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Green Golly & her Golden Flute

written and performed by

Keith Torgan & Barbara Siesel illustrations by Suzanne Langelier-Lebeda Berlin Lemont

INSTANT AUDIO on your iPod, mobile device, or computer

This story can be best enjoyed when accompanied by the entertaining performance of Keith Torgan, the storyteller, and Barbara Siesel, the flutist (and voice of Green Golly). To listen to the story on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, or on any Android device - and to enjoy the 10 beautiful classical works introduced in the story - you simply need to download the free StorySticker app.


To use the StorySticker codes (on the left for the story and at the back of the book for the music), simply download the StorySticker app for your iOS or Android device. Following the prompts, scan the code (tap on the bear to initiate scanning) or enter the 10-letter StorySticker code. Once the code has been identified (it will beep), simply press the PLAY button. You can then either listen on the cloud (which requires Internet) or save it locallly on your device (which does not).

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Green Golly & her Golden Flute

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with pianist Jessica Krash

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Written & Performed by Keith Torgan & Barbara Siesel

Produced b y Ra nda l

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This wonderful introduction to classical music includes tidbits of renowned pieces throughout the story. Longer versions of these flute performances (accompanied by Jessica Krash on the piano) are encoded at the back of the book in separate tracks. Simply scan the StorySticker codes or enter the 10-letter code to add them to your StorySticker library for repeated enjoyment.

If you would like a CD, they are available at and

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to all the moms and dads who read us to sleep and free our minds to dream great dreams

K.T., B.S., & S.L .L .

Special thanks to Randall Keith Horton and American Music Media for supporting Green Golly from the very beginning – and to Evan Torgan, whose strength, love, and compassion are an inspiration to all.

© 2013 Keith Torgan and Barbara Siesel © 2013 Illustrations Suzanne Langelier-Lebeda Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. Published by Eifrig Publishing, PO Box 66, Lemont, PA 16851, USA Knobelsdorffstr. 44, 14059 Berlin, Germany. For information regarding permission, write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Eifrig Publishing, PO Box 66, Lemont, PA 16851, USA., +1-888-340-6543 Music: All rights reserved © 2013 The Green Golly Project 212 East 13th street, New York, New York 10003 Produced in cooperation with The American Music Educational Television Project 142-14 Pershing Crescent, #3, Briarwood, New York 11435 Library of Congress Control Number: 2013937849 Torgan, Keith and Barbara Siesel Green Golly & her Golden Flute / by Keith Torgan and Barbara Siesel, illustrated by Suzanne Langelier-Lebeda p. cm. Paperback: Hard cover:

ISBN 978-1-936172-61-0 ISBN 978-1-936172-62-7

[1. Juvenile Fiction - Fairy Tales - Adaptations 2. Music - Classical 3. Music - Children’s] I. Langelier-Lebeda, Suzanne, ill. II. Title: Green Golly & her Golden Flute 17 16 15 14 2013 54321 Printed on FSC-certified recycled acid-free paper. ∞

upon a time

there was a girl whose parents were so hungry they gave her to a witch in exchange for



o f s e a t l a a l d p

Can you believe that? Salad! A plate of salad!



Lettuce! Clearly the better end of the bargain went to the witch with the amazing garden. Sounds dreadful, doesn’t it? Well, actually the witch loved the girl–

more evidently than the parents!! 66

She named the child

Green Golly for the golly good greens that in her garden grew!


As the girl grew she became more and more beautiful, so beautiful that all the young gentlemen paid a little too much attention to her.

And this concerned the witch . . .


And so the old hag put the girl in a very tall tower with no doors and no stairway and only a small circle of windows from which to see the world. Green Golly had nothing to do all day long but look at the view and grow hair.


I’m so happy! Happy! Happy! I’m so happy! Happy, hap, hap, hap, hap, happy, happy, happy!

Now, most children would have been miserable in that predicament. But not Green Golly.

She was delighted! You see, the mountains changed with the seasons—from white with snow, to popping with flowers, to the deep dark greens of summer, to the blazing reds, yellows and oranges of fall—and of course all sorts of wonderful creatures wandered, crawled, and flew by. Green Golly was so delighted by everything she saw, she couldn’t help but sing! 10

The witch— the witch couldn’t believe her ears . . .

a t a h My, w girl. But happy OICE . . . that V No good!

No good at all!!

And so the old witch decided to do something about the racket.


Green Golly,

Green Golly,

It’s a good thing the girl had so much time to grow hair, because frankly it was the only way up to the tower. The witch climbed Green Golly’s amazingly strong braid of hair. When she got to the top of the tower she said,

I’ve got something special for ya—think you’re gonna like it.

let down your hair

to me.


