EDAD EdD Handbook

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EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP Doctoral Program Handbook www.stcloudstate.edu/EDAD

ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Last Updated: October 2013

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Greetings and Welcome......................................................................................................................... 4 Department Mission .............................................................................................................................. 5 Program Mission ................................................................................................................................... 5 Program Website ................................................................................................................................... 5 E-mail Official Form of Communication .............................................................................................. 5 Academic Advisor ................................................................................................................................. 5 Program and Courses .......................................................................................................................... 6 Program Description .............................................................................................................................. 6 Program Structure .................................................................................................................................. 6 The Cohort Model ................................................................................................................................. 6 Program & Course Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7 Course Descriptions............................................................................................................................... 8 Professional/Interdisciplinary Elective Coursework ........................................................................... 10 Program of Study Timeline for Completion ........................................................................................ 11 Program of Study Forms ..................................................................................................................... 11 Steps for Admission and Completion of Program ............................................................................... 12 Qualifying Exam ................................................................................................................................. 13 Candidacy ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Overview of the Dissertation Process .................................................................................................. 14 Program Outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 15 Academic Policies/Procedures .......................................................................................................... 16 School of Graduate Studies Transfer Policies ..................................................................................... 16 Standard of Scholarship ....................................................................................................................... 17 Grade Appeal and Student Complaints Concerning Faculty Policies ................................................. 18 Residency Requirement ....................................................................................................................... 18 Program Completion Timeline ............................................................................................................ 18 Termination of Graduate Student Status ............................................................................................. 18 Leave of Absence/Stop Out ................................................................................................................. 18 Continuous Registration ...................................................................................................................... 19 Graduation ........................................................................................................................................... 20

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Student Resources, Policies, & Procedures ..................................................................................... 21 Student Code of Conduct..................................................................................................................... 21 Online Registration .............................................................................................................................. 21 Paying your Tuition Bill ...................................................................................................................... 21 HuskyNetID ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Desire2Learn ....................................................................................................................................... 22 File/Web Space .................................................................................................................................... 22 Virtual Lab ........................................................................................................................................... 22 HuskyNet Wireless Network ............................................................................................................... 22 Help Desk ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Security & Protection .......................................................................................................................... 22 Computer Labs .................................................................................................................................... 22 Library and Technology Resources ..................................................................................................... 23 Star Alert ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Severe Weather/Closings ..................................................................................................................... 23 The Write Place ................................................................................................................................... 24 Other Important Policies ...................................................................................................................... 24 Financial Information ....................................................................................................................... 25 Tuition Rates ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Financial Aid and Scholarships ........................................................................................................... 25 Graduate Assistantships....................................................................................................................... 25 Travel and Research Funds.................................................................................................................. 25 Faculty Profiles .................................................................................................................................. 26 Important Contacts/Resources ......................................................................................................... 27

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INTRODUCTION Greetings and Welcome: Welcome to St. Cloud State University! We are proud to offer high quality skills, knowledge, and dispositions to promote high quality administration of PK-12 schools and school districts. As a Professor and Director of the Educational Administration & Leadership program, I look forward to meeting you and assisting you in achieving your educational and career goals. Your decision to pursue a doctoral degree will make you a member of a community of scholars who will learn together in preparation for the challenges of school leadership in dynamic political, social, and economic arenas. The program is rigorous and our expectations for you are high, but you will never be alone as you pursue your academic program of study. This Doctoral Program Handbook was designed and developed to help you understand the expectations and responsibilities of being a doctoral student at St. Cloud State University in the Educational Administration & Leadership program. The Program Handbook, along with the SCSU Graduate Bulletin http://bulletin.stcloudstate.edu/gb, SCSU School of Graduate Studies website www.stcloudstate.edu/ graduatestudies, and SCSU Student Handbook www.stcloudstate.edu/studenthandbook/ will provide a majority of the information you need to be successful in the program and achieve your goals. Although we expect you to be responsible for all program timelines and requirements, we have provided you with excellent resources to help you meet those obligations. If you have any questions, there are many individuals on campus willing to assist you. Again, welcome to St. Cloud State University and the Educational Administration and Leadership program. Please call upon me if you have any questions about the program or the Program Handbook. We look forward to working with you and hope you have a wonderful learning experience! Sincerely, Dr. John Eller Director and Professor, Education Administration & Leadership Doctoral Program

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Department Mission The Educational Administration & Leadership Doctoral Program is housed within the Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education within the School of Education at St. Cloud State University. The mission of the Educational Leadership and Higher Education (ELHE) department is to offer current and prospective students the opportunity to develop, advance, and apply learning in leadership roles as a PK-12 administrator (building or district), or as a college or university administrator. Each program seeks to recruit, retain, graduate, and display the skills, abilities, and dispositions required of educational leaders in a dynamic social, economic, and political global environment. Program Mission The Educational Administration and Leadership Doctoral mission is to advance the skills, knowledge and dispositions of school practitioners to promote high quality administration of PK-12 schools and school districts benefitting students, communities and the global society. This mission is grounded in the St. Cloud State University mission of “commitment to excellence in teaching, learning, and service fostering scholarship and enhancing collaborative relationships in a global community.” Program Website The Educational Administration and Leadership doctoral program website is www.stcloudstate.edu/ EDAD. Please use this site to obtain information about events, due dates, handbooks, forms, program newsletter, faculty contact material, graduate assistantships, scholarships, summer leadership institute, education abroad opportunities, links to professional organizations, etc. The School of Graduate Studies website also provides a wealth of resources for doctoral students at www.stcloudstate.edu/ graduatestudies/doctoralstudies/students.asp E-mail Official Form of Communication E-mail is an official form of communication to students at SCSU, so students should check their SCSU e-mail frequently to be sure you don't miss important announcements from professors and university offices. If you prefer to have your e-mail messages forwarded to another e-mail address, please contact the Helpdesk at 320-308-2077 for assistance. Academic Advisor When admitted into the program, the student will be assigned an academic advisor. The advisor is the faculty member who is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress toward completion of degree requirements. If the student would prefer a different advisor, the Request to Change Program Advisor form found on the program website should be submitted.

*Disclaimer– The most current edition supersedes all previous versions of SCSU’s Higher Education Administration Ed.D. Program Handbook. Please check the program website for the most recent version. Every effort was made to ensure that information in this program handbook was accurate at the time of publication. All policies and other information are subject to change without notice and do not constitute an irrevocable contract between any student and St. Cloud State University.

