El Vaquero: Issue 6, May 29

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Glendale Community College Student Newspaper

Volume 113 | Issue 6

Tobias Graves-Morris Graphic Designer

A bittersweet farewell to students leaving their legacy in the soul of the journalism program By Tatiana Pak Staff Writer As the semester nears to an end, many get ready for graduation and therefore a new chapter in their lives. We see students all around campus with a smirk of anticipation in their faces and excitement for the future. It is undeniable that even though many students come, grow and go through the halls of GCC, there are those that leave their footprints, even after they’ve left. Just like that, big and small legacies are created, and memories-- cherished. Every year, El Vaquero gives an insight on a specific person or group, that is leaving the Vaquero family. Last year, we wrote about the “Graduating Moms of GCC,” where the article featured three immigrant mothers who were full-time students at the college, all the while balancing familial relationships, embracing motherhood and making the best of their experience at Glendale College. This time around, we decided to show the graduating faces behind El Vaquero. They’re the students often in the newsroom close to midnight, the students that try to bring justice to the issues on campus, whether they’re as little as parking issues, or as big as budgets, funding and homelessness. As this ‘wave’ of El Vaquero journalists move on to bigger and definitely better things in their educational and professional lives, they leave legacies that will live on for years to come. Here are some of our graduating faces: Samantha “Sam” Decker: Features Editor Sam is from Michigan, and has been studying at GCC since spring of 2016. She didn’t realize her passion for writing until people noticed her talent. She will be transferring to California State University,

Northridge in the fall and will major in mass communications. Her career goals include doing copywriting, writing commercial scripts and eventually being in the position of a creative director. She is also aiming to write a Super Bowl ad (so look out for her name as it will be up there someday). Being in the newsroom has given Samantha a place where she was able to slow down and enjoy figuring out her passions and talents in full. She says that this was her favorite experience at the college. Words of Wisdom: “Even if you don’t know what it is that you want right now, it’s okay to take time. But once you do figure it out, keep on going. The pain is only temporary.” (laughs) Gabby Duga: Staff Writer Gabby was born in Bacoor, Philippines and moved to the United States in 2008. He has been studying at Glendale College for three years now, and is majoring in history. For the upcoming fall, he will be transferring to Cal State L.A., and in the future wants to work with education as an instructor. He will eventually work in the political arena. He says that the best moments spent at GCC were those he spent with his friends in his Korean and math classes. He also enjoyed being part of the El Vaquero newspaper. Words of Wisdom: “Always be on top of all things. Have a fighting spirit.” Allazhar Duisenbek: Staff Writer Allazhar is an international student from Kazakhstan, and started his program with GCC in the fall of 2017. He is majoring in journalism and would like to work in this field before becoming a writer like his grandfather. So far he’s been accepted to Oxford Brookes University and Westminster, but is waiting to hear back from the University of London. His ultimate goal as a journalist, is to work

on documentaries for BBC. Allazhar says that his favorite part of being at GCC has been the ability to explore many of his passions, some of which are music and art. Words of Wisdom: “It doesn’t matter how long it takes, everybody has their own time frame, and you get what you want at the right time.” Tobias “Toby” Graves-Morris: Graphic Designer Toby was born in the countryside of England, and came to GCC in the fall of 2016. Initially majoring in business, Toby soon realized that his passion was to create conceptual designs and to write, shortly after which, he changed his major to journalism. In the fall, he will transfer to San Diego State University, and hopes to work in advertising and graphic design for major magazines and social media platforms. He also sees himself doing video and photo advertising campaigns. Toby says that some of the most exciting times at Glendale College for him, has been getting good grades and being recognized for it. He says “it feels really rewarding, because I’ve put a lot of effort into my classes.” Words of Wisdom: “Stay active in your school email. Stay social in your classes, and different communities,” because people will help whenever help is needed. James Ojano-Simonsson: Production Manager James arrived to GCC in the gall of 2016 from Sweden as an international student. His major here is journalism, but he holds a deep passion for marine biology. His other interests include film and photography, which also happen to be his minors. His goal after graduating from GCC is to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), a program where international students with the F-1 visa are allowed to work for one year in a practical training related to their major.

He hopes to get a job in the film industry, or to work with sea creatures and document them. In the long term, James would like to work with National Geographic, Animal Planet, 4Ocean or any environment organization that seeks to protect and preserve the planet and its living creatures. He holds many good experiences in the school, such as getting to know incredible people, and being challenged enough to grow within these past three years. Words of Wisdom: “Work hard, and keep challenging yourself, but also enjoy your time while being at GCC. Attend club meetings, events, and try to make new friends and contacts.” Saryana Nazarian- Entertainment Reporter Saryana was born in Iran but moved to the United States at 12. She started studying at GCC in 2016, while also taking classes to finish high school. Her initial goal was to major in deaf studies to become an interpreter, but after taking a couple of assessments at the career center she decided to volunteer and intern in different places to find out her true interests and passions. After getting an internship at a radio station, Saryana realized that she belongs in the entertainment industry. [continued on page 2]

In This Issue News. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Features . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Lifestyle.. . . . . . . . . . 6 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Entertainment.......8


