Reading with fluency: reproducible 4.1
Teacher observations
• Is the student reading with comprehension? How do I know?
• What is the rate of reading? Does this var y as the student reads? If so, when and why?
• Are students reading at the same rate when they read narrative and informative text? If not, what determiners are affecting rate of reading?
• Can students explain how and why they vary their rate of reading?
• Is the student’s rate of reading affecting their overall comprehension – is it too fast? Is it too slow? (If the student is reading very slowly, consider if this is also the case in silent reading.)
• Does the student read with intonation?
• Does the student read with phrasing – is the student chunking up the text into meaningful segments as they read?
• If so, are these behaviours enhancing comprehension?
• If not, are these behaviours indicating other difficulties such as not automatically recognising words?