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PROGRAM & COURSES Program Description The Doctorate in Educational Administration and Leadership is designed for experienced school leaders to provide a practical, rigorous and meaningful advanced program of study to enhance skills, knowledge and dispositions to successfully meet the demands associated with the leadership of schools and school systems operating in dynamic political, social, cultural, and economic arenas. This is a terminal degree program which will interface with administrative licensure programs offered at the graduate level at accredited colleges and universities. Program Structure The EdD in Educational Administration is 72 credits in length. A maximum of 27 credits can be applied towards program electives upon approval. Up to 12 credits from a master's program and/or up to 27 credits of postmaster's work such as licensure or doctoral courses from a previous institution may be accepted upon approval. The program is offered in a cohort model with all students progressing together through the curriculum. New cohorts commence studies fall term on either the St. Cloud campus or the Twin Cities Graduate Center in Maple Grove. Course learning environments are typically held in the classroom. However, alternative scheduling models may be used. A weekend model of course delivery makes this program a great choice for working professionals. Courses are primarily offered Friday evening and all day Saturday during the academic year. Each course typically meets three weekends. Summer attendance is required. Summer courses may be offered in alternative formats. The program is nine semesters (three calendar years) in length. Courses are usually offered consecutively during the semester so students are able to concentrate on one administrative topic at a time. This format allows students to take two courses per semester. Students must take the core courses in the sequence provided unless approved by faculty. The Cohort Model The EdD at St. Cloud State University has been designed with a cohort approach to learning. In this approach, a new group of approximately 15 students are admitted each year. Each cohort group will proceed through the program together. Program faculty will assist each cohort to develop into an effective learning community where students challenge and support one another. A cohort approach for adult learners fosters a spirit of community, maintains commitment, and leads to a higher completion rate as compared to other approaches to doctoral studies.

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Program & Course Requirements Educational Administration & Leadership Ed.D. Core Courses (21 Credits) These courses must be taken by all students. The sequencing of those courses is determined by the program faculty. Students must take the core courses in the sequence provided unless changes are approved by the program advisor. EDAD 803 EDAD 804 EDAD 807 EDAD 815 EDAD 821 EDAD 823 EDAD 824

3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits

Leader and Program Development Visioning and the Change Process Collaborative Partnerships Legal and Political Issues Educational Achievement, Student Learning, and Program Development Twenty-first Century Leadership: Global Understanding Seminar Series: Ethical Leadership

Research Core Courses (9 credits) These courses must be taken by all students. The sequencing of those courses is determined by the program faculty. Students must take the research courses in the sequence provided unless changes are approved by the program advisor. EDAD 827 EDAD 828 EDAD 829

3 credits 3 credits 3 credits

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology Assessment and Information Management Doctoral Research Design and Methodology

Dissertation (12 credits) This course must be taken by all students. The sequencing and number of credits to take each semester is determined by the program faculty. Students must take the dissertation course with the specified number of credits in the sequence provided unless changes are approved by the program advisor. There may be monetary or tax implications if you do not enroll correctly. EDAD 899

12 credits


Professional/Interdisciplinary Elective Courses (3-30 credits) Students take 30 credits of elective courses and up to 27 total credits may be applied towards program electives upon approval. Up to 12 credits from a master's program and/or up to 27 credits of postmaster's work such as licensure or doctoral courses from a previous institution may be accepted upon approval. Specific courses will be identified in consultation with your advisor. EDAD 806 3 credits Human Resource Development EDAD 817 3 credits Communication Strategies for Education Leaders EDAD 818 3 credits Educational Diplomacy EDAD 814 3 credits Educational Policy and Governance EDAD 825 3 credits Seminar Series: Organizational Structures EDAD 826 3 credits Seminar Series: Leadership Theory and Research Additional courses inside or outside the program that support the student’s career goals.

Continuous Enrollment Course (0-10 credits) This continuous enrollment course is needed to maintain continuous enrollment when all 12 dissertation credits of EDAD 899 are complete and you have not completed your final defense. Students can enroll in 1 credit per semester. The maximum number of credits for this course is 10 credits. There may be monetary or tax implications if you do not enroll correctly. EDAD 891

1 credit

Continuous Enrollment

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Course Descriptions The following courses are offered in the Ed.D. in Educational Administration & Leadership. EDAD 790-794 Selected Topic Courses Coursework and Course Title to be determined with your advisor. EDAD 803. Leader and Program Development. Overview of leadership, organization, and Ed.D. expectations. 3 credits EDAD 804. Visioning and the Change Process Change theory and organizational improvement, the role of the educational leader as the agent of change, how visioning is an essential component of school improvement. 3 credits EDAD 806. Human Resource Development Educational leadership in personnel management, staff selection, evaluation, and professional development. Adult learning theory, goal setting and development of school climate are some of topics covered. 3 credits EDAD 807. Collaborative Partnerships Facilitating the development of collaborative relationships leading to effective partnership actions influencing organization development. 3 credits EDAD 814. Educational Policy and Governance Models, practices, and influences in educational governance. Developing an understanding of forces and strategies used to shape policy and the system. 3 credits EDAD 815. Legal, Political Issues Political and legal issues in education affecting distribution of resources, quality of the learning environment, and leadership strategies. 3 credits EDAD 817. Communication Strategies for Educational Leadership Strategies for communicating with all audiences in the educational community; promotion of educational understanding, excellence, and a positive educational environment for all students. 3 credits EDAD 818. Educational Diplomacy Strategies of crisis management, conflict resolution, and de-escalation theory. Political diplomacy is contrasted with school governance. 3 credits EDAD 821. Educational Achievement, Student Learning and Program Development Program coherence; development of assessments, teaching and learning, planning and collaborative strategies to improve teacher effectiveness and student learning. 3 credits EDAD 823. Twenty-first Century Leadership, Global Understanding Develop an understanding of how global influences affect leadership, educational organizations, and student learning now and in the future. 3 credits EDAD 824. Seminar in Ethical Leadership Major theories in ethics and the application of ethical behaviors to school leadership, governance, and school improvement. 3 credits

