Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
Jaargang 61 | Tel 021 887 2840
R4,80 (BTW ingesluit)
Nóg twee sterf op paaie
Gewilde Matie skielik oorlede ; 4
Publiek gaan opdok vir krag ;6
Win tickets to Charity Ball ; 2 Emo’s new TV show ;12
IE Stormers het vanjaar ’n gulde geleentheid om hul dekadelange trofeedroogte te beëindig.
Ricardo McDillingh: “Die weer is reg vir ’n oorwinning. Ek skree beslis vir die Stormers! Die tyd is nou. Crusaders is weg.”
Hulle sal egter môre eers met die Crusaders op Nuweland moet afreken. Twee voormalige Stormersspelers meen indien die span Saterdag van hul kanse gebruik maak, hulle die wedstryd kan wen.
Mashuna Pietersen sê die Stormers is die beste span in die kompetisie. “Dit gaan natuurlik ’n strawwe wedstryd wees, maar hopelik nie té taai vir die Stormers nie! Indien hulle met dieselfde vertonings vorendag kan kom as wat hulle die afge lope vier weke gelewer het, glo ek dat ons reeds die oorwin ning in die sakkie het.”
Maties-afrigter Chean Roux sê hy hoop nie dit reën nie, want dit sal ’n konserwatiewe wedstryd tot gevolg hê. “Ek dink die Stormers se spelpeil en ook die tuisvoordeel behoort in hul guns te tel. As die Stormers al hul kanse
Jacques Steenkamp (regs) en sy seun Rudi sê hoewel hulle hartseer is oor die Bulle se ne derlaag in die kompetisie, hulle steeds trots agter die Stormers in Saterdag se wedstryd sal staan.
gaan benut, behoort hulle met twee punte te wen.” Oud-Springbok Justin Swart meen dit gaan moeilik wees. “Die Crusaders sou nie die toernooi so baie keer gewen het as hulle swak was nie. Sou die Stormers hul kanse be-
Haerles Tommy: “Die Stor mers het beslis die vermoë om môre se wedstryd te wen. Dit sal baie interessant wees om te sien hoe die Crusaders die druk gaan hanteer.”
nut, kan hulle wen. Teen hulle (die Crusaders) moet jy die bal hou en hulle by die afbreekpunte onder druk plaas. Jy gaan niks verniet by hulle kry nie; jy moet daarvoor werk.” Hier is plaaslike inwoners se menings oor die wedstryd:
Sharonne Brand: “Die Stor mers gaan wen, hoewel dit ’n moeilike wedstryd gaan wees omdat albei spanne baie sterk is. Ek sien baie uit daarna!”
Pheeisa Sogayise sê die Stormers is haar gunsteling span. “Ek hoop dat die Stormers Saterdag my nie sal teleurstel nie. Hulle net nog die heel tyd baie goed gespeel.”
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things TO DO Come dance the night away 15°C C Win tickets
DIE NAWEEK: Bewolk met reën buie vir die naweek en sonnige weer word vir die week voorspel.
WEEKEND TIPS SPORT , Die Stormers speel Saterdag om 17:05 teen die Crusaders op Nu weland in die halfeindstryd van die Superreeks. ’n Oorwinning sal verseker dat die Stormers vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar in ’n Supereindstryd gaan speel.
HARITY will once again take centre stage at the NH The Lord Charles Annual Charity Ball to be held in Somerset West on Saturday, 16 July. The Charity Ball was created in 2005 by the hotel’s former general manager, Erik Jansen. All food, wine, décor and prizes for the event are sponsored and the money raised from ticket sales, auction items and donations on the evening is donated to charity. The auction will be conducted by Isma-eel Hendricks from Auction Alliance. The proceeds from this year’s
Charity Ball will again be shared equally and donated to Imibala and Erinvale Care and Help Organisation (ECHO). Imibala’s main focus is on helping disadvantaged children through primary school, while ECHO offers wide-ranging community support for the underprivileged in the Helderberg area, including educational opportunities and a feeding scheme. Last year R130 000 was raised for these charities and the organisers hope to exceed the amount this year. The auction will be held in the hotel’s Somerset Suite, starting
at 18:30 for 19:00. The cost is R300 per person, which includes wine, water and a five course meal. Dress is formal. The hotel is also offering all guests attending the charity ball a special accommodation rate of R600 per double room, inclusive of breakfast, which means that couples attending will pay a package deal of R1 200.
For bookings or enquiries e-mail c.economon@nhhotels.co.za. ) One lucky Eikestadnuus reader stands the chance of winning two tickets to the ball as well as accommodation for two at the NH The Lord Charles Hotel on the night. If you want to win this fabulous prize, sms the word ‘Eik’ followed by your name to 45527. The competition closes on 5 July. An sms costs R1,50.
to Lord Charles charity ball
NEWS IN BRIEF ) Matie student passes away after jog. -p4 ) Two die in accident on Franschhoek pass. -p5 ) Increase in electricity tarriffs. -p6 ) First public meeting for Municipality. -p9 ) New brand and identity for Mediclinic. - p 14 ) Tough season for local rugby clubs. - p 40
Komberse teen die win terkoue: Eikestadnuus bedank almal
wat onlangs komberse en kussings aan die Eikestadnuus kombers-insamelingsprojek geskenk het. Heelwat komberse en kussings is Woensdag by die Stellenbosch Nagskuiling, Kindersorg Suid-Afrika: Stellenbosch en die Stellenbosch Dieresorgvereniging afgegee. Inwoners word egter steeds aangemoedig om nuwe en gebruikte komberse, dekens, kussings en handdoeke aan ons te skenk. Eikestadnuus sal die komberse onder plaaslike organisasies versprei. Komberse kan by ons kantoor te 44 Alexanderstraat afgelewer word, of skakel 021 887 2840 en ons sal dit self by u huis of kantoor kom haal. Hier (van links) is Samantha van den Berg (Eikestadnuus) by die direksie van die Stellenbosch Nagskuiling (van links) Denise Paulse, Niel van Staden, Dorothy Reyneke, Lydia Classens, Danie Nel en Tilda Schoonwinkel. Foto: Sonia Koopman
DURBANVILLE: Mediplein Medical Sentrum, Hibiscus Str BRACKENFELL: Medicross Mediese Sentrum, h/v Brackenfell Rylaan & Nina Str. BELLVILLE: Oakmed Sentrum agter Mkem PARROW: Medicross Mediese Sentrum, Mclntyre Rylaan
Sonia Koopman van die Eikestadnuus (regs) het Woensdag komberse by Kindersorg Suid-Afrika: Stellenbosch afgelewer. “Dis fantasties! Dit maak beslis ’n groot verskil in die lewens van soveel mense wat dit nodig het,” het kantoorbestuurder Paula Rossouw (links) gesê. By hulle is Nadine Gabriels. Foto: Abrie Burger
Nicci Collins (ontvangs) en Alta Robb (skutbestuurder) van die Stellenbosch Dieresorgvereniging was in hul noppies met die handdoeke en komberse wat hulle ontvang het. Foto: Adele Myburgh
Miss Stellenbosch
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is hosting the 16th South African Quilt Festival at Bloemhof Girls’ High School from 1 to 6 July. More than 300 quilts will be on display. Entrance is R30 per person. The ex hibition will be open daily from 10:00 to 18:00 with an extended time from 10:00 to 20:00 on 5 July.
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold
, The Good Hope Quilters Guild
THE Potter House Dancing Drama Group is hosting a Miss Stellenbosch Junior and Senior Model competition on Saturday, 2 July at the Lückhoff school hall. The entry fee is R10. For further information call Raychelle Adams on 073 473 4586.
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Shop 1, De Wet Centre, Plein St (behind FNB), Stellenbosch, Tel: 021-887 3442
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
ANA results ‘very sad’ T
HE results of the annual national assessment (ANA) of literacy and numeracy at schools, sent shock waves throughout South Africa this week. Although the Western Cape received the highest overall literacy and numeracy scores, the Cape Winelands District was still uncertain yesterday about its contribution towards the Province’s satisfactory literacy and numeracy results. Mr Clifton Frolick, Director of the Cape Winelands Education District on Thursday said that the results for the Cape Winelands District have not yet been officially released. “At present we are still unable to confirm the official results. We do, however, have confidence that it will be a positive report.” Close to six million pupils in Grade 3 and Grade 6 sat down to write the tests in February. Nationwide only 12% of
Clifton Frolick, Director of the Cape Winelands Education District
Grade 6 pupils scored 50% or more for mathematics. These results, which were supposed to have been announced in April, were only released by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga in Pretoria on
Tuesday. Frolick said this delay was due to the high number of pupils who wrote the tests. “One can just imagine the amount of work and time that goes into capturing all the data. It is important that everything is 100% correct and accurate.” The assessment included numeracy and literacy tests for the grade the pupils had completed the previous year. According to the document which was released on Tuesday, Grade 6 results for language - based on a sample of results from selected schools - show that as few as 15% of the pupils scored more than 50%. Among the Grade 3 pupils, only 17% scored more than 50% in their numeracy assessment, and 31% scored more than 50% in the literacy test. According to Motshekga, the ANA was the most wideranging assessment of literacy and numeracy skills among
young pupils ever carried out in South Africa. She also admitted there had been an under-emphasis in education on basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. The assessment’s results, which Motshekga described as “very sad”, show that amongst Grade 3 pupils, the national average performance in literacy was 35%, and in numeracy, 28%. The provincial performance in these two areas is between 19% and 43%, the highest being the Western Cape and the lowest being Mpumalanga. With regard to the assessment of Grade 6 pupils, she said the national average performance in languages was 28%, and for mathematics 30%.
What are you doing on Mandela Day? MANDELA DAY is a call to action for people everywhere to take responsibility for making the world a better place, one small step at a time, just as Madiba did. Nelson Mandela spent more than 67 years serving his community, his country and the world at large. On 18 July people are called to devote just 67 minutes of their time to changing the world for the better, in a small gesture of solidarity with humanity and in a small step towards a continuous, global movement for good. Tell us what your needs are or how you will make a difference by e-mailing to eikestad@eikestadnuus.com.
New Business Have your say! SMS the word “EIKE” and your 32464. R1 per SMS.
Breakfastmessage hoursto
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07.30am till 10.00am
Weekends & Public Holidays
DIE Bergklimklub SA, Stellenbosch hou ’n klimnaweek by die Fonteintjiesberg in Worcester van 8 tot 10 Julie. Die klim is halfspoed en kinders van sewe jaar en ouer is welkom.
Warm klere, handskoene, sneeubrille en hutgelde moet op die klim saamgeneem word. Die hutgelde beloop R10 per nag vir lede en R30 per nag vir gaste.
08.30am 11.00am Ontmoet omtill 09:00 by die Brandwachtafdraai op die N1 in Worcester. La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street, Belangstellendes moet die leier, LyStellenbosch 021 887 3462 dia Cilliers voor 5 Julie by 021 876 4461 info@thebigeasy.co.za skakel.
Weekends & Public Holidays 08.30am till 11.00am
La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street, Stellenbosch 021 887 3462 info@thebigeasy.co.za
We will Beat any Written Quote
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
Oorlede ná drafsessie
DERDEJAAR B.Com. Regte-student wat ses jaar gelede ’n opehart-operasie ondergaan het, is verlede week skielik oorlede tydens ’n vakansie op ’n plaas in die Swellendam-omgewing. Franken van Wyk (22), van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), is verlede Woensdag oorlede nadat hy en twee van sy vriende gaan draf het. Hulle het op ’n plaas op die oewer van die Buffeljagsrivier vakansie gehou. Volgens sy pa en ’n dosent in Soölogie aan die US, prof. Hannes van Wyk, het die seuns om 12:00 op ’n plaaspad gaan draf, waarna hulle ná twee kilometer nóg vriende van Stellenbosch ontmoet het wat saam met hulle op die plaas sou kuier. Franken het egter met die omdraaislag skielik ineengestort en is vermoedelik weens hartversaking op die toneel oorlede. Hy het net voor sy sestiende verjaardag in 2005 ’n opehart-operasie ondergaan, omdat sy aorta-hart-
Still the Best Price & Service
Still the Best Price & Service
Still the Best Price & Service
Drug bust: Franken van Wyk (22)
klep verkalk het. Die verkalking is vermoedelik weens ’n infeksie wat hy opgedoen het toe hy met ’n verkoue aan sport deelgeneem het. Weens sy ouderdom en aktiewe leefstyl is besluit om sy aorta-hartklep met sy eie pulmonale hartklep te vervang. Laasgenoemde is met dié van ’n skenker vervang in ’n operasie wat die Ross-prosedure genoem word. Die voordeel daarvan is dat geen anti-stollingsmiddels ná die klepvervanging gebruik hoef te word nie en dat pasiënte aan sport kan deelneem.
Volgens prof. Van Wyk was Franken besonder gewild, met ’n passie en deernis vir die omstandighede van sy medemens en minderbevoorregtes. Hy sou ná die werwing van sy B.Com.-graad met ’n L.L.B.-graad voortgegaan het. ’n Gedenkdiens is verlede Saterdag vir hom in Stellenbosch Moedergemeente gehou, waarna hy op die plaas in die Buffelsjagsrivier-vallei begrawe is. Hy word oorleef deur sy pa, prof. Hannes van Wyk, sy moeder Irna en sy ouer broer Jos.
The SAPS Rural Flying Squad acted on a tip-off on 7 June in the area known as “Ramp Kamp” in Vlottenburg and arrested a man (believed to have been involved in other crime). The SAPS confiscated 96 slopes of dagga valued at R350. The police thanked the community for their assistance in apprehending the suspect.
Die Boordsaak duur voort DIE drie beskuldigdes in Die Boordmoordsaak het Maandag weer in die Stellenbosch-landdroshof verskyn. Marcus Thomas (22), Mbuyiselo Richard Yeyana (28) en Xolani Michael Mdoyi (24) word aangekla van die moord op me. Marianne Hopkins (47) op 10 September 2010. Haar lyk is dié oggend, met haar hande en voete vasgebind, in die hoofslaapkamer se bad in haar huis in Rhodes-Noordstraat in Die Boord, Stellenbosch gevind. Thomas is daarna op 11 November 2010 in Belhar in hegtenis geneem,
waarna Yeyana en Mdoyi op 12 November in Khayelitsha aangekeer is. Thomas en Yeyana het albei hul borgtogaansoeke laat vaar, waarna Mdoyi om borgtog aansoek gedoen en onsuksesvol was. Die drie is sedertdien steeds in aanhouding en maak gebruik van regshulp. Landdros Alfrieda Lewis het egter met hul verskyning vandeesweek die saak uitgestel vir die verkryging van die staat se akte van beskuldiging. Die saak word op 8 Julie hervat. - Samantha van den Berg
Pa en seun vas vir koperdiefstal ’n PA en seun is in hegtenis geneem vir die diefstal van koperkabels uit ’n pomphuis op Meerlust op 21 Junie. Volgens kapt. René Matthee, polisiewoordvoerder, is die 58-jarige man en sy 27-jarige seun van diefstal aangekla ná ’n voorval op die Meerlust-wynlandgoed. “Die inhegtenisname volg nadat inligting van die gemeenskap ontvang is en deeglik deur die ondersoekbeampte op-
gevolg is.” Matthee het ’n beroep gedoen op die gemeenskap, veral boere, om hul goedere en toerusting, indien moontlik, in stoorkamers toe te sluit. “Items wat duidelik gemerk is, sal ook die SAPD in staat stel om eienaarskap te bepaal indien goedere teruggevind word. Daar is verskeie datastelsels op die mark waarmee boere hul toerusting kan merk.”
Groot Drakenstein CPF meeting THE Groot-Drakenstein CPF will have their general community meeting on 19 July at 19:00 at the Kylemore Community Hall.
A delegate from the liquor board will speak about liquor licensing. For more information contact 0 Eldrid Kleinschmidt on 083 363 4692.
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Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
Nóg twee sterf dié week ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
MAN het gesterf en drie ander is ernstig beseer in ’n ongeluk op die Franschhoek-pas Woensdagoggend. Volgens Kurt Haske, van Medicare EMR, was hulle eerste op die toneel. “’n Saskovragmotor, wat tien mense vervoer het, het in die rigting van Villiersdorp gery toe die remme onklaar geraak het. ’n Man is dood, terwyl die bestuurder ernstig beseer is en twee ander passasiers na die Paarl Mediclinic vervoer moes word.” Volgens ER24-woordvoerder, André Visser, het die man onder die wiele beland. “Die vragmotor wat meel vervoer het, het deur die pas gery toe ’n beweerde meganiese fout ingetree het, kort voor die onderkant van die pas. Die bestuurder kon nie spoed verminder nie en het om ’n draai
Special Lunch & Dinner
) Sector 1: Theft out of motor vehicles in Dennesig and Schröder Streets. Burglary and theft out of a motor vehicle at Abelia Flats, Jan Cilliers Street. Burglaries in Jonkershoek Road, Mostertsdrift, as well as Kommandeur Avenue, Simonswyk. ) Sector 2: Burglary in Lovell Avenue. ) Sector 3: A number of burglaries and a case of assault under investigation in Devon Valley. ) Sector 4: Burglary in George Blake Road, Plankenbrug. Robbery and burglary in Bassie Street and armed robbery in Ndumela Street, Kayamandi.
Special Lunch
Monday Burger Special *
Monday Burger Special *
Tuesday Braised Oxtail *
Tuesday Braised Oxtail *
Reddingswerkers op die toneel van die ongeluk op die R45Wednesday Woensdagoggend. Een man het en twee ander Seafood Risotto * gesterf 95 is ernstig beseer. Foto: MedicareEMR
Wednesday Seafood Risotto *
Thursday Monday to Friday from Slow Springbok Shank * 95 om 03:00 teen die berghang gebots.” Die bestuurder is cooked ook ernsie is ’n man Saterdag Volgens Visser is een van stig beseer en was in die vragdood toe ’n motor met sewe in07.30am till 10.00am Friday Chicken &in Prawn die passasiers weens die slag motor vasgekeer. Hy is Green per he-Thaisittendes Rustenbergweg deur die ruitWeekends geslinger en het likopter na die Curry naaste* hospi- teen die sypaadjie95 en toe teen & Public Holidays Lunch Burger * gebots het. 75 “Die polihy in die pad, voor die trok, be- taal vervoer. Saturday Twee ander ’n muur *die Including a glass of our selected wine, land waar hy deur die wiele ge- passasiers is in Available Paarl Mesiebeamptes het sewe mense 08.30am till 11.00am Lunch & Dinner except Saturday Lunch only tref is. “Die man is ernstig be- diclinic opgeneem. langs die voertuig in die pad seer en isLa opGratitude. die toneel95 oorleVolgens sers. Zenobia Sede- sien lê. Een van die mans is op Dorp street, La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street, Stellenbosch 021 887 3462 de.” die toneel oorlede.” Stellenbosch 021 887 man 3462van die Cloetesville-poliinfo@thebigeasy.co.za info@thebigeasy.co.za
Thursday Slow cooked Springbok Shank *
Friday Green Thai Chicken & Prawn Curry * Saturday Lunch Burger *
95 75
New Business Breakfast hours
* Including a glass of our selected wine, Available Lunch & Dinner except Saturday Lunch only
La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street, Stellenbosch 021 887 3462 info@thebigeasy.co.za
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
Tariefverhogings gaan sakke ruk SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
TELLENBOSSE elektrisiteitsverbruikers, tesame met dié in die res van die land, sal van vandag af hul elektrisiteitsmeters fyn moet dophou nadat elektrisiteitstariewe verder die hoogte in geskiet het. Op Stellenbossers self wag ’n gemiddelde tariefverhoging van 20,38 % wat vroeër vanjaar deur die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit in die 2011-2014 munisipale begroting goedgekeur is. Eikestadnuus het in April vanjaar berig dat die munisipaliteit nou 26% meer vir grootmaataankope van elektrisiteit aan Eskom moet betaal, wat tot dié gemiddelde tariefverhoging vir inwoners gelei het. Verbruikers moet egter daarop let dat die huidige tariefverhogings net geld vir gebiede wat deur die munisipaliteit van elektrisiteit bedien word. Die tariewe in gebiede wat deur Eskom bedien word, is reeds in April aangepas. Volgens André van Niekerk, munisipale direkteur van Ingenieursdienste, is daar nou twee stelle tariewe vir gewone huishoudelike verbruikers. Dit sluit
Sê jou sê! SMS die woord “EIKE” en jou boodskap aan 32464. ’n SMS kos R1.
