Blue book sahajayoga

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Sahaja Yoga

An introduction for beginners

From the teaching of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga


The information contained in this book is an attempt to provide an elementary and simple way to understand the profound teaching of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The theory and practice of Sahaja Yoga opens up an ancient knowledge, reborn into this modern world at a time when old philosophies and ideals are reeling under the impact of fundamentalism and the 'anything goes' society! Today, when the new gods of dogmatism and self

gratification are riding rough shod over what are seen as 'old fashioned' beliefs and ideals, it is refreshing and heartening to be able to find refuge, comfort and hope, in these simple, commonsense and practical philosophies and techniques. It is a very great privilege for us to be the students of Shri Mataji. As such, this book is humbly dedicated to Her and is the collective works of several of Her devotees around the world. 2nd. edition, July 2003

Introduction to Sahaja Yoga ..........................................................................4 The Subtle System - The Kundalini and the Atma ......................................5 The Chakras Overview - physical regions, qualities and problems ..........6 Treatments for the Chakra System ...............................................................9 The Subtle System - Understanding the Chakras ..................................... 12 The Subtle System - The Channels (Nadis) and the Void ........................ 17 What happens during meditation? ............................................................. 20 Deepening Your Spiritual Development:

India and Spirituality ....................................................................................21 The Deities ..................................................................................................... 22 Sahaja Yoga Mantras .................................................................................... 24 Diagnosis of imbalance ................................................................................ 25 Effective methods to clear the Chakras ..................................................... 26 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga ................................... 28 Affirmations and Deities .............................................................................. 30 Subtle Systems Matrix ................................................................................. 34


Introduction to Sahaja Yoga THE WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, AND HOW OF SAHAJA YOGA The objective of Sahaja Yoga is to connect us firmly to the Divine dimension within us in order to continuously improve our balance, joy and wisdom while steering ourselves through life on earth. The goal is to establish heaven on earth... not only in the mountains... or at the ocean or when we are on holiday... but all the time. A home, at school, at work, in the shops, in the banks, in the hospitals, in every aspect of life. What is Sahaja Yoga? Sahaja Yoga is a method for achieving self-realisation. It spontaneously actualises the inner Union of our consciousness with the Self, which is the Divine dimension within each of us. Sahaja Yoga works on the «subtle» system within the central nervous system. This inner system contains the totality of the human experience... It is the integration of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual activities. Sahaja Yoga«s focus is on vibrations... the primordial spiritual energy that controls the state of motion of every cell that is alive. You will learn to absorb these vibrations and to understand what they mean. These vibrations are known as the wind of the Holy Ghost and are called Chaitanya in the Sanskrit language. Sahaja Yoga begins with a catalytical happening... the «awakening» of a dormant spiritual power lying coiled in the sacrum bone at the bottom of the spine. This residual power is called the Kundalini (Sanskrit). The function of the Kundalini is to grant us this higher consciousness of the Self and to keep our system clean and in perfect working order. Its nature is that of an ideal Mother and we are Her only child. She loves us unconditionally, no matter what we do. She works for us 24 hours a day, She is gentle, subtle, sensitive yet unfailing in Her effectiveness. As the optimal vibratory coefficient of all the cells and all the systems within the body is reached, negativity in the form of diseases and/or ineffective behavioural conditionings decrease, and are eliminated from the body and the psyche. The improved positivity through the absorption of more pure vibrations increase a person«s magnetism... improving well-being, relationships, contentment, and joy in life. Our «real» selves gradually emerge. Our spiritual qualities are a last free from the tarnish of anti-spiritual conditionings. We gradually become our Spirit: Absolute Truth, -4-

attention and Joy. It is called Atma (Sanskrit). When we are connected with the inner Self, we come to realise that the inner Self is connected with the cosmic Self. In other words, Sahaja Yoga is a pragmatic method for connecting the individual spirit to the Universal Unconsciousness (another name for God). We are like a terminal plugged in, at last, to the main frame. The connection need not ever again be «unplugged». Where can Sahaja Yoga be practised? At home... At work... In the car... In the bus... In the field... While walking, sleeping, playing... Anywhere and everywhere. It is all happening within our own inner space. Sahaja Yoga teaches us how to discover it. When can Sahaja Yoga be practised? It can be practised as soon as the catalyst Kundalini is activated and travels up the central nervous system and out through the fontanel bone («soft spot» at the top of the head in a child). It can be sustained and improved through daily practice (as little as 15 minutes each morning and 15 minutes in the evening). There is a great variety of techniques to be learned, if need be, in the various Sahaja Yoga centres. It is like tuning into and learning about the «high technology» of the human system. It is an open-ended and infinite body of knowledge that can be accessed and utilised whenever the attention is tuned in - free of charge. Who can practise Sahaja Yoga? Children... Teenagers... Adults... Elderly... All income levels... Those with no income... All languages... All religions. Even the anti-religious... Well people... Addicts... «Sinners»... «Good people»... Anyone and everyone who honestly seeks truth. Who Developed Sahaja Yoga? Sahaja Yoga as an effective, modern system was developed and is taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born and raised in India to a Christian family. She is the wife to a retired senior United Nations Official. She is the mother of 2 daughters and has 4 grandchildren and also great-grandchildren. She worked with Mahatma Gandhi as a young woman in India«s struggle for independence as a leader of the youth movement. Her parents were both jailed for long periods of time for their work with Gandhi«s freedom fighters.

For more than 30 years she has travelled worldwide teaching people to become their own ÂŤMasterÂť for spiritual development. She has started people practising Sahaja Yoga in most major countries of the world. She teaches this system because She wants people to get a better balance and learn to use their spiritual power... so they can transform their lives and ascend. She is an example of the embodiment of the compassionate qualities of womanhood, of the ideal Mother and has a practical strategy for giving spiritual birth to the seekers, making them twice born and thus bringing about a new age. How to practise Sahaja Yoga? Once you have had your Kundalini raised... at a Sahaja Yoga Centre you can continue developing your realisation by:

1) Giving full attention to the Kundalini and the subtle system inside the body, twice a day for at least 15 minutes. This state is called meditation. It activates the process of cleaning your subtle system, i.e. repairing damaged chakras and balancing interactions between the right, left and central channels within the system. A fuller description of how to get into this state of being begins on page 20. 2) Attending regular sessions at a Sahaja Yoga Centre near you, to learn how to diagnose which energy centre is blocked or damaged and how to treat the problem. Shri Mataji has given many lectures, which are available at the centre in video and audio formats. Experienced Sahaja Yogis will also be there to share information and provide support.

The Subtle System, The Kundalini and the Atma The Kundalini as an aspect of God is the essence of purity. She is a transforming, healing power, designed into the human system to enable the optimal state of being. She is pure nurturing love. Each of us has Kundalini and she is our Mother-God. We are her only child. She has Her attention on us from inside, 24 hours a day. She knows everything we do, say, think or feel. When awakened, she triggers our spiritual Ascent. Most of us were not born with our Kundalini awakened. As the evolution of human beings, as a spiritual being, has not yet reached the appropriate state most human beings are not born with their Kundalinis awakened/enlightened. When the seventh chakra, the Sahasrara, became open, our spiritual evolution reached a new stage. Our human physical, biological, chemical and psychological components are now able to achieve a higher state of spirituality. The process of Self-realisation consists in the Kundalini rising from her abode in the sacrum bone, piercing the six spiritual centres or chakras along her path in the innermost channel (nadi) within the spine, and emerging from the top of our brain. When this takes place, the union (yoga) of the Kundalini and the Self manifests. By crossing the brain, Kundalini takes our attention with her, and thus our attention becomes aware of the Self in the pure silence of thoughtless awareness. The Atma as an aspect of God is the essence of eternal life within us. It is the Divine within us, the innermost core of our being. The Self/Spirit resides in the heart, but at the time of the yoga it meets the Kundalini in the seventh chakra. To realise this Self within us is to achieve absolute fulfilment. We come to exist in the joy of the Creation and to this Joy we shall now return. The Atma is pure Existence, Joy and Bliss that we called upon to experience the oldest dream of man come true. -5-

The Chakras Overwiew 7. Sahasrara 6. Agnya 5. Vishuddhi 4. Heart/Anahat 3. Nabhi 2. Swadisthan 1. Mooladhara


The Chakras Overwiew Millions and millions of tiny vital life forces whirling throughout the body are concentrated into centres called chakras. Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. They are called wheels because energies spin at these points rotating clockwise at a certain frequency. The activity resembles a galaxy of planets, each spinning on its axis. The 7 main chakras that you will learn about as a beginner are located in the spinal cord region. Each chakra is designed to supervise and maintain the perfect operation of the bodily systems under its control. It must keep spinning in pure or positive vibrations, and spinning out impure or negative vibrations to keep these organs in healthy condition. An understanding of what each chakra attracts and what can disturb it is important for our wellbeing. Every thought and action influences the sensitivity and performance of these centres. As a beginner, the initial task is to clear away the gross negativity (e.g. like cleaning brass that has been neglected for many years). The effort takes time... but you will feel results from any cleansing almost immediately. Small anxieties will decrease; you will become a little more objective and a little more joyful.

