ASSETScope Special Edition

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Technologies in Education Special Edition

EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers,

Asmi Arul Educational Specialist

Bindu Pillai Asst. Manager Marketing Communications

Vasundhara Vyas Asst. Manager Marketing Communications

more a ng education are evolving and it is no The process and methods of imparti across or easy access to all that is happening gradual process. Call it overexposure ence e of technology. The fast growing influ the globe, the root of it is the influenc itional, customary ways. The way we of technology is changing all our trad e. The inesses, households or even socialis communicate, the way we run our bus we teach and learn. influence has also changed the way ous ways cope we are trying to explore the vari With this special edition of ASSETS ent ed the education system, what the curr in which that technology has influenc the antages of introducing technology in trends are, and the challenges and adv teaching learning process. e of the forward looking Principals, For this edition we interacted with som gy erstand the various aspects of technolo Educators and Institution Heads to und hers st trends, the challenges for their teac intervention. They speak about the late is gy psychological impacts that technolo and their students and the social and bringing into education. ghtful ETScope will be an interesting and insi We are sure that this edition of ASS please re your opinions about this edition. Also read for you. Please feel free to sha of built upon, for future Special editions share with us more ideas that can be ASSETScope. nt all the educators who acted as Assista We acknowledge the contribution of e. Editors in making this edition possibl Regards, Team EI

Rajendra Soyantar Graphic Designer

EI would like to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. Tyrone D'Brass, Mr. S. Sriram, Ms. Seema Buch, Ms. Rekha Mishra, Ms. Vijay Chadha, Mr. S. A. Nair, L. Alagarsamy, Ms. Renu Verma, Ms. Nivedita Chakravarti, Mr. Santosh Kanavalli, Ms. Sunita Sen, Ms. Kaveri Dutt, Ms. Shanti Menon, Mr. P C Sreenarayanan, Ms. Dipika Rao, Ms. H.M. Annaourna, Ms. Rekha Shiralkar, Ms. Kavita Bajpai, Mr. Ramkumar, Ms. Lalitha Vijayakumar, Ms. Veni.R, Mrs. Anna Dias, Ms. Archana Rao, Ms. Sudakshina Sensharma and Mr. S Sundaram

It’s New… It’s Happening… It’s Needed! Innovative Practices that Schools are Adopting to make the Teaching Learning Process Smoother, More effective and Impactful


eaching – learning is a two way process. The transformation of mere chalk and talk method to interactive teaching and learning is the present scenario. In order to adopt to the requirement of teaching-learning styles, innovative practices have been adopted by schools to make the teaching-learning process smooth, more effective and impactful. Innovation is an important topic in man’s everyday life. The society has witnessed a drastic transformation from primitive nomadic life to technology in life. Structural

changes in society and the advancement of scientific knowledge call for the need for innovative practices in education. “For intrepid teachers and school leaders who will grasp emerging opportunities to innovate and re-imagine how teaching can be expressed and experienced, new technologies and the creative opportunities are aplenty. The starting point is an exploration of what changes in the curriculum can impact positively every student’s aptitude and learning, building life-long skills,” says Ms. Shanti Menon, Principal of The Deen’s Academy,

Bangalore. She adds, “Technology can and should change our roles as teachers too. Explore interactive classrooms, computer games that could be adapted to incorporate curriculum demands, e-texts that have linked multimedia, and iPhones that can excite learning. Needless to say, innovation begins when teachers receive the support, environment and professional development to embark on this gratifying journey”. Talking about some of the innovative practices implemented in schools, Ms Lalitha Vijaya Kumar, Principal of

Hymamshu Jyothi Kala Peetha, Bangalore says, “There are several initiatives that schools have taken these days, like the Activity method of teaching focusing on developmentally appropriate practices - this is mostly applied in the Nursery schools where children play and learn”. She adds, “Another popular practice now is of Experiential Learning, stressing on the philosophy of ‘I do, I learn’. Direct experiences facilitate the development of

clear conceptual understanding. Interactive boards laying emphasis on planning and classroom transactions are also a popular tool. The visual impact of the transaction provides enhanced learning and retention”. With innovative practices in schools introducing technology, the teachers have a significant role to play in terms of planning and implementation, being equipped with the latest trends in education and openness for evaluation and feedback. Another

important practice for teachers is to develop a network of subject teachers to exchange ideas and best practices. In addition to all these, the support and encouragement of the concerned governments in adopting the suitable innovative practice is tremendous. Besides, parents’ support and understanding of new initiatives is another factor to be considered.