Pic: © Corbis.
dieSÊ sogenoemde Hy sê dat die nuwe bloktariewe VIR JO“lewenslyn-taCHOMMIE DIS CHEWSDAY rief” vir geregistreerde deernis- daartoe sal lei dat ’n groot deel gevalle - die eerste 60 kWh is gra- van die gemeenskap minder vir tis - en die normale tarief in. Die elektrisiteit sal betaal, terwyl die nuwe tariewe sluit ook nou ’n res van die gemeenskap weer omgewingsheffing van twee sent meer sal betaal. Die beginsel is per eenheid (kWh) in. dat hoe meer elektrisiteit ver-
bruik word, hoe hoër die tarief sal wees. Van Niekerk voeg by dat die gelykbreekpunt tussen die vorige jaar se tariewe en die nuwe tariewe egter op 550 kWh lê. “Verbruikers wat in die verlede minder as 550 kWh verbruik het, sal minder vir krag betaal. Diegene wat meer as 550 kWh verbruik, sal meer betaal, indien hulle nie begin bespaar nie.” ’n Verdere gebruik wat van vorige jare verskil is die betaal van basiese diensheffings. Volgens Van Niekerk het meeste gebruikers in die verlede ’n basiese heffing betaal, behalwe die sogenaamde deernisgevalle wat aansoek gedoen het vir verbruik onder 350 kWh. Hy voeg by dat volgens die nuwe stelsel alle verbruikers wat minder as 600 kWh per maand gebruik én wat van voorafbetaalde meters gebruik maak, nie meer basiese heffings hoef te betaal nie. “’n Hoër toepaslike tarief per eenheidsverbruik geld egter. Verbruikers met kredietmeters en dié met voorafbetaalde meters waar meer as 600 kWh verbruik word, betaal wel ’n basiese heffing teen die normale tarief.”
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) ’n Man van Cloetesville is dood toe hy na bewering oor die kop geslaan is. Volgens sers. Zenobia Sedeman, Cloetesville-polisiewoordvoerder, is Jonathan Jacobs (20) Maandag, 27 Junie om 10:00 dood aangetref. “Dit blyk asof hy met ’n stomp voorwerp geslaan is. Hy het ’n wond in sy gesig en aan sy kop gehad en is op die toneel dood verklaar.” Enigiemand met inligting rakende die voorval kan adj.-off. André Johan Fourie by 021 809 5062 skakel. ) ’n Man is op heterdaad betrap in Brandwacht terwyl hy by ’n motor ingebreek het. Volgens kapt. René Matthee, polisiewoordvoerder, het ’n inwoner van Mazotstraat in Brandwacht op 25 Junie om 21:30 ’n geraas gehoor, voor sy alarm begin loei het. Hy het die polisie ontbied. “Die polisie is dadelik na die toneel, waar hulle ’n 22-
Bespaar só ; Bestuur jou warmwatersilin der. Dit het die grootste impak. Skakel dit af wanneer jy met va kansie is of dit nie in gebruik is nie. Installeer ’n tydhouer. Verminder die temperatuur van die termostaat na 55 °C of be dek dit met ’n isolasiekombers. ; Seël en isoleer jou huis be hoorlik. ; Belê in sonverwarmers. ; Vervang gloeilampe met die CFL/LED variëteite. ; Moenie jou yskas of vrieskas té koud hou nie. ; Was groot vragte in jou was masjien of skottelgoedwasser. ; Oorweeg die gebruik van ’n energiemonitor in jou huis om jou verbruik dop te hou. ;Hang klere buite in plaas daarvan om tuimeldroërs te ge bruik. ; Oorweeg om ouer elektriese toebehore te vervang. ; Gebruik die energiebespa ringsverstellings op jou skottel goedwasser en wasmasjien. Leer hoe om die kragbestuur funksie op jou rekenaar te ge bruik. (Wenke deur Powertime)
jarige man in hegtenis geneem het. Hulle het ook ’n Blackberry-selfoon, sonbrille en sleutels aan die persoon gevind. Dit is later bevind dat dit vroeër dié aand uit ’n motor wat voor Stellenbosch Lodge geparkeer was, gesteel is.” Die 22-jarige man is op twee klagte van diefstal vanuit ’n motorvoertuig aangekla. ) Volgens kapt. Matthee is twee mans in hegtenis geneem ná vier koperplate tussen 27 en 28 Junie in Markstraat gesteel is. ’n Lid van die publiek het die verdagte in ’n swart Toyota RunX opgemerk en die voorval by die polisie aangemeld. Twee mans (26 en 18 jaar oud) is Woensdag in hegtenis geneem. Albei het gister in die hof verskyn. Die plate is by ’n tweedehandse handelaar in Eersterivier gevind. Dit is vir R170 verkoop.
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Enter now for pageant THE 2011 Miss Helderberg beauty pageant will be held on 1 September at the Strand Town Hall at 19:00. Proceeds will go to the Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch and Project 1. Ladies between 17 and 24 may collect entry forms at various high schools. Entries close on 5 August. SNOEK & Enquiries: 0 Nelmarie: 021 853 1949 or Lana: 076 973 9797.
Public talk in French THE French congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses is hosting a public talk on Sunday, 10 July. The talk is titled: “Comment faire preuve d’amour dans un monde d’illégalité.” It will be held at 80 Fagan Street in the Strand at 18:30 and there is no entry fee. For further information or a free home Bible study, call 021 856 3787.
* Th
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
DORPSKALENDER TOWN CALENDAR 1 July ) Stellenbosch Community Learning Centre Winter Ball. AF Louw School Hall. R60 p/p. Elginairs Band. 20:00 - 00:45. Bring your own platter and xyz. David Martin: 0 021 889 6595 / 021 883 3892 or Jacques Cornelissen: 0 021 889 6596 / 021 887 3841. ) Klas van ’87 Cloetesville Hoërskool hou karaoke-aand in die skoolsaal. Kaartjies: R25. 0 083 234 9271 / 072 249 5775 / 072 221 9958. ) Monty’s Charity-klub karaokeaand. St. Idas Primêr-skoolsaal. 19:30. Kaartjies: R30 ten bate van liefdadigheid. Cheryl Olivier: 0 083 474 5675. ) VGK Idasvallei-danskompetisie. Kahlerstraatsentrum. R10. 0 073 008 0559. 1 16 July ) The Good Hope Quilters Guild 16th South African Quilt Festival at the Bloemhof Girls’ High School with the theme: “Alive with Colour.” More than 300 quilts will be on display. Entrance is R30 per person. The exhibition will be open daily from 10:00 to 18:00 with an extended time from 10:00 to 20:00 on 5 July. For further information visit www.quiltfestival2011.co.za. 2 Julie ) Prof. JC (Kay) de Villiers gesels
om 11:00 oor sy nuutste publikasie, Dwarstrekkers, Dwepers en Dokters – Merkwaardige vertelling uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog, in die Protea Boekwinkel. Daniel Hugo sal die gesprek lei. 0 021 882 9100 of 2 ls.protea@mweb.co.za. ) Potter House Dancing Drama Group Miss Stellenbosch Junior/ Senior Model competition. Lückhoff School Hall. Tickets: Raychelle Adams: 0 073 473 4586. 5 July ) Stellenbosch Ladies Luncheon Club meets at L’Auberge du Paysan at 10:30. Gerald McCann will be the guest speaker. The topic is: “The unknown Cango Caves.” Reservations: Val Steytler: 0 021 855 2616. 8 10 Julie ) Bergklimklub SA, Stellenbosch klim Fonteintjiesberg, Worcester. Halfspoed. Kinders van 7 jaar en ouer is welkom. Almal moet asseblief warm klere, handskoene, sneeubrille en hutgelde saambring. Hutgelde is R10 per nag vir lede en R30 per nag vir gaste. Bel die leier, Lydia Cilliers voor 5 Julie: 0 021 876 4461. Ontmoet 9:00 by Brandwacht afdraai, N1 Worcester.
IN MEMORIAM JOHANNA BAARTMAN (neé November, 84) is ná ’n kort siekbed op 25 Junie oor lede. Sy is op 12 Oktober 1926 in Stellenboschkloof naby Vlottenburg gebore. Sy was met Phillip Baart man getroud, wat haar reeds in September 1983 ontval het. Johanna was in diens van die Pieke in Mostertsdrift en het daarna jare lank by die Harmoniedameskoshuis van die Universiteit van Stellen bosch gewerk. Sy het tot haar aftrede by die Van Tonder gesin in Dorpstraat gewerk en het later na Malmesbury verhuis, waar sy tot en met haar dood ’n inwoner van die Goue Aretehuis vir bejaardes was. Sy was baie geheg aan haar familie en sy het uit haar pad gegaan om vir ander iets goeds te doen. Sy was ’n lidmaat van die VGKkerk en haar betrokkenheid by die gemeente en wyk wat basaars en funksies betref, was vir haar baie belangrik. Onder haar stokperdjies het kosmaak, musiek, tuinwerk en stap getel. Sy laat ’n suster, haar seun David, kleinkinders en ag terkleinkinders agter. SALLY VAN RENSBURG New Business (74) is Dinsdag, 24 Junie ná
’n kort siekbed in die Stellen boschhospitaal oorlede. Sy is op 20 Februarie 1937 te Devonvallei gebore en het Monday to Friday from later saam haar familie na Cloetesville verhuis. 07.30am till 10.00am Mev. van Rensburg was ’n 9 July saggeaarde, mededeelsame ) Inspired Women - Ladies NetWeekends & Public Holidays mens en haar vriendelikheid sal deur haar familie en work. Topic: “Release your potential vriende onthou word. Sy was ’n lid van die Stellenbosch before you go to the grave”. Old Lück08.30am till 11.00am VGKgemeente, waar sy ook ’n lid van die koor was. hoff Building. 15:00 - 16:00. RSVP by Sy was ook baie bekend vir haar liefde vir blomme 6 July. Nokupiwa Katom: 2 katom-La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street,Sy word oorleef deur haar rangskikking en naaldwerk. noku@gmail.com or 0 079 284 1757.Stellenbosch 021’n887 3462 man, Manie, seun, twee grootmaakdogters, sewe kleinkinders en ses agterkleinkinders. info@thebigeasy.co.za
Breakfast hours
XHOSA CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS Registration : 12/07/2011 Commencement: 26/07/2011 Place: Main Municipal Libary Cost: R1 650.00 Contact: Dr. Sandile Gxilishe sandile.gxilishe@uct.ac.za 021 650 2305/2301 072 628 3582
Founders Club for your meeting or your corporate function « Make the difference »
La Gratitude. 95 Dorp street, Stellenbosch 021 887 3462 info@thebigeasy.co.za
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
Skande vir die land! EN daar is die uitslae van die geletterdheid en gesyferdvaardigheid - of eerder die gebrek daaraan - van ons graad 3- en 6-leerlinge uiteindelik op die lappe! “Kommerwekkend” en “hartseer” is die kommentaar van ons nasionale minister van onderwys, Angie Motshekga op die uitslae. Skandalig, sou ’n mens eerder sê. Miskien moet ons dit aan die minister u-i-t-s-p-e-l: die meerderheid van ons laerskool-leerlinge kan nie lees of somme maak nie! En dít ten spyte van die miljoene wat jaarliks aan onderwys in Suid-Afrika gespandeer word. Altesame 6 miljoen leerlinge het landswyd die vaardigheidstoetse in Februarie afgelê. Graad 3-leerlinge wat die toetse afgelê het, het landswyd ’n gemiddeld van 35% vir geletterdheid en 28% vir syfervaardigheid behaal. Graad 6-leerlinge het landswyd gemiddeld 28% vir taal- en net 30% vir wiskundige vaardigheid behaal. Wes-Kaapse leerlinge het die beste vertoon, maar daar is nie veel om op trots te wees nie! Die provinsie se graad 3-leerlinge het gemiddeld 43% vir geletterdheid en 36% vir gesyferdheid behaal, terwyl die graad 6-leerlinge se gemiddelde vir geletterdheid en gesyferdheid onderskeidelik 40% en 41% was. Verblydend egter is dat dié uitslae nié aanvaarbaar vir die WesKaapse minister van onderwys, Donald Grant is nie. Wat gaan aan in ons skole? Is daar te min onderwysers, te veel kinders in die klaskamers, te min boeke en ook te min hulpmiddels? Of is die administratiewe verpligtinge nog te veel en tyd vir onderrig steeds te min? Of dalk is sommige onderwysers net lui en die skoolhoofde wat aan dieselfde vakbond behoort, onwillig om teen hul tjommies op te tree? ’n Mens kan net ween oor die destydse “besnoeiing” van soveel opgeleide en toegewyde onderwysers, die sluiting van onderwyskolleges en ander dwaashede wat gepleeg is in ’n verbete poging om van apartheidsonderwys ontslae te raak. Ons is intens dankbaar vir daardie onderwysers wat hul leerlinge se toekoms op die hart dra.Voordat álle skoolleerlinge nie toegerus is met die nodige lees- en syfervaardighede nie, kan geen Suid-Afrikaner egter rustig slaap nie.
Bemark Kylemore beter Student, Kylemore, skryf: Ek wil net my mening as jong mens lig oor die parkie by die ingang van ons dorp, Kylemore. ’n Dorp se ingang is hoe die dorp bemark word en dié parkie is geen pragstuk nie. Net ’n handjievol van Kylemore en die omliggende dorpies se jong mense kamp daar uit. Die meeste motors het CA- en ander nommerplate en dan parkeer hulle langs die hoofingang en ons wat in Kylemore bly, moet vir hulle padgee wanneer hulle met hul dronk lywe na hul motors stap. Die plek lyk meer na ’n openbare bar en drug den met geen ordentlike beligting saans nie. In Kylemore is geleerde jong mense soos dokters, prokureurs, ensovoorts. Dus, waarom die ingang bemark asof ons almal dieselfde is? Kylemore en die dorpies
rondom sit tans met ’n geweldige tik-probleem. Waarom laat die gemeenskap dan toe dat daar ruimte geskep word vir die groei en broei van hierdie probleem wat tot ernstige en hartseergevolge kan lei vir ons as jong mense en ons ouers? Die betrokke leiers moet hande vat en ons dorp beter bemark en waarde gee aan die naam Kylemore. Die politieke binnegevegte moet nou end kry. Die ryk man kan sy geld beter bestee en liefs belê in die lewens van die leerlinge van die laer- en hoerskool wie se ouers werkloos is of in die af-seisoen op plase werk. Dit het tyd geword dat die mense van Kylemore eienaarskap van hul dorp neem en ons as jong mense teen euwels beskerm wat die dorp wil binnedring.
Hoflikheid gevra in S’boschverkeer Robbie Reinecke, voorsitter: NMT (“NonMotorised Trans port”) Skakelkomitee, skryf: André van Niekerk het goeie redes verskaf waarom ’n mens nie sommer kan indruk in ’n minisirkel nie. Die reël van voorgee na regs aan diegene wat reeds in die sirkel is, moet geld sowel as die redelike verbod op gevaarlike verkeersaksies, selfs met die letter van die wet in jou guns. Miskien kan mens byvoeg dat die eintlike probleem die digtheid van hedendaagse piekverkeer op Stellenbosch is. Motors kom smiddae laat in ’n soliede stroom uit Birdstraat sodat daar dan geen redelike gaping is om te vat vir diegene wat in Dorpstraat in ’n westelike rigting moet ry nie. Iets wat bydra tot swaar verkeer is dat talle mense wat net so maklik fiets kon ry of stap, dit nie
doen nie. Maar die NMT Skakelkomitee van Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit, die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en fietsbelangegroepe, werk deesdae saam aan die voorsiening van ’n nuwe veilige fietspaadjienetwerk vir Stellenbosch. Hopelik sal die dag gou kom waar baie Stellenbossers, soos in Europa, veilige dorpsfietsers kan word. Dan sal ons egter groter hoflikheid moet toon. In Amerika en Europe is padgebruikers hoflik. Mens sien dikwels dat iemand wat voorrrang het, tog sal toegee as iemand sukkel om die verkeervloei binne te kom. Hoekom sien ’n mens so selde hoflikheid in Suid-Afrika? Miskien dink ons net aan ons regte en hoflikheid bly in die slag. ’n Ervaring van regte waarop aangedring word, het so gebeur: Met spitsverkeer ry ek via Van Riebeeckstraat dorp toe. Daar is
Minisirkelwysheid “Pr. Arch.”, Stellenbosch, skryf: Stellenbosch se verkeer vloei beter, want sy mense gebruik sy minisirkels op die logiese manier: gee toe vir verkeer van regs, net soos met groter sirkels. Dis nie ’n vierrigtingstop nie. Die stroom van regs vloei goed, totdat dit onderbreek word met ’n voertuig wat
van regs nader. Met ’n vierrigting-stop word die vloei vertraag. Maar toegegee: in ander dele van die land blyk dit dat die gebruikspatroon verskil, wat verwarring veroorsaak en gevaarlik is. Iewers sal amptelik standpunt ingeneem moet word. Pr. Ing. moet maar maak soos die Romeine maak...
’n soliede stroom voertuie wat verby die Laan dorp toe ry. By die stel 2-rigting stopstrate Die Laan / Van Riebeeckstraat, wag ’n vrou in die Laan by die stopstraat, seker reeds lank en al lekker vies. Net toe is die dame se geduld finaal op. Sy storm in die gaping voor my en ek rem dat dit bars. Daar kom die verkeer weer tot stilstand. Met dié is ons langs mekaar, oog-tot-oog, en ek sien sy wil my iets toevoeg. ”Meneer! Kan jy nie verstaan hoe werk ’n vierrigting stopstraat nie? ”Mevrou hierdie is ’n tweerigting stopstraat, en daar doer agter my is nog een.” ”Dit mag so wees, maar jy moet nogtans vir my stop!” Ag, natuurlik was sy reg, ek het voorrang gehad, maar as ek beter maniere gehad het, kon ek haar ’n kans gegee het.
‘Ou met grootste wiele ry eerste’ Johann Steyn, La Clémence, skryf: Dit is met belangstelling dat ek die brief van Jan van Rensburg “Minisirkels ons Nemesis” gelees het (Eikestadnuus, 17 Junie 2011). Ek was ook onder die indruk (wanindruk?) dat mens toegee na regs, ongeag of dit ’n minisirkel of ’n volle sirkel is. Maar ek het geleer in die praktyk geld net een reël: die ou met die grootste wiele ry eerste.
Thank you for returning my keys, Samaritan! Uitgewer / Redakteur: Elsabé Retief 0 021 887 2840 x2002 eretief@eikestadnuus.com Redaksie: Elbé van Heerden, Samantha van den Berg, Adéle Myburgh, Sonia Koopman, Abrie Burger Verkoopsbestuurder: Marijke van der Merwe 0 021 887 2840 x2008 marijke@eikestadnuus.com
Sirkulasie: 0 021 887 2840 Rekeningnavrae: Yolande Mostert 0 021 406 4363 yolande.mostert@media24.com
Riglyne vir lesersbriewe: Eikestadnuus verkies briewe van 350 woorde of minder. Skuilname is welkom, mits die skrywer se naam en telefoonnommer vermeld word. Epos briewe aan eikestad@eikestadnuus.com of faks dit na 021 883 9538. SMS kommentaar na 32464. Begin met die woord “EIKE”.
Purdey September, writes: I experienced the morning of Monday, 20 June as a very hectic one, when, in the process of running around, I lost my car keys. I evidently dropped them on the sidewalk, only two cars behind my vehicle. It would’nt have taken an Einstein to figure out which car the key
matched and for someone to have had his / her way with my property. Instead I found a note with a contact number under my windshield wiper, informing me the key was safe and sound. I phoned the number and a young gentleman by the name of Ben Petersen, currently working at WSP in Church
Street, told me he had found my key and I should first give a description of the key. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed with gratitude at the gesture of the Good Samaritan who did this for me, and want to sincerely thank him for his help and kindness. It shows that there are still good people left in the world.
Plaaslike Owerhede.
