Reflections, A Prayer Journal

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a weekly challenge to grow deeper in your prayer life

Acknowledgment To Shirley, Jane, Karmen and Joan. Four women who have challenged and blessed me by allowing God to always speak through them in ways even they couldn’t imagine. Thank you for helping me make this journal a reality. Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quotations are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Hand lettered verses are from ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Cover by Elizabeth Johnson All illustrations and interior design by Elizabeth Johnson Typography by Elizabeth Johnson, and Love SVG.

A Prayer Journal

Copyright © 2020 by Elizabeth Johnson (art and text) Self published by Elizabeth Johnson Edited by Shirley Barker ISBN 978-0-578-79005-3 (soft cover) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopying, recording, or any other - except for brief quotation in printed reviews, without prior permission of the publisher.

this journal belongs to

the why 6 create a habit of praying 8 let’s get this party started 11 week one - prayer 14 week two - our God 24 week three - break my heart 34 week four - as an artist 44 week five - God wants you to live in his power 54 week six - we must listen 64 week seven - genuine worship 74 week eight - i am not foolish enough 84 week nine - a broken hallelujah 94 week ten - perhaps you were created 104 week eleven - holiness 114 week twelve - will you choose to trust 124 week thirteen - you are his masterpiece 134 week fourteen - in the hands of God 144 week fifteen - what if it’s true? 154


can’t imagine going a day without prayer.

talking to God keeps me focused - my day on track and fills me with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is what gives

me guidance and direction for God’s will to be lived out through me. Prayer protects me with the armor

of truth and gives me the confidence I need to know I am walking in His strength, His assurance and His

hope. The traits of His character are revealed to me as I seek out answers as I am praying.

Some days I have

very specific requests

and others I am praying for wisdom and

direction. I always line up these prayers with God’s word, knowing his truths are my

foundation and the key

to knowing my answers are from Him.

Writing my prayers in a journal helps me to

stay focused and unload all my thoughts, hopes and dreams. It also helps me keep track of God’s answers and in those times of doubt, I refer back to those answers and how He’s been so faithful.


My prayer for this journal is that you find God

in ways you’ve never known Him before, that your prayer life deepens, your knowledge of His word

becomes written in your heart and you know without a doubt the power of talking to Him and how much you are loved!

So take a few minutes each day and talk to

God. Jot down what you’re most grateful for, what is

challenging you right now and what weighs heavy on your heart. Then sit back and watch how amazing the stores of God’s answers unfold and come to life!

Thank you for giving God a chance to reveal

Himself to you! I am so excited to hear how He speaks to you during your time with Him everyday. Please

share how you are using this journal as well as how you are growing closer to Him in the comments section of my blog:

I will expand more deeply on

some of the topics written in this journal and

how God is using them

in my own life. I would

love to hear how He is

changing your heart!



o you wish you spent more time in

prayer? Do you struggle with setting time aside and sticking to it? It takes time to create a habit

of praying and making it a priority. Listed below are some tips for making prayer a part of your lifestyle.

1. Know your need: admit we all need time with the Lord. Often we only talk with Him when we are

in a difficult situation or a friend has asked us to

pray, but prayer is so much more than just seeking Him when we need something. It’s about talking with God about everyday living, all the little

things in our lives matter to Him just as much as

the big ones. So don’t forget to trust Him with all you have and watch how He answers.

2. Should this be a habit? I’ve often heard it takes

30 days to create or break a habit and I think this

is true. Does prayer actually need to be a habit and the answer is yes! Once you make the commitment

to spend time each day talking with Him, it’s a habit you never want to break. It will become your daily lifeline.

3. Make it a part of your routine: If you already spend daily time with the Lord, then prayer

should definitely be a part of that routine. Routines keep us


focused and accountable. What we set our minds on sets the tone for

our day and even as we sleep. If you

are a morning person, then set aside

time to pray every morning. But if you are a night owl, maybe praying then is

your best time. Just be diligent to set time

aside everyday to share your heart with the Lord. 4. Make praying a part of your entire day:

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 we are commanded to have

an attitude of prayer. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing...” If we come to the Lord with this mindset, then our first inclination will be to pray about

whatever is on our hearts at that time. What would

it be like if we ran to God with all our excitement and sadness like we run to our family and friends?

