Sathyavani The Voice of Truth
Another Joseph? Trumpet Call
Back to the Days of Lot!!
For Private Circulation Only
Read the Story of Prakash from Pattukottai
Carpe Diem
Seizing God’s Moment is a Step Towards a Glorious Future
(July to September 2014)
“We can preach the gospel in the regions far beyond you without boasting about things already accomplished by someone else.” 2 Corinthians 10:16
Founder Director’s Desk - Dr. Santha Christopher
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Word for the Season - Carpe Diem
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Ps. Sheridon Vedhavinod on ‘Seize the Moment’
Christianity in India FOUNDER - PRESIDENT R. Christopher Arulanand FOUNDER - DIRECTOR Dr. Santha Christopher EXECUTVE DIRECTOR M. Sheridon Vedhavinod OVERSEER - MISSIONS B. Paul Deepak (West) Charles Aaron (South)
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Missions Trail Page 6 Learning from the Life of Sadhu Sundar Singh
About Us
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Ministry Report Page 8 Life Changer - Jesus is Real
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Testimony of Prakash Sahayaraj
Story Power Page 14
Cerebrating Power-packed Quotes
‘To keep a good attitude while your spirit is harnessed’ Page 14
National News Page 14 Trumpet Call Page 15 MISSION STATEMENT The Goal of El-Bethel Endtime Missions is to plant churches among various ethnic groups in India by pioneering into virgin territories, especially in the Northern parts of India where mission work has been impervious, raise and equip leaders to preach the truth and prepare the church for the coming of the Lord Jesus. We take the word of God to the regions beyond you! Photo Credits: Ashwin Christopher. Proof Reading by Benny Sathish. Design by Aswini Moorthy. ‘Sathyavani’ is a quarterly magazine published by Grace & Joy Media.
From the
Founder Director’s Desk Dear Beloved in Christ, We are extremely delighted to present the third edition of our Sathyavani magazine. We do hope that the previous two issues have enriched you in the knowledge of Christ and also given you an insight into our ministries. We as a team have been working together to bring forth a magazine that would be truly beneficial to you in your spiritual walk. Hence, we have been implementing many changes in every issue and hope to standardize it by the end of this year. We also hope to increase the size of the magazine to twenty four pages and we look forward to your valuable suggestions that would serve to enhance the quality of Sathyavani in the future issues. Please send us your constructive comments to the contact details given below. Your active participation will be appreciated. God bless you always and in all ways. His bondservant,
Dr. Santha Christopher Founder - Director
“We are being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another: for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit� - (2 Corinthians 3:18). El-Bethel Endtime Missions is a registered trust. Contact Details: Dr. Santha Christopher Phone : +91 44 25982924, Mobile : +91 9840785048 E-mail : M. Sheridon Vedhavinod Phone : +91 44 25982924, Mobile : +91 9840482232 E-mail :
Volume 1, Issue 3
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Word for the Season
Carpe Diem Seize the Moment
With Ps. Sheridon
The Latin term ‘Carpe Diem’ can be literally translated as “pluck the day”. The ‘Urban Dictionary’ defines it as follows, ‘to seize the day or a certain moment in time’ ; ‘to put aside differences, all fears, all worries and just go for it’. It could be a monumental mistake regretted for a longtime or a landmark decision cherished for a lifetime, both perhaps might have come on the spur of the moment. My message to you in this edition is about two characters from the Old Testament, David and Barak, one seizing the moment and the other losing it all.