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 NEWS

[“Under the Stars,” continued from Page 1] In the fall, she will transfer to Cal State L.A., where she will major in communications and journalism. Her long term goal is to work at big radio stations like iHeart Radio or Power 106, where she interned. One of her favorite moments at the college was when she had the chance develop her broadcast skillslearning new things every time and getting to know her classmates in the process. Words of Wisdom: “If you’re having a hard time choosing a major, take advantage of the school resources. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.” Marian Sahakyan: Editor-in-Chief Marian was born in Armenia and moved to the United States at the age of 13. She has been studying at Glendale College for the last two years and says that “it’s been an amazing ride.” To complete her degree in journalism, Marian will be transferring to Long Beach State university. Her career goal is to get a fulltime position at the Los Angeles Times or other major newspapers. Although her overall experience at GCC has been wonderful, the highlight was definitely being part of El Vaquero, where she had the biggest learning experience of her life. Words of Wisdom: “Take all chances, the crappy ones, too. Never say ‘no’ to an opportunity. Put your all into whatever it is that you’re doing.. And most importantly, trust the process.” Eisho Shiroma: Staff Writer Eisho is an international student from Okinawa, Japan. He came to GCC in fall of 2016 and majors in mass communications. After graduating from GCC, he plans to go back home and apply for a job in the TV production field, preferably in Tokyo. His plan on

becoming a producer is initially gaining experience in the area, but also returning to the United States to build up more for his career path. When asked about which favorite memory he will always take with him from GCC, Shiroma replied “being here in this class because people are really kind. As an international student I was always nervous to take classes, but people really helped me.” Words of Wisdom: “Show who you are, and work hard for what you want to do, especially Japanese students who tend to be really quiet. They should be more ‘aggressive’..it’s important to speak up.”



Tatiana Pak can be reached at tatiipak@gmail.com.


STAFF WRITERS Allazhar Duisenbek Jake Denne Gabby Duga Afroditi Kontos Tatiana Pak Lilit Sedrakyan Eisho Shiroma Martha Topete

OPINION EDITOR Hayk Martirosyan


SPORTS EDITOR Michael Dumansky

FACULTY ADVISER Rory Cohen rcohen@glendale.edu (818) 240-1000 ext. 5214

COPY EDITORS Yesenia Thomson Elena Jacobson


SPORTS REPORTERS Jonathan Vargas Elone Safaryan

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Tobias Graves-Morris


PHOTO EDITOR Dylan A. Bryant

ENTERTAINMENT REPORTERS Saryana Nazarian Eduardo Carreno



Aside from the few that were featured, El Vaquero will be losing other members of its team, such as Tyler Greene (Broadcast Reporter), Matthew Spencer (Illustrator), Hayk Martirosyan (Opinion Editor), Hayk Rostomyan (Senior Production Manager) and Lilit Sedrakyan (Staff Writer). Soon the newsroom will be ready to watch a brilliant group of students walking out to form the new chapter in their lives. Meanwhile a new group of inspiring young professionals will walk in through those very doors. After all, that’s how it works, right? As each of our soon-to-be graduates take the path of their own, they will leave behind hard work, memories and a sense of community. To them, it’s not just about the lecture, but about the opportunity to grow as students and professionals.


WEB EDITOR Alin Pasokhian


Member of the Journalism Asssociation of Community Colleges

Letters to the Editors El Vaquero accepts story ideas in news, features, profiles, sports and entertainment from the public. Send an idea or article to the editor at elvaquero@glendale.edu or call (818) 240-1000, ext. 3211.

Letters may be reproduced in full or in part and represent only the point of view of the writer, not the opinion of El Vaquero or Glendale Community College and its district. All letters must include the full name, address and phone number of the writer. You will be contacted before publication. El Vaquero is a First Amendment publication.

Member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association


1500 N. Verdugo Road Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 240-1000, ext. 5349 First copy free Additional copies $.25

www.elvaq.com FEATURES

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


A Place Where I Belong: Cortney Lee Colvig’s Story A very American girl with a very Kazakh dream

By Allazhar Duisenbek Staff Writer Kazakhstan, the size of Western Europe, is rich in mineral resources and boasts a population of just over 18 million. It has an enormous economic potential with a long and colorful history and enchanting culture to match. Despite its size and economic opportunities for foreign investments, the knowledge and interest of the American people in this Central Asian giant is rather microscopic. Cortney Lee Colvig, a media arts student at Glendale College, equestrian show jumper, fourth Dan Black Belt Taekwondo competitor, voiceover artist and amateur illustrator (or how friends kindly call her, “Korkem”) is one of those few brave adventurers who are able to see the truth through the prejudice.The name was given to her by her Kazakh friends. In the Kazakh language, it means “gracious” and is used to describe the beauty of one’s soul. The name soon became a symbol of their love and respect for her. It almost seems like they gave her a new identity, inviting her to become a part of their world — waiting for her to come and to plant her flag on top of the highest peak on the furthest part of Tian-shan mountain ranges. “Kazakhstan was constant in my life, I just didn’t realize it. I first heard of it when someone approached me and thought I was from Kazakhstan,” Colvig recalled. “The older I got, the more people asked if I was from Kazakhstan and I started looking, researching and I just absolutely fell in love with the country. Technically, I am Eurasian, even though I wasn’t born in a Eurasian country. My father is European and my mother is Asian, so I can see why I look like I am from that part of the world. I was so enthralled that I could identify

Courtesy Photo Courtney Lee Colvig

A DIFFERENT WORLD: Cortney Lee Colvig at 2018 Zone Chaimpionships at HITS Coachalle Horse Show.

with that group of people.” Very often focusing too much on the name, some people assume that it’s a war-torn Middle Eastern country. While others who have slightly better knowledge in geography, tend to accentuate territorial proximity of Kazakhstan and Russia, wondering whether communism is still alive or if there is any difference between those two countries at all. The most popular conjecture about Kazakhstan, however, is associated with comedic pseudodocumentary “Borat.” For some mysterious reason, the film has made people believe that the situation in Kazakhstan is as helpless as the depth of the humor. As always, obstructionists remain, yet as an old Arabian proverb says, “No matter how loud dogs bark, the caravan marches on.”