And she took out a beautiful golden flute.

Here …

play this.

… Now maybe we’ll get some rest from that wretched voice of hers. 13

. . . hh tle h o t o i , l h Oo was a c . . . I isti s s e m I gu o opti to


Here . . . try these!

What are they?

! s e l a c S

Scales? Yeah, you know —

la la la a l la . . . a l la la 15


D足ay in and day out, Green Golly played upon her golden flute. And as you can hear, the more she played, the better she sounded. 16

When snowflakes flew, she played ‌ when flowers popped, she played . . . in the deep dark greens of summer, she played . . . and with the falling leaves, she played. 17

O­ne day the old witch called out, Green Golly! Green Golly! Let down your hair to me! Up that great rope of braid the old maid shimmied.

Well young lady . . . I think it’s time to move on.

wer? You mean I can leave the to

No, not that. Move on to more interesting music.

The witch took out a huge stack of sheet music. Music? Music?! I need friends, not music!

These, my daughter, are the works of the world’s great composers. I think they’ll make you very happy.


But that was not to be. Mouse Art?? ?

MOZART!!! Moe’s Art???

Of course, being the kind of girl who could always make a pocketbook from a pig’s ear, lemonade from a lemon, or fertilizer from a small pile of doo-doo . . . she took out the first piece of music. . .

. . . and played.


As she played, the first star of evening appeared.


The sky filled with stars . . . beautiful

sparkling stars as far as the eye could see.


O­ne day, a handsome prince came galloping through the woods, when he heard music. My, thought the prince. That sounds like “Spring Song” by Felix Mendelssohn!

Even though he was on an expedition for his father, the king, he just had to find out where that music was coming from.

I just have to find out where that music is coming from.

And who could be making such magical sounds.

Who could be making such magical sounds?


He wandered over to the tower, but to his chagrin he discovered there was no door, no ladder, nothing. He called up ,

o! o h Yoo hoo!

! o o h o o Y o o Y

I’m so ! d e t a r t s u fr

Green Golly was so busy practicing the flute, she didn’t hear his sweet voice. In frustration,

and because he was on an expedition for his father, the king, he mounted his steed and galloped away.


Had Green Golly any idea at all that such a sweet prince had stopped to listen and wanted to meet her, surely she would have dropped her tresses! Had she any idea at all that such a man had come and gone, an arrow of gladness would have pierced her lonely heart. Because, you see, even though she loved her music and she loved the view, she was really quite lonely. Lonely, lonely,


lonely . . . lonely,





In fact she was so lonely she didn’t know what to do with these feelings—but then— it struck her! She would do what any great artist would do. She went over to her huge stack of sheet music, and she selected the piece of music that perfectly fit her feeling.




And so she played the wistfully lonely “Intermezzo Sinfonico” from the opera “Cavalleria Rusticana” by Mascagni.


All of a sudden, a huge bumblebee flew into the tower. For some reason, the big fuzzball must really have liked the music, because he kept landing on the end of Green Golly’s golden flute.


She wasn’t frightened, she wasn’t scared— she was thrilled, she was inspired!


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As the bee flew out the window, he turned to Green Golly and said,


Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov.

cou f O Bye!



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Well, the next day . . . or it might have been the next year . . . nobody really knows . . . as Green Golly was busy tooting her flute by sunset, there appeared outside her window what may have been a band of gypsies.

Hello dere! You dere up in tower! Young lady! Dat is great tune you got dere. I tawt maybe you’d like to join my gypsy band and see da vorld. Va da you say?

Green Golly’s heart leapt with delight. This could be her big chance. She ran to the window, she looked down, and what she saw was . . . 28

. . . an ugly little man with a big guitar.

le man?

Where’s the band, litt

Band? Band. Oh, oh ho, ho, ho . . . vell dere is not exactly band. It is just me and Suzettska.

ee anyone.

on’t s Suzettska? I d

Vell – Suzettska is vat I call guitar. Anyvay, I tawt maybe you’d like to play a tune or two vit me. Vat is your name? 29

My name is

Green Golly.

Ohhh, Green Golly, dat is very nice—I like dat. Green Golly, Green Golly, is very . . . Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. Oh I am so sorry— I am forget to introduce myself for you.

I am


the gypsy.

Happy to meet you , Vlotec, th e Gypsy.

No, happy to meet you, Green Golly.

Well . . . wha t would you like to play ?


“Habenera”? ed ll ca ne tu ow kn ou y o D et. It is from Carmen, by Biz

Well, umm . . . let me see if I have the music.

Green Golly was so excited . . . she’d never played with anyone before.

