A Complete Guide to Moodle 1.9

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A Complete Guide to Moodle Stafford College

E-learning Team– SDRC Contact the E-learning Coordinator Ext.3233 elearning@staffordcoll.ac.uk

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Icon Glossary Icon



Move the item to across left/ right/up/down.

Inserts a Picture.

Move item up/down within page/topic.

Inserts a Table.

Edit item/page/topic.

Insert a smiley face.

Delete item/page/topic.

Opens Character Map, for different symbols.

Open Eye - item/page/topic is visible to users.

Find and replace, find something within the page and replace it (if necessary).

Closed Eye - item/page/topic is not visible to users. Item available to groups. (these must have been previously defined.)

Opens for HTML editing.

Use this button if you are not sure what an item is.

Expands the box into full screen mode.

Highlight the text and click to change colour.

Cleans up the HTML

Highlight the text and click to change its background colour.

Click these to undo/ redo an action.

Inserts a line to break up the text. Inserts an Anchor Insert a hyperlink. Remove a hyperlink.



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Blocks Other Blocks You may find useful the HTML block, which allows you to type or add pictures anywhere in the right/left hand columns. The Blog Menu, which allows you to create a new blog entries. People, which allows you to see who’s been accessing your course. Online Users, which shows you who is looking at your course right now.

Other Useful Moodle Tools

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Table of Contents Introduction


How do I edit my course?


Resources - Insert a label


Resources - Compose a text Page


Resources - Compose a Web Page


Resources - Link to a file or website


Resources - Display a Directory


Resources - Add a Learning Package


Resources - Add NLN Materials





Track your learners using the Logs option


Gradebook for grades and feedback

Activity - Adding an Assignment



Adding/Zipping Files in the Files Menu.

Activity - Adding a Chat



Backing up your Course

Activity - Adding a Choice


Activity - Adding a Database



Restoring a Course

Activity - Adding a Forum



Importing Resources from other courses.

Activity - Adding a Glossary


Activity - Adding a Hot Potatoes Quiz


Activity - Adding a Journal


Activity - Adding a Questionnaire


Activity - Adding a Quiz


Activity - Adding a Survey


Activity - Adding a Wiki




Block Cont.


Icon Glossary


For more information about Moodle including training contact the E-Learning Team on ext.3233 or email elearning@staffordcoll.ac.uk

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Introduction What is Moodle? Moodle is Stafford Colleges VLE (virtual learning environment). It is used as a resource bank for you tutorials, information and assignments, which you would like both your learners and also you would like to access from home. Moodle allows you to connect with your learners like never before. With is variety of features you can use VAAK learning styles anytime and anywhere. Moodle offers many similar attributes to that of a social networking site such as Facebook or Bebo. Blogging is an ever popular attribute of Moodle, allowing you to write an online diary which your learners can read and keep update, especially when your completing research or work outside of college which your learners maybe interested in. Moodle also offers a Chat application which you can use to talk to your learners outside of the classroom. This is fully controllable by you, and it may give the opportunity for learners who do not normally speak out within the classroom, to talk.

Blocks What is it? There are many different types of block which you can add to your Moodle course. However below is a description of some of the more useful blocks you may wish to use:


MoodleTxt—allows you to send a text message to your learners. This is a particularly useful for pastoral care, and reminders.


Quickmail—allows you to send emails to your learners, without logging into your College emails.


Easy Portfolio—an online ePortfolio system which learners can add their work too and export it as a webpage and share with others online.


Administration—the all important block for editing teachers, it allows you to add files, questions, users and view the Gradebook.

Moodle also offer forums for you to pass on messages throughout your course such as events or for your learners to ask each other questions or discuss their own work. Other attributes Moodle can offer are wiki’s where your students can collaborate ideas or debates together, without even being in the room.

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Activity - Adding a Wiki What is it? A Wiki enables documents to be authored collectively in a simple mark-up language using a web browser. “Wiki Wiki” means “super fast” in the Hawaiian language, and it is the speed of creating and updating pages that is one of the defining aspects of wiki technology. The Moodle Wiki module enables learners to work together on web pages to add/expand and change content. It is possible for old versions to be restored by the teacher.

How to add a Wiki To add a wiki, first select the Add an Activity, then Wiki. You must give your Wiki a relevant title and summary to explain what you want the students to do. You would then need to select Save and Display, so you can see/add to the first page of the wiki.