The source of this information and your ability to verify it, is available to you as your chakras become opened, your channels balance and your attention is focused on the Sahasrara Chakra. Like learning to drive an automobile, you can operate the controls without understanding why they work. In the case of our human subtle system we may never be capable of understanding fully why and how it works. We can learn something about the controls, where they are located and how to operate them. When the Chakra system is working correctly, the Kundalini pierces the centre of 6 of the main chakras and travels up through the top of the head and out through the fontanel bone. The body is then connected to the Divine and feels it as the vibrations of Chaitanya. The objective of Sahaja Yoga is to get into and stay in the connected state constantly. To achieve this goal, the chakras must be cleared and centred. The attention will then automatically go to the highest chakra (No. 7 or Sahasrara). The charts and text that follow introduce the chakras.

The physical region of the system The subtle system elements each control a network (plexus) of organs, blood vessels, nerves, glands, muscles, bones and their functions within the body. The primary regions of control are: 7. Limbic areas – Brain (Core) 6. Right and Left Temples – Sight, Thalamus (pineal and pituitary glands), Thought, Conditioning 5. Cervical Plexus (thyroid) – Neck, Arms, Eyes, Mouth, Tongue, Ears, Face, Hands, Shoulders, Hearing 4. Cardiac Plexus (Heart Organ) – Heartbeat, Breathing 3. Solar Plexus – Stomach, Liver (partial) 2. Aortic Plexus – Liver (partial), Kidney, Spleen, Pancreas, Uterus 1. Pelvic Plexus (Prostate gland) – Sex, Elimination, Sympathetic System -7-

The Qualities of the Chakra System The «high technology» of the human being is comprised of hundreds of «computers» interactive with each other and, eventually, with the "Main Frame". Human beings are «programmed» to have certain qualities as in the image of the Designer. These qualities are housed in specific charkas: 7. Self realization; Integration of all qualities; silence 6. Forgiveness; control over ego and conditioning 5. Collective consciousness; Divine diplomacy (sweet and non-aggressive communication); discretion; self esteem; the power to witness 4. Love; joy; security, protection; dutiful life; giving; sharing; taking care of others 3. Physical, material and spiritual sustenance; satisfaction; generosity; righteousness, purity 2. Creativity; inspiration; aesthetics; pure knowledge (of the Divine); intellectual perception 1. Innocence; wisdom; obedience; loyalty; spontaneity

The Problems of the Chakra System In order for the chakra centres to spin freely, they have to be cleaned and balanced. Negativity, from within and without, causes clogging. Some of the main causes of clogging or «catching» are as follows: 7. Doubt in God; dogmatism 6. Judgemental conditioning against self and others; worrying; «roving» eyes; wrong ideas about God; Ego oriented life 5. Feeling guilty; immorality; foul tongue; Arrogance; smoking; impure relations; lack of sense of collectivity 4. Problems with ones Mother (left side); Problems with ones Father (right side); insecurity; fear; emotional aggression; lack of faith in God; extreme mental or physical activity 3. Family and household problems; worries about money and job; fanaticism 2. Overactivity and stress; too much thinking and planning; artificial behaviour; cults; parapsychology; occultism; following a false prophet 1. Sexual excessiveness (adultery, homosexuality); lustful attention; imbalance of right side (constipation) and left side (diarrhoea)


Treatments for the Chakra System Clearing the Chakras is very simple. Dissolving the root cause of catches is also simple, but requires continuity and a sincere desire to rid us of negative attitudes or habits that are contrary to our spirit. These negative attitudes grew out of our old style management system, whereby our ego and superego, swinging back and forth between extremes, acted as ÂŤCommanders in ChiefÂť. Now, we want our spirit to take control. Here are a few simple treatments. 7. Meditate. Clear all other chakras; go into thoughtless awareness; say the mantra for this chakra; recognition of Shri Mataji. 6. Meditate. Look at a flame or at green grass, take quick glances at the sun; rest the back of the head on the earth; say the mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. 5. Meditate. Look at the clear blue sky; gargle with salt water; take care of teeth and gums; say mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. 4. Meditate with right hand on the heart; take 3 deep, slow breaths; say mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. 3. Meditate. Footsoak**; say mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. 2. Meditate. Footsoak**; use lemons and chillies; say mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. 1. Meditate. Footsoak**; sit on the earth; say mantra for this chakra; bandhan* the chakra. * see below ** see page 11 and 26

Bandhan Hold the left hand out on your lap, palm upwards. Place your right hand over your left hand and slowly raise your right hand over your head and down to the right side of your body. Then raise the right


hand up the right side, over your head and down the left side. This is one Bandhan and protects the Aura. Repeat seven times.

Raising the Kundalini



1. Place the left hand in front of your lower abdomen, palm facing the body. 2. + 3. Raise the left hand up vertically, until it reaches a position above your head. While the left hand is ascending, the right hand rotates around it clockwise, until both hands are above the head. 4. Use both hands to tie a knot. Repeat three times. The first time making one knot, the second time two and the third time three knots, fixing your attention and the Kundalini above the seventh chakra.

Balancing left side



Balancing right side

For tingling heat or heaviness on the right hand: Hold the right hand out, palm upwards. Bend the left arm up from the elbow and direct the palm towards the back.

For tingling heat or heaviness on the left hand: Hold the left hand out, palm upwards. Place the right hand on the earth, or direct it towards the earth.

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Foot soaking This is best done the last thing at night before going to bed. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands out on your lap, palms upwards, fingers directed towards Shri Mataji’s photograph. Place your feet in a bowl of warm water containing a handful of salt. Meditate while soaking your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse and dry your feet. Then flush the water down the toilet and wash your hands.

Affirmations for raising the Kundalini It is important to be comfortable throughout the exercise. Please use a chair if easier. You can say "Mother" (addressing the Kundalini) before each affirmation. 1.


With your right hand on your heart, ask: «Am I the Spirit?» Repeat three times (in every case the repetition is for guidance)

Right hand on your left upper stomach (just below the ribs), ask: «Am I my own Master?» Repeat three times (You can say guru or teacher also)



Raise the right hand to the upper stomach (as in 2): «I am my own master» Repeat ten times.

Place your right hand on the heart again and say: «I am the Spirit». Repeat twelve times.


Right hand on your forehead pressing the sides. Say: «I forgive everyone, including myself.» Say as many times as you want from the heart.


Right hand on your left lower stomach (just below the hip), ask: «Please may I have the pure knowledge? Or «Please give me the true knowledge?» Say this six times.



Place the right hand on the left side of the neck where it meets the shoulder. Turn your head to the right and say: «I am not guilty.» Sixteen times.


Place the right hand on the back of your head and lean your head back onto your hand. Say: «Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes.»

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Place the palm of your right hand on the top of your head, stretch your fingers upwards and pressing down, slowly rotate clockwise, ask seven times: «Please may I have my self realisation?»

The Subtle System, Understanding the Chakras The following description of each of the 7 chakras is an elementary introduction.

7. Sahasrara 6. Agnya 5. Vishuddhi 4. Heart 3. Nabhi 2. Swadisthan 1. Mooladhara Mooladhara

Chakra No. 1

The Mooladhara Chakra is below the Kundalini at the base of the spine. «Moola» in Sanskrit means root, which is the Kundalini or the Mother energy within. «Adhara» means support. This chakra provides support and protection to the Kundalini because if it is disturbed, the Kundalini will not rise to any other chakra. The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara Chakra is innocence and the innate wisdom, which comes from having childlike innocence. Simplicity, joy, purity, integrity and balance are qualities manifest in human beings through this chakra. Because this centre governs the reproduction organs and systems, sexual attitudes and behaviour critically impact the strength or weakness of this centre. Sex can be the most sublime physical expression of love within a marriage. Sex can also subtly undermine and erode self-esteem when entered into without the protection and support of lifetime commitment. Sex commingles the energies and chemistries, both positive and negative in two people. Self management (emotional, physical and - 12 -

spiritual) becomes even more difficult when another person’s chemistries and energies are taken on in an impure or casual basis. Sexual excessiveness, both physical and mental, creates imbalances throughout the body’s systems. Thus, as with any other addiction, mental and physical weakness occurs, laying the foundation for disease. Pure love between a man and a woman is unattached by possession, devoid of demanding expectations. Then, in freedom, the full intensity of the relationship can be enjoyed. Once Kundalini is awakened, the sense of reverence for and the desire to serve the Mother energy within, gradually becomes heightened. Many of us entered the practice of Sahaja Yoga with badly damaged Mooladhara Chakras. This chakra can be fully restored as you settle into and sustain Sahaja Yoga practices. The Mother energy, in each of us, manifests qualities such as bearing power, care and compassion.