Here it is. What do we do? How do we start?


come u o ‌ y me is t r a I st when ti t. in righ


Oh, ho, ho, ho. Dat vas so beautiful—ha, ha, ha. You fill my heart—hee, hee, hee, hee, hee. Vould you like to go out for date vit me? like to, Uh, well, um, Mister Vlotec, I’d really ight. but, um, uh, I have to wash my hair ton

Now, to tell you the truth, Vlotec, the Gypsy, was not really her type … he was very skinny and very wrinkly and very old … he was at least ninety-seven years old—maybe a hundred and ninety-seven … nobody really knows.

ods again o w e h t f o k c in this ne r e v e e ’r u o tune. y r e h t o n a Um … if y a l e we can p b y a m … h g u tho

Oh. Okay. ! Dosvedanya Bye! And so, Vlotec, the Gypsy, went his way.


That evening, as Green Golly stared out the window at the purpling sky, she thought about what it might be like to be . . . elsewhere . . . free . . . roaming the world . . . making music. And sh e thou ght t and she though

For you see, once you’ve got music in your soul, there’s little else you can think of.

and she tho ught ght and she thou

and she thought ught and she tho and she tho ught

and she thought

and she thought, until her brain was so completely filled with thoughts that she couldn’t do anything else—even play the flute. And so she put her flute down and she picked up a pen and she began to write a poem. In fact, she was so completely filled with the writing of the poem that when the witch called out,


Green Golly, Green Golly, let down your hair to me! she didn’t hear a thing. Green Golly, Green Golly, let down your hair to me! Still there was no response. Where is that girl? The witch was worried.

Something must be wrong.

Green Golly never ignores me.

Once again, the Green Golly! witch called out … Green Golly! Let down your hair to me!!!!

All of a sudden a huge braid came flopping down over the side of the tower. It practically hit the hag in the head.

Ow! Uh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. There’s . . . heh, heh, heh. There’s got to be a better way. Once again, the old witch climbed Green Golly’s amazingly strong braid of hair.


When she got to the top of the tower, she noticed that Green Golly didn’t have her usual sparkle on. No music emanated from the soul of Green Golly.

What’s the matter?

(GG looking out the window)

Nothing. Nothing? That, that face does not look like nothing. What is it?

Nothing! Nothing? What is you writing?!



Nothing?!!! Give me that! Gi, gi, gimme that!

at’s Ohhh. Th ! iful so beaut



Never ever, ever write a poem like this again!!!!

The witch was so incensed she tore the thing into

five hundred and sixty-three tiny little pieces of poem! NEVER!!! You think

you want love? You know what comes from love?! Hurt! Heartache! I’ve been there— done that! Not for you!

Give me that flute! 38

The witch grabbed the flute away from the girl, and she played it herself with such great passion that Green Golly could scarcely believe her ears!




at Green Golly, and she left the tower. Well, the girl was shocked. She was frightened. She was horrified! Where there was once a hope for the future and joy, now there was only despair. Green Golly stood up, and she took the flute in her hand like a baseball bat, and she swung it toward the cold stone wall, when all of a sudden, she heard a tiny little voice.

!!! ! R

The witch threw the flute down

Hold everything!


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Who’s there? What’s that?

e, famo u g n us To t


Never act out on raw emotion. When one is angry one must step back and consider all that is good in life, and if that doesn’t work, sing a silly song! Give me an “A” please! Everyone repeat after me! Me, me, me, me, me, me! Never ever let yourself get in a hole Look around and see if you can see the sun Life is full of difficulties, but you know You can have some fun You are sure to have yourself the best of time If you let yourself look at the happy things Other people want you to be miserable You mustn’t let them win . . . You take it, Miss Golly! Isn’t it delightful to be cuckoo mad Better to be nutty than be miserable Do a silly dilly. Brblbrblbrb!!!! Do a doofy dance ‘Til you can’t hide your smile.


The little fellow bowed reverentially and said, Remember . . . when you feel sad, sing a silly song. And he disappeared through a crack in the wall. Green Golly was so excited. That funny little Mousey Tongue fellow and his ridiculous little song kept her from smashing her golden flute and losing that which was most important to her.

— y p hap ! o s ce I’m n a d d l u o Ic


She started jumping up and down and doing all sorts of strange movements.

Well, okay, she wasn’t much of a dancer. But when she finished her silly little dance . . . 43

…she picked up her flute again . . .

. . . and she played the fabulous “Minute Waltz” by Chopin.


I can’t stay in this tower any longer— I’ve got to escape!!!