A list of some Innovative practices in schools Activity method focusing on developmentally appropriate practices- this is mostly applied in the Nursery schools where the children play and learn. Experiential learning stressing on the philosophy of ‘I do, I learn.’ Direct experiences facilitate the development of clear conceptual understanding. Smart board, laying emphasis on planning and classroom transaction. The visual impact of the transaction provides enhanced learning and retention.

Setting up of laboratories like Maths Lab and Language Lab Involving children in project work, quiz, experiments, demonstrations and keeping them engaged in meaningful activities. Online education with immediate feedback facility.

feedback and remediation. This system helps in identifying the gaps in learning for which working out appropriate remedial are possible. Continuous and comprehensive evaluationis less stressful and hence joyful learning is experienced.

Supportive remediation through internet facilities.

Teacher training- enabling teachers to be well equipped with the changes in the education system.

Alternative assessment supported by

Research and development

Significance of Technology Intervention •

Develops better learning skills

Minimizes teacher input and maximizes student output

Enhances joyful learning

Generates peer learning and promotes group work

Minimizes stress

Empowers teachers to transform traditional blackboard and chalk work classrooms into interactive sessions thereby helping conceptual understanding and better and longer retention.

Facilitates the children to be better equipped in facing life’s challenges.

The Inevitable Change

Multi dimensional purposes for technology in schools for student include: • Improving learning (e.g., higher standardized test scores) • Increasing student engagement in learning • Improving the economic viability of students (e.g., increasing students’ abilities to succeed in a 21st century work environment through teaming, technology fluency, and high productivity)

• Increasing relevance and real-world application of academics • Closing the digital divide by increasing technology literacy in all students • Building 21st Century skills (e.g., critical thinking and sound reasoning, global awareness, communication skills, information and visual literacy, scientific reasoning, productivity, and creativity) (Contributed by Mr Santosh Kanavalli Principal, The High Range School, Munnar)

‘How is Imparting Education Changing with New Age Technology’?


ducation has surely undergone some radical and far-reaching changes in the last four decades, thanks to the incorporation of the new age technology into daily life. It is amazing how the mammoth sized computers of yesteryears have shrunk to fit into the palms of our hands packing more information and applications than a normal mind could comprehend. A mouse is no longer the scavenger variety. Now being pinged, poked and tweeted is part of our social exchanges. The definition of a notebook has changed completely. All this and more is pushing education towards getting customised and personalised. “The modern day education instead of focusing on 'teaching' people has begun to develop methods like inquiry based education; problem based learning and collaborative learning where the 'learner' has become an active agent in the learning process. The focus of education has shifted to ‘how to learn’ rather than ‘what to learn’ and the focus of learning has shifted to teach children ‘how to think’ rather than ‘what to think’,” says Mr Sreenarayanan PC, Principal of Podar International School, Ahmedabad. The latest trend in education shows the adoption of modern technology as a tool in teaching and learning. A Digital teacher has more instructional time because all the notes/problems that were written or worked during the class, can be saved, emailed, or posted online. Digital learning

uses less paper as students can submit their assignments to digital drop-boxes before the class even begins, and teachers can carry them anywhere with their tablets. It provides a more customised approach to curricular development and delivery than is possible with a "one-size-fits-all" textbook driven curriculum. It promotes inquiry, project and problembased learning. It also helps in publishing students work for a wider audience. But placing technology in classrooms does not ensure that it will get used appropriately or even get used at all. “There is no doubt that the reform agenda calls for fundamental changes in teaching practices on the part of most teachers. In some ways the introduction of technology only adds another level of compilation to what is already a daunting task,” says Ms Kavita Bajpai, Principal of Euro School, Ahmedabad. The larger question still remains whether educators will be able to use this new age technology to its best use. Are they equipping themselves to deal with the changes now and further so that to impart those skills necessary for the students to take on the challenges of the future? “There are also a lot of contradictions that we have around us that add to the confusion and clutter. We have mobile phones but the students are not allowed to use them in school. We have information at our fingertips, yet we

