Ekaterina Komarova

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Florence The Florence collection had come out when i lived in Florence. Everyday i walked by architectural masterpieces of the past centuries. To transmit medieval look of this wongerful city, i used the most typical decorativ elements such as patters of windaws and doors grills.

Fantasy, breaking form with multiple angles topaz ÂŤLondon blueÂť deep-blue color pushed to create a ribbon entwined around it. Nothing behind and on the sides, only flowing ribbon for hanging this masterpiece faceting.

The jewelry set ÂŤSmooth sharpnessÂť has suppleness, flexibility and strong structural lines.

it is inspired of the collection of Roberto Capucci dresses "Halbkreise" created in 1987, that reflect the contrast between floating forms of dress and sharp plissee texture.

Nuite Rosee The collection "NuitRosĂŠe" is inspired by nature pureness and the atmosphere of early morning freshness, which is reflected in works of photographer Sharon Johnston. Silhouettes of items have smooth flowing lines.

Flame of Desire This jewelry set “Flame of Desire� reflects the brightness of the power of desire. As a material used gold with orange, red, yellow enamel.The main stone is fairy tourmaline with shifting color surrounded of sapphires different color reminding the shades of dominant stone.

The main elements of the collection "Jungle" - a jungle inhabitants: parrots, lizards, snakes, located on the tropical plants. the idea of the collection - it's a game with the elements and making of various compositions. For example, basis of necklace "Parrots" is a palm leaf, which can be coupled figures in different colors. A the basis of the headset "Cobra" snake patterns are taken, and then reworked in a more abstract form.

Булавки ”Джунгли” (Золото, Эмали, Гранат-Демантоид) Серьги “Пальмавый Лист” (Золото) Кольцо “Пальмовый Лист” (Золото)

Серьги “Попугаи”, со съемными птицами. (золото, эмали) Колье “Попугаи”, попугаи идут как отдельные элементы, приклепляемые к пальмовому листу, дает возможность составления разлиных композиций.

Подвеска “Ящерица” на атласной ленте с двумя декоративными элементами Кольцо “Ящерица” на три пальца (Золото, Эмаль).

Подвеска “Кобра” на атласной ленте с двумя декоративными элементами. (Золото, Эмаль)

Гарнитур “Кобра” Подвеска, Сереги и Кольцо. (Золото двух цветов, Гранат- Демантоид)

Булавки ”Джунгли” (Золото, Эмали, Гранат-Демантоид) Серьги “Пальмавый Лист” (Золото) Кольцо “Пальмовый Лист” (Золото)

Berry Meadow Jewellery "Berry Meadow" inspired by natural motifs, richness of colors berries. "Berry Meadow" - collection of juicy mixes created by the combination of bright stones.

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