Chakra No. 2

The Swadisthan (Swa-des-tan) Chakra revolves around the Nabhi Chakra (No.3) giving sustenance to the surrounding areas. Swadisthan and Nabhi work together. When Kundalini first rises, it passes from its home into Nabhi, and then goes down the "cord" to Swadisthan. Here the energy for our creativity is generated. On the right side it manifests as intellectual perception; on the left side as imagination. These aspects integrate the central channel, creating our aesthetic sense. One of the most important functions of this centre is to generate the energy that fuels our thinking by breaking down fat particles in the abdomen that are used by the brain cells. If we are confused by an inflated ego into believing that we alone must think and plan for everything we do, the excessiveness drains the central channel of energy and exhausts the right side. Instead of a sponge, the brain becomes like a rock, loosing all power of absorption. Then, creativity becomes an effort, rather than a spontaneous happening. This is why much of modern art, poetry and music are lacking in joy giving qualities. This excessive thinking and planning is why many of us lack enjoyment of our overly mental, high-pressured jobs. Our systems become dry and too right-sided (mental and aggressive). The


resulting imbalance causes the left side (emotion) to become weak and we become less sensitive. Without equally healthy right and left sides, the integration of thinking and feeling into the central nervous system becomes imbalanced. Then our actions and ideas become off centre. The Swadisthan chakra along with the Nabhi (No.3) also controls the liver. This vital organ is the seat of our attention or pure concentration (minus mental activity). The liver sustains our concentrated attention and purifies it by pulling out dirt and poisons. Before realisation, our attention is most often running outside us, directed by external factors. The awakening of the Kundalini enables the attention to go inside and unite with the Spirit at Sahasrara (No. 7). This is where the attention should rest and enables true intuitive creativity to work through us. Because of the connection with ego which can take the attention away from the Spirit (of real Self) it is important at the Swadisthan Chakra to develop humility. Real humility recognises that our intuitive thoughts and feelings are initiated by the Divine and flow through us. We are conduits. We did not design and create ourselves. Our spiritual (real) selves can unite with this Divine «intuition» and then the resultant creative work becomes genius.

Chakra No. 3 The Nabhi (Naa-bee) Chakra regulates the direction and speed of our human evolution as it is the command centre of our sustenance, food, family love, parental roles and relationships, financial management, job and career. At this centre, the Ten Commandments are the guiding attitudinal and behavioural principles. After realisation, a mild pain in the Nabhi (stomach region) can actually be experienced from the resultant chakra imbalance. When not corrected, off centred activities in the Nabhi can lead to extreme stomach diseases such as ulcers, hypoglycaemia, diabetes and cancer. The left Nabhi regulates the activities of the female head of the household. The wife and mother is «programmed» to give generously and unconditionally to all family members. For this to happen, an atmosphere of respect, love and support must be maintained by all members of the family. If the wife dominates the husband or is dominated by him, this chakra will catch and affect all family members. If the children do not respect the mother or are maltreated by her, this centre will catch and affect the whole family. The right Nabhi regulates activities regarding money, career and social relationships. Too much worry about money or too much time on the job, cause this centre to become unbalanced. These pro- 13 -

blematic conditionings, as well as too much thinking and planning, often cause the liver to become overheated. Too much heat on the liver causes the attention to scatter… relaxed concentration becomes impossible to sustain. Indications of imbalances in the liver include irritability, impatience, chronic discontent, quick temper, and continual worrying. White rice, yoghurt, cooked fresh vegetables, some chicken, and fruit are all good for cooling and clearing the liver. White cane sugar, taken in liquid form, works as a detergent for a hot liver as it breaks down the fats which hold the toxins in the liver. A liver which is too cold is rare, but if skin rashes occur, this can be the cause. For a cold liver, take yellow vegetables. For liver problems of all types, drink several litres of water per day. This works to flush away toxins. Complete satisfaction as a steady state of being, can be achieved with the support of a well-balanced, healthy Nabhi. As our attention becomes purified through meditation and can be sustained for longer time periods at Sahasrara Chakra, we will gain a more detached reaction to events in our life. We will become a more reflective, joyful participant even in dealing with family problems.


Chakra No. 4 The Heart Chakra is located behind the sternum bone. When our Heart Chakra becomes clear, we will become more fearless, strong and generous. We will trust ourselves more, and have more confidence in our abilities to correct our own mistakes. We will love others and ourselves more because we will recognise that the Spirit in our heart is the same as theirs. We will keep our heart open like a child’s and thereby experience a steady state of joy. The centre Heart Chakra governs the sense of security and protection. Antibodies that protect us against disease and negativity are formed in the sternum bone. Those who were raised with fear in childhood, grow up afraid. For example, they are afraid of darkness, afraid of making mistakes, afraid that other people will hurt them. Their confidence can easily be shaken by outside ideas. Their centre Heart Chakra will be damaged. They will be unable to produce enough antibodies to fight all those «fears». They will develop diseases of the lungs and heart. The mother is a very critical influence to this chakra on the left side, as she is responsible for a child’s earliest sense of security and development of self-confidence. If this relationship was not correct… if the mother died when the child was young,


or was ill, or caused emotional trauma, this chakra will be blocked. If in adulthood, one develops disrespectful attitudes about ones mother, such as those implanted by Freud and perpetuated by many psychoanalytical doctrines and practices, the self-confidence will be undermined and this chakra blocked. The right Heart reflects the man’s ability to carry out his duties as a son, brother, father, husband and citizen. The well-being of our father and our relationship with him affect the right heart. If the father shrinks from his responsibilities or takes on too much responsibility, there will be an imbalance. The relationships with our father and mother, as well as our own fathering and mothering qualities, are critical to our overall sense of well-being and ability to have serenity and peace within. It is important to have respect for our parents, to forgive them for their mistakes, and keep these relationships clear. It is important to our children that they respect us as parents. The Heart chakra reflects the Spirit. If functioning properly, it enables us to feel our realisation and to generate and radiate love. This state of love, in the form of Vibrations, works like a gentle bath to heal, maintain and revitalise our own human systems as well as those of others that enter into our «radiation» fields.

Chakra No. 5

The 5th chakra, the Vishuddhi (Vish-oo-dee) is the key to our ability to feel and respond to our own vibrations and those of others. When it is open and clean, the Vishuddhi gives us a sense of oneness with all life (i.e. collectivity). It gives us sensitivity to know intuitively what words and actions are appropriate at each given moment. If we interfere with the intuitive by using words or actions based on our egotistic thoughts, or imbalanced aggression, this charka’s vibrations become damaged. Then our perspective about events and relationships in our lives ceases to become objective. We develop ego attachments, and become possessive or overly emotional about people, places and things. Keeping this chakra clear is difficult, as it is the body’s filter against external viruses, bacteria, smoke and other pollutants. Internally it is damaged by attitudes of inferiority, guilt, reclusiveness, aggression and superiority. For us to enter into the desired objective or witness state, we must begin by gaining detachment from extreme dependencies, emotions or involvements of any kind. We are not «in charge» of anyone’s behaviour nor is anyone else «in charge or to blame» for our thinking or action. Raising the Kundalini and taking vibrations in meditation helps us to become aware of our conditio- 14 -

nings that cause the loss of a balanced perspective. The vibrations also help to loosen the physical tensions caused by those conditionings and clear them away. When a balanced perspective is achieved, actions to solve problems or improve well-being become more enlightened. We will become more competent in manifesting the wonderful qualities of our subtle system, act as compassionate «mediators» for resolving conflict. We will express a refined sense of discretion and diplomacy. One of the most pervasive of all attachments is guilt, which blocks the left Vishuddhi. While perhaps useful at an earlier stage of human evolution, it has now become an obstinate barrier to growth, for we use it to immobilise ourselves against identifying weaknesses and taking corrective action. Instead of having a positive perspective about our mistakes as being the wellsprings of growth, we have become conditioned to believe that mistakes are bad; therefore, we cover them up with a guilt feeling that implies «evil» rather that ignorance. Yet, ignorance is not a sin; in fact, at the root of all «evil» is only gross ignorance. Let us recognise that ignorance is a normal state for those who are open to learning. Let us accept that it has to be overcome. For the right Vishuddhi, which governs speech, we


Chakra No. 5 - Cont.

must pay attention to how we use the voice, maintaining dignity and auspiciousness rather that frivolity. Communicating with harshness, sarcastic «wit» at another’s expense, swearing, and disrespect between male and female all undermine self-esteem and cause guilt, thus shutting down the Vishuddhi chakra. A tenacious Western conditioning that blocks the Vishuddhi is the concept of «rugged individualism» which keeps the attention on divisiveness. It applauds the person who «doesn’t need anyone» and


admires those who only «look after number one». This culturalization has taken the independent goal to an absurd extreme, and is contrary to the «programming» that is inside every human – the desire to love and be loved. Because this love is the same force that comprises Spirit – it is inside and outside all human beings. This awareness that Spirit permeates all, leads to the collective consciousness which leads to a new respect and reverence for each other. It leads to a desire to be closer together. It leads to sweetness within relationships. It leads to peace.