Whatever Kazakh identity is, some people might think and wonder if it’s even possible to become Kazakh without growing in that culture. Yet, what would they know about the people who have always looked for a place where the inexplicable find grace, where it is not seen as something odd or exotic, but truly celebrated? “Kazakh” means free, independent and brave, its nature is not about isolation but about harmonic integration, it is inclusive and open for everyone. Colvig has 14 years of horse riding professional practice from trainers and has attended horse shows focusing primarily on show jumping for 12 years. She states that she rides horses because it not only feeds her competitive side, but her compassionate side as well. She

loves horses unconditionally and the bond she gets to create with these regal giants is absolutely humbling. Being an excellent horsewoman herself, Colvig dreams of representing Kazakhstan in the Olympics one day. She believes that this elegant sport will help to increase Kazakhstan’s reputation around the world and further integrate it within the global community. One can argue that Korkem is more Kazakh than the Kazakhs themselves. Her readiness to risk and dare, the dedication with which she moves towards her target, while some brilliant, ambitious and educated people are leaving Kazakhstan to access all the goods that are readily available in the West, deserves to be recognized. “I want to give back. Kazakh-

stan is a developing country, and they don’t have European and Western equestrian, so if I can bring that there, that would become a good source of income for the country,” she asserted.“Kazakhstan is the place where the domestication of horses started. Kazakh people are very athletic. When they partake in sports, they are exceptional. In fact, there is GGG (a famous boxer by the name of Genadiy Golovkin), a Kazakh Taekwondo team, so why can’t they be in the Olympics for equestrian sports, too? I know that it’s an expensive sport, but there are ways to make it affordable.”

Allazhar Duisenbek can be reached at aduisen084@student.glendale.edu

This Has been Marian Sahakyan for El Vaquero News

Courtesy Photo Marian Sahakyan

Many of you may know, I’m a person of words. For some odd reason, however, I am having a difficult time finding the right ones to sum up how I feel about my experience at Glendale College. When I say Glendale College, I think El Vaquero. That’s what GCC gave me—a home—a sense of belonging. A different world that I got to paint how I wanted. It was a time of dedication (sometimes too much). It was life-changing. GCC nurtured me with confidence in myself and the world around me. It rewarded me with friendship and experiences I otherwise wouldn’t have had. Sometimes, it made me a cynic— makings of a good journalist, they say. After all, we are supposed to question everything, right?

Somewhere between the late, very late production nights, early mornings with too-much-caffeine, and last-minute writing, I grasped a passion, an understanding, a being. I became whole. It’s interesting now, reflecting on the stressful little experiences, the heartbreaks but also the breakthroughs in this process. I know that I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s cheesy to say, sure, but all my experiences have led me to who I am now. So, who am I? I am a journalist. A daughter and a sister. I am a friend, a girlfriend- a human being. I am curious and sometimes crazy, sometimes “too much,” but I am me. I am passionate- about the world, about my profession and the people around me. Somehow all those things are connected. I am passionate about being pas-

sionate, and I credit much of this to my experience at El Vaquero. From the moment I stepped foot in that little “bird box” of a newsroom in the SG building in 2017, my experience as a student and as a journalist changed drastically. I went from the “go with the flow, just pass” attitude to its complete opposite by definition. I became a doer and a leader. Despite its ugly looks and old smell, our previous newsroom gave me the ultimate foundation of what was to come. With too much sarcasm, El Vaquero’s former editor-in-chief, Ken Allard, or “Kennard” as I like to call him, showed me the way to editorinchiefness. Our adviser Reut Cohen challenged me to my full potential. Sometimes with too much harshness, she tore my articles to shreds, but I was

receptive. I was eager for it. When it was time for me to take the reigns of El Vaq, (and the office) from Kennard, I felt like I had it all figured out. Boy, was I wrong. With every person I met, and I every challenge I crossed, I learned that the world is not a perfect place, but holds the most perfect places within. I now leave my big El Vaq family with so much love and appreciation in my heart. It’s been an absolute blessing to do what I love, surrounded by individuals who inspired me, daily. With that in mind, I’m signing off, this time for real. I hope that the future admininstration of El Vaq will enjoy and make the best of the opportunities presented. I know I did. Thank you and goodbye!



Wednesday, May 29, 2019

James Ojano-Simonsson Production Manager



Marian Sahakyan Editor-in-Chief

The El Vaquero Staff- El Vaquero is staffed with students who have an array of varying interests, be it in political science, communications, languages and STEAM. Being part of the El Vaq news team, students are given the opportunity to produce articles and broadcast videos according to their passions and specialty— this is what makes El Vaquero a valuable platform to display the diverse abilities of our members.

