Seasons Magazine - Autumn 2024

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Elders expands in Tasmania with new branch in Campbell Town


Chipping in to serve up the latest in potato production


Boost for pulse cropping systems


Wider row spacings, new herbicide strategy adds punch to weed fight


All Clear DS – save your grower unwanted damage


How Nufarm Terrad’or performs in Roseworthy, South Australia


30/30 vision for extended pre-em grass weed control


Introducing a revolution in plant health and nutrition


Ten proven practices to remove the risk of failing spray mixtures


Future arrives with VICTRATO® seed treatment


Effective slug and snail control for 2024 broadacre crops


Microbial seed dressing for all broadacre crops


Why pH matters


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Contents AUTUMN 2024

Elanco Australia’s six-month lice free guarantee


Elders Wool officially launches in Western Australia


New product revolutionising dairy farming


How an endophyte protects your pasture


A permanent fencing solution


Simplify the move to sheep EID


In great news for growers across Australia, favourable weather conditions have resulted in higher production and a rise in the domestic demand for fruit and vegetables. A warm and dry summer has also brought a welcomed relief to viticulture, reducing pests and diseases. Overall commodity prices tend to be firming, with Australian crop production set to reach the third highest value on record. Elders remains focussed on supporting our clients through the cycles and providing future-focussed solutions.

Whether you're gearing up to sow winter crops or address pests and diseases, trust in Elders to help you get through the season. Check out our Prepare to Win promotion for details on how you could take away a Polaris Ranger.

CEO Foreword

Wishing you all the best for the season ahead.

Mark Allison



ELDERS EXPANDS IN TASMANIA WITH NEW BRANCH IN CAMPBELL TOWN Elders has opened a brand-new branch in Campbell Town, Tasmania, which will provide a more local service for the region’s producers. The new branch in Tasmania’s northern Midlands is now offering a large range of services, including livestock sales, wool, agronomy, and livestock production advice. Producers are also able to pick up the products they need for every season, with stock available across animal health, crop protection and general farm supplies. Elders State GM Tasmania James Cornish said after having supported the Campbell Town community remotely for years, it is exciting to have a permanent presence in the town. “We are very pleased to be able to work more closely with producers in the Campbell Town area,” James said. “It has been great to hear some positive feedback coming from our clients already. This new branch makes it really


clear that Elders is here in the Campbell Town community, we are invested, and we are committed to the region.” The branch was officially opened at an event on 18 January, which was attended by clients and Elders staff from around Tasmania. Elders Tasmania Rural Products Manager Adrian Rattray said he is looking forward to showing clients through the new branch. “The new store has a very welcoming feel and the team is focussed on providing great country service to their customers,” Adrian said. “Local farmers are encouraged to call in and meet the team for a coffee and a biscuit, but we are also well-equipped to keep you moving when in a hurry."

The Campbell Town branch opening comes amid a period of growth for Elders in Tasmania. Late last year, Elders announced a new joint venture with Nutrien, coming on as new coowner of TLX, and also the acquisition of real estate business Spinks Property Services. This growth in Tasmania comes as Elders celebrates 185 years in 2024. The new branch is located at 2 West Street, Campbell Town.


CHIPPING IN TO SERVE UP THE LATEST IN POTATO PRODUCTION The event was part of the Innovation at Work project, a strategic partnership between Elders and Hort Innovation which aims to bridge the gap between research and development outcomes and on-farm practice change. Attendees included potato growers, farm managers and employees, industry representatives, input suppliers, and staff from across the Elders business. The first presentation was from Nigel Crump, on behalf of the Seed Potato Industry Certification Authority (AuSPICA). He provided an overview of the upcoming World Potato Congress which is taking place in Adelaide between 23 and 26 June 2024. The Congress will represent an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing for anyone involved in the potato industry value chain. The keynote speaker for the day was John Duff from the Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF). John shared his insights and practical experience with using Brassica cover crops as biofumigants to manage soilborne diseases in vegetable production. John explained that Brassica species such as mustard, radish, and rocket are commonly used as cover crops for biofumigation, naturally producing chemicals called glucosinolates. When the cover crop is mulched into the soil, glucosinolates are released from the plant biomass. Upon the addition of water, glucosinolates are converted into isothiocyanates – gases that are toxic to soilborne diseases. Biofumigation can therefore provide growers with an option to control pests and pathogens without the use of synthetic chemicals. “There are a large number of potential Brassica

biofumigant varieties out there,” John said. “It is important for growers to research which varieties may suit their region and needs. For example, are they only interested in biofumigation or should other benefits such as preventing erosion or increasing soil organic matter also be considered.” John also emphasised the importance of good agronomic practices for achieving success with biofumigation. “It needs to be treated like a cash crop, otherwise pest and disease issues can significantly reduce the ability of the plants to produce the glucosinolates that are required to fumigate the soil,” he said. For more information about using Brassicas as biofumigants in vegetable production, refer to the Guide to Brassica Biofumigant Cover Crops which was funded by the Queensland Government and Hort Innovation. Next on the agenda at the event was Trevor Dennis and Sherri Robinson from Haifa Group, who shared data from trials of their controlled release fertiliser products in potatoes. They encouraged growers to consider the environmental impact of their fertiliser practices, referencing the recent Fertilizer Australia white paper on Nitrogen Fertiliser Use and Greenhouse Gases. This was followed by a combined talk by Geoff Schaller from Arcoflex and Sharon Crane from Airiel Solutions, who gave attendees an update on a seed potato storage trial being run in collaboration with the Portland Cool Store and Elders Mt Gambier. The final speaker was Abe Montano from Elders, who gave a presentation on HarvestEye. This is an AgTech device that can be attached to any harvester to collect information about root vegetable counts,

sizes, and weights at harvest. It allows crop variability to be mapped across paddocks, providing growers with performance data that can be used to improve crop uniformity, yield, and production efficiency. Details about the partnership between Elders and HarvestEye are available in this article. Attendees of the potato innovation day listening to one of many expert presentations. Elders Innovation Funding Manager Dr Carly Rosewarne is overseeing the Innovation at Work project. One of the next steps is to use feedback collected from event attendees to inform the codesign of an action learning activity. This will allow Elders agronomists and rural products staff to work alongside potato growers on farm to explore adoption of new products and management practices. “The Potato Innovation Day enabled Elders to bring together a large and diverse group of stakeholders involved in potato production from across South Australia and Victoria,” Carly said. “The event fostered some great discussions with growers about challenges, opportunities, and knowledge gaps. Through the project, we’re looking forward to using a collaborative approach to develop solutions that are tailored to their needs.” Innovation at Work (LP20000) is funded through the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative developed by Hort Innovation, with co-investment from Elders and contributions from the Australian Government. Please note: this article contains information of a general nature, and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided, and seek advice on whether it is fit for your circumstances.


Crop Protection

BOOST FOR PULSE CROPPING SYSTEMS Grain growers are taking up the opportunity to reduce grass weed populations on their properties with a new mode of action pulse crop herbicide that is relieving the pressure on traditional options and helping to clean-up paddocks for future crops. The pre-emergent herbicide, Ultro®, is being targeted for use in premium pulse crops in high weed pressure paddocks in south-eastern Australia and in lupin crops in Western Australia and is achieving higher levels of grass control, however it also offers wider benefits for entire cropping systems. Increased early weed control also reduces root disease build-up for following seasons and allows improved crop competition against weeds, while excellent root pruning provided by the herbicide on the later remaining grasses assists the effectiveness of post-emergent selective herbicides. Ultro-treated grass weeds can also remain greener for longer and in particularly high weed pressure paddocks requiring crop-topping, this allows these applications to be delayed,


reducing the risk of crop damage from the operation and concern over grain maximum residue limits. Featuring a new herbicide mode of action (Group 23), Ultro can be used in faba beans, lentils, field peas, chickpeas, vetch, broad beans as well as lupins across Australia, and also in winter fallow. Alistair Crawford, Market Development Manager with ADAMA Australia in Victoria and Tasmania, said Ultro was used last season especially in high value lentil crops, which also generally provide reduced competition against weeds, as well as in some faba bean and field pea crops. “It was used in problem weed paddocks mainly against ryegrass, and where there is some increasing resistance to glyphosate and clethodim, but it was also very effective against brome grass, which is more prominent in northern areas,” Alistair said. “Ultro affects the whole plant and prunes roots, so it reduces weed numbers and can improve post-emergent grass weed control. This can reduce seedset

for next year, which can help delay the development of herbicide resistance.” Bevan Addison, Market Development Manager with ADAMA Australia in WA, said many growers used Ultro in lupins as an alternative to propyzamide for control of ryegrass, but also for brome and barley grasses, which have become more problematic in recent times. “The interest in Ultro for barley grass is growing because grass selective sprays are not performing as well against various populations and it can reduce the pressure on these herbicides,’’ Bevan said. He said where Roundup Ready canola and the associated use of glyphosate featured in programs, Ultro had proven particularly effective when included with paraquat in pre-plant knockdown applications. “Once out of the canola phase, the use of paraquat with Ultro and metribuzin has been highly successful. Ultro is highly compatible with paraquat, and it improves grass control from the knockdown.”