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
Raad die ene ‘ore’ SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Temas en doelwitte
TELLENBOSCH Munisipaliteit het sy eerste “Groot Oor”-vergadering gehou in ’n poging om die gemeenskap by die bevordering van die dorp se belange te betrek. Verskeie belanghebbendes uit onder meer die sake-, toerismeen opvoedingsektor was verlede Donderdagaand by dié openbare vergadering in die stadsaal teenwoordig. Die uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Conrad Sidego, het sy planne vir die Groter Stellenbosch-gebied vir die volgende 100 dae, asook sy kort- en langtermynplanne met die gaste gedeel. Volgens Sidego het die raad by ’n twee dae lange bosberaad die Munisipaliteit se korttermyn diensleweringsprogram in ses temas ingedeel. Wat die tema van leierskap en inklusiewe regering betref, het Sidego gesê dat die gemeenskap, tesame met politieke leierskap en administrasie, die derde komponent van ’n munisipaliteit uitmaak en dat daar
voortdurend kommunikasie tussen dié komponente moet wees. “Ek wil die burgerlike samelewing tot aktiewe burgerskap roep, ’n gemeenskap wat medeverantwoordelik vir sy toekoms is.” Volgens Sidego het veiligheid en sekuriteit ’n wesenlike kwessie geword en sal daar voortaan nouer met die SAPD en die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums saamgewerk word. Wat armoede en haweloosheid betref, het hy gesê dit is ’n tema wat sedert 1994 nie genoegsaam aangespreek is nie. Volgens hom is nuwe informele nedersettings regoor die Stellenbosch-gebied gevestig en word nuwe grond nie vinnig genoeg beskikbaar gestel om in die vraag na nuwe behuising te voorsien nie. Oor die tema van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling het Sidego gevoel dat die Groter Stellenbosch-gebied ’n sterk ekonomie het, maar dat meer besighede daarheen gelok moet word. “Ons moet dit baie makliker vir entrepreneurs maak om besigheid te
1. Leierskap en inklusiewe re gering: Beter kommunikasie met die media en belanghebbendes beter funksionerende wykskomitees dramatiese opskerp van kliëntediens 2. Respek vir ’n mens se lewe, eiendom en goedere en respek vir die wet: Uitbreiding van CCTVnetwerk beter toegeruste wetstoepassers samesprekings met department van Justisie oor ’n munisipale hof idees uitruil met ander munisipaliteite oor maatreëls om koperkabeldiefstal of diefstal van regeringseiendom aan bande te lê stel gesaghebbende databasis op van wanbetalers 3. Die aanspreek van armoede en haweloosheid: Stig gemeenskapsgedrewe strukture om gemeenskapsontwikkelingspro jekte te implementeer
help om Early Childhood Develop mentsentrums te registreer opgradering van Youth House in Franschhoek voltooi nuwe speelpark in Thubelits ha in Kayamandi 200 nuwe huise vir begunstigdes herstel foute by The Steps/Orlean Lounge Housing projek in Cloetesville voltooi tweede fase van behuisings projek in Kayamandi en behuisings projekte beplan vir Vlottenburg, Jamestown, Kylemore en La Motte 4. Plaaslike ekonomiese ont wikkeling: Finaliseer ’n ekonomiese ontwikke lingstrategie werk nou saam met belanghebben des in toerisme en landbou kry goedkeuring van die Recapitali sation and Development Programme Fund (R11,7 miljoen) om die infra struktuur op die meentgrond op Plaas 502 te verbeter. Sluit huurkontrakte met kleinboere op die plaas.
doen en diegene behou wat ons reeds het.” Die twee uitdagendste temas blyk egter infrastruktuur en die omgewing en ruimtelike ontwikkeling te wees. Volgens Sidego werk die elektrisiteits - en rioolstelsels nie net bo hul kapasiteit nie, maar word die riviere besoedel, is verkeersopeenhopings tydens piektye ernstig en bestaan daar bykans geen openbare vervoerstelsel nie. Sidego het egter gesê al word die korttermyndoelwitte effektief uitgevoer, dit steeds nie die probleme sal oplos of die Stellenbosch-distrik ’n beter plek sal maak nie. Hy het bygevoeg dat dinge “anders gedoen en dat daar anders gedink sal moet word.” Vennootskappe en kreatiewe idees is nodig en die dorp se ryk hulpbronne moet gebruik word. “Van ’n winter van ontevredenheid kan ons aanbeweeg na ’n lente gevul met hoop, nuwe energie en met die sekerheid van ’n beter lewe. As ons hande vat, is dit die beloofde land wat op ons almal wag,” het hy gesê.
5. Opgradering van infra struktuur: Rig nuwe eenheid in by stortingster rein (R12 miljoen) opgradering van Wemmershoek Rioolsuiweringstasie (R27 miljoen) verbeter elektrisiteitsnetwerk (R22 miljoen) finaliseer verkeersligoptimalisering studie verbeter niegemotoriseerde ver voernetwerk vervang watertoevoerpype implementeer ’n rivierwaterkwali teitsprogram finaliseer Waterdienstemeesterplan voltooi laaste fase van Bergzicht taxistaanplek 6. Omgewing en ruimtelike ontwikkeling: Finaliseer verskeie ruimtelike ontwik kelingsraamwerke ontwikkel ’n Lugkwaliteitsplan dien Papegaaibergomgewingsplan in
Die uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Conrad Sidego.
Foto: Ignatius Vlok
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
Wining and dining: Lastmonth46
guests attended the Eikestadnuus Wine Club’s monthly tasting held at Delheim. Enjoying themselves at the event were (from left) Johan Hugo, Suzanne Möller, Evette Hanekom, Nicola Geraght, Karin Basson, Lindi van Niekerk and JC van Antwerpen.
Nuwe spa vir S’bosch: Die Bilton O3 Spa is onlangs
op die Bilton-wynlandgoed buite Stellenbosch geopen. By die openingsgeleentheid is gaste met Bilton-wyne en ’n wyn- en sjokoladeproe bederf. Hier (van links) is Vicki Vermeulen, Sewis van Zyl, Rusna Olivier en Janette Sutherland (spa-bestuurder) by die opening.
Pic: Adele Myburgh
Blending in:
Hill & Dale winemaker Guy Webber invited the 1%Club to a wine blending recently. After members were divided into groups, each person had the opportunity to try their hand at creating a masterpiece wine and after 45 minutes of tasting numerous combinations, each team put forward 100 ml of their favourite blend for judging. The winning team were (from left) Pierre-Henri Olivier, Eric Rose-Innes, Beth Knoesen, Guy Webber (Hill & Dale) and Angela Joyner. The 1%Club is a group of working professionals who contribute one percent of their salary to assist underprivileged farm children with whom the Anna Foundation works. Visit www.1percentclub.yolasite.com for further information.
Hier by die opening van die Bilton O3 Spa (van links) is Jan Olivier, Werner van Zyl, Morné Coetzee, Reze Oberholzer, Ronette Sutherland, Carel Oberholzer en Deon Olivier. Foto’s: Samantha van den Berg
The Stellenbosch Business Network’s monthly networking event held at the Stellenbosch Hotel last Wednesday was once again well supported by the local business community. Here (from left) are Cobie Beukes of Capitec Bank, James Hart of Sun Media and Petro Janse van Vuuren of PlayingMantis. Pics: Adele Myburgh
Fienie Yssel (Fynbos Villa), Carina Swart (Exceed) and Sonelle Hobbs (Exceed) also attended the networking event.
Kom sing karaoke
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Batman Adult male
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Revd Ulric and Althea Groenewald exchanged marriage vows on the 14 May 2011 at St Mary’s, On-the-Braak (Anglican Church) Stellenbosch. The Bishop of the False Bay Diocese, the Right Revd Merwyn Castle presided at the wedding ceremony. The couple resides and minister in the Parish of Bredasdorp.
DIE Monty’s Charity-klub in Idasvallei bied vanaand (1 Julie) om 19:30 ’n karaokeaand in die St. Idas Primêr-skoolsaal aan ten bate van liefdadigheid. Kaartjies: R30. Navrae: Cheryl Olivier: 0 083 474 5675.
Winter ball THE Stellenbosch Community Learning Centre is hosting a Winter Ball tonight (1 July) in the AF Louw School Hall from 20:00 to 00:45. The Elginairs Band will perform and those attending must bring their own platters and xyz. Tickets: R60. Enquiries: David Martin: 0 021 889 6595 / 021 883 3892 or Jacques Cornelissen: 0 021 889 6596 / 021 887 3841.
Arts & Entertainment.
Strokiesprentkursus TIENERS kan dié vakansie leer hoe om strokiesprente te teken. Stippekuns sal van 11 tot 14 Julie deur Vernon Fourie by die PJ Olivier-kunssentrum aangebied word. Vir nadere besonderhede en besprekings skakel Sonet op Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae tussen 10:00 en 13:00 by die Kunsvereniging Stellenbosch (021 808 3668).
Stellenbosch: 076 510 8181
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
Nine SA premières on offer
HE Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival will be held from 8 to 17 July at the Music Department of Stellenbosch University. The evening faculty concerts are renowned for their excellent performances and innovative programming. Peter Martens, Festival Director, explains the process of choosing repertoire: “Our artistic director, Nina Schumann, collects suggestions from all the faculty members and puts together the most interesting programmes. Many of the faculty members use this opportunity to put forward repertoire that they would ordinarily not get the opportunity to play, so in between the great works of Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky, etc., you will be sure to find some totally unknown gems well worth a
hearing…” This year the Festival is presenting no fewer than nine South African premières. In the grande finale the Festival Concert Orchestra will present the world première of Hendrik Hofmeyr’s “Kasi” with a surprise text delivered by Casper de Vries! Coupled with the well-loved “Trout” quintet by Schubert, the first concert willfeature a South African first in the Octet-Serenade in E major, Op.22, by Dvorák, arranged by Nicholas Ingman. This piece is commonly known in its string orchestra guise, but this new arrangement will include piano, clarinet, horn and bassoon as well. The second concert includes the Grande Serenade Concertante op.126 by Carl Czerny, a contemporary and student of Beethoven. The third faculty concert contains a beautiful
Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:00, 20:00, 22:30
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Mon-Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:20, 17:00, 19:45, 22:30 Sun: 11:40, 14:20, 17:00, 19:45
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Mon-Sat: 9:25, 11:30, 15:15, 17:50, 20:00, 22:15 Sun: 11:30, 15:15, 17:50, 20:00 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:30 Sun: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:30 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mon-Sat: 9:40, 12:15, 14:55, 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Sun: 12:15, 14:55, 17:40, 20:15 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:20, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 11:50, 14:30, 17:20, 20:00 Mon, Tue: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:20, 20:00, 22:45
Girlfriends’ Getaway screening on 6 July BOOKINGS NOW OPEN Wed: 20:00 —————————————————————————————————————————————————
TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON 3D Daily: 11:00, 14:10, 17:20, 20:30
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CARS 2 - 3D
Wed, Thu: 9:10, 11:35, 14:15, 17:00, 19:40
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Fri, Sat, Tue: 17:00, 19:40, 22:15 Sun, Mon: 17:00, 19:40 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fri-Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15
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Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50, 22:15 Sun: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50 Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 19:50, 22:15 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:40, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00
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Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50 Tue: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fri-Tue: 9:25, 15:00, 20:00
Fri, Sat, Tue: 11:40, 17:30, 22:15 Sun, Mon: 11:40, 17:30 —————————————————————————————————————————————————
MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS ˛ Ç ß Daily: 10:00, 12:30, 14:45
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Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00 Tue: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:40, 20:00, 22:30 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat, Tue: 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Mon, Thu: 17:00, 19:30 Wed: 17:00 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— English Subtitles... Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:40, 20:15
sparkling piano quintet by Louise Farrenc, the only woman composer represented this year. In the fourth concert, Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner will be performed in its original version for 13 instruments. In the fifth con-
Word deel van Jou Show!
EIKESTAD MALL - STELLENBOSCH TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON ¸ ˛ ◊ Mon-Sat: 10:00, 14:50, 19:30, 22:45 Sun: 14:50, 19:30
Hendrik Hofmeyr
cert, Frank Stadler will give a unique performance of the Mendelssohn violin concerto in a special arrangement for solo violin and string quintet. After the interval Stadler and the other string players will be joined by Daniel Rowland (violin), back by popular demand, and Nina Schumann (piano) in a performance of Mozart’s Pantomime K.44,6 completed by Vladimir Mendelssohn. This will be followed by a bit of fun in a piece called “Playing with Style” by Russell Peck. In the sixth faculty concert the strings will be joined by Luis Magalhães in Korngold’s Piano Quintet in E major, op.15. Visit www.sun.ac.za/chambermusicfestival for the full programme. Tickets and Festival Pass available at Computicket. Enquiries: Peter Martens: 021 808 2343 / martensp@sun.ac.za.
ENDLER-KONSERTREEKS 8-17 JULIE 2011 Vrydag 8 Jul 20:00 Konsert 1 Schubert Klavierkwintet in A majeur D.667, 'Forelle' Dvoøák Oktet-Serenade in E majeur, Op.22 Saterdag 9 Jul 20:00 Konsert 2 Purcell Pavane en Chaconne Czerny Grande Serenade Concertante Op.126 Bruch Oktet in B-mol majeur, Op.20 Sondag 10 Jul 20:00 Konsert 3 Poulenc Sonate vir Horing, Trompet en Tromboon Farrenc Klavierkwintet nr.1 in A mineur, Op.30 Spohr Nonet, Op.31 Maandag 11 Jul 20:00 Konsert 4 Grieg Holberg Suite vir strykorkes Op.40 Wagner Siegfried Idyll in E majeur, WWV103 Dohnányi Klavierkwintet nr.2 in E-mol mineur, Op.26 Dinsdag 12 Jul 20:00 Konsert 5 sopraan: Zanne Stapelberg Hofmeyr “Of Darkness and the Heart” Mendelssohn Vioolkonsert in E mineur, Op.64 (verwerking vir solo viool en strykkwintet) Mozart Pantomime K.446 Peck “Playing with Style” Woensdag 13 Jul 20:00 Konsert 6 Enesco Suite nr.1 in C majeur, Op.9 Korngold Klavierkwintet in E majeur, Op.15 Brahms Klarinetkwintet in B mineur, Op.115
DIE immergewilde kykNet-program, Jou Show met Emo is terug, maar dié keer met ’n verrassing - Wicus van der Merwe! Die nuwe vertoning, Jou Show met Emo… en Wicus word eersdaags in die GrandWest Casino en Entertainment World opgeneem. Van die gaste wat hulle weekliks by die twee sal aansluit, is Marion Holm, Lizz Meiring, Tammy-Anne Fortuin, Shaleen Surtie Richards, Danie Niehaus, Jack Parow, Francois van Coke, Neels van Jaarsveld, Martelize Kolver en Pedro Kruger. Ook almal en alles wat snaaks en eienaardig is: Elvis-nabootsers, toorkunsies, lyfknopers en mal hipnosetruuks. Dit gaan sing en dans, improviseer, gekskeer en mal gaan! Programme word van 5 tot 12 Julie opgeneem en die publiek is welkom om te kom deel in die pret. Dis vermaak uit die boonste rakke en vir net R50 per persoon kan jy deel wees van die gehoor tydens die opname van twee programme elke aand.
Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. ) Drie gelukkige Eikestadnuus-lesers kan elk ’n dubbelkaartjie na een van die vertonings by Grand West Casino wen. Om in aanmerking te kom vir die kompetisie, stuur die woord “Eikestadnuus” en jou naam en van na joushow@kyknet.co.za.
Wicus van der Merwe
Donderdag 14 Jul 20:00 Konsert 7 Mezzo-sopraan: Minette du Toit-Pierce Bach Brandenburg Konsert nr.4 in G majeur, BWV1049 Strawinski Konsert in E-mol majeur (Dumberton Oaks) De Falla El Amor Brujo (tweede weergawe 1925) Vrydag 15 Jul 20:00 Fees-Simfonieorkes dirigent: Bernhard Gueller, klarinet: Mate Bekavac Liadov 8 Russian Folksongs Rossini Inleiding, Tema en Variasies vir klarinet en orkes Tsjaikofski Simfonie nr.6 in B mineur, Op.74
Saterdag 16 Jul 20:00 Fees-Konsertorkes The Home of Fine Wines and Farm Cuisine dirigent: Arjan Tien, verteller: Casper de Vries on Saturday, 2 July 2011 Mozart Ouverture Der Schauspieldirektor K.486 Winter Business Lunches Tsjaikofski Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a Wines from R12.50 per bottle, only Hofmeyr Kasi – “An Introduction to the Orchestra”
selling in casesNo-Meat of 12 andMonday 6. Sunday 17 July 16:30 Fees-Simfonieorkes Comfort Tuesday dirigent: Bernhard Gueller, altviool Gareth Lubbe Where: Origin Wine, Old Bottelary Ljadof 8 Russian Folksongs, Op.58 Pasta Wednesday Road, Koelenhof Bartok Altvioolkonsert, Op .Posth Luxury-Soup Thursday Tsjaikofski Simfonie nr.6 in B mineur, Op.74 Time: Gates open at 8:30am and close Fish Friday Alle konserte vind plaa in die Endlersaal, Stellenbosch Universiteit.
Bespreek by Computicket Inligting: 021 808 2343; martensp@sun.ac.za www.sun.ac.za/chambermusicfestival
at 13:00pm
R79 will VATbe Incl. Please come early Price as stock (service included) sold on a first come firstcharge servenot basis. Tel +27 21 880 0557 bodega@dornier.co.za Credit Cards willBlaauwklippen be accepted Road GPS: 33°59’31 S; 18°52’15 E
Contact: 021 865 8100
WINE SALES on Saturday, 2 July 2011 Wines from R10 per bottle Only selling in cases of 6 and 12 More info at: facebook.com/fairhills Where: Origin Wine, Old Bottelary Road, Koelenhof Time: 8:30 to 12:00 Please come early as stock will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Credit Cards will be accepted
Contact: 021 865 8100
Kuns & Vermaak.
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
‘Altaarstuk hoort hier’ ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
SPESIALE kunsuitstalling, met werke van die Keiskamma-projek sowel as die wêreldbekende Keiskamma-altaarstuk, is tans by die Oude Libertas-kunsgalery te sien. Vir kurator Roena Griesel is dit ’n besondere eer om die uitstaller van dié projek te wees en veral om die altaarstuk na Stellenbosch te kon bring. Die Keiskamma-projek is ’n werkskeppingsprojek wat in Hamburg, ’n kusdorpie in die Oos-Kaap, deur dr. Carol Hofmeyer begin is om werkloosheid teen te werk en bewustheid rakende MIV / vigs teweeg te bring. Die altaarstuk, wat 4 meter by 6,8 meter groot is, bestaan uit verskeie panele, elk met sy eie betekenis. Dit is gebaseer op Matthias Grünewald se bekende Issenheim-altaarstuk in Frankryk. Dit het 130 vroue en ’n paar mans altesame ses maande geneem om te voltooi. Die panele vou oop en toe en elkeen vertel ’n bietjie meer van dié dorpie se swaarkry, armoede en stryd teen die dodelike MIV / vigs-pandemie. “Dis ’n ongelooflike kunswerk. Dis ’n stuk van Suid-Afrika se eie geskiedenis. “Die vroue wat aan die altaarstuk gewerk het, kom uit geweldige armoede. Dié werk was ook vir hulle terapeuties. Hulle staan op in die oggend en werk en praat saam en help só mekaar dra,” vertel Roena oor die uitstalling. Die res van die uitstalling, met die titel “In Flower / Entyatyambeni”, is vol helder kleure en blomme, met fantastiese gebruik van kleur. “’n Mens sou nie kon glo dat dié vroue in armoede woon nie. Die kunswerke is so optimisties!” Roena sou graag wou hê dat die altaarstuk ’n permanente tuiste in Suid-Afrika, en veral Stellenbosch sou vind, soos die bekende Issenheim-altaarstuk in Colmar, waarvoor dié dorp bekendheid ver-
Die binneste panele met lewensgrootte foto’s van oumas en hul kleinkinders onder kralebome. Hulle kyk reguit na die kamera en verpersoonlik die krag en koestering van sterk vroue.
Dié voorste panele toon ’n Xhosavrou, geklee in ’n weduwee se rouklere, voor die kruis.
Die middelste panele beeld die opstanding uit die dood uit. Gaba (die profeet) is die fokuspunt.
werf het. “Dit hóórt hier, in Suid-Afrika.” Die aanlyn-veiling is amptelik op 14 Junie by Oude Libertas van stapel gestuur. Dit sluit oor 22 dae. Roena wil ook ’n jaarlikse uitstalling van die Keiskamma-projek se kunswer-
ke by Oude Libertas hou. Die uitstalling sal tot 15 Augustus by dié galery duur. Skakel 021 809 7463 vir nadere besonderhede. Vir meer inligting oor die altaarstuk, besoek www.keiskamma.org.
KUNSKALENDER ARTS CALENDAR 1 Julie ) Breughel-teater: Jazzaand met Brown Suga en DJ Gaby. R40. 20:00 00:45. XYZ en verversings te koop. 0 Eleanor: 021 889 5765. ) Dorpstraat-teater: Luna Paige. R60. 20:30. 0 021 889 9158 of 2 info@dorpstraat.co.za. 3 July ) Amazink, Kayamandi: Abaqondisi Brothers. Three course meal. R135 for adults and R90 for children under 12. Lunch from 12:00. Bookings essential: 0 021 886 7536 or 2 info@amazink.co.za or visit www.amazink.co.za. ) Delvera-kinderteater: Hansie en Grietjie. 12:00. Bespreking noodsaaklik: 0 021 884 4353. 6 Julie ) Dorpstraat-teater: Nicole Holm in holm@iafrica.com. R90. 20:30. 0 021 889 9158 of 2 in-
fo@dorpstraat.co.za. 8 17 July ) Stellenbosch University Conservatory: 2011 Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival. Three concerts daily, 13:00, 17:00 and 20:00. For full programme visit www.sun.ac.za/ chambermusicfestival. Peter Martens: 0 021 808 2343 or 2 martensp@sun.ac.za. 8 Julie ) Amazink: Bilton Matt Black Sessies met die tema Sokkiejol, met musiek deur Ousus en DJ Chopper. R60. 19:00. Bespreek by 2bookings@dpk.co.za of 0 082 854 9109. 9 Julie ) Dorpstraat-teater: Boulevard Blues Band. R70. 20:00.0 021 889 9158 of 2 info@dorpstraat.co.za.
