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Notes and News from the Board of Directors

TREE OF HOPE Each year ARCR engages in a charity effort to provide gifts to children in Costa Rica hospitals. Despite the impact of COVID-19, we are pleased to report that the 2020 effort was a resounding success! Through the generosity of our members we were able to purchase 347 toys for children of all ages. The toys were given to the Holy Spirit Charity Group (Obras del Espiritu Santo) for distribution. In addition, ARCR was also able to obtain 2,652 diapers and 60 sets of clothing for newborns. Each set included: A T-shirt, underwear, stockings, onesie, and a blanket. The sets were donated to the Children’s Hospital (Hospital de Niños). Our deepest thanks to all, including the ARCR staff, who contributed to this effort.



Periodically United States citizens residing outside the US, and who receive payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA), receive letters instructing them to complete and return an included form which certifies they continue to be eligible to receive those payments. (These are commonly called “Proof of Life” forms.) The letters are mailed out in May, and a follow-up is sent in September. Failure to complete and return the form can result in a suspension of payments. HOWEVER, due to COVID-19 issues, the SSA has announced that the forms will not be sent this year. More information and the complete SSA notice can be found by reading the Ask ACS column in this issue.

The Board of Directors wishes everyone a safe, happy, and healthy New Year!

ARCR Board of Directors: From the left, back row, Earl Tomlinson, Allen Dickinson, Bob Brashears, Terry Renfer , Terry Wise. Front row, Mel Goldberg, Linda Leake, Martha Rollins.

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