The Arcticulate
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Supported Employment Department The Supported Employment Department is expanding its efforts to bring new prospects for the folks we serve. With the creation of the vending department, the consumers are able to learn new skills and trades. Vending gives us the ability to create jobs, have goals to reach, and also, bring opportunities for earning money. We have four vending machines: two are located
at our Meadow Avenue site, one is our Senior site, and one is at a local daycare center. The consumers assist with searching through the store ads, comparing prices, and looking for the products to offer in the vending machines. They shop at the stores and purchase the goods, help to stock the machines – weekly or as needed, rotate merchandise and ensure
machine quality. Recently, the Kiwanis Club of Scranton donated gumball machines to our vending machine business. We reached out to the Career Technology Center, CTC, for help with restoring the machines to their original beauty. The students looked over, cleaned, sanitized, and repainted each of the units. When they were completed, we placed two machines at a neighboring business. Carl, who enjoys being helpful, volunteers to assist with the filling of these machines. It brings him joy to see the children enjoying the candy that he takes pride in helping to provide. Our vending business is growing and we want to see a successful expansion in the future. This is only possible with the help from the consumers and community.
Sincerely, Erica Francis
115 Meadow Avenue Scranton, PA 18505 Tel: 570-346-4010 Fax: 570-346-8436 Email: