Winderous April 2013.pdf

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Winederous 28 Maart, 2013

Diary ­ April

Elegantly Elgin For those wine lovers who have not yet visited the Elgin Wine Valley, here are two reasons to meander off the beaten track and discover the charms of this exquisite wine-producing region. The next Elegantly Elgin Open Wine Weekend will be on 6 – 7 April, with the focus on Pinot noir – one of the flagship varietals of this cool-climate region.Visit for info on the 16 participating wineries. Another date to remember is Saturday 4 May when the Elgin Wine Valley launches the inaugu-

ral Elgin Cool Climate & Country Festival where visitors will enjoy a day of fine wine, hearty food and live entertainment. There will be three sessions – morning, lunch and afternoon – and your ticket (at R100 pp) will include entry to three winery venues, a free-pour wine token and a wine glass. Children u.18 are free. You’ll also be able to tuck into fine country fare ranging from traditional dishes to picnics, tapas, platters and even high tea. For information and to book visit

Saturday 13 & Sunday 21 April Delta Draf & Delta Trap: Enter the Solms­Delta wine estate’s fourth annual Delta Draf, an off­road race consisting of a 10km and 5km fun run, which rates as one of the most scenic on the running calendar. The trail follows a route through working vine­ yards and along the banks of the Dwars River, set against the backdrop of the ma­ jestic Groot and Klein Drakenstein moun­ tains. Medals will be awarded to all finishers as well as fun spot prizes. Live Cape rural music from the farm bands will add to the wonderful country atmosphere of this unique race. For more information con­ tact Nolan on 072 785 6529 or Steven on 072 526 5369, or call Solms­Delta on 021 874 3937 ext 135 to enter. The second annual Delta Trap will be held on the following weekend and this is largely an off­road cycle race that starts and ends at Solms­ Delta. The route consists of a 20 km loop of approximately 25% tar road and 75% off­road, made up of mainly farm roads, with a mix of sandy sections, some harder surfaces with stones and some short sections of single track. Cyclists can enter the 20 km, 40 km or 60 km individual race or enter a team of three for the 60 km race (one lap each). For more information or to enter contact Geddan from Manic Cycles on 082 578 3017 or 021 876 4956. Saturday 20 April Bot River Barrels & Beards Harvest Celebra­ tion: Join the colourful wine community of Bot River at their annual Barrels & Beards celebration to toast the local wine­ makers’ post­harvest looks and the latest fruits of their labour. Each year the laid­ back wine folk of this prized yet unspoilt Winelands pocket in the Overberg, follow a tradition of “no shaving or barber vis­ its for the duration of the harvest season”, only to reveal their scruffy facades dur­ ing a fun­filled “beard parade”. And this year’s event promises one big hairy hulla­ baloo. Along with es­ teemed judges, guests will get to vote for the boldest beard in Bot River, and sharing the spotlight with raging beards and monster mo’s will be the latest 2013 cellar gems to be sipped and sa­ voured straight from the barrels.

