November 25 Issue

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Lawrence Central High School

7300 E. 56th St.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Volume 61

Issue 4

November 25, 2009


News...........................................1-7 Opinions...................................8-11 Features.................................12-17 Arts & Entertainment............18-22 Sports....................................23-28


Fame or Bust! Central Sound performed at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in hopes of raising enough money to compete in Fame, a national show choir competition. Fame, which takes place in Chicago, features the nation’s top show choirs.For more, see page 6. Courtesy photo/ Amy Kleiman


This year Black Friday is being recognized for more than just deals and bargains. Retail stores are expecting an increase in sales due to minor improvements in the country’s economic state. See page 16 for more details.

Presentation is key in the “We the People” competition. Paticipants must look the part as well as act it. Senior Laura Hartman adjusts senior Arash Habibi’s tie before his unit presents.



Spain has taken Indianapolis by storm. The Sacred Spain exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), which displays religion-inspired art from Spain’s Golden Age, will be in the IMA until Jan. 3. Check out page 18 for more information on the exhibit. Courtesy photo/ IMA

The G3 class placed first at the competition. Senior Laura Hartman was G3’s team captain and received the award on behalf of the team.

After much prepapration seniors Cori Reynolds and Ashley Potts answer follow-up questions asked by the judges after reading their essay. Government/law teacher Drew Horvath suggests knowing a statement, explanation, example and quote to sufficiently answer each question. Cub photos/ Lena Reifinger


Government/law teacher Drew had a chance in the world of winning,” Horvath has been teaching the course senior and M7 Unit 6 member Margo for 16 years and has found success Tucker said. “It worked out in our adthroughout the years. “I feel really good vantage because we weren’t as nervous about it (the competition). The students and it was easier for me to think on my worked hard and feet.” it’s nice for them to “My students My students have the be rewarded in a have the potential to reach any goal positive manner,” potential to reach any goal Horvath said. they set,” Horvath said. Also, Units 2, they set.” Drew Horvath The G3 class 3 and 4 from the government/law teacher will move on to the G3 class and Unit “We the People” 6 from the M7 class won their individual units. “Win- state competition on Dec. 13 and 14. Editor’s note: Mimi Strobel contributed ning was a pleasant surprise. We felt really relaxed because we didn’t think we to this story.

Seniors sweep at academic competition


Tonight the boys basketball team will play in their first game of the season against township rival Lawrence North. With leadership from the seniors and new talent from underclassmen, the chances of ending the eight-year losing streak are greater than ever. Check out page 25 for the full story. Cub

photo/ Lierin Ehmke

The government/law classes swept the “We the People” district competition on Nov. 19. The G3, M5 and M7 classes came in first, second and third, respectively. First, students learned the content of six units in the “We the People” textbook. They were then separated into teams and were responsible for knowing details of their repective units. Each unit prepared three essays for the competition. Only one essay was read at the competition, followed by questions asked by the judges.



Cub Reporter

worth repeating “There is no greater joy in life than giving to worthy causes.” - Ted Turner

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Board considers ‘redesign’ Fall Creek Valley Middle School

Craig Middle School

Belzer Middle School

Option 1: Close an elementary school Concerns: • Boundaries would be redrawn • Pressure on physical capacity of some elementary buildings • Continues to put strain on facilities and staff • Limits secondary redesign Potential savings: $850,000-$900,000

important dates Today: Blood drive, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Hall of Fame Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving break, no school Nov. 30: Annual toy drive, spon- sored by the National Honor Society, begins Dec. 2: “Jazz in the Commons,” 7 p.m. jazz club atmosphere with refreshments Dec. 4: Clubs meet, 10:10 a.m. Dec. 5: H1N1 flu clinic for grades 6-12, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., LN Dec. 5: Toy Store for needy families, 2 p.m., Commons Dec. 10: Performing Arts holiday show, 7 p.m., auditorium Dec. 11: Cub Reporter Issue 5 Dec. 12: ACT testing, 7:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Student Life Center Dec. 13-14: State “We the People” competition Dec. 14: LCPAA meeting, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 15-18: Final exams Dec. 18: Winter break begins at 2:45 p.m. Jan. 4: Classes resume as the spring semester begins

especially for parents H1N1 clinic Dec. 5

The H1N1 flu clinics for MSDLT students in grades 6-12 will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Fieldhouse at Lawrence North. It is co-hosted by the school district and the Marion County Health Department. Detailed information is available on the school district’s website at

news to use

Circle of Lights Nov. 27

The 47th annual Circle of Lights celebration, which officially starts the holiday season in Indianapolis, will begin at 6 p.m. Nov. 27 on Monument Circle. The lighting of the “tree,” which consists of 52 garland strands with 4,784 colored lights strung from the top of the Monument, will be at approximately 7:45 p.m. More than 100,000 spectators are expected for the free event.

the options

transition period,” he said. The decision, which is pected to be made before Janu The school board is looking ary, will be based on saving money and improving perforat school “redesigns.” The issue, discussed at mance in grades 6 and 9. Monday’s board meeting, has “Lawrence Township conbeen prompted by the financial tinues to experience the same crisis caused by the recession as financial issues as distrcits well as by significant academic around the state of Indiana as and behavioral challenges in well as the nation as a whole,” said Combs. grades 6 and 9. Although cuts in staff may “A change is a must for next also have to year,” Lawbe made, the rence EducaA change is a must board hopes to tion Associakeep the numtion president for next year.” Becky Crum Becky Crum ber of teachers said. LEA president proportional to students. Some Several opfaculty departtions are being discussed. On Friday assistant ments may be targeted for cuts. superintendent Janice Combs “We have to make some said the focus is on Option 2, tough decisions, but we cannot which would close one middle support the status quo,” Crum school and send 6th graders to said. Although the board’s curthe elementary schools. Condsidering the option of rent focus is on elementary and closing a middle school, U.S. middle schools, it may decide government and psychology on a “phase two” secondary reteacher Nick Derado said he design process that will affect believes changes would nega- high schools as well. tively impact students. “The Editor’s note: An early Cub size (of classes) would be too deadline precluded coverage of great, and (the students) need a Monday’s school board meeting.


Option 2: Move 6th graders back to the elementary schools, close a middle school, put 7th and 8th graders at two middle schools, create an upper and lower campus at each high school Concerns: • May require portables at one or two elementary schools • Elementary boundaries may need to be tweaked Positives: • Meets early adolescent needs of 6th graders • Helps 7th and 8th grade curriculum relating to end-of-course assessments, high school credits, graduation rates • Meets unique needs of 9th graders at the high schools • Develops the potential for a K-12 feeder pattern • Does not disturb existing elementary boundaries Potential savings: $3.2 million-$3.5 million Option 3: Move 6th graders back to the elementary schools, turn Fall Creek Valley Middle School into a 9th grade campus, have middle school campuses at Belzer and Craig Concerns: • Adds another transition for students • Does not help alleviate the financial crisis Positives: • Allows for changes for grade configurations at the secondary level • Meets early adolescent needs of 6th graders • Helps 7th and 8th grade curriculum relating to end-of-course assessments, high school credits, graduation rates • Encourages change for 9th graders to build support around the high school transition Option 4: Leave the elementaries with grades 1-5, leave three middle schools as they are, develop a lower campus and an upper campus with grades 9, 10 at one high school and grades 11, 12 at the other Concerns: • Political push-back would be likely • Limits the number of participants in extra-curriculars • Does not help alleviate the financial crisis Positives: • Allows for changes and different thinking at the secondary level • Keeps the age cohort in each high school similar Option 5: Keep the status quo (grades 1-5 as elementary, grades 6-8 as middle, 9-12 as high school) Concerns: • Does not address concerns about 6th and 9th grade needs • Does not help alleviate the financial crisis Positives: • Less disruptive to the system • Little or no political push-back is likely

November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter



Lawrence Central High School

Band ‘left it all on the field’ CamilleHayes After competing in the Bands of America Regional and Grand National Championships, the Spirit of Central marching band’s competition season has come to an end. This year is the band’s 13th consecutive appearance in the BOA finals. It was named national Grand Champion in both 2001 and 2004. In 2002, SOC was national first runner-up. With their successful history and coming off a third-place finish at last year’s Grand Nationals, SOC was hoping to do even better this year. The 8th place finish was not ideal, but members were not necessarily disappointed about it. Although there was almost no room for error, only four points separated the top eight bands. “The performance was by far the best of the season. Every single member…left it all on the field,” senior and baritone player Geoff Bianchini said.

Avon High School and L.D. Bell High School of Hurst, Texas, have always been big competition for LC at the Grand National competition. Despite finishing behind both schools, SOC members aren’t bitter about the outcome. “Saturday was not a loss for us. We were only competing against ourselves, and we won,” Bianchini said. Bianchini went on to say that band members felt confident going into the Nov. 14 competition at Lucas Oil Stadium. More than 90 bands from throughout the country competed in the national preliminaries; 36 bands advanced to the semi-finals, and 12 bands competed in the finals. The Spirit of Central placed 3rd in the BOA regionals on Nov. 7 at Lucas Oil. The competition featured 30 high school bands from eight different states. Despite bands from many states, LC was defeated by two Indiana bands. Avon High School’s Marching Black and Gold and Carmel High School’s Marching Greyhounds came in first and second.