Crop Protection

At Merredin in WA, Elders Agronomist Keith Perry said not too long ago, growers were facing a brick wall with grass weed control in break crops, however the arrival of new mode of action herbicides like Ultro now had them much better positioned. “Compared with propyzamide and simazine applications, it performs better in drier, more marginal conditions and it’s got some residual, which we haven’t had in the past with other post-emergent grass herbicides. We have been selecting for later emerging ryegrass with our Group 1 (A) herbicide applications,” Keith said. “With a lot of sheep having gone out of the area, controlling grass weeds in pastures is no longer an option for many and so in cropping programs it’s lupins and canola. Lupins is a far better break crop for ryegrass control and Ultro has a good fit in that scenario. “When looking over some lupins to determine grass selective sprays last season, Ultro was showing near enough to 100 per cent control. It will potentially take some of the pressure off Group 1 (A) selectives and, with its residual,

there should also be less pressure on paraquat at crop-topping.” He said the aim with lupin crops was to enhance the profitability of complete cropping programs and growers would not hesitate investing an extra $10 per hectare to achieve that goal. At Roseworthy in South Australia, Elders Agronomist Craig Prior said Ultro had predominantly been used in faba bean and lentil crops mainly against ryegrass, including populations with some resistance to glyphosate and reduced sensitivity to lower application rates of clethodim.

“Anywhere Ultro has been used, the roots have been so severely pruned, they have almost just fallen over.” Craig said the predominant four-year crop rotation in the region, comprising pulse, cereal and canola crops, also would allow for using Ultro in suitable rotation with propyzamide.

“Ultro is slightly better and more consistent than propyzamide in more marginal moisture starts to seasons, like we had last year. The year before it also had to deal with 7-8 tonne (per hectare) stubbles, but it didn’t stop it from achieving consistent results,” Craig said. He said it was an ideal option for high weed pressure paddocks and its residual helped improve control from post-emergent herbicides such as Encode® and clethodim.




In a field of its own.

Ultro herbicide from ADAMA introduces a new class of chemistry (Group 23) for the pre-emergent control of annual grass weeds in winter pulse crops.


Scan here for more information

• Controls annual ryegrass, barley grass and brome grass • Registered in broad beans, chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, lentils, lupins, vetch and winter fallow • High water solubility requiring less rainfall or soil moisture for incorporation, activation and weed control • Important tool for herbicide resistance management • Incorporate by sowing or via rainfall within seven days

HERBICIDE ®Registered trademark of an ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Company. ADA23646


*Terms & Conditions apply. Promotion Period: 1/2/24 – 29/3/24. SA Licence No T24/35; NSW Licence No. TP/03234 ; ACT Licence No. TP 24/00045. Artist impression only, model may vary. Visit for details.


Crop Protection

Bayer Crop Science Geraldton and Midwest WA Territory Business Manager Courtney Humphrey and grower Bob Preston pictured assessing annual ryegrass numbers particularly near crop furrows where the traditional pre-emergent application of trifluralin herbicide has been used in wheat on the Preston’s property.

Pictured shows some of the annual ryegrass population where trifluralin pre-emergent herbicide has been applied in wheat on the Preston family’s property.

WIDER ROW SPACINGS, NEW HERBICIDE STRATEGY ADDS PUNCH TO WEED FIGHT A move to wider seeding row spacings, allowing higher application rates of pre-emergent herbicides to be utilised, and the addition of a new herbicide strategy has proved a powerful one-two punch in the tough fight against weeds for the Preston family in WA’s northern wheatbelt. Brothers Bob and Murray Preston grow predominantly wheat and lupins, as well as canola and barley on sandplain country, over their ‘Muranda Plains’ properties, which are situated 80 kilometres east of Geraldton in the south-west corner of the Mullewa Shire. Some land has been cropped to mainly wheat and lupins for 56 years and the continuing use of herbicides from the same or related chemistry groups has caused weed control challenges, including reduced herbicide efficacy when targeting annual ryegrass and wild radish. However, in the last two seasons the Prestons have widened the row spacings on their John Deere paired-row seeding bars from 17.5 centimetres to 25 cm and have added to their toolbox a herbicide that can be applied at the early postemergent (EPE) crop timing, Mateno® Complete. Targeting mainly the annual ryegrass in high weed pressure paddocks, the use of Mateno Complete followed the preemergent application of trifluralin, which has typically been applied for grass weed control, along with prosulfocarb. “Mateno Complete worked in really well with our transition to 10-inch spacings and after so many years of continuous cropping and herbicide use, you are always looking for a new edge to bring into the rotation,” Bob said. Mateno Complete, which can be incorporated by sowing or applied EPE in wheat and barley, contains aclonifen, a herbicide mode of action available last season for the first time to the Australian industry, in a unique, complementary coformulation with pyroxasulfone and diflufenican herbicides. Up against tough weed populations and the challenge of controlling weeds on some non-wetting sandplain soils, the Prestons have been applying the highest label rate of Mateno Complete EPE in wheat. 10

“We applied it early, mixed in with bromoxynil and Logran® to pick up early radish and volunteer legumes. Traditionally we have been applying a radish herbicide early anyway, so the fact we can now add it in with Mateno Complete as well, it works together, and we seem to be getting a really good job out of that,” Bob said. “The tank mixing was also quite good. There was no antagonism and very little crop effect over both years. There was a little bit of discolouration in the crop, but nothing compared to some other chemistry. It grows out of the crop effects a lot quicker than some of the other early broadleaf chemistry out there that we have used previously. We were very happy with it.” He said despite Mateno Complete being “put under the pump” in high weed pressure areas, they were pleasantly surprised by its control of annual ryegrass that was noticeable at harvest and in the cleanliness of paddocks. “Mateno Complete is allowing the crop to get that far in front of the ryegrass that we are getting a lot of natural suppression from the crop as well versus our other products.” “The big thing you look at in a continuous cropping rotation is quite simply how many weeds are there at harvest time, because that then leads into the next three to four crops. The cost benefit of using the product is not just from the one season. Every time you use the product, you have got to run it forward three to four years to assess the investment.” Bob said as a specialist tool, Mateno Complete offered some big advantages. “Integrated weed management is all about rotation and being able to change things, so whether it’s new chemistry, going EPE and getting 100pc coverage all over the soil, it all adds another benefit. Being able to use Mateno Complete as a tank mix partner with other broadleaf weed herbicides and setting up your crop potential is a big advantage. Its longevity in controlling key grasses will be a big advantage not only in the current season, but in seasons to follow,” he said.



Controls a broad spectrum of grass and broadleaf weeds in wheat (not durum wheat) and barley in both IBS and EPE applications A unique combination of three active ingredients, including aclonifen, the only group 32 herbicide available in Australia, delivering best-in-class grass and broadleaf weed control Controls weeds across the complete soil surface including in the furrow, when applied EPE




AVAILABLE IN 10 L, 100 L & 1000 L PACKS

For more information visit

Mateno® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group. © 2023 Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd ABN 87 000 226 022. Level 4, 109 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, Vic 3122. Technical enquiries: 1800 804 479


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Suction filter washed with water.

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Crop Protection

ALL CLEAR DS – SAVE YOUR GROWER UNWANTED DAMAGE With crops predicted to continue to bring high returns in 2024, you don’t want to risk damaging them.

choice of tank cleaner simple because it works on a wide range of crop protection chemicals.

A dirty sprayer can mean:

Not only will All Clear DS perform just as well as the cleaning agent recommended on the labels of numerous products, but laboratory data shows that All Clear DS will often do a better job.