God creates glorious opportunities for His children; whether we succeed or falter depends on how we see His timing and seize the moment. SEIZING GOD’S MOMENT IS A STEP TOWARDS A GLORIOUS FUTURE David was just a boy when he faced Goliath. His meeting with King Saul prior to that battle was the defining moment of his life. Saul responded to David’s enthusiasm in utter disbelief, saying, ‘you are a boy and he is a man of war from his youth’. In other words, Saul was trying to make David understand the absurdity of his challenge and put an end to his far-fetched childish fantasies. I think this is something you do not want to hear when you are facing a giant. Added to that, David also suffered the indignity of failing to fit himself in Saul’s armour. No one knew David’s strength as a fighter but quite obviously his weakness was exposed to all as he struggled to even walk with those military clothes. It was quite evident to all the onlookers that David was no match to Goliath and he was only going to fight a losing battle. What a shame for a self-proclaimed warrior! Well, how else can he fight after failing desperately to satisfy the qualification of a soldier? If we were to face a similar situation, how would we have responded? I presume that unlike David, many of us would have quit upon hearing Saul’s words of disbelief and our weakness shamefully exposed. Our natural response would have been to lose confidence and quit. We might further say, ‘atleast I had mustered up the courage to face it all until I was openly humiliated’. However, David, a man prudent in the matters of God, refused to let go of his opportunity because of his unshakeable faith. Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite…… prudent in matters (I Samuel 16:18). He was sure that it was not the swords or spears that wins the battle but the Lord. He seized the day with confidence and God gave him success. The challenges God brings sometimes can be larger than life, greater than our capacity, and smeared with stumbling blocks. Be prudent and seize the moment. In God’s scheme of things, the underdogs have always emerged as champions. Remember my friend the old saying, “Amateurs built the Ark, and professionals built the Titanic”, the former sailed while the latter sank. SLACKNESS IN GOD’S MATTERS WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF HONOUR We read about another man called Barak in the fourth chapter of the Book of Judges. In his time, there was a commander in Canaan by the name Sisera who was in charge of 900 iron chariots and had oppressed the Israelites for over 20 years. The Philistines and Canaanites possessed iron weapons while the Israelites had none. In the ongoing conflict, Israel had fought the Canaanites many times but had never won a single battle against those who had iron chariots. For anyone, going against Sisera in battle should have seemed nothing but an encounter with death. Sathyavani
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However, the call goes to Barak through Deborah the prophetess. “Has not the Lord God of Israel commanded… I will deliver him (Sisera) into your hand?... go and deploy troops….” (Judges 4:6). The prophetess seemed to only remind Barak what God had already spoken to him. Rejecting God’s call to fight Sisera, he was casually sitting at home until Deborah intervened. Barak added more conditions to his call, “If you will go with me then I will go” (literally asking a woman to accompany him), and the prophetess responded to his dismay, ‘I will surely go with you, nevertheless there will be no glory for you in this journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman” (Judges 4:9). Barak missed his moment of glory because he failed to readily accept the challenge which was offered. God even promised him victory but he was buying time and delayed his obedience. There is no greater tragedy in this life than to lose the honour God has intended for you and me. God’s opportunity comes to us in disguise, maybe in the form of Goliath or even Sisera. It could be a chance of a lifetime that has to be grabbed with both hands. In conclusion, let me quickly share five reminders that will help us to be sensitive to God’s expectations. 1) Consciously be aware of God’s plan for your life and never try any unjustified shortcuts to glory outside His will. 2) “The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort”, said Confucius. Don’t make decisions based on your comfort, rather prioritize your choices based on godly virtues. 3) Do not lose the excitement of living for Jesus even if life seems mundane because He likes to check our attitudes especially in our dull moments. 4) Keep waiting for God’s time, it will surely come if you stay faithful. He would test our mettle before we are ready to taste any glory. 5) Finally, Carpe Diem! Trust God and go against the grain. It could be God’s divine appointment to change your destiny. Image downloaded from:
In His service,
Ps. Sheridon Vedhavinod