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EDAD 825. Seminar in Organizational Structures Historical and contemporary theories of organizational structure and application to educational systems in the 21st century. 3 credits EDAD 826. Seminar in Leadership Theory and Research Theories and models of leadership and how leadership affects the purpose and success of organizations. 3 credits DEMAND. EDAD 827. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research methodology in educational administration with a focus on determining the most appropriate method of inquiry for the proposed investigation. 3 credits EDAD 828. Assessment and Information Management for Data Driven Leadership Capabilities and resources needed by organizational leaders to access, evaluate, and use information to make informed decisions. 3 credits EDAD 829. Doctoral Research Design and Methodology Identify research topics, review related literature, and design a methodology appropriate for further investigation of the issue. 3 credits EDAD 891. Continuous Enrollment This course is needed to maintain continuous enrollment when all 12 dissertation credits of EDAD 899 are complete and you have not completed your final defense. 1 credit per semester,10 credits maximum. EDAD 899. Dissertation Guidance by major advisor for dissertation writing, including preparation of the dissertation proposal and dissertation final defense presentation to the committee. 12 credits maximum

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Professional/Interdisciplinary Elective Coursework Students must complete up to 30 credits in interdisciplinary coursework. A maximum of 27 credits can be applied towards program electives upon approval. Up to 12 credits from a master's program and/or up to 27 credits of postmaster's work such as licensure or doctoral courses from a previous institution may be accepted upon approval. There are four types of courses that can be used to fulfill the requirement for interdisciplinary elective credits: 1) courses within the doctoral program, 2) 790-794 courses, 3) doctoral courses transferred from other institutions. 4) courses within the licensure program. Interdisciplinary elective credits need to be identified in consultation with a faculty advisor. Courses within Doctoral Program Students may apply credits from doctoral level courses from SCSU towards elective course requirements after consultation and approval from their program advisor. 790-794 Courses Students may take a 600 level class within one of the master’s degree programs at SCSU and contract with the instructor of that course to do additional work to make the course into a doctoral level experience. The contract, for example, could include an additional paper or project related to the course or involve assuming some of the instructional responsibilities in the course. The course will have the same course prefix as the 600 level course, but have a 790 to 794 course number. Students must provide a rationale to their advisor stating why they want to pursue this option. If the advisor approves, the student will need to arrange additional activities with the course instructor, who must be willing to teach the student with the addition of appropriate doctoral level assignments. The course and contract for additional work must be approved by the student’s advisor and the Program Director. Students should use the Individual Study Approval Form to seek approval for the course and to obtain authorization to register for the course. Transfer Courses from Institutions Relevant doctoral-level courses from other institutions, up to a total of 27 credits, may also be accepted in transfer. Students should speak with the program director or their advisor about transferring credits. Licensure Courses within Program Students may apply credits from SCSU’s Educational Administration and Leadership licensure courses towards elective course requirements after consultation with their program advisor. These courses include: EDAD 601, 603, 605, 608, 609, 611, 612, 613, 616, 619, 622, 631, 632, 633, 646, 652, 657, 674, 676, and 678.

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Program of Study and Timeline for Completion The program is 9 semesters (three calendar years) in length. Courses are usually offered consecutively during the semester so students are able to concentrate on one administrative topic at a time. This format allows students to take two courses per semester. The sequence of course offerings are: Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Summer Semester

Year One

EDAD 803 (3 Cr.) EDAD 804 (3 Cr.)

EDAD 828 (3 Cr.) EDAD 829 (3 Cr.)

EDAD 807 (3 Cr.) EDAD 815 (3 Cr.)

Year Two

EDAD 824 (3 Cr.) EDAD 827 (3 Cr.)

EDAD 821 (3 Cr.) EDAD 806 (3 Cr.)

EDAD 823 (3 Cr.) EDAD 899 (3 Cr.)

Year Three

EDAD 899 (6 Cr.)

EDAD 899 (3 Cr.)

*Note: Course sequence is subject to change. *Note: Students also take professional/interdisciplinary elective courses (3-30 credits) that support their career goals and are established in consultation with their advisor. Up to 12 credits from a master's program and/or up to 27 credits of post-master's work such as licensure or doctoral courses from a previous institution may be accepted upon approval.

Program of Study Forms Program of Study and Application for Advanced Standing Credit forms keep track of students’ course sequence and fulfilled program requirements. For courses over ten years old, students may petition to apply courses towards program electives by providing evidence that they have stayed current in the topic taught in the course. The evidence could be: attendance at workshops/seminars/training, attendance at professional conferences, memberships in professional organizations, publications written, and an explanation of how the student uses this knowledge in their professional work life. Students should work with their program advisor to complete a Petition form along with justification for each course. Petitions will be reviewed by program faculty to determine if courses will be accepted for advanced standing. Approved petitions will be forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies for final review and acceptance. These forms must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies prior to completion of 15 credits in the program. However, we encourage you to work with your advisor prior to the end of your first semester of coursework to determine elective credits. Once these forms are complete and approved by the School of Graduate Studies, you can view your Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) report. This computer report indicates the courses you will need to satisfy your degree along with your progress. Log into EServices to view your DARS report.

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\ Steps for Admission and Completion of Program Step 1 Submit Application Materials for Admission Step 2 Interview with Doctoral Faculty Member(s) Take Writing Essay Assessment Step 3 Admission to Program Register for Coursework Obtain SCSU Campus Card Obtain your HuskyNet E-mail Account Step 4 Doctoral Program Orientation International Student Orientation School of Graduate Studies Orientation Step 5 Begin Program Coursework Develop Program of Study including elective credits Step 6 Selection of Doctoral Dissertation Committee Step 7 Take Qualifying Examination Pass Qualifying Examination/Advancement to Candidacy Step 8 Successful Completion of Required Coursework Begin Dissertation Research Courses Step 9 Dissertation Proposal Dissertation Proposal Approved IRB Application and Approval Begin Research Study Step 10 Dissertation Final Defense Completion of Dissertation Research Courses Submit Formatted and Approved Dissertation for Binding Apply for Graduation Step 11 Attend Graduation Ceremony/Degree Conferred Step 12 Post-Graduation Follow-Up

