May 12, 2006

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El Vaquero Glendale College

Photo by Jane Pojawa

John Davitt gazes out his office window , reflecting on his 21-year presidency. See story, page 3.

Volume 89 Number 5

FRIDAY MAY 12, 2006

March for Rights


GCC Online


May 1 protests bring immigrants out into the streets.

Students are feeling the pinch of high prices at the pump.

Registering for classes has never been more convenient.

Student artist has a gothic approach.

Pages 10-11

Photo by Andreea Theodorescu

Page 7

Page 6

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Page 13


Friday, May 12, 2006


Math Instructor Hospitalized


s many of you know, Deirdre Collins, who is a full-time member of the mathematics division, had emergency heart bypass surgery on April 4. Unfortunately, even though the heart surgery was successful, she has not regained consciousness and the prognosis is uncertain. She remains in the hospital ICU. Her husband, Sterrett, and other family members have expressed gratitude for all the support from members of the college community. However, at this time they are not able to receive visitors or phone calls as all their energy is focused on keeping vigil for Deirdre’s recovery. For those of you who are not acquainted with Deirdre, she came to us from Victor Valley College where she not only had tenure but she also served as

department chairperson. We felt extremely fortunate that she chose to leave Victor Valley and make the commute to Glendale, and she has contributed significantly to the instructional program since coming to the campus. Your thoughts and prayers would be most appreciated by the family. John A. Davitt Superintendent/President

Math Professor Deirdre Collins.

Spring Fair Raises Money For Playground Remodeling By Michael Alpert



CC’s Child Development Center (CDC) held its annual Spring Fair on Saturday to raise money for playground remodeling and for the kids to have a good time. Entertainment for the children included music by the Hollow Trees, a guitar and upright bass duo that sing children’s songs, as well as face painting, miniature golf, basketball and a variety of carnival games. “It’s good for the kids,” said Julio Fong, a parent of twin 5year-old boys. “Shooting basketballs is fun,” said Fong’s son Justin. The primary form of fund raising was the sale of raffle

tickets for gift baskets. The contents of the baskets ranged from vacations to Disneyland, San Diego and Sea World to bottles of wine and DVDs. “I applaud the parents’ participation,” said Araseli Perez, a Glendale College alumni and teacher at the CDC who was selling raffle tickets during the fair. “They went around to the different companies to gather the raffle prizes, as well as planning the whole event, especially Monica Italia.” Italia is the parent of two children at the CDC and this is the second year she planned the fair. “The money raised here will go to rebuilding the playground for the kids,” said Italia. “This is

a great event for the children and great fundraiser for the school.” “Monica Italia is the hardest working woman here,” said Joanna Saporito, a parent and sociology teacher at GCC. Saporito offered her sociology students extra points if they volunteered at the fair. “Kids rock,” said David Benitez, one of Saporito’s students who worked the basketball booth. “It’s important that we invest in development because they are the future.” “The kids seem to enjoy the fair,” said James Ford, whose son was in the program for four years and whose daughter will start in the fall. “It’s nice for the kids to see each other in a school experience outside of school [See Fair, page 6]

El Vaquero Glendale Community College

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Friday, May 12, 2006



John Davitt Reflects on 21-Year Presidency By Pauline Guiuan



ate afternoon sunlight streams into the office window, illuminating the lined face of a man sitting at his desk and reflecting off the many awards and family photos framed on the shelves. Distinguished in glasses and a tailored suit, the man gazes pensively out at the students milling around Plaza Vaquero. This illustrious figure is John Davitt, the well-loved, now retiring superintendent/president of GCC. With 21 years of leadership, 73-year-old Davitt holds the record for the longest tenure of any community college president in California. He has received numerous honors and awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Glendale Chamber of Commerce and the Presidential Leadership Award from the California Community Colleges Foundation. “He’s dedicated so much of his life to the college,” said Davitt’s son Mike. “He’s made it his own. He’s had a very accomplished career and he’s done some remarkable things.” Under Davitt’s leadership, the campus grew dramatically. Several buildings, including such as San Rafael, San Gabriel, the Child Development Center and the Garfield Campus, were erected. The school’s inclusive management system, which allows all segments of the college community to be involved in committees that make decisions on important issues on campus, became a model for other campuses. Davitt received his bachelor’s degree in history from the University of San Francisco in 1954 and a master’s degree in secondary education from the same school in 1958. He also received a doctorate in community college administration from USC. Before coming to GCC in 1968, Davitt had been a first lieutenant in the United States Army, a social studies teacher at Roosevelt Junior High School in San Francisco, a counselor at Merritt College in Oakland and an assistant professor at Cal State L.A. “I was hired as the Vice President of Student Services in

1968,” Davitt said. “It was the first time all student services were put under one person.” Davitt was responsible for guidance and counseling, admissions and records, student activities and other student services. “My first goal [upon beginning work at the college] was to make sure that services had the maximum funding possible, and that students had adequate resources,” Davitt said. Following this, he was named Vice President for Instructional Services in 1981. During the three years he held the position, he worked hard to “make sure that students had the broadest instructional programs the college could offer.” Davitt was named superintendent of the community college district and president of the college in July 1985. His first priority as president was to achieve “excellence in all programs” at the school. Dramatic changes took place under his governance. Numerous programs and course offerings, including culinary arts, media arts, the science academy and the scholars’ program were added to the college’s educational roster. Enrollment soared up to 25,000 from only 10,000 at the beginning of Davitt’s term. “We also greatly expanded financial aid and services for disabled students,” Davitt said. “There was a host of things that were added [to the college system]. These are just a few.” Jean Lecuyer, a physics professor who has been teaching at GCC for 28 years and was president of the Academic Senate when Davitt became president, said that he and the rest of the presidential selection committee at that time “made a good selection” with Davitt. “He’s been a very good president,” Lecuyer said. “The school has had a great governance system under him. He was very respectful of faculty input, and he had a vision for the college.” According to Lecuyer, Davitt always saw the college as “very strong academically.” “He always wanted to offer more sophisticated, and not just runof-the-mill, courses. He called it a ‘lobster neuberg,’ which is a fancy dish. He wanted to offer more for the students.” But one of the things that Davitt is most proud of is the changes

Photo by Jane Pojawa

John Davitt is retiring after 21 years as president / superintendent, a record tenure at a California community college.

made to the campus’ physical structure. With him at the helm, the college’s trademark Spanish mission style architecture was conceived. The gyms, student center, library and most of the older buildings like the auditorium were remodeled in addition to the many buildings that were constructed. “We now have a beautiful campus,” he said proudly. “Twenty years ago, we didn’t have lawns or flowers and only had a few buildings.” Child Development professor Melita Baumann-Riddle, who has worked at GCC for 25 years, echoes this statement. “When I first saw this campus, I thought, ‘Ooh, it’s not very pretty,’” she said. “It only had a couple of run-down buildings. A lot of the buildings we have now were put up under [Davitt].” “Some 20 years ago, the campus was not attractive,” said mathematics professor Steve Marsden. “What was here then were bungalows. Now the campus looks so different, and it’s so beautiful that students even treat

it better.” Davitt believes that the way a college looks on the outside reflects its educational effectiveness on the inside. “We placed an emphasis on the architecture…because hopefully it says this is a campus that cares and that real education is going on inside as well,” he said. At the college’s 75th anniversary celebration in 2003, the administration building was renamed the John A. Davitt Administration building, one of the many honors Davitt has received. Another strength of the college, according to Davitt, is “the atmosphere on campus, which is like a family. There’s a strong sense of community here,” he said. “I know the faculty so well, and the same goes for the classified staff.” Baumann-Riddle agreed with this and attributed it to Davitt’s leadership. “He always listens to the ideas of the faculty,” she said. “The faculty is sad to see him go,” said Marsden. “During his term as president, the college has

thrived. [Before Davitt] the faculty was fighting with the [previous] president and administration. With [Davitt], negotiations have gone very smoothly, people who work here feel appreciated, and morale is high.” Marsden believes that Davitt is a “people person” and “easy to work with.” “One of his strengths is that he’s so supportive of the staff and faculty and the programs they want to develop.” The faculty will also remember Davitt for his sense of humor. “If someone made a joke, he could follow it up quickly,” said Lecuyer. Davitt said that a huge part of his success is due to the support of the college faculty and staff. “I am proud of the quality of the faculty and staff here. I had a lot of help from them, and I had an excellent administration and a lot of support from the board of trustees.” The superintendent/president has also had three secretaries in 21 years, and he added that they were [See Davitt, page 10]


Friday, May 12, 2006


Budget Issues Concern Student Leaders By Anna Margaryan EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


t’s the time of year when the ASGCC must decide how to distribute $25,000 of its budget that is allocated to the Campus Project Support Applications. The organization, whose budget for the 2005-2006 academic year is $262,252.72, is in the middle of discussions regarding the allocation of funds. The ASGCC’s quarter of a million dollar budget is generated from multiple sources and benefits several organizations and committees on campus. “ASGCC receives part of its revenue from operations of vending machines and the Student Center,� said Vice President of Finance, David Arakelyan. “We also receive income from investments that have been made through the College Foundation.� However, the largest source of income for the AS is the $15 Student Services Fee, which is divided amongst the organization and the school district.