expect our students to continue to memorise facts,” says Nivedita Chakravarti, Educationist. She continues to say, “Some of our learned educators are of the opinion that technology is bound to create dummies and in their schools the students are given very limited access to technology and probably it has remained just one of the subjects to be pursued for 45 minutes twice a week”. Mr Sreenarayanan PC shares his concern as an educationist about the learning behaviour of students. “The short attention span, lacking reflection and text literacy are some of my major concerns. Misuse or abuse of the information is another challenging task the educationists have to face”. He continues to add, “With all the above concerns I strongly advocate the use of online technology as it provides ample opportunity to be creative and constructive. It also helps them to explore and discover on their own giving a sense of satisfaction and eventually better learning”. Ms Kavita Bajpai adds, “We all will have to join hands to make the education system more innovative, creative and interesting. We must develop a new school of thought of treating ourselves as practitioners not the experts, so that we can try to accommodate new age technology as an integral part in our education system with little fear of any learning and psychological difficulties”.

School Leaders’ Concern in Introducing Technology in their Schools


here are no two ways about technology contributing very effectively to the creation of a lively learning environment in the classroom, inclusive of learning. Technology has become an indispensable aid to teaching today. Technology has also helped to streamline school management systems, leading to greater efficiency in the administrative set-up. Communication networks within the school community and with parents have greatly improved with the introduction of advanced technological programmes in schools. Security issues in educational institutions too have been successfully addressed with the help of cutting-edge technology. However, certain concerns remain, especially about the injudicious use of technology in the classroom. The immense potentialities of this very exciting medium of instruction should not lead to over-dependence on it, killing the initiative and creativity of both the teacher and the taught. “With so many companies vying with each other to sell more and more attractive pre-formatted multimedia lessons to schools, the ingenuity and innovative skills of the teacher are minimised and this may adversely affect the dynamics of the classroom. Similarly it is important, I feel, for the school leader to guard against the institution becoming reduced to a mere market for the latest technological inventions that are often peddled as pedagogy,� says Ms. Kaveri Dutt, Principal of Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata.

Be Ware!

Technology is a catalyst for learning—one that augments rather than precludes other essential tools of learning such as group discussions, school excursions, debates, enquiry-based and experiential learning and laboratory experiments. Ms. Sudakshina Sensharma from Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya, Vadodhara agrees, saying, “While the number of schools offering access to computers and the internet to their students has increased manifold, they are experiencing road-blocks in effectively integrating these technologies into the existing curriculum. No amount of funds spent on preparing schools to be technologically compliant will ever impact students until educators continue to treat technology as an addition to the regular curriculum”. Many institutional leaders have shared their concern of their teachers admitting that they are not making as much use of technology as they could. The reasons offered are many – computers not working when they need them or not being conveniently located, slow internet speed or the server being down, difficulty in finding and using appropriate educational software and time required for adequate training. “Without in-house continuous technical support, technology integration in the classroom will never be satisfactorily achieved. No teacher wants to be left facing students who are wondering why the teacher cannot make things work the way they are supposed to. Teachers need to develop the mindset to let students venture into areas where they

themselves may lack expertise or even encounter questions they cannot answer. A support system needs to be in place to help students and teachers with technology when they are actually working on it. Only then does it become meaningful and effective,” adds Ms Rekha Mishra also from Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya, Vadodhara Another apprehension of school leaders is the over-abundant use of Technology Aided Learning that would create passive learners and developmental parameters such as, language acquisition, physical wellbeing, motor development and social and emotional growth would be compromised. One major barrier to introducing technology in schools seems to be financial concerns, for web-wiring a school is an expensive proposition and a digital divide would further widen the class divisions in society. After all, a school is as much about teaching vital life skills and attitudes as academics. Morals, attitudes, manners and social skills cannot be taught online. No technology can replace the role and importance of the personal touch of the student-teacher relationship. But, integrated effectively, use of technology can certainly serve to enhance the learning experience, bringing to life abstractions and transforming written content into vivid experiences. Commitment to the use of technology has to come from all stake holders – administrators, teachers, parents and even the community at large.

