September 2010

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September, 2010

From the President


od commissioned His Son to enter the world as a man and follow a path that Jesus knew would lead Him to an agonizing death on a cross. But Jesus followed that path willingly, giving us an example to emulate as we, in turn, embrace the challenge of following His command to participate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Taking Global Evangelism to Heart by Dick Eastman thankless and impossible task, but there are at least three compelling reasons why we must join the battle.

Obedience Jesus gave us two imperative commands to follow that He said summarized all the teachings of the Old Testament law and prophets: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself ’” (Matthew 22:37-39, nasb ).

is just as compelling: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20, nasb ). If we want to be Christ’s disciples, we need to be obedient to His commands.

Love But why do we do it? Our neighbours Committment is think we’re crazy if important, but we say Jesus is the sharing the Gospel only way and we’re isn’t simply an accused of being exercise in blind closed-minded. obedience. I think Communist leaders we all know from want to put us in personal experience jail, and secular that one of the humanists want us most compelling to throw our Bibles motivations for away and embrace sharing the Gospel Christ’s command the idea that all to share the Gospel is the genuine, religions are one. J esus warned us that if we became Dick Eastman is the His disciples, life international president of Every wouldn’t be easy. “If Home for Christ. He also they persecuted Me, serves as president of they will also America’s National Prayer persecute you” Committee. Dick’s passion for (John 15:20, nasb ), prayer and world evangelism He said. “They hated has prompted him to write a me without a cause” dozen books on the subjects, (John 15:25, nasb ). including his latest “Look What Reaching the world God Is Doing!” with the Gospel can be a seemingly Every Home for Christ


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heartfelt compassion we feel toward the those without Christ. We want our family members and friends to have the same joy, hope, assurance of salvation, and sense of God’s presence that we have because we love them. As we share the Gospel, there is no more powerful tool to help drive the point home than love.

Glory As we labour in the harvest fields of the Great Commission, we should be delighted to know that our efforts are bringing glory to God. He is glorified by our obedience to Christ’s command, glorified by the love we have for those without Christ, and glorified because we are fulfilling our purpose in creation. God created us to give Him glory (Isaiah 43:7), and when we act in faith and love, we fulfill that purpose. The apostle Paul said, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:10, nasb ). The bottom line in all we do is to bring glory to God.

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MEXICO hile “We Cannot Stop Praising newspaper W headlines focus on illegal immigration and border wars among rival drug cartels, reports from the heart of Mexico tell of a gentle move of God’s Spirit that is sweeping across the nation, transforming hearts and lives.

“Mexico is a country with great needs, but the most urgent need is that our people get to know Jesus and His Holy Word,” said EHC Director Gloria Silva Lopez. Earlier in the year, heavy rains and flooding in Mexico State killed more than 30 people and drove thousands of others from their homes. Several impoverished Indian communities outside Mexico City were especially hard hit. Many families lost everything. EHC responded to the urgent needs of families in several Mazahaua and Otomie Indian communities. “Due to the hard situation, EHC Mexico helped by sharing clothes, shoes, medicine, and food,” Gloria said. “Also, the Gospel of God saved scores of people for His glory

His Name!”

Flood victims in Valle de Chalco located on the outskirts of Mexico City lined up to receive food, clothing, and the assurance of the Gospel as EHC workers partnered with local churches.

and honour.” Flood victims in Valle de Chalco lined up to receive food, clothing, and the assurance of the Gospel. “Christians in Valle De Chalco worked day and night preparing items for people who lost everything,” Gloria said. “The people were very thankful.” Believers from several churches also went home to home, armed with mops, brooms and cleaning materials to help people restore their flooddamaged houses. As EHC workers took to the streets to share the Gospel, they encountered

thousands of desperate people who needed to know that God loved them, including drug dealers, alcoholics and thieves. One distributor had his wallet stolen but felt that his future reward in heaven would be much greater than the few pesos he lost with his wallet. An EHC worker named Victor unknowingly approached a drug dealer and began sharing the Gospel. The dealer admired Victor’s courage and asked Victor to visit him again so he could learn more about Jesus. “After hearing the Gospel, many