Half of the ASGCC’s revenues teams and clubs on campus, which are placed in the annual budget receive a majority of their funding and the remainder is deposited to through the Special Organizations the Emergency Funding Support, Support and Organizational which is Event Support designed to Applications. aid services The AS also eliminated plays a role in during budget financing the cuts. Career and The budget Writing Centers shortages of as well as the recent years dance and music have given the departments. Emergency It seems that F u n d i n g the appropriation S u p p o r t of funds is an program much ongoing process significance for the AS by creating Legislature. a financial According safety net for to Arakelyan, important “disbursement programs that of funds occurs Photo by Jane Pojawa every week, with fail to receive David Arakelyan, Vice President funding. the Legislature With one of Finance, pushes for fiscal approving all of the largest responsibility. appropriations budgets of any organization on with a two-thirds vote. The campus, the AS provides a great Legislature has complete control deal of financial support to sports of the distribution of funds.�

Among the Campus Project Applications up for discussion this semester are whether to provide the funding needed to extend the library hours during finals, and the media arts department’s request for money in order to buy equipment for a campus radio station. At the end of each semester, the library extends its hours of operation in order to accommodate students who are looking for a quiet place to study during finals. The AS unanimously voted to approve $1,104.49 for the extension of library hours by 6.5 hours from May 31 through June 12. According to Arakelyan, this application should be approved because “it benefits students by giving them access to databases, materials for research, and librarians.� The deciding factor behind approval of Campus Project Support Applications is their benefit a majority of students. A project which failed to meet ASGCC’s standard of

importance to students was the media arts department’s request to buy Apple laptops and other equipment needed to set up a pod cast station on GCC radio. The project, which would cost the AS $2,855.88, was expunged by the finance committee due to lack of student interest in the college’s existing radio station. According to the finance committee, the radio station already has equipment and the students don’t benefit from it because most aren’t aware of its existence. Syuzanna Petrosyan was the one dissenting AS member who voted in favor of the project. “If the program isn’t successful because most people don’t know it exists, then maybe it needs the funding so that it can get the word out about GCC’s radio station,� said Petrosyan. The media arts department may have to put off building the pod cast station, but the clubs on campus will be gaining $1,500 [See ASGCC, page 10]





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Friday, May 12, 2006



Congressman Explains ‘Getting Into Politics’

Glendale Rep. Adam Schiff answers questions after his talk on “Getting Into Politics.”

By Jane Pojawa



emocratic Rep. Adam Schiff, representing California’s 29th District, spoke in the J.W. Smith Student Center Monday on “Getting into Politics,” giving advice to students about getting their voices heard as citizens or for actually becoming an elected official. The 29th district is a sprawling area that encompasses Glendale, as well as Alhambra, Altadena, Burbank, Griffith Park, Monterey Park, Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Gabriel and Temple City. More than 100 students and faculty members filled the student center for this event, sponsored by the Organization of Latinos for Higher Education [OHLE], which was a short biographical speech followed by questions from the audience. Schiff was an adjunct instructor in GCC’s political science department while serving as a state senator for California’s 21st district, his position before election to the House of Representatives. He is a strong proponent of educational and environmental issues. Schiff recommends student involvement at all levels of politics, whether that means voting (even for those who usually don’t), working on campaigns, providing grassroot support for bond measures, which often pass by only a small number of votes, to ultimately running for office. Schiff recommended that

students who want to pursue a career in politics “decide what you have a passion to do and then go after it.” He said that the typical example of political science major followed by law school was no longer the operative model for success, and that his colleagues in the House of Representatives were just as likely to have been accomplished “teachers, athletes, lawyers, doctors, engineers, even a rocket scientist.” The common denominator is that they “are good at what they do.” He added, “There will always be an opportunity down the road to serve.” Schiff is an outspoken advocate against genocide denial and believes that the United States should condemn the 1915 Armenian genocide regardless of pressure from the Turkish government. In answer to a question posed during his speech about his proposed Armenian genocide bill, Schiff described adding an amendment to a reauthorization of a State Department bill asking the Historian of the State Department to review the pertinent documents of the United States to the Armenian genocide. The state department bill was not directly related to the genocide, but “it just happened to be my good fortune that the Turkish Prime Minister was in town…” he recounted, and went on to describe how the political pressure brought to bear by his amendment allowed the bill to be reviewed at a separate hearing.

The Dedicated Genocide Resolution passed the committee with a strong bipartisan vote, but until the Speaker of the House allows it to come before Congress, it goes no further. Although the overall tone of the meeting was positive and upbeat, some of the queries fielded by Schiff questioned his accountability in the Iraq War [he voted to authorize the use of force based on the intelligence reports of weapons of mass destruction

Photo by Jane Pojawa

but has since changed his position] and on a peculiar note, his feelings about the 1994 parole of Lyndon LaRouche (Schiff was not associated with LaRouche’s conviction or parole, and turned the discussion to globalization and economics). Schiff is opposed to invading Iran, in favor of increasing funding to schools and believes in immigration reform. “I believe that the magnitude of the rallies got everyone’s attention,” he said.

He favors the Kennedy-McCain Bill, which allows for immigrants living in the United States to become legal through a six-year application process the “Essential Worker Visa Program” that includes background checks and documented gainful employment, among other requirements, but does not believe that legislation will pass both the senate and the house this year. “In the past, the United States has been the beneficiary of the brain drain of the rest of the world,” the congressman said. He is concerned that not only is the United States not cultivating scientists and engineers, but that new immigration policies actively discourage the best and brightest of other countries from emigrating. He also spoke of U.S.-Chinese relations and the importance of cultivating “not only free trade, but fair trade,” citing examples of how Chinese policies keep the entertainment industry from competing on an even playing field. Students looking for a political internship program will be pleased to hear that there are unpaid positions available at his offices in Pasadena and in Washington D.C. It may be the perfect way to “get into politics.” Jane Pojawa can be reached at


Friday, May 12, 2006


Online Registration Increases Matriculation Options By Alison Geller



tudents have had to listen to the overly friendly voice of the STARS registration woman every time they want to register or pay for classes by phone, but now they won’t have to because they can register online. GCC has decided to step into the 21st century, and students who enroll in classes for Summer 2006 will be able to use the new system WEBREG, online registration. What got the ball rolling for the college to start setting up WEBREG was “students asking for online registration and us wanting to keep up with the other colleges,” said Michelle Mora, the Assistant Director of Administration and Records. “You have to do what all the

rest of the schools [do],” said Sharon Combs, Interim Vice President of College Services and Dean of Admissions and Records. “A lot of people like to do everything online; they don’t want to use the telephone; they don’t want to do it in person; you have to meet the needs.” WEBREG took two years to get up and running. The new online registration has been in use since students could register for the second set of eight-week classes for Spring 2006. Mora said that the school is hoping this will help boost enrollment and make it easier to enroll in classes. “I hope it’s easier for [the students],” said Combs. “I believe the telephone is fairly easy for most people, but we all do things differently. Some do

Spring Fair Puts the ‘F-U-N’ in Playground Fundraiser [Fair, from page 2] [doing] something that is fun and unstructured.” “It’s also a great opportunity to bring the parents together,” said Perez. “All they usually do is drop off and pick up their kids; it’s nice to get them to socialize.” And it’s not just doting parents and students wanting extra credit who attended the fair. Siblings and former students also joined in the festivies.

