Assessment information to inform teaching: Graphic organiser 2
Criteria for assessing writing (individual or group)
Observed writing traits Comments
Content and ideas
•Is there detail?
•Are the main ideas supported with comment, evaluation, illustration, evidence?
•Are ideas clearly stated?
• Is the structure appropriate to the purpose?
•Are ideas organised and linked logically?
•Are ideas shaped for effect?
•Are there paragraphs? How have they been organised, e.g. topic sentences, supporting sentences, concluding sentences?
•Is there appropriate use of conjunctions, link words, sequence words?
Sentence development
•Is there a variety of sentences, i.e. simple, compound, complex?
•What use has been made of statements, exclamations, commands, questions?
•Are sentences written in active or passive voice?
•Have attempts been made to manipulate sentences according to task and purpose, e.g. combining, expanding, reducing, transforming?
Assessment information to inform teaching: Graphic organiser 2 (continued)
Observed writing traits Comments
Vocabulary selection
•Does the writing include appropriate content words?
•Is there evidence of the selection of precise adjectives, verbs?
•Does the range of vocabulary suit the audience and purpose?
•How has vocabulary been used for effect?
Inclusion of appropriate language features
• Is there appropriate use of strong verbs?
•Is tense appropriate and consistent?
•Has imagery been used to enhance the writing?
•How does direct speech support the overall message?
• Have features been added for interest, e.g. similes, metaphors, repetition, alliteration, personification, assonance?
•Does the writing demonstrate that the writer knows about and uses a range of punctuation, i.e. what punctuation, when to use it and why it should be used?
•Does the writing include correct use of capitals, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, semi-colons, hyphens, dashes, brackets, ellipses?
Assessment information to inform teaching: Graphic organiser 2 (continued)
Observed writing traits Comments
•Is the spelling accurate? Has the work been proofread for spelling?
•Is there evidence of a focus on strategies to assist spelling?
• Does the writing show that the writer knows about the rules and relationships used to organise language?
• Is the text written appropriately in the first, second or third person?
•Has grammar been used for specific purposes or reader response?
Evidence of personal voice
•Does the writing speak to me?
•Can I see and hear the writer?
•Does the writing show self, passion, feelings?
•Can I identify and empathise with the writer?
• Is the writing written with legible handwriting/use of publishing tool?
•How effective is the writer’s use of layout, illustration and other presentation techniques?