people—children and adults— accepted Jesus as their Saviour,” Gloria said. “EHC workers also started Bible-study groups in 18 homes. We need to pray for the people in Valle de Chalco.” The Every Home Campaign in Mexico has generated more than 429,000 responses to the Gospel, leading to the formation of 4,348 Christ Group fellowships in communities where there were no evangelical churches. In addition to sharing the Gospel home to home, EHC is equipping believers from local churches to share the Gospel in hospitals, schools, prisons, and military compounds. “Our merciful Lord has saved hundreds of people by His great love,” Gloria said. “We cannot stop praising His name. Many times we have doubted that some people could become new creatures in Christ. But every day God teaches us that He doesn’t see what we see. For Him, everyone is a new opportunity to increase the people of God, and amazingly, He reaches the unreachable.”



Thank You Aaron Moore pictured below distributing mosquito nets in Africa is the Every Home for Christ Overseas Projects Manager. Aaron writes... Every year there are more than 247 million cases of malaria and over one million people killed by the mosquito-borne infectious disease. 90 percent of those deaths are African children. These statistics can be hard to fathom


It happened because you gave a gift! when you live in a country where malaria doesn’t even exist. Statistics on Malaria are often so big they are incomprehensible. Imagine getting severely ill, feverish and writhing around in pain on the floor, unable to work or complete simple tasks. When I visit Africa I meet with those suffering from Malaria face to face in their houses. Without fail, in my visiting week, at least one village will cancel or reschedule their time with me due to a sudden death from Malaria. For obvious reasons the

family can’t leave the body around and the funeral is held at short notice. Every Home for Christ just purchased and delivered 5,500 insecticide - treated mosquito nets to stop malaria in impoverished villages in Malawi and Zambia, Africa. Mosquito nets are the most effective means of preventing Malaria. The proper use of insecticide-treated nets combined with prompt treatment of malaria in the community can reduce malaria transmission by 60% and the mortality rate in young children by at least 20%. Each mosquito net allows for at least 2 people to sleep under it. In practice many of the nets will often have 3 children or a mother, husband and baby under them. That’s around 15,000 lives protected from malaria over the coming years. Still there aren’t enough nets for everyone so Every Home For Christ prioritises who

receives a net. All recipients fall into one of the following 5 categories: 1. Orphans 2. Mothers with children under 5 3. Elderly and widows 4. HIV/Aids infected persons 5. Disabled people One father said, ‘We had only one net for 7 people in our family. Thanks to EHC we now have one net for my wife, baby and daughter and one net for the boys. This will mean we won’t be sick so often, our baby is protected, the children can continue attending school and I can keep working in the farm to grow our food.’ Thank you to all those who bought a net for a needy villager! Net distribution in these villages is a time of smiles and merry making. Your gift enabled the impoverished to literally dance upon injustice!

Rob Innes presented 36 concerts throughout New Zealand organised by John Ealand and promoted by Southern Star radio to raise funds for mosquito nets and finally he and his wife Sandra went to Africa as volunteers to help distribute the mosquito nets. Rob said, “It is difficult to put into words when life provides you with a rare experience such as we have just had recently in Africa. When Every Home for Christ provided an opportunity for Sandra and me to join them as volunteers to go to Malawi and Zambia to help oversee the distribution of mosquito

nets, we were just a little overawed and somewhat apprehensive. Our experience however, was that we ended up being reluctant to leave our new found African friends and that ruggedly beautiful land.”


Rob said: “There were many significant moments but one in particular that touched my heart was when I gave a group of boys a small rugby ball to play with. They wanted me to play with them, they ran and laughed and were just so excited and it really impacted on me that something so small could bring such great pleasure to these kids. many things we take for granted can mean so much to others who have so little.” Sandra said: “There were many moments that touched me but in particular the first time we drove into a village. We were greeted like we were royalty, they were so happy to see us, they danced and sang, shook our hands and bowed before us. This was so humbling and made me appreciate how blessed we were to be able to be a representative for everyone who contributed towards the mosquito nets.”


