July 2014 Newsletter

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SYRIA Dona_Bozzi

July 2014



"Church people are closer to the Lord and to each other" one pastor said of his church. 40% of the members of his church have left the country since the civil war in Syria which started two and a half of years ago. People that have the financial means and the contacts overseas often leave the war torn country. However, all the people that left didn't leave the church services empty. "We see new people coming to church" said the pastor. Many of the families the church people help with monthly food supplies come to church now. In many places fighting is still a daily reality. No one can escape from the distant sounds and explosions, it seems that there is no end in sight and Christians are like all other people concerned for their safety and the future of their children. Most people are suffering economically and are traumatised emotionally. But as already reported the church people are closer to the Lord and to each other.

Dona_Bozzi Li jianbing

Dona_Bozzi Roman Sigaev

The oil of Expectancy with Dick Eastman International President, Every Home for Christ

In December 1998 I felt strongly led to set aside an entire month to seek God daily regarding Every Home for Christ's emerging decade-long plan, called Completing the Commission. It was an ambitious plan to see home-to-home campaigns in every nation on earth in our generation.

led to set aside the amount of time daily for prayer that I would normally spend in my office or in planning meetings and preaching assignments. I did not feel it was to be a time of fasting and prayer, as such, but rather a full month of seeking God (sometimes with others) - every day.

The more I had studied the complexity and cost of the plan, the more I realised it would be impossible to carry out without a miracle beyond anything any of us could ever imagine.

For this second month-long commitment, I decided to keep a daily calendar and on selected days invite other intercessors, as well as our staff, to join me for prayer. Among other focuses for the month, for two days we specifically prayed over and anointed with This was to be the second such monthoil the 10-year plan that had prompted this long prayer experience for me. The first month of prayer in the first place. occurred in December 1987, when God burdened my heart with the great need for Much of those two days was spent literally the Gospel in Communist Eastern Europe on our faces in my office. At one point we and what was then the Soviet Union. anointed each of the hundreds of pages of the plan with traditional anointing oil. On the Those prayers in 1987 were soon third day, our entire staff spent a day doing the remarkably answered, and over a decadesame thing. It was truly a symbolic saturation long period, Every Home for Christ visited of the plan with the oil of expectancy and and gave the printed gospel to more than anticipation, and to this day I keep this copy 40 million households in this Eurasian of the plan, with oil marks on each page, in my region alone. Nearly 2 million people from prayer room at home. the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe have mailed decision cards or written letters requesting more information about Jesus. The majority of those indicated they had received Christ as Saviour. Prior to that time, the number of such requests from that region was probably fewer than 200 in more than two decades. So, here I was, about to enter my second month-long prayer experience. As with For this Intercessory Worship book by Dick my first month of prayer, I felt specifically Eastman see enclosed reply slip.


Islamic Convert jailed for 10 years for Christian activities Iran: A convert from Islam has been sentenced to ten years in jail for his Christian activities in Iran; he confessed to distributing 12,000 pocket-sized Gospels in the strict Islamic country.

distributed 12,000 pocket-sized Gospels.

The papers also refer to Mostafa's baptism, attendance at and leadership of house church gatherings, and translation and dubbing of Christian films, and the discovery of 6,000 Mohammed-Hadi Bordbar, known Gospels and other Christian books and CDs in as Mostafa, from Rasht was charged his house. with membership of an "anti-security Mostafa was arrested in a raid on a house organisation" and gathering with church gathering in Tehran on 27 December, intent to commit crimes against Iranian 2012. The 15 plain-clothes security officers national security; he was given five years' held everyone in attendance, around 50 imprisonment for each offence. converts, for hours and subjected them to His lawyer is appealing against the interrogation. conviction and sentence, arguing that the Following the raid, the Rev, Vruir Avanessian, two charges are effectively the same and who has chronic kidney disease for which Mostafa is therefore being punished twice he requires dialysis three times a week, was for one crime. detained for 15 days before being temporarily Such charges are typical pretexts the released on bail. There has been no further Iranian authorities use to prosecute news regarding his case. Christians. A breakdown of the charges in court documents reveal that it was Mostafa had previously been arrested in 2009, Mostafa's Christian activities for which he for converting to Christianity and attending a house church. He was subsequently found was penalised. guilty of apostasy (leaving Islam) but freed on They refer to his confession in court that bail. The apostasy conviction has stayed on he had left Islam to follow Christianity, his record, preventing him from being able to considers evangelism his duty and has register a company from which to earn a living.


"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own...but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you...If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also....They will treat you this way because of my name..." John 15: 18-21

Iranian Church Growing Despite Risk of Death THE MIDDLE EAST - Iran's new president has "It made me feel deep hatred against Islam promised to protect the country's Christians, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. All I did was but attacks are intensifying. grab a sandwich and eat it. Why is that a sin?" he asked. As they work to survive, CBN News was given an exclusive, rare view that few outsiders Later Dauod met some Christians on the witness: a secret meeting of new Iranian Internet who introduced him to Christ. He believers in a neighbouring country, not far embraced Christianity after witnessing from the border. miracles of healing and deliverance. The brand new followers of Christ received Dauod keeps his newfound faith secret, Bible teaching and participated in their very while quietly and cautiously sharing Christ first communion. with others in his city. After a few songs and prayers, several were "Right now, it is really scary because if the baptised. Then they returned to more government knows about it, I'm pretty sure late-night Bible study and training before they will execute me," he said. returning to Iran.

Secret Believers For the first time, these Christians learned how to look up and memorise Scripture. They're Kurds, former Muslims who converted to Christianity.

Criminals and Apostates

Reza, another former Muslim-turnedChristian, says he shares his faith because he wants Iranians to live in the light. While President Hassan Rouhani promises societal reforms, Reza said an aggressive government crackdown against Christians continues.

If their identities and location were revealed to secret police, Iranian agents would have come to arrest them. Some may have been "Iranian agents come and arrest us saying killed for being apostates. that we are spies from Western countries. They say because of that, you are a traitor to One former Muslim - we called Daoud your country and should be executed, "he knows the dangers all too well. Before he explained. became a Christian, Iranian police caught him eating a sandwich instead of fasting In fact, few of the 40 or so known Christians during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. imprisoned in Iran have been charged as apostates or for spreading the Gospel. That violated Sharia law. A judge ordered him The official charge is usually espionage or to receive 70 lashes, a punishment similar to undermining national security. that imposed by the Taliban. That's the charge against Iranian-American "I was tied down. A mullah held the Koran Pastor Saeed Abedini, still serving an in his hand and recited a verse and then eight-year prison sentence. a soldier beat my back with a cable," he explained. "Saeed is well known because he is an

American, and we certainly need to pray The Growing Iranian Church for him and his situation and his family, but Yeghnazar said the Iranian church continues there are many others like Farshid," David to grow in Iran despite - or perhaps because Yeghnazar, with Elam Ministries, said. of - the inhumane treatment of prisoners Security police arrested 35-year-old Iranian like Farshid and Saeed. Christian Farshid Fathi during a Christmas "Their courage means that the church raid against house churches in 2010. He continues to grow so it's really a story of is serving six years in Iran's infamous Evin growth in the Church In Iran, although it's a Prison. story of suffering," he said. Yeghnazar said a prison guard recently Iran has one of the fastest growing Christian broke Farshid's foot during a mass inmate populations in the world. Evangelist Reza assault. The foot went untreated for three said that more Iranians tell them they've days. grown tired of the oppressive policies of the "Farshid wrote a very beautiful letter saying ayatollahs. that it was an incredible moment for him "And people feel a hunger and a thirst to because he was in this pain over the Easter know the truth. When I talk to them about weekend and it gave him a very different Christ and tell them how God loves us, view of the whole Easter story and finally they become so excited and they just keep having some relief on the Sunday morning smiling, " Reza said. was great," Yeghnazar said. Reza requests prayer. He added that Farshid went on to say "We forgive them for all they have done because "Pray that God will give us strength and we are followers of the one who says, 'Father, power in our faith because Christian faith please forgive them because they don't in Iran is not easy," he said. "It's difficult, know what they are doing'." dangerous and risky. And pray for salvation to come - that all Iranians will be saved." Pedrosala