> Significant damage, delayed maturity and yield loss in winter crops > Damaging breaches of MRLs > Blocked lines and filters > Equipment corrosion These are just some of the costly issues arising from herbicide residues remaining in boom sprayers. Each year, poor boom sprayer hygiene causes significant, yet avoidable, financial losses to growers. The entire spraying system, including filters and lines as well as the main tank, require effective cleaning. Otherwise, growers could spend valuable time dealing with blocked filters and lines, equipment corrosion, uneven spray applications or worse still, crop damage. Previously, to remove damaging residues from boom sprayers, growers needed to use many different decontamination products, depending on the situation. This was confusing and costly. However, All Clear DS makes the

For example, the ability of All Clear DS to remove residues of Logran B-Power was tested. The Logran B-Power label recommends using a solution of household cleaning bleach containing 4 percent (pc) chlorine. Water rinsing alone removed 60 pc of the residue. Following the chlorine recommendation on the label removed little more, resulting in a 69 pc cleanout. But water rinsing followed by All Clear DS resulted in an effective 97 pc clean. Similarly, in tests to remove Hammer and Roundup residues, All Clear DS removed 22 pc more than OMO, the cleaning agent recommended on the product labels. All Clear DS also showed great results on Tigrex, Spinnaker, Sakura, Boxer Gold, 2,4-D Ester 800, Glean, Lontrel, Broadstrike and Valor.

In all AgNova tests, All Clear DS was the most consistent tank cleaner, giving either a similar or better clean than other commercial cleaners tested, irrespective of the type of herbicide. All Clear DS is ideal for cleaning out tank mixes where one product’s label recommends a chlorine cleaner and the other recommends an alkaline cleaner. However, chlorine and alkaline cleaners cannot be used together. All Clear DS is the perfect choice for rural retailers and growers, being effective, convenient, safe to use is not restricted by a short shelf life and still active from one season to the next. So, when growers come in to buy their post-emergent herbicides, they should also grab a pack of All Clear DS to clean out their booms. Keep it simple - you only need to recommend one tank and boom cleaner for a range of products, and that’s All Clear DS. Stick with All Clear DS – because little else does!


Crop Protection

Craig Prior and David Keetch discussing the benefits of Terrad'or

HOW NUFARM TERRAD’OR PERFORMS IN ROSEWORTHY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Elders Roseworthy Agronomist, Craig Prior, shares how he has used Terrad’or in a few situations.

Craig said Terrad’or is a valid solution in his region, compared to other products in similar situations.

He has employed it as a summer knockdown and incorporated it into pre-emergent mix in front of some wheat to assess its overall fit“I was really impressed with the fast knockdown,” Craig said.

“For the pre-emergent mix, we used glyphosate, Sakura, Avadex and oil. For the summer knockdown, we’d normally have used something like an ester/Hammer mix, but we tried it with just glyphosate and Terrad’or with the oil”, he said.

“I went out to have a look at the paddock seven to eight days after the initial application, and it looked like I’d put spray-set over the paddock, it was just brown.

“Being next to a lot of glasshouses, through Virginia and the Barossa Valley, it’s just not responsible for us to be using ester in those situations.

“We had some really robust weeds that had got away from us over the summer and I was really happy with the overall result.”

“Terrad’or gives us that option to do the summer knockdown without using ester, as well as giving us the flexibility of those short plant-backs.”

Craig explained how in the pre-seeding knockdown, the short plant-backs are an important consideration.

Craig plans on using more Terrad’or this summer and is said he is looking forward to seeing the grass control on the preemergent mix.

“ Zero plant-back on legumes is particularly important for those growers who are flat out”,he said. “It means we can take out big weeds like milk thistle and marshmallow and go straight in with legume crops, where in the past we may have had to use ester and hold off sowing. “It gives us flexibility and ease of use pattern that we don’t get from other products in this space.”


“Depending on the weed spectrum, I think Terrad’or will be replacing other spike products. “Seeing Terrad’or’s fast knockdown is very impressive, and our farmers have all been very happy with it. It’s simpler for them, as they can use it themselves. forget about it, and simply move on.”

AUSTRALIA’S NO.1 SPIKE HERBICIDE. Achieve a level of weed control you never thought possible. From improving results on problematic broadleaf weeds and annual ryegrass,* Nufarm Terrad’or is the new benchmark. Faster & better results. Get quick brownout and effective control of broadleaf and grass weeds. True grass activity. See the difference of control on grass weeds with an alternate mode of action. Deliver a deadly double knock. The perfect mix partner for either paraquat or glyphosate. Sow with confidence. Thanks to low residual activity and short plant backs to key crops. * Including populations with weak levels of glyphosate resistance

To find out more, scan the QR code or speak to your reseller.


Crop Protection


Scott Walker and Caroline Dix - Luximax at 12 weeks

BASF launched their 30/30 Plan in 2022 to help growers get the best of both worlds: introducing a fresh pre-emergent mode of action to ease resistance pressure while continuing to make the most of what’s already working.

increasing areas each year since then. “I can understand why people want to keep using proven performers,” he said during the 2023 season, “but you’ve just got to be wary that they are going to run out… You’ve got to look at a different option.”

As the company’s Cereals Portfolio Manager Roger States explained at the time, the plan recognises that growers have a lot of confidence in existing pre-em grass weed herbicides, so it aims to complement and protect that established chemistry rather than replace it.

Interviewed in a Luximax-treated paddock late in the 2023 season, Scott highlighted the high level of residual control: “I’ve been really impressed with what Luximax has done to this paddock. We’ve looked over it, haven’t seen any new emerging grasses, so we’ve just left it. Given it a radish spray and that’s it.”

“We’ve come up with the 30/30 Plan to cut down the lag between the release of important new chemistry and its widespread use, and to slow the development of resistance to Group 15 and other, older formulations. This is particularly important because of the cross-resistance risk between herbicides in Groups 3, 13 and 15 that has been described in recent scientific publications by prominent researchers like Steve Powles, Roberto Busi and David Brunton.

The 30/30 Plan is designed to help both keep Luximax free of resistance issues and manage the impact of resistance on the other pre-emergent herbicides for as long as possible.

“The plan is simply for growers to use the unique Group 30 chemistry of Luximax® on 30 per cent of their wheat crop as an extra ‘mini rotation’ within the standard program. Adding complexity to your rotation is the only way to ensure your cropping programs are sustainable – if you are only using one product or one group in your program, resistance is on its way.” Scott Walker, whose historic family farm is at Quaraiding in WA, was already practicing a variation on the 30/30 Plan before it was invented. He sprayed 200 hectares in 2020, had a good result in paddocks where ryegrass control was a challenge, and has kept using it on


As Roger States has said: “The 30/30 Plan will help growers ease into using the newer chemistry with the reassurance that they’ll be able to go on using other older alternatives more widely and effectively for longer. We’ve got to protect what we’ve got. “Over the course of a few seasons, the weed seedbank in each paddock will be exposed to an entirely new mode of action. That will help manage resistant biotypes that would begin to dominate the population if they went on only being challenged by the same chemistry that they are already partially resistant to.” Roger reminds growers that swapping in Luximax for one of the other premium pre-emergent grass herbicides will have no negative impact on the efficiency and flexibility of their programs. Both replicated trial results and commercial use have repeatedly confirmed that Luximax can match the highest levels of residual weed control growers expect.

“Luximax is very effective as a standalone treatment,” Roger says, “but of course it would very seldom be applied that way. All the most likely mix partners like glyphosate, paraquat, trifluralin, triallate, prosulfocarb, carfentrazone and metsulfuron are on the Luximax label.” Roger highlighted the value of Voraxor® – BASF’s Group 14 co-formulated predominantly broadleaf pre-em herbicide – as a single tank-mix partner that can do several important jobs at once. “Voraxor can play the same role as trifluralin in spiking the superior grassweed herbicides’ control of annual ryegrass,” he explained, “but with the massive added benefits of both knockdown and extended residual pre-emergent control of key broadleaf weeds.” “Adding both Luximax and Voraxor to the mix is all part of spreading the load to maintain the highest standards of control while also protecting the chemistry our broadacre cropping has become so reliant on. That’s what the 30/30 Plan is all about.”


Section Title

Simpler, more comprehensive broadleaf weed control

Group 30 (T) annual ryegrass control in wheat*

Think bigger in both wheat and barley

Fine-tune tank-mixes to take control of tough weeds

213386 01.2023

Targeted aphid control in canola, wheat and barley

Find out more by scanning this code or contact your local BASF representative on 1800 558 399. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2023 ® Registered trademark of BASF.

