EILE Magazine September 2017 (Vol.5, Issue 2)

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Magazine V 5 Issue 2 - September 2017

Ezra Furman Oriel Poole

Gaythemed Animation

In A Heartbeat Remembering Edie Windsor Inside:

Travel | Film | Fashion |Health | News

EILE Magazine | Who’s Who


M. Butler M. Butler is a writer and editor, with a keen interest in human rights, and has studied philosophy and psychology

Scott De Buitléir Scott is founder and Editor-at-Large of EILE Magazine. He is also a writer and broadcaster, from Dublin but now based in Cork

Lisa Reynolds Originally from Co. Meath, Lisa is a fashion industry student, now living in Bray, Co Wicklow, with a great interest in media and celebrity

Brian Rochford Brian has studied health, exercise, and nutrition, with a special interest in controlling pain in rheumatism and arthritis

Frances Winston Frances Winston is EILE’s resident film buff, and has contributed to many other publications such as The Irish Independent and Irish Tatler

EILE Magazine

EILE Magazine | Welcome

Highlights September 2017 Edie Windsor RIP - P. 14 LGBT activist, Edie Windsor, passed away on Tuesday12th September, aged 88. She was active in the fight for marriage equality in America, and against DOMA

Travel - P. 26 Travel this month includes US tours, cruises and honeymoon hotspots

Health - Prostate Gland - P. 32 Brian Rochford tells us about the importance of Prostate gland health

Music - Pps. 6 and 10 This month we feature musical genii Oriel Poole from the UK and Ezra Furman from the US in our music section

LGBT Animation Short - P. 20 Lisa Reynolds reviews the animation short, In A Heartbeat

Volume 5, Issue 2 Editor-at-Large: Scott De Buitléir Editor: MKB Contributors: M. Butler, Scott De Buitléir, MKB, Lisa Reynolds, Brian Rochford, Frances Winston Photographers: Galen Oakes Photography, Akasha Jinx, Cantwell Faulkner Muckenfuss IV EP Art for Oriel: Andrew Braswell NB: All images in this publication are either under Creative Commons licence, or used with permission. Image credits, where necessary, are printed on the corresponding page(s) or photo(s). Any queries can be made to hello@eile.ie Special Thanks to MKB for all her hard work, dedication and support. Web: http://eile.ie Contact: hello@eile.ie Twitter: @EILEMagazine Facebook: http://fb.com/eilemagazine Note: All opinions expressed in this issue are the writers’ own.

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…plus film reviews, news, travel, and much more! EILE Magazine

EILE Magazine | Editor’s Letter

Contents 6-

Oriel Poole

10 -

Ezra Furman

14 -

Edie Windsor RIP

16 -

Arosa Gay Ski Week

20 -

In A Heartbeat

22 -

LGBTQ Composers

26 -

Travel US Tours

28 -

Travel Honeymoon

30 -

Travel Cruises

32 -

Prostate Health

34 -

Frances on Film

42 -


plus World LGBT News, Views, Arts, Entertainment etc

EILE September 2017 Edition! Welcome to the September issue of EILE Magazine This month we heard the sad news of Edie Windsor’s death at age 88. Edie’s landmark case in the US Supreme Court in 2013 finally meant that same-sex couples there got federal recognition, and it destroyed the Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996. May she rest in peace. Australia is in the throes of its plebiscite on equal marriage, after a court decided it could go ahead. Our music section for September brings us the amazing talents of Oriel Poole, and Ezra Furman, and we have a piece on LGBTQ composers. We also have the latest film reviews by Frances Winston, Brian Rochford writes about Prostate health , and Lisa Reynolds reviews the LGBTthemed animation short ‘In a Heartbeat’. Our travel section features fabulous US tours, cruises, and exotic honeymoon getaways. We also have LGBT news, views and entertainment from around the globe, so we hope you enjoy our September 2017 issue of EILE Magazine!

Scott De Buitléir Founder / Editor-at-Large

EILE Magazine EILE Magazine

See our film reviews by Frances Winston

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Oriel Poole

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Electro-pop singer-songwriter Oriel Poole has just released a great track called Homegirl, from her debut EP Sunday This month, we feature UK-born, US-based, electropop singer-songwriter, Oriel Poole, who has just released a really unusual track called Homegirl. Electro-soul-pop at its best, the track is from her EP, Sunday. Oriel’s soulful voice has been compared to Erykah Badu and Lana Del Rey, and I would also add in Lorde and Ireland’s Dolores O’Riordan of the Cranberries. However, that does not do justice to Oriel, as her music is also very unusual, and (uniquely for a singer-songwriter) she at times allows the synth and beat-driven music to dominate, with her haunting voice almost in the background, but not quite - then it weaves its way back in through the synths and beats to again come to the fore. Born in the UK, Oriel grew up in the US, having first decided on a career in design, but during the turbulence of the recession following 2008’s economic crash, she discovered that her long-time love, music, was her ultimate passion. With skills she had honed as a production designer, Oriel now self-manages and directs her own music career. “Start from the heart, let my dreams make the rules,” is a fitting motto for Oriel. Her vocal tone combines the soulfulness of Erykah Badu with the haunting mystery of Lana Del Rey, and I would add here Lorde and Dolores O’Riordan, creating otherworldly vocals all her own. With “a voice that will pierce your soul,” (Indie Shuffle) her seductive R&B synth-pop energises and soothes all at once. Largely self-taught, her songs come from a world of emotion, rather than intellectual place. They are honest and full of passion. With music and design as her muses, her songs are a blend of the cosmic and the human. The first piece of music she had ever written would become her debut single, Brighter, and Oriel mustered support from friends and new fans behind the creation of her debut EP, Sunday. This early success was proof that the decision to leave a promising design career

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was not just a lark, but the first steps of a true artist. Leading up to the creation of her EP, Oriel took a course in Ableton and Music Theory, which would help her to define the parameters of each song. One step she took was randomizing the BPM, mode, and key of each song, and developed the songwriting from there, which led to the EP’s highly eclectic collection of genre styles and vocal expressions. To help smooth out the rough edges and help create a cohesive piece of work, Oriel then recruited Producer Max Savage to take Sunday to the next level. Now after years of hard work, the EP has become fully realized, charged with themes of personal inspiration and the pursuit of Oriel’s inner desires. While she has been working on Sunday, Oriel has collaborated with a number of prominent artists and musicians including electro-band, Lotus, on their track Anti-Gravity, and downtempoproducer Thriftworks’ song Someone.

The former, she would go on to perform with the band at iconic venues like The Fonda in Los Angeles, and Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver. The latter would end up exposing her to many underground electronic music lovers. Building on her successes and momentum so far, the release of Sunday is the emergence of Oriel as an independent solo artist. We at EILE would like to hear more from this unusual artist, see what you think!

-M. Butler You can catch up with Oriel at: twitter.com/orielpoole www.facebook.com/orielpoolemusic https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/ oriel-poole/id554244306 Main images: Galen Oakes Photography, Akasha Jinx , EP Art: Andrew Braswell

Cover Art for EP Sunday

Oriel Poole by Zen Panda EILE Magazine

EILE Magazine

Album Review

Ezra Furman Perpetual Motion People

Album review by Lisa Reynolds Perpetual Motion People (2015) is an album with a great burst of energy, from American, Ezra Furman. This indie/ psychedelic rock album is very vibrant, with great dance tracks. It’s like oldschool music done in a contemporary way, and is a stunning and very enjoyable listen, spanning 13 wonderful tracks, by the 31 year-old Illinois musician and songwriter. The album has a powerful message, as the songs are dealing with Ezra’s life, being gender fluid. Opening the album is one of my favourite tracks, Restless Year, and it sets up the fun tone for the rest of the album perfectly. It’s an endlessly playable song, and is very catchy. The next track on the album is Lousy Connection. This song has a gorgeous 1950s sound to it. The blending of Ezra’s vocal, instrumentals, and backing vocals, is completely on-point and authentic to that 50s sound, with a contemporary feel added in. Stunning. Next up is the shortest track on the album, the exhilarating burst of energy that is Hark! To The Music. 1 minute and 24 seconds of dancing like a crazy person is guaranteed to the listener (or that could be just me!). Next up is Haunted Head. On this track, we get to hear the storytelling element of Ezra’s vocal, which is great. He draws the listener in, and helps you picture everything easily, and the 1950s backing vocals are again very authentic. Hour Of Deepest Need follows - a gorgeous ballad that transports you to thinking you are in a bar listening to music. Again, Ezra’s vocal is in narrative mode, and this is another one of my favourite songs on the album - a very sophisticated song with a slight blues feel to it. Track six is Wobbly. The guitar solo at the beginning is wonderful, like a 70s guitar solo, and then the track bursts into pure joyfulness, before getting darker, and then going back to joyful. This is a brilliant track, which blends so many different elements together, and another great song to dance to. Ordinary Life is next. Ezra’s vocal is very storytelling on this track. It has a very movie-like quality to it. I can see it working in a soundtrack very well - another one of my favourites. It’s followed by Tip Of A Match - a wonderful, edgy track with fantastic instrumentals throughout - brilliantly put together, and flows effortlessly. 10 EILE Magazine