CARRIER OF COMMUNISM BECOMES CARRIER OF THE GOSPEL! Ondrej Garaj: EHC Slovakia National Director and C.I.S. Regional Director


ndrej Garaj grew up in a small village outside Bratislava, Slovakia. His parents were farmers under the Communist regime and had chosen to resist the pressure of the Communists, who wanted to take their property into the collective colchoz, a type of farming collective. Ondrej says, “You must remember this was during Communism, when nobody had his own property. It was believed that everything should belong to everybody.” His parents resisted Communism until Ondrej graduated from elementary school. At this time, they were told to give in to the government’s demands or Ondrej could not continue his studies. His parents gave up their resistance, and their land was taken over by the government.

church I saw excited people spontaneously singing. People in the CYO sang only when drunk! I also witnessed positive relationships, totally opposite of the conflicts I saw between people in the CYO. These experiences brought to my Communist heart a deep skepticism This meant Ondrej was free to continue his regarding atheism and Communism.” education. By this time, tired of his family’s After six months, this doubt helped Ondrej staunch opposition to Communism, Ondrej open his heart to Jesus Christ. He became became a “carrier” for the Communist a Christian and his life was transformed Youth Organisation (CYO). “To ensure a completely. He quit his job in the CYO and as good future for oneself,” Ondrej explains, “it a consequence was unable to continue his was necessary to be an active member of studies. Soon Ondrej was being spied on by the the CYO because only Communists could intelligence service, harassment he endured assume high positions of employment. until the end of Communist rule in 1991. Since Communism is connected with active Through it all, Ondrej believes God is using atheism, I became the organiser of atheist his testimony to help others. “God was education in my high school.” and is with me,” he says. “He gave me the As Ondrej became more indoctrinated with opportunity to share my testimony of His Communism’s ideologies, he desired to further love and support in all of life’s situations— his atheist education. Part of this education and He has used my story to impact others. required him to get to know his enemies— Now many who have heard my testimony Christians—by visiting a nearby church. are preachers, pastors, and evangelists. So I “From my youth,” says Ondrej, “I had believed enjoy the blessing to have a lot of spiritual Christianity was a traditional religion for old children, not only my three children. I people who, at the end of their life, wished to encourage everybody to deal with his own reserve for themselves a place in heaven—if it doubts, and rely on the Word, which helped existed at all. But I was surprised: in this small me find salvation through Jesus Christ.”

The shoes off her feet Gloria Lopez: EHC Mexico National Director


hen you first meet Gloria Silva Lopez, you might think she is a demure woman. But don’t be fooled. Gloria is a woman on fire for God! As the National Director for EHC Mexico, she is one who has made evangelism her top priority and not even illness will keep Gloria from her work. Recently, despite a serious bout that left her homebound, Gloria still insisted on working from her bed, keeping in contact with her field offices and giving direction to the pioneer missionaries. Gloria is serious when it comes to the Great Commission. Gloria’s parents were missionaries to Mexico City. There they planted two Christian churches and Gloria learned the importance of sharing the Gospel with everyone,including those who are less fortunate. She says, “In my memory there are the wonderful times when we all as a family travelled to poor towns to visit people who had never before heard the Gospel. We ate whatever meals they gave us. Those were the first times that I ate with my

The daughter of missionaries, Gloria learned from her mother how to endure tragedy and make a difference for the kingdom. Following her father’s death, Gloria’s mother went on to plant 52 family Christ Groups singlehandedly!