Through interpretive dancing, junior Ashley Welcher and senior Emily Figley of the weapons line show how greed has affected our society. Cub photo/ Jack Leibovitz

Cultural Connections Conexiones Culturales holiday ­— what do they do? More or less, they do the same: they join together with their families and preThanksgiving Day always takes pare a feast. Although their ancestors place on the fourth Thursday in Novem- weren’t a part of the origin of Thanksber, and it has something to do with Pil- giving, the celebration is of similar imgrims and turkey. Other than that, not portance. Senior José Gallardo said, much is known about this holiday in the “(We use the day) to give thanks because we’re together and have life and food.” Hispanic world. They eat the traditional turkey and Although not all historians agree, it’s accepted that the tradition has its roots in pumpkin pie, but they don’t understand why. The truth is the first winter that nobody knows the Pilgrims passed (We use the day) to give how they became in Plymouth, Mass., thanks because we’re and remained such in 1620. staples. The first The Native together and have life and official “ThanksAmericans saved food.” giving” passed them by teaching harvesting and Jose Gallardo during turkey seahunting methods senior son, so the bird was in abundance and ways to make peace with other natives. In 1621, the and provided for a grand meal. The first “Thanksgiving” was celebrated pumpkins were one of the Native Amerwith the 53 surviving Pilgrims—from icans’ chief crops, the secrets of `which the group of 102—and 90 men from they passed on to the Pilgrims. If nothing more, foreigners and imMassasoit’s tribe. Nowadays, Americans use the day migrants in the United States celebrate to give thanks for whatever they’re Thanksgiving to feel more a part of this thankful for. But as for the foreigners country. Sophomore Lupe Sánchez said, and immigrants who have no ties to this “Everybody does it. Why not us?”


tienen unos días de descanso y no se quejan. Pero ¿qué hacen los extranjeros en los Estados Unidos que no se relacioEl Día de Acción de Gracias siempre nan con este día? sucede en el cuarto jueves de noviemMás o menos, hacen lo mismo: se bre, y tiene algo que ver con “los per- juntan con sus familias y preparan un egrinos y el pavo.” Aparte de eso, no festín. Aunque sus antepasados no fuerse sabe mucho de este día festivo en el on parte del origin del Día de Acción mundo hispano. de Gracias, la celebración es de igual Aunque todos los historiadores importancia. Dice senior José Gallardo, no están de acuerdo, se acepta que la “(Usamos el día) tradición viene del para dar gracias primer invierno porque estamos (Usamos el día) para dar que pasaron los juntos y tenemos europeos en Plym- gracias porque estamos vida y comida.” outh, Mass., en juntos y tenemos vida y Comen el pavo 1620. Los indígenas y el pastel de calacomida.” norteamericanos baza porque es la Jose Gallardo costumbre, pero no ayudaron a los Peregrinos al enseñarsenior entienden por qué. les sus maneras de La verdad es que cosechar, cazar, y hacer paz con otros nadie sabe. El primer Día de Acción de indígenas. En 1621, se celebró el primer Gracias pasó durante la temporada de “Día de Acción de Gracias” con los 53 caza del pavo, y comieron en abundanPeregrinos sobrevivientes—de un gru- cia. Quizá por eso esta ave es popular. po de 102—y las 90 personas de la tribu Si nada más, los extranjeros en los de Massasoit. Estados Unidos lo celebran para sentirse Actualmente los americanos usan el unidos con este país. Como dijo sophodía para dar gracias a cualquier cosa del more Lupe Sánchez, “Todo el mundo lo cual están agradecidos. Los estudiantes hace. ¿Porqué nosotros no?”




Cub Reporter

November 25, 2009 Lawrence Central High School

Defending freshman Sam Hartman and business teacher Tom Corbett help out the teacher team to make it to the semi-finals of the tournament, but it lost in overtime to the Ligers. Cub photo/ Brad Oppenheim

ain can’ t dampen student spirit R “We had some really big plays and that was one of the keys to us winning the tournament,” senior and quarterback of the Seven Dwarfs Cole Martin said. He points to where his team’s last drive ended. Cub photo/ Brad Oppenheim

Student council hosts flag football tournament AlliKing Not even pouring rain could hold back students as they competed in cold, wet conditions for the title of flag football champion. Eleven teams composed of students and teachers gathered on the football field Nov. 17 to compete in the first ever flag football tournament hosted by the student council. The Seven Dwarfs — with eight members — walked away

with the victory, each team member also getting a $10 WalMart gift card. While the tournament was fun for those involved, it didn’t bring the number of spectators expected. “We were hoping to have quite a few spectators at the event. We were even originally planning to sell hot chocolate. However, given the circumstances of the weather, I completely understand why we only had about a dozen spectators,” adviser Jennifer Pritchard said. Weather conditions caused

Knocking the ball out of the hands of senior Patrick Crouch, senior Brandon Leonhard was able to help his team to an undefeated tournament win. The ball was recovered by Seven Dwarfs’ member Charles Leonhard for a touchdown that led to a 37-14 win over the Ligers. Cub photo/ Jack Leibovitz

several students to leave the spirit among students and staff. tournament, resulting in one This was done by having teams team forfeit. There was also that were made up a wide variconflict over the rules and stu- ety from a team of teachers to dents arguing with the referees. freshmen. “It was “I think a we s o m e that being a that our team freshman, getMy favorite part was won the ting involved everyone’s attitude. whole thing, now is a good but I think it Meagan McLear way to get could’ve been freshman to know the more orgaschool betnized and had ter and meet better and clearer rules,” senior new people. My favorite part Cole Martin said. was everyone’s attitude. People The tournament was a spir- were so pumped and really into it event, meant to boost school the game,” freshman Meagan

McLear said. “I would want to see more things like this at school. It’s a fun way to get involved” Pritchard added, “I definitely think this event raised school spirit among the students and faculty. It is always great for the students to see the faculty members as ‘humans’ and have fun together. Similarly, it is also great to see students who normally might not socialize with each other outside of school have so much fun with each other. We definitely plan to make this an annual event like dodgeball and volleyball.”


November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter


Lawrence Central High School

Clubs’ food drives thrive GregPrice With local families struggling and in need of food over the holidays, several clubs are answering the call. One food drive here, spearheaded by LC Latinos Club sponsor Yolanda Vargas and Latinos Club members, was targetted specifically for Lawrence families through the Caring Community. The Latinos Club was not the only one to coordinate this food drive, however; other clubs involved were National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Key Club, LC Players and TALKS. Each club helped by promoting the drive, organizing the drive, rounding up donated items, delivering items or doing some of each. Clubs looked at the food drive as more personal because Lawrence families were the ones in need. “We noticed it was mostly Hispanic families that needed help, so being Hispanic, we wanted to help,” LC Latinos member and junior Deya Hernandez said. The drive began Nov. 11 and ran through Nov. 20, with drop-offs at the Caring Center

Despite the rain, sophomore Arielle Lupinacci accepts canned goods from a community member during a door-to-door food drive on Nov. 19. Cub photo/ Nicholas Petr

on both Fridays. Something this food drive did that was different from past ones was that each department had a specific list of items to bring. Students who donated food were set to receive a special treat during a lunch block. In another food drive, the student council and Varsity Club worked together with

Burd Ford to collect items for Gleaners Food Bank. Students went door-to-door on Nov. 19. The success was tied to flyers sent out the previous week asking residents to leave bags of food out if they weren’t home, which led to a large outcome of donations. “I was surprised to see that so many people who weren’t home still did their part to do-

nate. I think that it really speaks to the character of the community,” sophomore and student council member Arielle Lupinacci said. Burd Ford, which had approached the student council with the idea, joined in; it continues to accept donations at its showroom on Pendleton Pike. Editor’s note: Nick Petr contributed to this story.

Graduation rate on the rise CrystalShelton Last year LC saw a rise in its graduation rate. It increased from 79.8 percent to 85 percent. Assistant principal Kristie Corn said, “(The increase) would be (due to) the educational opportunities, rigorous curriculum, large variety of programs to help. We really have something for every level of ability for learning to get students involved in school.” In addition, a variety of support services have helped

(Work In Now) program which students succeed. “We are trying harder to meets after school. keep kids in school, trying There are also alternatives harder to get kids to get those for seniors who do not have enough credits few credits to graduate in they need for graduation,” We are trying harder May. For the past two years Corn said. to keep kids in the district has In an effort offered a sumto help, the school.” Kristie Corn mer program school created the MAC (My assistant principal when both LC and LN stuAchievement Center), which also has the Pla- dents meet for an extended school year for four-and-a-half to computer lab. Students who need help hours on weekdays. can go to the MAC for the WIN Students can also take class-

es online on IOA (Indiana Online Academy) or on Plato. If a student earns his credits by July 15, he can participate in the summer graduation with cap and gown and still be a graduate of his class. Students who don’t meet the July 15 deadline have until Oct. 1 to take their needed classes on Plato at the school and come for half days. Those students’ diplomas will have the year they were supposed to graduate. They are then added to the graduation rate with the May graduates.

bear in mind Toy shop open Dec. 5

The combined National Honor Societies of LC and LN will host their annual toy drive Nov. 30-Dec. 4. New toys are needed for toddlers through children 15 years of age – but no stuffed animals. The unwrapped toys are to be left in the collection bin in the Commons before school each morning. The organizations work with the Early Learning Centers to provide toys for needy families. On the afternoon of Dec. 5 the parents will come to the Commons to “shop” for their families. NHS members will wrap the gifts and load them into the cars for delivery. During the event, high school students will provide baby sitting services while the parents select toys, and those NHS members fluent in Spanish will assist the Hispanic families throughout the course of the day.

Journalists honored

Nine student journalists have captured individual awards from the Indiana High School Press Association. Judging was done on student newspaper and yearbook work from the 2008-09 school year. Seniors Sean Jordan and Michael Ashmore, along with 2009 graduate Eric Rees, were honored with first-place awards. Other student winners were seniors Lierin Ehmke and Caroline Hall as well as graduates Mykel Kennedy, Laura Spears, Clinton Miller and Matt Morgan.

Bus leaves at 7:20 a.m.

Students who leave for McKenzie Career Center at the beginning of the day are reminded that the buses leave the Hall of Fame promptly at 7:20 a.m. Buses will not be held for students who are not ready to leave on time. Information gathered by staff members


Cub Reporter

Central Sound looks for ‘Fame’ prised and happy with the response from the nity. “I feel great about people wanting to help out,” he said, After visting the Magic “There had to be at least $2,000 Kingdom last year for a nation- that was purely donated.” al competition, Central Sound The funds are a bit shorter sets their sights on the Windy than needed, but Gowan said City. With an he is confioverwhelming dent that the response with remaining You could feel the their Fame money will be or Bust fund- excitement of the collected. raiser at Beef entire show choir.” Junior & Boards Dinand first-year ner Theatre, Joe Mount member Joe the choir raised junior Mount shares about $8,500 of Gowan’s feelthe $10,000 needed to fund the ings. “You could feel the extrip to the Fame national com- citement of the entire show petition. choir when we realized exactly The variety show fundrais- how many people had shown er was scheduled to begin at 7 up to see us,” Mount said. p.m. on Nov. 16, but the crowd Junior Carey Goodspeed was so large that the show was said he is ready for hard work unable to begin until around 8 ahead. “I am really looking p.m. because seating took lon- forward to (Fame),” he said. ger than anticipated. “We definitely need to take Senior Central Sound mem- advantage of every situation to ber Dayne Gowan was sur- get better.”