Ezra Furman

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Ezra Furman Image:Facebook

Following that is yet another one of my highlights, Body Was Made. Ezra’s vocal and the instrumentals are gorgeous. Next up is When You Go By, which is a beautiful ballad in which Ezra’s vocal is very melodious - a beautiful understated song, quite raw. Pot Holes is next. The pace changes again to more upbeat, and the 1950s instrumentals and backing vocals are back. Ezra’s vocal is so quick from note to note on this track. I don’t know how he manages to do it, but he does it effortlessly. I tried singing along and got all tongue-tied. Another special track follows called Can I Sleep In Your Brain? It is a very raw, heartfelt and cleverly written ballad for the most part, though it does change tempo at one point as it goes on - brilliantly put together and Ezra’s storytelling vocal is gorgeous on it. The album ends with another highlight, One Day I Will Sin No More, a beautiful bluesy ballad, which closes the album in perfect heartfelt style. The mini guitar solo is beautiful on it too. An endlessly listenable album. Perfect. To download Perpetual Motion People by Ezra Furman go to: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/perpetual-motion-people/id986930971 Or to listen to Perpetual Motion People by Ezra Furman on Youtube, go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X3TvKpEwUk 12 EILE Magazine

Image (right): Cantwell Faulkner Muckenfuss IV

Ezra Furman in Dublin at Phil Lynott’s statue

Album Art for Perpetual Motion People

Image: Facebook Gaya’s Photos

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Marriage Equality campaigner, Edie Windsor (RIP) Image: Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times

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The Iconic Edith Windsor - RIP On Tuesday 12th September we heard the sad news that LGBT rights actiivist, Edith ‘Edie’ Windsor, had passed away, at the age of 88. In the photo here, Edie shows the circular diamond pin she chose instead of an engagement ring to hide her engagement to Thea Spyer from her co-workers. Edie was a technology manager with IBM, had a Master’s Degree in mathematics, and had attended Harvard for Applied Mathematics, but it was as a leader and icon in the fight for marriage equality that Edie Windsor became a hero to the LGBT community and its supporters, advocating for various LGBT causes, and defeating DOMA at the Supreme Court. Having been denied tax exemptions on Thea Spyer’s estate after Thea’s death, in 2010 Edie filed a lawsuit against the federal government. Edie Windsor was plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court case, United States v. Windsor, and she challenged and defeated the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 2013. Roberta Kaplan argued the case, and it helped pave the way for the 2015 Supreme Court decision that granted nationwide marriage equality, Obergefell v. Hodges. Windsor was also the first signatory on the People’s Brief, a first-of-its-kind amicus brief signed by more than 200,000 Americans, which was submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of marriage equality in the Obergefell case. American gay rights group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) responded to the news of her passing. “Edie Windsor is a hero and civil rights icon who pushed our country closer to the promise of a more perfect union” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Future generations will learn how she faced down discrimination with courage and defiance, and boldly challenged the United States government to treat her marriage to Thea Spyer equally under the law — as our Constitution guarantees. After Edie Windsor succeeded in defeating the Defense of Marriage Act, she continued to push forward, galvanizing the support of hundreds of thousands of Americans in support of the Obergefell case before the United States Supreme Court in 2015. We join millions across the nation in mourning the loss of Edie Windsor, and share our deepest condolences with her wife, Judith Kasen-Windsor.” Edie’s marriage to Thea Spyer, who died in 2009, and fight for marriage equality, was chronicled in the documentary “Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement.” Edie remarried in 2016, to Judith Kasen. She had previously been married to Saul Windsor just after graduation, but the marriage had only lasted a year. EILE Magazine 15

Arosa Gay Ski Week

Arosa Gay Ski Week 2018: 14th Annual - From January 20 to 27 16 EILE Magazine

The Arosa Gay Ski Week team hope you had a wonderful and sunny summer! They were at the Circuit Festival in Barcelona, on the beaches of Sitges, or in Mykonos. Who knows, perhaps you’ve seen them... At the moment, they are actively preparing the 14th Annual, which will take place from Saturday 20th to Saturday 27th January, 2018.

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New subscribers have privileged first choice access to all available accommodation at great rates. Don’t miss the exclusive packages, including hotel + event pass + ski pass at their host hotel, the Provisorium13, fully privatized. For booking and packages go to: https://www.arosa-gayskiweek.com/ Accommodation: https://web4.deskline.net/arosaskiweek/en/accommodation/list Hotel Provisorium13 The host hotel is located in the centre of Arosa, only 5 minutes away from the train station and the ski lifts. It offers an outdoor whirlpool, and free Wi-Fi in public areas. All rooms have an en-suite bathroom and cable TV. The superior rooms have a balcony with stunning views of the lake and the surrounding mountains. The stylish lounge bar, with DJs, has a spacious, sunny terrace overlooking the lake. The ice skating rink / hockey stadium is located right across the street. The philosophy of the new management, who have renovated the old hotel, is “Just Different”. New approaches and modern decor have brought a fresh look, in line with the 3 motto: passion, heart and joy. This is the host hotel, and they are selling special packages, including event and ski pass for the week. For a list of events go to: https://web4.deskline.net/arosaskiweek/en/event/list

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To book go to: https://web4.deskline.net/arosaskiweek/en/package/list Best price guaranteed ! If you book from the website, or call Arosa Tourism at +41 81 378 70 20, you will get the best rate from the Ski Week partners. They’re convinced you won’t find a better price, but if you do, they’ll match it. That’s their

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In a Heartbeat

Lisa Reynolds reviews this touching animation short

In A Heartbeat (2017) is the beautiful, four-minute, short animation film taking the internet by storm. It centres around two middle-school boys - the protagonist, Sherwin, and the boy who has stolen his heart, Jonathan. Since it was uploaded online on July 31st of this year, the film has gone viral, and has been viewed over 28 million times to date. In A Heartbeat has been a year and a half in the making. Production started in January 2016, and it was created by filmmakers and animation majors, Beth David, 21, and Esteban Bravo, 24, for their senior thesis, while they were attending Ringling College Of Art & Design in Florida, from which they recently graduated. With a beautiful score by composer, Arturo Cardelús, the wordless and visually wonderful short is amassing plenty of support, including numerous awards, such as from North Carolina Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, and Animation Shorts Film Festival, among others. The tale of young love was also shown at many LGBTQ+ events and film festivals. The short follows the story of Sherwin’s love for “the 20 EILE Magazine

most popular boy in school” (quote from the film’s Tumbler page) Jonathan, and how he is scared to show openly how he feels, but his heart quite literally jumps out of his chest and rushes after Jonathan. It is a very engaging piece of work, which keeps your attention very easily from scene to scene. You just want them to be happy and get together. It’s actually quite an emotional watch, which you don’t always get from short animations. You find yourself understanding how the characters are feeling - from feeling so happy and in love, to fear of society, and heartbreak at feeling like something so easy and natural has been made difficult by the judgment of others. There’s a tension running through the short, because you genuinely end up caring what is going to happen to the characters. I think it would be an emotional watch for anybody, but for someone like me who is part of the LGBTQ+ community, it’s an even more emotional watch, purely because it’s more personal to our lives. The response has overwhelmed the two creators of the short. “It’s mind-blowing to me”, Beth David commented, and added that people want to

see gay-themed stories “in a positive light.”


Her filmmaking partner, Esteban Bravo, who is from Mexico city, added:

Beth concluded:

“It’s really surreal. I hope I give a good name to people from my country.” Speaking about how the idea for the film came about, Beth continued: “A friend of ours was pitching ideas to us for potential projects. It was her idea to show a person with their heart popping out of their chest, chasing down a crush. But initially it was about a boy and a girl. It wasn’t until Esteban and I decided to switch it to a samesex crush that the film started to feel like a personal story that we were invested in. It was the kind of story we wish we had seen as kids.” Esteban explained: “It still makes sense when it’s a boy and a girl because that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t be afraid to disclose their feelings. But when it’s put in the context of LGBT characters, there [were] so many more layers to explore, and we could infuse the story with our own

“There was a part of us that was aware this could potentially be a baby-step towards normalizing LGBT romance and, hopefully, toward larger productions and studios doing something like this. I do think this entertainment is wanted on a pretty broad scale.” Both have since signed with Verve Talent and Literary Agency, and their futures look very bright indeed, which is very well-deserved, because this is a stunning, heartfelt piece of work. The short was funded by 416 backers in a Kickstarter campaign last November. The initial target had been $3,000, but in the end it reached a total of $14,191! The trailer was released on May 17th, 2017. To watch ‘In A Heartbeat’ on Youtube, go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9SCRn0

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Noel Coward - playwright, composer, director, actor

22 EILE Magazine

Theatre And Film have had their share of LGBTQ Lyricists And Composers Many LGBTQ individuals are drawn to theatre and film, in acting and directing, and so we also find them involved in music as composers and lyricists, working on musicals, film scores and theme tunes. These would include the likes of Noel Coward, Ivor Novello and present-day musicians like Elton John. LGBTQ members have also written for many productions that are considered classics in the genre. These productions may have LGBTQ content at the core of their plots, and LGBTQ characters associated with them. Such hits include:

Blithe Spirit Kinky Boots Sweeney Todd Cabaret Rent Dreamgirls The Lion King Easter Parade On The Town Annie Get Your Gun Little Shop of Horrors Avenue Q Hairspray Kiss of the Spider Woman Ragtime Oliver These plays and musical films may have also had an impact on society, in its perception of homosexuality and the community, for example, when Noel Coward included bisexuality as one of his themes in his play, Design for Living. Many of these productions have won awards, such as Tony Awards, Grammy Awards, Emmy Awards, Academy Awards, and Pulitzer Prizes for their work. ‌continued‌ EILE Magazine 23