There was just one problem. Green Golly had spent so many years in the tower studying music and practicing the flute, that when it came to certain things, she just didn’t have a clue! 45

How does that witch get up here??? What is it the witch says when she wants to get up to the tower? Okay—I’ll tell you. Everyone repeat after me, but you have to do it in a witch’s voice!

Green Golly! Green Golly! Green Golly! Green Golly! Let down your hair to me!! Let down your hair to me!!

Oohhh. Hair! 46

Hair!!! AOhhhhhh! nd so Green Golly took her golden flute, her huge stack of sheet music—slipped it into a big black bag, slipped the bag over her shoulder, ran to the window, and threw out her long long hair . . . n’t o d I Uh, k this thin gonna . is .. k r wo


This was a terrible idea— and so she pulled her hair back in the window. She looked around the tower until she discovered a pair of scissors! She cut off her braid of hair— she tied it around a big old nail in the tower—threw her hair out of the window— picked up her bag—


and slid down her own hair to freedom!

Green Golly and her Golden Flute went off to see what they could see.



NOT EXACTLY! Do you remember the prince? Well, one day, the prince was galloping through the woods once again when he came upon the tower. And he was hoping to hear music—but there was none. He got off his horse, and he walked over to the tower, and there was a note on the tower, and the note said . . . As the disappointed prince mounted his steed—the old witch came out—and she saw the prince and she saw the note and she thought to herself . . .

. . . e r o m I deserve . . . e v o l e I deserv a e v r e s e Id ! e c n a h c second

346 50

And so—being a witch—

I shoulda thought of this years ago!

she turned herself into a beautiful young maiden. When the prince saw her, he fell madly in love, and whisked her away to his kingdom, where they were wed and lived out their years!





! ! ! F POO


! ! ! F POO

! ! ! F POO 51

Of course, no wedding would be complete without music, and so they went to Green Golly’s website, and they hired her to play for their wedding!

The old witch—now the beautiful young queen—listened on in delight . . .


. . . knowing that somehow, in spite of her past jealousy and over-protectiveness, she had somehow done a very good thing.



Musical works “Once upon a time there was a girl...” Salut D’Amour by Edward Elgar

Musical pieces are noted with the golden f lute in the story.

“As she played , the sky filled with stars... “ Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the style of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart “One day a handsome prince came galloping through the woods...” Spring Song by Felix Mendelsohn “She went over to her huge stack of music...” Intermezzo Sinfonico from the Opera Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni “For some reason the big fuzzball must have really liked the music...” Flight of the Bumble Bee by Nicholai Rimsky-Korsakov “All of a sudden outside her window she heard...” Two Guitars by Anon “I start, you come in when time is right...” Habanera from the opera Carmen by George Bizet “That evening as she stared out the window at the purpling sky...” Duo by Aaron Copland “You think you want love?” Introduction and Variations on a Theme: Trokne Blumen by Franz Schubert “And if that doesn’t work...sing a silly song...” Gavotte by Francois Joseph Gossec, lyrics by Keith Torgan “But when she finished her silly little dance, she picked up her flute again...” Minute Waltz by Frederic Chopin “The old witch, now the young queen, listened on in delight...” Salut D’Amour by Edward Elgar

The Musical Pieces

Salut D’Amour by Edward Elgar


“Intermezzo Sinfonico from the opera Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni


Two Guitars by Anon


Duo by Aaron Coplan


Gavotte by Francois Joseph Gossec, lyrics by Keith Torgan


Spring Song by Felix Mendelsohn


Flight of the Bumble Bee by Nicholai Rimsky-Korsakov


Habanera from the opera Carmen by George Bizet


Introduction and Variations on a Theme: Trokne Blumen by Franz Schubert


Minute Waltz by Frederic Chopin


The Green Golly Project The purpose of the Green Golly Project is to introduce classical music to children everywhere – and to create new audiences for today and for the future. Through live music theater performances, recordings, illustrated storybooks, sheet music, games, musical instruments, and animated programming, the Green Golly Project is imagining a world in which classical music sings to a new generation.

Live Performances for Children Green Golly & her Golden Flute Green Golly and the Treasure of Light Little Kids Little Songs Last Night I Dreamt I Ate a Giant Marshmallow I Hopped Out of Bed and Jumped for Joy!

Live Performances for Grownups Now We Can Sing Life in the Middle Ages Filigree: Flute Music from Around the World

Sheet Music published by the Theodore Presser Company The Green Golly Collection: for Flute and Piano The Green Golly Collection: for Flute Choir The Green Golly Collection: for Chamber Ensemble The Green Golly Collection: for Chamber Orchestra

Green Golly Flutes by Di Zhao The Pixie The Green Golly Flute The Green Golly Open The Spellcaster

www.g r e e n g o l l

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