*Not durum


UNLOCK SOMETHING INCREDIBLE ENHANCED NITROGEN MANAGEMENT Utrisha® N has the amazing ability to unlock nitrogen from the air when plants need it. This ground-breaking foliar-applied technology ensures nitrogen is supplied to the crop, even when other sources aren’t available, giving growers more flexibility with their nitrogen management strategies. Utrisha® N is a biological solution that works with a variety of crops throughout the growing season for improved plant health and increased yield potential.

Embrace a balanced future

Call 1800 700 096 or visit Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Always read and follow label directions. © 2023 Corteva. November 2023. FR10774. TM ®


Crop Protection

INTRODUCING A REVOLUTION IN PLANT HEALTH AND NUTRITION A step change is coming for plant health, sustainability, and yield, with Corteva Agriscience introducing its new range of biologicals to market in Australia, beginning with a product which allows plants to access nitrogen out of thin air. Biologicals are a new category of agricultural products where the active constituent is, or is derived from, a living organism. Releasing ladybugs to consume damaging aphids is a type of biological pest control. Corteva Agriscience’s position as a global leader in the rapidly expanding Biologicals market was cemented with the acquisitions of Symborg, an expert in microbiological technologies, and Stoller, one of the largest independent companies in the Biologicals industry. Adding these two companies to Corteva’s existing internal capabilities, and strategic partnerships with biological development organisations around the world, has allowed the discovery and development of products that can put specific natural benefits to work in farmers’ fields. Before bringing any biological product to market, Corteva ensures there’s a thorough understanding of how the product works and how it performs for farmers, with rigorous testing to make sure it delivers. This commitment to the highest standards of research and development offers peace of mind about product quality and performance and the return on investment it will deliver. By complementing existing practices, biologicals can help tackle the challenges of resistance, provide an enhanced return on crop investment, reduce reliance on conventional chemistry and preserve your land for the future.



The first product from Corteva’s Biologicals range to be launched in 2024 in Australia is Utrisha®N.

Utrisha®N has been trialled extensively and is commercially available in overseas markets with close to 100 trials conducted across Australia to verify the yield and quality gains of Utrisha®N in a variety of domestic crops and conditions.

Utrisha®N is effective in all plants, including cereals, canola, and horticultural crops, enhancing a naturally occurring process that allows a plant to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it to ammonium to boost nutrition and yields. Corteva Agriscience’s manager for Plant Health in Australia, Dan Cornally, said Utrisha®N is the result of years of development across the globe and reflected the commitment to science and performance that are hallmarks of Corteva’s research and development division. Utrisha®N utilises naturally occurring Methylobacteria and has been developed into a sprayable form that only needs to be applied to annual crops once. It enters the leaf through the stomata and colonises the plant allowing it to absorb atmospheric nitrogen and convert it to ammonium (NH4+). “Normally a plant extracts nitrogen from the ground, so it is expending energy and using water to transport the nitrogen in the ground into its root system, and then move it around to where it needs to be,” Mr Cornally said. “Utrisha®N is producing nitrogen within the leaf. The plant doesn't need to expend that energy or extract that water to still get the benefit of the nitrogen. In addition to that energy saving, you are also getting improvements in soil moisture use. We are seeing a ‘stay green’ effect where crops appear to stay greener for longer under moisture stress conditions.”

“We have conducted trials on a huge variety of crops, from wheat and canola to rice, cotton and fruit and vegetables,” Mr Cornally said. “Essentially, the idea behind these trials was to say, ‘without changing anything other than adding Utrisha®N into your tank, what benefit are you going to get’?” Utrisha®N is applied at a fraction of the rate of conventional synthetic fertilisers, unlocking the potential for a reduction in input costs, as well as potential environmental benefits. “Utrisha®N has one use rate across almost all crops which makes use and application simple for farmers,” Mr Cornally said. Utrisha®N will be launched in the second quarter of 2024 with a product pipeline of Biologicals including biostimulants and biocontrol products to follow. THE SWITCH TO BIOLOGICALS Biologicals herald a bright future for agriculture, offering cutting-edge and complementary solutions to challenges like resistance management and environmental impact, and providing a powerful new tool in the quest to farm more sustainably. Biologicals will help keep your operation viable, enhance marketability, meet consumer preferences, and boost ROI and profitability on your farm. 19



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Crop Protection

TEN PROVEN PRACTICES TO REMOVE THE RISK OF FAILING SPRAY MIXTURES Multi-product mixtures are common in modern farming, and so are unpredictable weather patterns that increases the requirement to spray large areas in a short period, with zero tolerance for down-time caused by problematic tank mixtures. To make matters worse, slight formulation differences in the same brand from batch to batch could mean that the same product can behave differently in a familiar mixture. This is particularly common in generic versions where the active ingredient or other raw materials are sourced from different suppliers – depending on who is the cheapest. Given that the above variables are usually not within our control, here are ten proven practices that can be employed to reduce the risk of failing spray mixtures and costly mistakes. USING GOOD, CLEAN WATER Ideally 10 degrees or warmer, with low dissolved minerals and hardness, close to neutral pH, with no suspended organic materials. MAKE SURE THE ENTIRE SPRAY SYSTEM IS CLEAN AND PROPERLY DECONTAMINATED FROM THE PRECEDING SPRAY In particular, flush out solid or flaky deposits that may accumulate on filters or nozzles before use. Filters should be replaced annually - particularly if granular products are commonly used. The different types of cleaners include; > Boom Tank Cleaner (does not contain chlorine), which is a good general purpose tank cleaner for routine cleaning and when preparing the sprayer for storage. It decontaminates most pesticide residues, removes stains, crystalline deposits, and protects against corrosion > Kleenup Granular (contains chlorine), which is a multipurpose decontaminant for most pesticide residues including sulfonylurea

and phenoxy herbicides. It contains a blue tracer to indicate when the system is completely flushed. FILL THE TANK 50 PERCENT (PC) WITH WATER BEFORE ADDING PRODUCTS CONDITION THE WATER AS REQUIRED BY THE INTENDED MIXTURE Most products (unless specified otherwise by the label) are stable in mildly acidic solutions (pH 4.5 to 6.0). Depending on the spray mix, there are several adjuvants that could be added to condition and/or acidify the solution for optimal performance and stability. These do not replace the adjuvant as recommended on the product label – they are commonly used in addition to improve the quality of the spray mixture. Some of these adjuvants/ agents include: > Suspend is a coupling agent and water conditioner that improves compatibility of complex mixtures, including mixtures with liquid nutrients and fertilizers. It conditions hard and alkaline spray water to a mildly acidic pH and helps to prevent incompatibility > Ammend or Spray Grade AMS are ammonium sulphate water conditioners designed for use with glyphosate-based herbicides to minimise antagonism and improve performance under adverse conditions > Companion and Cohort 700 are acidifying and penetrating surfactants for use with herbicides. They also assist with the uptake of liquid fertilizers and mitigation of spray drift by reducing the number of fine droplets in the spray mix > Partner 950 is an adjuvant for glyphosate and glyphosate mixtures with wetting and penetrant qualities. It also acts as a water softener and acidifier to reduce alkaline hydrolysis


Crop Protection


> Wetters (if using Emulsifiable concentrates)


> Emulsifiable concentrates (EC)

When changing brands or spraying a new combination of products for the first time, a simple jar test should indicate physical compatibility and prevent large-scale problems later.

> Adjuvants and Oils

USE THE CORRECT MIXING ORDER Products with low water solubility need to be added to the mix first. After filling the tank 50 pc and with water still running into the tank, the suggested mixing order is: > Water conditioners, acidifiers and Coupling agents > Wettable powders (WP) > Water dispersible granules (WDG) or dry flowable (DF) > Flowable or concentrates (SC)



> Water soluble liquids (e.g. SL, EW, SE) > Liquid UAN BE PATIENT, PARTICULARLY WHEN ADDING INDIVIDUAL MIX COMPONENTS Allow time between additions, particularly when mixing in cold water. Ensure slow-to-dissolve formulations are fully in suspension before adding the next. Agitate during loading and don’t dump granules into water volumes that are too small. WHILST SPRAYING OR DURING FILLING, PERIODICALLY INSPECT THE AGITATION SYSTEM AND POTENTIAL POINTS WHERE BLOCKAGE MAY OCCUR E.G. FILTERS AND NOZZLES

AVOID LEAVING A MIXED SOLUTION IN THE SPRAY TANK FOR PROLONGED PERIODS If conditions suddenly change to become unsuitable for spraying, continue to agitate the unused spray mixture at a low level to keep it in suspension. Leaving a spray solution overnight should be avoided. However, if there is no other option continue low level agitation or agitate at regular intervals to prevent the mixture from settling. Buffered or pH-conditioned spray mixtures will reduce chemical breakdown and/or alkaline hydrolysis in the standing tank. So, be sure to always add an adjuvant to maintain the required pH of 4.5 to 6.0 as standard practice. When spraying with the aged mixture resumes, it is a good idea to mark the exact spot in the paddock where it starts. This will provide clues in case chemical breakdown resulting in reduced pest and weed control occurs.