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Composer, songwriter, and pianist Elton John

24 EILE Magazine

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US - Exciting range of escorted tours Amazing holidays start with a big adventure, so why not consider one that will take you off the beaten path into the most spectacular places in North America? Escorted tours are the perfect way to get as much out of a destination as possible and help you see places you may not even have thought of before. At American Holidays, their biggest strength is their first-hand knowledge of every square mile of this vast continent so allow them to do the research, planning and organising while you sit back, relax and enjoy one of their wonderful escorted tours. Your very own Tour Director will make sure that even the smallest detail is not overlooked giving you peace of mind and a once in a lifetime experience. Holiday beyond anything you’ve experienced before with American Holidays - possibilities unlimited! Gone with the Wind Take a 12 night escorted tour from Atlanta to

26 EILE Magazine

Nashville from only €2205pp A 12-day tour steeped in soulful music and literature gems. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 12 nights’ accommodation in selected tour hotels, service of a professional tour director for the duration of the trip, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults sharing. Travel: May 2018 Ref No: 1525667 Eastern Journey Take a 7 night escorted tour from Atlanta to Nashville from only €1389pp Discover Canada’s unbeatable mix of Old World charm and vibrant urban pleasures. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation B&B in selected tour hotels, service of a professional tour director for the duration of the trip, transportation by modern

Atlanta skyline Image: gsa.edu

tour coach, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults sharing. Travel: May 2018 Ref No: 1525691 Western Discovery Take a 14 night escorted tour along West Coast USA from only ₏2215pp A bountiful measure of visual splendours, urban magic and beach life as it winds its way through one of the most stunning treasure trails imaginable. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 14 nights’ accommodation in selected tour

hotels, service of a professional tour director for the duration of the trip, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults sharing. Travel: April 2018 Ref No: 1525664

Call American Holidays to book on 01 673 3804 or call into their office just off Grafton Street - 18- 19 Duke Street, Dublin 2 where their staff will help you plan your holiday of a lifetime. For more information visit www. americanholidays.com.

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All-inclusive honeymoon hotspots Treat yourself to a truly tropical honeymoon with Travelmood, the luxury holiday specialists! Cocktails on the beach in Jamaica, swaying palms and inviting waters in the Dominican Republic, rest and relaxation in Mauritius and picture perfect scenes in the Maldives. Whichever island destination you choose to escape to you are guaranteed a magical stay, and the experts in Travelmood are ready to help you plan your dream start to married life! Montego Bay, Jamaica Spend 7 nights ath the Sunscape Splash Montego Bay on an all-inclusive basis from only €1679pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation as stated, airport transfers on arrival, taxes and charges. Travel: January 2018 Ref No: 1517604 Dominican Republic Summer 2018 Spend 7 nights at the 5* Dreams Dominicus La Romana from only €1629pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation as stated, airport transfers, taxes and charges. Travel: May 2018 Ref No: 1524656 Mauritius

28 EILE Magazine

Spend 7 nights at the 4* Ravenala Attitude All Suite Hotel from only €1699pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation as stated including 2 free nights, airport transfers on arrival, taxes and charges. Travel: May 2018 Ref No: 1519287 Maldives Spend 7 nights at the 4* Kuramathi Island Resort from only €2789pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation as stated including 2 free nights and a free upgrade to all-inclusive, airport transfers on arrival, taxes and charges. Travel: May/June 2018 Ref No: 1519303

For more information on these offers or to book, visit www.travelmood.ie or call their team on 01 4331063 or visit the Travelmood store on Duke Street, Dublin 2, just off Grafton Street.

EILE Magazine 29

Unmissable cruise getaways! Cruising is a fantastic way to see the world, So, why not try a cruise holiday and let the scenery come to you? Despite what may seem like an expensive price tag for a typical Caribbean or Alaskan cruise, ocean cruising offers excellent value for money. Tot up your average daily cost on a conventional holiday - flights, hotels, meals, taxis, trains, etc and compare that with a cruise and you might be surprised at the savings. You can channel your inner Winslet and stare out at the ocean for hours on end while you sip a cocktail or two. There are also fabulous opportunities to enjoy fivestar entertainment right on board, from theatre to magic shows, cinemas to casinos - you’ll never be bored on a cruise ship. It’s a chance to see many different places and experience local cultures, with easy excursions off the ship. With American Holidays everything is organised for you! Below are some of their favourite cruise picks! Miami and Carribean cruise Spend 2 nights at the 3* Hilton Miami Downtown, and 7 nights Carribean cruise on the MSC Divina from only €1289pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 2 nights’ accommodation as stated, 7 nights’ cruise as stated, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults sharing. Travel: September 2017 30 EILE Magazine

Ref No: 1521217 New York and Eastern Carribean Spend 2 nights in the 4* Fitzpatrick Manhattan Hotel, New York, 12 nights Eastern Carribean cruise on the Anthem of The Seas, from only €1590pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 2 nights’ accommodation as stated, 12 nights’ cruise as stated, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults sharing. Travel: January 2018 Ref No: 1519292 Orlando and Western Carribean Spend 7 nights at the 3* Rosen Inn at Pointe, Orlando (5 nights pre-cruise, 2 nights post cruise) and 7 nights Western Carribean cruise on the MSC Seaside from only €1300pp. Price includes: Return flights ex. Dublin, 7 nights’ accommodation as stated, 7 nights’ cruise as stated, taxes and charges. Based on 2 adults and 2 children sharing. Travel: May 2018 Ref No: 1512998 Call American Holidays to book on 01 673 3804 or call into their office just off Grafton Street - 18- 19 Duke Street, Dublin 2 where they will help you plan the holiday of a lifetime. For more information visit www. americanholidays.com.

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The Importance of Prostate Health Brian Rochford advises men on the importance of keeping this gland healthy I recently came upon a shocking statistic on the Prostate, a gland of the male reproductive system, with regard to Prostate cancer. It stated that approximately one in seven men living in the United States (this happens mostly in older men) will, in their lifetime, be diagnosed with this disease. The function of the prostate is to secrete a slightly alkaline fluid, milky or white in appearance, that in humans usually constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of semen, along with spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid. Prostate health is so important in men of all ages, but especially as we get older. There are ways to help this

32 EILE Magazine

gland stay healthy. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in tomatoes and it may be of help in reducing the damage to the prostate. In some tests it has been suggested that men who consume tomatoes, cooked or raw, and even tomato-based products, may be more likely to keep their prostate healthy. Try adding to your diet sun-dried tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, tomato paste, ketchup, these are just a few ways to make your food tasty and help your overall health.

adding some good wholesome foods to your daily eating habits may go some of the way to helping your prostate stay healthy.

Relaxation practiced daily can help to reduce stress and help to control anxiety, but can also motivate men to become more engaged in eating a better diet and following an exercise routine, and in general engaging in a more proactive, healthy lifestyle.

Beverages like Green Tea have been on the go for many thousands of years, and have been consumed by people in Asian countries as part of their daily diet. It has been noted that there are less prostate-related problems in these countries than in the United States. Perhaps the consumption of Green tea may well be a factor. Start by replacing at least one cup of

Get in plenty of fruit and vegetables every day, and

The benefits of Broccoli are well known. There has been a suggested link between the value of this cruciferous type of vegetable and the reduction in the risk of disease. Broccoli is a very versatile food, and can be added to soups and vegetable stews, also stir fries, salads and curries.

Prostate with seminal vesicles and seminal ducts, viewed from in front and above (Spalteholz)

normal tea or coffee with a cup of Green Tea. Over time you can continue to reduce the amount of harmful drinks by adding to your diet drinks that help and support your body’s health balance. There are also so many fruit juices available today, and many people make their own healthy combination drinks and cocktails. Remember you only have to make small changes that over time will make a big difference to your health. You might want to weigh up the pros and cons of eating a vegetarian diet, as meat is indicated as a link to cancer. The following quote is from the Cancer Council, who also say eating fish may reduce the risk of prostate cancer:

“The World Health Organization has classified processed meats – including ham, salami, bacon and frankfurts – as a Group 1 carcinogen which means that there is strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer. Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork has been classified as a ‘probable’ cause of cancer. These classifications do not indicate the risk of getting cancer, rather how certain we are that these things are likely to cause cancer” (www. cancercouncil.com.au). You can bulk up on beans, nuts and lentils which are all good for your health and energy.

balance in your life. Stress and anxiety are the enemy of your health. Don’t forget that to take regular exercise in any way that you find enjoyable, can help to reduce your stress levels and increase your health, strength and vitality, e.g. walking, cycling, swimming, and going to the gym, or practicing tai chi exercises. No matter what make sure to take regular exercise to keep the blood circulating and oxygenated. It’s all common sense, but we forget how important these simple practical steps are in the fight against so many of the illnesses that destroy people’s lives.

