC welcomed 259 church leaders from six strategic regions within the Yao population belt to a special training in home to- home evangelism, using EHC literature. The leaders were encouraged to return to their churches and each train a team of 15 volunteer evangelists to share the Gospel home to home. Within two months, nearly 4,000 believers were sharing the Gospel among the Yao and other people groups. “The project has proved to be a great success,” said

many churches.” There is a tremendous need among many churches for Bible-based training in evangelism and discipleship. To meet the need, EHC Malawi is creating Mobile Training Centres where pastors, evangelists, lay leaders, and people who have a heart for sharing their faith can come for concentrated training sessions that equip them for effective evangelism and discipleship. EHC Director Simon Msowoya. “This project “This is a great blessing as well as a has brought great transformation among breakthrough for our nation,” Director the Yao people. The campaign was the first Msowoya said. “The most exciting thing of its kind, drawing about this strategy is hundreds to Christ.” that we are taking Director Msowoya training to places is encouraged by the cooperation of church where the harvest is being gathered, and leaders from different there is a great need denominations. to train people how EHC trains and equips churches for home-to- to preserve it. These home evangelism, but are people who are on fire for the Lord, each church takes full of zeal and ownership of the enthusiasm. I deeply evangelism outreach and makes it their own. believe that kingdom work in Africa will “The churches have completely change fallen in love with the as Mobile Training EHC vision and are Centres help build a involving us in their solid foundation for activities as well,” Director Msowoya said. preserving the harvest through discipleship “We have working training. Praise the Lord!” partnerships with

MALAWI SADNESS 3 DIE Pastor William E. Kulemera Died 17th June, 2009 Three Every Home for Christ Evangelists have died from Malaria. Sadly, they leave behind families and a vacancy in the work of God. Malaria is the biggest killer in Africa and we know as the Every Home for Christ workers travel around in different places, sometimes very obscure places, they are always at additional risk. People who have been sponsoring these workers have offered to help their families and we are very grateful to them. Pastor Henry Naison Wathaya Died 30th June, 2009

NEW SPONSORS NEEDED To fill the vacancies, and also there are Evangelists who have no sponsors, new sponsors are needed to sponsor Malawi Evangelists. $120 a month sponsors a Malawi Evangelist. $60 a month is part sponsorship of an Evangelist. To sponsor see the enclosed “Reply Slip�

Hamisi Kajomeo Died August, 2006



India, with 1.17 billion people, has been a major EHC harvest field for 45 years. EHC’s pioneer missionaries have travelled on bicycles and on foot into remote regions where the Gospel had never been heard, effectively visiting every home in the nation twice. During the first coverage, EHC workers discovered 127 villages that were unknown to the Indian government. More than 500 million gospel booklets have been distributed, generating over 8.8 million responses from people wanting to give their life to Christ or wanting to find out more. Thousands of local churches have grown as a


result of their participation in the nationwide campaign. In addition, 26,645 home fellowships called Christ Groups have been planted in towns and villages across the nation. EHC is working in 21 out of 35 states in India. Barriers of language, culture and religion have created a variety of unique mission fields across India. Some 1,600 languages are spoken among various people groups that range from primitive tribal areas to major cities. Hinduism is embraced by more than 800 million people in India, but there are also more than 120 million Muslims, and at least 40

India: Witnessing for Christ with gospel literature. 8.8 Million people wrote receiving Christ or wanting to know more.

India: Baptising New Believers

million combined Sikhs, Buddhists, and followers of tribal religions. The nation’s 24 million Christians are free to worship and share their faith, but growing opposition is making evangelism increasingly dangerous. There are also efforts underway by some political groups to enact “anticonversion” laws that are aimed at curtailing evangelistic efforts. Commenting on recent conflicts in Karnataka, one EHC director said: “Home-tohome evangelism and the distribution of the Gospel is not easy in some states. Many pastors and evangelists pay a price for doing this by being beaten and put in jail. People are eager to hear the Gospel, but the work is being hampered.” Another EHC worker shared a story from Orissa, the Indian state where some Hindu activists recently launched attacks against suspected believers, burning homes and churches, and killing more than 100 people. A man named Suresh became a target for violence after he accepted Christ in response