Partner 950 Herbicide Adjuvant A Versatile Adjuvant for Use With Glyphosate Herbicides and Mixtures  Water Softener  Acidifier  Spreader and Penetrant  Wetting Agent  Defoamer  Increases Spray Droplet Size

DKSH Agrisolutions Pty. Ltd.

Delivering Growth


Crop Protection

VIBRANCE. Healthier yields start with healthier roots. ®

Since its introduction, VIBRANCE® has become the benchmark in seed-applied fungicide. With three modes of action, VIBRANCE® provides the broadest available protection against smuts, bunts, rhizoctonia and pythium. Better still, VIBRANCE® promotes root vigour during establishment. This ensures that seedlings get the nutrients and water they need for strong foliar growth during the critical early weeks after germination. To help refine your cereal program for the season ahead, talk to your Syngenta representative, farm advisor or local retailer or visit

Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company. © 2023 Syngenta. AD 23-509.


Crop Protection

Syngenta Seedcare™ Product Lead Katie Slade.

A whitehead from an untreated plot, caused by crown rot, compared to the crop planted with VICTRATO® treated seed.

FUTURE ARRIVES WITH VICTRATO® SEED TREATMENT This winter will mark the beginning of a new era in Australian cereal production, with VICTRATO® seed treatment becoming commercially available from Syngenta for the control of fusarium crown rot and the management of root lesion nematodes. Having been widely trialed in small plots for the past five years, agronomists are already working with growers to make VICTRATO® a part of their paddock plans this season. Many more growers will also benefit from seeing large-scale commercial demonstrations under local conditions, to assess the yield benefits in the inoculum, fusarium. Syngenta Seedcare™ Product Lead Katie Slade said the anticipated launch of VICTRATO® seed treatment would redefine attitudes about crown rot and root lesion nematodes. “Rarely as an industry do we have the opportunity to help growers drastically change the outlook for their crops on a scale like this,” Katie said. “There are many agronomists, too many to name here, to whom we are grateful for their support in our journey with VICTRATO®, powered by TYMIRIUM™ technology. “We are just as excited as them to see the first batches of commercially treated seed with VICTRATO®, with supplies ready for distribution the moment we gain APVMA registration.”

VICTRATO® seed treatment is a first for the control of crown rot, protecting emerging seedlings against the disease as they grow through the stubble of previous crops. Syngenta Technical Services Lead for Seedcare™, Dean Hancock, said this protection against fusarium infection has in four-out-of-five trials resulted in a positive return on investment. “Unlike other seed treatments, which only offer suppression, VICTRATO® has demonstrated a step up in performance significantly reducing all disease symptoms while increasing yield and grain quality,” Dean said. “Our crown rot trials demonstrated that losses can be experienced even in the absence of basal browning and white heads, but with VICTRATO® seed treatment we recorded an average wheat yield improvement of 462kg/ha in 125 trials.” Dean said PREDICTA*B testing is a valuable tool, even where visual symptoms aren’t common. “What we’ve observed through our extensive trial program is that yield impacts can be experienced even in the absence of basal browning and white heads,” he said. “This means that inoculum loads could be allowed to grow year-on-year, when VICTRATO® could be a helpful part of your paddock plans.”

VICTRATO® seed treatment will be registered with a label rate of 200400mL per 100kg of seed in wheat and barley. Dean said this rate range provides advisors and their growers flexibility depending on their disease scenario, with VICTRATO® helping to minimise this risk while delivering peace of mind. David Van Ryswyk, Syngenta ANZ Country Head, said the arrival of VICTRATO® seed treatment had generated much excitement across the Australian wheatbelt. “This is a hugely significant product not only for Syngenta, but for an industry that has lived through decade upon decade of challenges with crown rot,” said David. “At last we have a solution, which is easy to use at the start of the season, yet importantly provides great protection against the disease and associated impacts on yield weights and quality. “It’s a huge credit to everyone at Syngenta, especially our Seedcare™ team and the industry experts we’ve worked alongside. “This fantastic result speaks to the legacy of our colleague Ken McKee who sadly passed away last year, and through his leadership of Field Development was instrumental in making VICTRATO® a reality.”


Crop Protection

EFFECTIVE SLUG AND SNAIL CONTROL FOR 2024 BROADACRE CROPS Over the last few years cool and wet weather has provided optimal slug and snail breeding conditions. This, combined with the recent rains, means mollusc numbers will be high this autumn, reinforcing that you must be on top of slug and snail control early.

it in, preference to other food sources, and it does not rely on snails finding it by chance. An attractive product will ensure slugs and snails encounter a bait by actively seeking it out. This is the difference between a true bait and an old-fashioned bran pellet.

Metarex Inov provides maximum attractiveness, enhanced palatability and faster effective kill over its predecessor Metarex. While still having the well-known, long-lasting protection, being IPM friendly and having excellent ballistics.

Slugs and snails cause major damage to Australian crops, with a range of destructive species found across large parts of the country. They pose a significant threat to the successful establishment of many crops and pastures. Slugs and snails cause damage to newly emerging crop seedlings, and snails pose a major contamination threat to both broadacre and horticultural crops.

The bait also needs to be palatable, so that snails will eat enough to ingest a lethal dose. Avoid bran pellets with low quality ingredients and low levels of active ingredients.

Metarex Inov has undergone extensive testing in Australian conditions to prove its efficacy against slugs and snails. The key to good control is to apply Metarex Inov early, ideally before breeding starts. The application window for optimal control varies from district to district and is also dependent on local environmental conditions, such as weather and field parameters. Metarex Inov is the only choice for an effective slug and snail bait in broadacre crops –. Only Metarex Inov has what it takes to control slugs and snails when the pressure is on.

Monitoring slug and snail populations is an important first step in the control process. Baiting early at sowing is essential. Slugs and snails are known to be discriminatory eaters and it is the quality of the bait, particularly its palatability, which is important. The choice of bait is critical to an effective result. The product must be attractive, so that snails are drawn to


The product must spread easily and evenly, to reduce both application time and the need for constant and costly reapplication. The bait must be able to withstand rain, sleat, and rain again, and still continue to work. Research by SARDI, and others, has demonstrated that commonly used bran pellets have a short lifespan and don’t work after rainfall. Metarex Inov All-Weather Slug & Snail Bait, developed from science and nature, provides superior control based on unique Colzactive technology for enhanced delivery.



METAREX INOV All Weather Slug & Snail Bait developed from science and nature providing superior control based on unique technology for enhanced delivery.

Maximum Attractiveness Enhanced Palatability Faster Efficient Kill Persistent Control

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MICROBIAL SEED DRESSING FOR ALL BROADACRE CROPS Employing microbial inoculants to enhance crop productivity isn't a new practice. For decades, we've utilised this technique, particularly when sowing legumes. Surprisingly, however, when it comes to planting other grain crops like wheat and barley, the use of beneficial soil microbes has been largely overlooked. Bacstim® Seed, Omnia Specialities’ five-strain Bacillus product, was designed for coating seeds before planting and is suitable for all grain crop production systems. Featuring spore forming capabilities, the microbes can survive on the seed for over 12 months post coating. Moreover, they are compatible with fungicides and other nutrient products used during the seed coating process. This distinct property allows for ease of application onto seed without much effort or cost implication. Other benefits of Bacstim® Seed include: > Enhanced Seedling Vigor: promoting robust seedling growth by enhancing root development and nutrient uptake.

Over four years, independent wheat trials in South East Queensland were run using Bacstim® Seed. Two of the years’ experienced below average rainfall and two were ideal. Bacstim® Seed outperformed every time, demonstrating the effects these microbes have during tough and ideal seasons. Over this four-year period, the average yield increase was over 700kg/ha with a return on investment of $65 per dollar spent, making Bacstim® Seed an obvious addition to any broadacre cropping program. The benefits of Bacstim® Seed are also reaped when coinoculation with Rhizobium in legume crops, including improvements in nodulation. Trials in Mingenew, WA performed by independent consultants, have measured a 36 percent increase in nodulation on Lupins when applied to the seed together with the inoculant. Thus illustrating increased microbial activity when applied in conjunction with Bacstim® Seed.