“The fair is very lively,” said Sofia Pardave, whose brother goes to the CDC. “It is a good way to raise money for the school.” “More important than the fundraiser is the community,” said Mike Dulay, father of two and Assistant Chair of the Social Science Department at GCC. “It’s a good way to get the community involved in community college.” Michael Alpert can be reached at

it through sight and some do it through hearing and touch and feel. I’d rather do everything on the computer than I would on a telephone. I like to see what I’ve done.” With WEBREG students can definitely see what they are doing, making sure they’ve added or dropped the correct classes, choose to get a parking permit or not and see how much they owe and what they are paying. So far, more than 100 students have used Web registration to sign up for their second eightweek classes. “It is like STARS,” said Mora “You’re just able to see it now.” “It’s very easy,” said Combs. “It’s not difficult at all. I think that was one of the things the developers made sure they put in there, that it was very easy to understand and follow.” WEBREG had a trial run in the beginning of the spring semester; Mora and her team had a random sampling of students, student workers and office workers test the program and give feedback. “We really listened to their feedback and changed a lot of programming based on the student’s comments,” said Mora. According to Mora, the main problem that people had with the original program was the terminology used on the site. “We wanted [WEBREG] for [students], so we wanted the words of the students out there,” said Mora. The same rules apply to WEBREG as they did with STARS, but all students will need is their GCC ID number, password and the ticket numbers

to the classes they want to try to add. “It also lets the student change their mailing address online, which is a new feature, which they could not do on STARS,” said Dionne Encinas, the Enrollment Services Support Tech, who was part of the team that worked on WEBREG along with Mora, Robert Gaane, Dave Roswell and David O’Donnell. “This is just a stepping stone to the implementation of the ERP, the Oracle System,” said Mora. “[Oracle] is the new system that we bought that is going to take over all our online processes for the college. I’m looking forward to hearing the student’s feedback so that when we are ready to create our new registration system through Oracle we’ll have all the feedback we need and it’ll be very much geared for the students,” said Mora. The Oracle System will be put in place sometime in the next three to five years. Combs said that WEBREG is currently unavailable in other languages, though it may be available in multiple languages after the Oracle System is in place. Combs also said that students

wanting to give feedback regarding WEBREG are more than welcome. The best way to do so, according to Combs, is to talk to Mora, or put it in writing and send an e-mail to Mora or herself. “We expect our summer registration is going to be very busy so the system might be a little slow, so that’s our warning, but please be patient and let the system run its course,” said Mora. To get to WEBREG, log on to and click on the WEBREG link on the homepage. It is available for use between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Students will be able to get to WEBREG through any computer with Internet connection, so students can sign up for classes from most of the computer terminals on campus. Also, the ever-present STARS telephone registration system will still be available to students to register by phone, so they need not worry about losing STARS or the STARS woman’s pleasant greeting: “Hello and welcome to STARS, at Glendale Community College.” Alison Geller can be reached at

Campus Comments “How Are Gas Prices Affecting You?” Roy Keowen 23 Business

“Gas prices suck. Normally I go out and do a lot of stuff, but now I just stay home because gas is so expensive.”

Jared Sohene 19 Marine Biology “I’m paying 60 bucks to fill up. I think people should shop at the smaller gas station chains to start some healthy competition with the larger companies.”

Terrance Hawkins l 20 General Education

Victoria Ragi 20 Movie Set Design “I can’t get from point A to point B without having to put $20 in my tank; it’s just annoying and frustrating.”

“I stay broke.”

— Compiled and photographed by Carlos Villareal

Friday, May 12, 2006



Students Feel Bite of Gas Hikes By Carlos Villarreal EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


ith gasoline prices on the rise nationwide, averaging at about $3.25 a gallon, many students are starting to feel the blunt reality of an energy crisis. As the price of crude oil rises to more than $70 a gallon the law of supply and demand is reeling its nasty head around, forcing consumers to empty their pockets, while the oil industry’s coffers are bursting at the seams. The Associated Press reported that the country’s three largest oil companies — Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips are expected to report more than $16 billion in profits during the first quarter of this year. Exxon Mobil earned $36 billion last year, the most ever by a U.S. company. With gas prices reaching nearly $4 a gallon in some parts of country, breaking records pervious set when Hurricane Katrina disrupted gas production last summer, the public is looking for some quick solutions. Perhaps the hardest hit by the record-breaking prices are students, whose budgets are strained by the cost of gas. Dan Kelsey, 19, a GCC English major is starting to find his wallet a little lighter these days. “Gas prices are ridiculous, almost $4 a gallon, that’s not right,” said Kelsey. “The gas price has already jumped 10 cents in the last two weeks. I drive an old Chevy Blazer, so I get the worst gas mileage ever and I’m always out of money.” Gregory Miles, 24, a bioengineering major simply said, “It costs more than usual to fill up my tank.” Even students who do not drive are starting to feel the sting. Zach James, 19, a music major, does not own a car but still is haunted by the soaring prices. “Since I don’t drive, some of my friends who lend the courtesy of giving me ride places are starting to ask me if I could help them with the cost of gas.” Some students rather not deal with the issue, as the case with biology major, David Castillo, 19. “I rather just buy a MTA day pass for $3 rather than a gallon of gas.” In March the average price of regular unleaded was $2.43 a gallon. When the price per gallon is broken down, 55 percent for

the price of crude oil, 22 percent to refining, 19 percent to taxes and 4 percent for distribution and marketing, according to Doug Beach of National Public Radio. listed a Chevron station in East Los Angeles charging $3.62 for a gallon of regular unleaded on May 1, a jump of a $1.19 from last month. As the blame game starts over the cost of gas, many are pointing their fingers directly at the gas industry; some blame the war in Iraq, while others plan to add another item on the president’s list of blunders. “The gas companies are to blame,” said Miles. “Unless more car manufacturers want to make fuel alternative cars that run on other than gas.” In 2005, registration of new hybrid vehicles rose to 199,148, a 139 percent increase from 2004. Hybrids now account for just over 1 percent of all vehicles sold in the U.S. Toyota is planning to release a hybrid version of the Camry this summer. Right now, the Camry is the best-selling car in the U.S., according to the Associated Press. “I think prices are ridiculously high right now, obliviously they are a direct result of the war in Iraq,” said Vart Kriourktzian, 19, major undecided. “I think there is no real explanation other than the war and now tax payers have to pay more than they should be.” In January 2004, prior to the U.S. led invasion, Iraq produced 2.5 million gallons of oil per day. After the invasion the production level fell to 2.3 million barrels per day in 2004. As of January of this year production fell to 1.6 million barrels daily, according to National Public Radio’s Scott Horsley Many feel that the full blame falls on the head of state. “The president is to blame for the gas prices,” said biology major Diego Rodriguez, 21. As the Republican Party fails to offer voters any short term fix, a proposal by top Republican senators to offer a one-time $100 gas rebate was seen as a token gimmick by the Democratic Party. On the Democratic side, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said: “For five years, this administration has let oil companies write America’s energy policies. “Now, as the American people are punished at gas stations for failures in the White House, Bush

Republicans are offering more giveaways to Big Oil.” Republicans had voted three times to block action on antigouging legislation sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich.,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. “Instead of the record prices for gas and record profits for Big Oil, we could already have had laws on the books against gouging and excess profits,” said Pelosi. “But the Republican energy policy has been about massive subsidies for oil companies already making historic and obscene profits and nothing for the American consumer.” With the public screaming bloody murder, some are looking to Washington for some much needed support. The Arizona Star reports that some members of Congress want to reinstate the windfall profit tax on the oil industry, which was used during the 1980s to help promote fuel efficiency and renewable energy through taxes and tax credits. Other Republican congressional members want to temporarily repeal the 18.4 cents-a-gallon federal gas tax. Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., told the Associated Press the tax break would offer “immediate relief” of about $100 million a day to motorists. This temporally tax repeal could help students, such as Papken Nalbandian, 21, a bio-chemistry major, who has to now cut back on his spending and said “My budget is now more focused on gas than other things.” President Bush has recently taken small steps to help prevent a summer gas shortage, called for more research on fuel alternatives and promised to crack down on price gouging. According to Horsley, the president has asked that 12 million barrels of oil destined for the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve be left on the open market to help ease supply and demand. This is less than the U.S. consumes in a single day, according to economist Sevrin Borestine of The UC Energy Institute. Bush also wants more incentives available for buying fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles and further research conducted on the use of corn-based ethanol. Many environmentalists hope to use Brazil as an energy

example. Oil makes up only 30 percent of Brazil’s energy use and the country pioneered the use of ethanol, according to NPR. Bush hopes tax credits and benefits like allowing hybrid drivers to use special highoccupancy highway lanes will help bring down the demand on oil. Many insist on the need for more hybrid vehicles and alternative fuels. “I think a lot of these fuel problems can be solved by switching to alternative fuels such as ethanol, or by mass producing electric cars,” said James. The president has also asked The Justice Department and The Federal Trade Commission to investigate the recent price hike as he recently said in his address to the nation, according to NPR. “Americans understand by in large the price of crude oil is going up and the gas price is going up, but what they won’t accept is price gouging,” said Bush. Even with the investigations, many are still skeptical of the oil industry, “Gas companies are making way too much money and are taking advantage of the situation,” said Nalbandian. “Their percentage of gain is insane.” With the peak summer driving season looming over the horizon, the demand on crude oil is foreseen to rise and with it also gas prices. GCC Economics Professor Mark Maier sees no real shortterm answer for drivers. “When you look at the short and long-term effects on gas prices, it’s 50/50,” said Maier. “On the long term, prices will continue to stay at about $3 a gallon, just due to global demand.” “On the short term, the price can rise or drop, depending on the demand this summer. Gas prices can rise another 20 to 30 cents just based on demand.” As the public begins to hunker down for an all-out gas war, some are not bothered the least bit. “Gas prices are good in the U.S. compared to Sweden, where gas is $6 a gallon,” said Rveo Viglriaian, 25, a computer science major from Sweden. “So for me it’s not a big deal. I’m used to it.” (See related sidebar, “Campus Comments,” page 6)