Professor Reut Ro ing at GCC since as the adviser of E ter of 2017. Cohen grown tremendou incorporating mo keeping with the g ism is headed. She train more studen an important time communications. and challenges the feels that the new individuals choos approach to journ famous words, “It is to ask for perm

Editorial Board MeetingsThis is the most interesting and robust part of our meetings at El Vaquero. These are hour-long meetings which take place twice a week, and are dedicated to exchanging story ideas, bringing in updates about what is happening. This is also the time we discuss “editorial” story ideas and the angles that we’d like to take with them. An editorial article is normally one that represents the voice of the majority of the newspaper.

Copy Editing- Once the articles are ready and pasted onto the designed pages, ‘proofs’ are printed and given to a team of copy editors, who then check the pages for common errors, design flaws and most importantly, AP Style, a standard writing and styling technique used in Journalism. After the copy editors finish going through the pages, editors and designers take them into account, and modify both the content and design accordingly. Yesenia Thomson & Elena Jacobson goes through hundreds of articles.

Photo Credit: Dylan A. Bryant & Belinda Oldrati.

Production and Page Design- This is where we visualize stories and come up with creative designs and graphics to accompany the various articles written for a given issue. Layout is possibly the most exciting part of the production cycle, as our staff gets to see their work coming together. Hayk Rostomyan and Tobias Graves-Morris take care of most of the production for El Vaquero News.


Summer 2019: JO Fall 2019: JOURN


Wednesday, May 28, 2019


Behind the Scenes

ory Cohen has been workAugust 2013 and took over El Vaquero in the fall semesn feels that the program has usly in the last two years, ore multimedia elements, in general direction journale is pleased to recruit and nts because she sees this as e to work in journalism and . She believes in her students hem as much as possible, and wsroom experence is what se to make of it. Her daring nalism is most evident in her t’s easier to apologize than it mission.”

Broadcast- Despite the fact that it’s a relatively new branch of the El Vaquero newspaper, broadcast has become a popular one amongst our staffers. In our broadcast pieces, student journalists cover everything from on and off-campus sports, the newest trends and events in entertainment, lifestyle and more. Tyler Greene & Saryana Nazarian produces El Vaquero’s broadcasting projects, such as Entertainments Lowdown. Matthew Spencer is El Vaquero’s beloved resident artist. Spencer is selftaught, but also professionally trained. He has illustrated numerous artwork for both the newspaper and magazine. LA Web Printing- Located in El Monte, Calif., LA Web Printing is the facility where all the hard work of staff writers, editors and layout designers come to life. El Vaquero is a bi-weekly newspaper, and prints six times per semester.

Distribution- Early on Wednesday, El Vaquero editors and staff get together to deliver and distribute the newspapers to bins around campus. The newspaper also gets delivered to multiple offices, study areas, library and other common areas around Glendale College. Elone Safaryan, Eduardo Carreño, Tatiana Pak, Michael Dumansky, and Carolina Diaz ensure that El Vaquero’s readers get their copy of the latest issue.

in joining the El Vaquero team?

OURN 210 - Advanced News Writing, JOURN 250 - Visual Communication N 102 Reporting The News, JOURN 103 Student Publication Staff, JOURN 104 - Student Publication Editor

James Ojano-Simonsson can be reached at jojanos818@student.glendale.edu. Marian Sahakyan can be reached at manehsahakyan@gmail.com.


www.elvaq.com LIFESTYLE | OPINION

By Kylie Shannon

By Kylie Shannon Lifestyle Editor Any college student knows how hard it can be to maintain a healthy diet. Convenience, unfortunately, can become our biggest downfall when it comes to what we put in our bodies. With so many food options available around us, it can become easy to neglect healthy eating habits. That’s where meal prep services come into play. According to Healthline.com, a “meal prep” is defined as, “the concept of preparing whole meals or dishes ahead of schedule.” Anyone can meal prep, but how many actually have the time or know where

to begin? As a college student, I definitely don’t have the time to create clever meal plans that will satisfy my diet, which includes being gluten-free as much as possible. Companies such as TwentyFive Eight, Mighty Mealz, and EatNakedLA all provide meal preparation services at different costs based on different nutritional needs. I decided to try out a few meals and snacks from the company Twenty-Five Eight. I was sent over Chimichurri Chicken Empanadas, Maple BBQ GrassFinished Beef, Tahini Chocolate Caramels, No-Sugar Flourless Chocolate Chunk Cookies, No Bake Cookie Dough Bars and

lastly, their Vanilla Almond Mylk. A little background on the brand is that they are mostly targeted, but not limited to, mothers within all stages of motherhood who are always on the go but still want to eat as organically as possible, which refers to a diet that considers pre-birth, pregnancy and after birth. CEO Erica Mock, came up with the idea for her brand after her pregnancy when she realized she wanted a more accessible way for organic foods at a convenience, which then sparked Twenty-Five-Eight. What makes this company stand out is the solid commitment to the way in which their food is prepared. “I personally vetted our

