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November 2014 Dermot Tatlow / Panos
1.7 Billion Families Reached! “God has rolled up his sleeves. All the nations can see his holy, muscled arm. Everyone, from one end of the earth to the other, sees him at work, doing his salvation work” (Isaiah 52:10, The Message). As we step into our 68th year of ministry, I am pleased and humbled to say that EHC’s mission to take the Gospel to every home on earth has not wavered—it’s as focused today as it was decades ago. In fact, the EHC global staff is working harder and with more zeal than ever before. In our first 67 years, we reached more than 1.7 billion families around the world through home-to-home evangelism. As a result, over 130 million people have responded to the message of Christ’s love. To break it down, our international workers visit more than 225,000 homes every day—planting as many as 70 new Christ Groups (village churches). That’s right—70 fellowships of new believers are formed around the word every single day! I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating again and again: God’s Spirit is moving all over the globe in ways none of us could have imagined a decade or two ago. The stories we receive confirm one truth— people from one end of the earth to the other are seeing God at work. Eyes once blinded by centuries of pagan religions are now lifted to heaven in praise to the one true God. Deadly disease can be thwarted by the power of prayer, and God draws near to the brokenhearted. Aren’t you glad that His love never changes? He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Famine and disease can’t stop Him. Wars and pestilence can’t stop Him. The powers of hell itself will not prevail against Him. As we here at Every Home for Christ roll up our sleeves to complete our mission to evangelise the world, we count on your prayers and continued support. Together, we will reach every home on earth.
Dick Eastman Every Home for Christ International President
MACHETES, SNAKES AND SALVATION He came out of his house wielding a machete. “Get away from my house! I don’t need your Jesus!” Unshaken, the EHC pioneer missionaries who had knocked on the makeshift door quietly left the booklet they had come to deliver. They are no strangers to this kind of reception—it’s what they often face as they take the Gospel home-to-home in Mozambique. He was still screaming at the pair as they walked away. “If God really cared about me I wouldn’t be this poor!” They weren’t sure if he was crazy or possessed—either way, Jaimu Jacinto was a social outcast in the community—rarely approached by anyone, let alone a pair of kind faces. He raged “God stays in church buildings—He doesn’t follow people into their homes, invading their privacy!” The volunteer missionaries silently prayed as they left. They prayed that God
would soften the frozen heart and blazing eyes of the man they just encountered. It would take a miracle, they knew. But they’d seen miracles before—many of them. God was very busy in the darkness that enveloped their nation and they were encouraged by glimpses of light beginning to shine through. Exactly seven days later, Jaimu’s oldest child was bitten by a poisonous snake. With no money for medication, and no friends to turn to for financial help, the boy’s condition turned critical. Within hours, he was dead. Such calamity had never happened in Jaimu’s household before. Overcome, friendless, and desperate for comfort, Jaimu remembered the visitors from the week before and the booklet they had left. He thought back to how he cursed them in his fury, and was sure he was being punished for it with the death of his son. In his crazed frenzy, he knew he
needed help, so Jaimu frantically searched for the booklet. With trembling hands, he dialed the phone number on the back, hoping someone would answer. Someone did. The EHC National Director’s phone rang at his desk. When he answered, all he could hear was bitter crying. It was Jaimu—unable to collect himself to explain his ordeal. Then, as his string of terrible luck would have it, Jaimu’s phone ran out of minutes and the call was dropped. He was beside himself with terror. The God in the booklet must surely be tormenting him.
shun him like the rest of the community. It had to be this Jesus they spoke of—what else could it be? After ministering to the grieving family, the EHC workers purchased a coffin, and gave the child a proper funeral. The warmth of their kindness and their prayers for his family softened Jaimu’s frozen heart. He and his family came to believe that the EHC team had been sent by God.
Deep roots of witchcraft, animism and voodoo contribute to great spiritual darkness in many areas of Africa. Generations of ungodly practices from witchcraft, mutilation and child sacrifice have kept entire communities under Miraculously, his deadened phone rang. demonic influences. Undaunted, dedicated It was the EHC Director that Jaimu had EHC teams continue their ministry, relying on a tried to call. He was calling to say that local strong covering of prayer. EHC workers were on their way to Jaimu’s home to minister to his family. Jaimu could Jaimu’s radical conversion is just one of hardly believe his ears. Total strangers, the hundreds of stories and prayer requests we missionaries he had chased away with his receive every month from EHC workers in machete just the week before, were on Mozambique. Others tell of village chiefs— their way back—to help him. Could it be deeply entrenched in witchcraft, that have that the God in the booklet didn’t hate him come to Christ, opening the doors to minister after all? No one had ever dared approach to their villages. We praise God that entire him before, he made sure of that. Who were villages are turning to Christ as a result! these people, and why did they care? Please continue to pray for all of our EHC The EHC team did return. Jaimu and his workers who take the Gospel to some of the family had never known such kindness and it darkest places on earth.They know first-hand— made a deep impression on their hardened no matter how deep the darkness or how hard hearts. Something was different about these the hearts—fetishes, bondage and powers of people. They weren’t afraid of him—didn’t evil are no match for the Light of the World. - Kathy Gowler
“For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies— the evil rulers of the unseen world.” Ephesians 6:12 (The Living Bible)
“I Wondered If It Was Possible to Be Truly Forgiven” Seventy-nine-year-old Nidhi could barely walk when they spotted her. She was leaving the clinic where she sought treatment for chronic pain in her knees and feet.Witnessing her struggle, EHC workers offered to give the elderly woman a ride back to her home, which she gladly accepted. On the way, they explained that they were Christians who had come to her village to share the truth of God’s love. “No wonder you’re so nice to me,” she said. “It’s because you have a good God!” Thinking she might know something about Christianity, the pioneer missionaries offered to pray for her illness and asked her if she knew Jesus. Nidhi confessed to being confused in her old age; having been a Buddhist all her life, she believed in many gods. She went on to say, however, that the year before, some young people had knocked on her door and given her two booklets about Jesus. Being elderly and alone, Nidhi had a lot of time to read the material they left. It talked about Jesus and the one true God. The booklets instructed her how to become a follower of Christ by praying a simple prayer,
explaining that if she repented, God would forgive her sins and take her to heaven when she died.“A woman my age has done so many wrong things in life. I wondered if it’s possible to be truly forgiven,” she added. “I prayed the prayer but I’m not sure if I prayed it the right way.” The pioneer missionaries quickly assured Nidhi that she’d been forgiven and confirmed that she had a new life in Christ. Then they gave her discipleship materials and thanked God that He allowed them to cross paths that day. Before the workers left, Nidhi said she had no children and asked if they could visit her again. They promised they would and have continued to look after her. Nidhi’s appointment that day was clearly divine. No longer confused about her faith, she has joined a community of believers who have become like family to her. Since Every Home for Christ is the only ministry doing home-to-home evangelism in her area, the pioneer missionaries are convinced that the booklets she’d received the year before were the result of an EHC campaign. Today Nidhi is thankful that the one true God met a lonely widow’s need for salvation and a family.
Fermented Mare's Milk? Or Jesus? He started drinking as a teenager, becoming a full-fledged alcoholic after the death of his mother. Having lost his job, friends, home— even his belongings—Doyu found himself living on the streets by his 28th birthday. One day, while scavenging for enough change to get the cheapest drink to feed his addiction, a stranger handed him an invitation to a celebration at a nearby church. His immediate thought was that they might serve beer or at least fermented mare’s milk and he could get a drink by going. But what the person said next is what drew him in—that Jesus loved him. No one had told him they loved him since his mother passed away, and his ravenous heart leapt at the words. He couldn’t wait to go to the celebration and cleaned up as best he could in his homeless condition. Hesitating at the church door, he Shutterstock: 215763271 began to have second thoughts— he wasn’t appropriately washed or dressed to go to church. At that very moment, a regular church attendee, Doyu is learning some people who were just arriving warmly that the strength he needs to turn from his welcomed him and invited him in. They past comes from Jesus alone. “I really want didn’t seem to notice his appearance or his to live a good life,” he says. “I want to love smell. Not even his blood relatives would Jesus because He loves me so much.” invite him into their homes. The experience Three simple words spoken by a total of being “invited in” was almost surreal. stranger drew a desperately broken young To Doyu’s amazement, during the prayer man off the streets and into the kingdom. time the pastor prayed specifically for him, “Jesus loves you.” literally sobbing as he did. After he finished, "For God so loved the world that he gave him a hug. It was almost more than he gave his one and only Son, that his degenerated spirit could handle.The love whoever believes in him shall not and kindness he received that day became perish but have eternal life." a different kind of addiction—far more John 3:16 satisfying than alcohol had ever been. Now,
"I Cannot Carry My Load Any More" A modern-day Samaritan woman at the well, Sangmu, seemed deep in her thoughts— the burden of her sin weighing heavy on her shoulders. Abandoned by her husband, this single mum of two growing boys carried more than one heavy load. The EHC workers who’d knocked on her door had come to share the best news she’d ever hear—that she didn’t have to carry her heavy burden of sin anymore. “I heard about Jesus from people who believe as you do last year, but I didn’t understand what I was hearing,” Sangmu said. “Now, I understand more and I’m ready to give my life to Jesus because I can’t carry my load anymore.” As Sangmu prayed to accept Christ, it was clear that this time she understood. Her big smile said it all—the weight she’d carried for so long had been lifted. With her heaviest burden gone, her shame turned to joy and she shares the hope of Christ everywhere she goes.