Carlos Villarreal can be reached at

Gas Saving Tips • Use the lowest grade of gas. Unless the vehicle owner’s manual calls for premium gas, there is no reason to use it. • Slow down. For every mile driven above 55 mph, the fuel economy drops by 2 percent. Gas mileage tends to drop quickly at speeds above 60 mph. The EPA offers this rule of thumb: assume that for every 5 mph driven over 60 mph, you might as well be paying an additional 20 cents per gallon for gas. • Drive in the highest gear you can, at the lowest possible speed. The slower your engine turns, the less gas you use. • Do not accelerate when driving uphill; it makes mileage per gallon plummet. Instead, try to drive at the same speed, or even a little slower. • Try to brake less by anticipating stops. With excessive breaking, acceleration is wasted. Instead, try to accelerate slowly when leaving a stoplight and then coast to the next light. • Ditch the car’s luggage rack, roof rack and related outdoorsy gear until actually need. The drag created from this gear can reduce mileage per gallon by up to 5 percent. • Get rid of the junk in the trunk. Every 100 pounds in the trunk fuel economy is reduced by 1 to 2 percent. Gas Saving Tips By Scott Horsley of National Pubic Radio Photo by Carlos Villarreal


Friday, May 12, 2006 9


Latinos Protest Immigration Bill

Story by Ramela Isagholian

ilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles was W covered with a sea of white T-shirts signifying peace and unity May 1, while

American flags were held in the air, showing the desire of many people wanting to be a part of the American society. “We want to embrace this country,” said a demonstrator with a loud and clear voice. “Open the doors for us and you will be proud.” “I would not put myself into so many dangerous situations and would not take the risk of losing my life if I had a good and a reasonable way of living and surviving back in my own country,” said Lucia Alvarado, 38, who came to America from Mexico, crossing the San Diego border when she was 16. Alvarado came to the United States in 1984 and was arrested while crossing the border. She spent 3 days in jail. She does not recall the name of the jail but she describes her experience as “sad and hard as [one] could imagine.” Alvarado explained that most people have never endured such hardships that most immigrants have had. “I’m sure they would’ve done the same thing (immigrating to the neighbor countries) if they didn’t have enough food or a reasonable living condition.” The demonstration affected many businesses, as many immigrants refused to work or buy anything. Yesenia Servantes, 14, from Mexico said, “We want to show how important the immigrants are in this country’s economy.” Education is another important issue brought up by many immigrants. Griselda Gomez is a GCC student who participated in

Photographs by Emmanuel Belviz

the demonstration, considering education to be a huge issue for the Latino community. Gomez explained that most illegal immigrants don’t get any support or help from the government. They have to work full time for minimum wage and pay their living and school expenses. “That’s why many students stop going to school,” recalled Gomez with a concerned look. “Working full time and going to school is frustrating, and this problem pushes the Latinos a huge step back.” “As far as the scholarship program for the Latino students goes,” said Gomez, “there are so many students applying for it, that many of us don’t have a chance winning it.” U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, R-Orange County, said in a Fox 11 live telephone interview “Illegal immigrants are wonderful, good people but we have to consider that the American government sold out the jobs and opportunities for its own citizens.” Rohrbacher did not blame the illegal immigrants believes culpibility rests with business owners who hire them for extremely low wages and have made the labor force very cheap. He explains, “If you make it hard for the illegal immigrants to find jobs…they would go back to their countries.” President George W. Bush supports the Guest Worker bill, which allows workers from different countries to come to the United States for a few months, work, earn some money, then go back to their countries. “The president obviously doesn’t think of Americans by passing the bill,” said Rohrbacher. John Beard, one of the radio hosts on

Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated on May 1, “Day Without Immigrants.” These demonstraters marched on Wilshire Boulevard, near the intersection of Kingsley.

the John and Ken Show on KFI radio, was strongly against the illegal immigration and he debated live with the Fox 11 reporters who were present at the demonstration scene. “Why don’t Mexicans demonstrate in their own countries against the Mexican government who have messed up the country’s economy?” said John Beard. “Why don’t they ask for a better life in their own country?” Beard also said, “Our listeners called and said they had no problem with traffic today and that added up at least an hour and a half to their lives.” According to Beard, many opportunities have been taken away from the American citizens such as jobs and education. “Most of the business owners who have hired illegal workers are like slave owners by paying them extremely low salaries with no benefits, while there are many Americans

unemployed,” said Beard. According to Beard, “Mexican students fill up our school, speaking Spanish and our children struggle learning important skills… and our jails are filled with illegal immigrants.” Despite the many opposing groups who were against the demonstrators, the immigrants continued their demonstration asking for a chance from the American government to create a life they claim they will not have if they go back. “America has been built of immigrants who came here during the centuries and they all came with the motivation of a better life and a bright future,” said a demonstrator in Los Angeles. “They were given a chance to practice and reach their goals and dreams and they did, including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Why aren’t we given the same opportunity?” Ramela Isagholian can be reached at


Friday, May 12, 2006


Wireless Internet Service Now Found Throughout GCC By Pauline Guiuan



CC students no longer have to go to coffee shops like Starbucks and get charged by the minute for wireless Internet service. Unknown to many, most buildings on campus are hooked up to a wireless Internet network, allowing students with laptops to surf the Web almost anywhere in the college. When the community passed ballot Measure G, a $98 million bond measure for the college, largely through President John Davitt’s efforts three years ago, some of the funds were used for the “technology component” on the Verdugo and Garfield campuses, according to David Mathews, the college’s Director of Network Planning and Operation. The funding was used partly to implement a converged phone and data network system. “Part of the tech plan was to include a wireless network with a total of 60 access points located on both campuses,” said Mathews. “The network supports 802.11G and 802.11A WiFi standards, meaning it operates at 11 or 54 megabits per second.” Out of the 60 wireless access points, 14 have already been deployed and are fully accessible to students. Mathews said that although wiring slowed down the deployment process, his goal is “to have

all the access points set up in a couple of months.” “The goal is to have every area in every building on campus covered,” Mathews added. Once this has been done, students can simply open up their laptops in any building on campus and access the Internet within these WiFi hotspots. Wireless Internet access is currently available in the Arroyo Seco, Santa Barbara, Camino Real, Cimmarusti Science Center, Sierra Madre, Library and San Rafael buildings. Even Plaza Vaquero, the cafeteria, the Café Vaquero kiosk and the Student Center conference rooms are WiFi hotspots. Mathews said that many students have already been using the wireless system, although some of them think they are doing something prohibited. Most students access the system in the library at noon, according to the computer tracking charts monitored by the Information Technology Services (ITS) department. Psychology professor Michael Dulay said that he hopes free Internet access will encourage students “to not leave, even if they’re not happy with the parking situation.” “This would mean…that the college could be more efficient in its service to students,” Dulay said.

