Non-Psychotropic Cannabis WHY YOU SHOULD USE NON-PSYCHOTROPIC CANNABINOIDS AND HOW TO FIND THESE Cannabinoids CBD are one of the most active elements of medical marijuana. These chemicals are similar to the genes that our bodies possess to develop appetite, movement, pain, and memory. Medical marijuana has active ingredients that are cannabinoids and THC( tetrahydrocannabinol). Medical marijuana has a dominant strain of non-psychotropic cannabinoids and has less strain of tetrahydrocannabinol. ARE NON-PSYCHOTROPIC CANNABINOIDS MARIJUANA? The most active ingredient in cannabis is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabis contains compounds, that are the non-psychotropic cannabinoids and tetrahydrocannabinol. They both have different effects on the human body. THC creates a sense of "high" in humans when they smoke it but non-psychotropic cannabinoids do not alter the human mind. They are non-psychoactive in nature. They do not alter a person's state of mind upon smoking it. That is why non-psychotropic cannabinoids cannot be defined as marijuana but rather defined with the term 'medical marijuana' which is considered to have certain medical benefits. NON-PSYCHOACTIVE CANNABIS RESEARCH Non-psychoactive cannabinoids have been successful to get a lot of attention from the media regarding their health benefits. People and doctors are talking about non-psychoactive cannabis. It is even undergoing certain medical trials and researches. It is helping the patients in reducing inflammation, anxiety and certain symptoms of severe diseases like cancer. A recent study led by Jacob Miguel Vigil, a psychology Assistant professor and his colleague at the University of New Mexico was published in the Scientific Reports journal. In this study, it was stated that the non-psychotropic cannabinoids are more socially acceptable than the tetrahydrocannabinol. While THC exhibited the strongest correlation with therapeutic relief. Non-psychotropic cannabinoids are found very effective in treating children as well as adults with epilepsy, Dravet's syndrome and Lennox- Gastaut syndrome. In numerous studies, non-psychotropic cannabinoids were successful to reduce the number of seizures in children. non-psychotropic cannabinoids bind the brain cells or nerve receptors that are responsible for most of the excitation activities in our brain. Reducing or controlling the excitation activities in the brain can reduce the number of seizures. In some cases, they have been successful to aid the seizures altogether. Non-psychotropic cannabinoids in medical marijuana are also responsible to reduce certain symptoms of severe diseases such as cancer, arthritis, glaucoma and Parkinson's disease. In numerous researches, it has been found that the non-psychotropic cannabinoids can reduce the growing active cancer cells by turning off the gene in the human body known as Id-1. This gene is merely responsible to spread the cancer cells. They may also prevent cancer cells from duplicating. Medical marijuana is also helpful to reduce nausea, vomiting and appetite loss in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy face a lot