James's Secret

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James’s Secret Once upon a time three kids named James Jay me, Carlos Montero, and Alex Averman found out a secret about each one of them. But I’m going to tell this story from the beginning. Once upon a time there was three kids who lived Los Angeles named Carlos Montero, James Jay, me. They play on a little league team together but the only secret they never told each other is that I plays on a travel team that plays teams from New Jersey, Virginia etc. One day at practice Carlos was up to bat, I was playing 3rd base and, James, the star pitcher, was on the mound. The scrimmage game that we had been playing turned into a laughing stock. James threw the pitch and Carlos surprisingly hit a hard line drive smack center of Alex's chest I drop. If Alex's dad or Coach Kevin found out about this he would be benched for life. The next day I woke up in bed. Carlos was there next to me with his style of what he calls a snore but nobody really knows what it is so I just go back to sleep. When I wake up again Carlos wasn’t there any more. Wow!!! I have practice in an hour and a half. I got out of bed and when I did I heard someone say “easy there” I turn around Carlos why did you switch I asked he said “This one has a foot rest” he said in a very joyful way any way we better get to practice or else we’ll be in trouble. At the end of practice coach announced that our first game will be on June 25th against Central California. Derek Trent their catcher wanted to get together with Carlos, I,and James at In The Net to practice on the day before the game. Carlos walked home after practice to his apartment down the street to see his 6 year old brother watching barney. Carlos said to him “grow up” and then turned the channel to sport center “this is the life right here” Carlos said. Carlos’s brother was only 6 but he could throw harder than some of the kids on Carlos’s all star team. Carlos has been dreaming to go to the Little League World Series for 2 years and really wants to go. Today was the day that Carlos and I and James were supposed to meet Derek at Seltzer field. Next month Everyone was at the field except James so I called his house his dad answered. “Hello” “Yes is James there”

James’s Secret “ No he’s at the doctors I’ll tell him you called”. about an hour later I was at home ring ring ring went the phone I picked up the phone. “Hello” said I “This is James you called” “Why were you at the doctors” said I “I felt sick and I found out that I have have cancer”said James “WHAT!!!!!!!!! I’m coming over there to the hospital” I said “Room one fifty... “beep beep beep.said James “Dad can you take me to the hospital” “Why” “James has cancer” “ WHAT!!!!!! Jump in the car I’ll take you. When we got there I went straight to the front desk. What room is James Jay in? “Room 156.” said the accountant I ran to the elevator I realized I don’t need the elevator and ran down the hall 150, 152, 154, 158 wait what I stopped and turned around I ran right past it I walked in I saw Alex's friend paler than ever. I said “hi” and he waved back I walked towards the bed and sat down “where’s your dad?” he shrugged and said “Where’s yours?” “Does it matter?”I said then we heard something com crashing into the room like a bull and say”Where is he?” I got up and pointed at James. “Well I got to get to the car “me to bye” said Carlos”I’m going to COOPERSTOWN!!!” “call me” James said to I very raspy.Alex’s dad was sitting in the car with his mom and his 4 year old sister and it had started raining hard