The Way Ahead for the New Age Education

Some of the institution heads and educators across the country share their thoughts and vision for the integration of technology in their schools

Technology Integrated Education is Forward-Looking Education Our children are born in a world where technology changes very fast. This is what triggered us to involve technology in our day to day activities at school. We consciously make an effort to integrate all our objectives with an element of technology in them. A picture is worth a thousand words, but we believe that a video is worth a million pictures. Most of our lessons are supplemented by video classes where we bring in a projector to help kids visualise. We often use power point presentations to add a more professional touch to our teaching. When we know that our kids will grow into a world where they will be surrounded by technology, why not start young! Some of our classes even have their own Facebook pages.

Ms. Archana Rao, Teacher - Social Studies & English, Matoshri English Medium School, Pune


Technology is Increasing the Scope of Education

An Effective Bridge Between the Teacher and Taught

Technology has completely revolutionised the face of Education .The level of comfort and proficiency that the students have with technology today is extremely encouraging. The use of internet based curriculum delivery modules and software create a great ‘teaching learning interface’ where the focus is more on the ‘learner’ and less on the ‘teacher’. In these situations, the teachers are more like facilitators and each learner works at their own pace and in their own space, thus taking a greater responsibility for learning and achieving the expected outcomes. Technology not only develops their presentation skills but also inculcates desirable skills like research, analysis and synthesis.

To meet the needs of our rapidly growing society, we need to keep updating ourselves. In today’s world the most important thing is to make the education sector smooth. The interaction between students and teachers requires a better intermediary link. Education, like the rest of the human world also has to modernize. It is high time we started adapting to newer technology in order to empower every child.

The possibilities are immense. Technology for differently abled students can help them in achieving their true potential. Braille enabled laptops, large font sized reading and writing material for students with visual problems, educational games to improve memory and coordination, phonic programmes, and audio books are a few examples of how technology can be used effectively for these students. Ms. Dipika Rao, Director/Principal, GEMS Akademia International School, Kolkata

Technology has proven to be a fascinating medium and an effective method to bring down the gaps between the teachers and students. Smart boards, audio and visual facilities make learning interesting and easier. Moreover, children now have access to an unlimited source of knowledge through various kinds of software. Technology has made documentation easy and schools can constantly track and update the progress of their students. Parents despite being on the move can get an insight of their wards’ activities through the school’s website or daily reporting system. Schools have become “self-organised” entities. Project-based learning can help students develop the kinds of 21st-century skills–such as problem solving,

Technology Intervention critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. It’s indeed no exaggeration when one says that encouraging kids to become more ‘technologically sensed’ will surely mark a new and better era in education. Ms. H.M. Annaourna, Principal, Apple Global School, Ahmedabad

Essential Learning Skills Through Integrated Education Today’s world is seeing a vast change in the methods of imparting education. Gone are the days when a teacher taught in the conventional lecture method. As computers and internet connections have become more common in schools and classrooms, students have gained opportunities to use computers, not only as a medium on which they can practise skills, but also as a tool for doing research and completing other classroom assignments. Using technology as a tool for learning, can help students increase their problem solving and higher-order thinking skills. The power of technology offers more flexibility in undertaking certain activities (like writing, editing or graphing). In order to encourage the use of computers and other technology in special education classrooms, more pre- and in-service training should be given to teachers to instruct them

in ways to integrate technology into their classrooms. Mrs Rekha Shiralkar, Principal, Jnanasarovara International Residential School, Mysore