Pauline Guiuan can be reached at Pauline

President Looks Forward to Retirement [Davitt, from page 3] “the real key to my success.” Pat Skerry, his secretary for 14 years now, said that Davitt is “a great boss.” “He’s spoiled me,” she said with a fond smile. “[Working for him] has been a ride they don’t have at Disneyland. It’s really, truly been an awesome experience.” Skerry added that her boss’s retirement has also played a role in her decision to retire in December. Speaking of rides, students will most likely remember Davitt for his Harley Davidson motorcycle. “I’ve been riding my Harley for 20 years now,” he said, gesturing to a miniature model of his bike sitting on the shelf behind his desk. Davitt will also be remembered for being very supportive of students and student activities, according to ASGCC Vice President of Administration Thomas Dryden, who has worked with the superintendent/president on the board of trustees. “Through Dr. Davitt’s continued support of students, he has inspired all of us to reach for our goals,” Dryden said. Despite having overwhelming

responsibilities as superintendent/ president, Davitt enjoys close ties with his family, and makes it a point to spend time with Gael, his wife of over 50 years, four children and 11 grandchildren. “[My family] has been a big support,” he said. He added that although the Davitts weren’t prepared to move to Southern California from Oakland, where they had lived until 1968, they adjusted willingly and were very supportive of his career. Mike Davitt said that the entire family “couldn’t be more proud” and that the grandchildren are especially fond of their grandfather. “Now that he’s retiring, we’re hoping we can get him to babysit,” said the younger Davitt jokingly. Although Davitt has battled Parkinson’s disease for several years now, health problems have not interfered with his job. “He’s continued to be supportive of the entire campus,” Marsden said. “Now, as he goes into retirement, he can concentrate more on his health.” When asked about plans for his retirement years, the older Davitt said he honestly doesn’t

know yet. “I’ll probably do some consulting work and spend more time with community activities,” he said. “I’ll also spend more time with my grandkids.” He serves on the Board of the Glendale Symphony and of the Regents of Holy Family High School, and as a trustee of Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, to name a few. He also volunteers regularly at the Good Shepherd Center for Abused Families. Davitt said that after he leaves GCC, he hopes to see “continued support for a strong institution.” “I hope to see the college staff work in a collaborative fashion, and to strengthen community ties.” Most of all, the retiring superintendent/president hopes that the beauty of the campus and the quality of its education will be maintained. “I am concerned that we will always be a caring college,” said Davitt. “I think we’ve contributed to the betterment of the community, and we will hopefully continue to do that.” Pauline Guiuan can be reached at Pauline

Mass Transit an Option for Commuting Students By Rachel Mills



he parking hassles that plague this campus have been exacerbated by recent construction. Traffic, vehicle maintenance, insurance, the expense of parking permits, the high price of gas and the difficulty of finding a parking space all contribute to the frustration

students sometimes feel when faced with the daily problem of getting to class on time. Fortunately, there is another way to get to school: mass transit, specifically the Glendale Beeline or the Los Angeles Metro. The Glendale Beeline’s routes 3 and 7 are two of the most frequently used methods of public transit. Beeline bus driver Daniel Rivera says, “there are

usually 150 students riding back and forth on my bus.” The appeal of using the Beeline is the inexpensive fare of 25 cents, and there are more stops on its actual route than the Metro. The 7 connects from Burbank to GCC. The 3 goes from the Glendale Galleria all the way up to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and passes City Hall. [See Bus, page 13]

ASGCC Makes Campus Project Decisions [ASGCC, from page 3] worth of tables for campus events. The Equal Employment Opportunity Committee was also denied funding at the recommendation of the finance committee. The EEO requested $3,000 for outreach programs and advertisement in order to provide funding for programs that recruit faculty with diverse backgrounds. “Student money should not

go to fund something like this,” said Arakelyan. “AS funds should not necessarily be used because the project doesn’t involve students.” The consensus amongst AS members was that ASGCC should not be involved with the hiring of faculty members, financially or otherwise. The AS also approved $3,000 for a student outreach event and $2,000 for a statewide student senate conference out of its unappropriated budget reserves. If any funds remain after

the distribution of funds for campus projects, the AS can choose to contribute funds to other projects as long as they are completed within six months. All additional funds left in the fall semester’s CPS account will be transferred to the spring semester, at which time it will either be appropriated or placed in the ASGCC reserve account if not fully utilized. Anna Margaryan can be reached at

Friday, May 12, 2006



International Students Celebrated By Stephen Hotchkiss EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


any people from around the world leave their native country to begin a life in America. The reasons for this emmigration are unique to each individual. For many, America represents freedoms and opportunities inaccessible in other countries. For others, such as GCC student, Rickard Andersson of Sweden, it is to satisfy a curiosity, “to see what America is like.” Regardless of the reason for coming to the United States, international student counselor and Sierra Leone native, Dr. Kamara-Kay, vows that GCC values the international student and is “doing [its] best to make America feel like home.” In fact, GCC will celebrate the international experience during World Cultural Week, May 22 to 26. According to David Nelson, director of international recruitment, an average of 550 international students attend GCC each semester. There are over 50 countries currently represented on the GCC campus with Japan, Korea, Sweden, Hong Kong/China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines and Armenia accounting for the majority of sending countries. Currently, GCC is host to 528 international students. According to international student counselor, Mariah Ribeiro, GCC is attractive to foreign students because the college has, “a reputation for academic excellence [and] a high transfer rate to major universities.” Ribeiro believes international students enrich the cultural mosaic of the GCC campus. “They are a highly valued part of the college because they bring with them their experiences abroad that they share with other students who may never have the opportunity of going to those countries and being exposed to those cultures. They bring that wealth of experience, of knowledge and of history to the campus,” said Ribeiro. This sort of appreciation and commitment towards the international student by GCC faculty is a major factor in allowing GCC to remain appealing to students coming from countries outside the United States. According to “Open Doors,” a census report issued by the

non-profit educational company, Institute of International Education (IIE), GCC has maintained a steady enrollment for international students despite a drop in numbers of internation student enrollment in other area community colleges and even language school programs. According to Nelson, GCC ranked 33 in the top 40 of twoyear institutions nationwide which enroll international visa students this past year. When asked to comment on why they chose GCC, international students are quick to explain why the college is regarded highly within the international student community. After briefly exploring the postsecondary terrain at university in

International students: “They are a highly valued part of the college.” his native Sweden, English major, Alexandre Valencia, enjoys the freedom that the college offers in allowing him to explore his scholastic strengths. “I wouldn’t have started dancing if that wasn’t an option here, you can do a lot of stuff,” said Valencia. Like many students, Valencia is unsure where his education will lead him, but with a wide assortment of interests including, English, dance, international relations, and philosophy, he credits GCC as an accommodating support system for students. Along with the benefits offered from a culturally diverse campus, the international student is also a source of significant revenue. Student visas require students remain enrolled in 12 units per semester. At nonresident tuition costs, this works out to be approximately $2,500 per student, per semester. With an average of 550 registered full-time students coming from outside the United States every semester, this generates roughly $1.4 million for the college every fall and spring semester. Unlike the $28 per unit that resident students pay that goes to the state, the $160 per unit cost for international students stays on campus and is a great benefit to

the college’s budget. International students are prohibited from working outside of the GCC campus. However, because many scholarships are based on merit, not residency, international students are able to receive most of the same scholarships offered to American students. There are also two scholarships for international students: the international student scholarship and the Dr. Gary Parker scholarship. The international student scholarship is given to three to four students each year, the amount being determined by “how much money we have in that fund,” said Ribeiro. The Dr. Gary Parker scholarship is given to one international student each year. Both scholarships are merit based, factoring economic needs, academic performance and involvement in campus activities to determine the recipient. Fostering the mutually beneficial relationship between the college and its international student body, GCC will host several events in celebration of World Cultural Week, May 22 to 26. These events will showcase the multicultural dynamic that thrives at GCC. On May 23, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the ISA will host a food fair in the Plaza Vaquero featuring traditional foods from Cuba, China, the Philippines, Iran and Italy — a few examples of countries represented at GCC. Along with the food fair, the dance department, which includes several international students, will perform dances of various cultures during student hour. On May 26, the international student association will host a spring dinner dance at the Brookside Country Club in Pasadena. The semi-formal event will run from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. and will include a dinner at 7:45 p.m. and a DJ who will play dance music from various cultures. Also, to raise money for scholarships, the ISA is selling raffle tickets. The winners of the raffle will be announced during the food fair and spring dinner dance and will receive day passes to either, Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Universal Studios or San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. Stephen Hotchkiss can be reached at

