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All the latest news and notices from across English Heritage.

New volunteer induction sessions
These one-hour, monthly online sessions are led by our territory volunteer managers and cover an introduction to English Heritage as a charity, our strategy, values and behaviours, structure and geographical reach. We discuss volunteer-specific policies such as expenses, surveys, passes and the safeguarding policy.
The dates are advertised in the newsletter and on Fuse, or you can ask your manager. Everyone is welcome, whether you are just starting your role or have been here for a number of years. So come along and find out more while meeting other volunteers.
Hadrianʼs Wall volunteer forum
The Hadrian’s Wall volunteer forum was established to support the development of volunteer and community programmes within English Heritage.
In an exciting fi rst year, which coincided with the 1900 celebrations, forum members have been involved in supporting new volunteers, organising on-site social events and providing constructive feedback on best practice and where we can make improvements. The forum has also invited a range of guest speakers, including Penny Sexton, Senior Creative Programme Manager, Hannah Jackson, Community Fundraising Manager, and Joe Savage, Deputy Head of Interpretation. Through the guest talks they have had the opportunity to feed into external partner events, including Saturnalia and the Hadrian’s Wall 1900 thank-you conference.
The forum has quickly become a really valuable part of English Heritage’s work at Hadrian’s Wall, and we’re looking forward to it developing further over the years to come.


We’d love to hear from you by email at volunteerfocus@english-heritage.org.uk