Our Creator & Saviour

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The Only True GOD:

CREATOR of Heaven/Earth

The highest form of worship is obedience. But it is left for us, to choose what to believe, and unto whom to trust and worship ( obey ). ( Jn.14:1-3,6,21; Rev.3:5,10; Is.41:10,13; Ps.97:10; Jn.15:4-5,10; Rev.14:7,12; Rev.22:12-19 ) Throughout The Written WORD, The GOLDEN Thread o f TRUTH is Revealed. But GOD our SAVIOUR will not temp nor compel. For we must according to our conscience and free will of choice; and with a willing mind choose what to believe; and whom we will trust and obey ( worship ). Revelation 14:7: “….Worship HIM that made heaven and earth….” John 1:10: “….The world was made by HIM….” And see Jn. 1:1-3 & 14 and Jn.8:58 John 17:3: “ And this is life eternal, that they might know THEE the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU has sent.” Jeremiah 10:10-13 “ But the LORD is the true GOD, HE is the living GOD, and an everlasting KING: ….HE hath made the earth by HIS power, HE hath established the world by HIS wisdom, stretched out the heavens by HIS discretion…. When HE uttereth HIS Voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens….” Isaiah 43:25: “ I, even I, am HE that blotteth out thy transgressions for MINE own sake, and will not remember thy sin. “ Hebrews 1:1-3,8 & 10 ( The written Voice of GOD THE FATHER, making plain who The LORD JESUS is ): “….But unto the SON HE saith, THY Throne, O GOD, is for ever and ever: a Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of THY Kingdom. And, THOU, LORD, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the works of THINE Hands.” Isaiah 42:5: “ Thus saith GOD the LORD, ….HE that created the heavens and stretched them out; HE that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; HE that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and the spirit to them that walk therein “ Genesis 1:1: “ In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 2:1-3: “ Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day GOD (The LORD JESUS) ended HIS work which HE had made; and HE rested on the seventh day from all HIS work which HE had made. And GOD blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it HE had rested from all HIS work which GOD created and made.” 1

Oh! Truly! The written Voice of The LORD JESUS, is our protective shield, given to make us wise, that we be not deceived by Satan’s lies and works of treachery. ( Jn.8:32; Ps.91:4; Is.8:20 ) For all people, Heaven’s Sent SALVATION GOSPEL is recorded and protected. The King James ( 1611 ) Bible; and the Geneva ( 1599 ) Bible, are carefully translated from the original Hebrew and Greek. Be assured that Satan, is flooding the world with his works of treachery to steal affection & trust; and cause his unsuspecting victim to be drawn into accepting & believe lies; and be destroyed unto ashes with him and his angels . ( Rev.12:12 &17; Malachi 4:3; Ezekiel28:18 ) For all who seek with a humble thirsty mind to know SALVATION GOSPEL, for them The TRUTH is like a Loud Cry, that answers the darkness of lies, treachery and ignorance. From Adam’s fall unto these last days, The HOLY SPIRIT is sent to move and plead with all mankind. Pleading with all people to hear and heed the warnings, and repent. Freedom of conscience is held sacred by GOD THE FATHER , The LORD JESUS, The HOLY SPIRIT and the Holy Angels. But Satan hates freedom of conscience; and his angels and servants of our fallen race also hate freedom of conscience. Satan with relentless hate is seeking thru his servants of men & women, to rob all people, of freedom of conscience. And Satan with all his power and cunning is flooding the world with his doctrines of lies & lying promises. Leaving no means allowed him, to tempt or compel all to believe, compromise and submit unto his lies. Causing all who believe his lies, to be eternally destroyed with him & his angles. Anti-Christ: Dictionary definition of the word “anti ”: to be against, contrary or stand in the place of. Satan is relentless to stand in the place of GOD, and be worshiped as god. And leaves no means allowed him, to cause his lies to stand in the place of The TRUTH. Truly! The purpose of treachery is to steal affections; and draw into hearing thoughts and reasonings of deceit. The purpose of deceit is to hide the true purpose of a lie; and draw into believing a lie. And the purpose of a lie is to stand in the place of TRUTH. Satan thru his servants of men & women, has advanced bold lies ( hidden by deceit ). And with artful treachery, Satan, has stolen the attention, affections and trust of multitudes. Satan, knowing his time is short is flooding the world with his lies, deceit & treachery. Leaves no means allowed him, untried to rob us of Promised MERCY and a Crown of Life. ( 1-Peter 5:8; Rev.12:17; Rev.3:11 ) Truly! Our freedom of conscience , is held sacred by our GODHEAD. But Satan, his demonic angels and his servants of our fallen race are, seeking to rob us of our freedom and crown of eternal life. Let us pray for more MERCY & GRACE of GOD our SAVIOUR be poured out upon us. And may we humbly surrender unto HIM. A Voice, Sonny 2

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