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Qualifying Exam The program requires doctoral students to take a qualifying examination. The results are typically used to evaluate subject mastery, to determine deficiencies, and to determine whether the student should continue into dissertation research. Doctoral students in Educational Administration and Leadership will take the qualifying exam during the second year, when the student has completed the required courses as shown on the Program of Study. This includes eight courses which are typically five core courses and three research/dissertation courses. If a student has skipped a course or has a grade indicating a lack of successful completion (I (Incomplete), IP (In progress), N (No grade reported), W (Withdrawal), F (Failure), FN (Failure for nonattendance), FW (Failure for not withdrawing)) in one or more of the eight courses, that student cannot take the qualifying exam. If the required courses are not complete, students should speak with their program advisor about completing a Petition to take the qualifying exam. Only mitigating circumstances will be allowed. The program faculty members decide on the qualifying exam procedure. Typically, there is a written and oral component to the exam. Students will be notified of the deadline for submitting the written component and how to schedule the oral component. Candidacy After passing the qualifying exam, the student moves on to Candidacy. Students who pass the exam can register for EDAD 899 and focus on their dissertation research. Please utilize your Dissertation Manual and Dissertation Research Resources throughout your dissertation research process to locate:  The Dissertation Manual provides step-by-step directions on how to prepare and conduct your dissertation proposal and final defense.  Locate the forms you will need to complete to schedule and request approval for holding proposal and defense meetings.  Locate information on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval process including the application forms and training that is required.  The Appendix outlines the sections and information for each dissertation chapter. After advancing to doctoral candidacy, a student must maintain continuous registration until the university confers the doctoral degree. Please refer to the continuous registration policy in this handbook for more information. Hint: Please continue to watch your SCSU e-mail throughout your dissertation research for important messages such as dissertation formatting workshops, employment opportunities, and graduation.

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Overview of the Dissertation Process Doctoral students must successfully complete a dissertation as partial fulfillment of Doctor of Education degree requirements. Students should identify dissertation topics and design their research in consultation with their faculty advisor. The following information provides a general outline of dissertation timelines, policies, and procedures. Detailed information is provided in the EDAD Dissertation Manual. Dissertation Timeline: The dissertation proposal will normally be conducted during summer semester of Year 3, or when the student and advisor determine readiness. Dissertation Committees: Doctoral dissertation committees consist of four members. A minimum of two committee members, including the chair, must be active graduate faculty members in the student’s doctoral program. The remaining two committee members should be active graduate faculty members from the academic unit or a related discipline or be a content expert eligible for temporary membership in the graduate faculty (holding a terminal degree). Fifth readers serving as content experts are not required but may be included on a student committee and do not have to have graduate faculty membership.     

Active Graduate faculty members have been recommended for a permanent appointment to the graduate faculty by their department and School and are currently employed by SCSU. Chair of Committee serves as the student’s primary advisor and must be rostered with the student’s graduate program. Academic Unit is defined as the next unit larger than the graduate program. It may be the department or School in which the graduate program is located. Related discipline is any discipline/academic unit having an active graduate faculty member who can provide insight to a specific student topic. Content expert eligible for temporary appointment to the graduate faculty is any individual currently employed at SCSU, an emeriti faculty member from SCSU, or an individual from another academic institution or community agency or business holding a degree equivalent or higher to the degree south by the student and who brings specific content matter expertise to the committee. The individual must seek Temporary Appointment to the graduate faculty. Fifth readers are optional non-voting members of the committee proving content matter or some other expertise.

Dissertation Format: Doctoral dissertations are to be formatted according to the publication style recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition. Please refer to the EDAD Dissertation Manual for more details. Dissertation Grading: A student will receive a grade of R (Registered) for 899 and RC (Research Continued) until the completion of the dissertation. Once passed, the student will receive a S (Satisfactory). The following APA style supports are available to students:  The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) can be purchased at the Husky Bookstore on the SCSU campus.  The APA manual can also be purchased online at www.husky.bkstr.com  The OWL at Purdue provides online support for basic APA-style formatting at owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01  The APA website at www.apa.org Dissertation Deadlines: The dissertation proposal is conducted at least one semester prior to the final defense. The final defense must be completed at least seven weeks prior to graduation. The format review is submitted at least a month prior to graduation with the final formatted and approved copy for binding is submitted at least two days prior to graduation. Doctoral students will obtain their official diploma during the graduation ceremony. Therefore, these deadlines must be adhered to. For specific dissertation deadlines, please visit www.stcloudstate.edu/graduatestudies/current/culmproject/ Page 14

Program Outcomes  Articulate the importance of ethical leadership and decision making. 

Develop effective visioning, planning and continuous improvement models utilizing constituent input and educational data.

Understand and demonstrate how organizational structure, management technique and business operations affect the development of exemplary school organization.

Formulate and evaluate sound educational policies which reflect diverse population, legislative mandates and rule of governance.

Recognize and articulate how legal, political and economic factors shape contemporary educational environment and integrate that knowledge into leadership and decision making.

Demonstrate how data, research and assessment promote effective, efficient and student centered organizational priorities, programs, and services.

Identify and understand how educational organizations are influenced by and interact with global economies, cultures, and social structures to assure student learning both now and in the future.

Understand and apply knowledge of human resources to structure, promote, oversee and improve the educational environment for all students.

Develop and demonstrate skills in educational diplomacy including the art of negotiation, conflict resolution, problem-solving and communication.

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ACADEMIC POLICIES/PROCEDURES School of Graduate Studies Transfer Policies To be accepted as transfer credit and applied towards a SCSU graduate degree, the following conditions must be met:  Credit must be from a regionally accredited educational institution, approved to offer graduate degree programs in the major field where the credit was earned, at the time the credit was earned.  Credit must be appropriate to the student's program.  Course evaluation and approval is required by the faculty adviser and School of Graduate Studies.  At time of transfer, credit must be officially recorded on the approved program form. The following will not be accepted as transfer credit:  Correspondence, individual or similar study.  Credit earned at a location in Minnesota through a university headquartered in another state or country.  Credit for courses conducted by proprietary groups.  Extended campus credit from a university that does not accept that credit for its own on campus graduate programs.  Workshops, continuing education courses and in-service training credits. Additional transfer guidelines include:  The grade recorded for these credits must be B or above or an S or P in S/U or P/F grading systems.  After the student's program of study has been approved, no additional transfer credits will be accepted unless the student has received prior approval via the petition process.  Any questions or concerns about the transferability of credit earned at other institutions should be directed to the School of Graduate Studies before a student enrolls for that credit.  The student must request that an official transcript be sent directly to the School of Graduate Studies by the institution awarding the credit. Official transcripts submitted from other institutions are for use in the applicant's admission process and pursuit of the degree at SCSU. These transcripts, or copies of them, cannot be issued to the student or other institutions. Please see your program advisor to determine coursework to transfer into the doctoral program.