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5x2 fc
Nuwe vere vir hospitaalgroep
vir ander koerante mei
OE dr. Edwin Hertzog in 1983 deur die Rembrandt-groep genader is om die moontlikheid van ’n privaat hospitaalgroep vir Suid-Afrika te ondersoek, het hy nooit kon droom dat dié Mediclinic het pas hul nuwe embleem by die Pavilion-konferensiesentrum in Kaapstad bekend gestel. Hier glimlag Stellenbosch Medicli- groep binne 25 jaar ook innic-personeel by hul nuwe naam en embleem wat op hul hospitaal pronk. Foto: Abrie Burger ternasionaal sy stempel sou afdruk nie. Dr. Edwin Hertzog by Mediclinic se “Ons kantoor was in die nuwe logo. Foto: Adele Myburgh ; 1983: Die oorspronklike burg. MediClinic Corporation heidsaandele in Emirates agterplaas van die destydMediClinichandelsmerk is ge Limited word in 1986 op die Healthcare, die grootste privaat se Rembrandt-kantore inbore toe die Rembrandtgroep JSEaandelebeurs genoteer. hospitaalgroep in Doebai en Stellenbosch en dit was (nou Remgro) dr. Edwin Hert ; 1995: Mediclinic Suid die Hirslandenprivaat hospi net ek, ’n deeltydse sekreWêreldwyd staan 23 000 volgens dr. Hertzog is Mezog nader om die moontlikheid Afrika fokus op die aankoop taalgroep in Switserland. taresse en finansiële bemense tans in diens van diclinic se personeel in hul van privaat hospitale in Suid van die Medicor, Hydromed, ; 2009: Mediclinic besluit SAIPA Professionele Evaluasie sukses die groep, waarvan 588 in skik met die eindproduk. stuurder,” het dr. Hertzog, Afrika te ondersoek. Hospiplan en Curamedgroe om hulself as internasionale ons vier huidige van ons personeel (op die fotodie van links: Wesley Sondag, voorsitter van Stellenbosch by die MediHoewel die naam Medi; 19841986: Die groep pe. hospitaalgroep teGraag vestigwens en na Roelof Pretorius enhospitaalgroep Nielbert Schmidlin. Jorene Muller afwesig op die foto) en bekenClinic-hospitaal, die hoof- clinic behoue bly, sal dit fokus op die verkryging en ont ; 2006: Mediclinic word ’n der die Londense reklamegroep geluk met die suksesvolle aflegging van die eksamen. de inwoner van Stellen- kantoor en tegniese dien- voortaan sonder koppeltewikkeling van mediese fasilitei internasionale hospitaalgroep Landor om ’n nuwe identiteit vir te in Kaapstad en Johannes met die aankoop van meerder die groep te help skep. bosch, vandeesweek aan ste-hoofkantoor in Tegno- ken geskryf word en die Eikestadnuus vertel. park werk. naam Mediclinic Corpora“Grootte was nooit vir Dr. Hertzog het verlede tion is vervang met Medions ’n doelwit nie en die fo- week ’n nuwe handels- clinic International. kus was eerder op gehalte- merk en identiteit vir MeDaar is ook weggedoen gesondheidsorg.” di-Clinic in Kaapstad be- met die staf-en-slang-emDr. Hertzog was aan- kend gestel wat ook in bleem en die slagspreuk vanklik ’n narkotiseur in Switserland en Doebai ge- “Toegewy aan gehaltesorg Durbanville en het met dr. bruik gaan word. / Committed to quality caOm weekliks in hierdie gids u professionele diens te adverteer, skakel Anton Rupert ooreenge“Die hoofredes vir die re” het verander na “KunMERICIA ADONIS op (021) 887 2840 x 2013 kom om sy praktyk vir verandering is die feit dat digheid wat jy kan vertrou drie jaar te sluit om ’n al- ons nie die ou handels- / Expertise you can trust”. ternatiewe loopbaan in die merk in Doebai kon geDit sluit aan by Mediclisakewêreld op die proef te bruik nie en graag as ’n in- nic se sakebenadering om stel. ternasionale hospitaal- die menslike sy van geDit was egter nie vir groep onder een beeld wil sondheidsorg met die wehom nodig om weer sy- funksioneer,” het hy ver- tenskaplike te balanseer praktyk te open nie. Medi- duidelik. en pasiënte sodoende net Clinic was ’n weghol-sukDit is die eerste keer se- die beste te bied, het dr. ses en vandag spog die dert die groep se ontstaan Hertzog bygevoeg. groep met 49 hospitale in dat die handelsmerk verGeleidelike opgradeSuid-Afrika, drie in Nami- ander word. ’n Londense ring en uitbreiding kan bië, 14 in Switserland en reklamegroep, Landor, is ook oor die volgende paar Oewerpark 24, Rokewoodlaan nóg twee hospitale en agt sowat R15 miljoen betaal jaar by Mediclinic-hospiStellenbosch klinieke in Doebai. om dié taak te verrig en tale verwag word. T: 021 887 1305
Nuwe logo vir Mediclinic:
F: 021 882 9046
’n Inligtingsessie, ten opsigte van die nuwe Maatskappywet, is aangebied deur Smith & Assosiate Ingelyf op Vrydag, 24 Junie 2011. Ons bedank graag ons kliënte wat die sessie bygewoon het en vertrou dat die sessie tot jul besigheidssukses sal bydra. v.l.n.r: Mnr Henry Whitehead (S&A direkteur); Mev Heidi Smith (S&A direkteur); prof Andreas van Wyk (spreker) en Mnr Henry Smith (S&A direkteur) Kontak ons gerus met enige navrae by tel: (021) 886 7025 / 0861 SMITH 1; faks: (021) 886 7038 of epos: navrae@smith1.co.za of alternatiewelik per pos na Posbus 411, Stellenbosch, 7599.
Premier heropen fabriek: Wes-Kaap-
se premier Helen Zille het onlangs die amptelike opening van die Three Streams Smokehouse-fabriek in Franschhoek behartig. Die fabriek het verlede jaar afgebrand. Hier by die knip van die lint is Helen Zille, Gregory Stubbs (hoof- uitvoerende beampte van die fabriek) en raadsheer Conrad Sidego, uitvoerende burgemeester van Stellenbosch. Foto: Abrie Burger
DistrictMail | Eikestadnuus | Paarl Post
Biggestand andBest BestProperty Propertyguide guidein inthe theBoland Boland Biggest
30•June • 1 July 2010 2011 19 20 August
Selling property still tricky SIEB SIEBERHAGEN
Although there are hundreds of properties on the market, the right price is guaranteed to draw the right buyer, say Paarl estate agents. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen
the true market value is determined mainly by what a buyer is willing to pay for the property,” he says. Not everybody’s property is priced incorrectly. The right priced properties do sell rather quickly, within 3 to 4 months. Those who are over-priced, remain on the market for much longer.
“Sellers must remember that it is still a buyer’s market, so buyers only buy if they feel they are getting value for money,” says Surina du Toit from Pam Golding in the Paarl. “If you are serious about selling, put your house on the market at the right price. If you’re really in no hurry to sell, do not put your house up for sale,” she ad-
On average it takes 14 weeks to sell a property
vises. Desiré du Preez of ERA Gersbach said that sellers do not realize that the market has changed in recent months. “House prices are still falling. To sell a property now, takes an average of five months and then the price must be right. Sellers must be willing to negotiate.” There are plenty of places to
170 Main Road, Somerset West, 7130 Tel. 021 85 22942 Fax. 021 85 12515 Cell. 083 675 3012 email. mdprop@global.co.za www. moniquedamseauxproperties.co.za
Spacious, Immaculate Home in La Sandra , R2,690m
3 bedrooms, m.e.s., spacious lounge, sep. dining room, study, kitchen, laundry & scullery, private pool area, dble. garage, auto doors. Plus.. Sep. Guest Flatlet, with lounge/dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, separate entrance. Monique - 083 675 3012 Web ref. MD 15
Neat Character home in Stuarts Hill - R1,6m
4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, m.e.s., spacious lounge with fire place, dining room, kitchen, separate laundry, single garage mature enclosed garden.
Yves - 082 929 1829 Web ref. YD 49
Joint Mandate
Spacious Home in sought after Natures Valley reduced - R4,250m (no transfer duty)
Family home close to Beaumont Primary - reduced - R1,6m
5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 en-suite, spacious formal lounge, separate dining room, family room, large games room/ studio, solid Oak kitchen, oven & hob, separate laundry, staff quarters, private pool & braai area, double automated Garage
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, m.e.s., lounge, dining room, TV room, study/4th bedroom, open plan kitchen with oven & hob, laundry, braai patio to private pool area, Plot size: ±2503m² double garage, covered carport.
Monique - 083 675 3012 Web ref. MD 64
Sole Mandate
HE best way to increase your chances of a successful sale is to ensure that your property is priced correctly right from the start, says Trevor Harris, property broker and owner of RE/MAX Winelands in Paarl. Typically, home buyers only look at those properties that are within a price range that they can afford. But, he says, the pricing of property is a tricky business, with a Goldilocks-type familiarity. “If your property is priced too high, expect that buyers will negotiate with you. You may just miss the boat by not attracting the right kind of buyers to view your property in the first place. “Price your property too low, and you can lose out on making more money than you would like to. The trick is to get the pricing just right to suit the current state of the market,” he explains. In Drakenstein more than 600 properties are on the market. These include all types - from security estate properties to vacant stands. The million dollar question is still to determine what the real market value is. “Essentially, real market value refers to what sellers could expect a buyer to pay for their property in a competitive market. However, it must be remembered that even though the market value of your home is usually set by a professional, in the end
choose from, but buyers must be more specific in their needs so that they can find something without going through all the listed properties and then blaming the agent for not being able to find something. Lizette Joubert of Rawson Properties said that any property should sell for what a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is prepared to accept. “Amongst sellers there is always the tendency to think that property agents’ valuations are unrealistically low. It is often necessary to persuade sellers that the good days of 2006 / 2007, when house prices in the area increased rapidly by 30%, are over, and that current house prices are even 10% lower than those times,” she said. “Although there are clear signs of a revival, it still takes an average of 14 weeks for properties to sell. That is 50% longer than it took two years ago. “It does not mean that the demand for property has declined, it is rather a reflection of the tough economic times and the current struggle to get mortgages,” she added. “Banks welcome first time homeowners and it is a great opportunity for them to look into the property market. “With the interest rate the lowest in years and forecasts that it will pick up in the near future, it is a good time to get your finger in the property pie.”
House size: ±388m²
Monique - 083 675 3012 Web ref. MD 07
Sole Mandate
Harcourts Winelands
Winkel Nr 10, Simonsrust Sentrum, Cluver Weg, Stellenbosch, 7600 T: 021-882 8588 C: 082-885 3681 F: 021-882 8588 E: winelands@harcourts.co.za
Stellenbosch Ida’s Valley
R2,895,000 Stellenbosch La Rez Apartment
R590,000 Stellenbosch Uniepark
A little tender loving care will change this house into a home. The spacious enclosed back yard is ideal for children to enjoy in safety! Do not hesitate as this SOLE MANDATE will be sold in no time. ID# WWS2242 Andries M Breedt C: 082 885 3685
Exclusive Mandate
Exclusive Mandate
Sunny 3-bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, home in mint condition with established garden and double garage, sparkling pool, braairoom and study.
ID# WWS2227
Francois van Dalen C: 083 760 5946
Tanya Canaris C: 082 938 3320
R6,000,000 Stellenbosch Welgevonden
R625,000 Stellenbosch Die Boord
Two bedroom apartment with open-plan kitchen, TV lounge and dining area. 24 Hour security access control, two basement parking bays, laundry facilities, cleaning service, telephone line rental, satellite TV, wireless internet, gym as well as a braai area. Great rental income and perfect for students. ID# WWS2226
Once entering this peaceful 4-bedroom house with 3 newly renovated bathrooms and its large kitchen with This is your dream coming true, yes you can live in scullery, you discover all the space it offers. Separate style. ID# WWS2249 living and dining areas, covered patio with built-in braai viewing the beautiful garden with pool area. 2 Fully furnished apartments next to main house. ID# WWS2237 Tanya Canaris C: 082 938 3320
Andries Breedt C: 082 885 3681
Kommersiële Eiendomme te koop of te huur. INDUSTRIËLE GEBOUE
Prime industrial building to rent in Tennantville Stellenbosch. Walk in safe, 4 Office, Toilets, Alarm system and Burglar Proof 416m² R13 000 excl VAT Phone Francois 072 844 9458
te huur buite Stellenbosch 100m² - 340m². 3 Fase krag vanaf R18 per m². Christiaan 082 879 8690 / Werner 082 321 3624.
To Let
PRIME OFFICE SPACE De Wagenweg, Stellenbosch
Golf Estate One of the last large plots available! Magnificent views. Exclusive location on estate. Facing north/south. POA
Upmarket fitted unit available in prime office location. Previously used as attorneys offices. (130 m2 ) Unit has 5 dedicated parking bays in basement
Enquiries: Ronel 082 8323310
Available IMMEDIATELY Contact Donovan 0832320602
OFFICE 021 887 1017 RENTALS anne.fouche@pamgolding.co.za EMAIL stellenbosch@pamgolding.co.za
SPACIOUS NORTH-FACING HOME WITH RIVER FRONTAGE. Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Garages: 2 Web Access: ST1024056
SOPHISTICATED FAMILY HOME. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Garages: 2 Web Access: ST1045837
Anne Fouché 076 752 5159, Office 021 887 1017
Diana van Graan 082 569 2429, Office 021 887 1017
6000 m²+ PLOT IN EXCLUSIVE SECURITY ESTATE. Web Access: ST1041418 Scott McNaughton 083 452 9965 Office 021 887 1017
ENJOY AL FRESCO LIVING. Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Garages: 2 Web Access: ST1018449
TRANQUIL LIVING WITH VIEWS OF TABLE MOUNTAIN. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Garages: 2 Web Access: ST1037116
SECTIONAL TITLE UNIT IN HISTORIC HOTEL. Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Garages: 0 Web Access: ST1028282
Lizette Botha 084 440 1057, Office 021 887 1017
Odette Collins 083 625 5423, Office 021 887 1017
Pam Snyman 082 800 0867, Office 021 880 1545
IN TOP SPOT. Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Parking: 1
LOCK-UP-AND-GO IN SECURE ESTATE. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 21/2 Garages: 2
CHARMING LOCK-UP-AND-GO IN SECURE ESTATE. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1 Garages: 1
LIFESTYLE APARTMENT. Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1 Parking: 1
Web Access: ST1037297
Web Access: ST1022758
Web Access: ST1041618
Web Access: ST1035221
Odette Collins 083 625 5423, Office 021 887 1017
Anne Fouché 076 752 5159, Office 021 887 1017
Deanne Kriel 083 531 7827, Office 021 887 1017
Deanne Kriel 083 531 7827, Office 021 887 1017
R850 000
GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Parking: 1 Web Access: ST1007273
Lizette Botha 084 440 1057, Office 021 887 1017
Deanne Kriel 083 531 7827, Office 021 887 1017
Contact ooba today. Call us on 0860 00 66 22
R456 000
Bathrooms: 1 Parking: 1 Web Access: ST1017895
Bachelor Bachelor
34 m² 26 m2
R490 000 R715 000
Boschenpark Bergzicht
B/2-Bedroom Bachelor
32-56 m2 30-32 m²
From R820 000 From R885 000
Eikehoff Lindenhof
Bachelor 1-Bedroom
27 m² 49 m2
R1.34 million R650 000
Andringahof Simonsplein
1-Bedroom 1-Bedroom
64 m2 49 m²
R1.39 million R1.425 million
Prinspark Shiraz
2-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
48 m2 73 m²
R710 000 R930 000
La Belle Vie Akkerhof
2-Bedroom 2-Bedroom
60-66 m² 74 m2
From R1.094 million R1.2 million
Dalsighof Molenzicht Die Rand
2-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom
118 m² 125 m² 97 m²
R1.59 million R2.995 million R1.31 million
Scott McNaughton 083 452 9965, Office 021 887 1017
sms ‘Show’ and the ‘Area’ to 34440 (standard rates apply) to receive information about the properties going ‘On Show’ in your area directly to your cellphone
P Tanya Becker O 084 256 7927
Tanya Becker
klusiewe aftrede? Wynland Eiendomme bied vandeesweek ’n ongeëwenaarde beleggingsgeleentheid. La Clémence is op die R44 tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes in die skilderagtige Kaapse Wynlande geleë. Die oord bied asemrowende berguitsigte en ’n wandelroete langs kabbelende rivierwaters vir inwoners wat nog jonk van gees is. Toegang tot La Clémence is tot een beheerde ingang met streng sekuriteitskontrole beperk. La Clémence spog ook met primêre gesondheidsorg en siekesorg. Die moderne ontspanningssentrum bied keuses van etes asook buitelug-ontspanning. Die beskikbare eenheid is losstaande met een slaapkamer (en suite) en ’n oopplan-leefarea. Die eenheid spog ook met ’n ruim motorhuis en ekstra parkeerSKOUHUIS / ruimte. Prys: R1,995 miljoen. Skakel Celeste by 082 497 7360 of 021 883 8192 om besigtiging te reël.
(021) 883-8192 FAKS: (021) 883-9322 DORPSTRAAT 75
WEBSITE: www.wynlandproperties.co.za e-pos: wyn888@mweb.co.za 084 256 7927 STELLENBOSCH: R2 650 000 STELLENBOSCH: R2 775 000
082 729 1161
Lieberheim. Gesogte landelike sekuriteitskompleks met mooi berguitsig. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 vol badkamer, meenthuis met dubbel motorhuis. Renette - 083 226 9226
Cyrus Gebou 53 Merrimanlaan % 021 887 8760 · Faks: 021 887 1138 devtrust@telkomsa.net GEDEELDE ALLEENMANDAAT www.devtrust.co.za
We specialise in student accommodation
Zambezi. Ruim 2 slpk dupleks (78 m²) met noordfront tuintjie. Loopafstand van kampus. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. SKITTERBELEGGING! Esterna - 082 729 1161
e-pos: wyn888@mweb.co.za
woning met dubb m/h en privaattuin.
( (021) 883-8192 6 : (021) 883-9322 DORPSTRAAT 75
LIEBERHEIM - R2,775 mil
DIE BOORD - R1,380 mil
We specialise GEDEELDE ALLEENMANDAAT DRINGENDE VERKOOP in student Noordfront dorpsh, accommodation toesluit-en-ry leefstyl! 2 Slpk eie-titel met motorhuis. Ideaal vir beginners!
PRINSPARK - R720 000
AT DA AN M EN LE Siersteen 2 slpk grondvloer w/s AL met o/dak parkering. Oopplan leefarea. Sekuriteitskompleks.
OP KAMPUS - R1,195 mil
Op groen roete, stap na klasse. Pragtig gerestoureer. 1 Slpk w/s met oopplan leefarea.
Celeste 082 497 7360
Stapafstand na Kampus R995 000 Nuut gerestoureerde 2 slpk meenthuis. Binne sekuriteitskompleks. Motorhuis.
Ruim erf - woning met baie potensiaal. Gesinswoning met 3 slpk, 3 ruim leefareas. Bonus! Aparte woonstel met eie ingang.
DIE RAND - R995 000
Elsa 082 823 6556
Baie netjiese 2 slpk dorpsh met Noordfront kuierstoep en klein tuintjie. Oopplan leefarea , m/h plus parkering.
Verhuring- Arina 082 495 7196
Boschen Park 2slpk, 2badk, Kelder parkering Naby kampus. Huur 2011 is R7000 per maand
Nuwe vrystelling
De Watergracht Bach Banhoek Bach Bergzicht Bach Amidal Bach Eikehoff Bach Risadahof 1 slpk Vier Eike 1 slpk Amadeus 1 slpk ALLEENMAN La Rez 2 slpk Camelot 2 slpk Die Rand 2 slpk BergenDal 2 slpk De Watergracht 2 slpk Boschenpark 2 slpk Bergville 2 slpk Amatoni 2 slpk Het Begijnhof 2 slpk East Lynne 2 slpk EIENDOMME (CEA, CRS) Simonsplein 2 slpk Tel: 021 883 3620 Nouveau 3 slpk
Prys verlaag! an den PROPERTIES /
082 557 0866
021 887 3780
ck-up and Go R1 890 000 2 bathr, Remote trolled access, come 2011: R8000
Dubbelverdieping Meenthuis R1 350 000 4 Slpk, 2 Badk, 120m2, Sekuriteits kompleks.
Immergewilde sekuriteitskompleks. Toesluit-en-ry leefstyl. Uiters netjiese dorpsh met 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. O/dak onthaalstoep. Baie ekstras. Skakel om teleurstelling te voorkom!
Studente, waarde vir geld! Beleggers, goeie huurinkomste. 2 Slpk, 2 badk, kelderparkering beskikbaar.
Vrystelling! POA oning naby skole en teit. 4 slpk, 2 badk, efareas, swembad. n met 2 slp woonstel, gang & parkering.
Alleenmandaat Goed geboude gesins huis, Naby skole en winkel sentrum. Uitstekende prys R2 990 000
Uiters netjiese ruimup3and slpk, Perfect up market lock go. Contact me details. www.wynlandproperties.co.za 3 for badk Noordfront
Celeste 082 497 7360
MT SIMON ESTATE Uitmuntende meenthuis kompleks, met luukse afwerkings 4 slpk, 2badk, Met uurlikse vervoerdiens na kampus. R1,160 000.00
Call Geraldine Menellevie, Salomie Haskins or Justin Cupido on 021 887 2840
Luxurious and modern. Two bedroom penthouse with braai room. Fully furnished. 200 metres from campus. Two shade parkings. Esterna - 082 729 1161
Everything We Touch Turns To Sold.