It is always important to have

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Frances Winston on Movies Directed by: Kathryn Bigelow Starring: John Boyega, Will Poulter, Algee Smith, Jacob Latimore, Jason Mitchell as Carl Cooper, Hannah Murray, Kaitlyn Dever, Jack Reynor, Ben O’Toole, John Krasinski, Anthony Mackie, Joseph David-Jones Detroit is based on real events from 1967. It’s important to remember that when watching this, as, given current world events, it could just as easily pertain to several more recent incidents. It tells the story of the Algiers Motel Incident, which occurred during Detroit’s 12th Street Riot. If you’re not familiar with the story, in July 1967, three young black men were shot dead by Detroit Police Officers in the Algiers Hotel. The men were unarmed, and had committed no crime, and the officers in question were later tried for their murder. Bigelow splits this into three very definite acts – the background to the actual riots, the incident itself, and the aftermath. She spends the most time exploring what actually happened there that night. Parts of this are dramatised, as there are no actual accounts. Several of the people who were held there that night are still alive, and one of the women who was there acted as a consultant on the film, so it’s safe to say that this is a pretty accurate account. This makes it all the more disturbing as, much like Christopher Nolan’s war epic, Dunkirk, Bigelow goes for an immersive feel in this part of the movie, and it is not always an easy watch. You really get a sense of the sheer

terror felt by the people who were rounded up that night. This is in no small part thanks to Poulter as a trigger happy cop. He is truly sinister in the role. Algee Smith, as singer Larry Cleveland, also gives a noteworthy and multi-layered performance, that will completely mesmerise you. In fact, all the cast do a great job, but unfortunately, character development suffers in the eagerness to tell the tale, so you learn very little about people’s lives and backgrounds, and what might have brought them to the place they find themselves in. This does detract somewhat from the tale, and even the ‘where are they now’ catch-up at the end doesn’t make up for what feels like a glaring gap in the story. That aside, Bigelow does manage to juggle the multiple storylines and characters well, so what we get is an extremely intense overview of the tragic happenings that night. This is not Bigelow’s finest work, but it is a truly compelling piece of cinema. It will engage and enrage you, and it will certainly open debate and provoke thought. The phrase hard-hitting was invented for movies like this. Be warned though, it is extremely claustrophobic and affecting. Expect to feel shock, anger and despair throughout. Don’t let that put you off though, as this film deserves to be seen, if only to raise the question about how little the world has evolved regarding race issues in 50 years.

In Cinemas Now!

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Patti Cake$

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Frances Winston on Movies continued...

Directed by: Geremy Jasper Starring: Danielle Macdonald, Bridget Everett, Siddharth Dhananjay, Mamoudou Athie, Cathy Moriarty If you’ve seen the trailer for this flick, where Danielle Macdonald’s Patti Cake freestyle raps her way through a drug store while her friend, Jheri (Dhananjay) acts as her MC, then you have probably gathered that this is about an aspiring rap star. But if you are expecting some sort of hilarious take on A Star is Born, you’d be sorely mistaken, as this is more Precious meets 8 Mile and far darker than the trailer implies. The aforementioned Patti lives a day to day life of drudgery, working in minimum wage jobs to support her alcoholic mother and her ailing grandmother. In the little free time that she gets, she fantasises about making it big in the rap world. Unfortunately for her, no one other than her Grandmother and Jheri takes her seriously. It is impossible not to warm to Macdonald in the title role in what is a truly breakout performance. She does a fantastic job, and attacks the female focused rap lyrics with gusto. Indeed, the film is filled with strong performances, with Dhananjay’s Jheri possibly being the weakest link. Unfortunately we don’t get much in the way of character development though, so you never really know what is motivating most of the leads other than Patti. Director Jasper wrote all the songs featured, which does give them a consistency, however he hasn’t really thought about the context in which they are used dramatically. There are scenes where no sooner has Patti written the song than the whole band inexplicably know it, which detracts totally from the credibility of the story. There are also a couple of clichéd scenes that are supposed to be emotionally charged, but come off as humorous rather than heart-wrenching. If you are not a fan of rap music (as some of the audience weren’t at the screening I attended) you may find the musical scenes (and there are many) begin to grate a bit. But for all its flaws though this does have a certain charm about it, and Macdonald is definitely one to watch. Indeed she elevates this otherwise pretty standard underdog story hugely. This won’t appeal to everyone but if you fancy your gritty drama mixed with heavy doses of deep cuts you’ll enjoy this.

In Cinemas Now!

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Frances Winston on Movies continued...

Directed by: Taylor Sheridan – Starring: Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Gil Birmingham, Jon Bernthal, Julia Jones, Kelsey Chow, Graham Greene As anyone who’s ever watched a David Attenborough documentary knows, a snowy landscape can provide a spectacular backdrop, and this movie opens with a scene that wouldn’t actually look out of place in the aforementioned documentary – it looks truly breathtaking. Unfortunately, as these documentaries also illustrate, life is harsh for those who live in such an environment, and the citizens of Wind River are no exception. Wind River is a real town in Wyoming, that houses the Wind River Indian Reservation. And that Reservation takes centre stage here, when a Native American girl called Natalie (Chow) is found dead in the snow by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agent, Cory Lambert (Renner). Although the official cause

of death is that her lungs burst due to the extreme temperatures, she has been raped, and had obviously run through the snow in extreme conditions barefoot. Because of this, the FBI are called in, and they send agent Jane Banner (Olsen) to investigate. Not knowing the area, the people or the customs, she is forced to work with Lambert to get to the bottom of Natalie’s death.

revealing layers of the character.

This is at its heart a whodunnit, but it is elevated by a well-written script and thoughtful dialogue. It doesn’t ram action down your throat, but rather takes its time unravelling the story, while also highlighting the challenges faced by the community who live in the area. If you’re looking for a fast-paced thriller, this isn’t it. Rather, this is a thoughtful crime-drama that examines the ripple effect of the crime, and not just the felony itself.

This may not leave you with a sense of catharsis, but you won’t be disappointed that you saw it.

Although not gripping in the traditional sense of the word, this will draw you in, and affect you on many levels. It’s quite visceral, and will appeal to your most basic human emotions. It’s the kind of movie that makes you uncomfortable, and that you find yourself thinking about long after the credits have rolled.

In Cinemas Now!

Olsen gives a fantastically understated performance as Banner, who tries to maintain a professional façade, while struggling with her emotions over the case. Renner is suitably gruff and grizzly on the outside, but this belies what is going on underneath the surface, and up until the final moments he is still

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Frances Winston on Movies continued...

Directed by: Andy Muschietti Starring: Jaeden Lieberher, Bill Skarsgård, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff , Chosen Jacobs, Jack Dylan Grazer, Nicholas Hamilton Director Muschietti had a big ask with this movie. Aside from the fact that many King adaptations fall flat of audience expectations (particularly those audience members who have read and loved the books), this had also been turned into a much-loved award-winning miniseries in 1990. Suffice to say expectations were high. If you’re not familiar with the tale (and most people are so I won’t go into the minutiae) this basically follows a group of children, who are being terrorised by a malevolent clown called Pennywise (played here by Bill Skarsgård taking over from Tim Curry’s acclaimed 1990 incarnation). As numerous children disappear in their town, they realise that a sinister force is at work, and that they are the only ones who can stop it, even though it could possibly cost them their

lives. This is intended as a duology, with the second part focusing on the grownup children, once again facing their childhood nemesis, and indeed the book is written in this format. So fans of the novel needn’t panic, as they will get that second all-important chapter. This version, however, simply deals with the youngsters’ tale, and Muschietti has assembled a pretty mixed-bag of young talent to take on these kickass roles, and Lieberher in particular is standout as Bill, the leader of the gang that call themselves The Losers. However, all eyes are on Skarsgård, who has some rather big clown shoes to fill. To say Pennywise is a pop-culture icon is an understatement. He does acquit himself well, and is extremely sinister in opening scenes. However, at times it all goes a bit panto-villain. This isn’t necessarily his fault, as the director’s choice to channel coming-of-age buddy stories, such as Stand By Me, and The Goonies (and there are definitely shades of the more recent Stranger Things influencing this also) means that you are so involved in the emotional arc of the characters, that the bad guy almost seems like an interruption at times.

The fact is that you could remove Pennywise from this, and just have these kids playing out their various tales of tragedy and teen angst, and it would still make for quite an engaging movie. We really feel for them as they all battle their own personal demons, from abuse to overprotective parents, to guilt over a missing baby brother. As it is, these sub-plots never really get a chance to develop fully, as we are thrust back into the Pennywise storyline. This is more cerebral than creepy, and to be honest, most of the adult characters are far more terrifying than any killer clown (none of the parents come out well in this movie). It does have some scares and spine-tingling moments, but overall, this is more of an homage to the struggles of those teenage years than a terrifying rollercoaster. Despite that, it works, and while not quite as sinister as the trailers implied, this is still a fun romp that will ignite lots of memories of those awkward teenage years in audience members. Strangely sweet for what is a horror adaptation, it will be interesting to see how the second part plays out.

In Cinemas Now!