The impact of our time in some of the poorest villages in those regions will stay with us forever. We were struck with the warmth and love from those dear people. The gratitude for the work Every Home for Christ is doing in Africa is overwhelming and we felt extremely humbled in being a part of the work there.

To see firsthand the difference people’s donations back home are making is exciting and encouraging. The malaria prevention programme with the distribution of mosquito nets as pictured below is being very gratefully received and we experienced first hand the real need of these nets (mosquitoes are very alive and active in these areas).

Speeches by many of the village leaders included heartfelt thanks for the Food Security programme along with water well provision as pictured below and other projects. These projects in particular are turning their circumstances from being close to starvation to having plenty of food for everyone.


The local Every Home for Christ workers and volunteers are doing an exceptional job of educating and encouraging local farmers and villagers in better techniques to secure a healthier future by growing their own food.

The children also captured our hearts and we will always remember their laughter and fun loving nature in spite of their circumstances.

Sandra and I have returned home with a new zeal for the ongoing work for Every Home for Christ. We are now looking for more ways to improve our effectiveness in raising funds for the work over there. We are so grateful to Every Home for Christ for providing the opportunity and to friends and family for the generous financial support. They gave us the opportunity to visit Africa and it was a privilege to represent the Every Home for Christ supporters who gave towards this awesome cause. We would not hesitate to return if we had the opportunity. Indeed, a “life changing, awesome� experience! Rob & Sandra Innes



The outside, unbelieving world expects to get things by work or by planning or by scheming or by accident; but God’s children are taught that they are to get things by asking and that the reason we do not have is because we do not ask. James 4:2 says, “You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God.” Fighting, warring, struggling and scheming these are not God’s ways for a Christian to get things. We are to get by asking. And the reason we have not is not “because you do not work.” Nor is it “because you do not plan.” No, it is because you “do not ask God.” Asking is God’s way for a Christian to get things!

business. But there are men who tramp the weary rounds day after day, making applications only to hear always the same story, “We have all the men we can use,” or “too old,” or “We only hire men with special training which you do not have,” or “We will put you on our waiting list.” I say that human efforts to get a job often fail. But, thank God, a Christian has other resources; he can pray and get a job from God! Let us add an explanatory word to the Scripture without changing its meaning at all, and God says, “ You have not a job because you do not ask God for one.” Asking is the way to get a job. John R Rice tells the story of how when he was preaching on prayer, he felt suddenly impressed to speak to a young man on the second seat. Pointing his finger to him publicly, he said, “Have you got a job?”He replied that he did not have.

You may say that the way for a farm to grow a

“If God would give you a job, would you really

crop is to break his ground, sow his seed, plow out the weeds; in other words that the way to have a crop would be by diligent and intelligent work. But there are farmers who worked hard and intelligently, and then there was no rain and they made no crop! Or storms beat down the wheat before it could be harvested, or weevils and worms ruined the cotton. So human wisdom and human toil cannot be relied upon. No, a Christian is not to depend upon his own toil nor his own planning but to ask of God. To the farmer God’s Word says “You do not have because you do not ask God.” Asking, or in other words, prayer, is God’s way for a farmer to succeed.

serve Him with all your heart?” He asked.


An unemployed man may think the way to get a job is to make the rounds of all the employment agencies to take special training for his job, or to get recommendations by men in high places in

He responded,“Yes, I would! And I sure need one.” He said “Then you go to God tonight and ask Him for a job and I will pray with you about it,” he said. “You say to God,‘Lord , if there is anything in my life that displeases You, if You will show me, I will confess and forsake it. If there is anything wrong with this request for a job, You show me and I will change my prayer to fit the leading of the Holy Spirit. And if You do not definitely show me what is wrong or lead me to pray otherwise, I am going to expect a job right away in answer to this prayer.’ ” The next night the man was in the church service and again in the midst of the sermon he felt impressed to speak to him. “Have you got that job yet?” He asked. “Not yet,” he said. But his wife spoke up quickly and said, “You have; you worked all day today.”