— opinion —

Protesting Funerals: Fox News Exploits Freedom of Speech By Stephen Hotchkiss EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


s it stands, the First Amendment gives anyone the right to voice their opinion, regardless of what that may be. Should speech that is blatantly offensive remain protected? According to Fox News’ “Hannity and Colmes” the answer is an unequivocal “no.” This stems from an incident where the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist church group carried signs that read, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” “You’re Going to Hell,” and “Don’t Worship the Dead” outside a funeral held for an American soldier killed in Iraq. Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes, hosts of the Fox News program, “Hannity and Colmes,” (in what must have been a somewhat divisive issue for the Republicans) sided with the war effort while denouncing the religion-based protesters. The Fox News pair supported the idea that, through legislation, members of the church be banned from protesting the funeral of a soldier. While Shirley PhelpsRoper, member of the Westboro collective, claims that the church is simply exercising the First Amendment freedom that the soldiers are fighting for. What was a seemingly complex issue concerning First Amendment and democratic rights was rapidly assessed and evaluated by the Fox duo, as well as many others who believe a soldier’s funeral is off-limits to free speech. However, free speech must be allowed to flourish, in any capacity, regardless of the offenses it might cause; if one does not believe in free speech for those they oppose, one does not ultimately believe in free speech. The Westboro Church, which believes God is punishing the United States for the nation’s tolerance towards homosexuality, has traditionally protested memorial services for AIDS victims but has recently attracted national attention after protesting the funerals of fallen American soldiers with

anti-gay rhetoric. Although the ideology of the church is skewed at best, they present an important paradox found in America. According to Fox News, the protested funerals have prompted 14 states to consider outlawing the group’s demonstrations. The double standard here is that neither Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, nor any state official responded when the church group targeted the funerals of AIDS victims. This implies that those who oppose the protest, only do so because it conflicts with a personal agenda. Hannity and Colmes are notorious defenders of a rightwing, conservative ideology; in an ironic twist of fate, the church group held views further right of the spectrum than those of Hannity and Colmes. In fact, it would not be surprising if this is the first time they have ever sided against a Christian-based movement. However, the church group crossed the proverbial line when they decided to attack the most trusted and sacred conservative institution, the military. Historically, war trumps religion. Hannity and Colmes, as spokespersons for those who oppose the protesting of a soldier’s funeral, but not the AIDS victim, have drawn arbitrary boundaries around the First Amendment according to what conflicts with their philosophy. This is one hole in the bucket, as it were. Furthermore, the implications for this sort of imposed ideological authority over free speech are not only unfounded, but dangerous. If the position of Fox News is on the side of governmental lobbying for the ban on the protesters, it is because Fox News subscribes to the Republican philosophy. In this isolated issue, the free speech of the protesters threatens and offends the beliefs of those in power. The result: implementing legislation that prevents speech deemed offensive to an ideological cause, the military. If the present governing body fell out of power to a government with a different mentality, say [See Freedom, page 13]


Friday, May 12, 2006















Photos by Jason Castro

“Delia’s Demise,” illustrates all of the creepy things that happen when the clock strikes midnight. Karlin’s works were on display at the Gallery Annex in the month of April.

By Olga Ramaz



sk artist Karlin Hovasapian to paint a still life illustrating a fruit bowl and tea cups, and she would probably decline. Ask her to paint a picture of a young child gripped in the ravenous jaws of an octopus, and she would do it in a heartbeat. One drawing and painting after another, she reaches into the depths of her imagination and spawns a netherworld of full of brightly slathered color and offbeat characters that serve as a diversion from the satirical, yet dark, undertones that exist in her works. Karlin has been drawing since her early childhood and now, at 23, she recalls playtime as a time where she would sit in a corner and sketch. “My toys growing up were crayons and pencils,” she said. “I didn’t really play too much with other kinds of things because I was too busy drawing.” Her early drawings were much like the works she creates today. She is fixated on drawing little girls, all with big eyes, Mona Lisa smiles and sinister glares that beckon to be seen. Curiously enough, the little girls drawn from her imagination bear a striking resemblance

to herself when she was younger. She recalls many times when she would present a new drawing to her father who would jokingly blurt, “it’s another self portrait.” “I think that a lot of artists, they don’t know it, but certain traits of themselves come out in the artwork,” she said. The genre that Karlin caters to, pop surrealism, for the most part, consists of cleverly eye-catching artwork. Mark Ryden, one of the genre’s most prominent figures and Karlin’s favorite artist, creates the type of works that she aspires to. “Mark Ryden’s stuff is just overwhelmingly beautiful,” she said. “Not only is he classically good, he goes above and beyond with his detailed, complicated and humorous imagination.” It was not until high school that Karlin’s interest in the arts started to take a more serious turn. During these years, Karlin learned about various careers open to artists. She then realized that she could make a living creating art. In high school, Karlin won several small contests here and there for designing bookmarks, book jackets and CD covers, which is something that she still does. Karlin has some friends in local bands who have paid her for doing their album covers.

“I’ve pocketed some cash through some freelance work here and there, but above all, it [doing freelance work] was all about the challenge to work as an illustrator,” said Karlin. “As an illustrator the point is to get a general idea from someone and see if you can visualize and create what they’re looking for.” Karlin has had her work on display on a large scale at Herbert Hoover High School, her alma mater, where selected art students had the opportunity to paint a mural on a wall of the art building. Unfortunately, the mural was painted over two years ago. Karlin has had the good fortune to have her works showcased in small, local galleries, clubs, at Borders bookstore in Glendale, and, more recently, in the Gallery Annex on campus. I think that as an artist who wants to get her work out there, it’s so incredibly important to take ever opportunity that comes to you,” said Karlin. “And I guess I was just lucky enough to have my work up.” Jody Smith, Gallery Annex coordinator, first met Karlin in a painting class. The following year, Smith saw her work on display at Borders and was left in awe. “Particularly her drawings, her attention to detail is immaculate,” said Smith.

According to Smith, Karlin’s works managed to draw several people’s attention from across the room and into the Gallery Annex to check out her work. “Within these females she draws, there’s such intricate, detailed patterns that are somewhat three dimensional versus being really flat,” said Smith. “She really understands detail and has a really good understanding of what a trained artist should do.” One of the things Smith admires about Karlin is her family. Throughout Karlin’s artistic career, her parents have been cheerleaders for their eldest daughter. While her father tells her that she will make it as an artist and encourages her to continue to pursue her passion, her mother’s “tough love,” according to Karlin, inspires her to be more detail oriented and practice her craft. Linka, Karlin’s younger sister who is also a GCC student, admires her sister’s accomplishments and admits that seeing Karlin succeed is not only

a proud moment for Karlin, but for her as well. “One of the greatest things that has ever happened in my life is being able to see her prevail,” said Linka. Linka is an artist herself, but unlike Karlin, she doesn’t draw, she’s a poet. Actually, it’s in Karlin’s plans for the future to someday combine both their talents in a book, Linka writes while Karlin does the illustrations to go along with the story line. Karlin’s little sister thinks back and tries to put a finger on when exactly Karlin started drawing seriously, but she cannot seem to find an answer. “She’s been drawing ever since I remember,” she said. One of Linka’s favorite things to do is to go into Karlin’s bedroom, not so much to snoop around and dig through her stuff, but to sit back and stare at her drawings. She is amazed to see every step of the creative process, [See Karlin, page 13]

Friday, May 12, 2006



Student’s Art Echoes Gothic Sentiment [Karlin, from page 12]

from the blank sheets of paper, to the final drawing when, according to Linka, “it’s drenched with detail.” The response to Karlin’s work while on display at the gallery was generally positive. But if ever confronted with negative criticism, Karlin wouldn’t mind, but she would respond. “I’d say, ‘I didn’t paint it for you,’” said Karlin. “If it’s [the artwork] not inspiring to you, go find something that is.” Since her start at GCC in 2000, Karlin has taken several art classes and participated in a Study Abroad program to Prague. Prior to her trip, Karlin had done research on some of her favorite artists who had exhibitions in galleries in the Czech city. She said that her trip to Europe was a huge, artistic eye opener. During her stay in Prague, Karlin would frequently take out her watercolors and paper, and painted landscapes, something that Karlin rarely does. She grew inspired by the beauty of the architecture, nature and art scene, which she claims was unlike the one her in the states. “There were mom and pop diners and next to them there would be these crazy, scary art galleries. You don’t see

that around here,” she said. Last semester Karlin was accepted at Art Center in Pasadena, the school that one of Karlin’s favorite artists, Ryden, attended. But this is not the first time she has been accepted into a fine arts institution, or Art Center, for that matter. Out of high school, Karlin was accepted at several art schools like Otis and California College of the Arts, among others, and she visited most of them, but wasn’t sure if she wanted to attend such institutions. “[All of these schools] are wonderful establishments, but the money that is necessary [to attend these schools] drops my jaw,” she said. Karlin has decided to attend Art Center, but not to pursue a degree, only to perhaps take some classes. “The tuition is a bit crazy,” she said. “But let’s get real: I’m a struggling artist after all.” Karlin keeps herself busy doing freelance work, regularly sketching in her drawing pad and working on her children’s book. It’s not really going to be a children’s book, per se. If any-

thing, Karlin said it will be a book aimed at teenagers. Aside from doing illustrations for the book, Karlin will also do the story to go along with it. So far she has developed some characters, a partial story line and some drawings. Her goal is to put the book out next Halloween. But of course, this all depends on her current workload, although she does tend to put art first. This is why she claims to not be “doing so hot” in her math class this semester. She wants to keep the book simple, a la Edward Gorey, an author-artist who she admires a great deal. Gorey died of a heart attack in 2000, but left behind an extensive collection of works consisting of dark poetry and Gothic writings. One of Karlin’s favorite books by Gorey is called “Gashlycrumb Tinies,” an ABC book

Freedom of Speech Put to Test [Freedom, from page 11]

a bleeding-heart, liberal objective, it would not be in the interest of the conservative to push for censorship, as that censorship would likely be self-defeating. As there is no almighty philosopher king (no, Fox, Bill O’Reilly does not count) to decide what is universally offensive, there can never be any limitation on free speech as there is simply too much room for any given political agenda to manipulate and exploit censorship. Freedom of speech and expression must exist in the purest, most unabridged state, or it cannot exist at all. It is understood that this can lead to individuals taking offense with the sentiments and words of others. This, however, is not a folly of the First Amendment, but a crucial principle that has shaped our nation. The idea that truth

surfaces through open discourse is validated in that the very concept of truth is subjective. There is no absolute truth. Free speech allows all ideologies to exist and depends on the individual to decide which philosophy to subscribe to. Limiting speech, in turn restricts one’s ability to express oneself and minimizes the capacity for passionate conviction. When speech is censored, dialogue is consequently narrowed as only the expressions that do not cause offense are allowed to filter through. As a result, apathy and complacency replace vigor and critical thinking. It is not only our right to say offensive statements, it is also our right—arguably, our duty—to be offended. A world without soapbox preachers, vigilante muckrakers or even the likes of Hannity and Colmes would be frightening and bleak, an Orwellian nightmare.