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You maybe worrying about all these attributes, because you see them as unsafe. Well all of these communication tools are fully controlled by you as the course creator.

Logging In Logging in has never been easier in Moodle, everybody will have an account in moodle. You can access this using your Stafford college account: Username 999 j.bloggs password ***** same as your login to the network.

Home Screen You will notice a significant difference to the Home Screen when you’ve logged into moodle. From here you can access a variety of important resources such as the Library, Book Search, Book a College PC, Study Skills and Referencing and Citation.

Where Next? Have a look through this guide, it will help you develop your Moodle course and allow you to understand what attributes are applicable to you.

Your students can now add to the wiki, however they cannot do this simultaneously it must by one by one. A teacher can see any editing which has taken place, this is colour coded.

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Let’s get started. How do I edit my course? The most important thing to remember when wanting to edit your course is to turn on the editing.

Assigning other members of staff/students to my course. The administration Block will appear on the left -hand side of your screen. To assign a role to your course click the Assign Roles button. You will then be taken to a box listing all the different roles. You will be the teacher, and you will only be able to assign non-editing teacher’s and Students. To enrol your students you will require their Student ID number from your register.

Activity - Adding a Survey What is it? A survey is very similar to a choice. It allows you to take a short survey to collect data from your students. There are two types of Survey within Moodle, which are pre-built. If you choose one of them the questions are completed for you.

How to add a Survey To add a Survey, first select Add an Activity then Survey. You must give your survey and name and a short explanation about the survey. Select which type of survey you want and press save. Remember you have NO control over the questions in a Survey if you wish to create your own questions use the Questionnaire or Choice Module.

To assign a role double click on the role, type a name in the search bar, and click search. Select the name you want to add to the role and click add. The name will then appear in the opposite box, therefore the role has been assigned. http://moodle.staffordcoll.ac.uk http://moodle.staffordcoll.ac.uk

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Activity - Adding a Quiz What is it? A Quiz is a bank of questions which are added together to assess the student. The quiz feature will feed into the Gradebook. Each question you create goes into a bank of questions and can be used in any quiz.

How to add a Quiz To add a quiz, select Add an Activity, then Quiz. Give the quiz a valid name. Then add the summary if you wish. As with a questionnaire there are variety of settings you can use with the quiz. Such as adding opening/closing times, deciding on the number of questions per page and whether to shuffle them, and adding feedback.

Resources - Insert a label What’s a Label? A label allows you to break up each topic/page into different sections. This could be used if you wanted to add different areas within your page/ topic for example Topic/Page is entitled Still Life and then you could add a variety of still life images using different labels.

How to add a label. To add a label click the add a resource menu and select Insert a label.

When you’ve altered the settings, select save and display. This will allow you to see the menu below. You will need to create each question individually (when adding the question name, do not just call it 1 as all quiz questions are placed in the same folder, call Topic X Question 1). Once you’ve created all of your questions, you will need to add them to the quiz by selecting the <<button. This will add them to your quiz. Type the Information that you want to contain in the box. You can change the colour or font type/size, if you wish. To add an Image click the image button. (See adding images section in booklet.) When you’ve finished with the label click save and return to my course. You will then see the label displayed in the topic/page you inserted it. To delete or edit the label at any time use the options beside the label (see icon glossary).

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Resources - Compose a text Page What’s this? A text page is a page of text which opens in a new window in your Moodle Course. It allows you to direct your students to read some information away from the main screen.

Activity - Adding a Questionnaire What is it? A Questionnaire is an electronic set of questions, which tally’s up the answers, usually used to provide feedback or evaluation.

How to add a Questionnaire

How to add a text page. To add a text page click the add a resource menu and select Compose a text page.

To add a questionnaire, select the Add an Activity menu and then select Questionnaire. Give the questionnaire a valid name, such as course evaluation. Then add the summary; this is usually a description of the questionnaire. You can then choose an opening/closing date, if you wish. Then look at the response options, choose whether you want the questionnaire to be anonymous. Whether you want to allow your students to respond more than once, also whether you want the student to be able to review their responses. When completed the settings you will need to select Save and Display to add your questions.

