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Generational Diversity
The authors have coined the phrase, Generational Diversity, to highlight the nuances that are being overlooked in today’s Diversity and Inclusion conversations. The most important investments a company will make are the people they employ. From their research, the authors found that Gen Z and Millennial workers, especially those of color, are mission-driven, innovative, confident and are demanding workplaces that provide the support they need to thrive. These insights are critical to companies which are developing strategies to retain these workers of color who have, historically, been challenging to source.
Always the first to know when something new or cutting edge in technology is released In doing something that many other people do, does it appeal to you more to: Invent a way of your own vs. a conventional way?
I could find another job relatively easily I feel as though I have control over my career (Millennials)
I will have control over my career (Gen Z)
I feel that I have made a strong contribution in my work I feel as though my work has had a good impact on society
In addition to their sense of control, respondents are confident about the contributions and value creation they offer with their work. Black women (36%) see their contribution reaching far beyond work to an outsized impact on society.
I am satisfied with my ability to earn and save for the lifestyle I want
The research showed that financial satisfaction is markedly lower for the older generations, but Millennial women of all colors, especially Black women, are more optimistic than their elders about their ability to earn and save for their lifestyles they want.