The Westboro Church group, as misguided and erroneous as they are, should be offensive to America. Not only should they be offensive; they should be inspiring to a nation so immersed in an apathetic coma. Fox news (you’re only going to hear me say this once) should be commended for its ability to voice concern and opinion in a public forum with such conviction. Although Fox vows to suppress all opposing voices, they ironically rely on the First Amendment they oppose to make themselves heard. It is no doubt offensive and crass to protest any agenda at any funeral as that disrespects the individual and the individual’s family, but not allowing the voice of the protester to be heard would be silencing an entire nation. Stephen Hotchkiss can be reached at

that tells the stories of 26 children and their untimely demise. “The first time I looked into that [book], I thought, ‘wow, so simple yet so wonderful and funny,’” she said. “It’s cool if you can add some humor to your art.” Dark humor is what makes her work stand out and she hopes to bring some of that humor to the next student art show. The theme “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even,” lends itself perfectly, according to Karlin, for some creative and interesting artwork. She is currently working on a pencil drawing titled “He Loves Me, I Love Him Not” that she hopes to submit to a student show. According to Karlin, the piece is a delicate drawing with a sinister underbelly. The drawing itself tells a story of unrequited love, and or, lover’s revenge. “Stella is pissed at her boyfriend. Well, she was pissed; now she’s just smug,” said Karlin. “Sometimes [a girl has to put down her lip gloss and ribbons and fix problems in her life, and her boyfriend was a problem. Keyword, problem. Stella took care of business and she may have just killed him.” Of course, this will not be the

first time she will submit a piece for a student show. In 2003 and again in 2004, Karlin submitted drawings that did not win, but were showcased in the exhibition. One of the drawings was a pencil drawing of musician Willie Nelson, while the other was a general still life drawing. Karlin tends to not ponder so much about the future; at least, it does not consume her everyday existence. But when she does take the time to think about the future, she maps out what she would like her life to be. She hopes that she will still be able to do some freelance projects, work for a company, and live out of Glendale. So long as it’s art, it really doesn’t matter to her what kind of art it is. She just wants to continue feeding her artistic desire, and as far as accolades are concerned, she doesn’t care much for them. Awards and accomplishments come in all shapes and sizes, and for Karlin, it all comes down to one thing: “If I’m drawing or painting ’til the day I die, that would be an achievement all on its own.” Olga Ramaz can be reached at Olga_Ramaz

Bus Travel Offers Advantages [Bus, from page 10] The Metro system has two bus lines that pass GCC. The 85 starts in Downtown Los Angeles on the corner of Figueroa Street and Olympic Boulevard and ends at GCC. The 90 and 91 lines start at Main Street and 11th Street. The Metro costs $1.25 to ride. Besides the advantage of being able to study instead of drive and meeting new people, there are other perks. One student said he likes using the buses because there is a Beeline stop right in front of his house. “The drivers are polite,” said Lerik Keshish. Mink Kang, 20, says, “It’s okay because it saves [me] gas money.” But there are some drawbacks, Jonathan Lee, 20, says, “[The buses are] not on time usually. I notice they [the bus drivers] take too long for breaks.” Occasionally buses arrive in front of the school as late as twenty minutes past the indicated time. Rivera said, “Sometimes we can’t go at normal speed and have to slow down to 15 mph.” Jason Aragnsa, 19, said the problem with taking the system was that “it takes too long.” For some

students, the problem of taking the bus is not the speed or even the drivers; it’s the other people on the bus. Eleida Srrue, 19, “Some creepy guys come up to you on the bus.” Passes for the bus system are available from the business office. The Metro system offers a monthly pass for $52, Semi-Monthly Pass for $27, a weekly pass for $14, and an EZ Transit Pass for $58, which services not only the Metro system and the Glendale Beeline but other city transit systems. The Metro passes are effective for the period they are purchased in. For example, a May Metro EZ Pass or Metro Pass can be bought any time of the month but is only good for the month of May. The Glendale Beeline offers a 31-day pass for $12, a senior 31-day pass for $4.50, and a tenride card for $2.00. The most popular transit pass amongst GCC students, according to H’buk Bayer of the business office, is the $2 Beeline Card. Usually she sells upwards of 200 per month. For more information: visit Rachel Mills can be reached at


Friday, May 12, 2006



Three women and two men qualified for the Southern California finals Friday May 12 at Mt. SAC by virtue of their performances Saturday at the So. Cal prelims and at the Western State Conference finals April 29. Ray Vasquez and Ivan Perez previously qualified in the 5000 meters at the conference meet as did Maribel Cespedes for the women. Vasquez also qualified in the 1500 meters with a second place finish in his heat in 4:03.3. Lilly Hernandez also qualified with a sdecond place finish in her heat of the 3000-meter steeplechase in 11:58.3 and Anna Rodriguez also qualified with a fifth place finish in the 3000meter steeplechase in 12:26. The state meet is May 19-20 in Bakersfield.

Glendale ended the season with a pair of losses to Pierce to finish 9-33 overall and 4-21 in the WSC South. The Vaqueros lost to the Brahmas 6-5 on Tuesday and 11-10 Thursday.

Classified Advertisements models wanted by Professional photo studio for up-coming assigments. pro./non-pro. M/F call (661)259-3198 MTO Sufi Psychology Seminar Love and Loving, May 13th 2006, 9:00am- 5:00pm 4000A Math Sciences Bldg, UCLA For more information, please call 310-529-5389 The MTO Sufi Association at UCLA

men’s tennis Glendale sophomlore Sergy Vagramian qualified in singles and doubles for the state tournament May 11-13 at the Claremont Club in Claremont. Vagramian advanced to the semifinals in singles and doubles with partner Lew DeLeon. Players who advanced to at least the quarterfinals qualified for the state tournament. In team competition, Glendale, seeded No. 4 in the Southern California Regionals, lost to No. 1 seeded College of the Desert 5-1 on Tuesday in the regional semifinals to end the season at 10-8. Hakop Tadevosian had the only win for the Vaqueros when his opponent, Stefan Federsen, retired at No. 3 singles.

women’s tennis Debbie Martin and Anna Alicia Araujo represented the Vaqueros at the Southern California Regionals in singles and doubles May 4-6 in San Diego. Martin advanced to the second round in singles before losing and the doubles team of Martin and Araujo fell in the first round to end their season.