to an EHC evangelistic campaign. Suresh was fined half a month’s wages by village leaders and later attacked. Angry neighbours and relatives dragged Suresh from his home and shaved his head as a sign of submission to Hinduism. Throughout this ordeal, however, Suresh never wavered in his faith. “Praise God for his strong faith in Christ,” the EHC worker reported. “We praise God for protecting brother Suresh and his family.” EHC’s Regional Director for India, Samuel Hilel Lal, says it best: “I will say for my country that the work is not easy. It is challenging. But as far as I know, my God, Jesus, He came and lived through impossible things and He invites us to do the same. Pray for courage, for God’s compassion and that in the power of the Holy Spirit, we all may give of the Gospel. The rest is in God’s hands, and I believe your prayers and support will result in new Christians and the Church of Jesus Christ growing and multiplying in India.”

Every Home for Christ

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one leg shorter than the other and after John and Sharon met this teacher it was decided that EHC should pay to give this teacher the opportunity to have an operation to strengthen both legs and make both legs the same length so that the teacher will be able to walk properly. John and Sharon were thrilled with what they witnessed at the Every Home for Christ “Love Anuppampattu” School after they had visited every class.

John, an Every Home for Christ New Zealand Board Member, visited India to see for himself what EHC is doing there and how funds sacrificially given by EHC supporters are spent. John and Sharon speak with one of the “Love Anuppampattu” school teachers as pictured above. John has an artificial leg as he lost his leg in a motorbike accident when he was a young man. The teacher John and Sharon are talking to is one of the teachers at the EHC School who has a crippled leg and


They want to return!! Sharon “fell-in-love” with the School and the students and she is certainly going back. John had the opportunity to speak at the Every Home for Christ staff devotion meeting. These are the people involved with the door-to-door gospel literature distribution. Meshach, the Tamil Nadu EHC Director, is interpreting John’s message. Photo above. Pray for Meshach and all the staff of India Every Home for Christ that many will come to know the Lord through this dynamic ministry.

Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Ezekiel and Daniel. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.

October, 2009


Brazil Boats- Pop 194,100,000 Map 217. Pray that all the funds to complete the boats will become available. This is going to be a most incredible ministry on the mighty Amazon River. Ezekiel 23 (Jeremiah 21,34) BANGLADESH – Pop 152,400,000 Map 131. Praise the Lord for the government’s approval to continue the home-to-home distribution work. Pray for EHC workers as they faithfully distribute gospel messages that they would find many people who will say “yes” to Jesus. Ezekiel 24 (Jeremiah 37-39, 52) GHANA – Pop 23,000,000 Map 38.The economic crunch is affecting the EHC ministry as fuel prices are increasing as well as escalating food costs making it extremely difficult for the poor. Please pray for the nation that many would turn their hearts to the Lord and that those who serve him would stand firm in their faith. Ezekiel 25 (Lamentations 1-5) Spain Pop 43,900,000 Map 59. The gospel leaflet “Family in Crisis’’ is being republished for distributing. Pray that family values-those that are presented in the Bible and restated in this leaflet-will lead the reader to seriously reflect on the need of Jesus Christ in their life and that He would become the centre of their family. Ezekiel 26 (Isaiah40-43) Argentina Pop-38,800,000 Map 222 the Jesus el Buen Pastor Church pastored by Rev. Daniel Grasso reports they recently conducted an every home campaign reaching 10,000 homes with the Gospel receiving 130 decisions of faith. Pray that these new Christians would grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Ezekiel 27(Isaiah 44-48) TOGO- Pop 6,600,000 Map 37. Pray for Mr. Mossi Mohamed, a policeman who is a Muslim in Sokode. He enjoys having pioneer missionary Koffi share the word of God with him. Thank the Lord for his interest and pray that the Holy Sprit will fully reveal the truth of the word of God to him. Ezekiel 28 (Daniel 5-6) MYANMAR- Pop 48,000,000 Map 134. EHC workers have started three Christ groups in BoKaLay Township. After ministering the Gospel and sharing the love of Christ many unbelievers have come to receive Christ. Pray for the continued effective outreach of the Gospel in this region. Ezekiel 29 (Daniel