November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School


Vampire novel fanatics sponsor blood drive HannahTorres Team Black or team Cullen? That is the question. The Twilight Club is sponsoring today’s blood drive until 1 p.m. in the Hall of Fame. The event came about when family and consumer science teacher and Twilight Club sponsor Brittany Wiseman was brainstorming with 60 club members on what to do for community service or to raise money. “We were thinking about joining the food drive, but one of the students said, ‘Vampires don’t eat food; they eat blood.’

We thought it was just funny.” “We did because it just fits,” said senior and club president Shanelle Ware. The club’s first idea was to have a baseball tournament like student council’s dodgeball and flag football nights. Then they became realistic and thought that too few students would sign up for a sport that wasn’t easy for students to participate in. Twilight Club members are those who like to read the Stephanie Meyer novels or watch the movies or both. Several members attended the midnight premiere of New Moon last week.

By affixing objects to his final product of his element project, sophomore Yang Lu puts the finishing touches on his element. Cub photo/ Katie McDowell

Students study periodic table HaileyNewkirk Know what germanium is used for? What about mercury? Greta Murphy and Jan Weir’s chemistry students found out in a new assignment. Their directions were to get an 8½-by-11-inch foam board and fill it with four 3-D objects and five facts about a specific element assigned by drawing from a hat. Sophomore Karleigh Latinovich said she enjoyed the project and found it beneficial

in her learning of the chapter. change to the normal classroom “It helped me understand how routine,” Latinovich said. elements make up everything Junior Corby McKean in the world,” she said. thought the project was the Students perfect comthought it was bination of a good way fun and learnIt was a fun way to to change the ing. “This is lesson plans. learn the chapter. the first projInstead of doect out of my Karleigh Latinovich whole high ing the usual labs and taking sophomore school career notes, they had that I’ve acan opportunity to use their cre- tually enjoyed. It was really ativity. interesting discovering how “It was a fun way to learn many uses oxygen really has,” the chapter. It was a good McKean said.


November 25, 2009



Cub Reporter


Black Friday is two days away and the anticipatiction is building. Get up early to catch some good deals. Remember that comfortable shoes and planning what you want before shopping are keys to a successful day. Page 16 has more information on shopping this Black Friday.



Lawrence Central High School

Half a dozen things to do before the next Cub Reporter comes out Dec. 11


Finally, Thanksgiving break is here. So enjoy some football and some time to relax. Sleep in and enjoy the extra days off. Although it seems like forever, only 23 more days and some finals to go until a full two weeks off for winter break.


Enjoy the help that the MAC (My Achievement Center) and WIN (Work In Now) provide. The LTSSF (Lawrence Township Student School Foundation) is collecting change to go toward the programs. So after lunch, skip the vending machines and donate.


Make this Thanksgiving dinner exciting and try something you would usually skip, whether it be the cranberry sauce or rhubarb pie. There is always something new to try. If not, do some research and make something for the whole table to try.


Get some. Tonight LC hosts rivial LN for the popular annual basketball game. Make sure to have your ticket because seats are limited. Don’t forget: No student is allowed in the student section without a maroon shirt. So bring spirit and get some.

This time of the year many forget all the things we have and start thinking of all the things we want. But really, it’s time to give thanks and realize what we do have. Before demanding gifts and material items this holiday season, take a step back and remember to be grateful for the gifts we already have. cub art/ Lena Reifinger

Schools donate ‘Change for Change’ BradOppenheim The Lawrence Township Student School Foundation (LTSSF) is raising money for the second time this year by sponsoring a fundraiser that has been going on all week. It was structured to lead into tonight’s popular Lawrence Central vs. Lawrence North basketball game. LTSSF was formed last year and is a branch of the Lawrence Township Parent Advisory Council. Students from both LC and LN participate. Change for Change is a battle be-

tween LC and LN to see which school such as the MAC and to help pay for can raise the largest amount of money student scholarships. “The whole purpose is to give to a during the week of the basketball game. good cause and Money is collectactually get to wited in front of the The whole purpose is to ness the results lunch rooms the week leading up to give to a good cause and first-hand because the game at both actually get to witness the 100 percent of what schools and during we collect will the first half during results first-hand. come right back to the game, which is Brook Ayres us and not off to tonight. junior some place where we can only hope Last year’s change for change raised about $900. it’s being put to good use,” junior Brook All the money raised goes back to Law- Ayres said. This year, the Change for Change rence Township to help pay for things

fundraiser was also held at the LC vs. LN football game. Members have also collected lamps for Lawrence Township families to help give underprivileged students light while they do their homework. Members also volunteered at an apartment complex and helped register kids for school and handed out backpacks. LTSSF is planning to have a signature event in the spring which will be similar to a field day for all Lawrence Township fourth and fifth graders. LTSSF also helped raise $2,175 for the Duane Hodgin Achievement Award during a phone-a-thon last May.

Winter formal dance to return in February BradOppenheim Prom has its problems. Only uperclassmen can attend, it’s expensive and it’s only once a year. Student council’s solution? A winter formal. The dance, a once-popular event, is being revived in the spring semester.

Any student can attend the dance, which will be held 8-11 p.m. on Feb. 26 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club. Only roughly 100 couples will be admitted, as the venue is relatively small. The dance will take on an original theme this year: the fight against AIDS. Instead of buying paper tickets, students who attend will be given a red

ribbon pin as their ticket in. Students will wear the red ribbon as a way of supporting the fight against AIDS. Going beyond just wearing ribbons, 15 percent of the profits go to the Global Fund to help with the fight against AIDS. Sophomore Andrew Truex said, “I think it’s a good idea because it gives all students the chance to participate

in a formal no matter if they’re upperclassmen or underclassmen.” Senior and student council member Lauren Cowden came up with the idea to have a winter formal to help the fight against AIDS. “It’s something new and exciting and I think it can really make a difference, and we’re making an impact outside of the community,” she said.


Cub Reporter


November 25, 2009 Lawrence Central High School

Cub Reporter Staff 2009-2010

Hugs&Growls Hugs to tonight’s game but Growls to crowded stands. Hugs to good food for Thanksgiving but Growls to feeling sick from eating too much. Hugs to the food drive but Growls to those who didn’t donate. Hugs to acceptance letters for college but Growls to waiting to find out your status. Hugs to seat warmers but Growls to having to use them because of the cold weather. Hugs to sophomores being allowed to park but Growls to having to get here earlier for a good parking spot. Hugs to new choices in the lunchroom but Growls to the raised prices. Hugs to flag football but Growls to pouring rain. Growls to losing the Change for Change battle during football season to LN but Hugs to the opportunity for a rematch this basketball season. Hugs to sales on Black Friday but Growls to long lines and crowds.

Print Co-Editors Allie Nash, Mimi Strobel Online Editor Sean Jordan Broadcast Producer Lierin Ehmke News Editor Greg Price Opinions Editors Matt Gibson, Camille Hayes Features Editors Katie McDowell, Hannah Torres Arts & Entertainment Editor Alli King Sports Editor Tommy Myers Design Editor Lena Reifinger Video Editor Lily Alexander Business Manager Ari Habibi Web Master Grant DeLay Web Technicians Josh Knickerbocker Anthony Wheeler Photographers Chris Gore, Jack Leibovitz Reporters Kyle Billman Zach Griffin Amirah King Duncan Kissinger Andrea McCarrel Hailey Newkirk Heather Olsen Brad Oppenheim Nick Petr Crystal Shelton Kayla Taylor Adviser Elizabeth Granger Lawrence Central High School 7300 E. 56th St. Indianapolis, IN 46226 (317) 964-7400 (317) 543-3348 fax The Cub Reporter is published 11 times a year by the students on the newspaper staff. Letters to the editor are welcome but are limited to 200 words. The author’s name will be printed with the letter. Letters should not contain obscene or libelous language.

Thumbs Up Cub art/Michael Sicely

Making a difference with passion Thanksgiving is here and LC has one club in particular to give thanks to. Key Club members put an enormous amount of time and energy into a wide variety of projects. From the denim drive to collecting coats for children in need, they continue to strive toward making a difference for those who need help. And all the money they raise in a fundraiser never goes back to the club; it is given to the cause. So this Thanksgiving, give thanks for — and to — those who have volunteered, and maybe you’ll find inspiration to help others. At this time of year — and this year especially —

local residents need more help Key Club members found than ever. Key Club not only this to be an important cause helps in our school but reaches because these children can’t out to the community as well. play outside while at home, and Members are starting their the center has been proven to focus projhelp change ect with St. We should look to Key the lives of Mary’s Child these children Club for ways we can Center to help in a positive children who way. help others and our come from unWhen we community.” derprivileged realize the backgrounds. good that stuThe club has applied for a grant dents like the members of Key from United Way to get new Club are doing, we can hope playground equipment for the that they will inspire all of us to center. be better. We should look to Key The playground that was Club for ways we can help othpreviously at the center is gone ers in our community. So, where do you plan to because it did not meet saftey volunteer? requirements.

Thumbs up to Twilight Club for hosting the blood drive. Thumbs up to Student Council for hosting flag football and raising school spirit.

Have something to say? Drop off your thoughts in the mailbox outside Room 132. We will publish as many opinions as we can fit in our “Bear It All” section. Be sure to include your full name and grade; no anonymous entries will be printed.

Cub of the Issue After each issue of the Cub Reporter has gone to press, the editors honor the staff member who went above and beyond to produce the Cub at the highest quality. This issue’s Cub of the Issue is Greg Price.


November 25, 2009


SpeakYour Mind: Extracurricular Activities

Cub Reporter

Lawrence Central High School

Bear it all

“Things change, people walk out on you, but life doesn’t stop for anybody.” -Emily Byas, 10 “Rocks are trying to kill me.” -Will Bennett, 12

Ashley Hordeaux


Xavier Somerville


Jenna Owen


Shervon Coleman


Do you participate in any extracurricular activities? I’m in the Color Guard and Winter Guard. I’m planning to do it for the rest of high school.

I’m a Key Club member, and I swim for LC. I like helping people, and swimming is my favorite sport.

I’ve always played soccer, so I’m on the swing soccer team.

I play second violin in the Serenata orchestra. Before this year, I was in Sinfonia and Sonatina, too.

Do you think holding a position in a club is important? I think having leadership is important. It teaches you responsibility, initiative and and teamwork.

It think it’s a big deal because it’s a leadership role and you can help people take charge and improve things.

It’s very important. It teaches you to be a leader and teaches social skills.

It’s important because people who are followers need someone good to lead them. Not everyone is meant to be a leader.

How has your involvement changed your experience at LC? It has taught me to get things done and to take responsibility for academics at school.

It makes it more fun. I feel like I’m doing more to be a part of my school.

