EJOT The new substructure system for rear ventilated facades
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Your personal contact
Jörgen Håkansson Försäljningsingenjör Bygg +46 70 520 65 27
EJOT Sverige AB Box 9013 SE-700 09 Örebro Kundservice
EJOT AB +46 19Sverige 20 65 10 Sandtagsvägen 9, S70236 Örebro phone: +46 19 20 65 00, fax:+46 19 20 65 14 email: infoSE@ejot.com, Internet: www.ejot.se ejot.se
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EJOT CROSSFIXÂŽ Substructure system
EJOT The next generation of rainscreen support systems
EJOT CROSSFIX offers a one-stop solution with proven quality.
100% stainless steel horizontal
The new substructure system for rear ventilated facades is revolutionizing the market: CROSSFIX is the first substructure made of stainless steel that can be used for horizontal and vertical support profiles. This increases your flexibility, simplifies assembly and saves valuable time and storage costs. The CROSSFIX console is made of 100% stainless steel and clearly reduces the thermal transmission of the system.
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
EJOT CROSSFIX®: Setup on the example of vertical mounting
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EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
EJOT Console
Available from 40-400 mm in length (Longer lengths available on request)
EJOT Power Key
for improved load distribution
pre-assembled with stress plate and thermostop
EJOT Stress plate
EJOT Thermostop
or improved U-values
EJOT VARIO JT-6-2/5-5,0
Vibration-absorbing screw for fixed and sliding points
EJOT Fastener According to static requirements
EJOT Facade Anchors
EJOT Anchor Bolts
Chemical Anchors
Profiles Various types of profiles available
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Characteristics l l l l l
Stainless steel console, A2 standard, A4/A5 possible Suitable for horizontal and vertical applications Passivehouse certified Optimised load introduction due to FEManalysis Conforms to installation standards (hole spacing of 250 mm for masonry)
Advantages l Your one-stop solution: EJOT provides a complete system for all applications complete with assembly and processing information l Universal and versatile: CROSSFIX offers a oneconsole solution for vertical and horizontal mounting; one fastener for fixed point or sliding point applications l Economical: Easy and fast installation l Cost-efficient: Saves on material and storage costs l Energy-efficient: Significant reduction of thermal transmittance of the console (in comparison to aluminium) l Safety: Higher static load capacity, better fire performance
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Offering unique versatility Horizontal & vertical application: The EJOT CROSSFIX System provides a flexible solution that can be used both vertically and horizontally
Vertical mounting of the profiles
Horizontal mounting of the profiles
One console for fixed and sliding point mounting
Fixed point: Screw connection in through hole, additional power key for standard conforming fixing
Sliding point: Screw connection in oblong hole
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Increased efficiency through 100% Stainless Steel Energy efficiency: Improved U-value
Thermal conductivity
Isotherms Comparison of the temperature profiles between aluminium (fig. 1) and the EJOT CROSSFIX stainless steel brackets (fig. 2).
W/mK Aluminium
Stainless steel
Passivhaus Institut http://www.passiv.de/
Figure 1: Aluminium
When specifying for façade substructures, it is recommended to use materials with low thermal conductivity in order to prevent the formation of thermal bridges. The thermal conductivity of Stainless steel is approximately 13 W/mK whereas aluminium is typically 160 to 220 W/mk. Therefore, EJOT can achieve strongly improved Uvalues with the same insulation thickness.
A low thermal bridge of the CROSSFIX system allows that a nearly operative room tempe rature can be achieved on the wall surface, thus decreasing the risk of mould and cold air drop. Displayed lines in the figure Lines with the same temperature are called isotherms. If they run nearly parallel it indicates that there is only a slight disturbance compared to the onedimensional heat flow (UValue, heat transition coefficient). As illustrated in figure 1, a high thermal bridge causes a high loss of heat and the interior wall may cool excessively. Therefore, a high temperature difference cannot be created (visually demonstrated by the colours of the temperature areas).
Figure 2: EJOT CROSSFIX (Stainless Steel) Source: Passivhaus Institut)
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Higher structural load capacity Stainless steel is far more resistant than aluminium.
Improved fire behaviour The thermal expansion of aluminium is twice the size of steel (αT = 0,000024 m/m° C); the melting temperature of stainless steel is at 1450°C vs. aluminium at 660°C.
High environmental friendliness Moderate energy input in the production of stainless steel. Lower environmental impact.
Global Fastener Alliance® www.globalfasteneralliance.com
Passivhaus Institut http://www.passiv.de/
Qualitätsmanagementsystem DQS-zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2008 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr. 302825 QM08
Österreichischer Fachverband für hinterlüftete Fassaden www.oefhf.at
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. www.bau-umwelt.de
Fachverband Dübel- und Befestigungstechnik www.bv-bausysteme.de
Technical development supported by FH Joanneum https://fh-joanneum.at/
EJOT CROSSFIXÂŽ Substructure system
Services The EJOT CROSSFIX system is your one-stop solution. You simply provide us with all the information about your project and we provide you with the precise calculatons and specifications required. Our service includes: ll Quotation creation based on m²-price of the control area, results from the object data sheet and customer plans. ll On-site fastener pullout tests available from our site services team ll Structural analysis if required
EJOT CROSSFIX® Substructure system
Scan the QR-codes for more information:
EJOT® VARIO JT-6-2/5-5,0
EJOT Facade anchors
EJOT Sverige AB Visit: Sandtagsvägen 9, S70236 Örebro Post: Box 9013, SE-700 09 Örebro Phone: +46 19 20 65 00 Email: infoSE@ejot.com ejot.se