Christianity in India Church turned into ‘temple’ after 72 Valmikis reconvert to Hinduism A church in the district of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh was overnight turned into a Shiva temple following a “purification” ceremony for 72 members of the Valmiki caste who embraced Christianity in 1995. The ceremony took place inside a Seventh Day Adventist church in Asroi, 30 km from Aligarh town, according to The Times of India. The reports said, a cross was allegedly removed from the church and a portrait of Shiva was installed instead. Courtesy: The Times of India, Aug 28, 2014 Ban on Non-Hindu missionaries in Bastar villages There has been a ban on non-Hindu missionaries in the five tribal villages of Bastar. Recently, gram sabhas of the villages passed orders under the Panchayat Act prohibiting non-hindus from practicing religious activities and prayers in their villages. Various Christian bodies have condemned the act by saying, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) provoked people to pass the order and the state government is protecting them. According to Arun Pannalal (President Chhattisgarh Christian Forum), around 52 Christians were attacked by VHP cadres in the recent days. In the past, largescale violence against the Christians had been preceded by such hate campaigns. Courtesy: The Indian Express, July 8, 2014
Volume 1, Issue 3
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Missions Trail
Learning from the Life of
Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929)
“It is better to burn quickly and melt many souls than to burn slowly and not melt any” – This saint and mystic often said and also lived accordingly. Born in 1889 in a traditional Sikh family in Punjab, he had a face to face encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ which dramatically changed the course of his life. He became a Sadhu of the Indian style, renounced everything except his saffron robe and turban and followed his Master wherever He led him. During his visit to Tibet in the year 1912, Sundar Singh experienced a miraculous deliverance from a well. It was a direct intervention of the Lord. At a town called Rasar, he was arrested and arraigned before the Head Lama on the charge of entering the country and preaching the gospel of Christ. He was found guilty and amidst a crowd of evil-disposed persons, he was led away to the place of execution. The two favourite forms of capital punishment were either being sewn up in a wet yak skin and put out in the sun until death ends the torment, or being cast into the depths of a dry well, the lid being firmly fastened over the head of the culprit. The latter was chosen for Sundar Singh. When he arrived at the place, he was stripped of his clothes and cast into the depths of this ghastly charnel house with such violence that his right arm was injured. Many others had gone down this same well before him, never to return. He alighted on a mass of human Sadhu Sundar Singh walked into the forbidden bones and rotting flesh. Any death seemed preferable to this. territory of Tibet over a dozen times braving Wherever he laid his hands, they met putrid flesh, while the the freezing winters and dangerous terrains to odour almost poisoned him. In the words of his Saviour he preach the Gospel. cried, “Why hast Thou forsaken me?” Day passed into night, making no change in the darkness of this awful place and bringing no relief by sleep. Without food or even water, the hours grew into days and Sundar Singh felt he could not last much longer. On the third night, just when he had been crying to God in prayer, he heard a grating sound overhead. Somebody was opening the locked lid of his dismal prison. He heard the key turned and the rattle of the iron covering as it was drawn away. Then a voice reached him from the top of the well, telling him to take hold of the rope that was being let down for his rescue. As the rope reached him he grasped it with all his remaining strength and was gently pulled up from the evil place into the fresh air above. When he arrived at the top of the well the lid was drawn over again and locked. When he looked around, his deliverer was nowhere to be seen, but the pain in his arm was gone and the clean air filled him with new life. The news was quickly taken to the Lama that the man they all thought dead was well and preaching again. Sundar Singh was again arrested and brought to the judgment seat of Lama. He was greatly angered, declaring that someone must have secured the key and gone to his rescue, but when a search was made for the key and it was found on his own girdle, he was speechless with amazement and fear. He then ordered Sundar Singh to leave the city, lest his powerful God should bring some untold disaster upon himself and his people. Sundar Singh told this incident of marvelous resuce often in his addresses to show that God certainly delivers His children when they cry unto Him. Sources: Adapted from Sadhu Sundar Singh (The Apostle of the Bleeding Feet) by Dr.Samuel Image downloaded from: 1. 2.