As the beauty industry changes more and more, companies are starting to implement new beauty programs online and in stores. Beauty chain Sephora is now incorporating a new “perk” for any customer, which includes a 30-minute facial. The treatment involves cleansing and extractions, known to vacuum out pores and impurities. This costs $75 and qualifies as an in-store purchase. So what is it and how does it work? A Sephora insider shared that the facial is designed to help hydrate, exfoliate and clean your face, all under 30 minutes. The process is suitable to anyone with any skin type, and is available on a walk-in basis, so no appointment is needed (depending on your location). The only rule is that one must spend at least $75 on skincare products. Which makes sense, if you are highly satisfied with your facial, you might already be inclined to purchase some of what was used

purchase under the “pantry” tab, located on their website. From Collagen Almond Butter Bites to Paleo Cookie Dough Bars, there is something for almost everyone with a sweet tooth to enjoy. As for their menu, it changes weekly which allows consumers to try out different food varieties and eliminates the repetitiveness. Their dinner choices this week included, Wild Caught Salmon with veggies + Ginger Chutney, to Lemongrass Five Spice GrassFinished Steak + Curried Cashews. Delish! They also make their own Vanilla Almond Mylk and No-Sugar Flourless Chocolate Chunk Cookies, yum! Overall I gave her meals and snacks a 10/10 for ultimately the quality yet tastiness. This was a huge success because as a consumer we want to be able to eat healthy meals without compromising the taste. I loved the variety of her meals and the fact that I was able to indulge in dessert without feeling guilty either. In addition, to the fact, all my meals were gluten-free since I am sensitive to gluten, made the meals the ideal fit. My favorite was the Vanilla Almond Mylk and No Sugar Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies. You can check out the brand at their website: www.twentyfiveeight.com or follow them @ twenty_five_eight on Instagram to stay updated. Kylie Shannon can be reached at kshanno124@student.glendale.edu.

Don’t Care About Politics? Gas Prices Prove You Should.

A service of no extra charge with a qualifying purchase of at least $75

during your visit. The Perk facial is also similar to their in-store offer which allows customers to spend at least $50 and includes a complimentary makeup application. The facial process begins with a Sephora Skin Consultant addressing your skin concerns, such as asking about your skin type and so on. Based on the information you provide, they will then decide on what products to use on your skin. After that, the consultant will cleanse the skin preparing it for their Perk Machine, which has two roller balls attached at the tip and is used to penetrate serum back into the skin, all while extracting impurities, such as pores, dead skin cells, and oil. Just how the machine extracts impurities, it also purifies the skin. The second roller ball tip helps infuse the face with hydrating rich antioxidants leaving the skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. To continue, the facial is followed up by eye creams, moisturizers, and of course, some lip balm. The products used in

sources of all animal products to know that these animals were cared for the way nature intended, pastured on land and free to roam, with no crowding,” Mock said in an interview by Voyage LA. Beyond quality, their food is organic and nutrient dense as well. For those who are consumed with school or work but still crave tasty healthier alternatives, companies such as Twenty-Five Eight might be a good option to look into. The brand’s principles include: beyond organic ingredients, soy free, dairy free, (except their grad fed ghee) vegetable oil free, no refined sugars and no glutinous ingredients, only seasonal/local ingredients and lastly no gmo’s. What more can you ask for? They even have vegan and animal protein options available upon customization. For those that are not sure where to begin their meal prep journey, it is not limited to mothers but it is also available to college students on the go. Their website is user-friendly and only asks for two things to begin a plan, ZIP code and email, that’s it. Once you complete that, anyone can begin to curate their meal choices based on preference and need. There are options such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner available to even those that only want a specific meal in the day; such as a college student during lunch, this is a helpful option to have. Not to mention, they also carry their own healthy snacks available for


Sephora’s Hydrating Perk Facial

By Kylie Shannon Lifestyle Editor

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

By David Ter-Petrosyan

the facial are not limited to any brand, they’re all based on the skin care consultant’s recommendations. Brands such as Origins, Dr. Brandt, Ole Henriksen, Keihs, could also be concluded in the facial based on skin needs. The final step includes the application of foundation or SPF depending on the customer’s wish. Because most customers who come in, still want to shop around, this might be a huge advantage for you as well. Not to mention there is no downtime, the facial is gentle enough for makeup application right after, win-win! For those who already shop at Sephora, this may be a great opportunity to shop for new makeup and get rewarded for it. If you are curious about this facial, the Sephora.com websites allow you to check your zip code and see if this perk if and where is being offered at any qualifying locations.

Kylie Shannon can be reached at kshanno124@student.glendale.edu.

Too many college students politics may seem like a complicated ballgame that they want no part in. Only a small percentage of college students actually keep up with politics and do their research regarding candidates and propositions. “Why should I care about the corporate tax rate? I don’t own a corporation” is what a fellow college student told me when I asked him if he was involved in politics or if he votes when the election cycle comes up. This is a typical mindset of U.S. college students. Students must understand that every vote they cast, every proposition that gets enacted, and every candidate who gets elected can directly impact their lives. One issue that many financially troubled college students are facing is the price of gasoline. A common complaint is how high the gas prices are in California, especially here in Los Angeles. With the region’s traffic known to be one of the worst in the world, Los Angeles is not the greatest place for fuel efficiency. On top of that, gas prices seem to get more and more expensive by the day. This puts an extra burden on college students who are already financially struggling. At the time of publishing this piece, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in Califor-