“But it is not the job I asked for and it is not permanent,” he replied. Then John Rice urged him, “Tonight you go to a secret place alone and stay there until God gives you assurance about this matter and I will pray with you.” The service closed and John Rice the preacher returned to his home. The next week there came a wonderful letter for this young man, telling how he had been given just the job he had asked for, in the plant and in the department and under the boss which he had specified in his request to God. With overflowing heart he said, “I wish I could tell everybody that the way to get what they need is to ask God for it!” Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt 6:11). The way to get daily bread is to ask God for it. This does not mean that God wants a Christian

utterly unexpected and without human instrumentalities, God chooses to work His will in answer to prayer. God can heal the sick without medicine and sometimes He delights to do it that way in answer to prayer. God can give jobs that you didn’t earn. But the point is that whether God uses well known means or does it by ways utterly unexpected, or even by ways impossible with men, still it is God who gives what we need. And the way for us to get what we need is to ask for it. Praying is God’s appointed way for a Christian to have what he needs, and what he wants. “You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God.” James 4:2. Suppose there are two men in conversation, one is not a Christian, the other man is a Christian. The man who is not a Christian says, “These are hard times. I can’t get a job. I have walked until my feet


WRITE YOUR PRAYER REQUEST ON THE ENCLOSED REPLY SLIP to by lazy. In fact, the right kind of praying will make a Christian willing to work or to do anything God leads him to do. But it certainly does mean that we should not depend upon our work, but rather , we should depend upon God to give us the results in answer to prayer. We must remember that God can use means. God can use medicines and doctors to heal the sick. Luke was “ the Beloved physician” (Col. 4:4). Timothy was commanded to “use a little wine for the stomach’s sake” (1 Tim. 5:23). King Hezekiah was healed when Isaiah commanded him to place a lump of figs on the boil which was about to kill him (Isa. 38:21). God can use means and He may answer our prayers by using human means. He may use an employment agency to give us a job by our diligent application and seeking. He may use our hard work on the farm to make a crop. But remember, that God does not always use human means. Some times through ways


are sore. I have answered all the advertisements. I just don’t get the breaks.” And suppose the Christian man answered, “yes, these are hard times. I have walked until my feet are sore too. I have answered all the advertisements in the papers, and yet I can’t find a job. You are right. A poor man just doesn’t have a chance these days.” Has the Christian no more resources than the man who is not a Christian? What good is it to be a Christian if you have no one to answer your prayers, no one to care for your needs, no one to give you what you want! There is no joy, there is no testimony, there is no victory in that kind of Christianity. Thank God a Christian can confidently pray and say, “My Father, You know I need a job. Everything in the world is in Your hands. So I ask You to give me, Your child, a job so I can have daily bread, so I can care for my family, so I can give to others and so others may

know that God takes care of His children.” And for millions of people God has answered such prayers.

Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from 2 Peter - Revelation For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading programme these chapters are in brackets.







AUSTRALIA -Pop 21,431,800 Map 145. Pray for the sale of land at Milora near Ipswich, donated by Effie Munday, to be sold and used to buy land for the high school in India. Pray for other people who are considering gifts too. 2 Peter 2 (Isaiah 24-27)

SIERRA LEONE - Pop 5,700,000 Map 43. Pray for God’s physical touch on EHC’s National Director, Michael French. For months he has battled weakness, fever and fatigue. Extensive medical tests have been conducted but have not revealed the source of his illness. 3 John (Hosea 8-13)