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EL-BETHEL ENDTIME MISSIONS About Us El-Bethel Endtime Missions was started in the year 2000 in obedience to God’s divine mandate to plant churches and raise leaders all over India. In the last fourteen years the Lord has enabled us to make mission trips to various parts of North India especially the states of Bihar, Jharkand, Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Andaman Islands, Meghalaya and also our neighbouring countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh and Srilanka. These visits have truly been a catalyst for us to take the Gospel to the unreached. The Focus of El-Bethel Endtime Missions (EBEM) Missionary Training – Training Pastors & Mission Leaders. A Missionary Training Centre started at the EBEM Head Office in Chennai is involved in training Pastors, Evangelists and Mission Leaders. Those who have a passion for ministry are thoroughly equipped to serve God in line with their calling. Devotions are conducted every day and preaching techniques are taught in the Great Commission Lab – a training program providing preaching guidelines to equip the believers to be engaging and powerful preachers/teachers of the Word. As a part of their training program, trainees are posted in one of our developed churches at the mission fields (North India/South India) to assist the leaders and have a practical experience on Evangelism and Witnessing. After a period of time, the trainees are sent as missionaries to their respective mission fields where the Holy Spirit leads them to start the pioneering work of planting churches. King of Glory Sanctuaries – Church Planting Movement. Our Goal is to penetrate into virgin territories and plant churches all over India. So far the Lord has enabled us to plant 10 churches across various states of India - West Bengal, Goa, Assam and Tamil Nadu. El-Bethel Bible College – Imparting Biblical Knowledge & Conducting Diploma Courses. Our Goal is to establish learning centres and teach the word of God to both laymen and ministry inclined students. The Lord has opened doors for us, in the setting up of 10 Bible College learning centres across India since its inception in 2001. So far 397 students have successfully graduated from our Bible College from 17 Regular Batches and 4 Distance Learning Batches. Presently, we have 4 ongoing Batches with 65 students studying in our learning centres established in Chennai and Kangayam in Tamil Nadu, and Ribandar in Goa. Grace & Joy Media – Gospel Media & Literature Ministry. Our Goal is to develop and publish Books, CD’s and DVD’s to communicate the Gospel. The Sathyavani Magazine is also published by Grace and Joy Media. Volume 1, Issue 3
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MINISTRY REPORT Crusade at Kangayam
(July to September 2014)
Experiencing the Supernatural Touch of God Gospel meetings were conducted in Vellakoil, Veeranampalayam and Kangayam on July 7th and 9th. Bro. Graham preached the goodnews and prayed for those who were sick and spiritually oppressed. The Lord attested the ministry with signs and wonders as many testified how they were miraculously healed by the supernatural power of God. Dhanalakshmi from Kangayam was suffering from excruciating pain in her neck for 20 years as a result of a twisted vein. The Lord touched her and she was instantly healed. “You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing” Psalm 145:16. Graham had prayed during his last visit in 2013 for a girl named Sudha, who was married for two years and was barren. In one of the meetings, she came forward to testify that she was now 8 months pregnant and praised God for His mercy. After struggling to make a living without a job for her husband, Abila praised God as she reported how He granted her husband Senthil, a Government job.
Work in Progress West Bengal
“Haven of unrest” - for the gospel workers A team of 17 members from Chennai visited the Mission Church at Basatpur, West Bengal, one of the hard grounds in India, where the gospel hasn’t penetrated. In West Bengal, our missionaries have previously come under intense opposition for preaching about Jesus. In one such incident 200 local villagers gathered to protest on the day of the inauguration of our second church in Narayanpur. Twice the mob arrived on the same day and threatened the missionaries to stop them from conducting any religious meetings. The conversion of Ramchandru Dhara, (a Bhajan singer and a musician in the Hindu temples) along with his family, had provoked animosity among the Ramchandru Dhara & Family locals. A land which has been bought to build a church in Basatpur is left idle because the villagers have challenged to destroy it if any attempt is made to construct a worship place. Our team that was involved in street ministry at a place called Bhathar was hindered by a group of college students who accused them of spreading religious ideas and inciting communal divide. However, others who gathered were open to receive the message. We saw our first convert in West Bengal only after 7 years of strenuous labour and the work continues to be quite a challenge as we have seen only little success in spite of all the hard work.
We give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for His mighty work.
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Ministry of Ps. Ken & Glenise August 15th , 2014 to September 14th, 2014
Ps. Ken and Glenise, founders of Jacobs Well Ministries are ordained International Pastors of New Life Churches. They have a great passion for India and have ministered in different parts of our nation which includes Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka, Orissa, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Andaman Islands. It was their 17th mission trip to India since 1997 and even this year the Lord used them mightily in our Churches, Mission posts and Bible College Learning Centres.
Experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Ps. Ken and Glenise preached on the work of the Holy Spirit in one of the classes on “Four Essentials in our Christian walk” and prayed for all the new believers who had not received the Baptism of the Spirit. Those who were eager, came forward in faith to practically experience what they had just heard in a lecture. As Ken and Glenise laid their hands to pray, there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and many received the supernatural gift of speaking in tongues for the very first time in their lives. It was a memorable evening and the recipients left the place in high spirits, quite ecstatic and thrilled having experienced a fresh touch from the Lord. Bible Studies were conducted in Vepery and Ps. Ken shared inspiring truths from the “Book of Colossians”. An Evangelical meeting was organized in Kangayam where many came and received the Gospel. During the Presbytery in Royapuram, there were many demonic manifestations and Ps. Ken and Glenise prayed for their deliverance. In their previous visits we have seen the Lord use them in the area of healing and deliverance and it was yet another occasion where God demonstrated His power over the forces of darkness through His servants. EBBC, Vepery organized a seminar on Children’s Ministry on August 31, 2014. Sis. Glenise Tanner engaged the students by conducting group activities and through various study aids taught them simple ways to minister to the children. Volume 1, Issue 3
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“Providing an Opportunity”
to learn the deepest truths of the Bible in a simple way.
El-Bethel Bible College
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
The El-Bethel Bible College (EBBC) Learning centre that was started in Port Blair, Andaman Islands in the year 2013 with 20 students finally reached its completion on August 24, 2014. Twelve Students emerging successfully received their Diploma Certificates at the Graduation ceremony conducted at the Silver Springs Hotel, Port Blair. This has been the 17th graduating Batch of the EBBC. Ps. Ken and Glenise presided over the program as Chief Guests and delivered God’s message for the students.
Ps. Charles & Preetha, Regional Facilitators, Port Blair.
An opportunity was given in one of the SIAG Churches,Thanjavur to educate the members about the Diploma in Bibilical Studies course offered by EBBC. With an inspiring message and a power point presentaion the EBBC Team (Ps. Santhosh & Dr. Prince Prabhu) shared the importance of learning the Word of God in a systematic way. There has been a positive response and we expect to start a new learning centre in Thanjavur at the earliest.
(L to R): Ps. Charles, Bro. Dinesh, Ps. Jones and Ps. Sheridon enjoying the graduation dinner at the Silver Springs Hotel, Port Blair.
A Power Point Presentation on EBBC
A new EBBC Learning centre will be at Thanjavur. inaugurated for the first time at Rathnapuri, Coimbatore on October 2, 2014. Sathyavani
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In Partnership with Caruna Bal Vikas Andhra Pradesh
The El-Bethel Bible College signed a memoran-
dum of agreement with Caruna Bal Vikas, a branch of Compassion International in India to start two learning centres in Andhra Pradesh – Khammam and Warangal for a 12 month Diploma course in Biblical studies. With a total strength of 116 staff employed full time in Caruna Bal Vikas enrolling for the certificate course, a new curriculum was formulated with relevant topics to educate and train them in Biblical knowledge and Christian values. It was further agreed that the classes would be organized during the first week of every month at St. Peter’s church, Madhiripuram in Khammam and Potter’s wheel, Hanamkonda in Warangal and the exams to be conducted subsequently in both the venues. The Faculty had to travel from Chennai every month and the classroom lectures were given in English with Telugu translation. On special request, question papers were also set in Telugu for the students who were not proficient in English. Having successfully completed the required practicums for over 12 months, 80 students graduated from the EBBC learning centre, Khammam and 36 students graduated from the EBBC learning centre, Warangal. It has been the biggest Bible college project so far we have undertaken and we thank God for giving us the opportunity in taking the Bible College beyond the borders of Tamil Nadu.
80 students graduated from Khammam, AP.
Dr. Santha Christopher teaching on ‘True Repentance’ at the Warangal Learning Centre.
‘A Survey on the New Testament’ by Ps. Jones Sukumar at the Khammam Learning Centre.
36 students graduated from Warangal, AP.
Volume 1, Issue 3
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Equipping Saints for the work of Ministry & Edifying the body of Christ
Ps. Anandan led five new believers from the church into immersion baptism in Kosavapalayam, Kangayam on September 7, 2014.
Bro. Johnson from Chennai was also ordained as the Asst. Pastor of King of Glory Sanctuary, Kangayam to assist Ps. Charles in Church ministry & in Evangelism.
KING OF GLORY SANCTUARIES The Church Family Retreat was organized at the Smyrna Fellowship Trust, Ooty on August 15th and 16th, 2014. Taking a break from the daily routine the members had a great time of rest and rejuvenation.
