ecologia vengala

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Endangered panda The giant panda an endangered animal The icon of endangered species (the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature Protection), known as "the national treasure ofChina" because its natural habitat is in the cold, damp bamboo forests of eastern Tibet and southwestern China, is one of the animals are in danger of extinction is one of the most endangered mammals on the planet.

One of the reasons for their extinction is almost completereduction of their habitat. The species is highly localized. With 1600 living in the jungles and 200 in captivity. Today, the last freebears live in six villages in southwestern China, these regions areisolated from each other and have been declared nature reserves, but nearly half of the bears live outside these protected areas. It is an omnivorous animal, come from stems and herbs to birds, fish and rodents. But his favorite food is bamboo which is more danger to their survival are logging massive manmade bamboo(bamboo is a plant that

blooms once every hundred years and dies), when all the bamboo forests have died , the extinction ofthe panda is total starvation unless they find another place to live Pandas also suffer from poaching, because their coat is veryappreciated, and sometimes fall into traps set for other animals.This game exists in spite of the punishments imposed by the Chinese government in case of a panda illegally hunting(punishable by life imprisonment).

Another major cause of danger to the panda is the difficulty to reproduce the characteristic shyness. Sinc e females only breedonce a year. Mating takes place in spring and helpless pups are born in late winter, their weight can range between 85 and 140 gr.They can only be born one or two offspring, but only one survives,thus requiring many maternal care during the first months of life.Mortality at this time is very high, which is a serious problem for the recovery of the population. And the young reach sexualmaturity between four and just ten years.

When in captivity, are responsible for the problem of recoveringthe loss of sexual appetite of these mammals. Some caregiversuse motivational techniques cur ious, playing videos or soundsmating wild relatives of these animals in heat. Today there aremany individuals who have born through assisted reproduction.Also in Beijing began the "Panda Bears Cloning" (believed only method to save the panda) but to date there appears to havepaid off. In Sichuan, is the largest cell bank pandas in the world,and to preserve their genetic characteristics. Scientists who study and protect endangered bears panadas, governments and society are facing a great challenge and that is to save the rare black and white mammal most endangered of the world.

Save the pandas.

Bengal tiger The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), also known as Royal Bengal Tiger or Indian Tiger is one of the eight subspecies of tiger (Panthera tigris), five of which are endangered and three extinct. And is that little Bengal tiger has served its great size, his mesmerizing eyes and transmits the force, as though everything is in danger of extinction.

Still, it is the largest subspecies of tiger, known currently exists. A good data on the one hand, but worrying on the other, because we must keep in mind that the largest subspecies is in danger, so that others are worse.

POPULATION The Bengal tiger arrived in the Indian subcontinent probably 12,000 years ago, although it appears not to stay that way much longer. And although until recently there was considered to be among the 3,100 and 4,500 copies, the numbers have dropped sharply as the latest information from the IUCN (international organization dedicated to the conservation of natural resources) (2008). It has recently been renovated to survey methodology to be more scientific tigers in India by extrapolating the densities calculated at specific sites to the total number of tigers. This has been used camera trapping and other methods. Based on the results, the tiger has an estimated population of 1411 in India both adults and subadults (between 1165 and 1657). The previous study was conducted from 2001? 2002 can not compare this directly due to the aforementioned methodology used was different and more inaccurate (it was the

Tigers only identify with signs or visual cues). In the 3642 census estimated tiger. What is clear is that a substantial decline has HABD of tigers in India.

On the other hand we have estimated as Bangladesh where an author 200 (Khan, 2004) and according to another 419 (MoEF, 2004), in Nepal between 350 and 370 (FFG 2007) and Bhutanese between 67 and 81 (Sangay Wangchuk and , 2005). In total, fewer than 2,500 tigers estimated (1782 2527). Of this amount, only 40% are adults (according to demographic studies in Chitwan National Park in Nepal (Smith and McDougal, 1991)). This is important information because it can be considered is the breeding population, and is the most important in terms of wild tiger conservation. These are what may have offspring and thus perpetuate the species. But not only must take into account the number of tigers, if not their means. In fact, none of the conservation areas of the Bengal tiger is large enough to hold ua effective population of 250 copies. Furthermore, the Tigre Landscapes Conseraci贸n of existing, 55% are habitats that are not really suitable for

tigers. Moreover, among the main causes of decline biologists consider poaching and habitat loss (Dinerstein et al. 2007). With this information it is estimated that over the next 20? 30 years, ie in the next three generations of tigers, lost 50% of the population, unless conservation efforts become more effective.

The first thing to know is that white tigers are not a separate kind of tiger, tigers are not albinos. They are not albinos since they are not completely white. His nose is pink, her sky blue eyes, her skin white to cream, pink legs and has a striped pattern of black, gray or chocolate colored mystery surrounding the white tigers. There is another genetic condition that causes pale stripes, the tigers of this type are called 'Snow White'.

These tigers, also known as real tigers appear as a genetic alteration that removes the color of his fur. But? What kind of tiger is? They are Bengal tigers. These tigers have a recessive gene (just as is the gene for blue eyes in humans) that makes the hair is white. As is recessive, they have to mate a male and a female that have to be conveyed hopefully this variant emerged as striking and beautiful. Therefore there is a kind of tiger in danger, but a variation that appears in one case in 10,000 in nature.


Being a recessive gene, a white tiger with a tiger breeding with orange orange can have children unless the other tiger has the recessive gene, which will give you a% chance that the offspring has in white tigers. On the other hand, white tigers appear to be somewhat larger, which may have given them an advantage in spite of its bright color that will produce some disadvantage when hunting in the wild. And is that having a color that prevents them blend into nature makes them harder to hunt and therefore survive. In fact, it is now very rare to see them in nature and in response to the current data of sightings and other field studies, several experts believe that currently there is no white tigers in their natural environment.

Besides being larger (even individuals with the gene orange), also have a faster growth rate than individuals orange. The first official record of a white tiger display corresponds to an individual in the Exeter Change, London, in 1820. When white tiger has been considered unevenly distributed through the forest of Rewa and other heavily forested regions of southern India. In fact, in 1951 Rewa captured a male who crossed with females for more white tigers. All white tigers are known today are probably descendants of the individuals captured in Rewa, which have been kept in captivity.

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