It’s gotten me more involved. Last year was my first here, so it helped me make new friends.

The rehearsals keep me really busy on Monday nights.

I’d encourage people to join Key Club because it makes you a better person and it’s a good use of your time.

Yes, I would. It helps you get to know people, and for some, sports can be a good way to let anger out.

“It makes me happy that students care.” -Virgil Gavia, teacher “People need to learn how to drive in the parking lot.” -Loren Swhear, 12 “Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.” -Danielle Hoffman, 11 “Remember: Just because you don’t have the keys to your house, doesn’t mean you can’t get into your house.” -Jim Berry, 9 “Stupid is as stupid does.” -Graham Ucchino, 11 “Color Guard should get as much recognition as varsity sports.” -Aleya Beckwith, 10

Would you encourage others to get involved in extra activities? I would because it gives you something to look back on. You don’t want to be the one without school memories.

“Keep it your aim to mind your own business.” -Ellis Frame, 9

Yes, because it’s always important to be in at least one club. If you’re not in one, you’re lazy.

“School is fun, but I’m ready for Thanksgiving.” -Elexus Hughes, 11 “Band is all over. Forever.” -Theo Reinke, 12



Cub Reporter

As told by GINGER

No Twilight for me, thanks

Lierin Ehmke Come this time tomorrow, we will all be stuffing ourselves with various holiday cuisines, followed by a food-induced coma and some NFL. I love Thanksgiving. But really, what is Thanksgiving without pondering over what you have to be thankful for? This got me thinking: What am I most grateful for? Family? Yeah, they’re cool. Health? It’s all right, I guess. A society where I have the liberty to practice and say what I please? Ehhh. Then it hit me. It’s all so obvious now. I’m not a Twilight fan. Really, it’s a blessing that I’m not obsessed with a sub-par, melodramatic series of science fiction romance novels. Because let’s get real, people—they ARE romance novels. I’ve heard tales of middle-aged divorces reading them to escape to a world where Edward Cullen reigns. And I don’t want to begin reading that stuff until at least my mid-life crisis. For being the biggest-selling author of the year, Stephanie Meyer doesn’t quite stack up to the skill of J.K. Rowling or Dan Brown. Her style and structure are It’s like eating Easy predominantly Mac seasoned with bland and basic, saffron.” but she tried to up the difficulty level by sprinkling some college-level words into the dialogue. It’s like eating Easy Mac seasoned with saffron. No me gusta. I’m also proud to say that between Team Edward and Team Jacob, I bat for Team I-Don’t-Care. I don’t have low standards, but I’m fairly certain extremely handsome vampires and werewolves with an eightpack don’t exist. Call me crazy. I could even go on about how Bella is a terrible role-model for our young generation, and how her personality and actions totally go against what nearly 40 years of feminism has worked toward, but I’m only allotted so much room in this newspaper. So thank you, God, or whoever gave me the power to restrain myself from this cultural juggernaut, for giving me a healthier obsession, like Lady Gaga or Disney princess coloring books. And thank you to my Twilight-obsessed friends, who will still be there for me even after reading this column. …Right?

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Eating up the holidays Out Of Order Zach Griffin

Thanksgiving is near and we all know what that means—Christmas is only a month away. And when Christmas comes around, that means delicious hams, pies, cakes, stuffing and plenty of other things that taste amazing, but threaten our arteries. But, as you know, I live with Dr. Phil (my therapist mom), and she has introduced the concept of balance. I’ve seen features on news shows, and have been lectured

by my mom, about how to stay go and load up on carbs. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m healthy, specifically during the holiday season. not the skinniest kid in the world. Why must we sacrifice the thing I find exercise to be extremely anthat makes the holidays great? I noying and boring. I do it three love the food that comes with this times a week, though, except on time of year. In fact, it is the second the holidays. They are my break best thing about once a year the holidays, afto have a peter Christmas Why must we sacrifice riod of about presents. a month to the thing that makes the But pressure not care what is making it so holidays great?” I put into my that I can’t have body. I’m not half a turkey on worried about Christmas Eve. I’ve even heard that all the weight that comes with the people are making salad for Christ- season because I’ve got the rest of mas Eve. That is the most ridiculous the year to lose it. thing I’ve ever heard. And trust me, Balance is good, but only when I’ve heard some ridiculous things. practiced with reason. We should The holidays are for binging. do our best to make sure academFor some people, they are the only ics, our social lives, and work are time that it’s acceptable to eat with- balanced, but when it comes to the out worrying about health. We an- holidays, just take a break and eat. ticipate being able to let our diets That’s what I’ll be doing.

Why they call me ‘The Champ’ Column As I See ‘Em Sean Jordan To me, arguing is fun. I get a thrill out of intellectually duking it out with any willing contender. My friends even know me as “The Featherweight Champion of the World (of arguing).” But you can go ahead and call me “Sean.” Sure, it’s not playing a pickup game of basketball, going to a movie, Facebook stalking or playing patty-cake, but see, you need friends for those things. Arguing is a delicacy that does not unnecessarily—and irrationally, I might add— require friendship. Who has friends nowadays anyway? Most people only “have” them when it’s convenient for them:

when they need homework to copy, that I don’t pick my battles too well. when they’re looking for something I argue about everything—from the to do Friday night, whatever. Or merit of the IB program to who’s they “have” them when they’re a better between me and my brother maverick who’s giving a campaign at Rock Band. I suppose I just get carried speech and trying to connect with away; I get caught up in the heat his supporters on a personal level. Friends don’t exist… so I lied. of the moment, yelling, making No one knows me as “The Feather- my characteristic throw-my-handsweight Champion of the World (of out-to-my-side, jaw-dropping gesture and yelling some more. arguing).” The truth comes out. In retrospect, that could be Now, now. Calm down. Don’t what leaves take it too perme a pessisonally. I mean, ...I might as well be the mist about I might as well the existence be the Champ. Champ. I’ve mastered all of friendship. I’ve mastered of the nuances of arguing; Picking your all of the nuancbattles is the es of arguing; I I know all of the secrets.” most imporknow all of the tant aspect of secrets. I know that a person should arguing. If you’re obnoxiously yellnever—and I mean never—use ing at everyone about everything, “they” as a credible source of in- your arguments hold no punch, formation to support his position. figuratively speaking (literally Nobody knows who “they” is, and speaking, they could, if that’s your “they” probably don’t matter any- style). Moreover, your excessive arguments begin to define you as a way. That’s a rookie mistake. And I know that the louder the person, and I don’t think you want that (unless that’s your style). arguer is, the better his argument. Just some friendly advice for The only thing that might disqualify me as the Champ is the fact you, pal.


November 25, 2009



Lawrence Central High School

Do you prefer regular cell phones or smart phones?

AmirahKing Want a sleek design? Check. How about a full QWERTY keyboard? Check. Manageable size? Check. Consistent, reliable service? A must. These are just a few of the standard requirements we all look for in a good cell phone. Living in a world that depends on technology, we find it almost impossible to survive a day without our mobile devices. Cell phones always provide an easy way to communicate with people anywhere, whether it is by making a call, sending

“I really don’t need all the extra stuff. Mine just has a camera.” Dominque Williams, 11

a quick text message, or responding to an email. The convenience of mobile internet access is normal on most cell phones now. So, for the students hunting for an attractive-looking phone with great features, but at a reasonable price, there is hope. Several service providers are aware of these needs and have made the option of prepaid service available in order to satisfy customers. AT&T, T-Mobile, Tracfone, Virgin Mobile, Revol Wireless and Boost Mobile are just a few of the companies that offer competent

service without a contract and with no hidden strings attached. This way, you get the latest technology, but with the luxury of paying for service only when you need it and are actually using it. The best part is passing up the ridiculous price tag that comes with a smart phone that will do the same thing. This way, it’s also less likely that parents will end up seeing that their child has run up a huge bill. I say be smart and avoid paying more for a smart phone. In the end, everybody is still going to call it a cell phone.

“Smart phones because regular phones are so boring. I like touch screens on smart phones.” Ryan Benslay, 9

“I don’t need e-mail on my phone or anything like that.” Michael Poetz, 11

AriHabibi Do you have a cell phone that only makes phone calls? Boring. You would need a computer to stream the internet, an MP3 player to listen to songs, and a GPS to get directions. How can you fit all those items into a book bag? I know a solution: smart phones. Since the beginning of human language, humans have been developing ways to increase methods of gaining information and increasing the speed at which information is received. From tablets to scrolls, books to the inter-

net, we have reached the stage where all information is easily accessible. Of course it can be argued that smart phones cost more than cell phones with regular functions, but the ability to answer any question and appease any want by using a device that fits in the palm of your hand is an invaluable resource. And take this into consideration: It will be cheaper to purchase just one smart phone than it would be to purchase a regular cell phone, a laptop, a music player, a GPS and a hand-held gaming device.

Still not satisfied? What if I said you can import class notes straight to your phone for on-thego studying, or if you’re less studious, check Facebook while your teacher lectures about not using phones during school hours? Still think a smart phone isn’t the right tool for you? There are an infinite number of applications ranging from flashlights to moron tests. I mean, who hasn’t ever wondered if they really are a moron? Now, if you will excuse me, I’m about to place a bid on eBay…on my phone.

“I’d go with regular phones. You don’t have to mess with touch screens.” Angel Pouliot, 10

“Smart phones are too much. That’s what a computer is for.” Ashley Bearden, 10

“Smart phones have better applications and you can do more.” Jarrel Owens, 12




T ha


Cub Reporter

People live their entire lives in what we like to call a “comfort zone.” Our purpose in “That’s A Moré” is to leave that zone, break barriers, and thus, broaden the horizons of our subjects and loyal readers...while being respectful in our choice of subject matter and demeanor, of course. And for those devoted readers out there: We always welcome ideas of social morés for us to test. Bring your idea to Room 132 if interested.