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Bowie, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga Items to feature at IADA Fair Items owned by David Bowie, Jackie Collins, and Lady Gaga will feature alongside the best of Irish antique design classics at the 52nd Irish Antique Dealers Fair, at the RDS, Dublin, from September 22-24. Over 15,000 people are expected to visit the annual fair that manages to combine contemporary design history with the best of Irish antiques. And this year, attendees will also get a unique glimpse into the high-end treasures of the rock and pop world thanks to Dubliner Laurence Carpenter. “We will be displaying a collection of signed David Bowie lithographs – including his own charcoal drawing for an album press launch – alongside rare finds from Rihanna, Noel Gallagher and Lady Gaga,” said Laurence of Irish-based Pop Icons, who deal mostly in London, New York and Los Angeles. “We will have a mixture of contemporary artists’ costumes such as the headpiece Beyonce wore in the video for Lemonade, Lady Gaga’s graffiti corset and signed guitars from some of the music world’s top icons such as Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. “Music memorabilia can fetch up to six figures and we will be delighted to value any items that attendees feel have real value and provenance.” Dublin antique dealer Niall Mullen will be selling a cold-painted bronze by renowned sculpture Josef Lorenzl which was bought from international author Jackie Collins’ estate sale at her home in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. “Jackie Collins was passionate about collecting, and spent many decades selecting paintings, statuettes and jewellery which brought her joy and creative inspiration, and this bronze, valued at €3,850, is emblematic of her glamorous lifestyle,” said Niall. Weldon’s will be displaying an important emerald-cut diamond solitaire ring, worth an

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Lady Gaga’s iconic graffiti corset which will be displayed as part of the Pop Icons collection at the 52nd Irish Antique Dealers Fair at the RDS Dublin, between September 22-24

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estimated €150,000, at the Fair. The 1950’s French ring is 6.79 carats, with I colour and VS clarity, set on a slim and elegant four claw mounting. As well as the chance to buy the one piece that can transform your home, the Fair offers a full programme of fascinating lectures. One of the world’s foremost experts on art theft, Julian Radcliffe of the Art Loss Register, will host a compelling talk on the importance of provenance and how to enhance value. Shell mania in 18th Century Ireland is the subject of a superb talk by Vandra Costello who will examine how shells became fashionable in furniture, plasterwork and shell houses and grottos. A special celebratory preview night will be held on Thursday September 21, and the Fair proper runs from Friday Sept 22-Sunday Sept 24 at the RDS Main Hall. The Fair, founded by Louis O’Sullivan, has been acknowledged as the springboard for the success of the indigenous Irish antiques industry. “For the past 52 years, people have been attending the fair to discover something different, that magical piece that can make a home,” said Paul Brereton, President of the Irish Antique Dealers Association (IADA). “The fair is a fascinating insight into great craftsmanship throughout the ages, attracting collectors and connoisseurs of all tastes. “For over half a century, firstly in the Mansion House and now in the RDS, it has been synonymous with quality – with all items having to be vetted before display. “We have a carefully selected blend of antique and contemporary exhibitors, allowing all ages to focus on the unique yet affordable design that appeals to them. 44 EILE Magazine

“All the members of the IADA are experts in the field they deal in and are always prepared to share their advice and knowledge.” Admission to the 52nd Irish Antique Dealers Fair at the RDS from September 22-24 is €10, available at the door. There will also be a series of lectures on the day: IADA Fair Lecture Programme Friday 22nd September 12 Noon The Real Story Behind Somerville and Ross’s Big House at Inver Robert O’Byrne – Author, Historian 1pm Making Magnificence: Architects, Stuccatori and 18th Century Interior Dr Christine Casey – Associate Professor in Architectural History, Trinity College Dublin. 2pm George Victor du Noyer 1817 – 1869 Watercolours of Ireland Dr Peter Murray – Past Director of Crawford Gallery Cork. 3pm History of The Asian Collections in the National Museum of Ireland Dr Audrey Whitty – Keeper of Art & Industrial Division, National Museum of Ireland. Saturday 23rd September

A Josef Lorenzl bronze from the Jackie Collins Collection sale in Beverly Hills, valued at €3,850 and on sale through Niall Mullen at the 52nd Irish Antique Dealers Fair at the RDS between September 22-24

12 Noon

Vandra Costello – Landscape Historian.

The Fascinating Story of the Claddagh Ring

Sunday 24th September

Phyllis McNamara of Cobwebs, Galway.

12 Noon


Headfort House and the Taylour Legacy. Story of the family, the contents including the portraits and Robert Adams involvement

Irish Silver Unmasked Dr Tom Sinsteden – Member of the Dublin Assay Office, Member of the Antique Plate Committee of Company Goldsmith, Dublin.

George Williams – Antique Dealer and Restorer.



George Stacpoole in Conversation with Dr Thomas Ryan, Past President of the Royal Hibernian Academy.

Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland

3pm A Grand Profusion of Curious Shells. Shell Mania in 18th Century Ireland. How Shells Became Fashionable Motifs in Furniture, Plaster Work and Shell Houses and Grottoes.

Dr Ruth Kenny – Curator of the Irish Georgian Society 2018 Exhibition Celebrating the Society of Arts in Ireland. 2pm Importance of Provenance. How to Enhance Value Julian Radcliffe – Art Loss Register. EILE Magazine 45

Munroe Bergdorf Karl Slater

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L’Oreal sacks transgender model after comments on white people French cosmetics giant, L’Oreal, sacked its first transgender model to appear on a British advertising campaign, after she described all white people as racist on Facebook. London-based model, Munroe Bergdorf, had announced on her Facebook page on August 27 that she was to be part of the French cosmetics brand’s new advertising campaign celebrating diversity. In an online message that later appeared on Friday to have been deleted, Bergdorf said, according to the Daily Mail newspaper: “Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.” L’Oreal’s UK unit said on its Twitter page it had decided to terminate her contract: “L’Oreal champions diversity. Comments by Munroe Bergdorf are at odds with our values and so we have decided to end our partnership with her.” In a post on her page on Friday, Bergdorf criticised the Daily Mail article, and sought to defend her comments, which she said were a reaction to the violence of white supremacists in Charlottesville in the United States. “When I stated that ‘all white people are racist’, I was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a SYSTEM rooted in white supremacy – designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race,” she said, according to Reuters. (eile.ie 3 September 2017)

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Design: Anthony Zagariko, exclusively for EILE Magazine

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Quality LGBT News and Features – Produced from Los Angeles Available via podcast on our website (thiswayout.org) or on iTunes, and on 200+ Radio Stations Worldwide!

thiswayout.org | Twitter: @TWORadio Overnight Productions (Inc.)/”This Way Out” Post Office Box 1065 Los Angeles, CA 90078 U.S.A. EILE Magazine 49

Netflix Premiered GAGA: FIVE FOOT TWO at Toronto International Film Festival 2017

On Friday 8th September Netflix premiered GAGA: FIVE FOOT TWO at the Toronto International Film Festival. Lady Gaga surprised the audience with a performance of Bad Romance, before the Special Presentation Screening of the documentary at the Princess of Wales Theater. Darryl Pinckney, of the New York Times, moderated a post-screening Q&A with Lady Gaga and director Chris Moukarbel.

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Lady Gaga Mouk

a with Chris karbel

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From Head Writer of The Bridge Comes the First Swedish Original Series for Netflix, Störst av Allt (Quicksand) Netflix has announced that the international best-selling thriller novel, Störst av Allt (Quicksand), will be the next gripping series from head writer of The Bridge, Camilla Ahlgren. Continuing its investment in Europe, Netflix is partnering with award-winning production company FLX (Bonusfamiljen/The Bonus Family and The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared) to bring its first Swedish original series to Netflix members globally. Störst av Allt (Quicksand) is based on the bestselling novel by Malin Persson Giolito, which has been published in 26 countries, and was voted Nordic Crime Novel of the year in 2016.

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When a mass shooting takes place at a prep school in Stockholm’s wealthiest suburb, a normal high school student, Maja Norberg, finds herself on trial for murder. When the events of that tragic day are revealed, so too are the private details about her relationship with Sebastian Fagerman and his dysfunctional family. Störst av Allt (Quicksand) will be produced by Pontus Edgren (The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared) and will go into production in 2018. Producer, Pontus Edgren, stated: ”Malin Persson Giolito’s novel Störst av Allt (Quicksand) is an original, fresh and suspenseful drama that we believe will make a fantastic Netflix series. We asked one of Scandinavia’s most respected writers, Camilla Ahlgren, to

Author of Quicksand - Malin Persson Giolito – Image: Viktor Fremling

“I’ve subscribed to Netflix since the second week it was possible to do so in Sweden, so it’s incredibly exciting that Störst av Allt (Quicksand) is becoming a Netflix original series”

work with us and she was equally thrilled. We’re very excited to be collaborating with Netflix to make Störst av Allt (Quicksand) the very first Swedish Netflix original.” Malin Persson Giolito, author of Störst av Allt (Quicksand) commented: “We have taken our time to build a team that we can trust to create a great adaptation. I’ve subscribed to Netflix since the second week it was possible to do so in Sweden, so it’s incredibly exciting that Störst av Allt (Quicksand) is becoming a Netflix original series.” Head writer Camilla Ahlgren added: ”It is both a great honour and challenge to work with FLX and Netflix on Störst av Allt (Quicksand). I want to tell this story from the

main character Maja’s perspective; her story raises questions about guilt, responsibility, punishment and redemption. It holds a mirror up to our time whilst also serving as both a suspenseful thriller and a moving love story.” “Sweden has a tradition of great crime literature and series and we’ve been looking for something special in this area. We are excited to bring Malin’s great novel to life and to work with Camilla, one of the best TV writers globally, ” said Erik Barmack, VP of International original series at Netflix. “We are delighted also to partner with Pontus and the FLX team and believe that Netflix will be the perfect global platform to showcase their talents and continue the canon of great Nordic storytelling”.

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Mathematics has a long and rich history, going back to the 6th century BC, with the developments of the Pythagoreans who created the term. As a field of study, it is evident in all

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Mathematicians in the LGBTQ community cultures around the world, including Greek, Chinese, Indian, European, Arab, and more.

a notion of bias in the study. Sexuality is a hidden characteristic, and in the scientific field, the hiding of such characteristics is often encouraged, because revealing it would run counter to scientific neutrality.