nia was $4.009, according to AAA. Compared to the national average of $2.90 (according to AAA), Californians are paying a little more than a dollar extra per gallon of gasoline they pump. California cities, meanwhile, are also contending with much higher living costs relative to the rest of the country, according to recent statistics from 24/7 Wall St. For each gallon of gas, California drivers are paying a federal excise tax of 18 cents, a state excise tax of 42 cents, a state and local sales tax of 8 cents, a state underground storage tank fee of 2 cents, the “Carbon Fuels Standard Tax” of 28 cents, and a mystery surcharge of 28 cents that was identified by Severin Borenstein, a professor at UC Berkeley. Of course, Sacramento politicians have yet to give an explanation as to where this mystery surcharge tax money goes. On every gallon of gas, $1.26 is merely tax. If a driver fills up a regular sedan, which averages about 17 gallons to fill up, they are paying more than $20 in taxes. California politicians claim that the gas taxes go towards fixing the infrastructure — but this is a lie. Anybody who drives in Los Angeles can attest to the poor road maintenance. [Read the rest of David TerPetrosyan’s letter at elvaq.com.]

www.elvaq.com SPORTS

Recruiting for Softball Gold

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Olympics 2020: Is Japan Ready?

The Women’s team looks to improve for the upcoming season by promoting more players

There are still many issues at stake ahead of the games next year By Eisho Shiroma Staff Writer

Glendale High to host this year’s Special Olympics

It’s less than 14 months before the 2020 Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo. From the July 24 to Aug. 9 of next year, Japan will enjoy the many benefits of hosting this event, which is expected to bring a massive economic boost to the country. The preparations, however, have been off to a rocky start. Over three years ago, there was a plagiarism charge over the official emblem. The emblem, unveiled in 2015 by graphic designer Kenji Sano, seemed very similar to a 2013 logo for the Theatre de Liege. The Olympic Committee decided to scrap the design. There are other issues far beyond the logo. There is concern that the construction of stadiums will not be finished by the Olympics, according to a Tokyo governor. Also, it is expected that the costs to go to the Olympics and Paralympics will be more than $20 billion for stadiums, facilities, and marketings. National government, Tokyo, and the Olympic Committee paying for it, and it will be born by taxes and fundings. During the Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games in 1984, the city didn’t use any taxes to hold the games. The funding was provided by a broadcasting rights fees, sponsorships, and the sale of merchandise. Also, L.A. didn’t build new stadiums, but reused stadiums from the L.A. Olympics in 1932. In Tokyo, the committee considered using the national stadium from the previous Tokyo Olympics in 1964. However, the capacity inside is insufficient and it has become too old to use, so they needed to construct a brand new stadium. Originally, they wanted to make a roof for the stadium but because of a lack of budget, that plan was canceled

pate, even the ones who are commonly excluded. The Special Olympics is an organization well-known for cultivating an athletic platform for people with special needs, who aren’t typically given a chance on traditional sports teams. The organization is celebrating its 50th birthday, which means 50 years of advocacy, inclusiveness and commemorating differences while simultaneously making a difference. In affiliation with Glendale College, the Southern California Special Olympics division will play the world’s most popular sport this fall. With an estimated fanbase of half the world’s population according to World Atlas, soccer is an exhilarating game due to its fast paced nature and hard-hitting plays. The Special Olympics version should be no exception. The games are set to take place at Glendale High School in October. In past years, the event had

by pushing themselves to see how much they’re capable of. Villa says, “Not only are they able to perform at a higher level, they also gain a lot of confidence. When you put something in front of someone and say ‘I believe you can do this’ and they do it, it [will] increase anyone’s confidence. Especially for these people, who are told more often what they can’t do.” Villa also goes on to say there are statistics that prove the Special Olympics makes them more employable. The games are also about letting them be seen and appreciated by society instead of hidden away or overlooked. When people first see a person with special needs, they often fail to see past their disability. They want to be seen as something they have and not something that completely defines them. They don’t want pity, rather they just want to be treated like everyone else. Therefore, the Special Olympics are not society’s participa-

Jonathan Vargas Photo Credit

RECRUITING: The GCC softball team is promoting their program to get new athletes, who will freshen up the field.

By Elone Safaryan Sports Reporter Coming off a disappointing season, the GCC Women’s Softball team looks to improve for the upcoming offseason. Their previous record was 4-25-1 (1-13 in the conference) and with a win percentage of .150. The highlight however has been the offseason for the Lady Vaqs. Head Coach Sal Pizzo had what is described as the biggest recruiting years ever. Coach Pizzo brought in five new players to help bolster the team’s roster and improve their overall record. Here’s a little information on the upcoming players joining the softball team: Triniti Akau- Coming from Las Vegas, Akau is a pitcher who also plays first base. Wanting to better herself, Akau looks to push herself harder on and off the field. Torii Forsberg- Having a love for California, it was a no brainer

for Forsberg to come play at GCC. Similar to Akau, Forsberg is another Las Vegas native whose main position is pitcher but also plays as a first baseman. Motivated and determined, Forsberg will be a leader for the team. Bella Gonzalez- An outfielder and a right handed pitcher from San Diego, Gonzalez hopes to bring a lot of enthusiasm and energy to the team. Being a strong hitter, Gonzalez also hopes to maintain a high batting average and provide much needed offense for the Lady Vaqs. Cambria Rems- Solely playing as an outfielder, Rems throws her body around a lot compared to others and has a good arm. She hopes to establish a good relationship with the other players and improve her abilities on the field. Xiana Villalobos- A second baseman who hails from Tracy, CA also plays as an outfielder.