Riddle me this: What can get you labeled a homosexual, a stalker and a beggar? I’ll give you a hint: It doesn’t involve saying anything. It doesn’t necessitate moving anything. And it’s not making any suggestive gestures. It’s staring. Just sitting and staring. We’ve always been taught that it’s impolite to stare; everyone knows it’s impolite to stare. So, of course, I stared. I went to the Castleton Square

As Sean eats his meal casually, he intently stares at Marina Booth (right). She looked at Sean a couple of times throughout the long-distance interation but later said she didn’t think much of it. Cub photo/ Greg Price

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Mo • re [moh-rey]: patterns of conventional behavior in a society; norms that apply to everyday matters.

me looking at her, I could just Mall food court, grabbed some be looking in her general direcfood, took a seat and stared at tion. Because staring at a persomeone. son is so rare (and rude), why I didn’t people-watch: It’s would she assume otherwise? not looking around, check But I made sure that dising out the surroundings. It’s tance was no matter with my singling out a lone person and fixating—unconditionally fixat- next subject. Daniel Troutman was sitting at the table directly ing—my eyes on him. next to me, and I stared at Even if the subject made him for a good two minutes. eye contact with me, I made He made eye contact with me a point to continue staring, twice, continually checking which actually made it physiback to see if I was still looking. cally difficult for me. When Upon seeing an unfamiliar person makes I thought ‘is he hungry,’ me staring at him, he eye contact ‘Is he gay,’ or what?” looked at me with you, for a couple looking away Daniel Troutman seconds, and is just a reflex. then averted Trust me: his eyes, looking in every other When my first subject, Marina direction he could. Booth, looked at me the first couple of times, my head natu- He later told us that he first wondered if I was hungry and rally turned away. I couldn’t wanted his food, and then he help it. speculated about my sexuality. Marina said she just as My final subject, Anne sumed I wasn’t even looking Filar, attends Riverside Junior at her. She made eye contact High School in Fishers (she with me a couple of times after looked like she was in high I trained myself to stay strong, school, OK?). She saw me starbut she said she didn’t think ing at her within the first 30 anything of it. She just continued on normally, talking to her seconds, said something to her friend, who also looked back friend. at me, then they both grabbed “I thought he was looking their things to start to leave. past me, at something else,” She said she thought I was a she said. potential stalker. Her nonchalance about— However, some people and misinterpretation of—the were too caught up in their situation may have been own business to notice. I supcaused by my distance away pose the old myth that says from her. I was sitting at least someone can always feel somethree tables away from her, one else staring at him isn’t allowing her to speculate that, true, after all. although she physically saw

LC’s Reaction: What would you think if you saw someone staring at you? “It would be very awkward.” Joseph Schweitzer, 11

“I would stare at them and walk away.” Sara Young, 11

“I would ask them what their problem was.” Ian McGlinsey, 9

“I would get an attitude.” Lyndsey Dinkins, 12

“I would say, ‘Do you like what you see?’” Franklin Alexander, 10


takestwo November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter



Lawrence Central High School

Twins have comedic, terrifying cinematic moments in life

Commons at school like any other day. “I went to get up to go to class HannahTorres and got really dizzy. I tried to fall back, but I missed my chair,” Charles said. “I looked up and everyone around me was freaking out The opportunity was too good to because I was ghostly white.” pass up. He was sent to the nurse and In the eighth grade Charles and Brandon Leonhard took advantage of the slept for two hours before he went home. The amount substitute algebra teacher. of time Bran “I had it seventh block and he (Brandon was in don) had it eighth block. When we heard surgery, there was a sub, we decided to be trickknocked sters,” Charles said. out from The identical twins switched places medication, with each other. was the same “I decided to cause some trouble, got kicked out of class and almost got written amount of time Charles spent up,” Charles said. “When I realized that sleeping in the I would get a referral under Brandon’s nurse’s office. name, I realized that it was really bad, Psychology went back to class and took notes until teacher Terri Foley class was over.” said, “There is no Before Brandon got to last block he real scientific evidence to found out what his brother had done prove or deny the existence and decided to do the same to him. He of a twin attempted to get connection, kicked out of class but it does There are many amazing but by the end of to exist. the block still hadn’t stories of unexplainable con- seem Although managed to get a nections with twins.” this unique referral. The Leonhards Terri Foley connection are like just about psychology teacher cannot be explained, it any other set of does appear twins. They have to be very real. similarities and differences but they’ve She continued, “There are also shared one interesting experience amazing stories of unexplainthat makes their life look it came straight able connections with twins. out of The Parent Trap. Psychologists believe this When they were sophomores, they connection could be genetic, got in a fight with each other and Branthe result of spending nine don broke his nose and had to have months together in the surgery. womb, or simply due to be “It was an early surgery at 7:30 a.m., ing raised as siblings of the so I was put under anaesthesia around same gender in the same 7:20 a.m.,” he said. environment.” Meanwhile, his brother was in the

Cub Photo/ Lena Reifinger




Lawrence Central High School

back to

Cub Reporter

November 25, 2009

Black Friday creates adjustments for stores, customers this year KaylaTaylor Extra long lines, malls filled way over their carrying capacity, and super money-saving deals— so goes the story of the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday. According to Sunday’s Indianapolis Star, the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday because it’s the day that stores go from being in the red to making a profit. Last year, with the economic recession, retail stores suffered a dip in their overall holiday profit. But many retailers are expecting numbers to be back up with the recent economic improvement on Black Friday. Despite the recession, many Americans remain optimistic about the feted shopping day and hope to see somewhat of a turnaround from last year. “We’re going to be packed.” Forever 21 co-manager William Luckert said. According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, a survey found that 16 percent of U.S. consumers say Black Friday is the day they will begin their holiday shopping (with 26 precent of those aged 18 to 34 years old), as compared to last year’s 10 percent. Mass merchandise retailers like Target and Wal-Mart are offering price slashes and extended store hours. “I wake up

early so I can beat the crowds,” Ellefsen said. Senior Hannah Combs is optimistic about the current economic situation. “I think (the economy) is going to turn around,” Combs, a sales associate at the Castleton Pac Sun. “Our customers are pretty loyal.”

Some retailers can count their holiday season success on being trend available and having lower prices than those of higher end stores. “This Black Friday we’re hoping we will be up at least 10 percent from last year,” said Luckert. “Our type of retail it still trendy; it’s just a lot less

big black bag Cub graphic/ Amirah King

expensive then some of the other high end places like Nordstrom. Our type of retail is getting better, whereas higher end retail is seeing a dip.” Professor of economics at Butler University Paulson Gjerde differs in opinion when she said, “My prediction is that we will see a decrease in Black Friday sales this year compared to last year.” Although she thinks the economy isn’t improving, she thinks that Black Friday is an economic stimulant and, moreover, “sends a signal to consumers about the state of the economy.” Gjerde said the shock from the beginning of the recession took both customers and stores “by surprise.” “As a result, stores were forced to deal with high inventories by slashing prices dramatically. This year, we have lived with the recession for a considerable amount of time. Stores are better equipped to deal with decline in demand, but I think shoppers will be even more reluctant to part with their dollars,” she said. According to the National Retail Federation’s 2009 Holiday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, 58.4 percent of all items expected to be bought on Black Friday are clothing. “We’re still seeing a steady improvement,” Luckert said. Temporary hiring for the holiday season could mean extra cash to teens and a small boost to the economy. Stores hire seasonal employees to cover busy holiday shifts because they are usually overcrowded and too busy themselves to manage on their own. “We’re expecting to be pretty busy,” Luckert said. We’re adding at least 40 new employees. Everyone hires during the holiday season.”

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School



Cub Reporter



Families continue pigskin tradition on Thanksgiving Day

Sidebottom isn’t the only person at LC whose family participates in a Thanksgiving pigskin brawl. Business teacher and JV baseball HeatherOlsen coach John McCormick’s family also participates in a Turkey Bowl. Thanksgiving: stereotypically a His wife’s family is divided by longcelebration of food and family is also standing high school rivalries. Half of a celebration of football for junior the family attended Chatard while the Natalie Sidebottom. Every year her other half went to Cathedral. They can entire family gets together at her aunt’s be found at 8:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving house before heading to Cumberland Day in the middle of Lawton Loop in Ft. Park to compete in Harrison, where the Harre Family the family plays a Turkey Bowl. “friendly” game For those of us who aren’t “Once we’re of flag football. the athletes we once were there we make “For those of teams and the us who aren’t the (the game can be) a mildly battle begins,” athletes we once strenuous and painful time.” were (the game Sidebottom said. The game is can be) a mildly two-hand touch John McCormick strenuous and football, and the business teacher painful time,” family is very McCormick said. competitive. Both families They’ve been competing in the keep the Bowl competitive and fun. tournament for years, and it’s always “Even though it is a family event, it’s caught on film by Sidebottom’s not uncommon for limbs to break, noses grandfather. to bleed, and teeth to come up missing, The family even makes matching heads to get concussed or eyes to be T-shirts. The tees from last year read, gouged,” McCormick said. “Coming in second is the first loser.” And although the families may seem During last year’s game Sidebottom to take their Thanksgiving tournaments scored three touchdowns and led her to the extreme, it’s all done with the team to victory. knowledge that no matter who wins or “When it’s time for some football loses, the family will go home together I know it’s time for the holidays,” she to share the turkey and give thanks to said. one another.

Cub graphic/Amirah King

Teacher Traditions “As Native American culture dictates, we set a place complete with food for loved ones who have passed away. The food is placed in the highest tree after dinner so that the loved one can easily retrieve it. I have never retrieved a plate with any food left on it, logically because of local raccoons, but you can see the mystery of the tradition.” Mitch Martin, English teacher “I celebrate Thanksgiving with one of my best friends and her family. I’ve done this for years since I have no living family. Barb’s sister writes a play each year and the grandkids present the play for all of us, complete with Pilgrim and Indian costumes.” Julie Alexander, secretary “My husband is half Italian so every Thanksgiving we have homemade raviolis and homemade fettuccine alfredo. The ladies in the family get together in October and spend all day making the raviolis. Then we freeze them for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We make the alfredo sauce the night before Thanksgiving and we purchase the pasta from our cousins that own Iaria’s Italian restaurant. We also have the traditional items, but it’s the homemade stuff that is always eaten up first.” Lacey Moss, science teacher “We travel to New York City by car to prepare the meal at a relative’s apartment. While the turkey is cooking we head down to the Macy’s parade, which is held about five blocks from his apartment. We spend the rest of the week attending a play and doing some Christmas shopping in the city.” Nancy Hormann, special education teacher “My mother’s family holds a family reunion on Thanksgiving day at Boy Scout Camp Belzer. We have had as many as 100 people and as few as 25. This is a long-standing tradition going back 25 years at Camp Belzer and even before that, when it was held at a family member’s home.” Janice Nolan, P.E. teacher


Lawrence Central High School ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter

This crown is one of the best representatives of a goldsmith’s work in the 17th century Spain called the Crown of Andes.