Given this rich and long history across many disciplines, it should be no surprise that members of the LGBTQ community, like Ludwig Wittgenstein, have a presence in this field of study, going back as early as Plato and Leonardo Da Vinci.

As a result, individuals in STEM-related fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) report lower job satisfaction than workers in many other professions.

At one time, mathematics was considered the foundation of the philosophical sciences, because of the strict attachment of logic to the study, the ability to solve problems from that logic, and the determinate solution to those problems. Deduction and rules were outcomes from mathematical questions, because there was always an answer that could not be disputed. In this sense, mathematics is a science in its purest form. Of course, life is not quite as simple as that, but mathematicians hoped it could be, or believed it was, in an ideal world. The contemporary field of mathematics is not well-populated with out-LGBTQ individuals. In some respects, this is because the field itself suppresses the relevance of individual personalities in the study, believing that if one were to emphasize such, it would impart

There has been an attempt to organize the interests of the LGBTQ community of mathematicians through an American organization called Spectra (also known as Out In Math). This organization, still in its infancy, attempts to unite the community and its allies as an interest group, and organizes social events at large mathematical conferences. Queerbio have identified LGBTQ mathematicians from around the world, such as the UK’s John Maynard Keynes, including Austria (Wittgenstein), Canada, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Russia and the United States. For more, visit Queerbio at: http://queerbio.com/wiki/index.php/ LGBTQ_Mathematicians

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Mike Pence (L) and Donald Trump

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), have released the following statement on the Trump-Pence Administration’s amicus brief, in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, a case involving a baker who in 2012 refused to provide a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, and who is represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) an anti-gay organisation who say nondiscrimination laws infringe on free speech when used to protect same-sex couples: “Once again, the Trump-Pence Administration has taken direct aim at our nation’s progress on LGBTQ equality, this time urging the Supreme Court to grant a potentially sweeping license to discriminate against same-sex couples,” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC’s Legal Director. “The discrimination endorsed by this administration in their amicus brief is the same form of bigotry Mike Pence signed into law in Indiana in 2015 and for which he was swiftly rebuked 56 EILE Magazine

US: Trump-Pence Admin Urges Supreme Court to Provide License to Discriminate In Baker Case by a national backlash among America’s businesses. If adopted by the court, the Trump-Pence Administration’s arguments would threaten to gut many of our nation’s most sacred civil rights laws – not just for LGBTQ people, but also for women, people of color, religious minorities, and Americans of all backgrounds.” Warbelow continued:

“As has been the case throughout their eight months in office, Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions are on the wrong side of both the law and history.”

upheld a ruling by the Colorado Court of Appeals that bakery owner Jack Phillips cannot cite religious beliefs or free speech in order to discriminate against same-sex couples. The Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in the case this term. The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality. (eile.ie 19 September 2017)

Last year, the Colorado Supreme Court

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Vitit Muntarbhorn – Image: OHCHR

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UN Human Rights Council LGBT Monitor Vitit Muntarbhorn Resigns Vitit Muntarbhorn, an international law professor from Thailand and the first-ever United Nations (UN) Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, has resigned effective October 31. In a September 8 letter to the UN Human Rights Council, he regretfully cited illness and family obligations as the reasons for stepping down. “The decision to establish an Independent Expert for LGBTQ rights was a significant milestone in the global effort for LGBTQ equality” said Ty Cobb, Director of HRC Global. “Professor Muntarbhorn has done an exceptional job as the first-ever Independent Expert. All LGBTQ people, regardless of where they live, will continue to benefit from his efforts to protect them from violence and discrimination. We thank him for his pioneering service, and wish him the very best.” Muntarbhorn was appointed one year ago, after the Human Rights Council voted in June to create the position of Independent Expert. His appointment withstood vigorous challenges at the UN General Assembly in December, as well as in January and March 2017. On his first visit to the US in his new role in April, Muntarbhorn met with representatives from leading LGBTQ and ally organizations at an event cosponsored by HRC, and delivered the keynote address at the annual HRC Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index 100 Percent Awards. During his tenure as Independent Expert, Muntarbhorn has submitted two reports, to the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly, on efforts to combat violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. His successor has not yet been named. (eile.ie 14 September 2017)

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Australians Overseas May Vote If Registered With Overseas Address or Have ‘Trusted Person’ If you are an Australian living abroad, for instance in Ireland, but have registered an overseas address with the Electoral Roll, or can nominate a trusted person to vote on your behalf, or get a secure access code from the ABS, you will still be able to vote in the Australian marriage equality plebiscite, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. See details below: How you can participate in the survey if you are overseas Australians overseas have multiple options to participate in the survey.

Are you temporarily overseas during the survey period? If you are temporarily overseas, you may be able to complete your survey form before you leave or after you return. Survey forms will be delivered to your nominated Australian address by 25 September 2017, including for people that have notified the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) that they will be temporarily overseas. Completed forms need to be received at the ABS by 6pm (local time) on the 7 November 2017.

If you have an overseas address If you have nominated an overseas postal address on the Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you will be sent a letter including a unique 16-digit Secure Access Code. You can use this code to submit your response online or by phone from 25

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September 2017. Paper survey forms will not be mailed overseas for this survey.

Nominate a trusted person to respond on your behalf If you are overseas for the entire period, you can ask a trusted person to receive your form on your behalf, open it, complete it based on your instruction and return it to the ABS.

Online or telephone response You will be able to request a Secure Access Code from the ABS through the Information Line or the online enquiry form, between 25 September and 20 October 2017 to complete the survey online, by using the automated telephone service or ABS Customer Assistance Team. Australians on deployment in the Antarctic or with the Defence Force will receive advice via their employers on how to participate in the survey.

For more information, go to: https://marriagesurvey.abs.gov.au/

-MKB (eile.ie 13 September 2017)

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Denmark: Government Launch LGBTI AntiDiscrimination Plan On 17 August, during Copenhagen Pride (official) week, the Danish government announced an upcoming LGBTI national action plan to prevent discrimination and promote security for the LGBTI community. The long-expected plan will be introduced in 2018. Besides announcing the plan, the government also announced a cross ministerial LGBTI working group, and a responsible minister, Karen Ellemann.

“It’s a historic fingerprint and an ambitious agenda that the government is establishing in order to improve conditions and security for the LGBT community” said Ellemann.

“I’m proud and pleased to co-ordinate and lead the work involving an action plan concerning the area. It is important to the government that we can all live the life we want to and be who we wish to be.” ILGA-Europe hope that the plan will entail adequate funding, clear objectives, and include actions that cover sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics in order to fully embrace LGBTI issues in Denmark. Danish LGBT activists LGBT Danmark, Sabaah,LGBT+ Ungdom, Copenhagen Pride (official), LGBT Asylum have worked hard for this initiative to come about.

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Australia: Same-sex marriage plebiscite has begun as Poll shows 70% support Yesterday, Tuesday 12th, Australia launched its postal vote on whether to legalise same-sex marriage, as a widely watched poll indicated the country would be overwhelmingly in support. The non-compulsory ballot, which runs until the end of October, will determine whether Australia becomes the 25th country to legalise same-sex marriage, while also healing a rift in the government. Despite securing 70 percent public support in an Ipsos/Fairfax poll on Tuesday, the issue of same-sex marriage had faced a political deadlock, only broken last week when the High Court gave the all-clear for the vote. The poll illustrates why parliament should simply vote to approve same-sex marriage, without holding the national ballot, opposition Labor leader Bill Shorten said. Shorten told reporters in Canberra:

“Change in this country only ever happens when people participate in the change. Please don’t leave this change to other people.”

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The ballot of nearly 16 million people, at a cost A$122 million ($97.86 million) will help Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull unite his Liberal-National coalition, which had been fractured over the issue throughout his twoyear tenure. Turnbull had been under pressure to resolve the impasse, after two previous efforts to hold a compulsory vote were rejected by the Senate, where the government is in the minority. Frustrated progressive members said they would side with the opposition Labor Party to secure same-sex marriage, if the PM could not finally resolve the issue, though some conservative lawmakers threatened to resign if Turnbull did not stick to a public vote, threatening the PM’s one-seat majority. The impasse was eventually resolved when the High Court ruled the government could proceed with the non-compulsory vote, without Senate approval. -Reuters (eile.ie 13 September 2017)

“Change in this country only ever happens when people participate in the change. Please don’t leave this change to other people”

Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten - Image: abc.net.au

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Canada: LGBT Chechens Rescued and Granted Asylum More than two dozen gay and bisexual Chechen men and women have been granted asylum in Canada after being rescued from persecution in their country through a network of safehouses, the group that coordinated the operation said on Friday, according to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Twenty-two of the 31 men and women who were granted refuge have already arrived in Canada, following a clandestine operation that appeared to have angered Russian authorities, Rainbow Railbow said. Canadian advocacy group Rainbow Railroad said the Chechens, who were fleeing a violent crackdown against them in the Russian republic, had initially been sheltered in Russian safehouses. Rainbow Railroad helped the people flee Chechnya, in southern Russia, through a global network of safe routes, the group said.