> Nutrient Availability: as it can solubilise nutrients in the soil, making them more readily available to plants. > Stress Tolerance: Bacillus are known to induce systemic resistance in plants, helping them withstand various environmental stressors. This is particularly important for broadacre crops, being exposed to diverse conditions. > Yield Enhancement: taking into account the above benefits, farmers often see improved crop yields and overall crop quality. > Soil Health: over time, the use of these beneficial bacteria can contribute to enhanced microbial activity and soil health. Insert Image 1. Trial Results.


As Australia looks towards the future of grain crop production Bacstim® Seed emerges when needed the most, promoting sustainability, productivityand the overall health of agricultural landscapes. With Bacstim® Seed, Australian farmers gain a powerful ally in their quest for more vigorous and bountiful grain crops, effectively bridging the gap between current practices and the untapped potential of soil microbes.

Omnia Australia

Section Title

Specialists in Soil Health and Crop Nutrition WITH THE MOST CONCENTRATED HUMIC ACID ON THE MARKET

The Omnia Range includes: • Australian Made Humates • Biologically Enhanced Foliars • Microbes • Seaweeds • Trace Elements • Unique Crop Solutions • Specialist Agronomists Australia-wide

“After conducting a large fully replicated trial for Omnia last season, we produced a very tight data set in which the Bacstim® Seed dressing was the only treatment to produce a significant yield improvement over the control. I would encourage growers to investigate this product on a small part of their program to find where this treatment may fit in their system.”

Grant Thompson

Crop Circle Consulting, Geraldton WA

03 5133 9118

© Copyright 2023 Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd. ® Bacstim is a registered trademark of Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd.


ProTect S & C

ProAgni ProTect® is designed to be fed with cereal grain supplements for use in feedlots and drought lots, supplementary feeding or weaning. Adding ProTect to an animal’s diet has the potential to increase growth rates and decrease the time it takes to reach market specifications without the use of antibiotics. 30

CONTACT US VIC/WA/SA 0427 478 340 NSW/QLD 0457 755 105

Animal Health

WHY PH MATTERS In preparing animals for the feeding period, the induction process onto grain is a crucial but risky step. Issues during this phase can be costly and compounding because induction disrupts the stability of the rumen environment, affecting pH levels and placing a metabolic burden on the animal. If not done correctly, it can lead to reduced performance, lower productivity, increased welfare concerns and extended time on feed for the animals.The stability of pH and fermentation patterns directly correlates with the financial success of the farmer. The below video animation presents the results of a trial conducted at the University of New England (UNE) in 2019, by Professor Roger Hegarty. Click to watch the video

The trial assessed the efficacy of ProTect, an antibiotic-free vitamin and mineral premix, in comparison to a control group fed an industrystandard medicated premix containing ionophores. The data and statistical analysis are sourced from the University of New England. The trial involved ten Angus steers, with five in each group, fitted with inter-ruminal pH boluses to capture raw data. UNE plotted a time series

tracking rumen pH variability using ten-minute readings 24 hours a day for 36 days. These readings covered four successive feeding regimes, each with an increasing percentage of barley.

more stable rumen pH compared to the control group. Maintaining optimal rumen pH for a higher proportion of the time enhances digestive efficiency.

The analysis involved over 51,000 unique data points, revealing fluctuations in rumen pH, animal circadian rhythms, and inter-animal variability. Columns represented the range of data between the 25th and 75th percentiles, with dots indicating outliers. Longer columns and more distant dots indicated greater variability among the five animals in a group.

> Fluctuations in pH outside the optimal range increase the metabolic burden on animals, diverting energy and nutrients meant for growth and production towards managing homeostasis. Detecting subclinical acidosis within animals is challenging, and by the time symptoms manifest, it is often too late. ProTect's consistent maintenance of rumen pH within the optimal range results in increased digestive efficiency, while fluctuations outside this range redirect energy and nutrients from growth and production to managing homeostasis. Clinical acidosis may manifest as dead animals, impacting gross margins, whereas subclinical acidosis appears in the profit and loss at the end of the year.

Comparing the pH changes over time, the top graph seen in the video illustrates the five cattle fed the ProTect diet, while the bottom graph depicts cattle fed the standard rumen modifier. During the initial seven days on the starter ration with 45 percent (pc) barley, significant pH variability is evident, impacting animal performance when outside the optimal range. On day eight, as the barley percentage increases to 56 pc, both groups show the greatest variation and lowest pH level in the two days following the dietary change. Further, on day 15, with a diet comprising 67 pc barley, the ProTect group displays a tighter range of pH banding and significantly reduced rumen variability. Key takeaways from the trial include: > ProTect-fed livestock exhibiting a


Animal Health

ELANCO AUSTRALIA’S SIX-MONTH LICE FREE GUARANTEE Don’t just ‘treat’ lice off-shears this autumn – get a guaranteed, fully-effective outcome with Extinosad™ Pour-On or Viper™ Pour-On from Elanco!

of best management practice. Not only to ensure effective parasite control, but to protect the efficacy of all available effective chemistry.

Extinosad Pour-On provides rapid knockdown control1 of sheep lice, with minimal impact on your management or marketing options.2

All lice treatments should be used as part of an integrated pest management program, including good fencing, mustering, shearing and application technique.

Viper Pour-On contains powerful second-generation neonicotinoid chemistry3,4,5 for rapid knockdown of sheep lice.4

Industry guidelines discourage the consecutive use of lousicides with the same mode of action.7

Extinosad Pour-On and Viper Pour-On are the only lousicides that are backed by a six month off-shears lice-free guarantee!6

Resistance may develop to any chemical if it is used continuously.

Elanco guarantees that if either product is used, in accordance with the label directions and best practice lice management guidelines, no lice will be detected on sheep six months after treatment off-shears.

Currently there is no known resistance of lice to spinosad, thiacloprid or imidacloprid in Australia, so let’s keep it that way!

In the event that lice are detected within the six-month period after shearing and treatment, Elanco’s local Territory Manager and a Technical Services Representative will visit your property to investigate the issue. If Elanco determines that lice control has not been achieved, and the terms and conditions have been complied with, then Elanco will provide a suitable lice control product at no cost. For full terms and conditions of the guarantee, visit either or This guarantee is just another example of how Elanco is committed to helping you obtain best results from your investment in quality animal health solutions. Elanco can also provide free advice about strategic parasite control programs, best practice guidelines, and if needed, provide an on-farm application demonstration for your staff. The Elanco team will set up and service your Power DoserTM, ensuring it is ready for another season of use and working correctly to allow for optimal product application. As a major supplier of animal health products to Australian sheep and wool producers, Elanco supports the adoption

The spinosyn and neonicotinoid chemical families account for the vast majority of sheep lousicides used in Australia, meaning the following recommendations are particularly important: > If you used an imidacloprid formulation for lice control or blowfly strike prevention last season, consider rotating to Extinosad Pour-On this autumn. > If you used Viper Pour-On last season, consider rotating to Extinosad Pour-On this autumn. > If you used Extinosad Pour-On last season, consider rotating to Viper Pour-On this autumn. Regardless of the mode of action of the lousicide you used last season, consider rotating to a different mode of action this autumn. If consecutive use of the same mode of action is required, careful attention should be paid to achieving eradication after treatment. Industry guidelines also discourage the application of chemicals with the same mode of action for lice control and blowfly strike prevention in the same wool growing season.

1. Levot, G. (2008). Speed of action and in vitro efficacy of spinosad against sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphate or insect growth regulator insecticides. Aust J Ent 47:251-255. 2. Refer to registered label. 3. BAH Laboratory Study 6106008 2006. 4. BAH Laboratory Study 6108010 2008. 5. BAH Laboratory Study 6105020 2005. 6. Visit or for terms and conditions. 7. James, P. (2013). Preventing resistance in sheep lice, (AWI, Sheep CRC).


Crop Protection

Scan here for full details!