Chakra No. 6 The Agnya (Ag-nee-ya), sometimes called the third eye, is placed at the centre of the brain. When this chakra is open and healthy, the Kundalini pierces through, causing the thought waves to quiet down. The benefit is that the spaces between thoughts (or pauses between the words) also increase. The attention can then be attached to the pause or silence and a thoughtless state achieved which is full awareness. The subtle system now becomes a receiving instrument, not just a sender. When the constant chattering of the mind stops, like a blaring radio being turned off, one feels a great sense of relief and peace. As one progresses in the ability to maintain a thoughtless state for longer periods of time, an exploration of a whole new universe begins. You learn to take in more of the life energy that is constantly radiating from the God source. Your own vibratory rate increases tremendously and you become a stronger positive force in the world. You learn to open up your receiving powers at will and you understand that there is a Main Frame database that is infinite and that it is yours to tap into whenever you need it. You become humble to the vastness of this network in which you are always receiving full, loving attention – and yet at the same time, are such a minute part. The Agnya Chakra is the gateway to the universal «Data Base» or the Universal unconsciousness. Without it’s opening, the Kundalini cannot pass through and enter into the Sahasrara, where your Spirit is then connected to the Divine. The major problems of our conditioning that have tended to block the opening of this chakra focus on the ego and superego. These two essential features tend to swell up like balloons from the excess energy we generate from too much mental and physical activity on the right side or too much emotional activity on the left side. In this swollen state, the central channel is blocked, stopping the Kundalini from rising through and out the top of the head. This is why our behaviour in the past tended to be like a pendulum swing from left to right – from very happy to - 15 -

very sad, or from very angry to very peaceful, or very energetic to very tired. From overly inflated egos, many kinds of problematic attitudes and behaviours have resulted. One of the most detrimental to some societies has been arrogance and aggressiveness that result in condemnation and contempt. These negative attitudes create tensions in the cells inside the body and if held in place, become a primary cause of malfunctioning organs and glands. This malfunctioning leads to disease. In order to release the tensions that we create inside our subtle systems from such attitudes, we must develop the positive attitude of forgiveness. Forgiveness that comes from the heart is sending powerful positive energy in the form of compassion into the subtle system and works like a soothing massage to dissolve the tensions away. Forgiveness works as an essential treatment for helping to clear other chakras, as tensions from our past have tended to settle all over the body, not just at the Agnya chakra. Another problematic conditioning that most of us share that blocks the Agnya chakra is worry. This practice sends anxiety into the body that also creates tensions in our cells that obstruct the smooth workings of the subtle system. The habit of worrying comes from the egocentric false belief that we have to think of and take care of everything by ourselves. You’ll be glad to know that God actually is the one who «does everything». Instead of worrying, you can «kick the problem upstairs»… let God take care of it. You’ll be amazed at how taking your worried or negative attention off a problem helps its resolution and in a much more effective way than we could ever have brought about through our narrow uncreative egocentric thoughts. Finally, taking aggression upon ourselves is as wrong as aggressing others for it inflates the other obstructing balloon, the superego where all past conditionings are stored. People slipping into the superego tend to be depressed, lethargic… or just messy.


Chakra No. 7

The Sahasrara (Sa-has-ra-ra) Chakra encompasses the crown of the head. It is here – that all the chakras and all the channels of the subtle system come together and are integrated into a whole. When the Kundalini passes through the top of the head, at the fontanel area, your realisation is manifested. When your attention is on the Sahasrara, you are in touch with your whole Self, which is the Spirit. The goal of Sahaja Yoga is to become the Spirit… a spiritual being… no longer directed by the back and forth play between the ego and the superego. Our Spirit introduces us at last to Absolute Freedom. Sahasrara is the Promised Land where this freedom is granted. The beginner of Sahaja Yoga receives Self-realisation at the start with the raising of the Kundalini. Usually, only a few strands of Kundalini can rise at first, and the Chakras will open only slightly. Meditation and other simple techniques (described in other places in this book) provide daily opportunity to gradually cleanse and clear the chakras. As they open wider, more strands of Kundalini will rise up. Your ability to feel vibrations will increase. Sometimes they will register on the fingers of the hands, in the form of tingling or numbing sensations. Sometimes you will feel the vibrations inside your body in your chakras. Sometimes you will feel a cool breeze flowing out of the top of the head … sometimes the breeze will be warm when your Kundalini is working or clearing a chakra. As you continue cleaning your instrument through which your Spirit can work with the Divine, you will be-

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come more aware of the vibratory state of life around you. You will become more open and receptive to the beautiful, positive vibrations radiating from nature (trees, mountains, flowers, clouds and sky). You’ll be able to feel the condition of others, and know when or how to help them. You’ll develop a wise discretion about every aspect of your daily life. But, of course, there is much more to Sahaja Yoga than all this. Sahasrara is the tabernacle of the higher synthesis between our consciousness and divinity. To express the glory of this dimension, words and thoughts fail. The opening of the Sahasrara is the very special gift of Shri Mataji to mankind. Through years of selfless and very hard work, she has displayed the most awesome, and the most benevolent spiritual power. She is the only one who has opened the Sahasrara Chakra at a collective level, for thousands of seekers. Our relationship to her is guided by this sense of awe and gratitude.

The Subtle System, The Channels and the Void The autonomous nervous system is placed within the spine and is divided into three main channels (Nadis). The left and right channels comprise the sympathetic nervous system that we use for our conscious physical, mental and emotional activity. The centre channel houses the parasympathetic nervous system that controls the involuntary activities of breathing, heartbeat and other reflex unconscious

o o o o

Left Channel Right Channel Central Channel The Void

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activities. The network of this system corresponds to subtle energy channels (called Nadis in Sanskrit). These Nadis link the chakras together to permit coordinated interaction and provide the conduit through which the life energies flow. Like the chakras, these channels must be kept clear of catches and imbalances to maintain a healthy revitalising human system.

The Left Channel The left channel (or Ida Nadi in Sanskrit) is also called the Moon Channel. It begins at the Mooladhara and runs up the left side, crossing the Agnya chakra into the temple and superego on the right side of the brain. It provides the conduit for the energy of our desire. From these wishes, our emotions are triggered. Emotions are actually desires that have not yet materialised. These desires and the attendant feelings about them travel through this left channel to the appropriate places in the body to bring about the actions of fulfilment. Our desires are essential for action. Without their impetus we would have nothing to act upon. The greatest quality of the left side is to provide joy that is the steady condition of the Spirit. You may remember having this joy as a child, or you may have observed it in small two- or three-year-old children. They usually wake up in the morning happy. While they may experience physical or emotional pain once in a while throughout their day they do not cling to it with memory. Rather, they cry, recover

and resume the steady state of joy. The desire for this joy is still alive inside us, the same as it was when we were infants. It may be blocked or covered with "tarnish" from emotional or physical hurts experienced in living life. Before Sahaja Yoga, we did not have effective techniques for clearing away the hurts and blows that are normal for those of us living active lives. The practice of Sahaja Yoga helps us remove those old tensions and recover that joy as a steady state of being. Problems of the left side tend to result in passivity or emotional extremism whereby we are thrown between elation and depression. With this type of imbalance, self-discipline becomes difficult and bad habits become hard to correct. In the worst case, we will become lethargic and self-obsessed. Because this channel feeds into the skull area, pressure on the brain becomes excessive. This cycle is what causes mental breakdown, epilepsy and senility (decay of the brain).

The Right Channel The right Channel (or Pingala Nadi in Sanskrit) is also called the Sun Channel. It begins at the Swadisthan Chakra and travels up the right side. It crosses over to the left temple (ego) at the Agnya Chakra. It provides the conduit for our active energy. This energy is comprised of our mental and physical activities. When the demand for energy on this side is too great, the left side is weakened; the desire to have the joy of the Spirit evaporates. When the right side dominates, the personality becomes very dry and aggressive. Excess pressure shoots up into the temple and into the ego, causing it to inflate into a balloon that blocks the central channel. The entire system is thrown off balance. Blinded by ego, sensitivity to our own emotions is diminished. Decisions and actions are taken that dominate or disrupt the lives of others with a firm belief that they are «necessary» and «logical». Taken to this extreme, rightsided behaviour leads to heart disease. The high-tech, high-powered, «fast-track» environ-

ments of the Western world’s cities and suburbs are generating predominantly right-sided citizens. It is difficult to maintain equilibrium between emotions and actions when the work, school and shopping environments are highly aggressive and stressful. It is difficult to maintain a peaceful home where the imbalances and negativities can be corrected and purified. Instead, most of us go back to work or school with the accumulated negativities of the past still clinging to our systems. Sahaja Yoga practices are effective at removing negativity and balancing the chakras and channels. Using simple meditation and techniques, such as foot soaking, lying on the ground, sweeping the «aura» and shoe beating (all of these techniques are described later in the book) one can begin each day with joy from open chakras and energetic power from a balanced system. You can revitalise yourself and the relationships around you, simply by working on yourself from the inside out.

The Central Channel The central channel (or Sushumna Nadi in Sanskrit) is also the middle path. It begins at the place where the Kundalini resides and passes straight up the spine to the highest chakra. As the conduit for the parasympathetic nervous system, the central channel coordinates our involuntary system activities. We do not have conscious control over these activities. Our heart beats, our lungs breathe, our blood system manufactures plasma, our brain centralises and coordinates communication, - 18 -

our mind performs «word processing» … all of these incredible functions – and more – operate more powerfully than forty billion computers. These operations are performed regardless of where our attention is focussed. They seem to have no need for our conscious leadership and control. Yet miraculously, our body’s involuntary activities function according to an organised operating plan with such complex interactions, syntheses, and communications that our deepest medical scientific research, which is now pro-

The Central Channel bing into the DNA, recognises that still we have only reached the «tip of the iceberg». We have discovered that the human system is so vast and so ingenious that even to get some type of rudimentary understanding of it, requires recognition of our ignorance of it. Now we may start learning something new and this is what Sahaja Yoga is about. The activities that take place through the parasympathetic system are as follows: They happen naturally, without our doing anything. The rising of the Kundalini and her work, as well as all other spiritual activities, are spontaneous.

