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Questions & Answers SOPHIA ESPINOZA ’ 23

How have you evolved as a student at EHS? Do behind the scenes activities have anything to do with this?

I have become more myself. Theater and behind the scenes (BTS) have helped with this because they taught me that taking charge and having a “get it done” personality isn’t a bad thing that I need to hide. It also helped because being around theatre people has made me aware that I can acknowledge my problems and be myself. The people who mind when I am myself will fall away, and the people who truly love me will be there standing beside me.

Are there teachers at EHS who inspired or encouraged you to challenge yourself?

Mr. Revaz because he constantly taught me to take charge and get things done. Mr. Hutcheson because he helped inspire me to learn more about things that fascinate me. Ms. Hernandez because she taught me how to have a voice while being respectful and considerate of others.

What is your preferred way to handle a stressful BTS moment? Do you have a story of a time when you overcame a stressful situation?

I calm down and try to take deep breaths. I act as calm as I can in those moments in order to make sure I don’t become short-tempered with others. During Eurydice there was a moment when we were doing a show and one of the set pieces wasn’t working. This was really stressful because I had to find a way to fix it, measure how much time we had, calm the actor down, and manage the people around me while calling Mr. Revaz for support.

What advice would you give to another student at EHS who wants to get involved with BTS activities?

Just go for it. It is so much fun and you won’t regret it. Get to know the other people who do tech as well as Mr. Hutcheson and Mr. Revaz because they will be amazing and your life rafts when you don’t know what to do. Interact with the actors as much as you can because you find better ways to manage and learn where you need to grow from them. It also gives you new and different perspectives that help with your understanding of management, leadership, and theatre.

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