March 2012

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EHC Israel tour group in Petra

MARCH 2012

ISRAEL Israel coming back as a nation is probably the most astonishing event in history! It has never happened before, it never happened in the history of civilisation that a nation can be completely dispersed and 1,800 years later come back together as a nation with its original identity. This has never happened in the history of the world. God made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15:18 "On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham and said, "To your descendants I give this land..." And in this text God goes on to describe the actual land he gave to Abraham. The land of Israel today plus...

Then again in 1967 the Arab forces were once again more determined to throw the Jews into the sea. Radio Damascus was making broadcasts in Hebrew telling how they were going to throw the Jews finally into the sea. The Egyptian forces were massing in the Sinai. Jordan's King Hussein Now this is not just a covenant this was to was forming his artillery just over from the be an everlasting covenant. That is why God Mount of Olives. The Syrians were waiting has had this long term relationship with on the Golan Heights. Israel over these thousands of years. In Genesis 17:7 God said to Abraham "I will Egypt was ready with an invasion force of 1000 tanks and 100,000 soldiers ready to establish my covenant as an everlasting destroy Israel. covenant between Me and You and your descendants after you for all the They tried to wipe out the Jewish people generations to come..." because if they could wipe out the Jewish people then they would make God a liar ...And God never broke His promise to because God says in Ezekiel 36 that he Abraham and we witnessed this on the would regather the people into the nation evening of May 14th 1948 when the and it says in Isaiah 66 "...that can a nation Jews declared their independence and be born in a day?" God says in Amos 9:15 immediately the powers of darkness "I will plant Israel in their own land, never aroused the world and 7 Arab nations again to be uprooted from the land I have attacked Israel. given them," says the Lord your God. In a matter of hours Israel's first modern Israel was surrounded on three sides by war had begun. Several Arab nations invading forces which outnumbered and including Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and outgunned Israel defences but within 6 Syria invaded Israel and Israel survived.

days of fighting the Israeli forces pushed out the Jordanian forces and they pushed back the Egyptian forces, not just through the Sinai but across the Suez canal. The Syrian forces on the Golan Heights were also moved back. In 1973 these same nations would make their most aggressive attempt yet to destroy Israel but this time they would strike on the Jews most holy national day, Yom Kippur, this was a sneak attack but still Israel drove back the enemy and Israeli forces were within ten miles of Damascus and ten miles of Cairo with no armies in between to protect either of those cities and then the United Nations and Henry Kissinger stepped in saying "if you don't stop now the Russians are going to land with 850,000 troops and we are going to be in the midst of World War III", and Israel stopped and the world didn't go to war. The fact that Israel survived that attack was absolutely prenominal. The odds against them were tremendous. The forces that came against them were so much better trained than in the 6 day war. The planning was much better, the odds against them, man for man, tank for tank, plane for plane were like 10/1 in many cases and yet Israel is still in existence today.

They were not driven into the sea and that was completely miraculous. Militarily Israel did not have a chance but God had given His word to Israel that they would possess the land and Israel is in existence though by rational deduction Israel should not be standing today. For a good part of the last 60 years this tiny nation has been outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded and through conflicts with neighbouring nations and Islamic extremists. But not only did Israel have to fight for its existence after 1948 when it was declared a nation but all through history Israel has been fighting for its existence and we must never forget how in 1933 with Adolf Hitler's rise to power he killed 6 million Jews, burning them to death in the gas chambers. But where was God when all this was happening? There is no final answer but we know God gave mankind a "free-will" to do as they pleased...And they have been pleased to kill each other, nevertheless, the good news is that Israel is hearing the Gospel today and the number of Christians in Israel continue to grow.

Adolf Hitler

EVERY HOME FOR CHRIST IN ISRAEL In the last year Every Home for Christ commenced a ministry in Israel and appointed two full time staff to distribute Gospel literature home to home and in this one year tens of thousands of homes have received a New Testament and/or a Gospel booklet. Hitler's Auschwitz - Birkenau holocaust death camp, as pictured below, killed 6 million Jews but still there were Jews who survived and below is the testimony of one man who survived and came to Christ through Every Home for Christ in Israel.