The quaint Bot River Wine Route is home to an eclectic bouquet of conservation­conscious wineries ranging from historic and time­honoured to ultra modern, state of the art cellars that are all committed to individualistic, quality­driv­ en wines. Joining Beaumont at this joyous occasion will be Barton, Eerstehoop, Feiteiras, Gabriëlsk­ loof, Genevieve, Goedvertrouw, Luddite, Maremmana, Rivendell and Wildekrans. This exclusive evening includes a hearty “terroir to table” potjiekos dinner of unique tastes and pro­ duce from the area, whilst cool­cli­ mate, top quality wines from more than eight local producers will be on sale. The boereorkes, Die Stoepsitters, will add sakkie­sakkie vibes to this homegrown affair. Barrels & Beards takes place at The Old Shed on Anys­ bos Farm on the Swartrivier Road, Bot River and starts at 17:00. A shuttle service will be available on the evening. If last year’s sell­out inaugural Barrels & Beards event is anything to go by, tickets will be flying fast so make sure you get hold of yours today. Tickets costs R250 per person and include a complimentary barrel tasting of the latest Bot River wines, a souvenir wine glass, dinner, music entertainment and real country hospitality. For more information or to book your tickets contact Nicolene Heyns at or call 082 852 6547. Seating is limited and no kids are allowed. Vrydag 26 ­ Sondag 28 April SA Kaasfees: Hierdie gewilde fees, wat vanjaar vir die 12de keer deur Agri­Expo by Sandringham naby Stel­ lenbosch aangebied word, bring elke jaar tien klein kaas­ produsente en kaasliefhebbers byeen. “Met die rugsteun van Absa kan ons jaarliks vir ontluikende boetiek­kaasma­ kers die geleentheid bied om hul kase aan meer as 30 000 besoekers bekend te stel,” sê Johan Ehlers, hoof uitvoerende beampte van Agri­Expo. Vanjaar se feesgangers kan weer eens uitsien daarna om grootste verskeiden­ heid Suid­Afrikaanse kaas onder een dak te proe. Met nuwe ver­ lengde ure moet besoe­ kers veral op die uitkyk wees vir die volgende uitstallers wat daagliks kaas op kleinskaal met die hand maak: Camp­ hill Farm Community (Hermanus), De Böcke Goat Dairy (Malmesbu­ ry), Kleinfontein Cheese (Overberg), Laerskool Buffeljagsrivier (Buffel­ jagsrivier), Langbaken Karoo Cheese (Williston), Mooigele­ gen Boerenkaas (Heidelberg, Suid­Kaap), Mysthill Farm (Swellendam), Taaibosch Kaas (Heidelberg, Suid­Kaap), Anysbos (Botrivier) en Madame Fromage (Paarl). Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket by alle Shoprite, Checkers, Checkers Hyper en House & Home­winkels (geen kaartjies by die hekke). Senior burgers betaal R90 en kinders 13 jaar en jonger is gratis. Die hekke is Vrydag oop van 10:00–22:00, Saterdag van 10:00–18:00 en Sondag 10:00–17:00. Glase (R15) is by die hekke beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting kontak Agri­ Expo by 021 975 4440 of of be­ soek

Winederous 28 Maart, 2013


Maak ’n afspraak met die Nuyvallei Jy het ’n heerlike herfs-afspraak wat op jou wag! Merk sommer nou hierdie datums – 11 en 12 Mei – op jou kalender. Die gewilde Nuyvallei-fees, aangebied deur Nuy Kelder, Willow Creek, Conradie Family Vineyards en Leipzig Country House, is ’n ervaring wat nie misgeloop mag word nie. Herfs is ’n besondere mooi tyd in ons vallei en die fees is propvol pret en aktiwiteite. Bergfietswedrenne, pretdraf,

gratis trekker- en waritte, en ’n grootskerm vir die dag se Super 14-rugbywedstryd maak dit voorwaar ’n “buitelug-fees” om te beleef. Topgehalte wyn- en olyfprodukte saam met heerlike kos bied ekstra geur en smaak aan die fees. Die gewilde sangroep Romanz tree Saterdagaand by Nuy Wynkelder op en Sterling EQ tree Sondagaand by Willow Creek op. Besoek die feeswebwerf vir die volledige feesprogram en akkom-

modasie inligting. Vir enige navrae skakel Anne-Marie by 084 585 5557. Die feestoegangsgeld: R40 per persoon, wynglas @ R20; kinders onder 18 gratis. ) Lesers van Winederous kan inskryf vir die feeskompetisie en groot pryse wen deur hierdie maklike vraag te beantwoord: In watter maand word die Nuyvallei-fees gehou? E-pos jou antwoord met jou naam en kontakbesonderhede na

