Appendix 3.1 - 2. Vocabulary - Reproducible 3.2

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Vocabulary: reproducible 3.2



Meaning Examples

a- towards, near aside, along, away dis- not, the opposite ofdisagree, discover, disappear im- not, the opposite of impatient, impossible, imperfect in- not, the opposite of incorrect, independent, insignificant inter- between international, Internet, intersection ir- not, the opposite of irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant mid- middle mid-air, midfield, midnight mis- wrong misbehave, misfortune, mistake non- not nonsense, non-stop over- above, too much overall, overdue pre- before premature, pre-packed, pre-teen re- again, back recycle, replay, rewrite sub- under, part of submarine, subtitle super- more than, above superbug, superhuman tele- far away telescope, television trans- across transform, transatlantic un- not, the opposite ofundo, unlucky, unreal under- below undercover, underground uni- one unicycle, uniform, universe

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