Purchase 2 x 20 L EXTINOSAD™ POUR-ON or 4 x 20 L VIPER™ POUR-ON before 5 April 2024 and receive a $100 Prezzee card or 128 Elanco Rewards points.1 Register your purchase at and automatically receive a 6 months off-shears lice-free guarantee! Don’t just ‘treat’ lice off-shears this autumn – get a guaranteed, fullyeffective outcome with Extinosad™ Pour-On and Viper™ Pour-On from Elanco! Extinosad Pour-On provides rapid knockdown control2 of lice with minimal impact on your management or marketing options.3 Viper Pour-On contains powerful second-generation neonicotinoid chemistry for knockdown control of lice4,5,6 and protects against re-infestation for four weeks when applied within 24 hours of shearing.3 Even better, Extinosad Pour-On and Viper Pour-On are the only lousicides that are backed by a six-months off-shears lice-free guarantee!7 Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal lice control. References: 1. Visit for terms and conditions. Purchase between 02/01/24 and COB 05/04/24. Claims commence 02/01/24 and close at 11:59pm AEST 03/05/24. Promoter: Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 64 076 745 198), Level 3, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113. 2. Levot, G. (2008). Speed of action and in vitro efficacy of spinosad against sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphate or insect growth regulator insecticides. Aust J Ent 47:251-255. 3. Refer to registered labels. 4. BAH Laboratory Study 6106008 2006. 5. BAH Laboratory Study 6108010 2008. 6. BAH Laboratory Study 6105020 2005. 7. Visit or for terms and conditions. Extinosad contains 20 g/L spinosad. Viper contains 10 g/L thiacloprid. Extinosad™, Viper™, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2023 Elanco or its affiliates. EAH23556. PM-AU-23-0613.



Talk to your local Elders team for more information. 34


ELDERS WOOL OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA In an event which celebrated this key milestone, Western Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC, officially opened the centre last night, alongside producers, suppliers, staff and industry.

“The centre delivers state of the art systems and equipment, designed to offer industry-leading innovations and improve traceability and sustainability outcomes within the supply chain.

The business builds on Elders’ existing wool offering, providing a full end-to-end service that aims to improve efficiency and outcomes for customers, getting wool to market faster and in front of international buyers.

“The introduction of new technology at this site will make real improvements to sustainability and traceability across the wool supply chain. It is hoped that this, along with the quality showfloor, will mean that the Rockingham centre will be a welcomed addition to the WA wool industry.

Elders General Manager Agency Dave Adamson says Elders is excited to be bringing wool handling back into the Elders business. “Today is a very exciting milestone for Elders. 185 years ago the Elder family first began buying and financing wool and here today we honour that legacy as we continue to adapt and innovate in a changing wool industry, with a key focus on our clients and customers,” Mr Adamson said. “Elders is offering our clients across Western Australia a full end-to-end service that provides a quick and easy delivery experience from the farm gate.” Ideally located on the doorstep of the port of Fremantle, the Rockingham centre combines wool sales activities with storage and handling operations.

“Since operations commenced, we have received overwhelming support from the industry for Elders’ investment here at Rockingham, and we are excited to offer our clients this new experience.” The Rockingham site is one of two centres in the Elders wool handling network, with another facility in Ravenhall, Victoria which has started transition to operations early this year. Elders is investing $25 million in the wool handling business, the largest single investment in wool handling this century, signifying a long-term commitment to the Australian wool industry. “We are very proud to be making this investment, which aims to help our clients deliver the best, sustainable wool supply globally,” said Mr Adamson.

“The Rockingham centre fit-out has been designed to provide an exceptional experience for visitors. We have created a facility that brings together growers, buyers and Elders staff to connect and see the journey and results of their wool post farm-gate,” Mr Adamson said.


Animal Health

NEW PRODUCT REVOLUTIONISING DAIRY FARMING For dairy farmers, managing the health and productivity of their herd, especially lactating cows, is a complex and critical task. In the face of evolving challenges, such as parasite resistance,single-active drenches, once a standard in parasite control, are now being reevaluated as their efficacy diminishes. Cydectin Platinum presents a major leap forward in cattle care. This product is a world first combination pour-on drench, without a milk restriction. This feature allows dairy producers to use the product without worrying about withholding milk, ensuring uninterrupted milk production and effective control of parasites. This translates into enhanced efficiency and profitability for an industry where every drop counts. Cydectin Platinum is a dual-active, low-volume pour-on drench. Its potent blend of Moxidectin and Levamisole provides unrivalled worm control,


effectively tackling single and dualresistance issues. This combination approach enhances its efficacy and is crucial in delaying the growing concern of resistance development in cattle farming1-3, 5-7. Cydectin Platinum is more than just a drench, it’s a productivity booster. Recent field trials have proven that Cydectin Platinum delivers increased weight gain of between 4 to 29 kg over a 6-week period, compared to leading competitors. Cydectin Platinum ticks all the boxes for Australian beef and dairy producers4: > Persistent activity - the only combination drench with persistent activity and cleaner pastures for up to 35 days. > Withhold periods: 7 day meat WHP, 20 day ESI and now with a zero (0) day milk withhold period,offering the peace of mind required by Australian cattle producers.

> Faster absorption - has a new pour-on technology called DMISorb™, which enhances product absorption in the skin 23 percent faster than Cydectin Pour-On. > Its rainfast and has no known impact on dung beetles. The efficacy of single active drenches is declining in cattle herds across Australia and abroad. With this well known, dairy producers should no longer compromise on their need for a zero (0) day milk withhold drench1-3, 5-7. By switching to Cydectin Platinum, farmers are not just choosing an effective drench; they’re opting for a comprehensive solution that enhances parasite control, delays resistance, improves productivity and maintains milk production integrity. This makes Cydectin Platinum an invaluable addition to any dairy farmer's toolkit, promising healthier cattle and more productive farms.

Animal Health



Animal Health

H ELDERS TO WIN WIT Time is running out to enter the draw for a new Toyota Landcruiser or Polaris Ranger. Purchase a minimum of 200kg of eligible canola seed today to go into the draw* – and grab extra tickets for every additional 200kg you buy. Visit or your local branch for more details. White


*Terms and Conditions apply. If product ordered is unavailable, Elders reserves the right to substitute that variety for an alternative of the same value. Promotion period: 20/09/2023 - 03/05/2024. First prize: Toyota Landcruiser 300 Series GXL with Crystal Pearl Paint; Runner up prizes: One of two Polaris Rangers XP 1000 e l d e r s r u r HD. a l .For c odetails m . avisit u SA Licence No T23/1376; ACT Permit No ACT TP 23/01796.1; NSW Authority No TP/02927/ NTP/07716.

Animal Health


References: 1. Meat & Livestock Australia. Mineral deficiencies. Accessed 28 June 2023. 2. Judson, G. et al. (2002). Recent developments in the detection and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep and cattle at pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 62:307-310. 3. Gonzalez- Rivas, P. et al. (2021). A pilot study comparing the pharmacokinetics of injectable cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin associated with a trace mineral injection in cattle. J Vet Pharmacol Therap. 44:406-410.



How to enter! 1. Buy a bag of AR37 ryegrass seed 2. Visit 3. Fill out the entry form Buy a 25kg bag of AR37 ryegrass and you, and your nominated Agronomist can go in the draw to win 1 of 3, R.M. Williams overnight bags valued at $999.00 (EACH). To enter, purchase a bag of AR37 ryegrass between January 14th and April 14th, 2024 and, fill out your details in the “Autumn 2024 AR37 ryegrass 25kg bag promotion entry form.” Terms and conditions apply. | 1800 619 910 40

R.M. Williams Saddler duffle bag


HOW AN ENDOPHYTE PROTECTS YOUR PASTURE An endophyte is a fungus found naturally in many grass species, including ryegrass. It provides the plant with protection from insects, and in return the plant provides the endophyte with a place to live and reproduce. Isaac Berry, DLF Seeds Product Development Manager, discusses how the use of an endophyte provides ongoing protection. "While a pasture seed treatment such as Ultrastrike® will protect your pasture from insects during establishment (0-6 weeks), an endophyte provides the plant with protection from eight weeks onwards," he said. Tim Calder, a farmer from Meeniyan Victoria, has had great success protecting his pasture against African Black Beetle with AR37 endophyte (after sowing Base AR37). "Several years ago, African Black Beetle appeared on our farm, decimating our Italian and some permanent ryegrass pastures which brought about a change in pasture variety selection on our farm. “I wanted a tetraploid perennial that was persistent, palatable and responsive to summer and early autumn rains. Having evaluated several varieties on our farm, I now use Base tetraploid perennial ryegrass with AR37 endophyte almost exclusively in our pasture improvement programme. “A particular feature of it, is its persistency (I have many paddocks untouched for over five years) and its ability to maintain feed quality into the early summer. It has also been a reliable performer in producing good quality silage in large quantities with up to three cuts on some out paddocks," explained Tim. Isaac discussed the benefits of using viable endophytes. “Ryegrass and tall fescue with viable endophytes, provide grass with excellent insect protection resulting in improved persistence, greater durability, higher yields and increased profitability of Australian pastures,” he said. “Viable endophyte means that the grass has live endophyte at the required infection rate to provide excellent insect protection.”