Upon meeting and hearing what the players had to say, the overall mentality from the new recruits was this determination and drive to be better and make the team competitive. They also look to hone their abilities in order to make the playoffs. “It feels like the first day of a new beginning” Coach Pizzo said when discussing the offseason recruiting. This year’s signings was the biggest ever that the coach has had in the girls’ softball history. Pizzo added “They’re going to bring new energy, their abilities and different positions they play is going to give us a lot of depth on the roster.” The new recruits all have experience which they hope to add onto the team in their quest to make the playoffs and win some championships. Elone Safaryan can be reached at esafary181@student.glendale.edu.

A ‘Special’ Occasion By Samantha Decker Fatures Editor Any avid soccer player knows there is no feeling like the one on the field. There’s the thrill of working the ball down as a team, dribbling around defenders, the grass stains that are worn with pride from a slide-tackle steal, and then the heart-pounding moment of standing directly in front of an anxious goalie before taking the whistle-beating winning shot with friends and family as witnesses. But nothing tops the field over the top sideline celebration between teammates and coaches. Sports are one of the most popular human activities and competitiveness is a part of human nature. Cohesiveness of the mind and body coupled with passion and perseverance, are all needed in order to compete in any sporting event. It’s no surprise that many people want to partici-


been enthusiastically hosted on Glendale College’s grounds, but due to the construction of the new buildings, it has since been moved to its new location at the high school. Being apart of a team and joining forces in pursuit of a common goal, allows members to face challenges together. This is an empowering feeling for people who often experience isolation as a societal side effect of their disability. Kim Villa, a coordinator for the SoCal division says, “One of the greatest impacts we see is social growth, they learn how to be a teammate but they also find friends that have [been through] similar experiences.” While the athletes will be competing for the tournament’s top spot, the Special Olympics is about much more than just playing sports and winning games. It’s about unity, sportsmanship and friendship.Through sports, the Olympians build confidence and a sense of accomplishment

and there will be no roof in the new stadium. According to a Japanese newspaper, Asahi, some of the other arenas’ constructions are still delayed because of bankruptcies of construction companies. The other serious issue is traffic congestion of traffic and train issues. It is expected that about 10 million people include players, official staff, and tourists will come to Tokyo during the Olympics. To prevent the heavy traffic, a Tokyo governor, Yuriko Koike, requested that companies change their business hours. However, many are unwilling or unsure they will do so. In 2012, the Olympics was held in London, former mayor Boris Johnson helped to encourage the system of “Telework.” Many employees didn’t have to go into an office and instead telecommuted. Koike is offering this system to companies, and she hopes it will help the Olympics to go smoothly to minimize traffic and congestion. Hotel and lodging inadequacies are also major challenges, with some looking at ships as potential lodgings and renting out rooms for tourists. Japan, however, has a very low crime rate, and the public is concerned about potential issues that the Olympics may bring with out-oftown visitors. Ultimately, there’s a lot of excitement brewing, along with a healthy dose of reality. As Tokyo’s governor noted: “The costs are not waste. If we could make the systems and new arenas for the Olympics, Tokyo can be the place for other international tournament games after this, and it means Japanese people will have more interest for sports. Therefore, I want to show real value to the public and to those all over the world in 2020 Olympics.” Eisho Shiroma can be reached at eshirom011@student.glendale.edu.

tion ribbon. “They play by the rules of the game” Villa admits, “They don’t travel, they don’t get play out of bounds, they don’t get to shoot 20 times until they make a shot and that’s respectable.” In addition, these competitors train just as much, if not more than normal teams. As champions in their own right, these athletes carry the torch in thriving through diversity. In this way, the Special Olympics continuously proves that sports are truly for everyone. The Special Olympics prides itself on being completely free to anyone who wishes to participate. However, this is not possible without the generosity of donors and volunteers. The SoCal Special Olympics coordinator, Kim Villa, is seeking anyone who wants to get involved. She can be reached at kvilla@sosc.org.

Samantha Decker can be reached at sdecker458@student.glendale.edu.

www.elvaq.com ENTERTAINMENT

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Documentary Review: “Knock Down the House” The film follows four fierce women who ran for Congress in the 2018 Midterm Elections By Afroditi Kontos Staff Writer