Relationships Open Doors In a nation dominated by centuries of ancient religions, one EHC church had been praying about how to reach a specific people group of farmers and herders. The 12 volunteers decided to spend an entire month living and working with this group of people, helping them with their everyday chores and building relationships. The opportunities to share Christ were countless as they fellowshipped, played games, sang songs, told Bible stories, watched gospel movies, and helped with the daily work. Spending that personal time investing in the lives of others and building relationships literally changed this community. During that one month, 76 children and 70 adults gave their lives to Jesus, proving once again that relationship is a powerful tool that opens doors to share the Gospel. All names have been changed, and all photos are from the region but are unrelated to EHC work for security purposes.
will soon be here and we want to send a christmas gift to some of God's wonderful servants around the world Many of God's servants overseas do not have enough money to buy Christmas presents for their families and we are honoured to help them have a "best ever" family Christmas. Maybe you sponsor an EHC worker or evangelist or maybe you don't but you would like to send a special Christmas gift to encourage one of God's servants.
see reply gift slip
What about including on your Christmas present list a gift for an EHC sponsored child in India, Bangladesh, Nepal or Kenya? See the enclosed reply gift slip!
In May 2009 Every Home for Christ supporters gave generously to purchase two new boats for the Amazon.
These two boats were purchased so when Amazon village people were sick they could be transported to the hospital in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas and the boats were also to be used to deliver medicine to the Amazon villages helping people who do not know God loves them. This happened but lack of qualified staff became a problem and Every Home for Christ felt maybe God had something more. So Aaron Moore, an EHC project manager went to Brazil to explore other possibilities. An opportunity came for him to visit the Içà River and this meant after arriving in Manaus, on the Amazon river, there would still be another 25 hours of boat travel deep into the Amazon jungle where mosquitoes would invade and bite relentlessly and guest accommodation would be rather primitive. But what seemed so impossible has become an incredible blessing.
Aaron and Nerida Moore, Every Home for Christ
Alessandro, Brazil Director of Every Home for Christ
Aaron, Nerida and Alessandro meet with the Phillips, a missonary family who have been working in the Amazon since November 1996, some 18 years.
Chip, the father, is a medical surgeon and runs an already established hospital (pictured below)
Dr Chip Phillips also carries responsibilites in a local church.
