Residente 2020 11

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El Residente


Across the Board Notes and News from the Board of Directors

THE GOOD NEWS! The ARCR staff and the Board of Directors have stayed safe from the Coronavirus. And, to date, no ARCR members here in Costa Rica are known to have been victims of the pandemic. Bravo! Keep up the good work. Now, here’s some other news that may be of interest as we all continue to be diligent about maintaining our own health, as well as that of others.

INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SERVICE RESUMED On September 21, the Costa Rica Post Office (Correos) announced that it will once again conduct international mail service. The service, which was suspended for several months during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been resumed with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, Holland, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Service is dependent on commercial international flights being available, and will become normalized as the number of flights to and from other countries increase.

POSSIBLE CHANGES TO IMMIGRATION LAW Proposed new legislation was published in the official Costa Rica newspaper, La Gaceta, on September 9. The bill, which is ONLY A PROPOSAL at this stage, is designed to attract foreign investors and retirees to Costa Rica. Among others, the new law would contain provisions that will:

• Allow the one-time importation household items, duty free.

updates via email on the effects of the pandemic in Costa Rica, as well as the latest information on Costa Rica laws regarding the current rules for entry and departure by residents and tourists. If you want to receive the emails, register for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) with the embassy at: CONDOLENCES Roger Rollins, husband of long-time Board of Directors member Martha Rollins, passed away October 11 after a long illness. He will be missed. May he rest in peace.

BREAKING NEWS To assist those who have experienced reduced incomes as a result of Covid-19, the Legislative Assembly has approved, and the President has signed, a bill which discounts the rates for 2021 Marchamo (the annual tax on vehicles). The discounts have been set at a 50% reduction for private vehicles with a taxable value of less than 7 million colones, vehicles valued from 7 to 10 million colones receive a reduction of 25%, and vehicles assessed between 10 and 15 million colones have their fees reduced by 15%. The law applies to private and commercial vehicles. Motorcycles with a tax value of less than one million colones are exempt from the VAT tax.


• Allow a one-time importation of an automobile, duty free.

• Reduce the transfer taxes by 20 percent when buying real estate.

• Lower the minimum amount to qualify as an investor to $150,000.

If the bill is eventually passed, the exemptions are NOT retroactive and will have no application to those who have already moved here. COVID-19 INFORMATION American citizens are reminded that the US Embassy issues regular

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