Hence, the term Sahaja was selected to label this type of yoga because it means spontaneous. The implication of the parasympathetic nature of the middle path is that the rise of the Kundalini is totally beyond our own volition or control. This is why, Shri Mataji has to act as a catalyst. Once our Kundalini has been awakened and has travelled through this central channel, out the top of the head, we can begin to become aware of the vast internal galaxy of our subtle system. This initial «enlightenment» or realisation is only the beginning of our greatest adventure. Moses

The Void – Ocean of illusion


In human development/evolution there has been a constant struggle against apathy and illusions. The word illusion means a mistaken belief or false perception. We have to conquer these illusions before we can experience the truth and beauty of the Spirit. The area in the body that represents this struggle between illusion and reality s called the «Void». Void means empty/vacant/unfilled. It is a circular area in the abdominal region that becomes enlightened when Kundalini rises. Kundalini fills this empty area in our central nervous system and neutralises our illusions, so that we can experience truth and reality. Void contains all our illusions concerning reality. True reality hides behind these illusions. Thus, as long as we don not know the truth the way we look upon life and live it will be an illusion and therefore without much value as we then base our existence on false premises. This area is not an energy centre/chakra, but a gap between Kundalini’s resting place and the beginning of the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic system. The Void forms a circle that fills the abdominal area and includes Chakras No.2 and No.3. The Swadisthan actually moves in the Void as it rotates around the Nabhi. The shift in our attention from concern about our food, clothing, homes and family love to concern about our spiritual nature requires passage through the Void. When Kundalini energy enlightens the Void area we become our own Master/Guru. The word Guru means depth and gravity. We need balance in the Void to be in balance. When Kundalini rises and fills this empty area our attention shifts from confusion to a higher awareness of the spiritual truth. In the process we can take control over our own ascent without being dependent on outside influences. By meditating we become enlightened and are the able to find the answer to our problems and know the difference between right and wrong, truth and illusions. The principles of seeking truth our housed here. As Kundalini power awa- 19 -


Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi


The 10 Primordial Masters

Guru Nanak


Raja Janaka

Sokrates Mohammed

kens in us, qualities of responsibility, dignity, and self-reliance begin to develop. Dharma or a sense of righteousness begins to emerge. The passage from the material to the spiritual requires knowledge of the truth and how to live it. In order to teach us this way of life many prophets and teachers have incarnated. The major 10 teachers or Primordial Masters are: Left side: Raja Janaka, Abraham, Lao Tse, Zarathustra, and Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Right side: Confucius, Socrates, Moses, Mohammed and Guru Nanak. You can say these names in the basic mantra (see page …*) but remember to add «Shri» before the name. Through the practice of Sahaja Yoga we are given guidance and knowledge of the Divine Laws and we can verify the truth of their teachings through our vibratory awareness. The teaching of these masters – even their names – gives cool vibrations. All knowledge should lead to self-respect and self-reliance otherwise it is not true knowledge. It is therefore an exciting journey we embark upon to discover what it is that each of these masters has given us on our way through the ocean of illusions. It is a treasure hunt.

What happens during Meditation? Actually, we cannot «do» meditation. Meditation is a state of consciousness into which we spontaneously enter as the Kundalini pierces through the Sahasrara. This is a momentous, if subtle, happening. It is the yoga, the union with the Divine and the beginning of an altogether new awareness. It is this awareness that we must now sustain. However, in our busy distracting environment, this is not always easy. Our attention («chitta») is easily distracted and tends to return to its old, familiar habits. And then we may wonder if indeed we did touch a new awareness – or was it just a dream? … It was no dream, but our attention needs to be strengthened and to settle into its new seat at Sahasrara. This can easily be achieved through the regular practice of a few simple techniques given to us by Shri Mataji. First of all, one should use the photograph of Shri Mataji to «take vibrations». As you will soon discover, Shri Mataji’s photograph emits a stream of cool, soothing vibrations which can be felt as a cool breeze on the palms of the hands and even at the top of the head. So try to benefit from these vibrations twice a day, morning and evening,: keep the photograph in a place where you can meditate undisturbed everyday. Place a lightened candle before the picture and sit comfortably facing the photograph with your hands resting palm upward on your lap. Try to keep your attention relaxed and focused at the top of your head (at Sahasrara). Physically, you may at first feel some heat or tingling in your fingers or in your body. This indicates in a very precise way which chakras are blocked. This can be cleared in various ways: with a bandhan to the finger that is tingling; by taking the mantra of the specific chakra; or by placing the right hand on the corresponding place in the body (for example, on the forehead for right Agnya). The right hand - 20 -

is used for bandhan or giving vibrations and the left hand for receiving the vibrations. After some time, the heat or tingling will be replaced by coolness, which indicates that the vibrations are now flowing without obstruction. Mentally, you may at first find your thoughts wandering to past or projected future events. Try to witness them and let go, gradually letting peace settle in. After some time, you will find that your mind is at rest, though fully alert. To close meditation, raise your Kundalini and give yourself a bandhan. This regular practice will help you to develop and maintain a state of inner peace which will last throughout the day as your attention becomes more and more strongly identified with the spirit within. These very basic indications are by way of introduction. Further meditation and clearing techniques and practices will be explained to you at your local Sahaja Yoga centre.

Deepening Your Spiritual Development:

India and Spirituality The country of India has an ancient tradition and culture which primarily focuses on God. Within this focus, God is communicated with, talked about and studied in His many aspects. This focus has generated such a vast body of intelligence that India clearly has much to offer in the understanding of the spiritual realm. While Western culture and tradition focused more on material development, India has excelled in developing a high level of spirituality. Thus, as Western individuals reach the stage of human evolution where spiritual development becomes a priority, it is natural to integrate Indian spiritual teachings into a broader expression of planetary civilisation. Involvement with the spiritual realm usually begins in early childhood in India as parents give primary attention to their children’s spiritual consciousness. In India, it is not unusual to hear mothers asking their children, «Where is your attention?» Ideally, knowing that the attention should always be under control, instruction and examples of «right» conduct and dharmic behaviour begin at birth. A strong connection with God in all forms is established through family worship and meditation. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who developed and is now teaching Sahaja Yoga in most major countries, was born and raised in India in a family that practised Christianity. However, in India, regardless of one’s sectarian religious exposure (and all types are available there) there is a common denominator, a body of spiritual knowledge underlining all. That common denominator knowledge base comes from the ancient Sanskrit descriptions of God and His network of aspects or Deities used to teach humans about the Divine. Eastern Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc embrace these teachings. Hence, Shri Mataji incorporates many elements from all religious teachings into the theory and practice of Sahaja Yoga. The network of Deities was created to help humans grasp an understanding of the multitudinous, diverse and infinite qualities of God. For example, Jesus was an incarnated Deity, whose purpose in life was to teach us, by his example, the - 21 -

everlasting quality of the spirit and the essentiality of forgiveness in order to connect with one’s spirit. Another incarnated Deity was Rama, the King who demonstrated by his example, the ideal responsible male as father, husband and leader. Krishna lived on earth to teach about the greatness of God and the need for diplomacy. As we go deeper into the practice of Sahaja Yoga, you will hear and read about specific Deities continuously as their examples are used to teach the way of life that is in harmony with God’s will. Because they are aspects of the one God, and God is an alive force, so too, the Deities have a life force. One particular Deity presides over one particular chakra or channel within our subtle system. As we meditate and wish to clear a particular chakra or balance the channels, we can say a mantra that mentions the presiding Deity’s name, and actually feel the effects of the energy accelerate within the chakra. Information about the Deities is vast and complex. Each one, such as Christ, is reflected through written and spoken materials, such as The Bible, The Koran, The Vedas, The Torah, etc. For the purpose of this brief introductory guide, a short summary of the primary Deity connected with each of the seven major chakras follows.

The Deities


Chakra No. 1

Shri Ganesha, the child with the head of an elephant, presides over this critical fundamental support chakra. He represents the qualities of innocence and absolute wisdom. It is his job to guard the Kundalini against dangerous negativity and it is he who indicates to the Kundalini whether or not it is safe to rise. He is the aspect of God that has the power to remove all obstacles to the Kundalini’s ri-


Chakra No. 2

The presiding Deities of the Swadisthan are Shri Brahmadeva and the goddess of music and arts Shri Saraswati. Together they reflect God’s power to create. They assist in the delicate balancing of the intellectual and «intuitive» activities to enhance spontaneous creation. The inspirational and aesthetic qualities of this aspect of God are extremely subtle and difficult to keep in balance because they combine with the urge to be recognised in the world for our creative and intellectual abilities.


sing and to our spiritual development. The innocence of Shri Ganesha is like that which we had as small children and it is that innocence that can be restored within us, regardless of the damage that might have been inflicted on this chakra through sexual abuses. The Ganesha aspect within us is there to joyfully help resolve our subtle systems to reach perfect working order.

