Best Software Training Courses in Kolkata
Nowadays there are quite a variety of jobs available with the advancement of technology. Such jobs include web designing, app development, software architecture and many more. Ejobindia offers such courses and placements for react native course in Kolkata. React native is a well known mobile application based on the JavaScript which permits in creating new apps for operating systems like IOS and Android. In such training courses the learners are taught to make new apps with new features for smart devices and designing websites with suitable icons and new characteristics and app designing. The learner should have the basic knowledge of JavaScript. As there are numerous operating systems available today, there are different types of applications required. The learners here understand the course with some previous basic knowledge. They make new apps for different operating systems according to the demands of the people. This helps in the overall development of technologies and creates new varieties of businesses across the world. Some of them include Uber (allows the people to book cabs to take them to their destinations), Facebook (a social networking site where people can connect with each other on a worldwide basis by posting photos or posts) and Swiggy(an app that delivers the customers’ favoured dish within a shorter period).