The The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of the many interpretations of the Virgin Mary, and it’s common belief that she appeared in front of Saint Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac near Mexico City in December 1531. Courtesy photos/Indianapolis Museum of Art

Spanish religious views expressed in local art exhibit HannahTorres Artists try to express things that can’t be seen by the human eye, and 17th century Spanish artists worked to make an image as real as possible. The Sacred Spain: Art and Belief of the Spanish World exhibit contains the various points of view of religion in the past as well as today. The Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) is hosting the exhibit with more

than 70 works of art. Artists in the exhibit have done an array of paintings, sculptures and books. The IMA set up the exhibit in four different mood settings. Each room has a different color as well as an introduction to the room to give the visitors some background information. The different rooms help make the exhibit understandable in smaller, more specific parts. Some items have never been used in exhibits because Ronda Kasle, the senior curator of European art before 1800, traveled to Spain, Peru and

Golden Age

Mexico for the last four years to look for art in museums, churches, private collectors and monasteries. Some of the paintings are still used today in churches as portraits of Jesus Christ. Others remain without titles or artists to claim them, but that doesn’t stop them from expressing creativity and thoughts. The 17th century was called the Golden Age for Spanish art because of its expression. It was the beginning of art in Spain because of monarchy rule that the Italian population wasn’t pleased with and lead artists to live in

Sacred Spain: Art and Belief of the Spanish World The Indianapolis Museum of Art Showing until Jan. 3 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues., Wed., Sat. 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Thurs. and Fri noon- 5 p.m., Sun. Free general admission Free guided tours TAP (iPod audio tours) $5 Spain, where they were influenced by the culture and religion of the Spanish people.

November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter

arts & entertainment



Lawrence Central High School

♫ UP ♪ Album photos/

Brad Paisley



Lil’ Wayne

Genre: Country

Genre: Gothic Rock

Genre: Piano Rock

Genre: Rap

There are very few young Country fans these days so for the rare fans out there, this album by the wonderful and talented Brad Paisley is nothing short of a masterpiece. The Fifth Gear has everything that makes Country music great. Paisley covers all the bases. The songs are soft, smooth and touching. His true musical talent does not lie in his melody and catchy tunes, but in the hilarious and relevant lyrics that relate to every American’s life. Like his new release “Online” that refers to an overweight loser who makes himself a celebrity through his MySpace page and is picking up all the chicks. Or his new song “I’m Still a Guy” where he sings about how men these days are losing their manly touch due to the women they date and the relationships between them Also, he includes the controversial songs that Country music is famous for. Paisley visits all of the corners of not just Country music but the entire music industry. He can make one cry, laugh, cheer and jeer all on the same album, which is truly rare. He does this all the while still maintaining a humble demeanor that makes him as popular as he is. Overall, The Fifth Gear is a Brad Paisley classic. Country is not just about a fiddle and Willie Nelson

As the eighth album of their career, AFI stripped away their electronic and dance feel and went back to gothic punk basics in the album Crash Love. Their previous album December underground was more mainstream to listeners as AFI’s single “Miss Murder” and “Love Like Winter” with electronic rock tracks that were pop listener friendly. They decided to shed all the technology to return to dark yet simple guitar melodies, taking their music back to a pure sounding record. However, their lyrics bounce around genres. They wrote songs similiar to those of bands like My Chemical Romance and The Used. They have dark lyrics, as in “End Transmission,” where frontman Davey Havok sings go grab your bag/I’ll bring the gun. Later in the album, lyrics like I saw you every time I closed my eyes in “Veronica Sawyer Smokes” demonstrate a heartbroken Kelly Clarkson kind of song where AFI may be a little exposed. The album as a whole is very cohesive. Although it took two years of production, the time was well spent. Fans that loved Decemberunderground may be disappointed by Crash Love, but the older fans will be relieved that AFI has gone back to their old ways.

Imagine slowly walking down the Pacific Coastline. Clouds hang low as the morning sun peaks above the horizon and creates a haze that reveals only the outline of a tall, slender figure. Steps become more frequent as excitement for what might lie behind the fog builds. The rising sun clears the haze but by this time the figure has vanished and all that is left is a cloud of mist kicked up by a rushing wave. This is Barcelona’s Absolutes. Barcelona combines melodic piano, sometimes-grand-sometimeshushed orchestral movements and climactic percussion to accompany lead singer Brian Fennell’s almost achingly fragile vocals. These components allow Absolutes’ listeners to feel a sliver of loneliness and a whole lot of desire as the collective album sounds as if it is reaching for something just beyond the horizon. Songs like “Numb” add to this effect perfectly. This is not to say that the album is unbroken by upbeat, happy-go-lucky tunes. “Colors” maintains the feeling of desire but breaks the mold with sharp tones and strong lyrics that conquer a previously lonely feeling. Absolutes maintains a general feeling which creates a cohesive, thoughtful album, while the variety in pace and tone adds variation and interest.

The New Orleans superstar and arguably the best rapper alive, Lil’ Wayne, dropped his latest mixtape No Ceilings Oct. 31. Weezy is back to proving he knows how to rap, and how to rap well. The rapper spits his rhymes so fast on several tracks, “Banned from TV” for example, that he’s gasping for breath.Wayne also doesn’t forget to thank his fans for their support on many of his songs throughout the album. There is one small problem that Weezy F. Baby encounters throughout the album. Several of his songs lack originality. Yes, he is known for remaking songs from other artists, but didn’t Kid Cudi already redo Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”? Sorry Wayne, “Poke Her Face” is a little repetitive. The remakes of “Run This Town” and “I Gotta Feeling” do benefit the mixtape though. They allow Wayne to leave the music to the others and let him focus on what he does best, the lyrics. No Ceilings may be the first of several projects Wayne releases in a hurry before he takes his oneyear trip to prison due to earlier gun charges. At least he’s going out while he’s on top. Lil’ Wayne and his dreadlocks will surely be missed.

Rating: 1--2--3--4--♫

Rating: 1--2--3--♫--5

Rating: 1--2--3--4--♫

Rating: 1--2--3--♫--5

Zach Griffen

Hannah Torres

Album: The Fifth Gear

Song Suggestion: Online

Album: Crash Love

Song Suggestion: Torch Song

Album: Absolutes

Album: No Ceilings

Song Suggestion: Numb

Song Suggestion: Wetter

Lena Reifinger

Katie McDowell

arts & entertainment


Cub Reporter

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Reservation for two Mellow out with hot pizza and a cool atmosphere KatieMcDowell

Mellow Mushroom 2340 E 116th St. Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 846-2400

 In a mellow mood? Just drive north to Carmel and try out the Mellow Mushroom! The restaurant is as chill as the name sounds. This pizzeria has fun murals on the walls and big booths to sit at with friends. The laid back atmosphere makes customers feel like they can enjoy a few slices of pizza and hang out for a while. The Mellow Mushroom, most known for it’s pizza, has many other choices and offers a wide variety. It also has several appetizers to prepare everyone for the real treat – the pizza. We went with the warm, salty pretzels served up with a side of melted cheese and hot marinara sauce for our appetizer. The menu also has pretzels available in other flavors – garlic and parmesan or honey and cinnamon. For the main course Katie selected the Kosmic Karma pizza and Alli chose the Turkey and Cheese Hoagie. The Kosmic Karma is created with

a pesto sauce topped with real tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach and feta cheese. The fresh ingredients are a perfect combination and the pizza’s so good that we gobbled it down to the crust. The flavorful pizza comes in a personal 10-inch size which satisfies the appetite pretty easily and there is even enough to take home for later. For those who like to share, pizzas come in 14 inches and 16 inches as well. The hoagie is made up of hot turkey breast, provolone cheese, onions and sprouts. Although the Mellow Mushroom is not known for its sandwiches, the Turkey and Cheese Hoagie is better than anything made by so-called sandwich specialists such as Subway. The Mellow Mushroom has proved to satisfy in not only its specialty, pizza, but in the other types of food it offers too. Its high-quality service and unique, fun atmosphere make it a good place to just hang out with friends over good food.

The Reel Deal

Spooky alien encounters freak out audiences HaileyNewkirk In the U.S. alone, 11 million people claim to have seen a UFO. This fact may have been the most disturbing factor in the horror/suspense film The Fourth Kind. The movie starts off with actress Milla Jovovitch identifying herself as an actress playing the role of Dr. Abigail Tyler. After the death of Tyler’s husband, Tyler begins noticing strange disturbances taking place in Nome, Alaska. After a number of Tyler’s patients come to her with the same horror stories, she becomes suspicious. Tyler investigates the situation and comes to an alarming conclusion: The people in the town of Nome are not alone. Tyler becomes convinced that aliens are abducting the residents of

Nome. There is frequent cutting between Jovovitch and real-life footage of Dr. Tyler as she recounts her experiences. In addition to actual footage of Tyler herself and her patients, actual audio is incorporated into the film, constantly keeping the audience on edge. To some, alien abductions sound ridiculous, but if logical thinking and disbelief are suspended, the jolts and scares are quite entertaining. The film does, however, leave out some key information. It never tells whether Tyler’s mental state had been investigated and it never questions any other explanations for the disappearances of the people of Nome. But why ask? The film creates an appropriately eerie mood through its creepy plot, real-life footage and freaky visuals.

courtesy photo/

Genre: Crime/Mystery Rating: PG-13 Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi Length: 98 minutes Fun Fact: The movie was filmed in Nome, Alaska, a city that cannot be traveled to by road, only airplane.

November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter

arts & entertainment



Lawrence Central High School

What’s Hot What’s Not! Girly-girl fashions are here to stay Make

IWork! T

AndreaMcCarrel In women’s fashion this season it’s time to go all out. The over-the-top girly styles have taken over for the next three months. However, an extreme increase in creativity will be needed to do these looks justice. Go for a look that’s less conservative than Coco Chanel, but tamer than Cyndi Lauper. It’s a must to find a happy medium this season. It’s important to incorporate bright colors into a look, but please don’t blind anyone. Try to work with balancing bright colors with more neutral

colors. Anna Sui utilizes bright colors season. It is agreed that shaped skirts to enhance a Bohemian-chic fashion are more interesting we don’t want to statement this season. She uses light see what shapes the garment. and flowy materials to accentuate the Tulle should only be a secret way bright colors. of achieving this shape. Just as you It is very important to make certain wouldn’t want your undergarments that when turning hues up, you must showning, tulle is another element of a tone others down. woman’s outfit that should be hidden. Alberta Ferret Girlish accesti’s fall and winter sories are in collection contains high demand for It’s important to incorporate the fall/winter a great deal of vivid detailing as season. They can bright colors into a look, but well. be worked into please don’t blind anyone.” The balance your ensemble between the neuon your gartral and vibrant ments, by use colors in Ferretti’s of brooches and collection is near perfect. headbands. Louis Vuitton shows head Tulle is a material that can be used bands that play on the concept of “aniunder skirts to help create a shape. mal ears”. This humorous idea is a hit Tulle is NOT a material that should be in the fashion industry, causing many over-exposed. labels to create overkill headpieces. Al Dolce & Gabbana and Christian exander McQueen shows quite possibly Lacroix both show off the the greatest exaggerated headpieces of fabulous effect of shaped skirts this the season.