Type in the name of the resource in the Name section. You can give it a summary if you wish. Add the text to the section entitled compose a Text Page. When you’ve finished click Save and Return to Course. http://moodle.staffordcoll.ac.uk

When you’ve displayed your questionnaire select the Questions tab on the menu. The drop down to choose which question type you would like and click add this question. Fill out the question and select save.

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Activity - Adding a Journal

Resources - Compose a Web Page What’s this?

What is it? A Journal is an online diary which is based on Moodle. Students can only see their own Journal entries, however the teacher on a course can see all entries and can also comment on their progress or queries.

How to add a journal To add a Journal click the activity drop down menu. Select Journal. Ensure you name the Journal something relevant, as your students are going to need to know what the topic is. Give the Journal a description. Usually a question you want your learners to answer. You can then select how long the journal is available, and what grade scale you are going to use (if applicable). Then Select Save and Return to Course.


A webpage is a resource which allows you to create your own webpage. This is a good resource to add lots of information on, especially if you are handy with HTML coding you can create a great look.

How to Compose a Web Page To add a web page, click the resource drop down menu. Select Compose a web page.

Add the information that you want to be displayed on your course into the second box, entitled Compose a Web Page. When you’ve added what you want, you can select whether you want to view it within the current page or open a new page. You can also choose whether you want it to be available or not. This is a good option to choose, if you would like to hide the information away from your learners until your ready for it to be seen.

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Resources - Link to a file or website

Activity - Adding a Hot Potato

What’s this? This allows you to insert any files that you might want your learners to use, this includes word/PowerPoint/excel/PDF documents. Please beware that you must encourage your learners to download the files and run them from their pc.

What is it?

How to add a file or website.

How to add a Hot Potato To add a file or website click the resource drop down menu. Select Link to a file or web site.

You must fill in the Name of the Link - ideally this is what the file or link will be as this will be displayed in your course. You can also write instructions below for yourself When you click Choose or Upload a file. This will open a new window and you can choose a file which you have already saved or you can upload a new file by using the browse button at the bottom of the screen. To add a link to a website, just type in the URL. If you are not sure about the website’s URL, then you can search for a webpage using the search button. Don’t for get to choose how you want the link to be viewed, either in a new page or a current page. http://moodle.staffordcoll.ac.uk

Hot Potatoes quizzes are interactive multiple choice, crosswords, short answer and drag and drop quizzes. They are created in a separate program and then added to Moodle.

To add a Hot Potatoes Quiz, click on the activity drop down menu. Select Hot Potatoes Quiz. Name the quiz something that the students will understand. (You can choose to take the name from the quiz itself).

Give the Hot Potatoes Quiz a description, and then select Choose or Upload the Hot Potato from your user area. Remember when adding a Hot Potato you are looking to upload the .HTM/.HTML file, which is the web version.

To learn more about Hot Potatoes contact Sarah Ashley on ext.3210 or email s.ashley@staffordcoll.ac.uk

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Resources - Display a Directory

Activity - Adding a Glossary

What is it?

What is it? A glossary is a list of Key words related to the course. It can also work as a dictionary. You can add a glossary to your course and allow your students to add their own terms.

The directory is a list of all the course files you have uploaded to moodle. The directory will then allow your learners to download those files for themselves.

How to add a Display a directory

How to add a glossary To add a Glossary click the activity drop down menu. Select Glossary. Ensure you name the Glossary something relevant, as your students are going to need to know what the topic is. Give the glossary a description. Usually just a quick descriptor about what they will find. Then select how many entries per page. Ensure the glossary type is secondary glossary, this way you can choose who adds things.

To add a file or website click the resource drop down menu. Select Display a Directory When adding the directory they must have previously stored in a folder. This folder will then be available in the drop-down menu. You must ensure you name the directory something recognisable as this is the name that your learners will use.

When you’ve completed the settings, select Save and Display and start adding in your terms.

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Resources - Add a Learning Package

Activity - Adding a Forum

What is it?

What is it?

A Learning Package is where you add files that are already in the repository. These could be files you’ve add, or your colleagues have added which you think others may find useful. To add a file or website click the resource drop down menu. Select Add a learning Package.

How to add a learning package. When adding a learning package it is important that you make the Name something which everyone will understand. In the section entitled add a learning package it will give you a variety of different options. To find resources that are already in the repository click browse repository. If you have something already, and you want to add it to the repository you can do this by uploading the file and then clicking add to the repository. If you know there is something in the repository but you need to find it, click search repository.