Recently one of the Every Home for Christ staff in Israel met a gentleman by the name of Alexsander. This Tel Aviv resident was a Holocaust survivor who lost his family at Auschwitz - Birkenau. Having arrived as a young orphan lad in the newly-established country called Israel, he received a new lease of life and later served in the Israeli Air Force under the command of Moshe Dayan, legendary Chief of Staff to the Israeli Defence Forces. Alexsander made a mark in the air force and was decorated and honoured by the High Command for his

bravery and contribution to many successful raids into enemy territories. Alexsander confessed that he "discovered Jesus through the reading of the Gospel of Mark," which was given to him by Every home for Christ. He did not immediately become a Christian, but he was seeking real purpose and meaning for his life. He had a lot of questions about where God was during the Holocaust, but was intrigued by the possibility of a personal relationship with the Creator. He was sincerely seeking the truth and finally let the risen Jesus come into his life.

Every Home Global Concern

Helping the poorest of the poor, healing the sick and educating for a better life

It is a celebration for around one thousand (1,000) people in Every Home's projects in Malawi and Zambia who will graduate from the project and for the first time they will be able to provide for themselves and their families three (3) meals a day, every day, all year, every year, and hopefully, for the rest of their lives. This is all thanks to you for financially supporting Every Home's Food Security Program, which targets the poorest villages in northern Malawi and eastern Zambia and then selects the most disadvantaged households for assistance, including the elderly, disabled, orphaned, and those with HIV/Aids. These are the poorest individuals from the poorest villages in some of the poorest nations of the world. They are the poorest of the poor. It usually takes most participants around three (3) years to graduate from Every Home's Food Security Program. For one thousand (1,000) of them, 2012 is their third year. You can see photos below of some of these people recently receiving for the new planting season. This is a time of much joy and celebration as the poorest of the poor receive help to plant their food crop, bags of maize, cassava, fertiliser, soya, ground nuts, sunflower seeds and vegetable seeds to plant in their otherwise sparse and dusty fields.

Every Home distributes inputs to project participants.

Every Home's local workers in Malawi and Zambia provide intensive household "farmer" training during this period of time. They encourage the participants to work hard in preparing and planting their small household fields in order that they can receive the best harvest possible. Every Home's agriculturalists meet the participants in large groups for training, but then travel on motorbikes from field to field to help them put their training into practice.

Food Security Program participants gather for training

Every Home workers visit farmers in their fields to help them correctly farm their crops.

The most important aspect of Every Home's Food Security Program is that it focusses on long term success. The program aims to see families be food secure not only during the years of the program, but for life. This means these people need to, not only be able to grow enough food for the year they are in, but also a surplus that can be sold to pay for school fees, medical bills, general living costs and next year's seed and fertiliser. People prove they can graduate from the project when they buy their own seed and fertiliser for next year's harvest without assistance. This is a proud moment for many families.

Left: Mrs Phiri peels cassava tubers harvested as part of the Every Home Food Security program. Right: Every Home's nutritional officer advises villages on maintaining an Every Home well which provides fresh clean water to 52 people in this village.

But there is still more to be done. Some villages are still without fresh water and drink from unprotected holes in the ground, which leads to an outbreak of water borne disease such as diarrhea. Every Home workers encourage farmers to boil water before drinking or treat it with a chemical called water guard, but this can be expensive. In countries like Malawi and Zambia, which have limited access to health facilities, a case of diarrhea can be fatal. In fact 1.5 million children under 5 die every day in Africa due to diarrhea such is the need for water wells. You can help prevent this by buying a well in an Every Home project.

Mr Kondowe, is 55 years old and married with 6 children (see photo below). He and his family live in northern Malawi where they have been struggling to make ends meet. He found it particularly difficult to send his first born son to high school because they couldn't afford the school fees. What little money they had they used to buy food. Each year the harvest from all their crops would only supply them with food for two months of the year and they would struggle to survive the other 10 months. He said his greatest limitation was that he lacked the knowledge and skills to properly farm his crops and best utilise his harvest.