Ladies at GCC, don’t let the patriarchy bring you down! There’s hope and that hope is captured in the Netflix documentary, “Knock Down the House” directed by Rachel Lears. This documentary trails around four, force to be reckoned with, women running for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. Although, they are all fighting to represent different parts of the country, their main focus is of one— to unseat the corruption of established politicians who have been bought by corporate interests—Wall Street, big pharma and real estate developers. The women featured are— Amy Vilela for Nevada, Paula Jean Swearengin for West Virginia, Cori Bush for Missouri and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Queens. None of these women have ever worked professionally in politics and their motives are not opportunist. National grassroots groups such as Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress are featured in the documentary, diligently recruiting outside candidates to run against established politicians across the country. These grassroots machines are crowdfunded and can be a real opposition to the current

institutional power. Their hope, giving back the power to the people. The documentary begins with the most humbling shot of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walking down a mildewy basement staircase, holding a plastic bucket, on her way to the ice machine at a taco and tequila bar in Union Square. After the passing of her father, coupled with financial crisis of 2008, Ocasio-Cortez started working as a bartender to assist her family. She graduated from Boston University, majoring in economics and international relations. Her impressive erudition, sharp tongue and confidence were on full display in a televised debate with incumbent Joe Crowley, leaving him tongue-tied. She is the working class champion and pronounced, “This is not a left/right issue, it’s an up/ down issue.” She goes after the establishment, meeting a machine with a movement. Paula Jean is from West Virginia—the poorest and sickest state in the nation. She is the daughter of a coal miner and was featured running against Senator Joe Manchin who has earned millions in assets from coal companies. She claims that leaders are in bed with industry and that the people in her state have become “collateral damage.” Her communities are breathing in toxins, their waters are poisoned and massive

amounts of people are suffering from cancer and black lung disease, all due to self-serving politicians. Cori Bush is an African American rebel from Missouri. Her state is number one in murders per capita and top three in African American poverty. She is a registered nurse, ordained pastor and mother. The murder of Mike Brown, by police in Ferguson, propelled her into activism. She states that “The people are now waking up, we can fix our own problems.” Amy Vilela’s story from Nevada is the most compelling of all. Once a single mom, who with the help of medicaid and WIC worked her way through college, becoming a chief financial officer. Two years prior to running for office, Vilela’s 22-year-old daughter Shalynne died, after the hospital refused to give her the tests she requested for a minor blot clot all because she did not have proof of insurance. In a powerful, tear-jerking moment Vilela states, “No one in this great country should be dying because they don’t understand the intricate system of insurance and why is it difficult? Because of algorithms, because of risk assessment, because the CFOs that work in that field are sitting there figuring out ways to make optimum profit for their shareholders. My daughter’s life wasn’t a commodity. I’m

Courtesy Photo IMDB

not going to allow my daughter to have died for nothing.” 30,000 families a year lose loved ones because they don’t have insurance. She is a crusader for Medicare for All. These women have a mission and they are mad as hell. They are changing the way we see government and politics in this country. “Knock Down the House” proves that you don’t have to be a politician to run for office. Congress is 81% men, mostly white and mostly

millionaires. This documentary exposes the political machines that have been suppressing democracy. We need to take back our government from these self-serving politicians. We must elect working people, so that working people are represented in government. Watch this documentary and empower yourself! The future can be ours, if we really want it. Afroditi Kontos can be reached at afroditik@me.com.

LESS CLOUT,MORE CHANGE Top three celebrities who use their fame for a positive outcome By Saryana Nazarian Staff Writer

Many of us cringe at the thought of a celebrity splurging thousands of dollars on just shopping spree, but to them, it’s normal. Therefore when we see a celebrity act selflessly and do good deeds, we cheer them on and appreciate it. Below are 3 celebrities who have been known to use their fame and power to make our world a better place. Nipsey Hussle This man wasn’t your ordinary “gangster” rapper. People who were not aware of who he was, could see him as a thug, and inevitably discredit him. What they overlooked was that Nipsey was a symbol of peace, which is a much needed message in the midst of Los Angeles’s gang epidemic. His life, artistry and now legacy lives on carrying his message of social justice, compassion and nonviolence. Nipsey’s philanthropy

impacted many lives. When he first opened up the Marathon Clothing store in the Crenshaw District, not only did he create employment opportunities for ex-felons, but he also offered a black-owned business for community members to shop and support. He also presented Vector 90 last year, a STEM center in the Crenshaw district. Their goal is to bridge the gap between brilliant minorities and corporate America, which would offer opportunities to urban children that wouldn’t otherwise be accessible to them. Kim Kardashian-West Kim Kardashian-West went viral last year when she visited the White House to speak to President Trump about criminal justice reform. That meeting resulted in Alice Johnson — a 63-year-old woman, who was given a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense — being granted clemency. Kardashian-West also recently announced that she spends 18 hours a week study-

ing, to pass the bar exam and become a lawyer, possibly as soon as 2022. In addition, Kardashian-West is funding the 90 Days of Freedom Campaign in result of President Trump’s passing of the First Step Act, which permits some individuals with federal drug offenses to request sentence reductions, specifically those serving life sentences. Her efforts have assisted in the freeing of 17 federal inmates in the past three months. Meek Mill Platinum record selling rapper Meek Mill has been haunted by convictions for gun and drug possession for more than 10 years up to date, and now he is finally standing up for others who are in similar positions. Mill promises to stand against the criminal justice system in his newest project, Reform Alliance. The organization claims there are 4.5 million Americans either on parole or probation for mi-

Mane Torosyan Contributing Artist

nor offenses. Their goal is to change laws and policies in effort to decrease those numbers. The project is supported by Grammy-winning rapper Jay-Z, Philadelphia 76ers co-owner, Michael Rubin and New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft. Mill, Rubin and advocate

Van Jones, recently proposed a bipartisan bill in Pennsylvania, which calls for improvement of the state’s probation and parole system.

Saryana Nazarian can be reached at snazari847@student.glendale.edu.

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