And now Dr Chip Phillips is ready to take on responsibility for the Every Home for Christ Amazon staff and boats to go to remote villages to people in the Amazon jungle, suffering with Malaria and other diseases to provide health care, to also train others in health care and to improve the people's ability to earn an income as well as to witness Jesus Christ to many who have never heard the Gospel before. Still there are hundreds of villages in the Amazon who have never had a missionary visit them. Pray God will bless this work in the "uttermost parts" of the earth. While Brazil has the fastest growing church in the world, still hundreds of villages along the Amazon have never once heard the Gospel. Please pray this will be the beginning of something "mighty for God". Please pray for the right staff. Please pray the boats will be moved safely from Manaus into the Amazon jungle. Thank you so much to so many who have made this project possible. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Learn to Pray - It Will Change The World And You! How You Can Wield Prayers Against Injustice In Your Life
God Hears Your Heartfelt Prayers, Even If It Seems Like Everything Is Going Wrong. Like David, have you ever had your reputation tarnished, been betrayed by others or been innocently entangled in a mess? If not, keep living—it will happen! I can attest, though, that if you faithfully stand with God in prayer, when the dust settles, you will be standing in your destiny. The principles I learned in this story helped me understand how to apply these concepts in my own life. They also helped me understand the dynamics of how God brought me out when I was entangled in a mess, much like David. Many years ago, I was in a business situation where I was being forced to pay a great sum of money that I did not owe. A business relationship was destroyed when some twisted advice poisoned the minds of this company's executives concerning me. Influenced by their own "Ahithophels," this company was pressuring me with legal threats. Because of their influence, my reputation was tarnished with this company, and to make matters worse, they knew I did not owe the money but that I could not prove otherwise. These "advisors" had enormous favour and clout, and suddenly I did not. Legally, I was in a serious bind. I could not prove I did not owe the money due to poor record keeping, the details of which
would take too long to explain. Suffice it to say, I was caught up in a web of deception. It was a situation where I had all the responsibility and no authority, or so it seemed. Depressed and fighting back the suicidal thoughts and scenarios the enemy was throwing at me, I forced myself into a midweek revival service at a local church. Discouraged and depressed beyond description, I sat down, feeling all alone, fighting to last through praise and worship. But when the speaker came forward to speak, something unusual happened. The evangelist walked to the pulpit, and before he spoke, he peered over the crowd of some fifteen hundred people and made
eye contact with me in the middle of the audience. He then leaped forward from the platform and began walking briskly toward me without breaking eye contact. This was long before I did public ministry, and we did not know each other. I wondered, Is he coming toward me? About that time, a woman sitting in front of me stood up and threw up her hands, thinking he was coming to pray for her. He politely moved her out of the way, however, and said, "I'm sorry, but not you, ma'am. You, sir, step out in the aisle." He then laid hands on me and prayed.
and my so-called debt was cancelled. God made a way out of no way for me. Did I pray for this company to shut down? No. But because God showed me key strategies for praying into this situation, what was bound in heaven eventually was bound on earth. The influence of the enemy was cut off, and when all the dust settled, I was still standing in the middle of God's will for my life. Is it not awesome to know that popularity and the fickle opinions of people do not matter? God is the author of your destiny, and He will give you, as He did David, the special insight into temporary circumstances to know how to pray. He will show you what is going on in the unseen realm if you are willing to draw near to Him as David did. This applies not only to individuals but also to nations. In the end, newspaper headlines only track temporary fads. The real question is whether or not the Church will draw close enough to God in prayer to rise to her rightful place of influence on the earth.
I felt Christ's love coursing through me in a powerful way. With tears of joy streaming down my face, I asked the Lord why He had the evangelist single me out of the crowd. I will never forget His response. He said, "William, I will part a Red Sea to make a way for you, and I will part a crowd of people to let you know how much I love you." That night my nightmare of depression, suicide and despair was broken. The moment I heard this, I knew that God was making a way out of Just as with King David, God has a plan for no way for me. I have never felt that sense of our personal and national destinies that will hopelessness or struggled with suicide again. prevail through us if we will stand the trial of With the newfound faith and assurance God faithful prayer. Isn't it a great encouragement had given me regarding this matter, I found to know that your heart and destiny are that I did have authority over this situation— in God's grip? He will shape the destiny of in prayer! I realized my battle was not against loved ones, families, cities and even nations a large company but against the powers of through your intimacy with Him in prayer. darkness, and these people were pawns in a William L. Ford III spiritual battle. Under the influence of God's Director of the Marketplace Leadership loving assurance that He was with me, God "Therefore put on the full armour of began to show me key prayer strategies and God, so that when the day of evil comes, how to partner with Him and take authority you may be able to stand your ground... over this unjust circumstance. This was Stand firm then, with the belt of truth... nothing that happened overnight; I had to with the breastplate of righteousness... stand in prayer for months while making and with your feet fitted with...the myself vulnerable to intense scrutiny. But Gospel of peace...take up the shield of what did God do? faith...the helmet of salvation and the Eventually the company was scrutinised, sword of the Spirit, which is the word of investigated, audited and exposed for God. And pray in the Spirit... " corruption. They later went out of business, Ephesians 6:13-18