NEW ZEALAND - Pop 4,268,900 Map 146. Pray for MONGOLIA - Pop 2,700,000 Map 173. New Zealand Inland Revenue - Policy Advice Division Pray for nomadic clans living on the plains and the Parliamentary Committee to grant EHC tax of the Gobi Desert. EHC’s National Director, deduction for donors giving to overseas humanitarian projects. We understand the committee meets in November. 2 Peter 3 Baasandorj Algaa, reports many are still in deep shock and literally starving to death, having lost their (Isaiah 28-35) livestock during the most disastrous winter in ISRAEL TOUR - Pray for the 45 people going decades. Jude (Hosea 8-13) on the EHC Israel Tour. Pray God will protect and keep them safe travelling in the plane, SWAZILAND - Pop 1,200,000 Map 3. Praise coaches and God will speak to this group in His own God for favour with the nation’s reigning mighty way as they look at the places were Jesus once king, who is very supportive of EHC and the lived. Pray for all hotel rooms in Jerusalem to be vision to reach every home with the Gospel. Pray for confirmed. 1 John 1 (Isaiah 36-39) volunteer teams being trained to help follow-up Summer MALAWI - Pop 14,846,182 Map 15. Pray for the Advance outreaches. 1 Revelation (Hosea 14) new Malawi EHC Director, Rev Gilford Matonga. ARGENTINA - Pop.39,200,000 Map 221. Focus leaders and food security projects staff Praise God for the more than 2,600 decisions remain the same. Pray for them. 1 John 2 (Isaiah 40-43) for Christ received in the last four months


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ADMINISTRATION DONATIONS - Pray for administration donations to EHC. Most money donated is designated for overseas and we want to be faithful in getting it overseas but this leaves us struggling to keep the local office, staff and expenses paid. Please pray! 1 John 3 (Isaiah 44-48)


ZAMBIA - Pop 12,500,000 Map 14. Praise God for the strength of EHC’s prison ministry and the effectiveness of EHC’s gospel message, “Visit Me in Prison.” Pray that God would raise up leaders among the inmate population to be trained in the discipling of new believers. 1 John 4 (Isaiah 49-57)


TOGO - Pop 6,600,000 Map 37. Thank the Lord for the outcome of Togo’s recent presidential election and that the election was able to be held peaceably and favourably. Pray for EHC teams working in Savanna, Alherede and Sotoubou. 1 John 5 (Isaiah 58-66)


MICRONESIA - Pop 111,000 Map 163. The Micronesia government has extended an invitation to EHC to help combat the increase of crimes throughout the nation committed by young people. EHC will take part in a campaign geared at teaching Christian principles and values to Micronesia’s youth. 2 John (Hosea 1-3)

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because of EHC’s outreach in the Flores region. Pray as teams work through the discipleship of new believers, integrating them into local churches and planting Christ Groups where no churches exist. 2 Revelation (Micah 1-3)


BULGARIA - Pop 7,500,000 Map 75. Pray for evangelism efforts taking place in the town of Ztara Zagora, one of the largest cities in the nation, with more than 31,000 families. From this strategic center, EHC teams will then move on to the cities of Sofia and Veliko. 3 Revelation (Micah 4-5)


MALI - Pop 13,000,000 Map 48. Pray for the release of Satan’s grip on the village of Debo Kakoro. Multiple attempts to share the Gospel home to home have been unsuccessful in reaching all the families in this village due to their open hostility. 4 Revelation (Micah 6-7)


UGANDA - Pop 31,800,000 Map 26. Pray for EHC’s efforts to reach children and young people within the nation’s school system. This has been an effective part of EHC’s ministry for many years. However, there are a few areas where the headmasters are resistant. Pray for favour and open doors. 5 Revelation (Nahum 1-3)


SERBIA - Pop 7,600,000 Map 70. Pray for efforts to share the Gospel among a large number of Muslim families in the towns of Prokuplje, Kursun-lija and Blace. Only a small number of Christians are known to live in these areas. 6 Revelation (2 Chronicles 33-34)


LIBERIA - Pop. 3,900,000 Map 41. Praise God for the recent training and equipping of 150 pastors and church leaders specifically mobilized to work with existing teams to reach 47,000 people in six counties. 7 Revelation (Zephaniah 1-3)