Women’s Tennis Team Gets its Day in Court By Jason Castro



he court is always full of smiles when the women’s tennis squad practices. Unity was strong throughout the season and it provided a fun atmosphere for the tennis team. “We had good chemistry all year,” said Debbie Martin, GCC’s top singles player. “Everybody hangs out together and we had a lot of fun.” All fun aside, this team kept its competitive spirits all year long. The Vaqueros finished the season with a 6-8 overall record and 4-7 in the Western Southern Conference. Glendale played in a tough and experienced division that included Ventura, Santa Barbara, Bakersfield and Allan Hancock. The Vaqueros stayed competitive in most of their matches, showing their will and heart throughout. The 2006 tennis season started with a combination of veteran sophomores and some experienced freshmen. Debbie Martin, returned to the courts after a year’s absence and Anna Alicia Araujo, last year’s top singles

player returned for her second season. “Debbie and Alicia did a great job of opening their arms to the freshmen class,” said Coach Terry Coblentz. The season started slowly with some tough losses to Santa Barbara and Bakersfield, but they redeemed themselves with victories over Santa Monica and Allan Hancock. Glendale finished the regular season on a winning note after beating Allan Hancock 5-4 on April 18. Martin, Araujo, Ofelia Abrahamyan and Maria Bagaforo all had wins in singles. The doubles team had winners in Jennifer Chung and Abrahamyan, which clinched the victory with an 8-6 in the last match of the day. Some of the highlights of the season included Martin advancing to the round of 32 at the Ojai Invitational, which is an invitational for Northern California Colleges as well as Southern California Colleges. She and her partner Araujo advanced to round 16 in doubles. Martin and Araujo also represented the Vaqueros at the Southern California Regionals in singles and doubles May 4-6 in San Diego. Martin advanced to the second round in singles before

losing and the doubles team of Martin and Araujo fell in the first round to end their season. “It was a successful season everybody played well,” said Martina Vassileva, “It was all about heart.” “Best season yet,” said Araujo. “The season was great, couple of bumps,” said Coach Coblentz, “But I’m really proud of how hard they competed.” Martin, with her extensive tennis background has been playing for more than over 12 years. She started in third grade and never looked back. “Tennis is just one of those sports where you can get away,” said Martin. “You just focus on the game your playing.” Coach Coblentz described tennis being physically and mentally tough. “It ‘s like a chess match,” said Coach Coblentz, “Its an intellectual game.” “The strongest doesn’t win, it’s the smartest one that does,” said Coblentz. Being the longest running women’s program on campus and with experienced Coach Coblentz leading the way, GCC’s women’s tennis team has a bright future.

Jason Castro can be reached at

Sports Events Track - State Championship in Bakersfield, today and Saturday.

Photo by Jason Castro

Debbie Martin practices her strong backhand to prepare for the Southern California Regionals in San Diego..

Friday, May 12, 2006


On Campus performances “Something’s Missing” — The theatre arts department students and visiting director Lani Harris present “Something’s Missing” by Ken Gray. The play tells a story of an abducted child’s return to his parents, his relationship with his family and the man he becomes.The play will run through May 20 at the Auditorium Studio Theatre. General admission is $10, student and senior tickets are $8, and tickets for groups of 10 or more are $6. For ticket information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5618. For more information on the theatre arts department and the production visit Glendale College Community Orchestra Concert — The concert will feature conductor Theodore Stern and guest soloist Patrick Rosalez. Various pieces by Dvorak, Holst, Elgar and Bruch will be performed by the Glendale College Community Orchestra. The concert will take place on May 21 at 4 p.m. at the Auditorium Mainstage Theatre. General admission is $7. Tickets for students and seniors are $5. For more information, call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5805.

Concert Singers Spring Performance — The GCC music instructor, Peter Green, will lead the Concert Singers Spring Performance on May 21 at the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at 1020 N Brand Blvd. in Glendale. The concert will start at 4 p.m. General admission is $10, student and senior tickets are $7. For more information, call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5621. Dance Production 2006 — The 2006 GCC Dance Production will open on May 30 at 8 p.m. in the Sierra Madre Dance Theatre. Admission is free. Seating is limited. Children under the age of five will not be admitted. For more information about the production and the dance department, visit www.glendale. edu/dance/

exhibitions “Call Japan!” — The GCC Art Gallery presents an exhibition of a sculpture by Christie Frields and photographs by Jessica Rath. The exhibitions relates to the Japanese tradition of Ikebana and will run through Saturday. “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even!” — The annual student art exhibition, will open on May 22

at the GCC Art Gallery. Gallery opening hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Admission is free. For more information, call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5663 or visit www.glendale. edu/artgallery/

lectures “Development of the Polio Vaccine” — Don Wegemer will be speaking about the development of the polio vaccine in a GCC Science Lecture Series event on May 23. The lecture will start at noon. in the Santa Barbara building, Room 243.


/ films

“The Libyan Experience and EARTHWATCH” — In a GCC Cultural Diversity event, Muriel Horacek, an EARTHWATCH coordinator, will present a slide show on “The Libyan Experience and EARTHWATCH.” The event will take place on Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Student Center. “The Da Vinci Code: Alternate Views” — the visual and performing arts department is presenting a seminar about the da Vinci Code. A question and

answer period will follow faculty presentations on the historical Jesus, the historical Leonardo da Vinci and the movie as part of film history. Tuesday from noon to 2 pm in Kreider Hall (SR 138).


Free HIV Testing — The GCC Health Center offers free and anonymous HIV testing on Monday from 9 a.m. to noon. and Tuesday from noon to 3 p.m. For more information, call (818) 551 - 5189. International Student Food Fair and Dance — The May 23 performances at Plaza Vaquero are part of World Culture Week at GCC. Food sale will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Performances will start at 1 p.m. International Students Dinner Dance — The event will take place on May 26 at 6.30 p.m. at the Brookside Country Club. For more information, call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5440. College Photojournalism Day — The Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles, GCC Journalism Department and Photojournalism Program present the College Photojournalism Day on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Student Center.

A team of professionals will be evaluating student portfolios. The best three entries will be showcased. A number of workshops will be offered by photojournalists and photographers. Space is limited. Only 75 students will be accepted. RSVP to laphotog@ with your name, phone number and mailing address by April 30 to get reserved parking and a lunch ticket. For more info, contact Rick Meyer at laphotog@ GCC Board of Trustees Meeting — The GCC Board of Trustees will meet on Monday at 5 p.m. in Kreider Hall. Ancient Dietary Secrets for Vitality — Learn about your basic type and the beneficial foods you can enjoy for better health and vitality. Thursday noon p.m., SF119.

OTHER NURSING DEPT—all 26 graduates from the December 2005 graduating class passed their licensing exam. Nurses Week is celebrated each year from May 6 through May 12. Cynthia Dorroh, Associate Dean of Allied Health at the college, says they are proud of all their graduates. Dorroh can be reached at 818-551-5270.

Around Town exhibitions Expressive Color Exhibition — Artworks by DJ Grossi, Kest Mikenas, Christopher Naylor, Robert G. Rivera and Mark Venaglia will be on desplay until June 16. at the Brand Library Art Galleries at 1601 W. Mountain St. The opening hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the galleries is free and open to the public. Parking is free. For more information, call (818) 548 - 2051. Just Coffee Shop — Glendale’s Just Coffee Shop located at 1010 N. Glendale Ave. presents the artworks of Lana Lee Blades, and

Rose Tharp. Blades’ watercolors feature animals and people painted in bright colors. Tharp, a GCC graduate, is exhibiting high fire stoneware, white porcelain clay, hand-carved alabaster and stone. For more information, call (818) 291 - 0240.

performances Annual Fundraising Recital — The Alex Theatre presents the Annual Fundraising Recital featuring Armen Keyvanian on piano, Adis Gabrielyan on violin, Janice Foy on cello, and soprano Molly McKnight. The event will take place on Wednesday at the Brand Library Gallery, at 1601 W. Mountain St., at 6.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. The tickets are $50. For information, call (818) 234-ALEX, or visit

Mozart Piano Tribute — The Alex Theatre and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra present Mozart’s concertos conducted by Jeffrey Kahane and the world premiere of Uri Caine’s Concerto for Two Pianos and Chamber Orchestra on May 20 at 8 p.m. Tickets are from $17 to $75. For more information, call (213) 622 - 7001, ext. 215 or visit Concert in the Park— The Pasadena Community Orchestra presents the Young Artist Competition Winner, Jennifer Chang on cello, on Friday at 8.15 p.m. at 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Pasadena. The concert will feature Frescobaldi’s Toccata, Schumann’s Cello Concerto in A Minor, and Franck’s Symphony in D Minor. Admission is free. For more information,

call (626) 445 - 6708 or visit “Hamlet” — The Knightsbridge Theatre in Silver Lake presents William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” on Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. The theatre is located at 1944 Riverside Dr. in Los Angeles. Tickets are $25 for general public and $20 for students. For more information, call (323) 667 - 0955 or visit “The King and I” — The Glendale Centre Theatre presents “The King and I,” a musical about a young widow named Anna who is brought to Bangkok to tutor the King of Siam’s children. As the two grow closer, they slowly begin to understand each other’s cultures. The musical opens on May

24. Performances are at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and at 3 p.m. on Sundays.General admission is $23; student tickets are $20. For more information, call (818) 244-8481 or visit

other events “Occupation: Dreamland” — The GCC Justice Coalition with the Glendale Peace Vigil present “Occupation: Dreamland,” a documentary about American soldiers patrolling Falluja followed by a discussion today at 7 p.m. The event will be held at the Glendale Central Library, at 222 E. Harvard St. Admission is free. For more information, call (818) 662 - 0412. To submit a listing e-mail the El Vaquero at

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