They were granted asylum as early as June, but the rescue efforts were kept under wraps until last week for safety reasons, Kimahli Powell, Rainbow Railroad’s head, said by phone. But the time had finally come to make their story public, in part to allow the victims to speak out “to keep the Russian government and the Chechen government on account,” said Powell. Asked for comment, Rémi Larivière, a spokesman for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, said: “For reasons of operational security, we are unable to provide information or comment on media reports.” The Russian embassy in Ottawa did not immediately respond to a request for comments, but a spokesman was quoted in Canadian media as saying: “Any legal irregularities, if proven true, shall be duly investigated.” Powell said most of the rescued Chechens were men, all in their early 20s. Rainbow Railroad first called on the

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The transgender pride (L), pride (C) and Canada 150 pride flag (R) – Image: REUTERS/Chris Wattie Canadian government in April to open its doors to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people from Chechnya following Russian media reports of police rounding up suspected homosexuals.

Russia, but a law limiting the dissemination of information on LGBT issues to young people has emboldened people to grow violent toward LGBT people, rights advocates say.

The Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported in April that authorities in Chechnya had rounded up over 100 gay men or men believed to be gay and tortured them. At least three of the men had been killed, the newspaper reported.

Powell said he recalled how one of the Chechens, a man he had previously met at a safe house in Russia, arrived in Canada just ahead of Toronto’s LGBT Pride parade.

Chechnya’s Moscow-backed president Ramzan Kadyrov denies human rights are routinely flouted in the mainly Muslim region. His spokesman has said there could be no attacks on gay men because there were no such people in Chechnya. Same-sex sexual activity is not a crime in

“We let him know that there were festivities happening in the gay village and he wanted to check it out,” Powell told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “He was nervous about it at first … But he really enjoyed himself, being proud to be himself during the parade.” (eile.ie 11 September 2017) EILE Magazine 67

Australia - 20,000 at Sydney Gay Marriage Rally Ahead of Postal Vote Plebiscite More than 20,000 people rallied in Sydney yesterday (Sunday 10th September) urging the legalization of same-sex marriage, days ahead of a contentious postal survey on the issue that has divided the country. Organizers said the gathering was Australia’s largest gay rights demonstration, as a diverse range of people, clad in rainbow colours, converged on the heart of the city to insist on equal rights. “We’re blown away by the response,” Cat Rose from Community Action Against Homophobia said. “The force we’ve shown today puts us in a good stead to win this battle over the next couple of months.” Though the postal ballot is non-binding, a YES 68 EILE Magazine

vote is expected to lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage, which could further fracture the government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Ballots will be mailed out from September 12th, with a result expected some time in November. The country’s Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten, said it was the law that had to change, not the gay community. “We’ve got one last mountain to climb before we make marriage equality a reality. Let’s climb it together, today” he stated. Turnbull, who has said he will be voting in support of same-sex marriage, told a gathering of the Liberal and National parties’ faithful on Sunday that the issue was one where everyone is entitled to an opinion. “Many people will vote

‘yes’, as I will, because they believe the right to marry is a conservative ideal as much as any other principle” Turnbull said. His words were in contrast to those of one of his party’s previous leaders, former Prime Minister, John Howard, who officially launched the NO campaign on Saturday. Howard said in a statement on the website of the Coalition for Marriage that there could not be changes to social institutions without wider consequences. “I believe there is a conflict here between those seeking the right for same-sex marriage and the rights of the child, and I believe the right of the child to have a mother and father should be preserved” Howard commented. The coalition, the lead campaigner against same-sex marriage, did not respond to requests for comment.

People attend a rally for marriage equality of same-sex couples in Sydney, Australia, September 10, 2017. REUTERS/Jason Reed It includes the Australian Christian Lobby, and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.

Rally attendees Stephen Madden, 55, and David Long, 47, have been together for 21 years and want to get married.

said was attended by 15,000 people. Police declined to comment on the numbers at both rallies.

However, YES campaigner, Kerryn Phelps, the former chief of the Australian Medical Association, said the survey was about unifying the nation.

“We’ve had the world’s longest engagement,” Long quipped.

Australia is one of the only developed English-speaking countries not to have legalised same-sex marriage, despite strong popular support and the backing of a majority of lawmakers.

“What we want is to see Australians united in marriage equality and united in fairness for all Australians” she added.

“My mum would really like to have a legal son-in-law” Madden added. The Sydney event followed a similar rally in Melbourne last month, which organisers

–Reuters (eile.ie 11 September 2017)

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UK: Survey shows hate crimes against LGBT almost doubled in 4 years Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Britain have almost doubled in the past four years, campaigners said on Thursday last (7th September), with one in five people targeted in the past 12 months. A newly-released survey of 5,000 LGBT people by pollster, YouGov, found 16 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents reported experiencing hate crimes, such as abusive language, threats and violence, in the past year, up from 9 percent in 2013. Transgender people were not included in the 2013 poll. Gay rights group, Stonewall, described the trend as “alarming”, with these high levels of abuse leaving many people feeling unsafe in their daily lives, and almost a third avoiding certain streets. Stonewall’s campaigns director, Paul Twocock, said four in five LGBT people who experienced a hate crime or incident didn’t report it to the

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police. “Although we’ve come a long way in creating legal equality for LGBT people, the reality just hasn’t caught up with that,” Twocock told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“Things will only change if people everywhere, whether at work or on the streets, come out for LGBT people and take a stand against hate crimes.” Although Britain is one of a handful of countries where LGBT people have equal constitutional rights, abuse and discrimination against them remain rife, say activists. One in 10 LGBT people surveyed reported discrimination when seeking to rent or buy a home or at a live sporting event, with higher rates when visiting cafes, nightclubs or places of worship. Also one in 10 of the respondents said they had experienced abuse online in the last month, with the number increasing to one in four – or 26 percent – for transgender people.

“There’s a sense of distrust of the authorities among LGBT people, who may not report hate incidents against them out of fear they won’t be taken seriously,” said Twocock, calling for stronger legislation and improved police training. -Zoe Tabary – Thomson Reuters Foundation (eile.ie 8 September 2017)

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Alex Greenwich of Australian Marriage Equality (centre) outside the High Court

The Australian marriage equality plebiscite is due to begin on September 12, after the Australian High Court yesterday (September 7) ruled in favour of the Australian Government, in the Human Rights Law Centre’s challenge against the postal vote. Anna Brown, Director of Legal Advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre, representing Australian Marriage Equality, and Senator Janet Rice, said it was important to now focus energy on securing a ‘yes’ vote for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Australia.

“All Australians should have the same opportunities for love, commitment and happiness. All Australians should be able to marry the person they love. We know this survey is unnecessary but now 72 EILE Magazine

Australia - Vote ‘Yes’ campaign full steam ahead after High Court marriage equality outcome all our efforts will go into ensuring a resounding ‘Yes’ vote for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex community, their friends and their families,” said Ms Brown. Alex Greenwich, Co-Chair of Australian Marriage Equality, said this decision would mobilise the many supporters of marriage equality across the country.

“With the postal vote survey now proceeding, we have no choice but to campaign hard for a strong yes vote. Australians are ready for marriage equality and the survey is an opportunity for all Australians to vote for their friends and family and our national values of fairness and equality,” said Mr Greenwich. “We thank the Human Rights Law Centre for their consistent commitment to equality, fairness, and rights for the LGBTI community,” added Mr Greenwich. Greens Senator and LGBTIQ spokesperson, Janet Rice, said now was the time to prove that Australian’s believe in equality for all. “We are going to be working hard for a huge ‘Yes’ vote and to ensure that LGBTIQ people know that the majority of Australians support them and recognise that love is love and that love will win. I’m disappointed that the High Court challenge was not successful. But we are moving on,” said Senator Rice. (eile.ie 8 September 2017)

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Citing the unique discrimination faced by transgender and gender non-conforming students and the failure of many Rhode Island (RI) school districts to have policies in place tackling the issue, ten organizations – including the ACLU of Rhode Island, the RI State Council of Churches, and the RI Commission for Human Rights – have formally petitioned the state Council of Elementary and Secondary Education to adopt statewide regulations that address the specific needs of this vulnerable group. 74 EILE Magazine

In 2016, partly in response to federal guidance on the issue that has since been repealed by President Trump, the state Department of Education (RIDE) released a detailed model policy that aimed to address the specific needs of trans students and ensure schools’ compliance with civil rights laws. The model policy highlighted many issues facing these students, including confidentiality, access to facilities, participation in school programs, and dress codes. However, the RIDE policy remains just a model, and as such, schools are not mandated to adopt it. In fact, a recent report from the ACLU of RI found that more than 25% of RI public schools have no comprehensive policy in place to protect transgender and gender non-

US - Rhode Island DepT of Education petitioned to adopt statewide trans protections conforming students. In calling for statewide action from the Council, the petition noted: Some districts, facing community pressure, may not be in a position to adopt the protections required to safeguard the rights of transgender students. Other districts believe that general bans on discrimination are sufficient to address the issue. And others seem to feel it is appropriate to wait until the issue comes to a head to address this topic, a position that puts enormous pressure on the first students who seek protection from discrimination in those districts. Local control of schools is appropriate for many issues, but this issue calls for state regulation and oversight in order to ensure the educational environment is free from discrimination for all students. Further, we strongly believe a policy addressing this important subject should be generally consistent from district to district to address issues raised by students moving from one municipality to another. The petition concludes: “Today, as the federal government seeks to dismantle the protections afforded to transgender and gender nonconforming students, the Council must show leadership by filling the void and taking action – action that requires school districts to provide clear on-theground support that mere statewide model guidance cannot do.”