James’s Secret now and thunder and lightning. Finally he made a run for it. About an hour later they got there hotel.Carlos was already in his room at the Days inn. our room is 156 said his dad that reminds me I have to call James. I picked up the phone and dialed James’s cell phone number 532-875-4241 or speed dial 5, ring ring ring. “Hello” said James’s dad. “Is Jam-o there” that was Carlos’s nickname for him. a raspy voice came on”hello”. “how are you” I said. “Good I’m getting out of here in two weeks”James said. “Gotta go before Alex's sister finds out that your on the phone, she’s obsessed with you by the way Carlos’s 4 year brother Miguel says ”Get well soon”bye call you soon.” “Bye.” “Who was that.” said Grace “Maid service wondering if we got settled ok and if we needed anything to just call the front desk.”I replied then Alex's dad walked in and said “Time for bed.” “But dad”Grace said “No buts if want to go to the Hall of Fame tomorrow.”said Alex's dad. “You know your a huge pest it’s vacation we don’t need to go to bed at nine o'clock.” “Well you are, so go to bed little one.” dan na nant dan na nant ESPN.I stayed awake watching all the highlights of every single game baseball, football, basketball, hockey and tennis but his all time favorite not top ten. That’s where all the best bloopers were but, it’s barely ever on it’s always just plain old top ten most of the time. This night was special it was the Not Top Ten is on. Number 3: a batter was swinging and he accidentally let go of the bat. It went flying like a helicopter propeller into the dugout and exploded the Gatorade jug. Number 2: a fan was at the home run derby in Arizona. Next to the pool Prince Fielder hit one into pool and the fan jumped in and caught the ball He did not spill his beer. Number 1: A guy in the stands was on the phone when a foul ball comes right at him and he doesn’t stop talking on the phone and reaches up and grabs the ball and keeps talking like it was nothing. Then he changed the channel back to the news and went to sleep. Next day Carlos, I, Miguel , Mr. Averman and Mr. Montero went to the Hall of Fame. Awhile Mrs. Averman, Grace and Mrs. Montero went to the mall. Carlos and I and Miguel played this game where you got three throws, and starting on the third one if you hit the target where it wanted, you got another ball. I went first after the long wait, but it was worth it

James’s Secret because they found out that there’s a machine that tells you how hard you throw. Although I got only 2 extra balls he through 77 mph which is 97 mph on a major league mound. I had to take a picture of it and send it to James who’s highest was 79 mph. Carlos got 5 extra balls but his fastest pitch was 69mph which is 93 on major league mound. Miguel did not get any extra balls his fastest pitch was 37 mph which is really good for a 4 year old. When we met up with our parents they were taking pictures of Ty Cobb’s cardboard cutout. Sending it to my dad they weren't missing anything. Beep, It’s Jam-o. His text said Look at what your sister just 5 seconds ago and a picture of her in a pink dress. I sent back the picture of the 77 mph. He replied where did u buy that picture? LOL I threw that in a game I’m catching up to you. I replied. Ya right James! sent back. gtg get well soon. I texted. Meanwhile at the mall Grace was getting mad because James was not complimenting about her new dress. I and Carlos where begging to get baseball cards. There dads decided that they where so annoying that they just bought them each a cheap pack. I opened his pack hoping to get his favorite player Albert Pujols but he did not, but he did get James’s favorite player Manny Ramirez. Next day the Mets were in Shea Stadium at 3 o’clock and Alex's awesome father surprised us with tickets. See, Carlos’s uncle is the president of the Mets. Carlos, Mr. Montero, Miguel, my Alex's d and, I, were going to the World Series . Nobody really woke up until noon so; we went straight to the stadium for batting practice. On the way in we each bought a pack of baseball cards to get signed and lucky for me the Mets were playing the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series which is the team that Manny Ramirez plays for. We our planning on getting autographs. Carlos and I got a good spot in the left field bleachers for batting practice I didn’t realize who any one was until Jason Bay came up to bat there was a huge massacre of people saying stuff like: “hit it here Jason”, “Hit it out’ a here Jason”. Carlos was leading all of us to our seats and after a lot of stair cases I was thinking were either sitting at the highest seats there are or were in the press boxes. At last we make a turn but I’m too far down to see the section. As I approach the top I see P…R…E…S…I? What, I? PRESIDENT’S BOX!!!