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CREATIVE ACCESS #11 EHC has been informed by the Government that its tax and customs exemptions might be cancelled. Pray that the Lord would intervene in this matter as a container full of Gospel literature from EHC`s partner World Missionary Press is due to arrive soon. Ezekiel 31 (2 chronicles 36:9-21, Psalms 137) FRANCE Pop 61,800,000 Map 88. Over this past summer hundreds of miles were travelled on foot and by bicycle by fervent witnesses of the Gospel. Crossing fields and alleyways their goal was to reach every family in each small village. Pray that there would be many responses to the Gospel from these dedicated efforts. Ezekiel 32(Ezekiel 1-3) INDIA Pop 1,150,400,000 Map 128. Pray for peace and the freedom to spread the Gospel in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Recently, two pioneer missionaries–held by the villagers suspecting that they were thieves–were rescued by the police. There is a lot of tension in this area due to political unrest as well as those who are opposed to the Gospel. Ezekiel 33 (Ezekiel 4-11) GUINEA REPUBLIC Pop 9,300,000 Map 44. Pray for this nation and its government as its people are suffering from a widespread lack of clean water and electricity. Pray for the strengthening of the faith of Lamarana, a Muslim woman who has come to faith in Christ – that her husband and children will also accept Christ. Ezekiel 34 (Ezekiel 12-17) FIJI pop 900,000 Map 149. Praise God for the opportunity EHC workers have to visit Muslim and Hindu families during this time of economic slowdown.Many people are desperate for answers, so pray that their hearts would turn to the Lord. What appears to be a bad time for the world is a good time for the church. Ezekiel 35 (Ezekiel 18-20) MALAWI Pop 14,000,000 Map 15. Pray sponsors will come forward to sponsor EHC workers/evangelists in Malawi. Ezekiel 36 (Ezekiel 21-24) ROMANIA Pop 21,100,000 Map 77. Praise the Lord for the home-to-home outreach in the Oltenia region where 6000 homes were visited. Pray for many responses and lasting fruit from these efforts. Also pray protection over the youth in the churches that there would be a revolution of holiness among them. Ezekiel 37 (Ezekiel 25-28)


ARMENIA Pop 3,000,000 Map 103. Pray for the city of Ashtarak.There is a new Church there that wants to use EHC literature in going home to home as well as inviting the people to attend a Christian gathering. Pray that the hearts of the people of this city would be open to receive the gospel message. Ezekiel 30 (Daniel 10-12)






