AR37: TAKES RYEGRASS PASTURE PERSISTENCE AND PROTECTION TO A PREMIUM LEVEL. Pests controlled: Argentine Stem Weevil Larvae, Pasture Mealy Bug, Adult Black Beetle and Root Aphid. Available in: Base, Reason, One50, Vast, Legion#, Platform# and Expo perennial and Mohaka hybrid ryegrass. BENEFITS OF RYEGRASS WITH AR37 ENDOPHYTE > Provides the best balance of pasture production and persistence > Higher tiller density over time > Assists with post-drought recovery and improves agronomic performance > Provides stronger control of more insect pests compared to ryegrass cultivars containing AR1 or standard endophyte > May produce greater carcass weight per hectare compared to ryegrass cultivars containing standard endophyte (SE) > Increased total dry matter production compared to ryegrass cultivars containing AR1 or nil endophyte > Has no Ergovaline so may increase milk production compared to endophytes containing high Ergovaline levels > Increased sheep performance compared to ryegrass cultivars containing standard endophyte > Low incidence of dags in sheep (similar to that of cultivars containing AR1 endophyte) ENDO5: GOOD PEST CONTROL AND NO KNOWN RISK OF RYEGRASS STAGGERS. Pests controlled: Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil Larvae, Root Aphid (moderate control) and Pasture Mealy Bug. (Comparatively, AR37 has demonstrated stronger protection against pests and insects). Available in: Reward perennial ryegrass. AR1: A NOVEL ENDOPHYTE OPTION WITH HIGH ANIMAL PERFORMANCE AND NO KNOWN ANIMAL HEALTH ISSUES.

DLF Seeds have supplied the market with novel endophytic grasses for over 25 years^ and have developed the research, knowledge and understanding of how to ensure we deliver viable endophyte (percentage of live endophyte) in the seed we supply.

Pests controlled: Argentine Stem Weevil and Pasture Mealy Bug.

Endophyte technology has advanced significantly since the 1980s and we have continued to help develop novel endophytes, providing long-term pasture persistence and protection from pests ,with reduced animal health issues that farmers require.


Available in: Platform*, Legion* and One50 perennial ryegrass.

Pests controlled: African Black Beetle, Agrentine Stem Weevil, Root Aphid and limited control of Field Cricket. Available in: Quantica, Hummer and Quantum II tall fescue.



A top performing Hybrid TT canola family featuring excellent all-rounders. That’s why I grow Nuseed HyTTec canola combines hybrid seed traits, including early vigour, a strengthened disease background, and excellent yield performance, with the herbicide tolerance benefits of the TT system making it a top choice for canola growers. That’s how we offer # ValueBeyondYield

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A GREAT RANGE OF HIG H PERFORMING CANOLA VARIETIES - YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD OF RAGT Australia has the canola varieties that deliver on your needs. Whether it’s our TT hybrid spring canola range, RGT Baseline TT, RGT Capacity TT and Spark TT or our Clearfield winter canolas, RGT Nizza and RGT Clavier, RAGT has the canola seed to suit your conditions. RAGT worldwide is committed to extensive and innovative R&D program to bring you the very best in high performance seeds. Find out more about our canola range. Talk to one of our expert team or visit our website.


General Merchandise

A PERMANENT FENCING SOLUTION Recognising the diversity of the Australian landscape, Gallagher leads the way in premium and innovative fencing solutions to accommodate the diversity of our country’s environment. Electric fencing is a cost-effective and reliable way to control animal movement, manage pasture and achieve strong conservation outcomes. It keeps domestic animals in, feral animals out, separates groups of livestock and fences off sensitive areas such as roads and rivers. It’s generally more effective than traditional fencing, as it creates a psychological barrier (as well as physical) by delivering a short, safe, and memorable shock training animals to respect the fencing. Gallagher’s flagship permanent electric fencing solution is designed to fence anywhere and everywhere. It’s a robust, low-maintenance fence that is easy to construct, and effectively excludes feral animals such as kangaroos and pigs. Setting the standard for convenience, the performance of Gallagher’s permanent electric fence is delivered directly to your smartphone, giving


you peace of mind that your livestock is where they should be andsafe from predators. Gallagher I-Posts form the physical portion of the fence system. Shaped like an I-Beam in the construction industry, a well-recognised shape for its strength and integrity, these posts ensure heavyduty animal control and durability in natural events. Of course, a fence is only as powerful as its energizer. Gallagher’s i series energizers are intelligent, adapting voltage according to conditions to deliver more power to the end of the fence line when necessary. They are engineered to perform in harsh farming conditions, including extreme temperatures and lightning, and have inbuilt fence monitoring technology. This means you can hook up your energizer to a Wi-Fi network and have alerts sent directly to your phone through the Ag Devices App. Gallagher electric fences are easy to install and easy to maintain. With a Volt Meter and Fault Finder, you can measure the performance of an electric

fence simply and safely. If there are any faults in the circuit, these devices point you in the right direction, and saves hours checking the fence for shorts. “Many farmers are time poor, managing large-scale complex businesses,” explains one customer. “The intelligence and innovation of the i Series energizers brings about peace of mind, and the ability to remotely monitor the performance of fences,” the customer adds. When it comes to providing premium quality products and service for customers and the community, Gallagher doesn’t fall short. Gallagher is active in the community, and proudly supports sustainable agriculture and conservation-focussed fencing projects across the country, in conjunction with Landcare Australia. In 2023, they granted 22 conservation grants to groups or individuals, to make their conservation projects more accessible and promote sustainable land management practises and agricultural production.

A better line of defence

Section NewsTitle

Protect your valuable assets Your livestock, pasture and crops are safe with a reliable fencing solution that stands strong, while also being smart enough to notifying you where and when you might be vulnerable, saving hours of concern and troubleshooting. Gallaghers permanent fencing stops invasive predators that threaten your business and your bottom line, empowering you to farm with confidence. To find out more, contact our Customer Service Team on 1800 425 524 or visit

Discover more at 45

Strong Durable Reliable The Z Tags sheep range features high quality livestock identification tags and application devices designed to adhere to market standards and NLIS national industry compliance. TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and Applicator streamline your tagging process, making it automatic, simpler, and faster. Offering convenience while adhering to safety regulations, TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and TagFaster Applicator are the ideal choice for lamb tagging. VISIT US AT ZTAGS.COM 46

General Merchandise

SIMPLIFY THE MOVE TO SHEEP EID As new mandatory traceability schemes for sheep and goats come into effect, you may find you need to adapt quickly. Datamars Livestock’s complete sheep management solutions support you to meet traceability requirements and realise added value from your farm data. Ultimately, you can make better, more informed decisions, acting where necessary to improve the health and performance of your stock, and the profitability of your operation. The Datamars Livestock range of Tru-Test indicators, EID stick readers, Z Tags’ visual & EID tags and Prattley animal handling solutions are an important part of your livestock management toolkit, as you manage these growing demands for traceability.

The Z Tags sheep range features high quality livestock identification tags and application devices designed to adhere to market standards and NLIS national industry compliance. TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and the TagFaster Applicator streamline your tagging process, making it automatic, simpler, and faster. The NLIS approved multi-shot tags are supplied in strips of 20 and the ergonomic and lightweight design of the applicator ensures fast and easy application. Offering convenience while adhering to safety regulations, TagFaster Multi-Shot Tags and the TagFaster Applicator are the ideal choice for lamb tagging.


Thomas Elder Consulting Your made-to-measure, farm management experts Built by Elders - Australia’s leading agribusiness - Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC) is an independent, specialist agricultural consulting business offering customised, whole farm management advice. Strategically located across Australia, our team of highly specialised TEC consultants provide a premium, all-encompassing consultancy model comprising expertise across all sectors of agriculture including: • Agronomic solutions • Farm business management • Production and farm planning • Livestock production

• Carbon farming • Benchmarking • Precision agriculture • Water scheduling • Decision agriculture • Genomics

Our TEC consultants enhance our clients’ returns and sustainable productivity through the provision of cutting-edge, data-driven advice tailored to drive the desired results for our farming clients. 48

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