fingers because the people could not afford utensils.” After Gloria’s father died, her mother “Mamita” continued the missionary work by planting 52 family Bible-study Christ Groups—by herself. “To me,” Gloria says, “being born again at an early age gives you tremendous responsibility to evangelise others. I knew the Bible at a very young age and that helped me provide a good testimony to those who did not yet know the Gospel.” “WE ARE AS BIG BROTHERS AND SISTERS” While Gloria worked as an historian and researcher of medicine at the University of Mexico, she met and married a Christian man named Epi. Just as her parents taught her, Gloria worked to instill in their daughter, Carolina, the importance of being a responsible Christian. “We ought to remember,” she says, “that we are as big

Gloria and her team conduct ministry to a Mexican vendor and his family.

brothers and sisters to those who recently come to Jesus. The Bible says,‘For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek’ (Romans 1:16). We as a family believe everything we are is from Him and we have only to thank the Lord Jesus, and the best way to thank Him for what He has given us through this great salvation is to share with those near us (relatives, friends, neighbours, and all our community and people in Mexico), that Jesus is the answer to our needs.” In 2002, Gloria began working for one of the wealthiest men in the world. She worked for him for six years, but Gloria could not shake the call of the Lord on her life. She eventually responded to the call of evangelism. She had always been a volunteer for the EHC ministry in Mexico, even after the ministry had to suspend the work for several years in the 1990s. Gloria was so committed to the vision of EHC that she could not bear to see the work end, so she funded the evangelism work in Mexico herself! This is true sacrifice. Gloria is the type of person who will give even the clothes off her back to someone in need. Recently a visitor came to Mexico on a short-term missions trip. Gloria knew the woman’s shoes would not be adequate for the hiking they would do in order to reach every home in the village. So, Gloria simply took off her shoes and gave them to the woman. She literally gave her the shoes off her feet and hiked in her socks for a friend. (See pictured, left.) A FAMILY’S TESTIMONY Through the years, Gloria has watched the Lord take care of her family. “Jesus twice saved my daughter’s life,” she explains. “She was not supposed to be born alive, but she was. And when she was three years old, doctors told me she would not live to be more than eight. Now, praise the Lord, she is 31. And she is thriving! The Lord did it.” God also has helped Gloria with her eyesight following three surgeries on her right eye. She adds, “I could go on and on sharing many, many testimonies of life that we as a family have lived through. My favourite verse is Hebrews 6:10: ‘For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.’ Blessed be His name and now I live to serve him until the day He calls me home.”

FROM LIFE OF CRIME TO JOY IN CHRIST Morgan Gegera: EHC Samoa National Director


organ Gegera is an encouragement to all who meet him. He is always quick to offer a wide grin, a strong handshake, and a full, hearty laugh to every stranger he meets. This is a guy who has complete joy in His Lord!

wallet, watch, and shoes. While we did this, I couldn’t help but notice the joy on this man’s face. I wondered why he would act so happy while he was being robbed.” Morgan asked the man who he was and learned that he was an EHC pioneer missionary from Fiji who had come to tell all the people in the neighbourhood about Jesus.

No one would guess the background of Morgan Gegera on their first meeting. In fact, people are very surprised when they hear the real story of “Before I could stop myself,” Morgan says, how he came into the EHC family. “I broke down in tears at the sight of this Morgan grew up in not just a dysfunctional humble man. I ordered my friend to return all family, but an abusive one as well. His father of the man’s belongings. When the pioneer had four wives, was sexually abusive, and was missionary explained God’s plan of salvation responsible for the death of his mother. With to me, I suddenly understood his joy. I gave no family, no home, and no money, Morgan my life to Christ that very moment and have was left on the streets to fend for himself. had His joy ever since! Today, I’m gladly “I began to commit crimes on the street for serving the Lord with Every Home for Christ. income,” he explains. “One day a friend and I He has blessed me with a family of my own stopped a man who was going door-to-door and put me in a leadership position for the with literature. We attacked him right there work of EHC in three Pacific island nations. on the street! We stripped him of his clothes, His name be praised!”

Morgan, holding baby, gathers with other EHC workers.

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