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Standard of Scholarship Graduate students are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if they maintain at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA. Candidates for a Graduate Degree (Master’s, Specialist, or Doctoral) must maintain a 3.00 or higher grade point average in the major field, the total program, and all graduate course work taken at St. Cloud State University. Candidates for Graduate Certificate Programs must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.00 in the course work taken in the program and at least a 3.00 GPA in all graduate course work taken at St. Cloud State University. For Candidates in All Graduate Programs Courses in which a letter grade of I (Incomplete), IP (In progress), N (No grade reported), W (Withdrawal), F (Failure), FN (Failure for nonattendance), FW (Failure for not withdrawing), or U (Unsatisfactory) is received will be treated as credits attempted but not successfully completed. Courses in which a mark of C-, D+, D, D-, is earned will count as credits completed but will not be accepted toward graduate program completion. If a course is repeated, both marks are used in determining the total grade point average. A student who fails in the first course of a sequence cannot take the following courses in that sequence until the course has been completed with a passing grade. Continuation in the program of study may be denied at any time during the program by not maintaining the standard of scholarship of the University. Graduate students whose records show less than a 3.00 average at the completion of the approved program of courses may be permitted to register for a maximum of nine additional semester credits to be earned in courses approved by the petition procedure. The nine additional credits will be designed with the adviser and may include both repeated and new courses. If, after the completion of these nine additional credits, the average is still less than a 3.00 the student will be dismissed from his/her program of study. Graduate students must complete at least 66.67 percent of all credits attempted at the University. A student whose completion rate falls below 66.67 percent will be placed on warning status for one semester or summer term. If, at the end of the warning semester or summer term, the student has completed 100 percent of credits for the semester or term but has not raised the cumulative completion rate to the required minimum, the student will be granted one additional semester or term of warning. A student on warning who fails to raise the cumulative credit completion rate to the minimum during the warning semester or summer term and, as appropriate, the additional one will be suspended from the university through the next semester. A student who has been suspended may appeal for reinstatement. (Note: Students should check their university e-mail accounts regularly to be aware of notices of their academic status.) Notification of violation letters will be sent to graduate students who have a cumulative grade point average of less than 3.0 and they will be placed on warning status. The letters sent to the student and the advisor will contain a compliance date. Students are granted a minimum of one semester to bring their cumulative grade point average into compliance or to file a petition for an extension of the deadline. All petitions must be filed prior to the compliance date. Dismissal letters will be sent to students who were placed on warning and who failed to meet the deadline set in the notification of violation letter and whose cumulative grade point average is less than 3.0.

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Grade Appeal and Student Complaints Concerning Faculty Policies It is the policy of St. Cloud State University to address student grade appeals and student complaints regarding faculty conduct fairly and expeditiously. These complaints are often based upon misunderstandings between students and faculty. Thus, whenever possible, it is best to resolve them informally. Visit the web for detailed information on the Grade Appeal and Student Complaints Concerning Faculty policy & procedures. Residency Requirement A doctoral student must complete a minimum of 45 credits in residence at St. Cloud State University including on-campus and online courses offered by St. Cloud State University. Program Completion Timeline All credits in meeting the requirements for a doctoral degree must be completed within the seven-year period prior to the awarding of the degree. Termination of Graduate Student Status A student may be terminated from a graduate program and the School of Graduate Studies "for cause" based on the recommendation of the adviser/graduate committee, the department chairperson, and the graduate dean. "For cause" includes professional judgment of the department and the graduate dean that the student does not meet the academic or professional standards required for a student earning a graduate degree. It is important for students to know the guidelines stated are minimum requirements and that each graduate program is free to establish specific terms by which a student's progress is measured for continuation. When performance is unsatisfactory, in terms of a student's grades or normal progress toward their degree objective, the graduate student status may be terminated. Students are encouraged to see the graduate chairperson in his/her program for complete information on degree progress standards, academic performance standards, and procedures used to monitor these standards. Leave of Absence/Stop Out Students may request a leave of absence from a graduate program for up to 4 semesters. Approval of a leave of absence does not extend the seven year time to degree requirement. All degrees must be completed within seven years of first enrollment. International students should consult with the Center for International Studies regarding the effects of requesting a leave of absence on visa status. For doctoral candidates approval of this request will eliminate the need to maintain continuous registration during the approved leave period. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the School of Graduate Studies to extend a leave of absence or to begin the return process. Students not re-enrolling after the expiration of the leave of absence will be dropped from admitted student status and may need to reapply for admission. Students should also contact and work with their program advisor to discuss a leave of absence. Please complete the Leave of Absence/Stop Out form to gain approval for your leave.

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Continuous Registration After advancing to doctoral candidacy, a student must maintain continuous registration until the university confers the doctoral degree. Continuous registration is defined as registration for a minimum of two of every three terms (fall, spring, and summer) following attainment of candidacy. Individual doctoral programs define the point at which a student attains candidacy. Regardless of status, a student must complete a doctoral program within the seven year time frame allowed by the School of Graduate Studies. The student must register for the term in which the degree is conferred. If continuous registration lapses, the student is considered withdrawn from the program and must reapply for candidacy, which may involve retaking a qualifying exam or other review by the department to ensure currency in the discipline. The student also must enroll for the prior terms to meet the requirements for continuous registration. Continuous registration may involve registration for either (1) regular credits in the form of required or elective courses, research credits, or dissertation credits to complete the program of study, or (2) the continued enrollment course. Continued enrollment requires a one credit registration and payment of doctoral tuition and fees. If a temporary lapse in a student's academic program is necessary due to military service, medical leave, maternity leave, or personal/family leave, a student may petition the School of Graduate Studies for a “stop-out� period. A granted petition includes the understanding that a student will not make use of university resources beyond those available to the general public or engage in significant consultation with the faculty for the purposes of completing graduate work. Please note: Enrollment in six doctoral course credits a semester may be needed to obtain financial aid. Your loan payments may become due after two semesters when you are not enrolled in at least six doctoral course credits. However, you may want to work with your student loan vendor or the Financial Aid office to obtain a deferral on your student loan when you continue to work on your dissertation and enroll in less than six credits from dissertation (899) or continuous enrollment (891).