Through Every Home's Food Security Project, Mr and Mrs Kondowe received training in farming, health and nutrition and last year produced a healthy crop that enabled them to feed their family all year round for the first time. With the surplus from their crops they were even able to buy new clothes for the family. Mr Kondowe has been so encouraged by his training that he has begun sharing his lessons with other people in his village. Mrs Kondowe said she is particularly happy because the project has taught her how to prepare new and nutritious meals for her family using a variety of ingredients including soya, ground nuts, bananas and elements of each of the different food groups. Mrs Kondowe says the gender education has also provided a greater equality and harmony in their own relationship and as a family. They said they wanted to thank you, the Every Home supporters, for providing a program that has enabled them to change their lives. There are over a thousand people like Mr and Mrs Kondowe who, through your financial support, their lives have been changed forever! Thanks for making a difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor! Aaron Moore

Lorraine Leach, wife of Eric the Executive Director, has over these last 32 years been an integral part of Every Home for Christ in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and other overseas countries where Every Home for Christ is at work. But right now she needs your prayer. On Friday 3rd February she was rushed to the hospital Emergency Unit unconscious where she was diagnosed with an aneurysm on her brain that had ruptured. She was put in an induced coma and then rushed to another hospital where she underwent 2 brain operations, one to stop the bleeding and the other to drain the blood. She is responding well to treatment with no complications so far. Please pray for her complete healing as doctors say the recovery may be long.

Be Sure to be on the Israel tour! September/October 2012 "I would like to say that both Eleanor and I feel that this was one of the best holidays that we have had. We will certainly be recommending it to anyone who wants to visit the Holy Land and we would like to thank Eric and Lorraine for all the planning, hard work, long days and thoughtful consideration, without which the tour would not have been nearly so enjoyable or successful. " - Adrian Moore

If you are interested tick the enclosed reply slip or phone Australia 02 9570 8211 New Zealand 0800 900 200 United Kingdom 020 8940 1873

Strange Incense... when prayer becomes sin by David Wilkerson author of "Cross and the Switchblade" It has to do with the other side of prayer! The dark, evil, sinful side! The abominable kind of prayer! Prayer from the hearts and lips of unconsecrated, unholy Christians. David said to God, "you give heed to prayer which is not from deceitful lips...But as for the guilty, let his prayer become sin..." (Psalm 17:1 and 109:7). God warned His people Israel, "when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you, yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from my sight. Cease to do evil..." (Isaiah 1:15-16). God could not have made it any clearer; the need is not for more prayer - but for holy prayer! What a frightful prophecy this is - God's people spreading out their hands in prayer and supplication in great and multiplying numbers, and God is not listening! It is because we have been told that no one can ascend the holy hill of God except those with clean hands and pure hearts. God said, "I am weary of it all... I can no longer endure it..." (Isaiah 1:13-14). "He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination" (Proverbs 28:9). To call adulterous, fornicating, compromising Christians to prayer is to lead them into a sin against God that is worse than all the other evils in their lives combined. We had better get to the laver (the Old Testament meeting washing bowl Exodus 30:18) before we approach the golden altar of incense. Offering prayer to God through unclean lips and lifting polluted hands can bring down His wrath and perpetuate hideous judgements. God's Word likens prayer to incense - an aroma that goes up before God to the throne. David prayed,

"Let my prayer be counted as incense before thee; the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice..." (Psalm 141:2). John removes all doubt about it: "And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twentyfour elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints..." (Revelation 5:8). I believe this incense includes all the praying, all the praising of God's people. The offering of corrupt prayers to a Holy God is unspeakable horror in the heavenlies! Not a single corrupt prayer falls to the ground innocently! Every prayer from unclean lips of a Christian is gathered in an angelic censer - and one day must face the consuming fire of a holy God. There is a scene in Revelation 8:3-5. "And another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel's hand. Then the angel took the censer; and he filled it with the fire of the altar and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake." Comment: Revelation 8:3-5. The prayer censer of the "saints" that is offered and accepted by God is the same prayer censer that is poured out for the destruction of the earth. Prayer can be accepted by God or be destructive! "May his prayers condemn Him" (Psalm 109:7) This one prayer God hears from the "sinner" is "God, have mercy on me, a sinner" Luke 18:13.

Every Home for Christ Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738

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