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Cadence Cheah, The Standing Shoe: Un-Solved

The Standing Shoe: Un-Solved!

Cadence Cheah

Peele asks you to see what the better eyes did for our common good as a species. We are born from rainforests, now sprouting lives with trunkloads of cash rolling down fronds—each taken with extra care—bearing rubber for education, cocoa for depression relief, and palm oil for us all

Jean Jackie the Monkey says “Knock, knock!” past your green window glass made of his eyes pardoning you of your innocence, hopeful that you grow into a fine man one day. “Some men deserve to die, not you—yet. My eyes may draw you a fitting shape but my eyes, they’re still mine.”

You say: Taming horses taught me that they deserve love and respect just about enough so I snap my final heroic shots on top of Port-au-Prince, Potosi and the Great thin limestone hill icon of Ipoh while I watch my horses implode, dead floating in the air, basking in my perspective, the best of God the painter’s art!

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