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1.3 ● SPICE modelling of electronic circuits
tutorials, examples, etc. on using SPICE. Interested readers should refer to the Internet for further detailed information.
1.3 ● SPICE modelling of electronic circuits
SPICE is an interpreted language consisting of a source file and an interpreter. SPICE source files are commonly referred to as netlists. In a netlist, we define nodes and the connections of components to these nodes.
As an example, consider the simple resistive circuit shown in Figure 1.1 (File: sim1).
There are 4 nodes in the circuit. Node 0 is the ground, node 1 is the junction of R3 and R4, node 2 is the junction of R1, R2, and R3, and node 3 is the junction of the battery and R1. The netlist for this circuit is shown in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.1 Example circuit
sim1 (TINA Netlist Editor format) **************************************
** This file was created by TINA ** ** www.tina.com ** ** (c) DesignSoft, Inc. ** ** www.designsoftware.com ** **************************************
.TEMP 27 .TRAN 1P 1U
V1 3 0 5 R4 0 1 470 R3 2 1 2.2K R2 0 2 3.9K R1 3 2 1K
Figure 1.2 Netlist of the circuit