TANZANIA Pop 40,600,000 Map 16. there is a need for additional evangelism tools such as the Jesus film used in schools, prisons, and public venues as well as Gospel bracelets, which are needed to increase EHC effectiveness in reaching children and youth. Pray for the Lord’s provision for these materials. Ezekiel 38 (Ezekiel 29-32) CREATIVE ACESS # 7 EHC workers have found open hearts among soldiers on a military base where they distributed the Gospel message. Workers also distributed literature on another base when parents were visiting their children in the military. Pray for a good response from these Gospel outreaches. Ezekiel 39 (Ezekiel 33-35) MONGOLIA Pop 2,600,000 Map 174. Pray for Batgerel as he leads an extensive outreach in western Khovd Province. Pray for the physical and spiritual protection of him and the team as they share the love of Christ home-to-home. To date, more than 1.7 million Gospel booklets have been sown in the nation of Mongolia. Ezekiel 40 (Ezekiel 36-39) BRAZIL- Pop 194,100,000 Map 217. Keep praying that all the funds will come this month to complete the Brazil Boat project. We are excited at what the Lord has done so far and believe it is in His will to complete this project. Keep praying! Ezekiel 41 (Ezekiel 40-42) SENEGAL Pop 12600 000 Map 46. Pray for Awa Diouf who was a Muslim but became a follower of Jesus Christ after she was healed from blindness. Pray that God would use her to bring others to faith in Christ and that a Christ Group could be planted for new believers to have fellowship and mature together in the faith. Ezekiel 42(Ezekiel 43-48) SINGAPORE – Pop 4,400,000 Map 140. Believers are distributing an estimated five million Gospel messages every month through our region of East Asia. Pray for much fruit from their efforts and EHC Singapore’s publishing office will be able to handle these large quantities of materials. Ezekiel 43(2 chronicles 36:22, 23, Ezra 1:1 to 5:1) BULGARIA - Pop 7,600,000 Map 76. An outreach started in Stara Zagora inaugurated the official reopening of EHC`s ministry in Bulgaria. Pray that EHC will bring together the enthusiasm and support of Bulgaria churches to see every home in this nation reached with the Gospel. Ezekiel 44 (Haggai 1-2) CHILE Pop 16,700,000 Map 219. Pray for the outreach efforts in Copiapo where EHC workers have set a goal to reach 44,100 homes with the Gospel. EHC has a group of very committed volunteers who are zealous to share the good news of Jesus with these people. Ezekiel 45 (Zechariah1-8)

LIBERIA Pop 3,900,000 Map 41. EHC`s first mobile training centre was conducted in Gbarna and Salala. As students return to their homes, pray that they will be zealous in their work of equipping the saints in order to reach them. Pray for God’s protection and provision for EHC workers to reach every home in Liberia. Ezekiel 46 (Zechariah9-11) SERBIA- Pop 7,800,000 Map 70. EHC Director lvica Stamenkovic reports, “After visiting 15,000 families, responses to the Gospels are flowing in. Our God is marvellous!’’ Pray for all those who received EHC Gospel Booklets for those who responded and for those who have yet to respond to the gospel message. Ezekiel 47 (Zechariah 12-14) ZIMBABWE Pop 13,300,000 Map 9. Praise God that a long awaited literature container from EHC`s partner in ministry, Revival Movement Association of Ireland, arrived. Pray for EHC`s outreach in this nation. To date, more than three million homes have been reached with more than 1.1 million people responding. Ezekiel 48(Psalms 107,126) BELGIUM – Pop 10,300,000 Map 86. One pastor reports: “I always tell the leaders that you have to expect a great response with EHC Gospel booklets. The materials are designed to let people respond”. Pray for the outreach being conducted by seven churches taking place in Berchem, a city of 45,00 residents. Daniel 1 (Ezar5:2 to 6:22) CAMEROON-Pop 18,900,000 Map 24. Pray for the spiritual growth of the 2561 who came to faith in Christ in a recent month as a result of the EHC home-to-home campaign. Pray that they would find a church or Christ Group where they would be discipled and could feel that they are a part of the family of God. Daniel 2 (Esther 1-2) CZECK REPUBLIC - Pop 10,200,000 Map 81. Pray for Project Prague 2009 that involves a special distribution campaign in region #6 in Prague using newly designed pamphlets. Pray for open doors and open hearts for the residents of the Prague #6 (one of the wealthier parts of the capital city) to hear the gospel message. Daniel 3 (Esther 3-7) BENIN- Pop 9,200,000 Map 36. Pray for a lasting impact from recent literature outreaches featuring a Gospel booklet titled “The Empty Tomb”. Over 200,000 copies were printed for distribution. Praise the lord for the over 700,000 homes that have been reached in Benin and for the 78,331 responses that have been received. Daniel 4 (Esther 8-10) GERMANY –Pop 81,900,000 Map 82. Praise the Lord for the summer outreaches that were able to reach Sinsheim`s 35,517 inhabitants as well as the outreach in Heidelberg that left a message of Hope with its 35000 residents. Pray that there there will be fruit that remains from these home to home efforts. Daniel 5(Ezra 7-10)

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