Make Students Better Learners Can technology help students be better learners? The answer is ‘YES, it can.’ Technology is making learning more enjoyable. It helps the children grasp new concepts especially when used with visual references like pictures or videos on screen. Subjects like history and science would be done more efficiently by using projection screens, helping students absorb materials better. Technology is making information available at their fingertips. Children can improve their skills by attending special programmes through online education. Technology is also helping teachers teach smoothly and efficiently by incorporating interactive games, activities and worksheets. Therefore, by incorporating it into the classrooms students will be better equipped and show improvements in their writing, reading and Math skill. The overuse of technology has its cons. It can make students lazy. Technology does not

replace adult or peer interaction, but it is a wonderful tool to enhance the learning process. The teachers have to play the role of a facilitator, setting project goals and providing guidelines and resources , providing suggestions and support for students’ activities. A.Niraimathy, Academic Coordinator, KVS English Medium School, Virudhunagar

Use the Virtual World for Excitement and Exposure The idea of introducing technology in the field of education raised many eyebrows, many played the devil’s advocates, many others smirked and said that technology can never replace the human touch. But no one thought for a moment that technology could be used actually to enhance the real teaching and not totally do away with the teacher. Initially it was looked at with a lot of apprehension as it required the teachers to become tech-savvy. But once into it, everyone realised its merits and how it could enhance the teaching and not diminish it. Science lab experiments could be conducted virtually; the children could go around the world in 40 minutes and could understand various abstract ideas in a concrete manner. Technology has innumerable uses in academics. With people being granted easy and instant access to information, learning has been made an easier and a pleasurable

The Way Ahead for the New Age Education... (continued)

pursuit. Computers, Interactive White Boards, Internet – Wikis etc, open to every child, a wide wealth of knowledge. There is also this misunderstanding that the load of the real teacher is reduced by the Virtual Teacher, but it has to be noted that each class is different and unique. Uniform methodology can never work well and technology is not human to feel the pulse of the class to tailor the lesson to suit the class. Ms. Veni R, Principal, THE EAST-WEST SCHOOL, Bangalore

Prepare the Gen-Next for their future Technology is here to stay and there is no running away from this fact. It is for individual schools to decide how much of technology intervention they desire in their schools. Apparently, the role of a teacher would undergo transformation in this scenario thus making it mandatory for schools to have teacher orientation programmes. Don Knezek, the CEO of the international society for technology in Education compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. Technology provides us with a platform for using alternative methods of teaching which can aid all styles of learners. Digital simulations and models help in explaining abstract and complex concepts. Software with text, activities, models and interactive controls are

great mediums of reinforcement. Today we see an influx of language labs, interactive boards, visualisers and numerous software available at the doorsteps of schools. eTextbooks which are PDF’s on a tablet serve the purpose of 5 textbooks. Epistemic Games put students in roles like: a city planner, a journalist, an engineer etc. and ask them to solve real world problems. Technology intervention is the need of the day and as Educationists we’ve got to understand this need and prepare the GenNext for their future. Mrs. Anna Dias, Principal, Podar International School, Surat

The Human Mind Adapts We are in The Learning Era! The basic thinking skills are absent at many of our corporate organisations and within our educational institutions! The cry for laptops and desktops sounds hollow when necktops are ignored! I am not aware of any research that has found a positive correlation between increased expenditure on computers and improved student learning or exam results. The basics about how to use the brain are ignored! We must beware and be aware: our minds are wired to adapt, yet so many of our systems are set in concrete. Mr. Tyrone D’Brass, Headmaster, Sherwood School, Tura, Meghalaya

Do We Need Technology in Classrooms at all Students today have several options in education available, and are far better placed in enhancing their performance. Newer trends that have emerged have completely changed the entire education industry in India. Schools for their part have come out with various ideas to engage children in the classroom. Many schools have taken to smart classrooms, bringing in a range of electronic gadgets that have transformed the classroom to look more like a space station with computers, laptops, i-pads, smart boards, touch screens, projectors and visualisers. Technologies like e-learning, use of Internet and social media as a teaching tool, satellite education have all brought about a complete change in the way education is delivered. A careful analysis will bring to fore the fact that many toppers emerge from schools that cannot afford these facilities. So, the question is whether we require these facilities at all and if the answer is yes then how much? At Mayo College we are in the process of trying an innovative approach in which a group of students learn the skills and in turn become teachers to teach their peers. This way, the students are able to relate well to each other and the output is obvious. Mr. S Sriram, HOD-Comp Sc & IT Admin, Mayo College, Ajmer