New roles have been assigned for Ps. Anandan and Ps. Dominic who are presently leading the church in Kangayam. The former will co-ordinate with the students and oversee the Bible College at Kangayam and the latter will be posted in Thiruvarur to start a new learning centre. There has been a lateral movement within the organization in which Charles Aaron who was the Regional Facilitator in Port Blair has been transferred to Kangayam as the Senior Pastor. Since the ministry in Kangayam is bearing fruit and the surrounding villages are open to the gospel, a more vibrant team under the leadership of Charles is formed to strengthen the work.
A Seminar on the “Seven Spirits of the Lord” was conducted on July 27, 2014 at Vepery. Ps. Christopher spoke on the Seven fold expressions of the Holy Spirit in the personality of Jesus. It was indeed a spiritual awakening in the lives of many who attended the seminar as they understood the importance of being filled with the sevenfold anointing of the “Spirit” to accomplish God’s divine plan for their lives.
An Evening service has been started in a place called Otteri, Chennai where 50 people gather to worship the Lord every Sunday Evening. Sathyavani
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Life Changer
I was born in a poor family in Pattukottai, a remote village in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. My Father’s untimely death plunged my family into abject poverty and despair. My mother’s sister who was a spinster took the burden upon herself to engage in menial jobs just to provide education for me and my brother. With her single minded devotion and support, I managed to complete my B.E in Computer Science. All my family members had great hope that soon after my course I would be employed. I did get a job but it did not last long as there was a huge family feud that broke out and I was under the spell of witchcraft which was masterminded by some of my relatives. Under this demonic influence, I became a laughing stock to the people in my town as I would run out of my house like a mad man scruffily dressed. I was later taken up for medical treatPrakash Sahayaraj ment until God raised a prayer group from the local church to intercede for me in my pitiable state. The Lord Jesus Christ intervened to bring me back to my senses and life slowly crawled back to normalcy. After regaining my sanity, I got back to Chennai to seek the advice from a Pastor whom I had met earlier in 2009. He advised me to join a 15 month course in El-Bethel Bible College to build my life on the foundation of God’s Word before taking up a job anywhere. Even as I obeyed his instruction, I was allowed to study in the college and stay in the hostel with free accommodation and food. For two and a half years, I devoted myself to the learning of the word as God began to build up my confidence to trust Him for a good future. One day during the regular devotion service in the hostel, one of the pastors preaching from Genesis 49:22 paused and began to prophesy over my life by saying that “God will lift me up like Joseph and in my case would take me to Singapore to bless me with a lucrative job.” I took those prophetic words seriously, acted upon it in faith and left for Singapore in search of a job. Within a month, I got a call to attend an interview which took place in a restaurant over a meal. The interviewer never asked me any questions related to my job but wanted to know more about my conversion and my experience at El-Bethel Bible College. To my great amazement, I was asked to join duty immediately. On my first day at the work spot, I realized that my interviewer was none other than the Director of the Company. Currently, I am employed as an IT manager in one of the well established MNC’s in Singapore. No one else could have scripted this for me but my Lord Jesus who has been my Life Changer. 1 Samuel 2:8 has been the crowning verse in my life – “He raises up the poor from the dust; He lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor.” All Glory, Honour and Praise to Jesus Christ alone.
Volume 1, Issue 3
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Story Power “One of Abraham Lincoln’s earliest political enemies was Edward Stanton. In one speech he called Lincoln a “low, cunning clown.” In another he said, “It’s ridiculous to go to Africa to see a gorilla when you can find one just as easily in Spring field, Illinois”. Yet Lincoln never responded. Why? Because “Love is patient” (I Corinthians 13:4). This kind of love is not passive endurance, it is active good will. When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president and needed a secretary of war, guess who he chose? Edward Stanton. When friends asked why, Lincoln said, “Because he’s the best man for the job”. Years later as the slain President’s body lay in the state; Edward Stanton looked into the casket and said through his tears, “there lies the greatest ruler of men the world has ever seen”. His animosity had been broken by Lincoln’s long-suffering, non-retaliatory spirit.” Patience or Gentleness isn’t just the ability to put up with people but it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while your spirit is harnessed. As Christians we have to understand that we live in a hostile environment and it is really hard for us to forgive someone who is antagonistic towards us and constantly injures us. We are quick to react when we face opposition, forgetting the truth that God takes every opportunity to develop in us the fruit of the Spirit. Developed potential without character doesn’t glorify God in any way, but one who is meek in spirit inherits the earth. “Let your gentleness be evident to all” Phillipians 4:5. Sources: Story adapted from The Word for Today, Volume III by Bob Gass
Cerebrating Power-packed Quotes Unbelief will destroy the best of us. Faith will save the worst of us. – C.H. Spurgeon Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces. – Matthew Henry Nothing in Scripture indicates that the church should lure people by presenting Christianity as an attractive option. – John Macarthur
National News •
Kashmir monsoon floods have left about 460 dead and displaced almost a million. About 150,000 people were still stranded in their homes a week after Jammu and Kashmir’s worst flood in over a century.