SHOW HOUSE SAT 29/01 14h30 - 17h00
MARIE DERCKSEN 082 574 0052
Tree af in styl: Is u op soek na ’n eks-
Tel: (021) 883 8403| Fax: (021) 887 5479 Email: aidastel@mweb.co.za | Web: www.aida.co.za 52A Dorp Street
Brandwacht. Plot with stunning mountain views. Build your dream home in this upmarket area. 746 m². Renette - 083 226 9226
WOONSTELLE TE KOOP!!! Camelot De Watergracht Die Rand (Bo) Abelia Banhoek Die Rand (Onder) BergenDal Nouveau Amadeus Amidal Roodezand De Watergracht Boschenpark Bergzicht
2 Slpk Bach 2 Slpk 2 Slpk Bach 2 Slpk 2 Slpk 3 Slpk 1 Slpk Bach 2 Slpk 2 Slpk 2 Slpk 2 Slpk
R 694 000 R 750 000 R 895 000 R 940 000 R 952 000 R 995 000 R1 176 000 R1 180 000 R1 190 000 R1 200 000 R1 250 000 R1 282 000 R1 303 000 R1 450 000
Kontak ons asb om u woonstel / huis te bemark!
18 Bergh Ave Dalsig Stellenbosch
Fax: 021 887 6247 Email: fsvdberg@telkomsa.net
This is a beautiful home to start out or wind down in. Spacious living area, with a feeling of openness towards Simonsberg Mt. Uitstekende - ideale geleentheid vir Three bedrooms withligging 2 bathrooms, main en-suite. Akkommodasie Charming garden. Double garage. afgetredenes. Eenmans, 1- en 2-slpk in toegeruste een Best of all is a large loft room for sewing, painting or elke balkon veiligheidskompleks. Tuisverpleging. Pryse whatever takes (alle your kostes fancy. ingesluit) oord vanaf R875,000 A must to view – phone for an appointment.
DALSIG AREA R3.2 & R3.5 & R3.95 Three solid family homes in this sought after area close to the schools. Each with 4 bedrooms and good positions. Contact Velma to view.
De Zalze Golf Estate • Stellenbosch
VERKOPE VERHURINGS VAKANSIE AKKOMMODASIE Tel: 021 880 2131 www.msep.co.za admin@msep.co.za
Carlo: 082 800 3878
elma an den Berg
SKOUHUIS SAT 14h30 - 17h00
082 557 0866
18 Bergh Ave Dalsig Stellenbosch
Tel: 021 883 3620 Fax: 021 887 6247 Email: fsvdberg@telkomsa.net
Lux Six brandnew up-m finishes and moun (N
Besoek ons kantoor by winkel 47, Stellenbosch Square, Stellenbosch
Corne: 082TO808 7778 ESCAPE NATURE!
R13 250 000 Baie gesellige 4 slaapkamer (4 badkamer) huis met eksklusiewe ligging en uitsigte. Die woning bied ‘n groot oopplan familie kombuis met aparte waskamer, spens en kelder. Verdere leefareas sluit in ‘n sitkamer, ON SHOW eetkamer, familie kamer en studeerkamer. Die Saturday 28th from 1 – 4 pm (follow boards from van Rheede) onderdak stoep, met ingeboude braai is ideaal You are invited to come and view this large geplaas om die mooiste sonsondergange, dam en family home on Saturday. Situated in a quiet Dalsig. Itswembad offers more en thandubbel the oopvelde te aanskou.part ‘nofPrivaat average home and is priced at R3.95m. motorhuis rond hierdie meesterstuk af. Perfect up market lock up and go. Contact me for details.
The heart of the winelands: Imagine a quality lifestyle ba-
chelor apartment exuding style and panache with breathtaking views of the Boland mountains and vineyards – equipped with granite finishes, undercover oven, extractor, hob, full en suite bathroom and blinds, parking within a secure parking area and excellent security. Imagine relaxing next to the sparkling pool – exclusive for this complex. Imagine this being within close proximity to Stellenbosch, other main routes and sought after wine farms. Imagine being the proud owner of this unit for a mere R456 000. Welcome home! For an appointment to view, contact the sole agent, Deanne Kriel of Pam Golding Properties on 083 531 7827 or 021 887 1017 (o).
The Lodges
B 33
Die Rand
2 68
R 995,000
Bosman's Crossing
2 56
R 1,050,000
1 71
R 1,195,000
1 42
R 1,195,000
The Merriman
B 42
R 1,500,000
The Merriman
2 59
R 2,070,000
Sybrand Mankadan
2 99
R 2,150,000
Bosman's Crossing
R 1,050,000
R 490,000
Is your home covered? TE HUUR
Ligte industriële eenhede
EW things are as welcoming as a renovated living space. But the insurance on your “new” kitchen or extended house can easily become inadequate if you don’t have your insurance policy reviewed. According to Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women Insurance Brokers, research has indicated in recent months that South Africans are renovating their homes more than ever, perhaps as a reaction to the financial strain of buying a new home. “But before you start wiping away the building dust, phone your insurer to make sure you are adequately covered,” advises Farrell. “Not keeping your insurer aware of the changes to your home, and your newly acquired possessions, could result in your home being under-insured.” Farrell says that it is also important to be properly insured during the renovation phase, too. This includes being covered for accidental damages to the pre-existing structure, theft of building
Update your household inventory every six months
materials, fittings or equipment and damage to, or theft of, household contents. “The value of your home generally increases after renovations. It is, therefore, important to make sure that your buildings insurance premium is calculated on what it would cost to rebuild the home to the same standard, if it were destroyed. Do not simply insure it based on what you paid when purchasing the proper-
ty,” says Farrell. With regard to your home contents, following the renovation, it’s important to do a comprehensive check to make sure that you are insured for any new items you may have acquired during the build. “An easy way to determine this is to imagine taking the roof off your home and turning it upside down. Everything that falls out of your house, constitutes your home contents. You would then have to consider what it would
cost to replace all these items at today’s values and that is how much you should insure your new home contents for,” says Farrell. While you are at it, it’s advisable to draft an inventory list. On this list you should write down the possessions you need to insure. Compile the list by going through the house, room by room, and writing down what is in that room. “It’s wise to update your household inventory every six months to ensure that you keep track of new or discarded items. Keeping track of all of your possessions is difficult at the best of times, you can easily forget that you bought a few new CDs or replaced the microwave with a better model.” Farrell concludes that creating a detailed household inventory is not much use if you can’t find it, or if it gets destroyed in your home along with your possessions. “Rather, keep a copy at home, but make sure that you also have a copy somewhere else, such as at your office or even in the bank in a safe-deposit box. And don’t forget to keep the photographs of your goods with your inventory list.”
Daljosafat, Paarl Vanaf 138m² tot 1 348m² Baie bekostigbare hure Lang- & korttermynkontrak beskikbaar
Tel: 021-447-0925 TeHuurNosselFamilyTrust-1ASI225
7x2 bw
Hoofstraat 276, Paarl
23June www.paarlwinelands.co.za | Faks: 021-872-6368 eien Tel: 021-872-1487 INEKE 084 240 7288 ADRIE 072 408 0309
R850 000
Ruim noordfront 2- slaapkamerwoonstel in gewilde Northwood met praguitsig. 1
R850 000
Kom tooi my mooi! 3
PAARL: 021 871 10 x 21020
Die eiendomsmense
www.bolandlandmark.com FC property@bolandlandmark.com Agricultural Division / Eien Plase - Lukas & Johan
Zahn van Zyl
082 374 2953
Lukas Dreyer
082 373 6785
Frieda Zuidmeer 073 228 9854
30 June 2011
Heather Apollis 074 100 8056
Elegant character home very centrally situated. Fully equipped with pool, lapa and double garage. Phone Zahn .
Eenslpk. eenheid met kombuis, sitkamer en badkamer. Skakel Lukas.
Nuut in die mark! 'n Juweel in die hart van die Paarl. 4 Slaapkamers en dubbelmotorhuis. Skakel Zahn.
Skakel gerus vir Frieda Zuidmeer by 073 228 9854 om die regte woning vir u te vind of om u naam op 'n waglys te plaas.
R1 490 000 (NEG)
R500 000
UPMARKET QUALITY PRODUCT! FIRST TIME BUYERS/ CORPORATES/ FARMERS 3 Bedrooms with laminated floors and built-in cupboards, 1 bathroom. Open plan kitchen with tiled floors & granite tops and built-in cupboards. Single garage. Size: 65 -72 m². Plot size: 155-220 m². First of a kind!! This unique upmarket house with excellent finishes, built with clay bricks, will be located in a walled, access controlled security complex with a crèche. A new shopping centre will be built next to it. Bonds available. Move in December 2011. Terms & conditions apply. Contact: 073 776 8249 for an appointment.
3 Reception areas, study, verandah with views, open plan kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, swimming pool, double garage. Near schools.
R1,6m: INVESTORS! 500 m² - commercial building with business rights, in good spot. Renovate for offices.
R1 295 000: Large, historic house with business rights. Renovate for professional offices. In good business area.
R739 000: RENOVATOR’S DREAM: 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large dining room, kitchen, scullery, flat, single garage, large plot. Needs TLC. 021 873 7242/073 776 8249 Visit www.remaxboland.co.za for rental, smallholdings, farms & residential sales. Each Office Independently COUNTRY LIVING Owned and Operated
Tel/Fax: 021 872 2221 Hanlie 082 928 0881 Riana 084 585 3650
Moderne familiewoning met goeie afwerking.
R5 000 000
Hoofstraat 406, Paarl | 021 872 2871
info@foucheeprop.co.za www.foucheeprop.co.za R1 950 000 q DEEL
R1 360 000 q ALLEEN
082 820 6204
083 414 7212
R2 950 000 q DEEL
079 544 0304
R3 700 000 q DEEL
R2 385 000
Grens aan natuur reservaat. Erf 1414 m², Huis 742 m².
R1 290 000
R1 195 000
R1 995 000
Gesellige familiehuis 3 Slpk + woonstel q Miranda
Vloeiend en netjies 3 Slpk q 2 Badk q Gerda
R2 890 000 q DEEL
R1 690 000 q DEEL
Outentiek q Houtvloere Naby HJS & HMS q Gerda
SUIDER-PAARL Netjies met aparte braaikamer q Gerda
NUUT Gerestoureer q 4 Slpk 3 Leefareas q Riana R2 950 000 q DEEL
Pragtig, in historiese area Ruim erf q Gerda R1 250 000 q ALLEEN
4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, swembad + woonstel.
Neat, spacious, character with garage.
Neat as a pin - well maintained. South located.
Besoek www.hanliesproperties.co.za vir meer inligting en foto’s.
5 Slpk q 3 Badk Ruim erf q Miranda
PAARL 021 872 2871
Ruim q 3 Slpk q 2 Badk Woonstel q Gerda
RealNetagente presteer V
ERSKEIE eiendomsagente is by ’n onlangse prysuitdeling vir RealNet se Wes-Kaapse agente vir hul harde werk beloon. Shawn Pieterse van RealNet Stellenbosch is as die Wes-Kaap se topverkoper van die jaar tot op datum aangewys met die grootste aantal geregistreerde eenheidsverkope. Natalie Matthews van RealNet Paul Matthews, wat Gordonsbaai en die Strand bedien, is as die top verhuringsagent aangewys nadat sy die grootste getal huurooreenkomste gesluit het sowel as die hoogste bedrag in huurgeld behaal het. Die RealNet Kuilsrivier-kantoor het ook talle toekennings ontvang en is as die top Wes-Kaapse konsessie vir die jaar tot op datum aangewys. Individuele toekennings is verower deur Rene Beukes, wat as RealNet se top Wes-Kaapse nuweling-agent aangewys is en Elton Gallant, wat die pryse ontvang het vir sowel die hoogste omset en die meeste kommissie verdien deur ’n agent wat sonder ’n assistent werk.
R2 999 000
Narriman Mohammed van RealNet Select is as top onderhandelaar vir die jaar tot op datum aangewys, terwyl Mariana Vercueil van RealNet Plattekloof die gesogte Voorsitter se Toekenning vir Uitstaande Prestasie ontvang het vir toewyding, geesdrif en uitstaande diens selfs nadat sy in ’n motorongeluk ernstig beseer is.
Rene Beukes van RealNet Kuilsrivier.
Elton Galant (regs) van RealNet Kuilsrivier saam met RealNet se voorsitter, Tjaart van der Walt.
R1 440 000
Beds 4 Baths 2 Garages 3
WEB 209266 [O] 021 434 9175 DEBBIE KOPING 082 449 7704
Luxury home that blends into the landscaped, natural surrounds of beautiful Boschenmeer.
Follow boards from Stanton Road into Bloomsbury. Lorem ipsum.
Kamers 3 Badkamers 2.5 M/huise 1
WEB 229770
WEB 238486
Kom bou jou huis. Het nog verskeie erwe 400m². Pragtige uitsigte oor golfbaan en berge.
Verskeie meenthuise beskikbaar vir belegging of beginners. Uitstekende huurinkomste. Direk van ontwikkelaar.
R2 250 000
R850 000
Kamers 4 Badkamers 2 M/huise 1
Beds 3 Baths 3 Garages 1 WEB 216311 Property set on 659m². Lounge with fireplace, braai and patio. Single garage and undercover parking.
WEB 238536 Die 160 jarige woning het nog baie skop. Pragkombuis, mooi houtvloere en besondere plafonne. Ekstras sluit ‘n studeerkamer, buitegeboue en randvloei-swembad in.
[K] 021 863 2109 THYS DANNHAUSER 082646 0932
[K] 021 863 2109 THYS DANNHAUSER 082 646 0932 [O] 021 863 2109 TYREE VAN WYK 083 261 2722
R 650 000
Shawn Pieterse (regs) van RealNet Stellenbosch ontvang sy toe kenning van Jan Davel, besturende direkteur van Realnet.
[O] 021 872 2223 RACHELLE 084 400 4525 [K] 021 872 2223 VOSSIE 082 444 7003
novated with magnificent views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
h magnificent views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
R 500 000
R1 325 000
R925 000
R670 000
Beds 1 Baths 1
Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1
Beds 2 Baths 2 M/huis 1
Kamers 3 Badkamers 1
Kamers 1 Badkamers 1
WEB 238523 Neat flat with balcony and renovated bedroom in security complex. Laundry facilities available.
WEB 239620 Heerlike familiewoning met twee aparte leefareas. Perfek vir die onthaler met binne - buitebraai asook swembad.
[O] 021 872 2223 MARNE 083 632 9968 [K] 021 864 2948 TERTIUS 082 877 7534
R535 000
WEB 232136 Cute and cosy townhouse with open plan living area and fireplace. Patio with barbaque. Tranquil garden.
WEB 240885 Oulike huis met oopplan leefareas en droomkombuis. Lekker groot erf.
[O] 021 864 2948 CARMEN 082 490 0994
[K] 021 864 2948 TERTIUS 082 877 7534
views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
WEB 228160 Netjiese grondvloer woonstel met veiligheidshekke en diefwering. Stapafstand van kampus. Ook te huur teen R 2800.00 per maand.
with magnificent views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
[K] 021 864 2948 LINDA 083 379 3769
Garage 2
[O] 021 434 9175 DEBBIE KOPING 082 449 7704
PAARL - Marne de Klerk 083 632 9968 WELLINGTON - Andre Toerien 082 788 7746 BOSCHENMEER - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016
Verdien GRATIS Voyager myle
Besoek www.seeff.com
www.Everitt-Paarl.co.za 021-863-4810
R480 000
R870 000
Lizette Werner 083 469 8946 083 517 1311 Principal
Diamond Elite Achiever
Ons huurders is gekwalifiseerd. Kan ons u eiendom verhuur?
R1 280 000
SUNA ELFRIEDE 082 576 3745 082 778 8011
Hesdarie 083 296 9625
Antjie 084 494 0085
Gold Achiever
Gold Achiever
R550 000 PAARL
Lizelle 082 788 7727
R1 100 000 PAARL
R750 000
Ansonelle 071 506 4844
R1 695 000 PAARL
R820 000 PAARL
R499 000
R1 650 000 PAARL
R1 360 000 PAARL
André 084 472 6661
R450 000 PAARL
Elaine 079 308 7869
R499 000 PAARL
R1 450 000
RUSTIGE AREA. Slaapkamers: 3 Badkamers: 2 Motorhuise: 2 WEB ACCESS: TK1044917 WORD VERTOON SONDAG 4-5:30PM
Sole Agents: Lynette 082 553 3045 & Ilona 082 853 5983
Alleenagente: Hayley 082 926 8587 & Igna 082 884 8492
5 INCOME BEARING UNITS. Bedrooms: 9 Bathrooms: 5 Garages: 4 WEB ACCESS: WEL1051976 Sole Agent: Erika 082 412 6964
FAMILY HOME IN QUIET CUL-DE-SAC. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Garages: 2 WEB ACCESS: TK1042423 ON SHOW SUNDAY 4-5:30PM
HISTORIESE PLAASHUIS OP ±1 450 m². Slaapkamers: 4 Badkamers: 2 Parkering: 6 WEB ACCESS: WEL1026792 Alleenagent: Lynette 082 672 1022
MODERN, SPACIOUS & PRIVATE. Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 Garages: 4 WEB ACCESS: TK1016006 Sole Agent: Adri 083 283 0114
CHAMPAGNE LIFESTYLE ON 1 800 m². Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 3 Garages: 2 WEB ACCESS: WEL449294 Sole Agent: Leree 083 658 4414
WELL DESIGNED HOME WITH BREATHTAKING VIEWS. Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5 Garages: 3 WEB ACCESS: TK1004266 Sole Agent: Nellie Phillips 082 658 4862
PERFECT AND COSY. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Parking: 2 WEB ACCESS: 1050938 Sole Agent: Lynette 082 672 1022
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
‘Illegal’ agents reminded to register before 15 July UNREGISTERED estate agents are advised to take advantage of the present amnesty to get their businesses compliant ahead of a crackdown on illegal operators. There are currently more than 39 000 registered agents across South Africa. The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) estimates that as many as one fifth of these agents may not be compliant. A few agents have come forward since the Amnesty started on 15 April and the EAAB ex-
pects numbers to increase towards the 15 July 2011 deadline. It is providing administrative support for agents requiring help with finalising the application forms. “All practicing agents are obliged by law to operate with a valid fidelity fund certificate before engaging in any estate agency activities. We hope that this three-month amnesty period will help those trading illegally to regularise their businesses,” said EAAB chairperson
Thami Bolani. Agents who want to take advantage of the amnesty must submit an affidavit to the EAAB making full disclosure of all estate agency activities undertaken while they were not authorised to do so. These amnesty applications will then be considered by a special committee. The applicants will then be given reasonable time to get their estate agency affairs in order, in-
cluding finalisation of any administrative fees, the opening and maintenance by the applicant of a properly designated trust account, appointment of auditors, the necessary audits and obtaining the necessary estate agent qualifications. “Applicants who are granted amnesty can be reassured that no internal disciplinary steps or measures will be instituted by the EAAB against them arising from any previous non-compli-
ance with the provision of the Estate Agency Affairs Act,” Bolani concluded. The Estate Agency Affairs Board will be hosting workshops nationally in all regions to assist estate agents in filling out their application form and answering their queries related to Amnesty. Detailed information is available on www.eaab.org.za or contact the EAAB at 011 731 5600 or portia.mofikoe@eaab.org.za.
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
Office number: 021 851 1193 aidasomwest@iafrica.com www.aidasomersetwest.co.za Shop 20, Rola Centre, Caledon Str, Somerset West EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD
R850 000 Well maintained 3 bedroom unit with 2 bathrooms & garage Johlene 082 324 5890
R2 160 000 Low maintenance family home in Heldervue Louleen 084 211 5211
R6 350 000 Large family home in prestigious Erinvale Golf Estate Louleen 084 211 5211
‘n Uitstekende Aanbod
Koop NOU!
IN SOMERSET WES Huise vanaf R1,69m
R9 950 000—Small holding Near Somerset College, elegant house 537m² & cottage 130m² Dirk 082 410 2367
Woonstelle vanaf R890 000
Spesiale seniorversorging Die Schonenberg Aftree-oord in Somerset-Wes bied ’n Gesondheidsorgsentrum wat professioneel bestuur word. ’n Hoogs opgeleide verpleegsuster bied primêre gesondheidsorg en ’n 24-uur mediese reaksiediens sien om na noodbehoeftes. Die private kamers is ontwerp om aan individuele behoeftes te voldoen.
Kom kyk self – ons fasiliteite is ’n besoek werd.
Skou-eenhede oop: Maandag - Vrydag 10:00 tot 16:30 Sondae 11:00 tot 17:00
Die aftreeoord is opgerig ooreenkomstig die Wet op Aftrede, Nr 65 van 1988.