This is an important activity as it allows discussion to take place. You can use forums for Q and A sessions or for discussion about a topic, outside of the classroom.

How to add a Forum To add a Forum click the activity drop down menu. Select Forum. Ensure you name the Forum something relevant, as your students are going to need to know what the topic is. Select the No option on force everyone to be subscribed, otherwise you will flood everyone’s email inboxes. You can choose if you want to allow people to add attachments and a maximum upload size.

You can also choose to grade contributions and block users for unruly behaviour if you wish. Then select Save and Display, to add the first discussion. Remember that you need to select how to view the resource within the course.

You may wish to use a forum to display course news.

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Activity - Adding a Database

Resources - Add NLN Materials What is it?

What is it? This allows you to build, display and search a bank of records. You can add anything you want to this database including images. This is good to use as a class based uploading session. You can ask each member of the class to contribute to a bank of resources.

How to add a Database To add a database, click the activity drop down menu. Select Database. Ensure you name the database something relevant, as your students are going to need to know what you are asking them to do. The database can be automatically viewed or you can choice to view it after a certain date or when the database has a certain number of uploads. When you’ve created your database you can add items to it by clicking on the title of the database and then selecting what type of entry you would like.

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A NLN learning object is where you add interactive resources that are already in a repository. These have been created for you by the National Learning Network on behalf of the Learning Skills Council.

How to add NLN materials To add a NLN learning object, click on add a resource, and select upload NLN materials.

You do not need to add a name or description to this resource, just double click the Browse button. Select from the topics or use the search bar to find the resources that you are looking for. If you wish to preview the resource then open it and select preview. Alternatively you can add it to your Moodle Course. When you return to Moodle, scroll down and select Save and Return to Course.

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Activity - Adding a Choice

Which Activity should I Use?

What is it?

There are a variety of different activities, which require the student to interact with Moodle, this could be a Forum, Quiz, Questionnaire or Hot Potato Quiz.

A choice activity is a simple question and answer tool. You can use it for a quick poll about a topic or allow the class to vote on something.

Activity - Adding an Assignment There are five different types of assignment. However the majority use Upload a single file and Turnitin.

How to add an Activity To add a choice, click the activity drop down menu. Select Choice. Ensure you name the choice something relevant, as your students are going to need to know what you are asking them to do. You can limit the number of responses if you wish. This could be as many as the are in the class, however someone may choice to vote twice. Notice that you can limit the number of responses if you wish. This can be per choice or per entire activity.

What’s Turnitin?

You can also restrict the time to answering i.e. if it is important that people vote before the next session you can put this restriction in place.

Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software which is built within Moodle. It allows users to add an assignment and it automatically detects the percentage of plagiarism as well as collusion. It also allows you to mark assignments online, as well as using the blind marking process. Remember you can also choose to show the results of the vote if you wish.

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Activity - Adding a Chat

Activity - Adding an Assignment

What is it?

Upload a Single File

The Chat activity is perfect for chat within your course, that is fully monitored. It can be made available between certain times, and in which time you can be there to monitor it. You can use it for discussion or Q and A sessions.

To upload a single file assignment, click the activity drop down menu and select Upload a Single File. You must then name the assignment, and selecting a grading scale. You can choose both a deadline and release date for the assignment, and whether you will allow for multiple submissions until the deadline. Remember the maximum file upload size is 30-50MB (depending on your course settings).

How to add a Chat To add a Chat, click the activity drop down menu. Select Chat. Ensure you name the chat something relevant. It would be a good idea to set a chat schedule so that you can monitor it. You can do this using the dates and times. Don’t worry you can change this is if you wish. You can choose this in the repeat session option. It is important that you do not choose the show messages from past chats to save any confu-

Turnitin To upload a Turnitin assignment, click the activity drop down menu, and select Turnitin. You must then follow the same steps as above. When you select Save and Return to Course you will be navigated to turn it in, where you will be asked to set up the Turnitin settings, such as the time the results will be published back to Moodle, and whether you want the learners to see what their score is.

sion. For more information about Turnitin, please contact Cheryl Howells on ext.3233 or c.howells@staffordcoll.ac.uk

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