On August 26, 2014 India lodged a protest with Pakistan over escalating ceasefire violations in the “heaviest” cross border firing since the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
As the government completes 100 days, one thing that emerges is that Modi walked the talk when he spoke about minimum government and maximizing governance. His ministry has a clear, flat structure. He is the head and his ministers mostly below 75 years are directly under him and he keeps a strict eye on them. Government officials now reach office on time and are putting in at least 12 hours; any purchase above one lakh is sent to the Prime Minister Office (PMO) for approval.
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TRUMPET CALL Jesus is Coming Very Soon
“Likewise as it was in the days of Lot — they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom fire and sulphur rained from heaven and destroyed them all — so will it be on the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28-30 (RSV)
One of the signs that indicate the nearness of His coming is the sense of false security and peace in spite of skyrocketing increase in the magnitude of lewd atrocities in the world. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed (Luke 17:28-30). Unlike the days of Noah where there is a reference to marriage (Matthew 24:37-39), in the days of Sodom, there is no word about marriage because it is well known that Sodom is characteristic of violating the sacredness of God instituted marriage. Thus one of the signs of Christ’s return shows the deterioration of morality with striking pungency in its tone of revealing the raw helplessness of human nature towards distorted sexual orientation. The specific degrading practices of Sodom can be seen widely prevalent in our current culture and is spreading like rapid fire across the globe. Currently in 16 countries, same-gender marriage enjoy full legal status. In addition to the list shown in England, Mexico, United States, Netherlands (2000), the image, there are innumerable countries that condone same- Belgium (2003), Canada (2005), Spain (2005), South Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Iceland (2010), gender practice with full social acceptance and are in the proPortugal (2010), Argentina (2010), Denmark (2012), France cess of legalization. (2013), Brazil (2013). The trend is picking up fast and especially in 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed its first resolution recognizing LGBT rights (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender). This was followed up with a report from the UN Human Rights Commission documenting violations of the rights of LGBT people, including hate crime, criminalization of homosexuality, and discrimination. In summary, people want legal acceptance for sin on a global scale. This disregard for God’s law has also broken down the restraints of modesty and purity, resulting in a surge of immorality. Today, sex is idolized and marketed through films, television, video, songs, magazines, and advertisements. Moreover, this sensual revolution has resulted in the shocking rise of the rate of divorce, aberrations like “open marriage” or mate swapping, the sexual abuse of children, an appalling number of abortions, widespread LGBT practices inviting the epidemic of venereal diseases and emergence of new disease like AIDS. So today, love of self and materialism has supplanted the Spirit of Christ in many hearts. People no longer allow God’s principles and His laws to direct their lives; lawlessness has taken over. “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). Hence, as we sense the mood of His coming through these signs, let us be bold as we speak the truth in love and also remember that our process of sanctification will be complete in His coming as we meet our beloved bridegroom Jesus. So let us say ‘Happy Maranatha’ to each other (1 Corinthians 16:22). “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelations 22:20). About the Author Dr. Prince Prabhu works as a Faculty member at the Teaching and Research Centre of Biotechnology, Anna University. He is an able Bible teacher, gifted in expositing the scriptures with an apologetic edge. He also serves as an Elder in King of Glory Sanctuary. Conversant in both English and Tamil, he teaches in the El-Bethel Bible College learning Centres established all over India. References: 1. The Week magazine, July 2013 2. “About LGBT Human Rights”. Amnesty International. Retrieved March 29, 2013 3. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Volume 1, Issue 3
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