Tel: +27 (021) 852 0821 Russell: 083 457 2007 David: 082 410 7465 Willis: 083 269 1014 Lizette: 082 783 9743 E-mail: russellm@iafrica.com of david@exactcape.co.za www.schonenbergvillage.co.za
Catapult SRV036
n in Fase 1 tee e spesiale prys beskikbaar
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
Enjoy a taste of yesteryear
HE Palm Décor and Lifestyle Centre will be hosting a special day in celebration of Cape Town’s unique and colourful history on Saturday, 2 July. On offer will be a range of delicious foods and tasty treats, as well as interesting craft stands to browse and buy from. Visitors can also expect fantastic displays by the various home and lifestyle tenants like Final Touches, Wetherlys, Cor-
icraft, Kitchen Emporium and Karma Interiors, to name just a few. Exhibitors include an antique knife maker, an embossing and leafing specialist and many more fascinating displays and stalls. Built in the 1920s as a bakery for Duens Bread and Baumann’s Biscuits, the beautiful Palms building is very much a part of Cape Town and Woodstock’s charming history. Today this architectural de-
light is home to a wide array of décor, fabric and lighting shops. Pop in on Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00 and experience good old-fashioned hospitality amid contemporary design – not to mention the wonderful home and décor shops which are becoming part of the design revolution that seems to be taking over Woodstock. For more information, visit www.palms.co.za.
The Palm Décor and Lifestyle Centre in Woodstock will be a hive of activity on Saturday.
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
Incentive for Chamber members SAA and the Cape Chamber of Commerce recently introduced a new incentive structure with additional benefits for Chamber members. This includes access to the SAA Corporate Loyalty Programme. The revised incentive structure entitles corporate customers to upfront discounts that complement the popular Voyager programme. It incorporates 16 booking classes of travel that cater for early bookings, last minute travel
as well as change penalties. Four additional booking classes have been included in the agreement in which penalties to change are waived. In addition, there is an enhanced corporate offering - a variety of booking classes with no penalties to change, providing there is an availability of seats in the same classes. For more information contact Faith Sikakane: 2 FaithSikakane@flysaa.com or 0 021 418 1555.
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
How to deal with employee absenteeism THE Cape Chamber of Commerce presents a seminar on employee absenteeism and grievance procedures at the Chamber Boardroom in the Tygerberg Centre, 16 Voortrekker Road, Bellville on 5 July. The course will be presented by Vetta Communication from 08:30 to 14:30.
Coastal gardening:
If you live near the coast and your garden receives salt-laden spray from the sea, rinse off the salt deposits on leaves before the sun gets to them in the mornings, advises gardening guru Keith Kirsten. This will prevent the salt drawing moisture out of the leaf and will also prevent salt burns on the leaves. “To prevent salt deposits building up in your soil, be sure to water the garden beds thoroughly, in so doing leaching out the salt and taking it lower down into the soil, past the roots of your plants,” he says.
The course content will include understanding absenteeism, learning about different types of absenteeism, recognising the problem and learning how to effectively manage absenteeism. The cost is R660. To book contact Helga Smit on 021 948 9800 or helga@capechamber.co.za.
RE/MAX TRE assists agents to find success
comprehensive business development and personal growth program is offered by Buffini & Company, the largest and most successful real estate coaching company in North America. The course is being facilitated at RE/MAX TRE by Buffini & Company with certified mentor Cecil Naidu. “The ‘100 Days to Greatness’ programme teaches the fundamentals of working by referral and shows real estate profes-
sionals how to provide excellent customer service before, during and after every transaction,” says Naidu. “Graduates who have completed the course are experiencing a steady stream of leads, an increased number of transactions and higher quality client relationships.” The 100 Days to Greatness programme is a 14week, step-by-step training course that combines training from industry expert Brian Buffini, video role-playing exercises and
live accountability sessions - creating a comprehensive, practical learning experience. Students learn how to build and maximize relationships in order to cultivate advocates for life and accelerate their business. The course is applicable to new and seasoned agents. For additional information, contact Cecil Naidu at RE/MAX TRE at 021 851 1572 / 082 821 7063 or e-mail ceciln@tre.org.za or via www.remax.co.za / www.tre.co.za
Sole On-site Agents
082 956 0599
082 733 6259
PLOTS FROM R 495 000
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HOMES FROM R 1 695 000
2011/06/28 9:49 AM
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
Perfect wedding gift I
DistrictMail Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin
Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland
SOLD is die mees koste-effektiewe, hoëimpak keuse vir die bemarking van eiendom in die Boland
Michelle Marston 021 841 4285 Geraldine, Justin of Salomie 021 887 2840
Ilse Fourie 021 870 4600
F you are planning to get married in the next few months, why not give yourself the deposit on a home of your own as a wedding present? “Buying a home is still the best way for most people to build a financially secure future, with their monthly payments going towards the purchase of an appreciating asset rather than just paying a landlord,” says Rudi Botha, CEO of leading mortgage originator Betterbond. “So while many young couples dream of a lavish wedding, most would do better to keep the celebration simple and put the savings towards the purchase of their first home.” And among their family and friends, he says, there is much to be said for the old custom of giving a young bridal couple a gift of cash to help swell their “property fund”, instead of household goods and other items with a limited lifespan. “Clearly, the bigger the deposit the newlywed couple have in hand, the more easily they will qualify for a home loan – and the smaller their monthly instalment will be. This will make it easier for them to afford their home and to weather any interest rate increases in their first years of ownership.
“On the other hand it may mean that they are able to pay an additional amount per month over and above the minimum repayment, and so build equity in their home and gain financial leverage. It is useful later in life to be able to borrow against equity to pay for other expenses, such as the education of children or improvements that will add further
value to the property.” However, Botha does caution that newly married couples should, like all other prospective buyers, pay attention to their overall financial position before shopping for a home. “They should first reduce or pay off other debts such as student loans, car loans and credit card balances and make sure, with the help of a mortgage consultant, that they will really be able to afford both a monthly home loan repayment and the other costs of homeownership such as rates and taxes, the municipal charges for utilities and maintenance,” he says. “In addition, they should obtain copies of both their credit reports to see where they stand in the eyes of lenders. It is often the case with young people that their credit histories need to be cleaned up before the banks will consider them for a loan, or offer them a lower interest rate, and mortgage consultants can also advise them on this.” And finally, Botha says, young couples should not neglect to take out life insurance, for at least the amount owing on their bond. “That way, if something tragic should happen to one of them, the other will at least not be at risk of losing their home.”
HELDERBERG | June 30 -
DistriksPos | EikestadNuus | PaarlPost
Grootsteen enBeste BesteEiendomsgids Eiendomsgidsinindie dieBoland Boland Grootste STELLENBOSCH Uitstekende geleentheid op die De Zalze Golf-Wynlandgoed R7 750 000 - Alleenmandaat Most Superb Estate Properties bied met trots hierdie besondere eiendom in die hartjie van De Zalze GolfWynlandgoed aan. Geleë in ‘n cul-de-sac met lieflike uitsigte oor Stellenbosch berge en wingerd bied hierdie gesinswoning ruim oopplan leefareas met ‘n gerieflike vloei na die buite onthaalareas. Die hoofslaapkamer, met badkamer en inloop kaste is slegs een van 4 ruim slaapkamers. ‘n Oopplan
kombuis, met aparte waskamer, is ideaal geleë om mense met gemak te onthaal in die eetkamer, afgerond met ‘n gesellige kaggel vir koue wintersaande. Verdere leefareas sluit in ‘n familie kamer, TV kamer, studeerkamer en onderdak stoep met sprankel swembad. Twee dakkamers bied ekstra stoorruimte. Ruim dubbel motorhuis en parkeerspasie vir ‘n verdere twee voertuie. Kontak gerus vir Carlo: 082 800 3878 of Corne 082 808 7778 vir ‘n besigtiging.
R2 750 000 SOLE STUNNING HOME IN POPULAR AREA! NEWLY RENOVATED! Family home with lovely indoor/outdoor living area flowing to undercover entertainment area and sparkling pool. Dream kitchen and beautiful wooden floors. Excellent value for money. WEB REF: RP/PA 1187
RAWSON PROPERTIES 021 872 8385 www.rawson.co.za ANTJIE 084 494 0085
30 Junie • 1 Julie 2011 12 • 13 Augustus 2010
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
GEKLASSIFISEERD - Tel. 021 8872840 E-pos: small@eikestadnuus.com 1 Geboortes | Births 2 Verlowings | Engagements 3 Gelukwensings Congratulations 4 Sterfgevalle |Deaths 5 In Memoriam |In Memoriam 6 Dankbetuigings | Thanks 7 Persoonlik | Personal 8 Verlore | Lost 9 Gevind | Found 10 Skoonheid & Gesondheid | Health 11 Geld & Lenings | Money matters 12 Sosiaal | Social 13 Erwe te koop | Plots for sale 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 15 Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for sale 16 Woonstelle te koop | Flats for sale 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ Smallholdings 18 Besighede te koop | Businesses for sale 19 Sakepersele te koop | Business Premises for sale 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | Properties wanted to buy 21 Huise te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to let 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to let 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories to let 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent 29 Te koop: Algemeen | For sale: General 30 Te koop gevra | Wanted to Buy 31 Diere en Voëls | Pets and Birds 32 Algemene dienste | General services 33 Saamrygeleenthede | Lifts 34 Dagsorg | Day care 35 Onderrig | Tuition 36 Te huur: Algemeen | To let: General 37 Vakansie-akkommodasie |Holiday Accommodation 38 Toere | Tours 39 Tuindienste/ Tuinbou | Garden Services/ Landscaping 40 Sekuriteit | Security te koop | Cars for sale 0341 Motors Gelukwensinge/ 42 Onderdele | Parts Congratulations 43 Motorfietse | Motorcycles 44 Karavane/ Bote | Caravans/ Boats 45 Betrekkings gevra | Situations wanted 46 Betrekkings | Vacancies 47 Sake-geleenthede | Business Opportunities
In Memoriam
Pam Golding Properties R349 000 Cloetesville 2 Slaapkamer huis, 1 badkamer . Iets vir die beginner. R349 000 Croydon
AMANDA CLAASEN op die 27ste Junie is jy 1 jaar weg van ons. Met hartseer en verlange dink ons aan jou. Van ma, stiefpa, kinders Farren, Jonwin, 2 broers & 2 susters.
Dankbetuigings/ Thanks R970 000 Jamestown Pragtige 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers en motorhuis.
R389 000 Idasvallei 3 slaapkamer huis, badkamer en leef areas.
CAROLINE HARTOGH Op die 29ste Junie 2011 is dit jou derde verjaarsdag in die hemel. Die verlange is groot. Ons mis jou baie. Van Hartogh, Olivier en Railoun gesin.
04 Sterfgevalle/ Deaths
JOSEPH NGUBANE 30/06/1946-07/05/2011 On the 30th it was your first birthday away from JOHANNA BAARTus. All we have are MAN (NEE NOVEMmemories, and your BER) picture in a frame. Gebore: 12/10/1926 Your resting place we Gesterwe: 25/06/2011. visit, put flowers there Begrafnis is Sat with care. No one 02/06/2011 te VGK, knows the heartache Cloetesville 11:00. as we turn and leave you there. No more memories for us to share. Sadly missed by your loving wife Sarah, your children Thoko, Charlotte & EsCloetesville - R370,000 ther and grandchildren 2 Slaapkamer huis in Theo, Songi and Melkhout Str. Netjies Olothando. Cloetesville - R375,000 MALCOLM CORNE2 Slaapkamer huis in LISSEN Waaierpalm Str. It has been 10 years Onderhandelbaar!since you exchanged
ALEX BEERWINKEL 34 jaar oud. Gesterwe: 20/06/2011. Laat 3 broers, Lionel, Michael, Hennie en 1 suster, Joan agter. Ons gaan jou baie mis. Gale, Olivia, Wilfred, Logan en Joan.
Send E-mail for smalls to: smalls@ eikestadnuus. com
R349 000 Cloetesville 2 Slaapkamer huis, 1 badkamer . Iets vir die beginner. R349 000 Croydon Kom bou jou droom huis met pragtige uitsig, op erf met goedgekeurde bouplanne. R419 000 Idasvallei 3 slaapkamer huis op hoek erf. R399 000 Jamestown Pragtige 460m² erf, naby winkel sentrum.
R970 000 Jamestown Pragtige 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers en motorhuis. R300 000 Idasvallei 4 slaapkamer huis, badkamer en leef areas
PETER (BOETA) Wil jy koop of STEPHANUS verkoop? 2 Julie is jy 1 jaar van Wil jy koop of Gratis waardasies. ons weggeneem. Die verkoop? hartseer is groot maar Gratis waardasies. jy word met liefdeO’Neil ont- 073 898 3385 Office 021 906 2820 hou. Van suster, O’Neil 073 898 3385 swaer, Wolten en WilOffice 021 906 2820 lie. CECELIA GORDON Hiermee wens ons die Gordon en Vermeulen familie ons innige dank uit te spreek teenoor almal wie ons goedhartlik ondersteun het gedurende die heengaan van Cecelia ARE YOU interested in 06 (Sielie) Gordon. Baie a lifestyle of dankie vir alle bystand sustainable living? Dankbetuigings/ Thanks 06 van watter aard ook al. Brand new top-quality Dit word opreg waarcottage for sale in Dankbetuigings/ Thanks deer. Van Errol, kinLynedoch Ecovillage. ders, kleinkinders, haar Two bedrooms, two broers en susters en studies. Fair price for hul families. the right people. Send sms to PETER (PAPA) 08 00 44 797 422 8939. STEPHANUS Verlore/ Lost 2 Julie is jy 1 jaar weg 16 van ons. Die gemis is Woonstelle 06 GERMAN groot en die hartseer Te Koop/ Flats For Sale SHORTHAIR Pointer vlak. Van broer, ma, Dankbetuigings/ Thanks 06hond. Wit met groot vrou en kinders. NOOITGEDACHT bruin kolle. Bruin Neat 2 bedroom, 1 Dankbetuigings/ Thanks gesig. Verlore op bathr, 1 parking flat. plaas naby Lynedoch. Laundry in basement. Beloning. Kontak asb R880 000. Realty Cafe vir Willem 021 887 072 318 1254. 4627 / 082 959 6570 / 021 887 0106. 18 A member of
ons harte dra ons jou you have built for us. elke dag, maar ons is We are still building on – R1,2 The Ridge mil. gerus 4 Slaapkamers, 2 gestel deurdat your legacy day by ons weet jy veilig is by leefareas, groot kombuis, day. God strengthens dubbel Jesus is. Van Mamus always and you are motorhuis. endlessly in our Uitsigte. mie, Daddy, Janelle, Petunia en Jaylin. thoughts. WePniel are – R350,000. grateful for all you Erf have te koop 600m². done for us. Love always Bevan Ons and soek dringend huise Sue. om te verkoop in Idasvallei en Cloetesville, gekwalifiseerde kopers. Kontak Shawn 084 393 1113
Besighede Te Koop/ Businesses For Sale
Antomar Makelaars Vir lys, navrae of webblad. www.antomar.co.za Tel: 021 855 2603.
PETER STEPHANUS Die 2de Julie is jy een jaar weg van ons. Ons mis jou baie. Van Mary, Leroy en Sheldon.
Toon laaste eer aan geliefde met hul heen gaan.
Huise Te Koop/ Dankbetuigings/ Thanks Houses For Sale 112 BESIGHEDE
2 SLPK, 1 bdk huis in stil straat, Cloetesville. R425 000. Skakel 082 564 2255.
your earthly home for a Kylemore - R270 000 Cloetesville – R330,000. But Erf te koop 600+ m²,heavenly home. 3 Slaapkamer huis in Prys Verlaag! not for one second Weltevrede. have we forgottenPrys you. Verlaag. Idasvallei - R630 000 JONATHAN JACOBS You will always live in Slaapkamer huis in Geboorte:310/06/1981 From Cloetesville – R485,000. Str., groot erf our hearts. Gesterwe: Weber 27/06/2011 Maylene, Theo,Baie Zac netjiese 3 (+-500m²) Prys Verlaag! Hy laat sy 5 jarige dogslaapkamer huis MALCOLM CORNEter, ma,Jamestown broer en 2 - R330 000 (teen Welgevonden in LISSEN Kastaiinghout Erwe vanaf R330,000 susters agter. Str.). Op 30 Junie is jy reeds Groot verskeidenheid Trek net in! beskikbaar! 10 jaar van ons geskei. Die verlangeCloetesville bly, maar – R530,000. Jamestown - R799,000 x 2 Slaapkamer huise ons hou vas2aan die Groot 2 Slaapkamer huis op een erf, of gebruik dit mooi herinneringe. op 440m² erf as n 5 slaapkamer. Van Gareth, Cheryl en Kry jou voet in die kinders. Baie Potensiaal. deur MALCOLM Idasvallei CORNE- – R460 000. Ons soek dringend huise LISSEN2 -Slaapkamer huisPETRO JOSLIN in om te verkoop in LOUW Adendorff Str. – A tribute on our father Idasvallei en Cloetesville, Prys Verlaag! Die 27ste Junie was dit Malcolm Cornelissen's gekwalifiseerde kopers. alreeds 1 jaar wat jy 10th anniversary in The Ridge – R445,000. nie meer saam ons is Kontak heaven. Thank you 3 Slaapkamer huis, nie.kort Ons mis jou en dad for the foundation Shawn 084 393 1113 bietjie aandag.
Kontak Blythe vir meer inligting by 021 8872840
Pam Golding Properties
A member of
RAAI WIE'S 21! Mag vreugde, blydskap en seën jou vergesel op jou lewenspad. Mammie, Deddie, Austin, Fabian, Yolene.
droom MALCOLM Kom bou jou RALPH HARTOGH huis uitsig, CORNELLISEN - met pragtige 4 July 2011. With op erf met Reeds 1 jaar van ons loving memories we geskei op 30 Junie. goedgekeurde remember your 1st bouplanne. Word steeds met mooi year away from home. herinneringe onthou. We miss you very Getrude. R419 000 Idasvallei much but we know 3 slaapkamer huissafe op in God's you're hoek arms. erf. Love always Hartogh, Olivier and Railoun family. R399 000 Jamestown Pragtige 460m² erf, naby winkel 06sentrum.
AGAPE AFTREE 2 Slaapk huis met 1 badkamer in rustige kompleks. 1 Garage. R880 000 naby CBD. Realty Cafe 072 318 1254.
Huise Te Huur/ Houses To Let
3 BEDS, 2 baths. No pets. No smokers. Close to schools. Available 1 July. R9 000 p/m. 083 962 8065. Lindida – R400,000. Netjiese 2 slaapk huis met kaggel en motorhuis. Netjiese tuin. Kontak Lizzy 084 208 9547 The Ridge – R530,000. 2 Slaapk huis met uitsigte, nuwe kombuis en kaggel. Kontak Lizzy 084 208 9547 Cloetesville – R250,000. 2 Slaapk woonstel in Mulberry Place. Baie netjies met goeie afwerkings. Kontak Lizzy 084 208 9547 Cloetesville – R835,000. 5 Slaapk huis in goeie area, groot erf en baie extras. Kontak Lizzy 084 208 9547 Jamestown – R 770,000 2 Slaapk huis met oopplan leefareas en kombuis. Mooi uitsigte. Kontak Pieter 083 665 1507
3 SLAAPKAMER ruim huis te huur. Vanaf 1 Aug 2011. Hout vloer + kaggel, mooi uitsig. Sekuriteitskompleks. Skakel 082 533 1373. 4 SLPK huis in LaColline. 3 Badkamers, groot tuin, binne parkering, elektriese omheining @ R8 000 p/m. Beskik 1 Julie. Skakel 079 889 0903. GESINSWONING te huur. Stil omgewing naby skole en Universiteit. 4 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 2 motorhuise. Rozendal, Stellenbosch. R16 500 p/m beskikbaar vanaf 15 Julie. Skakel Nico 082 603 6340.
