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5.2. The beginning of conflict and collapse of dreadms
6.5. Reuse - The Buildings
Finally, as the last and one of the most important potentials of the industrial zone, are the industrial facilities. Industrial facilities are built gradually and depending on the needs of production. The first facilities that were built were plants for cutting and processing wood. As production capacity grew, and so did product diversification, new plants were opened, such as a Polywood panel production factory, door and window production factory, and finally an MDF panels production factory.
Analyzing the architecture of buildings, we can see that most buildings are built of prefabricated structural elements. The structural elements are mostly made of steel, and the reason for the use of steel is the need to provide a continuous space so that production can run smoothly. In addition to steel, precast concrete elements were also used. Some facilities were built entirely using precast concrete.
Despite the use of prefabricated elements, all industrial facilities have a separate visual identity, which gives a special effect to the entire industrial zone. Today, industrial facilities are abandoned, while most are in very poor condition and are in danger of collapsing. In order to better understand the architectural and constructive characteristics of the characteristics, as well as the historical context, I analysed individualy each building in order to better understand the value and potential they posses.
The adaptive reuse of the buildings will give us the chance to rething again the buildings after the detailed analysis, to understand their potentials and deficiencies, and then act accordingly by adding or removing some layers, thus giving a new life and a new value that will impact and benefit the city and citizens.
Fig. 130 Drawing: Author
Facilities- Owned by the Government
MDF/ Polywood production factory
The factory for the production of MDF and plywood is the newest of all industrial plants. Very high quality products are sold throughout Europe. The factory is completely built of prefabricated concrete elements. Architecturally, the building is a summary of beautifully composed repetitive concrete elements, making for a massive and robust visual identity.