In some countries, this recognition urge is exploited into the extreme by an economic system that rewards aggressive competition and quantity over quality. Hence, spontaneity is killed and joyless, dry patterns of hurried work result. Shri Brahmadeva and Shri Saraswati encompass the correct energy for this chakra and saying their Sanskrit names in the form of a mantra while meditating accelerates the flow of correcting energy.

Chakra No. 3 The presiding Deities of the Nabhi are Shri Vishnu and Shri Lakshmi. Shri Vishnu represents the male’s preserving aspects that lead us in our evolution and sustains our dharma (sense of purity and righteousness). His female power – his wife, Shri Lakshmi, represents the power of God that controls our phy- 22 -

sical and material well-being. The Lakshmi qualities are critical for today’s women to understand and fully develop because of the profound impact the family environment has on all its members. It is in the home where inner peace can be developed and sustained or broken and disoriented.


Chakra No. 4 Shri Shiva and Shri Parvati preside over the left portion of the heart. Shri Shiva reflects pure spiritual existence – without being housed in a body. He reflects God’s powers as both creator and destroyer and in India is known as the «Auspicious One». His female aspect, Shri Parvati, is known as the «Daughter of the Mountain», having manifested herself in the Himalayas and won her place as wife to Shri Shiva by performing years of arduous austerities. Together, they demonstrate the tremendous strength that can be radiated from an open heart. Shri Durga (Jagadamba) represents Shri Parvati without Shri Shiva. She resides over the centre portion of the heart. She is known as the «Mother of the Universe» because of her nurturing and protective


Chakra No. 5

Shri Krishna is the Deity of the centre Vishuddhi chakra. He incarnated to teach in the Bhagavad-Gita the eternal nature of the Spirit. He enjoyed life to the fullest as a playful witness, able to be devoid of possessiveness and other insecurities that cause us to be attached to people and things in an unhealthy way. His female power, Shri Radha, helped him demonstrate the highest form of surrender in love. The


qualities. She provides our sense of inner security and stability as we function in the world. Understanding and respect for the importance of our mother’s influence on our personalities comes through Jagadamba. Shri Rama and his consort, Shri Sita, rule at the right portion of the heart. Shri Rama was the ideal male human being – perfect king, son, father, brother, husband, citizen, man. By his examples of sacrifice and truthfulness, he set the ethical boundaries by which men should be guided in order to have high self-esteem that flows from being in harmony with God. Shri Sita reflects the essential power of the wife to enable her husband to understand and implement his spiritual direction.

Vishuddhi chakra governs speech and Shri Krishna was the supreme diplomat. He praised rather than criticised: he showed respect and auspiciousness to all. His communication was never frivolous, harsh or sarcastic. Through His action the evil power of that time was brought down. He also exposed the emptiness of artificial codes of behaviour, misguided ritualism and the foolishness of ego.

Chakra No. 6 The Lord Jesus and his Mother Mary govern centre Agnya. Lord Jesus demonstrated the radiating infinite force of God’s compassion. Through his ability to forgive, he brought that power to all of us. We can also always forgive others, since we are made of the same Spirit as God. Once we understand that our anger and guilt only causes our own chakras to clog, and do not «punish» the target of those feelings at


all, it becomes easy to forgive. When the Lord Jesus said that he was the light and the path to the kingdom of heaven, he referred to the fact that our Kundalini cannot rise above the Agnya chakra if it is clogged by impurities. He is the narrow gate and if the Kundalini does not rise above Agnya, we cannot connect our Spirit with God.

Chakra No. 7

The presiding Deity of the Sahasrara is Shri Kalki. He is the rider of the white horse of Saint John’s Apocalypse as his job will be to end evil. He makes the final judgement as to who and what needs to be destroyed to enable heaven to exist on earth. He has not yet manifested on earth. In the meantime, before the time of destruction, redemption is open to us by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s opening of our Sahasrara - 23 -

These Deities can be awakened in your subtle system through the use of mantras. Mantras are, precisely, sacred invocations to the principles governing the chakras. The following page gives the format for Sahaja Yoga mantras. Specific mantras can be used in meditation to help clear specific chakras, or they can all be said to clear the entire system.

Sahaja Yoga Mantras The basic form is as follows:

Om Twameva Sakshat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namah In the space indicated by the row of dots, say the name of the Deity related to the chakra that you wish to clear.

Shri Ganesha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Mooladhara Chakra – innocence, wisdom Shri Kartikeya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Mooladhara Chakra – valour, knowledge, chastity Shri Gauri Kundalini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seat of the Kundalini – purity Shri Bramadeva Saraswati . . . . . . . . . Centre Swadisthan – creativity Shri Nirmala Vidya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Swadisthan – pure knowledge, inspiration Shri Himalaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Swadisthan – to cool down and purify attention Shri Lakshmi-Vishnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre Nabhi – sustenance, contentment, spiritual evolution Shri Gruha Lakshmi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Nabhi – household matters, inner peace, generosity Shri Raja Lakshmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Nabhi – liver, attention, worthiness Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya . . . . . . . . . . . Void – guru principle, Ten Commandments Shri Jagadamba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre Heart – sense of security Shri Shiva Parvati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Heart – mother’s place, spirit, existence Shri Sita Rama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Heart – father’s place, responsible behaviour Shri Vishnu Granthi Vibhedini . . . . . Knot of Vishnu – beginning of ego Shri Radha Krishna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre Vishuddhi – collectivity, detached witness, independency Shri Vishnumaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Vishuddhi – self-esteem Shri Yeshoda/Vitthala Rukmini . . . Right Vishuddhi – respect for others, diplomacy Shri Hamsa Chakra Swamini . . . . . . Hamsa Chakra – discrimination Shri Jesus Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Agnya – forgiveness (The Lords Prayer is also a Mantra) Shri Ekadesha Rudra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 destructive powers of Christ, faith in God Shri Mahavira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Agnya – superego, conditioning Shri Buddha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Agnya – ego Shri Maha Ganesha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Agnya – self-forgiveness Shri Mahakali/ Bhairava . . . . . . . . . . . Left Channel – desires, emotions Shri Mahasaraswati/ Hanumana . Right Channel – physical and mental activity Shri Nirvichara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thoughtless awareness Shri Nirvikalpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doubtless awareness Shri Annapurna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For vibrating food and drinks Shri Ganesha/ Shri Hanumana . . . . For protection/help when out travelling ...And for the Sahasrara – the following three mantras represent the culmination of the whole subtle system:

Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Mahalakshmi Mahasaraswati Mahakali Trigunatmika Kundalini Sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat, Shri Sahasrara Swamini Moksha Pradayini Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah - 24 -

Diagnosis of Imbalance Once the Kundalini is raised, a tingling or hot sensation is usually felt on the hands, head or feet to indicate the area which has a catch or a problem. The numbers indicate the corresponding chakra or channel. This ability to specifically pinpoint the problem enables more precise treatment and more rapid and effective clearing. The numbers 1-7 indicate the different chakras

Chakras: 1 2 3 4 4a 5 6 7

Mooladhara Swadisthan Nabhi Heart Void Vishuddhi Agnya Sahasrara

Right side: Father’s side Mental and physical

Left side: Mother’s side Emotional

2 3 4a 4 5



2 3 4a

3 5 2 6 4


4 - 25 -


Effective methods to clear the Chakras Candlelight Light is used for problems on the left side. When we work with light we rotate the light in circles towards the left. (That is clockwise – if you think of the front of you as a clock). ONE CANDLE: Used just on the left side on specific chakras and/or on the back Agnya ( bandhan 108 times) TWO CANDLES: Sit on the floor with a light placed near your left hand. With the second light work

on the left side or a specific chakra. You can also look at the photograph of Shri Mataji through the light. THREE CANDLES: Place one light near your left hand, as mentioned above. Place a second light on the floor behind you, near the left Swadisthan. Use a third light to work on the left side or a specific chakra. This is called the 3-light-treatment. Shri Mataji advises us to use this technique for problems or illnesses on the left side.

Footsoak In the evening, place some warm water in a bowl and add about 3 tablespoons of salt. Sit comfortably on a chair, put your feet in the salt water and meditate. This technique is very effective. Salt mixed with the water element pulls the negativity out of the body through the feet. Do this salt water treatment for 5 to 10 minutes or until the water becomes cold. After your foot soak, pour the salt water carefully down the toilet and wash your hands. The bowl you use for foot soaking should not be used for any other purpose.

Lemons/limes and Chilli Peppers (Matka) It is a good idea to take a Matka every now and then, especially when you are under a lot of strain from negativity. Place 7 lemons or limes and 7 green chilli peppers in front of the photograph of Shri Mataji for a while to be vibrated. Cut off the stem end of both the chillies and the limes. Put a paper or plastic bag in a clay pot. Put the lemons or limes and the chilli peppers inn. Add a little vibrated water. Close the bag and let the pot stand in front of the picture. The clay will absorb vibrations. Before you go to bed, open the bag and place the pot as close to your head as possible in/close to the bed. The limes and chillies will then absorb the negativities, and the clay - 26 -

pot prevents it from coming back to you. Close the bag in the morning, without looking in it, and put the whole in front of the photograph. Repeat this for 7 nights in a row. When this is done, throw the bag and everything in it away (preferably in a river or the sea nearby or bury it). This treatment is surprisingly effective for clearing out deep problems of both the left and right side. The more time you use to clear the subtle system morning and evening, the faster you will notice progression. The vibrations get stronger and with that the possibility to go deeper into meditation and you can start the natural inner process that balances all aspects of life.