Technology Intervention Help students Create, Explore and Communicate Technology has taken over almost all walks of our lives and education is no exception. A complete transformation has taken place both in the teacher and the taught. With the advent of electronic and digital devices, information knowledge has taken a big leap leading to sharing, preserving and interdependence. The focus now is more learner centred rather than just imparting information to the taught. Bringing technology into classrooms can help achieve this goal. Hence, technology in education can act as a vehicle to motivate and strengthen communication, help students learn how to recognise and solve problems, construct and comprehend mental models of the new concepts. S A Nair, BGS National Public School, Bangalore

Technology is Making Education Relevant

Technology helps us in making the educational outcomes relevant, in revolutionising educational content, and delivery, and in fostering ‘information literacy. By adopting such technology, the teaching community can provide pedagogical and educational gains to the student community. The modern technology intervention in schools has become an integral part of today’s teaching-learning process. It motivates students and makes classes more dynamic and interesting. The effective handling of technology in the classroom will definitely change the very nature of teaching. L. Alagarsamy, Principal, Sahakar Vidya Mandir & Junior Science College, Buldana

Technology Does both – Educates and Entertains When Technology is integrated effectively, it has a positive impact on student learning. It can: • Increase student motivation for learning • Improve communication of learning goals

In my opinion, technology intervention in school education makes the teaching-learning process effective and interesting. Technology has supported and improved the learning of students and developed a good learning environment in school. It has the potential to “bridge the knowledge gap” in terms of improving quality of education.

• Facilitate higher-order thinking skills • Build valuable skills that students will use later in college and in the workplace • Expand students' understanding from novice to mastery

There is no denying that technology has become as common as the telephone in our times. To make learning relevant to students, this reality needs to be acknowledged in the form of technology-based lessons. Online tools can be used for collaboration; the Internet provides a rich source of information; and multimedia tools allow students to assemble presentations that are both educational and entertaining.

Some interesting ideas that can be used in the classrooms moving towards technology inclusion • Create a Class Web Site: The web is an excellent way to communicate with students and their parents or guardians. Include course information, assignments, lecture notes and presentations, links to interesting sites, challenges, study tools, links to textbook Web sites, and many other features. • Take Your Class on a Virtual Field Trip: Visit one of the many online exhibitions available. Notable institutions, have exhibitions and guides designed especially for teachers and students. When funds or time do not allow a field trip, look online to find a worthwhile destination. • Take Part in a Web Event: Online events allow classes to observe and interact in educational activities occurring in real time. Using chat room technology or

The Way Ahead for the New Age Education.

streaming video, these events are exciting to both students and educators. Students can often ask experts questions and can read (or hear) what other students from around the world are asking. • Create a WebQuest: Designed to engage students in Internet-based tasks that require higher-order thinking skills, WebQuests can range from a simple one class period activity to an extended group project that can take all semester. One can create one’s own using a template or visit one of the many sites that have teacher-created WebQuests ready for one’s use. • Visit Your Textbook Web Site: Many publishers offer supplementary Web sites to accompany a textbook study. Online learning centers have a wide array of features including tools for self-study, chapter summaries and links, video clips, and interactive activities. • Participate in an Online Research Project: The Internet is filled with ongoing projects that allow students to contribute by collecting, submitting, and analyzing data, submitting ideas, or contributing work online. • Have Students Create a Multimedia Presentation: Ask students to use various digital media, such as digital video clips, audio clips, and digital photographs to

assemble a multimedia presentation. Use your content standards to identify choices that students can make about the project topic. The end product could result in a Web site, PowerPoint presentation, or other hypermedia products. • Use Common Productivity Software for Teaching and Learning—Software that is commonly used to increase productivity in offices and in homes can also be effectively adapted to school use. Common products, such as word processing software, spreadsheets, and presentation-making applications, have a multitude of uses in the classroom. Whether used to organise data collected in a science project, to track revisions in the writing process, or to create a time line of events, these software products can increase student motivation by making tedious tasks easier Ms. S. Sen, Principal, Ballygunge Shiksha Sadan, Kolkata

The modern technology intervention in schools has become an integral part of today’s teachinglearning process. It motivates students and makes classes more dynamic and interesting. The effective handling of technology in the classroom will definitely change the very nature of teaching.