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Readmission Process for Doctoral Programs  An absence of two semesters of every three terms (summer, fall, spring) from SCSU will result in the loss of a student’s status as an enrolled doctoral student. Students may reapply for admission to the doctoral program; however, readmission is not guaranteed.  If you have been absent from a doctoral program for two semesters of every three terms (summer, fall, spring) or more, it will be necessary to submit a new application, application fee, a new statement of intent, interview with program faculty, and possibly other new admission materials, to be reconsidered for admission.  However slowly or rapidly a student may be able to return to SCSU, the maximum time limit for valid course work is seven years.  Students who previously advanced to doctoral candidacy should refer to the Continuous Registration for Doctoral Candidates policy for additional readmission requirements including reapplying for candidacy and registration of missing semester credit hours.  Upon readmission, students must directly contact their doctoral adviser to review changes in curriculum, licensure requirements, and program updates. Your doctoral program plan will need to be updated and may need new approval. Please work directly with the Office of Records and Registration to register for course work. Exceptions to the Doctoral-Level Readmission Process  If you are returning to SCSU (after stopping out) and had an approved Leave of Absence from the School of Graduate Studies, you do not need to seek readmission. Students who do not return from leave on the specified semester will need to apply for readmission.  Exceptions may be available if you were called away for active Armed Forces military duty. If you meet this exception you need to inquire about your standing with the Director of Graduate Student Services, Dr. Melanie Guentzel.  The readmission process does not apply to applicants who have been dismissed from SCSU for any reason, including academic dismissal. Individuals who have been dismissed from SCSU need to inquire about their standing with the Director of Graduate Student Services, Dr. Melanie Guentzel.

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Graduation Application for Graduation A candidate for the doctoral degree should file an application for graduation accompanied by a $35 non-refundable fee. This application is submitted to the School of Graduate Studies at the beginning of the semester in which the work for the degree is anticipated to be completed. Applications for graduation must be submitted by the end of the third week of each semester or term. Please visit www.stcloudstate.edu/graduatestudies/current/commencement.asp for graduation information. Requirements for Graduation It is the responsibility of the graduate dean to certify that a student has met all the following requirements for the degree sought. 1. Doctoral students should not attend a graduation ceremony until their dissertations are complete. 2. Application for graduation accompanied by the appropriate non-refundable fee must have been submitted at the beginning of the semester in which the degree is to be granted. 3. The student must have satisfactorily completed all courses required for the approved program. All changes must be substantiated by an approved petition. 4. The student must have maintained a 3.0 (B) grade point average in the major, in the total program, and in all graduate courses taken at St. Cloud State University. 5. Courses in which a mark of C-, D, F, FN, or U was earned will not be accepted for graduate credit. The honor point deficiency created by such marks must be made up by marks of A in other courses. 6. The student must have satisfactorily completed the required final examination(s), written, oral, or both. 7. Students do not attend a graduation ceremony until their dissertations are complete. Deadlines for dissertation format and graduation can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website. 8. A student completing a dissertation, thesis, fields study, creative work, or starred paper(s) must have submitted three approved copies to the School of Graduate Studies for binding, together with the required binding fee. Two additional abstracts must have been submitted by those completing a dissertation, thesis or field study.

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STUDENT RESOURCES, POLICIES & PROCEDURES Student Code of Conduct University regulations which express expectations of behavior and provide for the protection of the rights of individuals are published in the SCSU Student Handbook at www.stcloudstate.edu/ studenthandbook/. Students who violate University or system regulations shall, after due process, be subject to University sanctions. Contact the associate vice president of student life and development, 106 Atwood Center, if you need additional information or assistance with a complaint. Online Registration Course Registration Course registration is completed online via the e-Services system. To log onto e-Services, you need your SCSU HuskyNet ID and password. Directions for registration can be found through the Online Registration Guide at www.stcloudstate.edu/registrar/students/registration/onlineguide.asp Drop for Non-Payment Students shall have their registration cancelled for nonpayment when payment is not made in full by the established date as defined at www.stcloudstate.edu/billing/policies/nonpayment.asp Registration Calendar A registration calendar is published online for the upcoming semester at www.stcloudstate.edu/ registrar/default.asp Course Schedule The course schedule can be viewed online at www5.stcloudstate.edu/registrar/courseschedule/ Search.aspx Special Permission All doctoral courses require special permission to register. Course overrides are completed automatically through the Center for Doctoral Studies for individuals based on the cohort’s course sequence. Permission from the faculty advisor is required for independent study courses and courses taken out of sequence. Registration Help The Office of Records and Registration will answer registration procedure questions on the “Helpline” at 320-308-3936 or through e-mail at registrationhelpdesk@stcloudstate.edu. The Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) may also provide you with assistance with some common registration issues such as (12) course requires special permission, (3) this is not a valid course date, time conflict errors, and (13) requested course is full. You may contact CDS at 320.308.4220. Paying Your Tuition Bill The Business Office is responsible for the collection of tuition, fees, residence hall charges, and student loans. You may pay your tuition in person in the Business Office, located in 122 Administrative Services Building. You may also pay your tuition online at https://webproc.mnscu.edu/eservices/login.html? campusid=073.

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HuskyNetID Your HuskyNetID is your key to SCSU’s technology including your SCSU e-mail, calendar, campus wired and wireless networks, file/web space, Desire2Learn, library databases, printer access, free antivirus software, and more. Students can access e-mail once they activate their HuskyNetID at https://www5.stcloudstate.edu/its/activateaccount/default.asp. Note: You must be registered for courses before you can activate your HuskyNetID. If you have problems activating your HuskyNetID., contact the HelpDesk at 320.308.2077, helpdesk@stcloudstate.edu, Miller Center B43, or Atwood. Desire2Learn D2L is an online course management system that allows access to course information via the internet. You may have to use D2L to upload assignments, take quizzes, view your course schedule, or participate in online discussions. Visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/instructional/d2l/default.asp for more information or to log on to your account. File/Web Space Students receive personal File Space when they activate their HuskyNetID (username). File Space allows you to store or backup your files on SCSU’s network and use your HuskyNetID to login and access them from both on and off campus. Visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/myHuskyNet/filewebspace/ default.asp for more information or to log on to your account. Virtual Lab The Virtual Lab lets you use campus software on your own computer. If you began a project on-campus, but need to continue at home this program allows the software programs to appear to run on your desktop. All keyboard strokes, mouse clicks and screen movements are transmitted between your computer and the Virtual Lab system. For information on how to use the virtual lab, visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/computers/virtuallab/usingVirtualLab.asp. To go directly to the Virtual Lab, see http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/computers/virtuallab/ HuskyNet Wireless Network St. Cloud State University is virtually 100 percent wireless. All you need is a valid HuskyNetID and a wireless-enabled laptop or handheld device, and you can access the Internet and SCSU’s network from almost anywhere on campus. Visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/connected/wireless/ for information regarding usage requirements, configuration, and a coverage map. Help Desk The HelpDesk is the technology support center for St. Cloud State University students, faculty and staff. There you will find consultants able to assist you with your technology needs, whether you’re in a campus lab, office, or using your own computer on or off campus. For contact information and a complete list of services, see http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/helpdesk/default.asp. Security & Protection SCSU provides protection against viruses and vulnerabilities through free programs and advice on keeping your computer safe. Visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/protectu/default.asp for downloads and advice. Computer Labs General Access computer labs are open to all SCSU students. Student consultants are available to answer your questions in the labs. Visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/computers/labsGeneral.asp. Page 23