Sahaja Yoga Collectivity As the vibratory rate of our subtle system increases, we have found the desire increasing for a stronger and deeper experience. This is gained by being around others who are practising Sahaja Yoga, for as the vibratory rate of one person increases, another’s is automatically strengthened. The synergy rate becomes 1 + 1 = 11. These positively charged vibrations have a positive effect on all those who come into the sphere of influence. Sahaja Yoga centres and ashrams are found all over the world. Weekly meetings are held in these centres, seminars are sponsored and publications and video and audio tapes are shared. In addition,

at the weekly session more advanced Sahaja Yogis clear out negativity and demonstrate techniques. The effect of being around other Sahaja Yogis reaffirms the innate knowledge that we benefit by physical closeness to one another. When we were infants, mother’s closeness was essential. In adolescence our family and friends were vital to our sense of happiness or unhappiness. In adulthood we know we want to love and be loved by everyone (despite the fashionable façade of individuality). This innate desire for collectivity can be more deeply understood, appreciated and confirmed through the practice of Sahaja Yoga.

Shoe beating This is an ancient «cleansing» technique from Islam, used by the Sufis to offer negativity or evil to the mother earth. It entails drawing a circle on the ground with the index finger and symbolically writing into the circle, something that is of concern. Write your name first. Then removing ones left shoe, the circle is «hammered» with the heel of the shoe. Look at the sky or green trees/grass while be-

Ice pack on liver If you think too much and don’t manage to be free of thoughts then your liver may be too warm. This can also happen if you are very stressed and make a lot of plans for the future. An ice pack (made of ice-cubes in a plastic bag) helps to cool the liver down. Place the ice pack on the right side of the abdomen, for 5 minutes. This stops you thinking so much.

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ating negativity. Do not look at people or animals. Turn Shri Mataji’s picture away from you, also any pendant with her face towards you. This in no way presupposes an outcome to the problem, but is a way of surrendering it to the Mother Earth, to be dealt with in the best possible way for all concerned.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahaja Yogas grunnlegger – Hennes historie så langt

Birth and childhood Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born on March 21st 1923 to a Christian family in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Her parents were Prasad and Cornelia Salve. Her father’s family are direct descendants of the royal Shalivahana dynasty. Seeing the beauty of their child who was born immaculate, they called her Nirmala, which means "Immaculate". Later on she became known all over the word as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the revered Mother who was born realised and who knew, from a very early

age, that she had an unique gift which had to be made available to all mankind. As a child Shri Mataji lived for periods in the ashram of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi recognised her wisdom and greatly appreciated her. He often sought her advice on spiritual matters. Shri Mataji was born with a complete understanding of the human nervous system. In order to become acquainted with the scientific vocabulary relating to it, she studied medicine and psychology at the Christian Medical College in Lahore.

Fighting for India’s independence Her parents played a key roll in India’s struggle for independence from British rule. Her father was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi and after India’s independence he was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly, and helped to write India’s first constitution. He was a renowned scholar, master of 14 languages and translated the Holy

Quran into Hindi/Marathi. Her mother was the first woman in India to gain an Honours Degree in Mathematics. Shri Mataji was an active participant in India’s struggle for independence. She was fearless in her role as a leader of the youth movement. In 1942 she was even arrested and jailed together with other freedom fighters.

Marriage Shortly before India achieved independence she married Sir C.P.Srivastava one of India’s most wellknown and dedicated civil servants, who was knighted by the Queen of England. In India it is believed that the wife brings luck to her husband, and this is most certainly the case for Sir C.P. Srivastava. He was an absolutely honest person, and rose in government rank very quickly.

From 1964 – 66 he held the post of Joint Secretary to the Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. Later he was elected Secretary General to the United Nations International Maritime Organisation based in London, a post he held for 16 years. Shri Mataji after fulfilling her familial duty of bringing up her two daughters began on her spiritual mission.

Sahaja Yoga is born Although she knew about her own spiritual awareness she did not know how to present it to the people of modern times. She was also aware of the problems encountered by the earlier spiritual incarnations who came on this earth, such as Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha when they prophesied the truth directly to the people. On 5th.of May 1970, on a lonely beach in Nargol (about 150km.

from Bombay), a divine spiritual experience filled her whole being and she suddenly found the answer to her question. She would give SelfRealization en-mass so that 1000`s of people at a time could get contact with their spirits and thereby, start their inner transformation. Sahaja (Spontaneous) Yoga (union with the Self) was born.

Spreading Sahaja Yoga around the world Shri Mataji began gradually by awakening the spiritual power (which Hindus call Kundalini, Muslims call Ruh and Christians call the Holy Ghost) in the people near to her, and was overwhelmed by the results. They were transformed physically, mentally and spiritually. Slowly but surely she found out that this process was the answer to all human problems. She decided therefore to spread it en-mass. She in- 28 -

vested her own time and money to travel around talking to people and giving them the key to their own spiritual power. Those who began to feel this spiritual power, which flowed like a cool breeze over their bodies, especially over the palm of their hands and on the tops of their heads, were quite astonished that it worked. Even though they questioned it they could not deny what they had experienced.

Spreading Sahaja Yoga around the world cont.. Under the guidance of Shri Mataji they gave this power to others with the result that they were convinced that this was the spiritual experience prophesied by all the religions. Shri Mataji receives no financial support and makes no charge for her lectures or for giving self-realization. She insists that no one can pay for enlightenment; it is a gift from God. She warns strongly against false self- proclaimed «Gurus» who are more interested in the seekers money than their spiritual ascent. Since 1970 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has kept a busy schedule, traveling the world teaching the techniques of Sahaja Yoga. With her tremendous capacity she awakens the spiritual power (Kundalini) in many 1000`s of people en-mass.

There are Sahaja Yoga centers established in over 95 countries. Large numbers of people regardless of race, religion, age or social status acknowledge her teachings. These people live normal family lives, increasing their inner spiritual powers through daily meditation, thus achieving balance in their lives physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They understand the integration of all the major religions and spiritual paths, not on a mental level but through a direct tangible experience on their central nervous systems. Thousands of years ago the spiritual «Flowering time», which is happening now, was prophesied. Seekers of truth are going to experience connection with their Spirit.

International achievements and recognition An official guest in the former Soviet Union, Shri Mataji enabled over 100,000 people to experience Self-Realisation. She regularly speaks to audiences of 10 to 20,000 in the former Eastern block nations and has filled the Royal Albert Hall in London year after year for her conference on Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given thousands of lectures, given many television and radio interviews, and been the subject of hundreds of newspaper articles around the world. She is an articulate speaker. Shri Mataji is the founder and soul leader of Sahaja Yoga or "Vishwa Nirmala Dharma", which is an established non-profit making organisation in many countries worldwide. Shri Mataji has been recognised worldwide by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and for the powerful results of her spiritual teachings. In 1993, she was appointed as Honorary Member of the Presidium of Pretrovskaya Academy of Art and Science. In the history of the Academy only twelve

people have been granted this honour, Einstein being one of them. During the same year, she inaugurated the international Conference on "Medicine and Self-Knowledge" in St. Petersburg. In 1994, the Mayor of Brazil’s capital welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport, presenting Her with the key to the city, and sponsored all of her programs. In 1995, the Indian Government granted Shri Mataji a one-hour primetime television appearance broadcast nationally. During the same year, Shri Mataji was an official guest of the Chinese government and was invited to speak at the International Women’s Conference in Beijing. Also in 1995, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive and Para psychological Sciences by the Romanian Ecological University. She was given a Proclamation by the US Congress in 1997 which was submitted to the Congressional Records. The Italian Government declared Shri Mataji "Personality of the Year" in 1986.

NGO’s founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi In her tremendous compassion and concern to alleviate human sufferings, Shri Mataji has in the last 25 years founded a number of NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) to solve the most pressing problems of the world. To mention a few: 1. An international clinic in Mumbai, India to help patients from all over the world to cure themselves through Sahaja Yoga methods. This hospital has been a success resulting in cures in a number of incurable diseases like cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis etc.

2. An international cancer research centre in Mumbai where the effects of Sahaja Yoga methods on curing various illnesses, including psychosomatic diseases are studied. 3. An international music and arts school in India to promote classical music. 4. A house run on charity in Delhi, providing shelter to destitute and homeless people. Also to help them, through the process of Sahaja Yoga, to become better individuals.

Conclusion Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has dedicated her life to triggering the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization, reclaiming the role of women in the spiritual evolution, and guiding humanity to correct today’s moral dilemmas. It seems that this great lady will fulfil Gandhi’s vision. Her followers revere her as - 29 -

the compassionate Divine Mother as the "Messenger of peace" by Ayatollah Rouhani, and as Avatar of the modern era by Claes Nobel, grandnephew of Albert Nobel (the creator of the Nobel foundation) and Chairman of United Earth And still the story continues………

AFFIRMATIONS LEFT CHANNEL Ida Nadi - Past - Moon Channel - Ying

Shri Mahakali - Bhairava - the whole left side, emotions, desires. Please Mother, take away my illusions and let me be in reality. Please Mother, give me pure desires. Please Mother, let me experience joy. SUPEREGO: Shri Maha Vira - (subconscious – not a chakra) – the right side of the head Please Mother, don’t let my past impede my spiritual evolution.