The petition proposes that the Council mandate that every school district adopt a comprehensive policy, based on RIDE’s model guidance, to protect transgender and gender non-conforming students. “Schools have a responsibility to protect all students from discrimination,” said Steven Brown, ACLU of RI executive director. “This is not just about anti-bullying, and it’s not just about bathrooms. There is an abundance of nationwide evidence that these students are being routinely mistreated, and we cannot leave it up to schools to half-heartedly address this issue, or even worse, avoid it all together.” The other signatories to the petition are AIDS Project Rhode Island, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Rhode Island Commission on Prejudice and Bias, Rhode Island Working Families, Providence Youth Student Movement (PrYSM), and The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health. The petition is available here: http://riaclu.org/images/uploads/Petition_ for_CESE_Adoption_of_Transgender_ Regulations.pdf The RIDE model guidance can be found here; http://www.thriveri.org/documents/Guidance. for.RhodeIsland.Schools.on.Transgender.and. Gender.Nonconforming.Students-2016.pdf (eile.ie 7 September 2017) EILE Magazine 75

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EILE Magazine 77

US - New Resource ‘Just As They Are’ for Parents to Protect Children from Dangerous Conversion Therapy Yesterday (11th September) the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of America’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), a US national legal organization committed to advancing LGBTQ equality since 1977, released Just As They Are, a comprehensive resource for parents on the harmful practice known as “conversion therapy.” The guide helps parents recognize when and how conversion therapy 78 EILE Magazine

is promoted, provides information about the dangers of the practice, and outlines best practices for parents seeking to promote the health and well-being of their LGBTQ child, including finding inclusive counselling services and churches. It features the voices of LGBTQ youth and young adults who have been subjected to this dangerous and debunked ‘therapy’, including Lynse, a gender non-binary and queer former congregant at Ted Haggard’s New Life Church, and Darren, a Black, gay, Christian man who once made his home in a church basement, where he was forbidden to leave without his pastor’s permission. Their stories highlight the devastating harm that conversion therapy, along with family and community rejection, can have on LGBTQ young people.

“Parents need and deserve information and guidance they can trust when they are helping their children navigate issues around their sexual orientation and gender identity, not discounted theories and dangerous so-called therapies,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC Senior Vice President for Programs, Research and Training. “Even as more families within all faith communities open their hearts and embrace their LGBTQ loved ones, in too many homes across the country, LGBTQ youth continue to face rejection, bullying, and the harmful impacts of ‘conversion therapy.’ We must redouble our efforts to educate families and

communities about the terrible dangers of efforts to change sexual orientation or gender identity and that is why we are proud to partner with NCLR to release Just As They Are – so that parents have the information and resources they need to protect the health and wellbeing of their LGBTQ children.” “The American Psychological Association has linked so-called ‘conversion therapy’ to depression, substance abuse and even suicide, and these risks are particularly acute for youth,” said National Center for Lesbian Rights Youth Policy Counsel and Born Perfect Campaign Coordinator Carolyn Reyes.

“That’s why Just As They Are is so critical. We need parents to know the signs, to recognize harmful and discredited conversion therapies, and understand the gravity of what’s at stake: the lives of our LGBTQ youth. All of our youth are born perfect.” There is no credible evidence that conversion therapy can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. To the contrary, research has clearly shown that these practices pose devastating health risks for LGBTQ young people such as depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, homelessness, and even suicidal behavior. The dangerous practice is condemned by every major medical and mental health organization, including the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological

Association, and American Medical Association. The report comes one day after World Suicide Prevention Day, when LGBTQ advocates raised the alarm that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their non-LGBTQ counterparts, and a shocking 41% of transgender adults report having attempted suicide, most before the age of 25. NCLR and HRC have partnered with state equality groups across the nation to pass state legislation ending conversion therapy. Rhode Island recently became the eleventh jurisdiction — and the fourth state so far this year — to enact these crucially important protections. Connecticut, California, Nevada, New Jersey, the District of Columbia, Oregon, Illinois, Vermont, New York, and New Mexico all also have laws or regulations protecting youth from this abusive practice. To read Just As They Are, visit http://www.hrc.org/resources/justas-they-are. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is education arm of America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for LGBTQ people. The National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the human and civil rights of the LGBT community through litigation, public policy advocacy, and public education. Visit: www. NCLRights.org (eile.ie 12 September 2017)

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For those of you thinking of going to Maspalomas for the Winter Pride 2017 celebrations in November, you can now download the Winter Pride Maspalomas App -Â Available at the Apple App Store (iPhone) and Google Play (Samsung). Winter Pride Maspalomas 2017 have developed a new app for your iPhone or Samsung. This means you can always have the complete programme for the Winter Pride 2017 festivities with you on your mobile phone!

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EILE Magazine 81

Pro-LGBT Christian Leaders Denounce ‘Nashville Statement’ Hundreds of Christian leaders, pastors, theologians and advocates have denounced the vicious, antiLGBTQ manifesto “Nashville Statement” with a powerful statement affirming the inclusion of LGBTQ and intersex people within faith communities and broader society. The 10-point treatise, titled Christians United, holds “that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and that the great diversity expressed in humanity through our wide spectrum of unique sexualities and gender identities is a perfect reflection of the magnitude of God’s creative work”. In the first 24 hours of its release, the Christians United statement was signed by over 1,000 Christians from around the world, including top theologians and leaders of some of the world’s most influential Christian denominations. The pro-LGBT statement also states: “For decades, many pastors, theologians, and reformers have boldly responded to the Holy Spirit’s call and have stepped forward to call the Church to a renewed understanding of Christian teaching on sexuality and gender identity that includes, affirms, and embraces the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and nonbinary, queer community as created and fully blessed by God and welcomed in to the life of the Church and society just as they are, without a need to conform to the heteronormative, patriarchal, binary sexuality and gender paradigm that Christianity has come to promote and embrace”.

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Prominent faith leaders who signed the letter include the Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer, General Minister and President, United Church of Christ; Jayne Ozanne, General Synod member in the Church of England; the Rev. Rachelle Brown; Moderator of the Metropolitan Community Churches; Bishop Yvette Flunder, Presiding Bishop of The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries; Dr. Jeffrey Kuan, President of Claremont School of Theology; the Rev. Dr. Derrick Harkins, Senior Vice President of Union Theological Seminary; and the Rev. Vanna Fox, Senior Vice President of Wild Goose Festival. The international theological declaration came in response to the so-called “Nashville Statement,” released on Tuesday by a coalition of roughly 150 conservative Evangelical Christian leaders, including prominent members of the Trump-Pence administration’s Evangelical Advisory Board. The statement attacked LGBTQ people, asserting opposition to marriage equality and denying the dignity of transgender people. The swift response by both faith leaders and the broader public to the Nashville Statement reflects the breadth of support among people of faith for LGBTQ inclusion and equality. Another open letter, spearheaded by The Liturgists, garnered more than 3,500 signatories. According to Pew Research Research, almost all US Christian groups are more accepting of LGBTQ people. Roughly half (51%) of evangelical millennials agree with the statement: “Homosexuality should be accepted by society.” Read the Christians United statement here: http://www.christiansunitedstatement.org/ (eile.ie 5 September 2017)

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Romania: Proposed referendum to rule out samesex marriage Romania’s ruling Social Democrats hope to organise a referendum this Autumn to restrict the constitutional definition of family, which would effectively rule out the possibility of legalising samesex marriage, party leader Liviu Dragnea said on Saturday. The plan for a referendum came about after the Coalition for the Family, a civil society group, collected 3 million signatures last year in favour of changing the constitutional definition of marriage as a union strictly between a man and a woman from the existing “spouses.” Under Romanian law, the constitution can be changed after a proposal by the president, the government, a quarter of all lawmakers or at least 500,000 citizens. Parliament must approve any revision, which must then pass a nationwide referendum. “It is known that we are committed … in this direction,” state news agency Agerpres quoted Dragnea as saying at a party meeting at a resort on the Black Sea. “Our intention is to end up organizing the referendum to change the constitution on the family issue this autumn.” Few politicians openly support same-sex marriage, or even civil partnerships, in the socially conservative eastern European nation of 20 million, where the Orthodox Church yields significant influence. Notable exceptions include centrist President Klaus Iohannis, an ethnic German, who has

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said that as a member of an ethnic and religious minority, he supports tolerance and openness towards others who are different, while rejecting religious fanaticism and ultimatums. The opposition Save Romania Union (USR) also held an internal vote on the issue and decided to oppose the referendum. In June, dozens of Romanian rights groups jointly asked parliament to reject the proposed constitutional change that they said would push the European Union state onto a populist, authoritarian track, leading to an erosion of democratic rights and liberties. The Coalition for the Family also supports cancelling subsidies for contraception and elective abortion, forcing parents of minors to have counselling if they want to divorce, and lowering some taxes for married couples. Restricting the definition of family based on a marriage between man and woman would also hurt single parents, non-married couples and other non-traditional parenting units, rights groups have said. -Luiza Ilie, Reuters (4 September 2017)

EILE Magazine 85

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Information and support for women who need someone to talk to

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Gay Games - Re Paris in

From August 4 to 8, 2018, Paris will host the 10th edition o event in the wo

15,000 athletes from over 70 countries in Paris! Paris 2018 is preparin sharing. With sport a common theme for inclusion, the Gay Games a gay or s

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EILE Magazine 89

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Ezra Furman in Dublin where Phil Lynott’s statue normally stands

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