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Updating The Way You Treat Seeds

Do you rely on using the same combination of seed treatments on the same crops year after year? With some damaging diseases becoming less sensitive to certain fungicidal modes of action, that can be a problem.

In both wheat and canola, BASF now offers alternatives to the standard treatments that can improve disease management and provide a solid return on your investment in them.


Systiva® quickly established itself as the leading seed treatment for barley and now it has an important role to play in protecting wheat crops as well. Systiva was already registered for control of bunt and suppression of rhizoctonia in wheat, but this year it can also be used to control Septoria tritici blotch (STB) – a disease that has rapidly progressed from a minor irritation to a significant drag on wheat yields.

“Over the last few seasons, Septoria tritici blotch has been getting both more widespread and more severe in higher rainfall areas,” says Shannon Altomare, BASF’s Portfolio Manager for seed treatments. “So wheat growers who haven’t traditionally bothered with a seed dressing for STB should reconsider the potential damage they’re risking – especially in a year when some areas are predicted to get more rainfall and stubble loads may be higher, with a potential for increased stubble inoculum.

“Some growers who do use seed dressings in wheat have been traditionally depending on triazoles. Jockey* Stayer* has done a great job of suppression over the years, but now that there are identified strains of disease around that are resistant to some Group 3 fungicides, switching to Systiva will help take the pressure off the older chemistry with no loss of efficacy. That will protect the young crop against STB, rhizoctonia and smut; promote more vigorous establishment; and help extend the useful life of older products.

“So Systiva is now a great option to help growers protect their investment in both wheat and barley with extra confidence.” For canola growers, blackleg has always been the biggest disease threat, both because it can cause so much loss of yield and it’s been so hard to control.

The launch of ILeVO® seed treatment raised the bar by establishing a higher level of effectiveness, protecting healthy crop establishment and introducing a new sub-class of SDHI chemistry to extend the chemical rotation options. The subsequent release of other recent competitor products ticked some of the same boxes, but ILeVO retains a price advantage.

“If you take a close look at its trial results versus industry standards, or even better if you give it a try, we think you will agree that ILeVO is a very cost-effective option to protect seedling canola against blackleg,” Shannon Altomare explains. “Trials have shown that it is more effective than Jockey Stayer, with proven yield benefits, and it’s on a par with the other newer chemistry without the big price tag. There’s no compulsion to buy ILeVO with a second treatment, which keeps the minimum cost down if blackleg is the only disease threat. If there is pressure from multiple diseases, growers can use a combination of products specifically tailored to deal with them.

“Extensive trials have confirmed that ILeVO has no negative impact on germination rates or hypocotyl length. It will help boost yield, not limit it. So any way you look at it, ILeVO is great value for money.”

Why not talk to your local Elders store about updating your seed treatment program to include extra options aimed at improving disease control and easing the pressure on older chemistry?

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