Library and Technology Resources The SCSU Library provides research resources that can be accessed off-campus. There are helpful research assistance resources available on online. You can also contact the library at lrtsinfo@stcloudstate.edu, 320-308-2084, or visit http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/departments/ims/ Library 101 Free Technology Training Workshops Interlibrary Loan Off-Campus Proxy Access RefWorks Basics Managing your research references Locate Scholarly Journal Articles

Find Resources and Services for Graduate Students APA Citation Style Plagiarism Tools EDAD Course Guides EDAD Subject Guides Scholarly Journals versus Popular Materials Guide Library Services Student Study Rooms

Star Alert Star Alert is an emergency messaging system with alerts sent to you through text and e-mail during emergencies that threaten life safety or severely impact normal campus operations. They are also sent for weather related warnings. This emergency notification system lets you know if campus is closed or if classes are delayed or cancelled. To register for this service you must have a phone that is capable of receiving text or e-mail messages. Please note that standard text messaging fees from your cellular carrier may apply. Online registration can be completed by visiting www.stcloudstate.edu/emergency/. Simply provide your cell phone number and/or a personal email address and you’re all set. When you receive a confirming message, your registration is complete. When you want to cancel this service, simply follow the same process and remove your data. Severe Weather/Closings St. Cloud State University makes every effort to announce any closings/delays/cancellations before 6:00 a.m. for day classes and events, and before 3:00 p.m. for evening classes and events. Campus-wide e-mail, voicemail, and the SCSU website will be implemented for such announcements, as well as several radio stations. Closings/delays/cancellations messages are also available by calling 1-800-369-4260 (press 8). The official Severe Weather/Winter Closing policy can be found at www.stcloudstate.edu/emergency/severe_weather.asp. When the college does not decide to close, instructors may decide course cancellations and compensation for lost time. Students will be notified early via e-mail or D2L. Students may also use their own discretion to attend courses during bad weather, but should notify and work with their instructor to compensate for lost time.

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The Write Place Many new graduate students have some anxiety about writing or feel unsure about writing papers again. The Write Place offers tutors for individual assistance and topical workshops. It is also a great resource for you as you complete your proposals and dissertations. They also make online appointments for those of you who are at a distance. The Write Place also provides several workshops. Resources The Write Place also provides several online resources such as:       

APA Electronic Material Citations (updated version) Cohesion and Transitions Academic vs. Business/Technical Writing How to Expand Your Writing: NEW Word Handout Numbers (How to use in writing MLA Style) NEW PowerPoint Writing Paragraphs: PowerPoint APA Flowchart for In-text Citations and Reference Page NEW PDF Handout

Other Important Policies Please refer to the School of Graduate Studies bulletin and the SCSU Student Handbook for other important graduate student policies. Graduate students are expected to become familiar with the processes and regulations contained in the School of Graduate Studies bulletin found at http://bulletin.stcloudstate.edu/gb/default.asp and the SCSU Handbook found at: www.stcloudstate.edu/studenthandbook/. Some of these policies involve:  Academic Standards and Honesty  Alcohol and Drugs  Assessment  Cancellation of Classes  Change of Student Class Schedule  Copyright Infringement  Data Privacy  Grading System and Appeals  Harrassment & Discriminatory Conduct  Hazing  Parking  Procedure for Handling Student Complaints  Repeating a Course  Research Involving Animal Subjects and Human Participants  Security Report  Smoking  Student Organizations  Technology  Late or Military Withdrawal from Courses  Sexual Violence

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FINANCIAL INFORMATION Tuition Rates Costs are based on current St. Cloud State University graduate tuition and fees. Tuition and fees are subject to change. For the current tuition and fees costs, please see the Graduate Bulletin at http://www.stcloudstate.edu/billing/tuition Educational Administration & Leadership Ed.D. Tuition Fees

Students Fees


per Credit

per Credit

St. Cloud Campus



Twin Cities Graduate Center



ncia*Subject *Subject to Change

l Aid and Scholarships Financial Aid and Scholarships Prospective students should contact the Financial Aid Office at www.stcloudstate.edu/financialaid for information about meeting the cost of receiving an SCSU education. Students who receive Federal or State Financial Aid may be required to maintain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) to remain eligibility for financial aid – students need to make themselves aware of the GPA requirement. Many grants and scholarships are available through SCSU, corporations, and other public and private entities. Students are encouraged to explore these potential funding opportunities. Please visit www.stcloudstate.edu/financialaid/types/scholarships.asp or www.stcloudstate.edu/edad/ financial_information.asp Please note: Enrollment in six doctoral course credits a semester may be needed to obtain financial aid. Your loan payments may become due after two semesters when you are not enrolled in at least six doctoral course credits. However, you may want to work with your student loan vendor or the Financial Aid office to obtain a deferral on your student loan when you continue to work on your dissertation and enroll in less than six credits from dissertation (899) or continuous enrollment (891). Graduate Assistantships Graduate Assistants typically work 20 hours per week with HIED program faculty members in instructional, administrative, or research areas. The stipend is $15,000 per academic year (fall and spring semester) with a tuition waiver for six doctoral credits per academic year (fall and spring semester). Graduate Assistants must maintain a course load of 6 credits or more per semester during the academic year to receive a tuition waiver for six credits a semester. Graduate Assistantship stipends are subject to change. Please refer to the School of Graduate Studies for current information at www.stcloudstate.edu/ graduatestudies/ga/students/default.asp Travel and Research Funds The Office of Sponsored Programs has student research funds available each year to support academic research and creative activity by SCSU graduate students under the direction of a SCSU faculty member. Funds are awarded up to $1,500 per project with the average award being $750. For funds information, visit www.stcloudstate.edu/graduatestudies/current/researchfunds.asp

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Dr. Frances A. Kayona Associate Professor


Education Iowa State University Educational Leadership PhD

Dr. John F. Eller Professor and EdD Program Director Chair, ELHE Department Education Loyola University-Chicago Educational Leadership PhD Experience Dr. Eller started teaching EdD courses in 2010. His experiences include work with educational leaders at Virginia Tech University, developing teacher leaders at Southwest Minnesota State University, serving as Executive Director of Minnesota ASCD, and working as a principal’s training center director, an assistant superintendent for curriculum and several principal positions. Research Areas Dr. Eller conducts research in issues related to school climate, culture, working with difficult people, teacher evaluation, and facilitation skills. He has authored numerous books and articles on these and other related topics.