CREATIVE ACCESS -Pray for the production and printing of the gospel message, “Are You Happy?” into the two most prominent languages in the region. Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak through it and touch the hearts of those who receive it. 8 Revelation (2 Chronicles 35)


EAST TIMOR - Pop 1,100,000 Map 143. Praise God for a favourable response from the government which resulted in granting EHC permission to take the Gospel home to home. In just the first month of operation, EHC visited 13 districts, touching 76,960 families. . 9 Revelation (Habakkuk 1-3)


SOUTH AFRICA - Pop 49,000,000 Map 1. Pray for the safe arrival of literature from EHC’s partner in ministry, Revival Movement Association. The literature consists of the Gospel of John and six different languages of EHC’s gospel message, “7 Steps to Knowing God.”10 Revelation (Jeremiah 1-6)


SAMOA - Pop 177,000 Map 156. Pray for the finances needed to replace aging office equipment in EHC’s office. Pray also for the safe arrival of Elizah Benny and his family who are relocating from EHC Papua New Guinea to oversee the work in Samoa. 11 Revelation (Jeremiah 11-12)


SRI LANKA - Pop 19,200,000 Map 129. Pray for continued strength and good health for EHC’s National Director, Sam Thevabalasingham, and his wife, Regina, who have led EHC’s work in Sri Lanka for more than 40 years. They have helped EHC teams reach more than 5.6 million families with the Gospel.12 Revelation (Jeremiah 26,7-10)


MALAWI - Pop 15,000,000 Map 15. Pray for evangelism efforts in the district of Karonga, devastated by a severe earthquake last year. Tens of thousands were affected, many losing everything. EHC teams are working among refugee camps and are reporting tremendous receptivity to the Gospel.13 Revelation (Jeremiah 14-20)


SLOVAKIA - Pop 5,300,000 Map 79. Pray for the launching of a new Internet site focused on reaching young people. Young people are looking for relationships and deeper answers to life’s questions. This is a tremendous opportunity for EHC to touch the lives of those seeking to find truth in Christ. 14 Revelation (Jeremiah 35-36)


BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA - Pop 3,800,000 Map 69. Pray for efforts to reach 9,000 families among the towns of Stolac and Ljubinje. These two towns lie along the demarcation zone established at the conclusion of the war 15 years ago. Pray that the churches uniting together to help reach these communities will be effective in their witness. 15 Revelation (Jeremiah 45,25)


MADAGASCAR - Pop 19,200,000 Map 4. Pray for wisdom and discernment for EHC’s National Director, Dries du Plessis, as he seeks to appoint a new leader over EHC’s discipleship teams. Pray also for resources to print a children’s evangelistic colouring book titled, “He Is Risen.” 16 Revelation (Jeremiah 46-49)


HONDURAS - Pop 7,400,000 Map 181. Pray for the training of five new Christ Group leaders who will work among newly established Christ Groups in the Monte Verde region. Praise God for the good response from EHC’s special thrust in the spring and summer which resulted in 580 new believers. 17 Revelation (Jeremiah 13,22-23)


ETHIOPIA - Pop 81,500,000 Map 29. Pray for the development of evangelistic materials in a nation where additional languages and dialects are rapidly increasing. Pray for translation of EHC’s gospel message into the Oromia, 18 Revelation Tigringna and Afar languages. (Jeremiah 24,27-29)


CAMBODIA - Pop 14,800,000 Map 136. Pray for volunteers to assist in the follow-up of responses received through an outreach centered around the Khmer New Year celebrations. The number of responses was considerably larger than previous years and additional help is needed to answer each respondent. 19 Revelation (Jeremiah 50-51)


BANGLADESH - Pop 153,300,000 Map 130. Pray for EHC’s National Director, Daniel Sarkar, as he works with the government in the renewal of EHC’s registration for the next five years. Pray for quick processing as it directly relates to finances flowing into the nation to support the work. 20 Revelation (Jeremiah 30-33

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