5. Instead of talking about praying - actually pray!

Wow! Now there’s a thought! Put into action not only what we know and say but actually Pray! Be sensitive

to when God lays a person or an issue on your heart and pray then - don’t wait for the right time because

it may never come. Having an attitude of prayer means we are armed and ready to pray at anytime.

6. Write down when God answers: I can’t stress how

important it is for us to see how and when God answers our prayers. Seeing Him work in our lives and the lives

of others is the best way I know to strengthen our own walk and faith in Him. Think how exciting it is when we

share with others how He has answered our prayers.



y hope for “Reflections” is for you to deepen your prayer life with God. I have found that when I write my prayers to the Lord, I am more focused, less distracted and more in tune with what He is telling me. I’ve created this journal as a means for you to truly connect with God in your prayer times. This journal is meant to be used everyday as a way for you to talk and worship with Jesus. There are four inspirational sections per month - one per week, 15 weeks total. Within each week is: • a verse for you to memorize • verses for you to read and record how God is speaking to you • journal pages for you to write out your thoughts and prayers to Him • A page for praises and gratitude and for forgiveness • a page for prayer requests and God’s answers • and just for fun - a coloring page! So grab your bible, favorite pen or pencil (and if you’re feeling creative, your favorite art supplies) and let’s jump in!


week six we must

to hear


and after He had dismissed the

crowds, He went

up on the mountain by Himself to pray.

When evening came, He was there alone.

matthew 14: 23


We must to hear God. He tells us great and unsearchable things just as He promises Jeremiah in verse 33 :3, “... call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things, like the depth of my love to actually send my son to die for you!” Prayer is not an exercise in talking, it’s a direct line of communication to the only one who really knows us. But we must take time to listen to Him, to just sit and be still in His presence, in quiet solitude. In Psalm 46: 10 He tells us “... be still and know that I am God.” It’s so hard for me to just sit and do nothing and I have really had to work at doing this. When I do consciously make the time to just be quiet before the Lord, my prayer time becomes so much deeper and intimate with Him. I look forward to “hearing” Him now. It’s no longer about what I am asking for, but about what He is saying. This is an amazing way to talk with Jesus, just to sit and listen, quietly before Him.


verses for this week psalm 139: 17-18; 23-24

john 10: 16

john 18: 37

when was the last time you just sat and let God speak to you? sit quietly now and just let God talk! throughout the week write down and ponder what He speaks to you.


listen, journal and reflect


listen, journal and reflect


i am thankful for. . .

I praise you for. . .

forgive me Lord...


i am praying for. . .

answers from God


week seven


is what

God wants with us


Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name; bring any offering before Him. worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.

1 Chronicles 16:29


Genuine is what God wants from us. This means righteous living everyday - not when it suits us - but everyday. I’m not talking about your

religion ; I’m talking about true worship before God every day. Rick Warren wrote: “... the deepest level of worship

is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during trials, trusting Him when tempted, surrendering while suffering and loving Him when He seems distant.” When we give God our time then worship becomes our pleasure. Eventually we crave it every day. God will always meet us there, no matter what. When was the last time you just sat and worshipped our God?


verses for this week psalm 95:6-8

john 4:23-24

romans 12: 1-2

this week find new ways to worship – be creative and find what really draws you to Him. write below how it has impacted you.


listen, journal and reflect


listen, journal and reflect


i am thankful for. . .

I praise you for. . .

forgive me Lord...


i am praying for. . .

answers from God


for more information concerning my artwork, my shop and what I am currently working on, please visit my website at

Do you often wish you had a deeper prayer life? Do you struggle with staying focused as you are praying? Do you want more structure in your prayer time? is a prayer journal that I hope will inspire and deepen your walk with Him. Through my own experiences and trials I know that the power of prayer is an amazing and powerful too - a tool that God has given all of us for communicating with Him. It’s a privilege. When we use this tool, amazing stories begin to unfold, and God’s miracles come to life in our daily walk with Him. Please use this journal everyday and look with anticipation how God is going to use the power of prayer in your own life. $24.95 ISBN 978-0-578-79005-3


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