3 minute read
4.1. General overview
Man Women
Population Growth in Rozaje (from 1930 to 2021) Data source: rozaje.me Drawing: Author
Village Town

Population Growth in Rozaje (from 1930 to 2021) Data source: rozaje.me Drawing: Author Fig. 75
Fig. 76 Due to the fact that an increasing number of inhabitants are leaving the city, so is the stagnation of population growth. Although the demographic conditions in the city are favorable, which means that natural increase is constant and positive. However, a large number of people emigrate annually, especially young people. After the constant positive growth of the population in the period of industrial prosperity, which reached its maximum in 1981, and which can be linked to positive economic conditions, there is a sudden stagnation, and even a decline in population. (see Fig. 75)
Villages are becoming particularly vulnerable, as the main financial income of the villagers has been livestock and agriculture, which are increasingly losing importance. Thus, there are increasing and accelerated migrations between the village and the city. The young part of the population leaves the villages to settle in the city and try to pursue a career, while in the villages remains a predominantly unproductive workforce. Moreover, it is the rural population that is migrating en masse to the countries of Western Europe, so that the villages become empty and abandoned. 5.4.4. Current Indicatiors
Currently, the municipality has 22,964 inhabitants, while the working age population is 8105. The city has an extremely young population structure, which still represents a large but untapped potential. The number of jobs as well as the number of registered workers is constantly declining. While a large number of workers work on the black labor market. (Employment Service, Montenegro).
Unfortunately, all these indicators negatively affect the quality of living standards, social protection is at a very low level, while workers’ rights are reduced to a minimum.

Data source: rozaje.me Drawing: Author Fig. 77 Demographic and Labour Data
The part of the local population that decided to stay and continue their career and life in Rozaje, was forced to look for and create new life opportunities. Thus, private companies are established, which are engaged in various types of activities. (see fig. 78) First of all, there is an increase in the number of service activities, but also companies for felling and wood processing. Small-capacity craft jobs are becoming more present, while agricultural activities and livestock farming are declining. As a large number of residents worked in the wood processing industry, it is not surprising that the wood industry is still the most represented today. (Strategic development plan of the Municipality of Rozaje, 2013) However, the main problem here is that the degree of product finalization is relatively low, so materials with a low degree of processing are sold primarily. Trade, as well as other service activities, have been growing slightly in the last 10 years. The number of people working in the administration is extremely high (1050) in relation to the number of inhabitants, as well as in relation to the number of workers in the industry and production sector (1721). Thus, the almost equal number of employees in the administration and industry sector is a negative indicator of the economic situation in the city given the fact that industry and production should be the drivers of the economy.

Fig. 79
Main export routes of rough wood
Map showing major export and trade routes Data source: rozaje.me Drawing: Author
Forest Area
The main export of goods of the municipality of Rozaje refers to the export of semi-processed, as well as raw materials such as wood. Wood is mostly exported to Albania and Kosovo, while a smaller part is exported to Serbia. The main procurement of supplies and raw materials is from neighboring municipalities in Serbia (Novi Pazar) and Kosovo (Peje), so it can be said that the economy and functioning of local companies depends on the procurement of raw materials from these cities.
The reason for more intensive trade and procurement of materials from neighboring countries, and not from Montenegro, is the drastic difference in prices, which greatly affects the prices of final products, but also their sales.
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