Jookabox will rock your socks Make


Twerk! DuncanKissinger The first time I was exposed to Jookabox, formerly known as Grampall Jookabox, I was at a Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos concert last winter at the Emerson Theater. While the Emerson is usually filled with metal-heads and other fans of moshing and/or hardcore dancing, this night the peeling black walls found company in the hundreds of indie kids

staring blankly but contently at David seen some significant changes over the “Moose” Adamson as he performed a period of three albums. number of songs from his second album Scientific Cricket draws from folk, as Grampall Jookabox, Ropechain. Ropechain has a mixture of soul, funk The crowd seemed almost immune and hip-hop, and Dead Zone Boys to the tribal drum featured a combeats and hauntbination of world ing vocals. This music and punk ...after listening to contrast of intense influence. Jookabox’s first album and primitivism and From the fun against the apthe newest release, it is safe haunting vocals parent boredom of and harmonies to say that I am a huge fan.” to the pounding nearly 400 individuals perplexed rhythm of the me. drums and the I was compowerful bass pletely drawn to the music and after lines, Jookabox has a sound virtually listening to Jookabox’s first album, unheard of on the radio. Scientific Cricket, and the newest release, Some standout songs on the three Dead Zone Boys, it is safe to say that I am albums, respectively, include the a huge fan. minimalistic track “Ponta,” “The One Drawing inspiration from a myriad Thing,” and the upbeat but haunting of musical genres, Adamson’s music has anthem “Phantom Don’t Go.”

Whats Hot Now! Concerts & Events

Nov. 25: •Widespread Panic @ The Murat Theatre Dec. 3: •Jim Brickman @ The Murat Theatre Dec. 8: •Oz, The Musical @ The Murat Theatre Dec. 10: •Santa Slam @ The Egyptian Room


Dec. 1: •Beautiful Creatures-Kami Garcia •Mastering the Art of French CookingJulia Child Dec. 15: •Lego: The Visual Dictionary- Simon Beecroft Dec. 16: •Using Dupral- Angela Byron


Nov. 25: •Old Dogs •Ninja Assasin Dec. 4: •Brothers •Everybody’s Fine Dec. 11: •Invietus •A Single Man


Dec. 1: •R. Kelly- Untitled •Westlife- Where We Are Dec. 8: •Jimmy Buffet- Buffet Hotel •Norah Jones- The Fall Dec. 15: •The Fame Monster- Lady Gaga •Smoke and Mirrors- Lifehouse


arts & entertainment


Cub Reporter

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School


Can you tell what these LC items are based on their close-ups? See bottom of pictures for answers.




Cub photos/Jack Leibovitz

Answers to “A Closer Look”: 1.canned food drive sign (cafeteria) 2.Men’s track call-out sign (Hall of Fame vending machine) 3. AED sign (Commons) 4. Zoology poster (science hallway)


GETTING TO KNOW... Senior Lyndsey Dinkins


Junior Joshua Wise



number of years ago the computer mouse was invented number in seconds of the longest recorded flight of a chicken


75 percent of the Earth that is hydrogen

100,000 Favorite Movie Love and Basketball

Favorite Movie The Haunting in Connecticut

Favorite Band/Artist Musiq Soul Child

Favorite Band/Artist Escape The Faith

Favorite Song Love-Musiq Soul Child

Favorite Song Situations-Escape The Faith

Favorite Book I don’t read

Favorite Book The Heroin Diaries- Nikki Sixx

Favorite T.V. Show The Game

Favorite T.V. Show Family Guy

Favorite Sport Football

Favorite Sport Baseball

Interesting Fact I‘m in color guard

Interesting Fact I like to skateboard Cub photos/ Jack Leibovitz


number of taste buds on a catfish’s tongue

percent of the human brain that is water

of body heat that is lost through the 50 percent head

of an armadillo’s life that is spent 80 percent sleeping


number of people struck by lightning each year in the U.S.

5 weight in pounds of the world’s heaviest brain

source/ source/ compiled by/Hailey Newkirk

November 25, 2009

Cub Reporter Rising above the opposition for a better angle, senior Matt Glick gets a shot off during a scrimmage against his teammates. The team has been practicing and conditioning since June. Glick is one of the few returning varsity players and is a leader of this year’s young team. Tonight will be the younger players’ first game in front of a home crowd against rival Lawrence North. Last year’s freshman team was county champion and this year looks to help the varsity team.



Lawrence Central High School

Coach J.R. Shelt speaks to his players during a practice. He says having good communication and being on the same page are vital to succeeding this season.

Scrimaging during practice is one way players have been preparing themselves for the season. Sophomore Tyler Corley splits the defense to pass the ball while being guarded by sophomore Jordan Price and senior Kyle Edwards. Cub photos/Chirs Gore


Many think this year could said athletic director Sandra be a great match-up, including Walter. LN head coach Jack Keefer. “I Both teams count on fan think LC is support. “Fans a much immake the game. proved team The louder, the I believe that this this year and I better. We love am sure it will group is truly focused the craziness be an excit- on sacrificing anything of the game,” ing game,” he Keefer said. for each other.” said. The Bears A large J.R. Shelt have the pocrowd is excoach tential to take pected. “With on the Wildcats the press that again later in a few of our players have re- the season in the IHSAA sectionceived lately, I think we will see als. It’s an opportunity for the attendance as large as ever,” Bears to get ready for the most

LC vs. LN ‘as large as ever’ The township rivalry heats up again tonight in LC’s home gym when the Bears take on the Lawrence North Wildcats in the opening game of the boys basketball season. The Bears wrapped up the 2008-09 regular season with a record of 10-9. However, since last season, LC has lost several strong competitors from the Class of 2009 like Marcus Jackson, Kyle Speckman and Geoff Davis. But the future looks promising for the Bears with

strong underclassmen coming from the near perfect freshman team which finished 19-1. There are also returning varsity players to lead the team. “Senior Matt Glick and Junior Tre Roberson are developing into a very good leadership team,” coach J.R. Shelt said. Tonight LC looks to end the eight-year streak of losing to LN, winner of three consecutive state championships from 200406. “I think our biggest strength is our unselfishness. I believe that this group is truly focused on sacrificing anything for each other,” Shelt said.

important part of the season. “I feel (the LN game) is a good measuring stick for our athletes and coaches,” assistant athletic director Alfie Hernandez said. The LC student section plans for a “maroon-out” for the 7 p.m. game tonight. Maroon spirit wear is on sale today (see article on page 24). Pre-game ticket sales will end at 3 p.m. today in the athletic office. Tickets may be sold at the door, but the gym’s seating capacity is 3,000 and doors will close when capacity has been reached.



Cub Reporter

Fourth and

GOAL Proposal could mean athletic overhaul NicholasPetr Why is it that Warren Central and Carmel are so much better than LC when it comes to football — or even athletics in general? What do they have that we don’t? I understand if Cathedral has better teams because they’re private. They can offer things that some public schools can’t match. But why is it that some other public schools are better than we are? I can’t believe that Warren Township or Carmel has better athletes than Lawrence does. The fact is, they don’t. The difference between Lawrence Township and Warren Township and Carmel are that they each have one high school. There, every single athlete in the town/township is going to the same high school. Just imagine how good our high school would be if we could combine the best athletes from both LN and LC. We could be state championship contenders for football, basketball, baseball­, any sport­—every single year. And with the township scrambling to cut its budget, that dream might become a reality. One proposed idea for saving money is to have a freshman-sophomore campus at one high school and a juniorsenior campus at the other. That means there would be one varsity team for the entire township. So whether or not you like the idea of a one-school system, there is no doubt that it would benefit athletics in Lawrence Township. But then what would happen to the less talented athletes, like me, who barely make the team? Creating one varsity team in the township means that some athletes will be left out. So in the end it becomes a matter of opinion: Would you rather be playing on an average team or in the stands watching your really good team?

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Taking it ‘one step at a time’ CrystalShelton The girls basketball team has started their season with a record of 1-1. Their most recent game, a home court match-up against Mt. Vernon, ended in a loss, 43-52. “We had a strong defensive presence,” senior Shonta James said. “We started playing sloppy and we weren’t boxing out. We also had foul trouble.” The errors made in the game have been the things coach John Albers has made a focal point in practice. “Day in and day out we are doing well as far as hustling and working out,” Albers said. “We have to start playing smart: hustle, work hard, play smarter with defensive positioning and limiting our turnovers.” Their first game of the season was a win on Nov. 13 at Northwest with a score of 55-35. The team built a 20-point lead in the first half and kept their defensive effort strong throughout the game, forcing turnovers and getting rebounds. For the next few games, according to Albers, the team’s focus is “limiting turnovers, taking care of the basketball and improving in passing, cutting and screening.” He emphasized that all of those areas are in need of improvement. This year, the majority of the players have returned from last year and have built chemistry. “We are far ahead of where we were last year. The group is together again, but we are getting a bit too anxious and need to take it one step at a time,” Albers said.

This season defensive pressure has been a key focus for the Lady Bears. Looking to step up the intensity, sophomore guard Desarae Holmes employs a full court press to try and force a turnover. Cub Photo/Jack Leibovitz

Students ‘get some’ spirit wear HaileyNewkirk The official LC/LN basketball game T-shirts are still available. Student council designed the T-shirts for students to purchase and wear to the rivalry basketball game tonight against LN. They are $10 each and are being sold both in the Commons during lunches and tonight at the game. A Facebook group was created for students to join so they could pre-order T-shirts.

“I really like that we could pre-order our shirts,” junior Andy Biloon said. “It made the whole process run a lot smoother and prevented a long line of people trying to order their shirts during lunch.” The maroon shirts feature the words ‘GET SOME’ over a black bear head. The shirts were made so students had a maroon T-shirt available to them for the “maroon-out” that is scheduled for tonight’s game. Students not wearing maroon will not be allowed to sit in

the student section – the middle row of seats on the LC side of the stands at the half-court line – and will have to sit elsewhere. “I think the ‘maroon-out’ is a good idea because it’s a good way to show school spirit and we could definitely use more school spirit,” sophomore Sarah Mott said. Others disagree. Freshman Ashton Meares said, “Not everyone has a maroon shirt to wear and cannot afford to buy one. It’s not fair to them.”