Experience Dr. Kayona joined SCSU in 2001. She teaches EdD, Specialist, Sixth Year, and M.S. courses. Previously, she served as the assistant director, research associate, and consultant for the School Improvement Model Research Center at Iowa State University where she led the development of standards-based curriculum and assessment and worked with performance evaluation systems. Research Areas Curriculum leadership, assessment leadership, performance appraisal, and program evaluation. She has written several publications on program evaluation, curriculum, and assessment leadership. Dr. Nicholas J. Miller Associate Professor Education University of N. Dakota Educational Administration EdD

Program Faculty Dr. Janine Dahms-Walker Associate Professor

Experience Dr. Miller is in his fourth year of teaching EdD, Specialist, Sixth Year, and MS courses at SCSU. He was an English teacher before becoming a principal in 1979. Then he became an Assistant Principal at Bemidji High School until 1984. For twenty-two years he served as the high school principal at Buffalo High School. Dr. Miller has served as a consultant to many school districts in Minnesota.

Education University of St. Thomas Educational Leadership EdD

Experience For ten years, Dr. Dahms-Walker has taught courses at SCSU in the EdD, Specialist, MS, and Administrative Licensure. She has more than 30 years experience in urban and rural education roles as a classroom and special education teacher, principal of an alternative school for emotionally challenged students, director of special education, and executive director of an education district.

Research Areas Literacy, school community relations, communication, and leadership. He has presented at local, state, and national conferences in the areas of literacy, communication, and leadership. Dr. Roger B. Worner Associate Professor Education New York University Educational Administration PhD

Research Areas Leadership in school administration, administration legal and political issues, program evaluation, finance and supervision for special education programs, and inclusive administration.

Experience Dr. Worner teaches EdD, Sixth Year, Specialist, and M.S. courses. Previously, he served as assistant and associate superintendent in Fargo, Kanawha County, and White Bear Lake. He was the executive director of the Institute for Educational Research in Illinois and superintendent of Mason City, Roseville, Glencoe-Silver Lake, and Centennial School District. Research Areas Organization, organizational theory, leadership, school change, school reorganization, and planning. He has conducted over 350 school district studies. For additional faculty information, please visit http://www.stcloudstate.edu/edad/staff.asp

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School of Graduate Studies Resources The School of Graduate Studies website also provides a wealth of resources for doctoral students at www.stcloudstate.edu/graduatestudies/ doctoralstudies/students.asp

IMPORTANT CONTACTS/RESOURCES Dr. John F. Eller-Director EB B124 Phone: 320.308.4272 E-mail: jfeller@stcloudstate.edu

Computer and Technology Helpdesk  helpdesk@stcloudstate.edu  320.308.2077  Miller Center B43  Atwood Memorial Center

Dr. Janine Dahms-Walker EB A272 Phone: 320.308.2946 E-mail: jdwalker@stcloudstate.edu Dr. Frances A. Kayona EB A279 Phone: 320.308.3170 E-mail: fakayona@stcloudstate.edu Other Important Contacts Dr. Nicholas J. Miller EB B242 Phone: 320.308.3722 E-mail: njmiller@stcloudstate.edu

Records & Registration HelpDesk:  320.308.3936

Dr. Roger B. Worner EB A120I Phone: 320.308.4265 E-mail: rbworner@stcloudstate.edu

American Indian Center 320.308.5449 Atwood Information 320.308.4636 Bookstore 320.308.1489 Bus Schedules 320.251.RIDE Business Office 320.308.4003 Campus Card Office 320.308.1683 Campus Dining 320.308.4499 Campus Recreation 320.308.3325 Career Services 320.308.2151 Center for International Studies 320.308.4287 Campus Involvement 320.308.2205 Computer Store 320.308.4944 Counseling Center 320.308.3171 Financial Aid & Scholarships 320.308.2047 Health Services 320.308.3191 LGBT Resource Center 320.308.5166 Library & Technology Workshops 320.308.2084 Lindgren Child Care Center 320.308.3296 Multicultural Student Services 320.308.3003 Parking 320.308.3453 Sponsored Programs 320.308.4932 Statistical Consulting & Research 320.308.4709 Student Disabilities Services 320.308.4080 Student Employment Services 320.308.3756 Student Life & Development 320.308.3111 Student Parent Support Initiative http:// www.stcloudstate.edu/sps/ Women’s Center 320.308.4958 Write Place 320.308.2031

Library Reference Desk:  askref@stcloudstate.edu  320.308.4755 D2L Help:  d2l@stcloudstate.edu

Other Contacts Michele Braun—Doctoral Center Facilitator The Center for Doctoral Studies Phone: 320.308.4241 E-mail: mlbraun@stcloudstate.edu School of Graduate Studies 320.308.2113 E-mail: graduatestudies@stcloudstate.edu School of Education Phone: 320.308.3023 E-mail: soe@stcloudstate.edu Twin Cities Graduate Center Phone: 320.308.6000 Doctoral Student Resources Program Website The Educational Administration & Leadership doctoral program website is www.stcloudstate.edu/EDAD. Please use this site to obtain information about events, due dates, handbooks, forms, program newsletter, faculty contact material, graduate assistantships, scholarships, summer leadership institute, education abroad opportunities, links to professional organizations, etc.

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St. Cloud State University values diversity of all kinds, including but not limited to race, religion and ethnicity (full statement at bulletin.StCloudState.edu/ugb/general info/nondiscrimination. html). TTY: 1-800-627-3529. SCSU is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity educator and employer. This material can be made available in an a n alternative format. Contact the department/ agency listed above.

Disclaimer– The most current edition supersedes all previous versions of SCSU’s Educational Administration & Leadership Ed.D. Program Handbook. Please check the program website for the most recent version. Every effort was made to ensure that information in this program handbook was accurate at the time of publication. All policies and other information are subject to change without notice and do not constitute an irrevocable contract between any student and St. Cloud State University. Alternative Formats– Requests for the Program Handbook in alternative formats may be made by contacting the Office of Student Life and Development in Atwood Memorial Center 219, or by calling 320.308.3111.

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