Kerkdienste AGS VAN SA, Somerset Wes: Kinderkerk: 09:30. Rooha Kleuterskool De Hoop Laerskool, Ou Stellenbosch Weg, Somerset-Wes. NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDE GEMEENTE: Oggenddiens: 09:00 - Ds. Chris le Roux. Aanddiens om 19:00 - dr. Piet van Staden. DIKAIOS CHRISTEN GEMEENTE: 09:30 - Laerskool Eikestad, Doornboschstraat. GEREFORMEERDE KERK (MARAISSTRAAT): Eredienste om 09:30 en 19:00. Predikant: ds. Johan van Heyningen. Meer inligting op webblad, www.gkstellenbosch.co.za. STELLENBOSCH GEMEENTE: Oggenddiens om 10:00 by die Paul Roos Sentrum - Dewaldt de Kock. Aanddiens om 19:00 - Dewaldt de Kock. Tema: Jesus-stories. Navrae: 082 411 7518. STELLENBOSCH NG SENTRAAL - DIE FAMILIE KERK: Erediens om 09:30 - Ds. C. Anthonissen. Geen kleuterkerk. Geen junior en senior kategese. Geen aanddiens. Vir meer inligting, 021 883 3850. STELLENBOSCH NGK WELGELEGEN: Inligting op www.stelwel.co.za of kontak die kerk op 021 886 5975. LUTHERSE KERK: Gottesdienst m HI Abendmahl om 10:30, Somerset West, Herr Rolf Rohwer. NG STELLENBOSCH-NOORD GEMEENTE: Vir meer inligting: sbosch@cect.co.za of 082 414 4320. NG STELLENBOSCH-WES GEMEENTE: Diens om 09:30 - Ds. Jacques Steenkamp. Geen aanddiens. MOEDERGEMEENTE: (Moederkerk): Oggenddiens in Moederkerk om 09:30. Gesamentlike aanddienste om 19:00 by die United Kerk, Van Riebeeckstraat. Internasionale diens in die Khaya om 10:30. Vir verder inligting gaan na: www.moederkerk.co.za PNIEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: Vroeë oggenddiens om 07:30. Heilige nagmaaldiens om 10:30. Senior Burger nagmaaldiens om 10:00 (6 Julie). Heilige nagmaaldiens om 19:30 (7 Julie) 021 885 1300 vir meer inligting. RYNSE VGK: Erediens om 09:00 - Ds. A. Daniels. VOLKSKERK VAN AFRIKA: (Idasvallei): Oggenddiens om 10:00. Biduur Woensdag om 19:30. AGS IDASVALLEI: Oggenddiens: 10:00 in Brückner Primêr Skoolsaal. AGS CLOETESVILLE (Laststraat): Erediens: 10:00; Dinsdae - Gemeente-biduur: 19:30. STELLENBOSCH METHODIST CHURCH: (Trinity): 10:00 - Rev. Jonas C; (Jamestown): 10:00 - G. De Wet and Church Choir at 18:00; (Raithby): 10:00 - R. Philips; (Cloetesville): 10:00 - J. Pietersen; (Vlottenburg): 10:00 - D. Nefdt; (Sanvlei): 10:00 - M. Petersen; (Kayamandi 1): 10:00 - S. Siteto; (Kayamandi 2): 11:00 - E. Hermanus; (Faure): 10:00 - Rev. Mel C ; (Elsenburg): 09:00 - Combined @ Trinity; (Jonkershoek): 10:00 - Combined @ Trinity; (Lanquedoc): 10:00 - C. Takata.
Church Services STELLENBOSCH VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Morning service at 09:30 and evening service at 18:00. (Vlottenburg Hall): Morning service at 10:00. (Jamestown): Service every second and fourh Sunday at 18:00. 0 021 887 8772 for more information. WORLD CHANGERS GEMEENTE: 10:00 - Eikestadsaalbus beskikbaar. Lede in Christus Gemeente: Sondae: Oggenddiens - 09:00, Kinderkerk - 09:00, Aanddiens - 19:00. Dinsdae: Susterbidure: 10:00, Bidure/Selgroepe: 19:00. NEW GENERATION CHURCH: (Somerset West): Morning Service: 09:30 - Hottentots Holland High School. (Urban Liberty): Evening Service: 19:00 - 13 Derrick Drive, Somerset West Business Park. (Stellenbosch): Evening Service: 17:00 - Rhenish Girls High School, Koch Street. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: One Parish; three churches. Masses everyday. Call 021887 5979 for more information CHRISTIAN COVENANT MINISTRIES OF S.A: (Fellowship at Rietenbosch Primary, Bilingual): 09:00 - Special Service (Wednesday): 19:30 Bible Study and Prayer. Enquiries: Pastor Gary Carolus. STELLENBOSCH UNITED CHURCH: Dienste: 09:30 en 19:00. ST PAUL’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH (CESA): 09:00 - Morning Service; 18:30 - Evening Service. Enquiries: Rev. Doug Vannenburgh, 021 887 2669. ST MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: 07:30 - Said Eucharist. 09:00 - Sung Eucharist and Sunday School. 18:00 - Evening Eucharist. Thursdays - 09:30 - Eucharist. RUA MISSION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL: 10:00 - 12:00: Jumepipe, Number 16, Koelenhof area. Service, contact Pastor Jocelyn at 073 1165 489. EVERY NATION STELLENBOSCH (His People): Morning Service- 09:00, Youth Service09:00; Evening Service 18:00. All services held at Stellenbosch High School. SHOFAR CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Bloemhof High School: Afrikaans service at 09:00 and English service at 18:00. 0 021 887 1414 during office hours. For more information visit www.shofaronline.org. STELLENBOSCH BAPTIST CHURCH: Morning Service: 09:30. Evening Service: 19:00. Childrens church: 09:30. 0 021 887 2454. MARANATHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD: 09:00 Morning service and Children’s Church. 17: 00 - Evening service, Jamestown. REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTRE INT: 09:30 - Oggenddiens; 17:00 - Aanddiens; Maandag 19:30 - Woordskool; Hoërskool Cloetesville. COMMUNITY OF FAITH: 10:00 - Rhynse VGK - Sentrum, Kahlerstraat, Idasvallei. DESTINY CHURCH: 09:30 - Celebration Service and Children’s Church, VV Hall Neelsie. PLACE OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP: 10:00: Morning service. (Wednesday) 19:30: Prayer Meetings. All Services held at Westgate Centre, Idas Valley.
La Rive – Groot 2 Sl met ingeb 1 Motorhu Swe Onmiddel Kont 084 2
Bosman R60 Modern woonste kaste, 1 Onmiddel Kont 084 2
Jam R69 3 Bed, 2 garage, Mo Indoor b Alarm, Friendly. A Conta 083 6
Jamesto p/m. 3 B Double ga Finishes, Pet Friend July Co 083 6
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
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Drie slaapkamer woonTO RENT stel Dorpstraat van JuBACHELORS lie/Augustus. Banhoek Rd R4 400 R7 500 p/m. Skakel Huis Piron 021 886 6188. R5 500 DIE BOORD: gemeubileerde "bachelor", priTWO BEDROOM FLATS Bosman’s Crossingvaat ingang, naby Spar. Vanaf 1 Julie. R6 550 34 On Merriman R6 100 R2 950 p/m. W&L ingesl. Werkende nie- Elektriese Heining TOWNHOUSES roker. Stellenoord bed, over 071 866 3337. Spertye vir Diensgids is Woensdae 12 2vm! - Interkoms 50’s R6500 Die Bo-Rand 2 bed EENMANWOONSTEL - Elektriese Slotte Die Boord, R2 700 p/m. R4 500 1 Augustus. Geen - Garage Deure met Motors rook, troeteldiere, park, - Traliewerk met Hekke en Motors HOUSES privaat ingang, netjies. DIE BOORD Skakel 082 535 9230. - Veiligheids Hekke en Diewerings 3 bed, double storey in EENMANWOONSTEL ille - R370,000 - Son Panele quiet cul de sac, double kamer huis in garage, swimming pool.in The Merriman op grondvloer met ut Str. Netjies R15 000 braaistoep. US netille - R375,000 PARADYSKLOOF werk, TV-punt, sekurikamer huis in 4 bed family home withteit, parkering. Huur erpalm Str. R4 500 p/m. 082 577 double garage R15 000 handelbaar! Jaco 082 780 0079 from 1 Sept 2011 2917.
Spesiale dienste
ei - R630 000 kamer huis in Str., groot erf Prys Verlaag!
wn - R330 000 naf R330,000 rskeidenheid kikbaar!
wn - R799,000 aapkamer huis 440m² erf
u voet in die deur
dringend huise verkoop in en Cloetesville, seerde kopers.
084 393 1113
Blackie 083 961 9009 Cloetesville – R330,000. 3 Slaapkamer huis in Call Arina 021 – 882 jsstaalwerke@gmail.com 8398 o/h or email Weltevrede. Prys Verlaag.
Cloetesville – R485,000. Baie netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis (teen Welgevonden in Kastaiinghout Str.). Trek net in! Cloetesville – R530,000. 2 x 2 Slaapkamer huise op een erf, of gebruik dit as n 5 slaapkamer. Baie Potensiaal. Idasvallei – R460 000. 2 Slaapkamer huis in Adendorff Str. – Prys Verlaag! The Ridge – R445,000. 3 Slaapkamer huis, kort bietjie aandag. The Ridge – R1,2 mil. 4 Slaapkamers, 2 leefareas, groot kombuis, dubbel motorhuis. Uitsigte.
Pniel – R350,000. 06 Groot 3 slpk, 2 Erf te koop 600m².
badkmr, oopplan Dankbetuigings/ Thanks
leefareas, Ons soek dringend huise balkon met mooi om te verkoop in uitsig. 1 Garage. Idasvallei en Cloetesville, Beskik 1 Aug. Billike TO LET gekwalifiseerde huur kopers. onderhandelbaar.
Idasvalley: SpaciousKontak Skakel 021 886 6002 / 082 579 7652. 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom Shawn 084 393 1113 house to rent. Situated 23 close to shopping centre Woonstelle Te Huur/ and primary school / Flats To Rent crèche. Water included, prepaid electricity – 1 BEDROOM garden R 6000 pm Subject to flat for rent. Semi credit check. To view by appointment contact Shannon: 076 985 0439 / 021 882 8960
PARADYSKLOOF R10 000 p/m. 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathroom house enclosed with landscape garden. Single garage + carport. DIE BOORD R11 000 p/m, Character Cape Cottage style home with 2 bedrooms and study. Cosy open plan living area with fireplace, double garage. Avail 1st Aug. Contact Terri 083 415 9555. PARADYSKLOOF Villas Sekuriteitskompleks. 3 Slpks, 2 bdks, dubbelmotorhuis, buite braai-area en tuin. Verskeie geriewe. R10 300 p/m vir bo 50's. Skakel 083 235 8131. STELLENOORD 2 Slpks, 2 badk, enkel motorhuis vir bo 50's. Vanaf 01/08/2011. Skakel eienaar 082 726 2562. STRAND - Luxurious Cape Dutch style home. Modern finishes. Open plan kitchen / dining / living / braai area. 3 En-suite bedrooms. Double garage. Secure incl. armed response. Close to schools & shops. R8 500 p/m. Call 072 847 5299.
Tel: 021 -8839111
Friday, 1 July 2011
re - R270 000 oop 600+ m², Verlaag!
Dankbetuigings/ Thanks
furnished. Off-street parking, alarm, DSTV, laundry facility. No pets/non smoking. Somerset West, The Links. R3 500 p/m. Call Justine 082 535 9008. 1 SLAAPKAMER in Prinspark @ R2 900 onmid beskikbaar. 1 Slaapkamer in Sultanweg langs huis eie privaat ingang R3 000 (water en ligte ingsluit). 1 Slpk in Andringahof loft woonstel @ R3 800. 2 Slpk in Prinspark grondvloer gemeubileerd @ R4 500 of ongemeubileerd @ R4 100. 2 Slpk in Bergzicht Plaza op kampus @ R5 500 onmid beskikb. 2 Slpk in Bosman's Crossing @ R6 050. 2 Slpk huisie in Mount Simon R5 350. 3 Slpk in Cabernet met 2 badk en 2 parkering @ R7 810. 3 Slpk in Mount Simon huisie met 2 garages @ R7 000. Skakel Cobie van Chardonnay Verhurings 021 887 5804 / 084 506 3229 k/u. 2 BEDROOM flat including loft (attic) and lock-up garage. R6 250 p/m Available immediately. Contact 083 729 1121. BACHELOR APARMENT Furnished. Elec included. Street parking only. Senior student only. R3 500 p/m. Call 083 233 1342.
La Rive – R5500 p/m. Groot 2 Slaapk., netjies met ingeboude kaste, 1 Motorhuis en 1 Park, Swembad. Onmiddellik beskikbaar Kontak Juan 084 242 6322 Bosmans Crossing R6000 p/m. Moderne 2 Slaapk woonstel, ingeboude kaste, 1 Parkering. Onmiddellik beskikbaar Kontak Juan 084 242 6322 Jamestown R6900p/m. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Double garage, Modern finishes, Indoor braai, ADT – Alarm, Aircon, Pet Friendly. Available 1 July Contact Pieter 083 665 1507 Jamestown – R6800 p/m. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Double garage, Modern Finishes, Indoor braai, Pet Friendly, Available 1 July Contact Pieter 083 665 1507
Eenmanwoonstel, gemeubileerd, toesluit motorhuis. La Rez. Vanaf 1 Julie tot einde November / Desember. R2500 per maand + dep. Skakel 084 453 8760 NOOITGEDACHT 2 Slpk, 1 badk wstel. 1 Parkeerplek, "laundry". Dadelik beskikbaar. R5 000 p/m tot einde Nov. Realty Cafe 072 318 1254. ON A farm 9 km out of Stb. Spacious 120m², 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 100m² cottage with small garden, pet friendly. R7 000 pm. 24/7 electricity. Swimmingpool. Cosy 1 bedroom cottages from R3 300. Jakartha 021 881 3243. TE HUUR vanaf 1 September 2011. Somerset-Wes. Klein sekuriteitskompleks. 3-Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, sit-/ eetkamer en kombuis grondvloer woonstel met kelder parkering. Netjiese tuin en gasteparkeerplek binne kompleks. R5 500 per maand. Kontak Annalie de Wet by 071 855 8772 of Thea Schoeman by 082 307 8651.
Fabrieke Te Huur/ Factories To Let
TO RENT ROOM Merriman Square in 2 bed flat R2 600 p.m
Perseel beskikbaar 530 m2 teen R46 per meter BTW uitgesluit. Twee BACHELOR Banhoek Rd R4 400 aparte ingange vir Huis Piron R5 500 voertuie, kantore, Lindida – R400,000. Netjiese badkamer 2 slaapk huis en met 2BED FLAT kaggel en motorhuis. Bosman s Crossing stoorkamers Netjiese tuin. R 6 500 Kontak asook Lizzy onderdak 084 208 9547 TOWNHOUSES buite parkering. Stellenoord 2 bed for over The RidgeKontak – R530,000. 50’s R6 500 2 Slaapk huis met Die Bo-Rand, 021 8870326 of uitsigte, nuwe kombuis en 2 bed R4 500 kaggel. 0829038261 na ure. Lieberheim Kontak Lizzy 3 bed R 12 000
06084 208 9547
TENNANTVILLE Dankbetuigings/ Thanks FAMILY HOMES Cloetesville – R250,000. STELLENBOSCH 06 Die Boord. 3 bed 2 Slaapk woonstel in te Siersteen gebou R15 000 (1 July 11) Mulberry Place. Baie Dankbetuigings/ huur. Gebou Paradyskloof 4Thanks bed netjies met goeie 1 afwerkings. - 416m² = R13 000 R15 000 (1 Sept. 11) uitgesl. Skakel FranKontak Lizzy Call Arina 021 – 882 cois208 0729547 844 9458. 084 8398 o/h or email wyn889@mweb.co.za
Cloetesville – R835,000. 29 5 Slaapk huis in goeie area, groot erf/en baieSALE TE KOOP FOR extras. Kamers Te Huur/ Kontak Lizzy Braaihout / 084 208 9547 Rooms To Rent
rooikrans Skakel 903 – R021 770,000 FEMALE STUDENT Jamestown 4302/ 082 2 Slaapk huis658 met 7845 room, big. In security oopplan leefareas en GARAGE UITVERKOcomplex. Rent R2 200. kombuis. Mooi uitsigte. PING! Saterdag Call 082 302 0823. Kontak Pieter 02/07, - 12:00, 08309:00 665 1507 Coronatiastr 27, KAMER BESKIKParadyskloof, StellenBAAR in 3 slaapkabosch. Klere ens. Skamer- huis in Welgevonkel 021 880 0811. den saam met 2 jong HERBALIFE werkendes. R2 300. DISTRIBUTOR. Skakel 082 303 6136. Lose weight the KAMER MET DSTV healthy way. Call nagraads / werkende. Marlene 082 475 6425 Welgv Estate R2 500. after 17:00. Jeanne Marie 072 146 PC FOR SALE 0272. PC in working order all ROOM AVAILABLE in inclusive R1 300. Amatoni complex. A Contact Velma on 021 room with double bed 883 3620 or 082 557 and built-in closets is 0866. available in the secure and pleasant Amatoni Klapmuts Concrete complex (Herold Street) in central Stb. The two-bedroom flat Quality Building is shared with a female Products post-doc researcher, and consists of a large 190mm block R6.56 kitchen and living area, two bedroom loft for study and / or storage 140mm block R5.47 use. The complex hosts laundry and braai 90mm block R4.33 facilities. Rent amounts to R2 800 per month (negotiable), Incl.VAT, ex yard which includes water and excludes Tel: 021 8755151 electricity. The room is available immediately. Contact Lidia 072 508 9918. ROOM WITH own entrance garden, facilities. Secure parking avail 1 Aug. R2 200 / m incl water & elec. Erica 083 292 5252. SENTRAAL GELEË Kamer te huur in ten volle gemeubileerde huis. Gebruik van alle geriewe. DSTV, skoonmaker 2 x week sowel as tuindienste. R3 500 p/m. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus. Skakel Danie by 072 479 1159. SINGLE ROOM to rent in 5 bedroom student house located close to campus. 3 Bathrooms, spacious living area/kitchen and outside courtyard. R3 300 p/m, water and elec excluded. 072 797 8793. WELGELEGEN Losstaande enkel-kamer, gemeubileerd met badkamer vir manlike persoon. 1 km van middedorp. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2011. 072 719 4223 of 083 685 8779.
Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com
Stellenbosch Blindings
TWEE HOUTKOTTE @ R450 elk, snug 'n safe @ R200 soos nuut en speelgoed. Skakel 072 432 9251.
BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer ? (887 2874)
FRIDGE & FREEZER repairs. Buy dead or alive. Best service & prices. Call Pieter 076 552 0272. GREEFF BESTUURSKOOL R120 per les. Bespreek en betaal 10 lesse vooruit teen R1 000. Kontak Hermann 072 316 8648. HERSTEL by die huis ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 078 579 3921.
06 JUMPING CASTLES Stellenbosch. Dankbetuigings/ Thanks Verskeidenheid vir partytjies ens. Aflewering beskikbaar. Nadine 083 461 8253 nadine@cozumel.co. za 41
Motors Te Koop/ Cars For Sale
CARS, BAKKIES, bikes wanted and for sale. Cash paid. 2000 MAZDA 323 R27 500. MERCEDES E240 Elegance '99 R64 500. FIAT PALIO 2002, R36 500. Skakel Paul 072 453 6970. 06 TOYOTA CONQUEST Sport 1600i, 1997, Dankbetuigings/ Thanks white, S/S exhaust, alarm & C/L, gearlock, towbar & CD player, good condition. R39 500. Reinette 082 358 9174.
44 Karavane/ Bote/ ONS VERVAARDIG en herstel sleepwaens, 06 Caravans/ Boats karavane en Dankbetuigings/ Thanks perdevervoer ONS VERVAARDIG sleepwaens. Skakel en herstel sleepwaens, 082 786 8466. karavane en perdevervoer PAULS VAC Shop, sleepwaens. Skakel Plankenbrug. Repairs 082 786 8466. to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Call 021 886 45 8425. Betrekkings PROFESSIONAL PET Gevra/ Situations Wanted and housesitters. Daily feeding or housesitting. A ZIM lady Petronella Providing detailed care is looking for domestic and attention. To view work, babysitting or contract and rates cashiering. Ref contact Mercia 079 873 Cornway 072 918 2000 7593 or email / call me on 071 981 kline003@gmail.com 8501. SAK & PAK ASSISTENT meubelvervoer. Lokaal PAKSTOOR of Plaas & langafstand. VerBestuurder. FIFO. Perpakking onder toesig. soneel beheer, Skakel Pikkie 082 378 voorraad beheer. 3402. Faks 086 663 Vurkhyster. Motor 0642. jokode 08. Eie vervoer. VALSBAAI han@sakenpak.co. Kontak Robert 083 304 FIREWOOD suppliers. za 8728. Na ure: 021 865 Bluegum (Bloekom) www.sakenpak.co.za 2829. R700 per load. Black SAVE ON Wattle R700 per load. BOEKHOUDSTER ELECTRICITY (Stellenbosch area). 15 Jaar. Pastel, Up to 25%. Install a Tel 072 024 4790 / 083 SARS, UIF, PAYE geyser timer from only 275 8924. skills (efiling). R499 and a geyser Salarisse en lone. blanket from only Kontak Ronell 073 392 R350. Contact Mobile 4926. Na ure 021 865 Electric on 021 865 2829. 2324. 31 Years to CAROLIN IS looking for your service. a housekeeping job. SKAKEL MY vir gratis Chars or everyday. demonstrasie van Refs available. My Ozone produkte by u number is 074 685 Factory in huis. Joseph Septem1814. STELLENBOSCH ber 072 115 5997 vir 06 CHAR SOEK 3 dae van hulp. die week werk. Het Dankbetuigings/ Thanks SNOUTS & TAILS verwysing. Skakel 083 Open dog boarding 334 5334. home for your beloved I AM a 34 year old SA www.wonderpets. We provide lady looking for hands-on loving care blinds.co.za domestic, char work for for your dogs in a everyday. Good 06friendly, safe and reference and 5 years secure open house lifeDankbetuigings/ Thanks 30 experience. Contact Te Koop Gevra/ style enviroment. Ref 071 189 5807. available. Contact Wanted To Buy I AM a lady age 33 Lucia on 072 199 2930 looking for domestic OPSOEK NA ou horloor 082 415 8822. work, childminder or sies en speelgoed karcleaning and retjies vir kontant in packaging. Everyday enige toestand. Skawork. 084 415 8072. 35 06 kel 082 786 8466.