James’s Secret At the game start I realize that food is free in the president’s box. In the third inning I had an incoming call from James. I picked it up and said “Hello” “YOUR ON TV!!!” beep beep beep I was very stunned at that ,but he obviously got over it because he did his best impression of a mime. He did the I’m in a box trick and the face changer. It did not last long because I did not know that James was standing right behind him. When James turned around I think I stopped breathing. “How’d you get out of the hospital” I said “I’m cured” he said. Next day they had a 10:30 flight back to Los Angeles so they had to leave the hotel at 9:00. On the flight to Los Angeles, Alex got a text from Coach Kevin saying “James is out of the hospital?” Alex sent back “How’d u find out.” I was watching the Met’s game.” Are you three going too be at the game tonight.” “YAAAAAAA!!!” I sent. And Carlos is able to pitch, will he?” I sent. “Well yeah.” At 4:00 we got back, we had to be at Seltzer field at 5:00 so in that extra time we had we played Junk Ball which is pretty much wiffle ball. At 5:00 we headed over to the Seltzer field at the game Derek was like hugging James asking him if he was ok . In warm ups a kid from the other team was watching James like a hawk. James was very curios so he walked over and said why are you watching me? He said back to him who’s your father and I pointed over to my dad He said you look like Josh Hamilton. James was thinking about that the whole game. His team won the game 7 to 5. On the car ride home his dad asked him what that kid had said to him and he told him the whole thing. When he was done talking his dad looked at him and said “Maybe your related.” “Wouldn’t that make you related to him as well.” “No.” “That means I’m adopted. Why didn’t you tell me!?” Next day I decided to find out who my parents are I searched my name so many times on the google but this politician kept coming up. Maybe Jay isn’t my real last name. I searched orphans.com and a website came up so I searched just James this time. A guy named James Ramirez. Maybe that’s Manny’s son. The next day the Met’s were back in Los

James’s Secret Angeles so I asked Carlos’s dad for clubhouse passes for some information on Manny Ramirez. After the game that the Dodgers won I went down into the Dodgers clubhouse. Thankfully everyone was crowded around the winning pitcher Clayton Kershaw. I walked over and asked him “How’s your wife” trying to get into the family talk. He said back “she’s good, do I know you.” Sorry my name is James Jay.” “Do you have any children?” “I did.” He replied “Oh I’m sorry for your loss.” I said “No it’s not that, it’s just all the baseball and a child it just doesn’t work out. His name was James. He’s living with another family now.” Next day I called Alex and Carlos and they came over. When they got here I filled them in. You know, I think Alex has a problem with breathing because he literally stopped breathing. I got used to that about a month later when we met about 5 years ago. Those were the day that my mom was still alive. Back then me and my mom used to go shopping everyday. We’d go all the way across the mall me looking at the game stop like it was $1,000,000 in green wrinkly cash. Her looking at the Kranich’s Jewelers like it was Tom Brady proposing to her with a solid gold diamond ring. Unfortunately those where the days that she was alive she died on October 6, 2007 in a car crash and now I found out she’s not my mom, “What are you doing you know we can hear you right James.” Alex said. “How, I was day dreaming.” I said. Now lets find out if I’m Manny Ramirez’s son when we searched James Ramirez on google on my laptop and went to images and the first picture was a baby in Manny’s hands in the clubhouse it looked very familiar. We walked up the stairs to a picture on the wall and held up the laptop next to it same exact picture. My parents told me that I won a contest to go down there when I was a baby. The next day was an off day for the Dodgers so I asked Mr. Montero to get into his Hotel. I put my laptop in a back pack and set off. We finally got in at about 1:00 p.m.. When I asked the clerk which room Manny Ramirez was staying in, he said “He’s not signing autographs now” There was a pause for a couple of minutes but I broke it by

James’s Secret saying “He’s my dad” “Ya and I’m lady gaga. If I call his room will he say you are?” “You bet.” I said very confident. When the clerk called I heard him say “Really?!” then he hung up and said 5th floor room 537. I walked over to the elevator expecting peace and quiet. I walk into the surprisingly rusty elevator and pressed the blue squishy button that said five on it in fancy white letters and stood in the corner until the door opened I walked out and turned to see a familiar face, Andre Ethier. I walked down the hall looking on the odd number side at the shiny gold plaque there it is 537. I knocked on the the door with my knuckles and in about 3 seconds somebody opened the door and saw me and said “Wow you’re tall 5 foot 7” “8” I said back “Wait you where that guy I met in the clubhouse the other day” “Who really cares how tall you are come in and we’ll talk.” When I came in he said “So, you think you are my son.” I pulled out my laptop clicked on google chrome and my home page, google came up I typed in James Ramirez and the picture came up I clicked on full size image. “Actually I think I am and one more thing is this your son” I said turning around my Dell laptop. “Ya you know him?” “That’s me. I have the exact same picture in my house I’m adopted it all makes sense you think.” And we all lived happily ever after. Oh no when your dad plays major league baseball it’s not happily ever after, it’s happily busy.

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