Learning and Psychological Challenges that Children Face in the age of Technology Supported Education “I was at my grandson’s 2nd birthday celebrations last month. It was a colourful affair – several of his toddler friends and their older siblings were at the party. Amidst all of the revelry, I observed a 6 year old changing music on an iPod while his 3 year old sister was playing a game on an iPad,” recalls Ms Vijay Chadha, Director of Academics at Fravashi International Academy, Nashik. As an educationist since the last 30 years, she believes her single most important take-away from this incident was simple – it’s time to fast forward our teaching methodologies. We need to hit the Ctrl button on how we embrace the relationship our children are fostering with technology. Technology has had a dramatic effect on educational practices that are fresher, engaging and more powerful than what it used to

be two or three decades ago. In 2012, technology has redefined the dynamics of society, relationships and learning. For many of us, our relationship with technology is ever-changing and dynamic, yet vital. However, like the eternal proverb ‘every coin has two sides’ we have to consider the pros and cons of this new aggressively growing relationship. Where we have become more social, expressive and curious, we have also become impatient, reckless and dependant. Mr. TC Pandian, Principal of Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat. Higher Secondary School, Rajapalayam believes that the study of how children learn in educational settings, the effectiveness of educational interventions, the psychology of teaching and the social psychology of schools as organisations are

of greater concern. Technology influences how students learn and develop often focusing on subgroups such as gifted children and those subject to specific disabilities. The need of the hour thus is empowering students through the strong combination of learning and technology. The educationists must have an approach of tolerance, foresight and innovation for their students. This will help learners, both students and teachers, to have mutual respect and trust for each other. Else they may feel cheated and lose interest and respect for the adults in their lives, thus causing indiscipline and behavioural concerns Children have a natural learning curve with technology. It comes to them automatically. It is important for teachers to keep evolving and keep pace with them. Knowledge at the click of a button has to compete with the knowledge that has been gained

from experiences, patience, and ability. Ms Chadha says, “Technology in itself, does very little to aid learning. Its presence in the classroom may not automatically inspire teachers to rethink their teaching or students to adopt new modes of learning. When students use technology for various tasks - writing, drawing, or graphing – it usually does not radically transform what they would do without computer technology or internet.� Technology may provide interesting and powerful learning opportunities, but these are not taken automatically; teachers and learners need to learn how to take advantage of them. Internet can be a channel for gossip as well as reflection. Multi-media composition systems can become a playground of special effects with little pertinence to the target knowledge.

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Mindspark Evolution


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Number of students

Number of schools

Number of students

Number of schools

Number of students

Number of schools

Number of students

Number of schools





in other Languages

Mindspark Gujarati

In 2011, EI started a new product called, Mindspark Gujarati to teach Maths and Gujarati language in some government schools of Gujarat. The project is sponsored by the Torrent Group. The aim of this Program is to obtain visible and measurable improvement in students of classes 3-8 over a period of 5 years. Children are taught Maths and various skills like Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Syntax, Logical Reasoning etc. through Mindspark.

Mindspark Hindi

EI is expanding its focus to marginalised communities by piloting Mindspark Learning Centres in slum neighbourhoods in Delhi. Mindspark is provided in Hindi and implemented in dedicated learning centres located in vulnerable communities. In addition to Mindspark, students also benefit from small group instructions designed to bring them up to grade-level learning at these centres. Two pilot Mindspark Learning Centres have been operational at Govindpuri and Chattarpur in Delhi, since July 2012 in partnership with the Central Square Foundation. Each child spends three hours a week at the Mindspark Centre. Half this time is spent on Math and the other half on literacy. For Math, 75% of the child's time is spent on Mindspark software that pitches learning at the level of the particular child. The remaining 25% time is spent on focused remedial instruction. For Language, the breakup is 50% computer-time and 50% small group instruction.

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