November 25, 2009 Cub Reporter

Aiming down his sites, senior Grant DeLay is ready to shoot any opponent who enters his line of fire.



Lawrence Central High School

Just grazing his sleeve, Proving Grounds Factory teammate Matt Qualy is hit by an enemy paintball right in front of the referee. Courtesy photos provided by Grant DeLay


CamilleHayes Getting behind cover, shouting out positions to teammates and keeping his head low, senior Grant DeLay shoots through the paintball course. DeLay, along with 10 others on his paintball team, competed in the 2009 Paintball World Cup. After winning the MSXL regional championship, his team, Proving Grounds Factory (PGF), won an all-expenses-

paid bid to the national competition last month in Polk City, Fla. DeLay got his paintballing start playing recreationally with friends. “One of my buddies had a birthday party where we paintballed and it was so much fun,” he said. Now, four years later, he has won the World Cup. The win proves to be even more special because of where the members of PGF are from. “Paintball is pretty big everywhere but the

Midwest, so it’s pretty cool that we won,” he said. Because it’s not popular here, paintball is often underestimated and is not recognized as a sport, but DeLay is quick to prove that it is. “Yes, it is (a sport). It takes communication, teamwork, technique and lots of practice.” In order to qualify for the national competition, a team must pay an entry fee. “We wouldn’t have been able to foot the bill for nationals without

winning the MSXL series,” he said. The regional competition consists of five local events. DeLay’s team won three of the five events, crowning them the regional champions. The preliminary events are set up so that the teams face each other five-on-five in an effort to capture the neutral flag and hang it on the opposing team’s starting gate. The game isn’t that easy, though. Once a player gets hit with a paintball

by the opposing team, he is forced to sit out for the rest of the game. And good luck trying to catch a breath in this fastpaced game—the only resting time you get is the two-minute break after a flag is hung. Even if it’s not for competition but just for fun, DeLay encourages everyone to give it a try. He says that “playing paintball is exciting and fun no matter what level you play on, but pursuing tournament level paintball may not be for everyone.”


Cub Reporter


November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Swimming and diving off to good start LenaReifinger On Nov. 17 the girls went up against Franklin Central and Covenant Christian. Senior Allison Jacob placed second and sophomore Brittany Cain placed third out of three individually for the diving team. The swim team came out with first place finishes by senior Chandler Brown in the 50- and 100-meter freestyle, sophomore Maggie Shanahan in the 200-meter individual medley and 500-meter freestyle, and senior Sydney Miller in the 100-meter backstroke. Miller, Brown, Shanahan and sophomore Mary Higgins took first in the 400-meter relay, and second overall. The girls swimming and diving teams competed in their first match on Nov. 14 at Greenfield Central. The diving team placed fourth out of four teams while Jacob placed second out of eight as an individual. Overall, the swimming and diving teams placed second out of four teams. “We competed really well, it being our first meet of the season,” Brown said. “It’s really important for the team to stick together and be supportive of each other because our team is a lot smaller than it has been in the past and I think so far we’ve done a lot to bond and become close.”

Still practicing hard for the upcoming season, sophomore Connor Nash as well as the rest of the boys swimming and diving team have watched the girls team get off to a good start and look to continue the success in their first meet on Dec. 1 at Pike. Cub Photo/Chris Gore

Season ends in loss to a familiar school NicholasPetr

another year,” West said. Sophomore Glen Jones is one of the returning players who looks to make an impact. “I’m excited for The football season ended on Nov. 6 with a 14- next season, I think we’re going to have a pretty good 28 loss to the third-ranked team in the state, Warren team,” he said. “We have a lot of guys coming back.” While there is a lot of optimism for the upcoming Central. But while the final score of the game may have season, the team still feels like they accomplished a lot indicated that the Bears’ season was over, it doesn’t this season. reflect the impressive season that the team had and “Football has been a really good experience for playoff run the team went on to make. me. We were able to get pretty far in the playoffs this “I think that we performed well this season,” coach year which was a pretty awesome way to end my high Jayson West said. “We were able to accomplish a lot school career,” senior of things and made a good Anton Smeltzer said. run in the playoffs.” The Bears finished In Sectionals, the the season 6-6. The team Make sure you give it your all. Train Bears beat township rival also had an impressive Lawrence North, which to be your best. Don’t ever feel like you away game record, was the second win against didn’t go your hardest. winning four games on LN on the season, and Mike Isaac the road away from LC’s North Central at home on senior supportive home crowd. a rainy night. Yet, this is However, the Bears the second year in a row couldn’t capitalize on winning games at home and did that LC has made it to the Sectional finals under Coach struggle. The team lost four home games, including West and lost to Warren Central. their final game against Warren. The Bears can look for another strong season next “Warren Central is always one of the best teams in year with a large number of returning players including the state every year. They have some of the best athletes starting quarterback Tre Roberson, who accumulated and are always a powerhouse,” West said. almost half the points LC had this season. Warren went on to win the Semi-State contest and “We should have a pretty good team next year. It’s will meet Carmel in the State finals Saturday. nice when you can have your starting quarterback for

“I can’t believe how fast four years of football went by,” senior Mike Isaac said. He stands in the endzone looking at the field one last time after LC lost in the Sectional Final to Warren. Cub Photo/Chris Gore

November 25, 2009

Cub Reporter



Lawrence Central High School

Picking up and dropping him to the mat, senior Austin Enghauser takes down junior Jaylen Clark during practice. Enghauser also plays for the football team and has had trouble finding the balance between the two sports. “It has been hard so far. I have had less time to lose the same amount of weight since the football team went so deep into the season,” he said. Cub Photos/Chris Gore

Wrestlers shaping up for season HaileyNewkirk The wrestling season is quickly approaching and the wrestlers are doing everything they can to prepare. The team now has practices before school as well as having daily after school practice every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Getting up an hour earlier isn’t a big hit with the boys, but

they think in the long run it will pay off. “Getting up early is a hassle, but morning practices will keep us conditioned,” sophomore Clay Labarr said. Even though getting up early isn’t favorable, the boys are still giving the work outs their all. Coach Chad Red said he is very pleased with the effort in the weight room and practice on the mats.

“I don’t know where we Red’s main goal is to try to get will end up, but we will come the kids cutting weight to eat as ready as right and not we can be,” crash diet. Red said. Sophomore ...we will come as Cutting John Standley weight has ready as we can be.” has to drop a posed an Chad Red few pounds in issue in the order to make coach weight for the past, so this year Red invitational. called in new coach Andy Standley said dieting can be Rehmal to help with the teams’ very difficult, but if it means nutrition and eating habits. being on the varsity team, it’s

worth it to do whatever it takes. “I’m used to eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Changing my diet is a sacrafice I’m willing to make though if it means improving my wrestling and being on varsity,” Standley said. The LC invitational will be Saturday, Nov. 28 at 9 a.m. Eight teams will be competing. “I hope we come ready to wrestle. It’s a very tough way to start the season off,” Red said.

Bowling club strikes with talented players BradOppenheim The boys bowling team is in first place, the girls in second in the Indiana High School Bowling League. In last week’s meet, the boys beat Zionsville with 16 out of a possible 20 points. The girls beat Hamilton Southeastern with 17 out of the 20 points.

Last year the team came close to making it to Regionals. The boys came in fourth out of nine teams and the girls came in fourth out of six teams in Sectionals. Three boys and one girl advanced to Regionals. Bowling is a club sport, not one sanctioned by the IHSAA (Indiana High School Athletic Association). Team members have had to raise funds to par-

ticipate, some of the money coming through fundraisers. Senior Kyrsten Mooney, who carries a 170 average, said, “When we’re in practice I like to have fun and I don’t pay much attention to the score.” But when she gets to meets, she said, she’s very competitive and enjoys winning. “The teammates are very supportive. We’re the loudest team on the lanes. The

other team parents look at us like we’re crazy. We laugh and continue what we’re doing,” she said. Recently, senior Dashaun Fykes bowled a perfect 300 game while practicing at Woodland Bowl. Around the seventh frame others began to gather near his lane to watch. “Oh, my gosh, I thought he might get a 300,” Mooney said. And he did. He

jumped up and down and the rest of the team cheered. The other teams at the lanes cheered for him, too. Most of the team members are underclassmen. “They have more of an opportunity to train and to get better,” Mooney said. “I have high hopes for the team in the upcoming year. I believe they will be successful. Hopefully, I can come back next year and help coach.”


sports senior

Cub Reporter

November 25, 2009

Lawrence Central High School

Alexa #30


Years on Varsity: 3 years Position: Center “Having my Best part about teammates teach LC Basketball: me new dance moves.”

The thing that Coach Albers notices most:

“Someone we look to as a leader and for consistency.”

Cub Photo/Jack Leibovitz

SCOREBOARD Football 10/16- LC: 45, Bloomington North: 14 10/23- LC: 33, LN: 21 10/30- LC: 34, North Central: 6 11/06- LC: 14, Warren Central: 28 End of Season

Boys Basketball 11/25- LC vs LN 11/28- LC at Arlington 12/4- LC vs Tech 12/5- LC vs North Central 12/11- LC at Pike 12/18- LC at Bloomington South 12/19- LC at Northwest

Girls Basketball 11/13- LC: 55, Northwest 35 11/17- LC: 43, Mt. Vernon: 52 11/20- LC at Pike 11/24- LC at Howe 12/4- LC at Bloomington South 12/8- Marion County Tournament 12/15- LC at Warren Central

Wrestling 11/28- LC Invitational 12/3- LC at Pike 12/5- LC at Bloomington South 12/9- LC at Anderson Highland 12/12- LC at Bishop Luers 12/18- Marion County Tournament

Gymnastics 1/12- LC at Center Grove 1/14- LC at Shelbyville 1/21- LC vs Franklin Central 1/23- LC Invitational 2/2- LC vs Roncalli 2/6- LC at Lafayette Jeff

Swimming and Diving 11/14- LC: 112, Greenfield-Central: 138 11/17- LC: 116, Franklin Central: 162 12/1- LC at Pike 12/3- LC vs Roncalli 12/05- LC vs Ben Davis/Cathedral 12/10- LC vs Broad Ripple/Decatur Cent. 12/15- LC vs Brebeuf/Chatard

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