AGNYA Shri Maha Ganesha – (Back Agnya) – Ask for forgiveness. Mother Kundalini, please forgive me. Please Mother, give me pure, good thoughts.

VISHUDDHI Shri Vishnumaya – Self-respect, self-esteem. Mother Kundalini, I am not guilty. I am the spirit, how can I then be guilty? I accept myself and my present situation. I am contented with myself, have confidence and belief in myself.

HEART Shri Shiva Parvati – Mother relationship, abode of the spirit, existence. Please Mother, open my heart. I am pure spirit and pure love.

VOID/OCEAN OF ILLUSION 5 Guruer (Janaka, Abraham, Lao Tse, Zhoroster, Sai-Nat) Mother Kundalini, help me to be my own Master. I am my own Master/Guru. I am pure truth, I am therefore my own Master/Guru.

NABHI Shri Gruha Lakshmi – Family relationships, inner peace, generosity. Mother Kundalini, I am satisfied. Mother, I have inner peace. Mother, I am a generous person.

SWADISTHAN Shri Nirmala Vidya – Pure truth, inspiration. Mother Kundalini, I am pure truth. Mother, you are the source of Divine truth. Mother, please give me inspiration.

MOOLADHARA Shri Ganesha – (the one who removes all obstacles) innocence, wisdom, humbleness, discrimination. Mother Kundalini, you are the destroyer of all negativity. Please Mother, make me innocent.

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AFFIRMATIONS CENTRE CHANNEL Sushumna Nadi - Present - Balance Shri Mahalakshmi – You give me perfect balance. Shri Kundalini – May my awakening be strengthened.

SAHASRARA Shri Kalki/ Shri Mataji/ Sahasrara Mantra The integration of all the chakras – union with God. Please Mother, help me to be in deep meditation. Please Mother, free me of thoughts. Please Mother, give me complete self-realisation. Please Mother, strengthen my self-realisation/my union. Please Mother, let me feel the vibrations. Shri Ekadesha Rudra – The 11 destructive powers of Jesus over negativity, belief in God.

HAMSA Shri Hamsa Chakra Swamini – Discrimination/Ability to make the right choices.

VISHUDDHI Shri Radha Krishna - Collectivity, to witness, independence. Please Mother, help me to witness life’s play and development. I am a part of the whole, no more and no less. Please Mother, let Shri Radha Krishna’s qualities develop within me. Please Shri Radha Krishna remove the obstacles in my Vishuddhi and let me feel the vibrations.

HEART Shri Jagadamba – The feeling of safety, the cosmic Mother within us. Please Mother, protect me and keep me safe. I am safe and I am protected. Please Mother, strengthen my immune system. Please Mother, give me the strength to overcome insecurity. Mother, through your enlightenment I will always be under your protection and be connected to you. Because of your awakening, Mother I have no fear. Mother Kundalini, please help me to be bolder. I am bold.

VOID/OCEAN OF ILLUSIONS Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya – Guru principle. Please Mother, let the religion within me develop in me, so that I can be my own spiritual master. Please Mother, remove the obstacles from my past.

NABHI Shri Lakshmi -Vishnu – existence, sustenance, satisfaction, balance, spiritual evolution. Please Mother, increase my spiritual evolution. Please Mother, increase the balance and satisfaction in my everyday and spiritual life. Mother, you solve my economical and family problems and take care of me.

SWADISTHAN Shri Brahmadeva Saraswati – creativity. Mother, please release my creative energy. Please Mother, balance my activities.

MOOLADHARA Shri Gauri Kundalini – Kundalini`s abode.

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AFFIRMATIONS RIGHT CHANNEL Pingala Nadi - Future - Fire Channel - Yang

Shri Mahasaraswati - Hanumana – The whole right side, ego, physical and mental activity (Yang). May my spirit lead all my activities. EGO: Shri Buddha – (left side of the head, not a chakra). I surrender my ego to my spirit. I wish to be humble.

AGNYA Shri Jesus Mary/ Our Father (Front Agnya) – Forgiveness of others and ourselves. Mother Kundalini, I forgive everyone and I forgive myself. Please Mother, give me peace and tranquillity. Please Mother, let the qualities of Jesus develop within me. Please Mother, give me the strength to be in the present. Please Mother, give me the ability to master my reactions.

VISHUDDHI Shri Yeshoda/ Shri Vitthala Rukmini – Respect for others, diplomacy. Mother Kundalini, you are the sweet expression of my words and deeds. Mother, please let my speech be pure, clear, truthful, humble, quiet, soft and controlled. Please Mother, make me collective, diplomatic and good at communicating.

HEART Shri Sita Rama – Father relationship, responsible behaviour. Mother Kundalini, you are the responsibility within me. Mother, please help me to take the correct responsibility. Please Mother, awaken the «Maryadas» qualities in me (correct human interactions). Please Mother, help me to meditate regularly every day.

VOID/OCEAN OF ILLUSIONS 5 Gurus (Moses, Nanaka, Socrates, Confusius, Mohammed) Mother Kundalini, you are my Guru/Master.

NABHI Shri Nirmala Chitta – pure awareness Shri Raja Lakshmi – dignity Shri Himalaya – cools the liver. Shri Chandra Mata – the moon, cools the liver. Please Mother, give me pure awareness. Mother Kundalini, you are the dignity within me. Mother, you give me dignity in my daily life, concerning my family, the community, work and material blessings.

SWADISTHAN Shri Hazarat Ali Fatima/ Shri Himalaya – cooling. Shri Chandra Mata (cooling moon) – act creatively. Mother Kundalini, I do nothing. It is you who «do» and it is you who give pleasures.

MOOLADHARA Shri Kartikeya – Purity, Chastity. Mother, you are the chastity/purity within me.

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Agnya Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra



Shri Kalki, Shri Mataji

Integration, Silence

Collective consciousness,

C:: Lord Jesus (Mother Mary)

Right: Shri Buddha

Superego Forgiveness, Eternal

Nature of the Spirit Ego

Left: Shri Mahavira

Right: Shri Yeshoda

Playful Witness Joyful in Self

Vishuddhi Chakra


Cosmic being Divine Diplomacy,

Dutiful life, Father

Right: Shri Rama (Shri Sita)

C: Shri Krishna (Shri Radha)

Protection of the Universe

Centre: Shri Durga

Left: Shri Vishnumaya

Existence Mother, Silent joy

Left: Shri Shiva (Shri Parvati)

Heart Chakra

(Shri Lakshmi)


Dharma, Virtue,

10 Commandments

Shri Vishnu

Aesthetics, Pure knowledge

(Shri Saraswati)

Primordial Master

Nabhi Chakra


Creativity, Abstract Thought,

Shri Brahmadeva

Holiness of Mother

Limbic Area

Pituitary Glands) Left Temple

optic Thalamus (Pineal,

Right Temple Crossing of

Cervical Plexus (Thyroid)

Heart Cardiac Plexus

Heart Organ Sacred

Swadisthan combined)

(Same as Nabhi &

Stomach, Liver (partial)

Aortic Plexus


Plexus, Sympathetic

Virgin Purity, Motherly love,

Prostate Gland, Pelvic

Wisdom and Obedience

Physical Region

Innocence, loyalty


3a. Void (Ocean of illusion) Adi Guru

Swadisthan Chakra


(Home of Kundalini)

1a. Mooladhar

(Mother Gauri)

Shri Ganesha


Mooladhara Chakra

Deity & His (Female Power)

No Element Name

Cool Vibrations

Hearing, Thought, ÂŤIÂť ness

Conditioning, Habits, Sight,

Neck, Arms, Mouth, Tongue, Ears, Face

Heartbeat Breathing


Family, Household and Money worries,

Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Pancreas, Uterus

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Sex, Elimination

Functional Bio Aspects

Doubt in God, Doubt in Shri Mataji

Aggressive attitude

Right: Harm to others, Unforgiving nature,

Bad company, Wrong ideas about God

Left: Worries, Self Harm Centre: Roving eyes,

R: Arrogance, Dominating Personality

C: Smoking, Chanting, Speaking against God

Swearing,Impure relationships

Left: Lack of self respect, Feeling guilty,

or taking on too much responsibility

Possession by relatives R: Father shirking

Neglect of Spirit C: Sense of insecurity,

L: Excessive physical activity, Rigid discipline,

False Gurus, Fantasies

Pharmaceutical drugs

Alcohol, Indiscriminate use of

Crude artificial behaviour, Contacting spirits

Heavy drinking, Hallucinogenic drugs,

Too much thinking and planning,

Imbalance of the Sympathetic System

Tantric and Occult practices

Sexual excessiveness,

Causes of the Catch


Centre of palm

R: Right ring finger

C: Ring fingers

L: Left ring finger

R:Right first finger

C: First fingers

L: Left first finger

Right: Right little finger

Centre: Little fingers

Left: Left: little finger

outer part of palm

Middle finger &

Middle finger


Heel of palm

Heel of palm

Location on hand








Num. of Petals


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