Nuy Wynkelder Nuy Wynkelder bied aan elke besoeker die geleentheid om hul bekroonde wyne te kom proe en sommer ook ’n bottel of twee (of meer) aan te skaf. Gaan maak ook ’n draai by die Olof Bergh-stalletjie en geniet brandewyn uit die boonste rakke. Kobus se Gat bied smaaklike tradisionele disse, cuisine pizza’s en kaasborde wat beslis in almal se smaak sal val. Kom kuier lekker saam met ons vir die dag en geniet ’n heupswaai musiekvertoning deur Forest. Vir die kinders is daar heerlike aktiwiteite om hulle besig te hou. Vir dié met baie waagmoed is daar die berugte Rodeo-bul, en die slippery slide gaan beslis weerstand bied teen die hitte. ’n Hoogtepunt van die fees is die optrede deur die

gewilde groep Romanz, wat Saterdagaand om 19:00 optree. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R120 by Nuy Kelder. Skakel 023 347 0272 of stuur ’n epos na

Herfstyd by Conradie Family Vineyards Herfstyd in hierdie vallei is iets om te ervaar, so kom verlustig jou aan die natuurskoon terwyl jy langs die Conradie-wingerde en Nuyrivier wandel. Geniet die rugby op ’n groot skerm terwyl jy die

bottomless wines vir slegs R50 geniet. Wanneer die honger toesak, gaan probeer gerus een van die vele disse wat aangebied sal word. Met soesji, tradisionele bobotie, beesstertbredie en smaaklike hoenderpastei, asook spesiale kindermaaltye is daar beslis iets te ete vir die hele gesin. Kom ontspan op die grasperk onder die koeltebome langs die rivier en geniet ’n glasie yskoue wyn en ’n asemrowende uitsig. Quad bikes en putt-putt is van die aktiwiteite wat vir kinders aangebied sal word. Nie lus vir huis toe gaan nie? Maak gebruik van ons kampeergeriewe en bly gerus tot Sondag, en maak Moedersdag nog meer spesiaal. Aktiwiteite begin reeds om 09:00. Vir meer inligting en kontakbesonderhede besoek gerus ons feesblad by

Experience a journey of unforgettable flavours! Buffet Dinner R175 (Wednesday to Saturday) Tel: 021 847 1160

Nuy­fees op Leipzig Leipzig is geleë aan die voet van die Rabiesberg en dis nét die plek vir jou as jy hou van kuns en geskiedenis. Gedurende die dag sal daar geleentheid wees vir die besigtiging van die historiese geboue en pragtige fresko-kuns wat die geskiedenis van die vallei uitbeeld. Maar die Nuy-fees op Leipzig skop al Saterdag om 07:30 af met die inskrywings vir die pretdraf. Die wedloop begin om 08:30 vir die 5 km én 10 km. Dit is ’n pragroete tussen die wingerde en berge en kan definitief aanbeveel word vir natuurliefhebbers. Dis geskik vir beginners, kinders en selfs die meer entoesiastiese atleet. ’n Voëlkyktoer word ook om 08:00 aangebied. Maak seker dat jy nie die Masterchef-deelnemer, Ilse Fourie

“Gourmet Prinses”, se kosdemonstrasie om 10:30 en 12:30 misloop nie. Besoek vir meer besonderhede. Toegang is gratis. Kontrei-wyne en Birkenhead draught bier kan saam met heerlike Duitse geregte en agtergrondmusiek van André Terblanche (C2C-musiekgroep) onder die tent geniet word. Die spyskaart vir die dag sluit onder meer in Schinken Brötchen (hambroodjies), tradisionele Flammkuchen, Suid-Afrikaanse Bratwurst-rolletjies, Belgiese wafels en ’n “charcuterie”bord. Kindervermaak word ook deur die dag verskaf. Sondag word ’n stylvolle informele Moedersdag-ete aangebied saam met ’n musiek-optrede. Almal is welkom om ma te bederf in ons pragtige omgewing.

Willow Creek­olyflandgoed

Saterdag 11 Mei is dit weer tyd vir die gewilde Willow Creek/Computer Mania bergfietsuitdaging wat oudergewoonte by Willow Creekolyflandgoed plaasvind. Met ’n 10 km-, 20 km- en 30 km-roete is dié bergfietsuitdaging geskik vir beginners en die meer ervare bergfietsryers. Die gesogde prysuitdeling met pryse ter waarde van meer as R100 000 begin van 12:30 af. Vir meer inligting gaan na Willow Creek se bekroonde olyf-

olies word te proe en te koop aangebied in die Willow Creek Shoppe, tesame met ’n verskeidenheid smullekker olyfprodukte. Die prettige olyfpit-spoegkompetisie gaan weer sorg vir groot genot, veral onder die jongklomp – ons daag jou uit om te kyk of jy Willow Creek se 2013 Olyfpit-spoegkampioen is. Willow Creek Bistro is heeldag oop, André Combrinck sorg vir agtergrond-musiek en ’n outentieke plaasmark sal sorg vir heerlike happies vir ’n ieder en ’n elk. Sondag 12 Mei bied Willow Creek-olyflandgoed en Montanaondersteunersklub ’n skemervertoning deur Sterling EQ aan. Wanneer die son om 18:00 agter die Bolandse berge verdwyn, sal die note van dié SAMA-bekroonde trio die lug vul. Verversings en drankies sal beskikbaar wees van 17:00 af. Kaartjies is R120 per persoon. Vir besprekings skakel AC by 023 342 5793 of stuur ’n e-pos na


Winederous 28 Maart, 2013

Beaumont Port Stomp HEDDA MITTNER

Several vintages of Beaumont Port were offered for tasting at the an­ nual Beaumont Port Stomp on 15 March, including this rare 1995 vintage which was the first port to be produced on the farm by Jayne Beaumont.

With the 2013 harvest well under way, the Cape Winelands was alive with harvest festivals during the month of March – and there are more lined up for April. One of them is the Bot River Wine Route’s Barrels & Beards Festival on 20 April (see diary on page 2), and if the Beaumont Port Stomp is anything to go by, this is a festival that you do not want to miss out on. Beaumont will be one of ten Bot River wine farms taking part in the Barrels & Beards, which explains the fuzz currently adorning the handsome face of winemaker Sebastian Beaumont. These guys are in serious harvest mode and will continue to look scruffy (and scruffier) until the best beard in the valley is crowned at the Barrels & Beards Harvest Festival. In the meantime, great fun was had by all who arrived

to stomp the grapes for Beaumont’s vintage port wine on 15 March. Perhaps better known for their elegant reds and wooded Chenin blanc, the Hope Marguerite, which has grown accustomed to raking in those five Platter stars, their port wine nevertheless holds a special place in the hearts of the Beaumont clan. Sebastian’s parents Jayne and Raoul Beaumont revived the dilapidated Compagnesdrift farm when they moved there in the 1970s and it was Jayne who turned her attention to the cellar and started producing her own wine. The first port wine was bottled in 1995 and named after her daughter Ariane. After the grape stomping shenanigans, it was a rare privilege to have a taste of this precious collector’s wine before settling down to a delicious three-course buffet dinner in the atmospheric barrel cellar where, for the rest of this delightful evening, the conversation flowed as freely as the wine.

Win big! Feeling lucky? You could be – if you act fast! This is your chance to win a fabulous hamper filled with two bottles of wine and produce from the Bot River Wine Route, which includes award­winning olive oil from Gabriëlskloof, lavender products from Barton Vineyards and home­grown almonds from Beaumont. All you have to do is answer this easy question: Where will the Barrels & Beards Harvest Festival take place on 20 April? E­mail your answer to with your full name and contact details. With the first two correct answers we receive, two lucky readers will receive their hamper. The Beaumont clan (from the left): winemaker Marelise Jansen van Rensburg, followed by the matriarch Jayne Beaumont, JP Rossouw and his wife Ariane, and winemaker Sebastian Beaumont.

Winemaker Sebastian Beaumont welcomed the guests, introducing them to the history of the port stomp at Beaumont and giving some tips on how it’s done.

Ever wondered why foot stomping is such an old tradi­ tion? According to Sebastian Beaumont, the pressure exerted by the human foot is perfect for juicing grapes without crushing the pips.

Guests arrived from all over the Western Cape and even overseas to enjoy this unique harvest experience and the inimitable hospitality of the Bot River Wine Route.

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