Blinds & Awnings Tel: 0218839111
WANTED - Fridges, Dankbetuigings/ Thanks Freezers, W/machines, Stoves, Microwaves for cash. Working or not. Free collection. We clean garages. Jacques 081 409 9471.
01STE VIR Elektriese + Loodgieterswerk. Ons is geregistreerd by ECA en MBA. Alle werk deur gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne gedoen + gewaarborg. Spesiale pryse vir sekuriteitskomplekse, fabrieke, gastehuise en wynkelders. Skakel Francois by 082 552 3059 reeds 30 jaar in Stellenbosch.
Onderrig / Tuition
ALLIANCE FRANçAISE STELLENBOSCH offers a "WINTER SCHOOL" An intensive beginners course 31 Diere En Voëls/ Saturday mornings from 9.30 to 12 06 Pets And Birds Dankbetuigings/ Thanks 06 from 2 July to 24 September. JACK RUSSEL and puppies. 7 Weeks old. Dankbetuigings/ Thanks Revision classes for matrics. R500 each. Call (week days) Jonathin 082 344 2321. For further information contact Christine 0849206966 32 Algemene Dienste/ I AM a Zim lady aged General Services 36 30 looking for a job as a housekeeper Te Huur / To Let 01A QUALITY CARPET Cleaners: Professionele stoomskoonmaak van matte, meubels, motors en matrasse asook enige waterskade. Kontak: 082 575 4570.
JUMPING CASTLE and other fun items for hire! Contact Patricia 021 855 4715.
everyday or chars. Ref 082 776 8474. Contact no 073 803 8871 Mem I AM a Zim woman looking for a job. Stay in or stay out or chars. My number is 078 327 4965.
I AM from Malawi. I am a male. I am 33 years of age. I'm hardworking, seeking cleaning and gardening job. Contact 083 207 3622. I AM looking for work STOCK as a housekeeper CONTROLLER working everyday, STELLENBOSCH chars, Stock sleep controlin. Phone 074+556 8862. experience excellent adminI'M skills essential. A hardworking contact person looking for work 3juan-marie@ days a week. For ref helderbergpersonnel. call 082 958 2748. My co.za is 073 490 number 1931. Tel: 021 852 5693 MALAWIAN For Additional Positions HUSBAND Please view our& wife looking for a job as website: housekeeper or gardewww.helderberg ner. Contact personnel.co.za 073 345 1579. Exp + ref avail. 'N BETROUBARE dame soek werk vir 1 dag, Vrydae. Goeie verwysing. Skakel 083 349 3674. REVY AND Fine age 26 and 24 Zim ladies looking for char or everyday char work. Ref avail. Call 074 220 3193 / 084 772 1989. THOMSON LOOKING for job as a housekeeper, gardening, painting and hand work with ref and exp. Contact 078 200 8219. ZIM LADY, 38 years old is looking for char job. Stay in or out. Qualified teacher with a diploma. 074 521 7766. ZIM LADY looking for 06chars 4 days, Mon, Wed, Thur & Sat with Dankbetuigings/ Thanks good ref. 3 Years exp. Work permit. Currently working. I am working two days in Jamestown. I am 34 years old. 084 378 0894.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies
AN EXPANDING co., in medical health industry. Require sales consultants: Comm. R12 000 - R20 000 pm. No exp required, training provided. Own car a must. To applay call 021 851 9842 CHAUFFERS / DRIVERS needed parttime from 5pm. Neat, presentable, speak fluent English and know the Cape Town area well. Must work weekends. Email 2pg CV to drivers@gfellas.co.za Unsuccessful applicants who have not been short listed will not be contacted individually. EERLIKE HARDWERKENDE voltydse huishulp benodig. Maandag tot Vrydag. Moet kontakbare verwysings hê. Geen kansvatters. Kontak 072 805 3881. EXTRA INCOME with Dataworx. Data entry with or without a computer. Own hours. Sms name and postal address for a brochure to 084 629 8557. KELDER ASSISTENT 'n 300 Ton wynkelder buite Stellenbosch is opsoek na 'n betroubare, hardwerkende en netjiese persoon as kelder assistent. 'n Vurkhyser lisensie asook bottelering- en etikettering ervaring sal tot jou voordeel tel. Faks asb CV na 021 888 4744. MERCHANDISERS & petrol attendants needed. Fax 1 page CV to 086 666 3938.
Eikestadnuus Friday, 1 July 2011
MFM 92.6 TEMPORARY DEBTORS CLERK FRANSCHHOEK 4 Month Contract. Full debtors function + exp on Navision secures. CONTRACT ADMIN ASSISTANT Strong admin skills + understanding of GSM/GPS networks secures. For above positions contact: candice@ helderbergpersonnel. co.za Tel: 021 852 5693 For Additional Positions Please view our website: www.helderberg personnel.co.za
Administratiewe & Finansiële Beampte (Verw. MFM/153/0611) MFM 92.6, ’n onafhanklike gemeenskapsradio in die hartjie van die Stellenbosse studentegemeenskap, benodig ’n sterk georganiseer de persoon met ’n reke ningkundige en finansiële agtergrond om, saam met die Bedryfsbestuurder, die stasie se finansies te koördineer en te beheer, asook die volle administrasiefunksie te bestuur. Laasgenoemde sluit salarisse en lone, fakturering, debiteure en krediteure, asook die bestuur van die skakelbord, gaste en kliënte, in. Tersiêre opleiding in ’n admi nistratiewe/finansiële rigting en kennis van die universiteitsopset sal in aansoekers se guns tel. Werkkennis van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se finansiële stelsel sal ook uiters voordelig wees. Skakel 021 808 3098 vir nadere besonderhede rakende hierdie intreevlak pos. Besoek www.sun.ac.za/vakatures vir die aansoekproses. Aansoeke sluit op 15 Julie 2011.
MFM 92.6
Admin & Finance Officer (Ref. MFM/153/0611) MFM 92.6, an independent community radio station and the hub of the Stellenbosch youth, currently needs a highly organised person with an accounting and finan cial background who will, in co-operation with the Operations Manager, co-ordinate and control the station’s finances, and manage the full administrative function. The latter includes salaries and wages, invoicing, debtors and creditors, as well as front office (switchboard, guests and clients) management. Tertiary training in an administrative/financial field and knowledge of a university environment will enhance an application. Working knowl edge of the Stellenbosch University financial system will be extremely beneficial. More information on this start-up position is available on 021 808 3098. Visit www.sun.ac.za/vacancies for the application procedure. Applications close 15 July 2011.
Betrekkings en Kennisgewings Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that BEADICA INVESTMENTS 48
DIRECTORATE : PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT : LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTROL ROOM OFFICER ( Requirements: • Senior certificate (Gr 12) with typing or equivalent • Good telephonic skills • Sound interpersonal skills • Accurate and neat handwriting skills • Computer literacy • Ability to function effectively under pressure independently • Must work shifts, including night shift at short notice • Good communication and language skills in two of the three official languages of the Western Cape (Afrikaans, English, Xhosa) • Willingness to work overtime • Good health • Willingness to undergo security clearance and sign a code of secrecy • Sober habits Recommendation: • Situated in the Stellenbosch Municipal Area • One year experience of telephonic/ reception or equivalent • Prior working experience in a control room Job related enquiries: Cedric Thorpe at 021 808 8901
R 87 084 – R 97 944 p/a
Post level 12 of a Grade 10 Local Authority
DIT BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer ( (887 2874)
Hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”has submitted an application forp a RETAIL licence, applilcation number J/2011/06/15/0002 ERF 6183 STELLENBOSCH 81 BIRD STREET STELLENBOSCH STELLENBOSCH The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing acivities as detailed in the application.Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: · Telephone: 012 444 – 4444 or · Fax: 012 341 4228 or · E-mail: petroleum.controller@energy.gov.za Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must cleary quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petrolium Products within period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address:
Postal address:
The Controller of Petroleum Products The Controller of Petrolium Products Department of Energy
Department of Energy
70 Meintjies Street
Private Bag X19
Pretoria, 0002
Closing date: 15 July 2011 Notice number: HR 16/2011 A detailed curriculum vitae, accompanied by a covering letter, is to be forwarded to the Senior Human Resource Officer: Administration & Recruitment, P.O. Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7599. Please note that the post for which application is being made must be clearly stated for reference purposes. Should you apply for more than one position, please submit a curriculum vitae and covering letter in respect of each position for which you wish to apply. A pro forma application form is not necessary. Further information is available from Jené Bergstedt on 021 808 8064 or 021 808 8056. Please note: 1) No faxes and e-mails will be accepted. 2) All applications must be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications and driver’s licenses. If you have not been contacted within 30 days of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. For details on more vacancies, visit our website www.stellenbosch.gov.za.
PLEASE NOTE: ALL EIKESTADNUUS ADVERTISERS It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure his advert is correct on the first day of publication and placed according to his instructions; and that mistakes are corrected before the next edition. The Eikestadnuus does not accept responsibility for more than one faulty placing. No credits will be allowed for insignificant typographical or typing errors which do not affect the value of the advertisement. NB: ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE DONE IN WRITING. NO CREDITS WILL BE PASSED WITHOUT WRITTEN PROOF OF CANCELLATION
Eikestadnuus Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
Gholfloting vir môre aangebied deur
Stacey mik hoog
Uitslae van Saterdag, 25 Junie Monthly Medal: Oggendveld: Afde ling A: 1. Jaco Spies (71), Jacques de Villiers (73). Middagveld: Afdeling A: 1. Mike Botha (69), 2. Eric Loubser (69); Afdeling B: 1. Peter Cyster (67), 2. Louis de Jager (71); Afdeling C: 1. Johan Stander (75), 2. Johan Naude (76). Trekking vir môre, 2 Julie 4BBB Bogey Plus: Eerste Bof 7.45: J. du Preez, E. Mc Carthy, C. Grundling, J. Fen wick; 08.01: M. de Vries, F. de Vries; 08.09: W. Pienaar, L. Pienaar, W. van Wyk, S. Conra die; 08.17: B. Liebenberg, P. van Blerk, H. Trol lip, C. Snyman; 08.25: G. Jonas, W. Kotze, D. Barnard, P. de Villiers; 08.33: E. Archer, P. Kriel, J.J Senekal, J. Harding; 08.41: P. Ro binson, H.J.K Ferreira, T. de Klerk, J. Kruger; 08.49: S. Burger, J. Sheppard, B. Smit, C. Booysen; 08.57: P. G van Breda, T. van Rob broeck, C. Bezuidenhout, P. Henning; 09.05: H. Wolff, G. Els, N. van Staden, W. Ravens croft; 09.29: S. Loubser, M. Hugo, H. Terblan che, H. Taylor; 12.08: B. Cooper, K. Smith, H. Ludwigs, C. Meyer; 12.16: P. Kruger, W. Lamprecht, B. Muller, G. Hendriks; 12.24: B. Bergstedt, M. Cloete, G. Schultz, V. Adonis; 12.32: P. Cyster, T. Gordon, R. Cyster, W. Gor don. Tiende Bof: 07.45: S. van Eck, P. Mas son, S. de Kock, J. P. Retief; 07.53: L. du Toit, A. Crafford, A. Palmer, P. le Grange; 08.01: J. Brink, D. Brink, M. Fourie, J. du Toit; 08.17: G. Mostert, J. van de Berg, C. van der Heever, E. Hertzog; 08.25: P. Swart, C. P. Terblanche, J. du Toit, A. Hodgkinson; 08.33: J. Wedg wood, V. Geldenhuys, J. de Villiers, A. Kruger; 08.41: T. C. Pauw, D. Day, T. Rilly J. van Nie kerk; 08.49: J. Burger, K. Botha, J. van Aswe gen, J. Hanekom; 08.57: P. Rall, J. van Graan, K. du Toit; 09.05: L. Maingard, C. Derksen, H. de Jongh, P. Oelofse; 09.13: W. Malherbe, J. Durand, H. Streicher; J. Malherbe; 09.21: J. M. du Toit, D. Roos, K. Klopper, J. Bester; 09.29: J. Spies, P. Spies, R. Edwards, C. Coet zee; 12.08: A. Coetzee, P. Smith, D. Oberhol zer, K. Grobler; 12.16: P. J. Niemann, P. Nie mann; 12.24: A. Kotze, J. Stander, J. Naude, C. Nortje; 12.32: N. Laubscher, K. Geiger, M. van Rooy, W. Oosthuizen; 12.40: J. Kozte, J. Thirion, L. de Jager, C. Potgieter.
IT Stacey Lackay (17) se krieketprestasies is dit duidelik dat dit nie nét mans is wat in dié sportsoort kan uitblink nie. Dié Boland- en Suid-Afrikaanse o.19-krieketspeler van Hoërskool Lückhoff is Eikestadnuus se Supersport Sportster van die Maand vir Junie. “Ek speel al sedert ek 10 jaar oud is, ” sê sy. “Ek het altyd my niggie sien krieketoefeninge toe gaan en besluit om saam te gaan. Van toe af het dit net vir my gewerk.” Soos sy haar prestasies opnoem, is dit duidelik dat sport
deur haar are vloei. “Ek het sokker gespeel en was gekies vir die Wes-Kaapse span, maar het nie gegaan nie omdat ek dieselfde tyd aan krieketproewe deelgeneem het. Ek het ook rugby en netbal gespeel, waarvoor ek vir proewe gekies is, maar ek dit gelos nadat ek my enkel beseer het.” Sy hou van alle aspekte van dié sport, veral die wyse waarop vroue behandel word. “By rugby is dat amper asof dit net vir mans bedoel is, maar krieket is meer gelyk.” Haar volgende mikpunt is om die nasionale span te verteenwoordig.
Sy noem Alicia Smith, ’n voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse vrouekrieketspeler, as ’n rolmodel. “Ek het saam met haar grootgeword en speel ook nou in dieselfde klub. Sy het altyd inspirerende woorde en moedig my gedurig aan.” Stacey bewonder ook Alicia se kalm benadering tot die sport, soos toe sy onlangs tydens die laaste boulbeurt in ’n wedstryd tussen Suid-Afrika en Wes-Indië moes boul. “Wes-Indië het net drie lopies nodig gehad om te wen, en met haar laaste boulbeurt het sy dit reggekry om die wedstryd vir Suid-Afrika te wen.”
Stacey Lackay is Junie se Sportster van die Maand. Foto: Abrie Burger
Bloemhof se trots: MaryNetbal sterre: Ma-
dine Dercksen (links) en Nadia van Blommestein van Laerskool Eikestad is onlangs in die o.12 Boland en Wes-Kaapse netbalspanne opgeneem.
ke Brits, ’n graad 12-leerling aan die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, het onlangs wéér uitsonderlike prestasies op die atletiekbaan behaal. By die Suidelike Afrika-kampioenskappe waar sy die SA Jeugspan verteenwoordig het, was sy eerste in die 100 m hekkies met ’n tyd van 13,95 sek. en tweede in die verspring met ’n afstand van 5,92 m. Sy is ook by die SA Wêreldjeugspan ingesluit wat aan die Wêreld Jeugkampioenskappe in Lille, Frankryk gaan deelneem. Voorts is sy uitgenooi om op 15 Februarie 2012 aan die vierde Tuks Top Tienbyeenkoms deel te neem.
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Kylemore Vrydag, 1 Julie 2011
Helderberg Jaargang 61 | Tel 021 887 2840
SPORTFLITSE ) Die Franschhoek-rugbyklub speel môre om 16:00 tuis teen Silvertree. ) Die Cloetesville-rugbyklub speel môre om 16:00 tuis teen Caledonian Roses.
) Die Kayamandi-rugbyklub speel môre om 15:30 weg teen Spartans. ) Die Brampton-rugbyklub speel môre weg teen Lanquedoc. ) Die Evergreens-rugbyklub speel môre weg teen Young Blues.
Ajax in Idasvallei
Warren Diedericks van Evergreens tel die bal agter die skrum op en trek doellyn se kant toe in Saterdag se wedstryd teen Adelaars van Wellington. Evergreens het in moeilike toestande die wedstryd naelskraap met 1317 verloor. Foto: Abrie Burger
Gevaarligte flikker ABRIE BURGER
ALFPAD deur die 2011rugbyseisoen bevind die Coronations- en Franschhoek-rugbyklubs hulle in die gevaarsone van hul onderskeie ligas. Die spanne, wat onderskeidelik in die Premier A- en B-liga speel, beklee tans die laaste en derdelaaste posisies op die punteleer. Mnr. Shirage Pool, ondervoorsitter van Coronations, sê dit is hul hoofdoelwit om in die Premier A-liga te bly. “Ons het baie jong spelers wat deurkom, dus, selfs al word ons gerelegeer, sal ons weer daar kan kom. Dit is nie die einde van die wêreld nie.” Coronations kon in hul nege wedstryde slegs drie punte byme-
kaar skraap en is meer as tien punte agter die tweede laaste span. “Indien ons in die liga bly, het ons die jong spelers om voort te gaan volgende jaar,” sê Pool. Mnr. Frans Bougaardt, voorsitter van die Franschhoek-rugbyklub, sê die klub mik om in die boonste deel van die punteleer te eindig. “Met ons nuwe afrigter kan ek sien die spelers dink hulle kan dit doen. Die fiksheidsvlakke het ook toegeneem.” Franschhoek het die meeste van hul wedstryde vanjaar sonder afrigter gespeel en Bougaard noem dit as een van die redes vir die klub se swak posisie op die punteleer. “As ons in die liga bly, gaan ons beoog om volgende jaar dit te wen. Ons weet waar ons was, en dit is om weer in die Premier
SAatleet: Da-
wid Pieterse van die Dwarsrivier-atletiekklub is een van agt Boland-atlete wat SuidAfrika op 2 Julie by die Suid-Afrikaanse halfmarathon-kampioenskappe in Port Elizabeth gaan verteenwoordig.
A-liga te speel.” Hier is die naweek se uitslae: Super Bliga: ) Pniel Villagers 14, Primrose 25. Pniel se puntemakers: drieë: Byron Schoeman, Straford Geldenhuys; doelskoppe: Dimitri Noble, Eaton Cyster. Boland: Eerste Liga Sentraal: ) Evergreens 13, Adelaars 17. Evergreens se puntemakers: drieë: Francois Julies (2); strafdoel: Vernon Fortuin. Wellingtonsone: ) Kayamandi 39, Red Lions 20.Kayamandi se puntemakers: drieë: Mzukisi Tsewu, Reagan Dobo, Mandla Dlongolovu, Siyabulela Dibela, Loyiso Mbatsha. doelskoppe: Fezile Dakuse (3), Methetho Nobangula; skepdoele: Sinetemba Snobolo, Dakuse.
Krieketspelers vereer DIE Excelsior-krieketklub bied Saterdag, 9 Julie hul jaarlikse bekeruitdelingsfunksie by die AF Louw-skoolsaal aan. Almal is welkom en kaartjies is teen R50 by klublede beskikbaar. Vir nadere besonderhede skakel Yusuf Khan by 078 934 4659 of Kader Pool by 083 315 9898.
Stuur alle navrae, inligting en versoeke oor sport aan Abrie Burger by epos abrie.burger@media24.com of skakel hom by 021 887 2840, uitb. 2014
DIE Idasvallei-sportgronde sal Saterdag, 9 Julie ’n hutspot van top-gehalte sokker en pret wees wanneer die ABSA Premierliga-span, Ajax Cape Town, ’n sokker-extravaganza aanbied. Die dag sal om 10:00 met ’n afrigtingskliniek vir 250 juniors afskop. Ajax gaan ook kragte meet met ’n Stellenbosch LFAuitnodigingspan, terwyl twee o.18-spanne van die Stellenbosch LFA en die Wes-Kaapse Sportskool in ’n voorwedstryd hul staal sal wys. Ajax-sokkersterre soos Brett Evans, Tembinkosi “Terror”
Fanteni, Brent Carelse en Clayton Daniels en die Stellenbosser Alcardo van Graan, wat onlangs by Ajax aangesluit het, sal almal in aksie wees. Toegang beloop R30 vir die hoofpawiljoen (net 600 plekke beskikbaar), R20 vir oop pawiljoene en R20 vir staanplekke. Kinders onder 17 betaal R5. Daar is 200 bespreekte sitplekke op die hoofpawiljoen vir Ajax-ondersteuners. Vir kaartjies skakel Brian Minnis by 084 392 3296, Anthony Bailey by 083 635 2162 of Manfred Josephs by 084 817 9920.
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Eikestadnuus word uitgegee en opgemaak deur die eienaar, Boland Koerante Beperk, Stellenbosch en gedruk deur Paarl Post Media (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 248, Paarl, 7620.