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Strategic Planning
Earlier this year, the industry adopted a new strategic plan following a nearly yearlong effort to plan for future production and the needs to support the plan.
A strategic planning committee of industry members convened to develop a road map, assessing where we are, where we want to be, and how we will get there. The result of those efforts are a set of succinct strategic planning priorities for industry, as well as mission, vision, purpose statement, and core values that embody all that the industry does.
Mission (the core business of an organization): To cultivate industry prosperity by increasing worldwide demand for California walnuts. Core Values (the principles that guide decision making):
We: Do what’s right for the industry long term.
Operate with integrity and honesty.
Strive for excellence and innovation.
Purpose (the end benefit to people and society):
To enhance diet and health through flavorful
California walnuts.
Vision (the destination toward which we are working):
California walnuts are the worldwide nut of choice.
Strategic priorities were developed following extensive review of internal and external factors that impact industry: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Given the vast breadth of factors, the following priorities were identified as the most important for our future success.
Strategic Priorities
• Grow domestic and international demand. • Conduct research programs that fuel the vision. • Continue to build support via industry engagement communication plans. • Strengthen regulatory support for walnut production trade through advocacy. • Demonstrate industry commitment to sustainable production practices.
Future production and utilization are concerns that keep us up at night. With an estimated 60,000 non-bearing acres coming into production, we estimated that over the next five years, we will have an additional 196,000 tons to market by the 2022/23 season. The marketing teams went through extensive analysis to determine how this volume will be utilized in our existing markets, as well as new/other markets where volume potential exists.
Domestic Goal: 64,000 tons
Domestic growth will be focused in the four key areas of retail, industrial, institutional, and restaurants. In order to achieve the goals set forth, strategies, tactics, and measurement plans were developed, along with shifts in budget resources to support the growth. Consumer advertising and public relations will increase awareness and support partners in the trade.
Export Goal: 132,000 tons
Internationally, our goal is to grow volume across a large segment of markets in various states of maturity: emerging, growth, mature, and new. A target list was developed where the CWC programs have the ability to stimulate demand and purchase, each having its own strategy and tactics. Similarly to domestic, budgeted resources were shifted to support growth from the new plan.
In order to continually improve crop quality, research programs in the areas of production, post-harvest, and food safety are vital. And health research is essential to affirm the benefits of walnuts to the consumer audience and to shape public policy.
Production research ensures we balance the short term orchard management needs with the long term goals of improving crop quality through the breeding program. Key research areas focus on orchard management, entomology, plant pathology & nematology, and breeding & genomics.
The area of post-harvest research has continued to grow dramatically to support our growing industry and the challenges before us: food safety, crop quality, shelf life, uses of byproduct, and regulatory environment. Research projects will invest in our future to make us more competitive, while finding alternative uses for byproduct (shells and hulls) and mitigating risks to industry posed by the evolving regulatory environment.